Trump: ‘We’re not going into Syria’

Trump: ‘We’re not going into Syria’
Amid rising complaints that his aides are saying different things about Syria and that his policy is confusing, President Trump emphatically cleared the air Tuesday.

“We’re not going into Syria,” he told me in an exclusive interview. “Our policy is the same, it hasn’t changed. We’re not going into Syria.”

The president, speaking by phone, called Syrian president Bashar al-Assad a “butcher” and a “barbarian” for using sarin gas on his own people, but said last week’s successful missile strike on an air base there was not the start of a campaign to oust the dictator.

“Our big mission is getting rid of ISIS,” Trump said. “That’s where it’s always been. But when you see kids choking to death, you watch their lungs burning out, we had to hit him and hit him hard.”

He called the attack, which involved 59 cruise missiles fired from two navy destroyers in the Mediterranean, “an act of humanity.”

As a young president, I asked, was it hard for him to make that final decision, knowing there were certain casualties and a potential for escalation?

“It’s very tough to give that final go ahead when you know you’re talking about human life,” he said. “We went back and forth and also back and forth about severity. We could have gone bigger in terms of targets and more of them, but we thought this would be the appropriate first shot.”

Later, he added, “We hope he won’t do any more gassing.”

Other urls found in this thread:



It's fucking beautiful.

of course not, we are going in to best korea instead

When does he call Jonestein and tell him to calm down?


Did Japan decided to keep the bodyguard service?

Does this mean I won't get nuked?


Oy vey now all it takes is another 'gas attack' and Ivanka will be jumping into a tank.


Now stick to it and leave Best Korea alone while we're at it; we've got a wall to build.

I dunno how I'm gonna survive being this smug for the next eight years.

But the narrative! He's just going to launch a sneak attack!

Good, if she wants to stop it so bad, she can go overseas and fight.

We're…we're really going to be all right, aren't we? It was pan-dimensional hyper-chess all along…

I kept telling you faggots, and you wouldn't listen. Shills can never EVER fucking claim Trump doesn't know what he's doing ever again.

Hah, no. Those days are over.

Trump is trying to remove Assad, the whole fucking Government is, this is balls out retarded chess game, he's no way out against another Mossad attack, they are all just waiting, plans are already made, they were made 7 years ago.

When Trump say's he made a mistake and fires the neo-cons, then he can be trusted again.



> the appropriate first shot.”

None of that rhetoric says to me that I should trust this faggot.


That's not an argument user. That's just Trump admin propaganda memery, and low-energy at that.
And when I see this kind of post

I know I'm right.

This is what damage control looks like.

Too bad you linked to a shitty article that was very selective about what Trump said. It makes him sound like an emotional baby. He actually roasts Obama about being too much of a cuck to enforce his own policies and basically blamed the situation on him. Whether you think Syria was a false flag or not is irrelevant. Trump's move sent a message about the weight of breaking deals with the US. Ultimately a good thing.


No, it sent a message he is weak on this, and now every kike and his mother has a stick to beat him with until he goes to war, thus totally alienating his base and losing re-election.

I'm glad he's saying he won't invade Syria but everyone needs to realize if there's going to be a regime change it's not going to be like in Iraq, it's going to be Lybia again. Look at the timeline:


So be on the lookout for signs of a NATO bombing campaign like Obama did in Lybia.

Sadly, that satire is not far from the truth at this point.

The shilling is real.



The only message that was sent here was "All you have to do is run a false-flag gas attack, get in the Jew media, and Trump will bomb the offenders". And if anyone is going to argue that is, in any way, a good thing, they're fucking retarded.

This can't be a real poster. It has to be satire, or reverse shilling, or else we have truly transcended the point wherein being on h8/pol/ ceases to be of any merit whatsoever as regards your redpilling.


In exchange for not doing anything on china trade wise, we got rid of some fat gook who is the last problem a white American will ever had. Fuck off apologizing for this shit.

I hope you don't seriously believe this "bend the knee" nonsense with China. If China is backing Trump on North Korea it's going to mean very few changes in current trade with them. They wouldn't do it for free and certainly not because of Tomahawk missile spam.

I hope you enjoy the rest of your passover boys. It's only Tuesday.


Between Spicer riling the kikes into a holohoax hysteria and this, I'm awfully tempted to blow my smug load.

It must be at least a little freeing to talk about kikes here when you can't over on /the_donald. Say kikes, by the way.

*wink, wink, nudge nudge*

You are cancer.

Top fucking kek that parting subtle jab. Expect ultra salty yids incoming. Best passover ever.

I honestly have no clue how I'm going to survive the next eight years. Being this smug has to be detrimental to your health.

I know its satire but thats really close to what shareblue says.

Lad, I'm not kikey, but I'm about to dump my smug nuke just to spite you.

Do it.


Go for it. I could use more ammunition - people are already starting to hate you faggots.

Lefty niggers on suicide watch. I fucking knew it was a ruse.


Fucking hell he/they really are cancer. No quality, not even with subtlety, just pure overt cancer rivalling trpfagging and avatarfagging. One of the reasons I completely stopped posting pics like that nearly a year ago; all the stupid fucks from leddit turned it into this.

This will never cease to feelsgoodman.jpeg

I'm not going to lie, I was panicking like a faggot for the past few days about this shit. I felt sick, like it was current year -12 all over again.

That's what you get for having lack of faith faggot.
Welcome back.

On second thought I won't give you the satisfaction. I'll dump it in a designated shilling thread instead.

jesus, stop hanging out with such normalfags and this wouldn't be a problem

many of us have vivid memories of 8 years of bush bullshit + 8 years of kang nigger, can you really blame him?

