Holla Forums Must Declare War On Its Enemies

From The 33 Strategies of War

In the spring of 401 B.C., Xenophon, a thirty-year-old country gentleman who lived outside Athens, received an intriguing invitation: a friend was recruiting Greek soldiers to fight as mercenaries for Cyrus, brother of the Persian king Ataxerxes, and asked him to go along. The request was somewhat unusual: the Greeks and the Persians had long been bitter enemies. Some eighty years earlier, in fact, Persia had tried to conquer Greece. But the Greeks, renowned fighters, had begun to offer their services to the highest bidder, and within the Persian Empire there were rebellious cities that Cyrus wanted to punish. Greek mercenaries would be the perfect reinforcements in his large army.
Xenophon was not a soldier. In fact, he had led a coddled life, raising dogs and horses, traveling into Athens to talk philosophy with his good friend Socrates, living off his inheritance. He wanted adventure, though, and here he had a chance to meet the great Cyrus, learn war, see Persia. Perhaps when it was all over, he would write a book. He would go not as a mercenary (he was too wealthy for that) but as a philosopher and historian. After consulting the oracle at Delphi, he accepted the invitation.
Some 10,000 Greek soldiers joined Cyrus's punitive expedition. The mercenaries were a motley crew from all over Greece, there for the money and the adventure. They had a good time of it for a while, but a few months into the job, after leading them deep into Persia, Cyrus admitted his true purpose: he was marching on Babylon, mounting a civil war to unseat his brother and make himself king. Unhappy to be deceived, the Greeks argued and complained, but Cyrus offered them more money, and that quieted them.
The armies of Cyrus and Ataxerxes met on the plains of Cunaxa, not far from Babylon. Early in the battle, Cyrus was killed, putting a quick end to the war. Now the Greeks' position was suddenly precarious: having fought on the wrong side of a civil war, they were far from home and surrounded by hostile Persians. They were soon told, however, that
Ataxerxes had no quarrel with them. His only desire was that they leave Persia as quickly as possible. He even sent them an envoy, the Persian commander Tissaphernes, to provision them and escort them back to Greece. And so, guided by Tissaphernes and the Persian army, the mercenaries began the long trek home–some fifteen hundred miles.
A few days into the march, the Greeks had new fears: their supplies from the Persians were insufficient, and the route that Tissaphernes had chosen for them was problematic. Could they trust these Persians? They started to argue among themselves.
>The Greek commander Clearchus expressed his soldiers' concerns to Tissaphernes, who was sympathetic: Clearchus should bring his captains to a meeting at a neutral site, the Greeks would voice their grievances, and the two sides would come to an understanding. Clearchus agreed and appeared the next day with his officers at the appointed time and place–where, however, a large contingent of Persians surrounded and arrested them. They were beheaded that same day.

Other urls found in this thread:


One man managed to escape and warn the Greeks of the Persian treachery. That evening the Greek camp was a desolate place. Some men argued and accused; others slumped drunk to the ground. A few considered flight, but with their leaders dead, they felt doomed.
That night Xenophon, who had stayed mostly on the sidelines during the expedition, had a dream: a lightning bolt from Zeus set fire to his father's house. He woke up in a sweat. It suddenly struck him: death was staring the Greeks in the face, yet they lay around moaning, despairing, arguing. The problem was in their heads. Fighting for money rather than for a purpose or cause, unable to distinguish between friend and foe, they had gotten lost. The barrier between them and home was not rivers or mountains or the Persian army but their own muddled state of mind. Xenophon didn't want to die in this disgraceful way. He was no military man, but he knew philosophy
and the way men think, and he believed that if the Greeks concentrated on the enemies who wanted to kill them, they would become alert and creative. If they focused on the vile treachery of the Persians, they would grow angry, and their anger would motivate them. They had to stop being confused mercenaries and go back to being Greeks, the polar opposite of the faithless Persians. What they needed was clarity and direction.
>Xenophon decided to be Zeus's lightning bolt, waking the men up and illuminating their way. He called a meeting of all the surviving officers and stated his plan: We will declare war without parley on the Persians–no more thoughts of bargaining or debate. We will waste no more time on argument or accusation among ourselves; every ounce of our energy will be spent on the Persians. We will be as inventive and inspired as our ancestors at Marathon, who fought off a vastly larger Persian army. We will burn our wagons, live off the land, move fast. We will not for one second lay down our arms or forget the dangers around us. It is us or them, life or death, good or evil. Should any man try to confuse us with clever talk or with vague ideas of appeasement, we will declare him too stupid and cowardly to be on our side and we will drive him away. Let the Persians make us merciless. We must be consumed with one idea: getting home alive.
>The officers knew that Xenophon was right. The next day a Persian officer came to see them, offering to act as an ambassador between them and Ataxerxes; following Xenophon's counsel, he was quickly and rudely driven away. It was now war and nothing else.
Roused to action, the Greeks elected leaders, Xenophon among them, and began the march home. Forced to depend on their wits, they quickly learned to adapt to the terrain, to avoid battle, to move at night. They successfully eluded the Persians, beating them to a key mountain pass and moving through it before they could be caught. Although many enemy tribes still lay between them and Greece, the dreaded Persian army was now behind them. It took several years, but almost all of them returned to Greece alive.


