I believe it should be a capital crime to hold certain beliefs. For instance...

I believe it should be a capital crime to hold certain beliefs. For instance, Anyone who caters to the ideology of ""Anarcho"" Capitalism should be hung and tortured on live TV

Other urls found in this thread:


Why? They've already got to deal with being ancaps. Have some pity.

Yeah, it's almost as retarded as thinking an economic system created by Jews is the answer to all our problems. I sure do love Communism and Socialism, which starved millions of people, while Kikes laughed all the way to the bank.

Rothbard and Rand were both Jews.

Kikes didn't create freedom, you commie piece of shit. Lending ideas to a natural system =/= creating it.

Why don't you go back to Holla Forums or the deep web or something where you belong. Or perhaps jail.

There were also non-Jewish communists (the Soviet leaders from Stalin on, for instance). Friedman and von Hayek were also Jews, by the way.

top kek

No you need to go to jail for being a pedophile which all ancaps are

Your ideology is pure rubbish, and always will be. "Porkies" is a shitty meme, and the only problem most 1st world countries have is too many shit-skins, and overpopulation, plus free-trade.

Fuck off, Kike. That's the first think a kike would say about it. You guys always use that as a weapon, isn't that right Chaim?

But isn't interfering with free-trade a violation of the NAP?

not surprised tbh

And, hey maybe being a propertarian should be a crime. They do advocate murder and violence (property)

You almost got me, you mischievous scamp.

looks like i got tricked

It's called race-realism, friend

I support white, first-world only free-trade

Is this you?

also, property is violence, chum

No, but that Russian is smart.

How is ancapistan going to work? what with all the jews' jew nature of being extremely effective at amassing large fortunes and trickery and exploitation of large masses of people silently.
Don't you think the jews will easily take over ancapistan and then build a giant robotic moses that will annihilate all living white people?

Ancap is a white supremacist. Really selling the stereotypes hard, friendo

You know what they say, can't make an omelette without breaking a few million eggs. And they were kulaks anyway.

No, that won't happen, because the people will no longer be able to be tricked. There won't be a need to support Jewish (unions, minimum wage, irrelevant shiting) ideas because the people will be free, and they will be very rich indeed.

Lenin was a white male, he can't be wrong.

I see nothing wrong with that. Kulaks and petit bourgeoisie deserve it.

Do you like George Orwell, and 1984?

Jews aren't white, friend

Why won't they be able to get tricked? aren't you forgetting about human nature?


Kulaks deserved worse

a lot of them look white

Well, I believe that it would be perfectly ethical to painlessly extinguish every human life and hand our legacy over to artificial intelligences.

Neither of us are going to be in positions of power any time soon though.

Human nature is that everyone is selfish, and interested only in their own business. That is exactly what anarcho-capitalism caters to.

skin colour =/= ethnicity

Ancapism is the ultimate mercantile ideology, the totalitarian end conclusion of those who rule by markets.


so can you look latino but actually be white?

Yeah, I do. The United Kingdom currently operates exactly like it, thanks to the socialist policies and welfare state.

Jesus, are you fucking retarded? If you cannot trace your genes back to


, then you aren't white. period.

Muh socializum = guberment does stuff

It doesn't say here that Jews aren't white. Do you have any sources to support this claim? They all look white to me.

Made this just for the thread.

Did you know that George Orwell was a socialist. Specifically a libertarian socialist, otherwise known as an anarchist. He participated in Revolutionary Catalonia and fought against the Spanish fascists.

Stop appropriating leftist thinkers to make your shitty ideology more palatable you cunt

He sure looks like a typical European

This is absolutely correct, though

Ashkenazim are European to the same degree that the populations that came by way of Turkey and eventually settled in Germanic areas and became the French, Germans, Rus, Swedish etc. are.

This is what Fascists actually believe.

A lot of Europeans can trace their Genes back to somewhere in Iran, is Iran the original europe?
Come to think of it where does europe start?

Kill yourself Kike

Yep, sure does.

The answer is simple. We kill them all. Nice and quick. No reeducation, no torture, no labour camps. If you're a a fascist, you're taken away in the middle of the night, killed quickly and painlessly, and buried in an unmarked grave.


It's true. Few individuals dwell in the area where their species originated.

Sauce or gtfo


I read it in Steven Pinker's book, The language instinct

What are you going to tell me next? We are all the same species, one human race?