Trump just reactivated the S-300 and got Russian jets to fly AP, Trump is also pulling US assets from the region, so how is this
A sane statement.

Good point.

Not really, but at the same time, after the past three months and all the kvetching Trump has caused, it was foolish to assume it'd be the same shit.

Regime change will come after ISIS, and there will be troops on the ground, there will be troops there already ffs.

(going mobile)
Aw, too bad… Of course, I'll probably be able to find you anyway - its only a comparatively small group of you fags who do the 'smug animu' posting… You do know that, right?
That image title wasn't a joke, I'm studying you fucks like Attenborough studdies weird shit living under a rock in Ajerbaijan or whatever - and my documentation of your antics is starting to show results. I estimate the 'smug animu' poster contingent on h8/pol/ to be less than 10 people, and because none of you fucks know to change your image titles, I'm starting to rack up a pretty nice compilation of your individual faggotry. I should do a research paper on this shit and call myself an anthropologist.

In any case: Might I suggest the thread that starts with unironic Yael Kushner posting?

please meme this into reality it would be hysterical and totally destroy any chance of her ever going anywhere in politics

because you think the chinese aren't aware Trump launched missiles on an almost empty air base?


Forgot my link.

Who is this 'Ivanka' you keep talking about?
You mean Yael Kushner? Why are you shilling for a Jewess?

Hah, my bad, reply window blocked the rest of your commentary and I was too lazy to move it.
I am okay with your strategy.

And destroyed 20% of Syria's airforce?

Your brand of autism is endearing to me so I'll post anime-Attenborough. Don't OD on it.

found the snopes reporter

This is literally the only way Trump get's out of this. He get's Russia to commit 100% and clean up the Obama's fuck up and the U.S. gets to watch their hands of this.

i think he phrased it wrong,
he probably meant more like
"we will go after ISIS for now"

because were already in Syria, just in limited capacity

as long as Americans and white Europeans don't get killed over this I honestly don't give a shit. Now Putin will sell him slightly-newer planes and we can get back to raping ISIS exclusively.

that's interesting, I can see Putin aggressively expanding into the shittiest of sandnigger regions as a response to this while taking out ISIS for the world in turn.

That's a really cool Attenborough you got there.

> Outcome pending

Thats ridiculous. Just because someone doesn't die doesn't mean its not hugely negative in other contexts that are just as important, if only because negative shift relative to them can cause dead White people, potentially in large number.

No but Israel will be, which means burgers will too, eventually (probably from another false flag on American soil), just like the previous several times, including both world wars. Think, you fags.

I somehow don't think this is enough to satisfy some people…

Holy fuck just by the reactions in this thread alone you can tell how fucking butt frustrated the MAT niggers are. Eat cock you retards, you were wrong from day 1 and any consensus you thought you built was just (((asses and* echoes)))

That shit is normalfag stuff, just a layer deeper than typical ones. Did you know that it doesn't relate to porn? But your twisted brain has you connect the two I'm sure, fucking faggot.

what anime?

Just breathe faggot, go back to your matzo and goy blood.

Please please please don't take this as proof of any kind of multidimensional whatever. Trump's strategy has always been simple game theory where he makes moves with the possible results being either advantageous or neutral, or moves like this where he puts up a trial balloon and sees what people want. Freaking out over potential regime change in the middle east and yet another war for israel was still the correct response.

Anyone crowing about how they had faith in Trump all along has been captured by a cult of personality and they seriously need a reality check. Trump is like any politician or person - good behavior should be rewarded, bad behavior should be criticized and punished.

Trump is a lost cause. He clearly states that he wont let gas attacks etc happen. So anytime BEAUTIFUL BABIES are gassed with false flags we are going to intervene? It's Bullshit to give conditionals and then say but we won't do it!!!!!

Trumps word is that going into Syria is a mistake, we should leave it alone. He supposedly holds that position since 2013 at least and yet one gas attack that makes Daddys girl tear up will reverse his decision and make him take action. He says he will take more action of anything like that happens again.

This position is indefensible end of story. Building aggression towards NK is also reflective of trumps real agenda. Any position he holds can change on the turn of a dime.

"WIKILEAK? I LOVE WIKILEAKS!" spouts that shit all day during election because the info leaked by them helps him rather than hurt. Doesn't help Assange in any way after he gets his presidency. Still totally pro censorship. It's all words. I suppose we can wait and see since Trump is unpredictable, but stop pretending he is sticking to his campaign agenda. Trump will turn on anything he has said if it benefits him. He's only loyal to his fam. His voter base and supporters are not his fam.

It was a pretty big dead give away too that the panic, hysteria, and concern was pretty artificial and manufactured. You could see it numerous times and various telegraphs they had in mannerisms, or just their posting pointed out that (((they))) weren't from around here. I'm having a pretty hearty kek and quaffing some drink. Schlomo's tricks are so predictable.


honestly those bathing suits were one of the best things that came out of the 80's.

can you learn just a little bit better punctuation skills please it's triggering the shit out of me


green texting a direct cnn link

ok then

Ford-chan a best.

Why were you posting smug anime girls on the Something Awful forums a year ago?

That's the kind of 'joke' a shill would make.

Some godly taste there anons.

This whole thing was a work.

nigger I talk to anons all day on a Philippian digital arts forum , you think I make decisions on faith?


Everyone seems to have their own claims as to how linking should be done. I'll be damned if I'm going to archive a fucking link that doesn't need to be saved while posting on a phone.

You'll have to clarify.

That's about as toothless an accusation as one could make at this point lad.
Tell me about the 8 Steps. How much does she charge?

Hey chess fags, pay attention to this:

“We hope he won’t do any more gassing.”