Life is battle and struggle, and you will constantly find yourself facing bad situations,destructive relationships, dangerous engagements. How you confront these difficulties will determine your fate. As Xenophon said, your obstacles are not rivers or mountains or other people; your obstacle is yourself. If you feel lost and confused, if you lose your sense of direction, if you cannot tell the difference between friend and foe, you have only yourself to blame.
and argument.
Focus on an enemy. It can be someone who blocks your path or sabotages you, whether subtly or obviously; it can be someone who has hurt you or someone who has fought you unfairly; it can be a value or an idea that you loathe and that you see in an individual or group. It can be an abstraction: stupidity, smugness, vulgar materialism. Do not listen to people who say that the distinction between friend and enemy is primitive and passe. They are just disguising their fear of conflict behind a front of false warmth. They are trying to push you off course, to infect you with the vagueness that inflicts them. Once you feel clear and motivated, you will have space for true friendship and true compromise. Your enemy is the polar star that guides you. Given that direction, you can enter battle.

The Inner enemy is currently the 4D/1488D/2194015478D chess fags and the faggots with blind loyalty to Trump who refuse to realize that Trump is neocon subverted while Holla Forums is pragmatic and not fundamentally aligned to any other politician besides Hitler and the white race as a whole

Holla Forums is not your personal army because you havn't proven yourself Führer.

I need a TL;DR and you need to learn to be concise.

The inner enemy is yourself. The enemy is the Jew, the marxist, the non-white, the race traitor. Argument about Trump in either direction will only hinder us. We picked Trump because of the wall, deportations, the muslim ban. White genocide is our enemy, we will never stop it unless we declare war on our enemies, and take action against them:

all ineffective/not happening and the muslim ban in particular does not apply to the Sunni Arab gulf states that are the most responsible for terrorism

Your speculation is irrelevant and detrimental to us all, Trump is a fact of life for at least the next 4 years. Oppose white genocide, not your brothers. Unite against the Jew, do not sow division at our heart. The Jew attacked Syria. The Jew sends you off on wars for Israel.

My speculation is based off the facts of Trumps current actions so far and all media speculation toward Israel and Saudi Arabia which has been reciprocally positive on both ends, meaning Trump is subverted and providing lipservice to the Kikes and Saudi sandniggers until proven otherwise.

We're not some sort of information processing machine. Trim your text so most people aren't gonna skip it because they don't want to waste their afternoon reading it.

meant as providing lipservice to criticism of the Kikes and Saudi sandniggers until proven otherwise.

Trump is the Jew, and he plans to send us off to fight Assad. Get your head out of your ass.

Shill, please. Its from a book, about warfare. Its a lesson from a real event. This is what you come here for, dont be fucking cancer.

Probably not an actual shill. Just an /r/the_donald retard.

Also yes, we literally are an information processing machine.

Why do you sage your own thread?

Polite sage for double posts.

One of my favorite books.

Do recommend to anons everywhere.

Well, thanks for the thread. Here's the epub for anyone who wants to read it.