Here you go>>970088

I bet you listen to Alex Jones as one of your main news sources.

I often wonder what a typical day of a retard looks like. Do they constantly analyze the faces of hundreds of people they see every day and hate 99% of them? Do they have skull charts and graphs taking up huge amounts of space in their home detailing the lineages of every nationality and ethnicity? Measuring the social and ethnic marigolds until fully paralyzed, the only cure for which is masturbating to the idea of a world where they're some king or queen and everyone ELSE is some serf.

Maybe darwin was a jew

And you don't?
You want to kill people because they own property and your dumb as doesn't.
I swear most marxists and anarchists are failures and you fantasize about stealing from those who are hard working, more intelligent, more productive.
It's completely against your religion, for one of you stupid teenagers to admit that a capitalist works hard, deserves the fruits of their labour, even works harder than the proles.

Maybe we're all Jews on the inside and we don't even know it man

Pick one.

You fuckingentitle millennial piece of shit. You'll hang high on the DOTR, along with your precious kikes

Technically we are.
It's true that people are unequal, there are many stupid people. Most people here are stupid, their communism/anarchism is a religion, in which they think will become "inevitable".
I'm convinced that the modern Left is a conglomerate of delusional beliefs, all centred on the notion that their cult will become the global one.


Maybe user is also infected with jew genes, And he's making up all this ancap stuff to trick Ubermensch white Anglo-Saxon proles into giving up the conquest of power from their jewish factory owners

Capitalists don't work in coal mines. Workers do.


You are the prime example of pure ideology.
So a capitalist that works 100 hours a week or more "isn't" really working compared to some shithead that sweeps the floor poorly.
It just appears that you cannot comprehend others who are much more successful than you, are also harder working, more intelligent.

Here's the logic, Chaim

Not a troll, people this stupid actually do exist

You're right, I've never been inside of a mine or a factory. Thankfully, my parents were well off enough that I could focus on my studies and spend my time reading, which led me to Marx. I was a libertarian in middle school and high school by the way, and now I am a scientific Marxist. I am now studying Artificial Intelligence in the Netherlands, so while I may not be doing manual labour, I labour to better myself so I can better society.

Show me one example of a hard working capitalist, I'll show you three of one that leeches off of their employee's surplus value.

So you lie and put words in my mouth because i'm going against the religious circlejerk in this thread.
Marxists want to torture and kill the capitalists that work 100 hours or more, seize the wealth, turn the factories and offices to shit.

Most people don't work in coal mines you retarded tankie. This isn't the 1800's.
I swear the modern left still think's it's the 1800's.
Or the 30's.


Most ancaps are paedos. It's just realism.

The nature of capitalist accumulation makes it so that eventually it will become impossible for ordinary workers to buy private property of their own as capitalist will be incentivized to cut labour costs and invest in dead capital in order to remain competitive, meaning that the coal miners will have to settle with subsistence wages their whole lives without any hope of becoming entrepreneurs themselves, like they have historically when there weren't labour unions to push wages up to the levels they're at now.

lol, this faggot.
Please stick to your own field of science, and let sociologists focus on these issues.



Marx founded the field of sociology together with Durkheim and Weber.

You are a religious moron.
I love how so sensitive you are all to the notion that a capitalist workers harder than the proles.
I've met many small business owners that work at least 100 hours a week.
I've met vice presidents in big corporations that easily put in more than 80 hours a week.

Fuck off back to Reddit, faggot

meant for

I didn't bring up the coal mines, retard. It was your dumb ancap friend.



Eh, there's a bit of sociology that's still worth saving.

I would rather throw most of these marxists and anarchists into either gas chambers or ovens.
Make it a new tv show.

A capitalist works for fun, because they don't need to make anymore money.
The proletariat work for basic survival. No normal person wants to do something they don't like to do for more than they have to.


I have no idea who the ancap is.


There'll be more genetic variation between each of the "white race" than between whites and other races

Post something better then.

That's correct. We don't need anymore diversity, we have enough

Do you realize that not everyone is living paycheque to paycheque and people are intelligent enough to advance in their careers and save money?
A capitalist works to earn a living.
I swear, you same morons will deny how shit Cuba is, plug your ears in and scream "American/Western Imperialism".

How are you a "Race" If genetically you're that diverse?