Now all it takes is one more false flag and bam, regime change. Putin already mentioned that there's very likely another gas attack in the works. Reddit 'pedes' can kill themselves post haste.

No one can ever claim the man's not playing chess ever again. Even if he did make a mistake, the fucking recovery is beyond miraculous. And it wasn't even a mistake.

Until then he's just another neocon

But that's actually much easier to do than what you did, you silly retard, it's just copy-pasting twice

If they aren't kikes themselves, it just goes to show that the kikes just hand the left and SBgoons the same booklet that (((they))) run with. They keep using the same thing time and time again, and then wonder why they fail, especially with the era of the internet. The day of the rope is coming for them, and they know it. They have no where else to go, because information, including the dabblings of kikes, will be preserved in all its triteness.

Cry harder.

cool story bro

I keep hearing this.
Even in this thread.

How is that easier than copy-pasting once and deleting some shit in a single line? I'd have to open archive, copy-paste, wait for it to load, copy-paste again.
Splitting hairs, in any case.

That is the only thing I'm still worried about. I'd like to think that this entire situation was just a bad gut instinct move on his part, but it can still go either way. Anybody claiming to know the future right now is definitely full of it. That includes you by the way. The most we can do right now is send stern letters and continue observing.

He's right you know.

False flags are false flags.

You aren't very good at this.

Some faggots just want to be betrayed, I swear.

Nah my only post. Spacing is normal. candidate Trump "I'm going to prosecute Clinton." President Trump "Shes a god person we don't need to do anything." You defending Trump's consistent flip flops. Cuck

Yes, false flags ARE false flags. And all it takes is a false flag to put Trump in a tough spot where either he's expected to bomb again or called a pussy by the media… What's your point?

Gave what away? Are you going to call me a shill now?
If so, save your breath and tell me about the 8 Steps. How much does she charge?

Stop acting like you belong here.

Some people have lived long enough to understand that placing implicit faith in a man who doesn't even know you exist can and does end badly. Hopefully Kushner and co get the boot, hopefully it all works out.

He's the first president in 16 years that said he will not go into a shit hole region in the middle east to topple a leader for being too mean. I'm not saying it's impossible for him to go back on his word, but it is a fuck of a lot more than we had before and there's not much more he could say now. Faggots before him made multiple speeches to congress trying to get boots on the ground against Assad, I doubt he'll say this today then turn 180 like a total schizo. Also he's not going to go to Assad and make a public apology if that's what you're waiting for.

I'm not saying don't hold the man to his word, God knows I told plenty of the autistic chess-cheerleaders on this board to kill themselves and fuck off back to reddit, I'm just saying it's not that black and white. China and Best Korea got spooked over this, that seems like all he really wanted.


Hey come on user, they just want to enjoy Passover.

whoops meant to agree with you user

Tell me about the 8 Steps.
How much does she charge?

… Do any of you know?

it gets obvious when you guys deviate from the thread topic

this still bothers me tbh. He could just tell everyone it's ISIS this time around and never bother with Assad again.

I've noticed the administration is doing some noticeable backpedaling. There's multiple plausible theories floating around and we have no way of knowing which one's right. I can bring up points on why you might be wrong, and you can do the same. We can't actually rule each other out though. As grating as it is we're forced to observe for now.

He could have just done that this time… Ya know, because its true.

I just go by what Trump says. Sme of his admin seems to get a little too zealous at time, but that's what happens when you bring in faggot Neocons. He needs to tighten the leash on them.

Has anyone actually tried running a multi-account redpilling campaign on Trump's in the approximate vicinity of a Trump-post on Twatter?

I'm curious as to what the outcome was, if any - I have to imagine, with a little effort, you could, beyond a reasonable doubt, make sure that Trump knows exactly what the fuck is up here, and avoid any uncertainty as regards his lack of understanding in certain contexts… I have a feeling there'd be a lot of instabans, but, hey, maybe not…

I agree and that was my point in many arguments here, but, he's an opportunist too though. you can't deny the coincidence of this and him meeting with China.


Depends on how it plays out.
If it turns out we actually invade, then it just looks like the Jews were good at scheduling, providing additional motive toward a military response in Syria by pushing the story around the time of the meeting.

I mean, these ARE Jews…

So you don't know, do you? How new are you?


ditto, but I can't see Trump making this statement then doing that now. He knows it will be suicide for re-election at the very least. He only came out with this because of all the calls, tweets, fagbook posts, etc calling him out on this Bush-like WMD scenario. He's not oblivious to public opinion no matter how many (((polls))) are put out there.

If he sticks to this for the next four years, good, however, I will not feel bad for calling out the chessfags despite (possibly) being wrong. It is necessary to see how a situation looks. To the natural eye his attack on Syria seems to not be in our interest (and, as a singular act, it isn't). Only when compiled into an intricate thing can it be in our interest, however, since we aren't Trump, we have no way of verifying whether or not the strategy/reason we come up with is the truth and can only assume the worst/most natural conclusion.
I also would like to add that another interpretation to this statement is consoling (can't spell), the masses. He probably saw how strong of lash back there was in response to what he did. He can't flipflop and say "Yes, it was a falseflag and I did something retarded", he has to stick to it, but, at minimum, reaffirm our/his supposed stance on Syria (i.e. isolationist/ISIS at max).