Fuck user, those books need study and expermentation to learn how to work. The only user I know who actually knows how to use it properly on an online situation is Generaal.

OP is a faggot.

M8, getting anyone on Holla Forums to take a look at either of the books is a good thing. Here's 48 Laws of Power


Was about to link that myself, the pdf never loaded and I think some antifas gave my computer aids.

The book I mean, I was getting the pdf from some shitty website that ended up having "anarchy" in the link.

33rd law is about terrorism and how the origin of the word assassin comes from the middle east. Ive read about half of it. Its the type of book you just open up anywhere.

Hey. I remember you. You commented on my William Pierce thread.

Great book.

Faggot kike mods caved in to shills and banned me. Isn't that hilarious?

This is why God created jews
So we would know what NOT to be
The more jew like your behaviour, the further from God you have fallen


:( for how long?

Until May.

Isn't it just hilarious? I post threads that advocate positive action or interesting discussions and *I* get banned by the faggot mods. But someone can literally call William Pierce a faggot shill and no one cares. This is fucking wonderful.

And this is the second time I have been banned from Holla Forums

the first time I was banned for *brace yourself* defending the alt right. So I am banned from POL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for being politically incorrect.

What the fucking fuck?

Gotta be honest, that post had all sorts of sperge in it, but the WLP thread did nuffin wrong. I made a Himmler awareness thread, in the same thread encouraged people to do more reading about National Socialism as an ideology - was thanked by several people.. before someone came in and didnt read anything except that I hadnt read Mein Kampf at the time (because of the translation controversy and how I wanted to read it alongside the book about the controversy) reported me for it and I was banned for a month, simply with a link to Mein Kampf.

Humorously, I told this story to someone else, and his response was "What a bunch of Nazis". Im not really upset about that, but it did stop me from making a whole lot of very helpful and informative posts on many different subjects. I cant fault them for that, everyone should be reading Mein Kampf… but I will say, you being banned.. and the guy who says "Turner is shilling his book for Holla Forumss shekels" in response to PDFs and audiobook youtube videos going unmolested is bothersome. If this place ever goes to complete shit, I would hopefully assume people would simply see it as their cue to go agitate outside the internet, to form a group, to make it happen.. and to deal with those who would openly undermine the spreading of William Luther Pierce's message.

It's even more funny because I have been here since before operation Pandemonium. I was so fucking on board with that. And you know what came of Op Pandemonium? NOTHING! Not a damn thing!

These brilliant people post great ideas and then no one follows through. WHY? Are we stupid? Are we lazy?

Does it not occur to the people here that we are at war. WE ARE AT WAR and if we lose this WAR our race will literally be exterminated. Civilization itself will perish and the entire world will descend into barbarism. You have these faggots running around thinking this is a game? Smirking as they accuse everyone of being a CIA Jew while NOT EVEN LIFTING A GO DAMN FINGER for the preservation of our race?

Oh but they lifted a finger. They TYPE ON A COMPUTER and joke about the race war. So there's that. these disgusting cowards are laughing as our race is being demographically replaced. GOD!


Should probably sage bro, youre just begging to get us both beaten up now.

Also its not about us to argue the other side. Were part of a group, there is no "Ive been here since! You cant do this to me!" because the group really can do it to you, and maybe sometimes its needed. Spreading WLP though, no one should ever be able to argue against that. It wouldnt matter if half the catalogue was about him.

Sorry. I got carried away.

Last year I took up a job as an electrician and worked with a group of people on a few big projects. I shared the gospel of WLP & in just three months they went from apolitical to literally forming a militia to protect Whites. I shit you not.

Here is your "inner-enemy". He lives within your camp, telling the men to submit to death, and wait for his return… promoting foreign myths as your own people's history so that they will forget they were ever blood-kin or even gods.

I see the religious D&C shills are back. Filter and ignore.

Great success, Pierce speaks for himself. He would send people things for free, if only they paid postage and promised - to listen to a single broadcast with a friend.

The Persian is more white than the Greek? Persian = white aryan confirmed?

I missed this what was it?

Nigger fights niggers: Nigger remains a nigger.
Chink fights chinks: Chink remains a chink.
Beaner fights beaners: Beaner remains a beaner.