Except, race does exist, and we are not all equal. If you believe that, you are totally fucked in the head.

We should kill off the SJW's and most marxists/left anarchists.

Especially people from Somalia.

I consider Spanish people part of my race, but would not mix with them, as it would ruin my Anglo blood. That is what I mean. We are very different, though still white

Our coversation was never about diversity, don't take a sharp turn just to sound cool and not owned




Do you not realize that profits are falling and the reason cappies are demanding tax cuts and cutting labour costs is because of this? The proletariat are going to be on subsistence wages before long, and the jobs are just going to start becoming scarcer and scarcer.



Lets try that again

( ( Scientists ) )

I disagreed with op at first, but this thread has changed my mind

you couldnt be any more of a subhuman

Begorrah sassanach what're ye talkin' about we good hard-working irishmen have nothin' at all to do with the scientific establishment.

Spanish people have too Much amazighi genes in them, you should let them go, plus lots of Latinos can trace themselves back to Spaniards/ Portuguese so you should shut the door on them

You know goddamned well I meant Kikes, but youre faggot Hotpocket BO added a filter

Yea cumskins are litteral orcs


For the last fucking time, race does not exist.

Fuck you, nigger

Good, good sassanach, it's the Jews responsible for all of this.

Use another source. The Daily Mail is the shittiest source possible.


I am a cumskin nigga so shut your cumskin mouth

Yeah, I'm sure mixing with Spanish people would ruin your pure Roman-Celtic-Germanic-French-Norman-Anyone-else-who-invaded-and-fucked-the-native-Briton-population blood, my dude.


Prove it, D&C kike

Here's a direct link to the scientific journal they were writing about:

But still I don't get it, first you say it's in the skin color, Then it's about tracing genes back to Europe, Then it's about genetic similarity, then similarity doesn't matter because you consider some people white although they're not Anglo… are you just making shit up as you go? or is coherence also a Jewish Invention?

That's right, Goy. Look at this science we invented to ruin the white race!

They're a right wing shit rag. They are a disgrace to the British nation.

No, look:


Trace your genes back 2 million years. Where'd it come from caveman?

That's not even current anymore, Jewboy

This is why nobody takes leftists seriously.

he believes he's some sort of Neanderthal or something exclusive to The Europe

So there's no such thing as white people?

Yeah it is.

No you lazy fuck.

And where the fuck do you think Europeans came from? And where do you think those people came from? And down and down and down the line.

You know what? I think only people who can trace their lineage to specific strains of algae that developed solely in the North Sea are REAL white people.

It's a shame, this thread is a good case for why the OP is right after all.

Why should you trust the genes that trace back to europe if you think that the genes tracing back to Africa/Iran are bullshit?

lol no

I know, right?

You never answered my question about George Orwell


That's not true of most industries.
And the current recession won't last long.
And most capitalists aren't stupid enough to automate the majority out of jobs.

Why are you concerned with "racial purity"?
Human beings are apes with iPhones.

OPs wishes will be granted, as Latinos are taking over the united states, and Arabs are taking over Europe, due to their large numbers, armed with all technology, knowledge that white men have, plus all the Jew sciences and logic that white men deplore, they're done… no wonder most of them are now SJWs and diversity cucks, that's just white people trying to accommodate themselves to their new Masters, this non-coherent list of characteristics that he says defines white people is precisely what makes whites a dying race, by his definitions he is right.
Which can be said of all mad people

It's not a matter of being stupid. If one of them does, the rest will have to either follow through or lose out in market share. It's like a Prisoner's Dilemma where the people who lose out in the long run are the working class.

Here, this is a blog post but it looks at official data published by the US government (hardly an anti-capitalist establishment):


After what whitey did to the Africans, the Middle Easterns, and the Indigenous Americans, this is going easy on whitey.

Dumb stormfag


An influx of cheap foreign labour isn't going to overthrow the current state of affairs by any stretch of the imagination. Don't push fascist fearmongering.

At most you'll see what we have in America today where there's now also Black people shilling for porky and licking the ass of the liberal establishment because they've got a cushy spot for doing it.

lol so what


I believe it should be a crime to help anyone, be they poor, sick, or in any position lower than myself, because doing so puts myself into the submission of another, and that is tyranny.

Words cannot describe the disdain provoked by this OP.

Do you even know who Indo-European's were? Jesus fuck learn some history.

Hibernia wins again.