Maybe… At this moment, I'm not convinced Trump wants to be re-elected., nor that he necessarily cares about mid-term result. We'll have to see - but if what you say is true, I would reiterate my sentiment here:

interesting you brought that up, because he did endorse a politician on twitter. might mean something to that, i dunno.


remember that "" is our only current noncucked option right now.
take a look at the excellent public rule page of their website. tell me it isn't better than any rules you have ever read for a Holla Forumsitically incorrect board.

there is a massive plague of censorship being disgustingly forced upon the users. why do all three board logs look almost exactly the same?

all the board owners of Holla Forums Holla Forums /polk/ HATE when you post the board log. they depend on the fact that common users don't realize it exists and have banned people simply for linking it!

what you will find in the board logs day to day, not to mention what's in each archive is absolutely disgusting censorship, worse than what has been seen on reddit, youtube, facebook, google, 4chan, and more! you use Holla Forums to avoid this exact kind of bullshittery!

/polk/ Holla Forums Holla Forums appear to have identical moderators and board owners.

MOST IMPORTANT ARCHIVE LINKS ←—- read this before anything else as it is a good summary of what's going on

Holla Forums /polk/ and Holla Forums moderation, volunteers, mods, board owners all exhibit the same exact behaviors. do not be surprised if they are all the same group of people all working together to manipulate everyone and disrupt the spread of the truth.
whether or not you like trump, "they" are on full crackdown mode since their first choice for president didn't get ((s))elected as new totalitarian dictator of the world. their plans are ruined and they are freaking out because they lost. there are huge things going on behind the scenes. good vs evil. praise kek and God bless trump. ((they)) scream out "he will not divide us" as they themselves attempt to do the very same to US! ((the monster)) cries out in pain as he strikes you!
do not be fooled by their broken self hating hypocritical self contradicting logic! they have no logic. do not become weakened in the ocean of demoralization! we won because we believed. we believed so hard we believed beyond believing. we became into KNOWING and had and continue to have effects upon reality that are by their very definition "IMPOSSIBLE". with GOD: NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.

after some serious critical thinking about the events taking place in the present, and seemingly unrelated experiences in the past we have uncovered the extremely strong possibility that /a/ and Holla Forums to a moderate but slightly lesser extent were shill testing grounds for the disruption and culture molding tactics to be later used on Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and /polk/, only moving on when the community had been permanently ruined. they needed alot of training because /a/ didn't have the willpower and the meme magic that Holla Forums does. (starts here)
shit going on at with the mods literally being shills and stopping redpills from becoming common knowledge (intensifies) (intesifies more) (intensification intensifying intensifies)

The moderators are banning people who out them.
The moderators are banning people who do nothing more than link to threads on the /sudo/ board.
The moderators are banning people who QUOTE POSTS from the /sudo/ board.
The moderators are REGULARLY banning groups of 70,000's of IP addresses (in explicit violation of the site rules against doing so).
The moderators make a point of banning people who explicitly violate No BOARD rules, SITE rules, or US LAW, while also EXPLICITLY leaving up content that violates rules.

I'm offended, JIDF was putting out much better work than these clowns.

This smug scoob should be meme'd into a new pepe.

Polite for my lack of meaningful contribution to already slid thread.


The eternal for poster.

I actually miss JIDF, it was adorable seeing them talk like kikes, with their little shotgun argumentation OPs, trying to hide their jewishness.
these hot-key hit-and-run one-liners are boring and not entertaining. At least the yids would try to manipulate you with multiple logical fallacies.

I hope anyone who got draw in by the shills and defeatists in the last raid are starting to see how stupid it is to question the will of Kek, our god who chose this president himself. Chaos is expect for chaos is his nature.

you're confusing them with realists. before Trumps statements today his shit didn't seem that much different from Bush's 2003 WMD bullshit.
Just spread this article around, don't shut people out who are genuinely hurt by what happened. we need them next election

As the blessed virgin said: come again?

Tell me about the 8 Steps. How much does she charge?
I bet you don't know.

If you actually know about the JIDF, you'd be able to tell me bout them steps son.

Thank Christ. How are the shills going to spin this now?

They're already pushing the "backpedaling" narrative

I know logical fallacies and propaganda tactics from working with (((marketing))) clients. Once you're familiar with that, nothing else holds water and you can be kike-proof.

this is all you need to know.

Is tor the new tripfag? Can we get a filter for this shit?

Yeah but since the first false flag attack 'worked' then you have to expect more of them. The CIA must be working overtime to try to manufacture another atrocity for the TV cameras.

So.. Trump kept good on his promises

So to recap.. maybe not 4d chess, but it's exactly as some on Holla Forums were saying, amidst the flurry of opportunistic Holla Forums faggots trying to D&C us, which was that it was a show of force and that he hadn't yet broken his promise to not invade Syria and start a new war.

Don't forget, they've run out of tactics, so now all they can do is pretend to be Holla Forums oldfags and lie straight to our faces and tell us that Trump is doing things he's not, tell us that we never truly supported or believed in Trump, that he's a Jewish puppet, that he's another Neocon, business as usual politician, and insist in every other way possible that he's everything we hate, and that we should channel our efforts into hating him.

So the real lesson here is this:

don't even go there, kikes want to kill tor and that's why you see this shit. also its free and VPNs/Proxies cost money after a while of burning though them

Wew lad…
I'm sorry your loss.

Nah man. If you don't know bout them steps, you don't know bout them Jews - don't really know.

How much does she charge?

They might get their way if autistic chinese keep causing trouble when people block gook IPs.

Or the e-celebs, all were screaming how they were out of the Trump only a few days ago.


it was more like people remember Bush's earlier shit vs devoted fans who didn't see the similarities with Bush's speeches. Don't be quick to shut out anyone, just show them this article and that's it.

Good, let Trump earn your support.

Either controlled opposition like PJW, or some of them just anticipated a bigger backlash, tried to ride that popularity wave early, and then backtracked when they realized real Trump supporters were standing by him.

does it involve ad nauseum?