Kike fights kike: Kike becomes gentile European spiritual figure despite being born a kike and coming from a kike god.

Only in Christianity.

If criticizing the man is the same as opposing the movement we're no better than the T_D reddit fags banning people for criticizing Trump.

Pierce, although opposed to Christianity, argued we should not attack Christians or their faith. A lot of them are good people, are only marginal Christians even.. and may be convinced to fight for their race.

how about no

We have to destroy the lives by any means necessary of every single namefag, facefag, websitefag, podcastfag and shill with a public facing anything of any kind who claims to be on our side. Only then can Holla Forums triumph. When there is absolutely not one word, image, sound or video anywhere at all with our message except for on this board. Then we must configure our firewalls to block all traffic to and from any internet source except this board so that our memes may never be stolen by namefags again.

Jesus, if you're going to have the balls to call a wild ape a nigger atleast have the back bone to not run away and yell "help me" like a bitch.

sounds kinda like tumblr


It was an operation designed to break apart the democratic party forever. It's based on a coalition of fags, Blacks, feminists, muslim lovers, rich Jews, Unions, & really stupid catholics (plus hispanics)

Each group has completely contradictory goals. I printed out dozens of posters advocating thr most extreme policy ideals of each group (particularly Black nationalists, Feminists , & Muslims) and hung them up at my university. Caused quite a stir. But I was alone. I never hear of anyone else doing this beyond a few really lazy fucks on Twitter.


I am really tired of Holla Forums talking big and doing nothing. I see far more dedicated nationalists on Twitter tbh. And I don't even know if this IP address I'm using to post will even work.

Oh wow. It did. Yay

I agree OP. We need to consider the need to meme a general call to arms. We won the election and they are pulling a brexit "just kidding goys" on us. When we talk to fellow Trump supporters we need to let them know it isn't against Trump we need to confront. It's his entrenched enemies. The media the liberal elite pedos, and etc.

Changing IPs won't help you, D&C shill. Filtered again.

Changing IPs won't help you, D&C shill. Filtered again.

Don't bother replying. It's always the same thing: retarded attack and (1).

Just as I expected. They don't want any meaninful discussion here.

Shut up and read a goddamn book you faggot. The OP contributed a historical lesson of value. Understand that there was a time, not long ago, when many posts in this place were similar.

Looks like that one skinny guy with the long hair.
Forgot his name but he's posted often.

You really should read it user.

Hassan I Sabbahs soldiers, brainwashed into believing he was god. He got them good and stoned (hashish wasn't available for peasants) until they passed out, only to be awoken in a beautiful garden by multiple nubile slave girls. Once they had their fun he knocked them out once more, but this time they awoke in a cell facing death. He tells them that he has the power to show them heaven or hell and they had better be his soldiers. Assassin and hashish are derived from the same word; they were hashassins.
Interesting it's the 33rd law though. hmmmmmm.

This. Evangelicals being good goys is ultimately only because they are biblically illiterate, Jesus explicitly states that Talmudists are the "Synagogue of Satan", once you open their eyes to the fabrication of "Judeo-Christianity" they end up being redpilled a lot of the time. I went to church for the first time a few months ago and I have been working that angle and it works very well at deprogramming the "greatest ally" bullshit.

This, exactly this. Why self-proclaimed Protestants seem to be unable to read the Bible, though, I don't know. It's not only an US thing, they're the same here in Krautstan.

So this entire thread is a backboard for the discord niggers to shill and demoralize on then? You faggots are getting creative.

I'm yuro, so I don't think I could have helped from here, I'm guessing people tried to do some of that from the internets and it's limited what can be achieved with that, I don't know if you remember a thread like a year ago, about burguer anons giving firearm training to yuro anons, I know someone who's semibooked for that this summer (he hasn't received any reply in almost a month, but if it was a joke someone's going for a very long con). IRL is always dodgy because everyone is paranoid about honeypots and watchlists but I don't think people are as inactive as it may look, if something's succesful it's not always smart to give it a lot of publicity.