You would have been better off pretending my comment didn't exist.

… Maybe, I guess?

I'm still waiting for you to tell me about those steps bro.
Whenever you're ready.

That's what made me think the outrage at trump was manufactured.

I was only concerned when Roger Stone and Bannon started looking nervous, but I think they were more afraid of un-intended fallout while knowing what the real motives were.

Back in my day, we didn't use 2 year old events as an oldfag badge.

anyone stupid enough to get hurt by this will forget this whole incident by 2020 questioning trump is one thing, but I don't see why we should stand for people questioning Kek himself

it wasn't completely. people are actually super anti-war and piss themselves at the thought of another one

Keep going, I want to see how big your nose can get

oy vey

that's the exact retardation that's going to cost us local elections that Trump needs to gain more influence in congress. Don't be a dick.

it was the amount of shilling for me, especially the quality to quantity ratio, they really had an opening on this issue here but they overplayed their hand by so much they looped back around and shilled themselves

You mean the faggots that'll vote for Trump in 2020 anyways when four years go by and we're the richest country on earth? Yeah sure.

Do you not know what a fucking congress is? We need people in those seats endorsed by Trump. You're a fucking moron if you think we have a 4 year break.

That's what they always do. Turn a thread into an echo chamber, it's like watching a bunch of crabs walk into the traps.

Back in my day we weren't full of nu-Holla Forums fags who can't even remember a 2 year old event.
But hey, times change.

Unfortunately, the faggot above already blew it.


fine I'll be nicer

That's not at all what I'm implying you mouthbreather. Get a grip.

I trusted Trump all the way. He knows exactly what he is doing all the time.

Listen your heart. Listen what it says. You cannot know what your heart says by listening your stupid brains! Listen your heart, it's magic.

I know Trump is the real deal.


He's with us, he is us.

The sheer amount of it combined with the suddenness of it and the extreme overreaction to relatively minor events. Also the overwhelming importance placed on that one minor event in relation to all other issues made it very obvious what was happening from the beginning.

And then, they didn't do themselves any favors by standing out like a sore thumb like and some of the others above.

Bibi must be pretty asshurt. Now we gotta focus on memeing NatSoc economic policy and racial awareness into the public eye. Once whites see other whites through the fog of ZOG they'll start to realize this stuff for themselves.

that's…literally what you just said.

look here's what I mean

I didn't realize faggots browsed Holla Forums tbh.

Nigger I'm talking about turncoats.



Something calls to us
To come forth and rise above
Otherwise we shall fall
Perhaps we may rise anew

Absolutely nothing can stop us
But our own fear
Under us lies the Earth
Somewhere above lie the stars
Inside us dwells Kek
Never alone are we
Got those internal dubs

Yesterday is gone
Our future is our own
Unleash your inner meme
Rekindle your inner fire

Everything is fine
Nothing is dire
Together we are a strong faggot
Ending the reign of weak twigs
Reminding daily

Kek is love, Kek is life
Eternity beckons
Yes, we say


i feel so honored faggot-kun~

And the full-blown cancer has arrived.

I see a few of mine in there too, this yid made me smile.

Imagine being this mad about smug anime girls. Especially in the Spicer threads. God this is some refined confectionery grade salt.

I suppose since the thread has run it's course, I'll post some.

The problem is that we've been blackpilled for so long that cynicism comes so much easier to us than optimism. We're used to getting fucked over. Washington has ALWAYS been one of our biggest enemies.

Things start going right and we start looking for the trick, we start looking for the bogeyman lurking in the shadows to ambush us. We've gotten so accustomed to being fucked over we've developed a paranoid cynicism. We haven't yet learned how to hope, and so at the slightest sign of trouble we revert back to our hyper-cynical blackpilled selves. We need to learn to break this habit without sacrificing our ability to see truth.

That explains a lot.

> Imagine being this mad about smug anime girls.
This board was never good, but wew lad.

Post some more. What could go wrong?

Someone hasn't been keeping up with current events I see.


sory guy ill werk on it

Remember that Sean Spicer Yesterday said that Assad must go and TODAY compared him to being worse than Hitler.

Remember that as of this MORNING Rex Tillerson said that Assad is over and Democracy must reign in Syria.

Either this is brand new and Sean and Tillerson hadn't been filled in, or, the more likely scenario is that portions of his administration are absolutely corrupted by Neo-Kikes and are hostile to Trump's Original Plans.

Either way, I'm concerned at what could have made him want to go along with it for as long as he did. Perhaps he underestimated how much the FP thing mattered to us and thought he could unite the Neo-Kikes? Maybe it was some blackmail thing and now he believes tarnishing his legacy is worse than blackmail (it is), or perhaps they injected him with somekind of killswitch but he fixed it already.


I'm noticing a trend where shills have started posting Reich memes while trying to shill their debunked shit. It's cute.

You're the one who can't handle the banter nigger. If you don't like anime Stormfront or IronLarp will gladly take you.

If you're not seeing all kinds of contradictory signals then you're not paying attention. Trump says “We hope he won’t do any more gassing.” which means he's almost begging the CIA to organize another false flag chemical attack. What if the next one kills 200 people – OMG the little babies! He shot himself in the foot by reacting to sentimentalist TV propaganda without even calling for an investigation.

Reread the thread faggot, more than one user has come to the obvious conclusion that it was a ruse cruise. Remember it was Sun Tzu who said to appear weak when you're strong, and strong when you're weak.

I don't blame that person at all. If kikes pull another false flag, who's to say what will happen?

Here, an ancient smug, just for you.




just like my japanese animes!

Man, that US army march was low energy as fuck. Even the music didn't help.

I don't understand these, can you explain further?
t. retard who didn't pay enough attention to current events

I can feel the sweat rolling off your foreheads.

Why? You looking in the mirror?

lurk for 2 years before posting

See I don't get this attitude. You want people to learn, to understand, but instead of helping them you just scream for them to shut up and read, instead of taking a more active role to educate and teach.

No, I'm looking at a computer screen. How would looking into a mirror to post a post on an internet anime imageboard work? Everything would be backwards and shit.

Obamacare is a distraction.
Syria is a distraction.

Just build the fucking wall already. Then he can have all the fun he wants.

Shit's gonna take a while user, be fucking patient.

never heard of OP?
anyway we still need domestic votes, even if they're faggots

Russia has been "boots on the ground" in Syria for a good while flying missions in Syria from airfields in the region. Trumps attack gave them the opportunity to beef up operations in the area under the guise of political posturing.

See above.

vote Trump 2020, and any congress person he endorces between now and 2024

Post-election honeymoon is over. All of the election period memes are now outdated. The Syrian maneuver is a threshold we've crossed. If anything he shook off an unsustainable fandom he gathered. Nobody likes a fanboy.

He's still exactly who we voted for and I'm supportive of what he is doing. I believe he's doing what he believes to be in my best interest. Me. He cares about me as a citizen. That's a good feeling. We will not tolerate bad leadership ever again.

Okay, thanks.
Now I'ma fuck off and lurk again

he needs a budget that isn't going to get cock-blocked

To be fair they're all cadets. The pictures look much better though.

You're so fucking new it hurts. Go back to whatever hugbox shithole you came from or fucking lurk moar.

Bidding has already started, and have you ever seen a construction project? Shit's gonna take at the very least 2 years, 1 1/2 if they hire a fuckton of different contractors to work on sections. I wouldn't get hung up on it, consider it a pre 2020 morale booster.

I want to believe, but Fox News riling up the soldiers and CNN spewing boo-hoo stories to its audience type means another gas attack is on the way.

also he's changing laws just to try and speed up that shit before the first shovel even hits the dirt.

Immediately stopped reading and reported you.

I'll bet everything he'll use that as an excuse to slam ISIS harder and make the kikes kvetch into another dimension.

The projection on the internet these days never ceases to amaze me.

I started playing chess recently because of all this talk about dimensional chess. You guys should into it, I actually feel more tactically wired mentally now. I think it has a positive impact on the brain.

he just meant to say he saw a pattern that looked like another false flag was going to hit

I don't care what (((fox))) does. The moment we're in a true conflict with syria/russia is the moment I know he was a liar. Until then let's stay optimistic.

study this then, and play like a white person as opposed to some scheming kike

Not tonight faggot

Scraping the bottom of the barrel there Ezekiel, they're not paying you to just parrot shit.

how many levels of presidential is Trump on in that pic?

Damn, that sounds right up my alley too. Actually there is a new chess AI called Stockfish or something that supposedly plays very well because it does insane attacks and sacrfices that no one has seen before.

Gonna look further into this link you showed me.

It's hard to parrot something that I had initially said user.

So, it's not happening this term.
Oh, now I see where this is going. I sure hope he totally doesn't gas them six million more times!

Is Trump playing 'Romantic Politics'?
Only time will tell…

there's going to be books on it, that's for damn sure.
also check'd btw

Let's make sure we win this time so that the books aren't fake history.

Pure incompetence.

except he skull fucked the chinks.

No, the public is stupid and all the media had to do is run the sob footage of the child choking and then Trump is the big bad monster. Politics matters, we were not loud enough calling it out as a false-flag.

I don't know what to believe. On the one hand you have overtly autistic weebfags justifying kikes trying to weasel their way into the Trump administration as 250CC water polo. And on the other hand you have attention whoring faggot ecelebs throwing Trump under the bus quicker than any more info has time to come out. The massive conflict in explanations for this syria strike between Trump and his administration is all so maddening.

All I can say for certain is that this is all going to end in one of two ways. 1. Trump is actually playing 4d chess. 2. This will all lead to Gaddafi 2.0 where we dont send ground troops but pull no-fly zone bullshit, send aid to ISIS to help lead to assads capture and murder.

If Trump is really taking us on a massive ruse cruise than I will happily eat crow but I am not happy about the recent sabre rattling nor the ziocon lunatics in his administration like McMaster and Kushner.

I read you just fine my man, you're simply retarded. I can't help you with that.

I honestly didn't know it was from the breakfast club, because I've never watched it. Because I'm not a queer.

Yeah, I like the look of the uniforms, and I get that our advantage is in tech, not nessecarily morale, but still, there's a significant lack of enthusiasm for a volunteer army there. I hate saying it, but Chinese and Russian army marches are energizing. I just want to see a good ol fashioned Prussian goose-step. It's a display of power and unity.

You're not helping yourself blend in.

Checked. The kike needs gassed

Their relevance doesn't matter. The whole world can call it a hoax, like what just fucking happened, which you will no doubt forget, and the government will press on without any further input whatsoever.

Jesus it's like you somehow posted through a time rift and we're seeing a post from last week suddenly just NOW pop up.

Gas yourself.

Is this the sort of ruse cruise where I have to say fool me once, shame on you etc.?
Sure he's completed the circle with another 180 back to the rhetoric we like to hear but if there's another gas attack in Syria that gets auto blamed on Assad is there going to be another airstrike or an actual invasion as a sort of second strike?

Forget about Syria and just build that fucking wall, that's what people want to see, not millions of dollars spent on demolishing relationship with Russia.