You and the people who need a tl;dr for three paragraphs are the ones who demoralize me

I remember when people's willingness to learn here was seen as something positive that set us apart from places like Reddit. Now faggotr are asking for tl;dr? What happened to being a true independent thinker, reading and surmising it yourself? You need Holla Forums to tell you what to think about something now? God I wish you faggots would fuck off back to /mlpol/ or Reddit. Lengthier posts used to be a staple of board quality here.

I declare war on Ted from Accounting.He has it in for me.

Synagogue = church
Satan = satan = adversary
= church of his adversaries
because Jesus was a competing Rabbi.

Also there was no Talmud or Torah really back then. Just separate books.

YFW Pharasies were pro-Roman Jews and Jesus was a Zealot-Zionist

this made me think of 'thumb war' which made me remember this silly shit existed.

For anyone who is wondering, let me lay out the Truth in OP's posts.

We need to take action that is effective to the Fourteen Words. Trump is neither here nor there in regards to this. Discussing him outside of what matters directly to our cause is nothing more than a red herring. What matters is his, and others, individual actions and what we can do with them to further our own cause.

How it works is this: we encourage what is good, and discourage what is bad with effective measures. There are projects Holla Forums is working on both on the internet and in meatspace, and we really should focus on those. Propaganda against white genocide, the truth about the holocaust, the Fed Protests, repeatedly promoting topics on Twitter and Facebook are all good things to start with. We need to always keep the basics in mind, and use that to help guide us on our actions and discussion.

Holla Forums is going through a rather rough raid. All we need to do to weather the storm is focus on the basics, and keep our enemies as close as possible. Name the fucking eternal jew. Keep memeing, and praise kek!

tips* reading is for nerds

Agree with you OP, that's why we need to start cleaning house here at home before we can be completely effective at dealing with our enemies abroad.

I declare war on all semitic religions, semitic thoughts, ideas, followers and their works. This disease on civilization can no longer be tolerated.

It will all be cleansed with fire.



lel, you were a massive sperg in that thread and deserved what you got..


It's baffling how shabbos goyim that believe that jews are God's chosen people can claim to be Christian and worship someone who explicitly said the kingdom of God will be taken from them and given to the gentiles bringing forth its fruits.

Checked for uncle Ted.

Finally someone checked my trips. Thank you, user.

Lurk moar.

That's literally his example. Greece was composed of city states, and these were guys from all over Greece.
That is, they were multiple disparate factions working together for money and then to fight a common enemy.

Great thread OP, also please note the drop in posts-per-hour on this site.

Many who used to post here are now only lurking.

May the wisdom you've shared here reverberate throughout the chans.

And a pretty good one I reckon.
We have become so adept at sifting through mis and dis information that we are probably sharper than most of the "elite" and their lackeys.
They should fear us.
But I doubt any of them do, they're too full of hubris.

Great post OP, I think I'm going to read Anabasis.

8/pol/ is fully National Socialist, even if you lolbertarians (and actual shills trying to D&C) make it past our non-existent approval process. Just remember that our form of authoritarianism will be much preferable to the communist version, that you would easily be able to have children under it, and your children would grow up safe and happy. Youre allowed to fight with us, and that means you wont be against us. Maybe you can have your own little zone, "see how they do" I think is the way Rockwell put it in regards to a similar idea. You make lots of white children, we keep the niggers out. Just a thought.

Oh and:

South Africa:

Not sure why you think any libertarians/ancaps on our side already wouldn't be willing to keep out the niggers

the irony in this fucking post. Fuck my like, next time read the fucking thread.

Bredy gud, OP, always nice to see hellenic history, there are many that we can learn from the past.

That isn't a sense of identity.
It is an anti-identity.
When you define yourself by your dissimilarity to another group, you are reliant upon that group for your identity.
Sounds very Jewish.

Maybe for some religious issues that might be true, but our political views are generally pretty coherent

You know Robert Greene is very Jewish, right?

Youre simply misinterpreting it. Do you want to reproduce with niggers? Do you want to do drugs? Do you want to associate with Jews and fund Israel and promote feminism and suck cock? Probably not. We are not simply just white people, not all white people are together. We gain a sense of belonging and togetherness from more than just our race. You can be white and be a race traitor. You can not aspire to be white, however. What do you not want to be? A race traitor, I imagine.