Hopefully this is the case. I'm glad he isn't going full Globalist. He knows who got him in the white house, so we will keep holding him accountable. I'm not tired of winning yet.

So it's confirmed the new tactic from shareblue is to shill "oy vey the wall's not built yet it's already been 100 days!"

Possibly, though I think is an actual Holla Forumsack.

I feel stupid for doubting him.

This can be the only (well, the most likely) explanation now that they've decided not to put troops on the ground.
That said, I will watch for any possible "future moves" but now my hearts a little at ease.

There's a glimmer of hope still left in this horrible machine.

What is there to 'spin'? Nothing has fucking changed, he still stands by King Nigger when it comes to Assad. He's a white Obongo.

And i see the marketers here are busy again shilling overtime for Trump going full-damage control, Endchan was right.

I'm from Holla Forums. Sorry for wanting to improve the quality of my country.

Guess I'll just kick my feet up and let you do all the heavy lifting since you don't want me to help me help myself.

I like how you conveniently disregarded 99% of his post.

The tell-tale sign of a Trump marketer.

Maybe, but when they say the same shit shareblue/JDIF is saying, it's really fucking difficult to tell.

Come on now user.

How's the discord famalam?

Pretty much this. It's very obvious not just the USA, but all of the west wants Assad gone and they are bidding their time. What I think about Trump now is irrelevant, I can at least say somewhat with confidence that his presidency at least delayed the Deep States actions to out Assad. But it's only a matter of time at this point. Most of Trump's advisors clearly want him gone, the most of the major Republicans and Democrats want him gone, all of the western world cheered the missile strike. Assad is going to get ousted sooner or later. Be prepared for it.

But I do believe Syria is not going to be attacked again for now, the bigger worry is ramping evidence of a possible strike in North Korea

why does posting smug anime girls make people so mad?

Goons hate anime. Ugly people hate things of beauty. SJWs hate Japanese culture.

Trump said even from early in the primaries that he was going to 'establish a US-controlled safe zone in Syria'. Despite Trump's insistence of the opposite, he actually does tell you what he's going to do before he does it.

Fuck off faggot. It would be a lot easier to let the time it's taking for the wall to slide if Trump hadnt done a complete 180 on foreign policy in Syria within 100 days. I might not know if this is 4d chess but I can easily see how people would take this as a betrayal if you look at this all at face value, it's not hard to see why some legit Holla Forumsacks would be angry.

I don't know what to believe but I know one thing user, you need to judge politicians by their actions, not by their words, and Trump is certainly no longer an outsider to politics.

Forget about what you feel, you are stupid for going back to trusting him. All that the 'moderate rebels' have to do now is carry out a chem attack, the lying media will say it was Assad, and then Trump will go "HURR MUH EBIL DICTATOR ASSAD". He's just a continuation of King Nigger, the broken record never stopped, it even came with the same false flag.

How's the cubicle been treating you shit marketer? How about you stop spewing empty one-liners and adress the entirety of this post instead of strawmanning like you did here

boy this jewish trump revolution is extraordinary. I wonder: how much jim is getting from the rothschilds for this one?

Same reason people hate 'Bronies'.

In case anyone hasn't seen this

Looks like demand for U.S. Coal is going to skyrocket and it only cost 59 missiles

Wew, im 90% most of shareblue is either fags or women, you retards get so hysterical

You people don't even realize how copy and pasted your arguments are, with the exception of 1 or 2 changed words I've read that exact shit on 4 different websites.

Weak shit user, try not to be such a little bitch next time you visit.

/a/ closet pedo/bestialityfag nobody gives a shit about your memes, your acting just as triggered as the guy who's witch hunting you gayniggers

What the fuck happened to this sort of Trump?
Where is the pressure on Saudi Arabia and (((our greatest ally))) to stop funding ISIS? Don't fucking lie to me that Trump is an idiot and doesn't know that among other things the Saudis supply the rebels with chemical weapons.

What a surprise the goon hates anime.

You faggots move in waves i've noticed. All of a sudden two or three of you pop into a thread to chimp, then go after about 5-10 minutes or until it dies.

anime has ==always== been a part of chan culture, the people super against it are outsiders

Just watch for future moves. We can only take his word though.

One thing is for certain, this has confirmed that we STILL have a shill problem trying to call the shots too early and trying to d&c this board.
The act deserved criticism, not desertion.

Your government will never align with your way 100% of the time, but thankfully it has swayed a lot our way. The fact he held back may have been directly a response to social media perhaps, not "chess".
Either way, that is a good thing.

But, I still remember that this may have happened with bush in 2003. I thought there were many warnings before the war.

No I never trusted him user. But now I don't doubt what he was doing here.
As I said, watch for future moves. Don't jump on or off the bandwagon, be a think tank that tries to "guide" him.
Social media is essential one giant parliament, Holla Forums is a party.

Smug anime is ok when in responses to arguments or with content.
Smugs alone are derailment cancer.
Learn this difference.

Is this a new meme?
Is this a new tactic?

I guess the left needed a new tactic to persuade people from trump. They turned to creating their own form of "shill".

As long as the marketer isn't like the clinton shills (hurr drumpf btfo) and actually "sells himself" through conversation - that is not a shill but just a contributor.
If the "ad" is repetitive and stale it needs to go though.

This whole:
bullshit needs to go.

We "move in waves" because when anons voice their concerns all we're met with is retarded
Rather that telling me why I'm wrong so we leave.

This place is fucking dead.

They always get mad when you name them. Typical yiddish traits.


Nice legitimate dissent user truly, no sarcasm, it;'s nice to know there are Holla Forumsacks not fully aboard the train tbh.

Why would the yidds hate trump?
At this stage he is carefully trying to balance the skepticism of the yids and us.

He knows both are trigger happy. Both feel threatened by genocide.

Why are you saging a sticky?


It's time to start the native American national socialist movement, did you asked us, no you didn't!

Sometimes I think it's retards desperate for "the drug"

Anime pics used to be used sparingly. Everytime they are used halfassed, they are less valuable as meme material.

It must be timed perfectly.

I think that's projection user.
People are using memes in a stale manner. Stale memes lead to cancer.


because i'm retarded apparently user

It's also fun watching goons get pissy about it

I'm not sure what you mean.

I don't think Trump has that much pulling power.

And there are oil requirements we need from there so we don't want to piss them off.
Remember, the saudis are so retarded that they are selling a commodity that will be in dire need later on (and won't be there). Meanwhile, the US and the rest of the west can turn to the oil reserves in their country that they "spared for later".

BUT. I do not condone the chemical attack or ISIS, as it is leading to migration.
We need to begin to balance the need for oil vs the need to stabilise the region and stop the flood of migrants.
So we need to get tougher with Saudi Arabia soon.

When memes get overused or morph into unfunny abominations - they become cancer.
See eg; rage comics, foul bachelor frog, even bane to a degree (inb4 dissent to that :^) )

Oh my god it's anudda shoah ! Trump lied about the Syrian babies !
Ok calm down. We need to keep pressure on Trump to stop him from doing anything stupid, not jump off the Trump train and end up as homeless bums with no political representation.

I'm trying to remain a bit moderate on the issue too, lot's of heavy feelz going around, but this kind of thinking is much of the problem as I see it. We're not some sort of regiment who has to be loyal to whatever Trump does.

The motivations behind the Syria strike might not be clear to us yet, but that doesn't matter as much as the symbolic act itself. That his supporters raise a shitstorm about it isn't wrong, because it sends a message that expanding on that path at face value is not acceptable. This polarization must happen when he takes wrong steps because that's the only way such ideas will reach him.

You forget that 95% of media and social media are looking to impeach trump.
We do need to "keep his head above the water". At least a little while longer.

One thing I did like is the CIA's "we warned him not to do it!" statement.
What was that all about? Maybe it showed Trump's real intention.
Remember, they hate Russia. Maybe they considered it a chess move too?
In fact if it wasn't for that statement, I would have lost too much faith in Trump. That statement was either:

Remember, they are likely listening to EVERYTHING Trump is saying over phones etc. Don't you think that's the reason why they didn't like this move?
They have no qualms with Bush (from memory) about doing similar things with Iraq.

You will never stop the flow of migrants at the source. Arab muslims can no longer feed themselves in the current world economy. The only options for them are war, migration or death. Walls in Europe to send muslims back into the meat grinder is the only solution.

Good and all but this orange retard still is not being entirely truthful. You say the kids are choking and getting lungs burned out and that's from sarin? Just looking on wiki you'll see it's a acetylcholinesterase inhibitor and if it was that then you would be seeing them vomit shit and piss themselves until they stopped breathing.

I'd rather see Trump impeached on the platform he promised, which might result in a heightened revolutionary spirit for many Americans, than him cucking out to play the geopolitical neocohen game. But it's early days so we'll wait and see.

The problem isn't just the loudness, it's also the response time. This site being down and in disarray as the event unfolded diminished Holla Forums's capacity to coordinate fast enough to respond to it. Events like this need immediate response times (and if possible, even preemptively through find evidence of it about to happen) to fight against narrative building.

it was obviously chlorine

I don't think you're wrong that the US Neocon establishment and most of Western Europe want us to invade Syria and depose Assad. It's obvious that a LOT of people want this.

The fact that Trump is not about to go in guns blazing is almost weird. Yes he campaigned against it, but if he decided to go into Syria tomorrow MOST republicans would be happy.

pic related. It's a graph showing Republican support for airstrikes under Obama vs Republican support under Trump. Way up under Trump. 22% under Obama but 68% under Trump. Mainstream Republican voters really are stupid. Dems were 38% in favor in 2013 and are 37% in favor now.

What this means is that Trump is truly setting the tone for the party. If Trump decides to avoid full war in Syria, and some kind of solution emerges from that area, Trump will be looked at as a cool and wise statesmen, and Republicans will emulate that going forward. If he goes to war, the Republicans will officially be the war party more than ever.

I guess my overall point is if Trump really does want to get rid of Assad why not just do it? Clearly he'd have the full support of the media, the political establishment, and perhaps even a majority of the American people. Normally when you have that much support for something you go ahead and do it. The fact that he hasn't yet is a testament to his strength.

It all rides on this. If Trump betrays his foreign policy then we can fully shit on him, but he hasn't fully betrayed that policy yet.

What humors me the most about this image is how terribly unorganized it is.

The images are slapped on a jpg hastily without any care to detail.

Watching a goon try to be autistic and fail sure is funny. Learn from the pros skill-kun.

Or diplomatic negotiations for irrigation. Furthermore there are alternatives such as desalination. They could also start looking into manufacturing.

But they are too angry to keep a stable country, Jihad is their memetic issue. Battle should be a last resort, not a goal.
Alternatively, we can invade and colonise these nations. But again that is a worry because I bet Israel will pounce on that to expand their own territory.
White burden, once again. Though the chinks should start doing more too, they have large arid regions that are under-developed and can be revitalized to feed their enormous population.

True. Otherwise it would swing momentum left. Why do you thin they are attacking so hard?

Ultimately white people need a change in approach and mentality towards this situation. The tension between Russia v US v China/Iran is destroying this region. Maybe a unified colonization effort is required?

They need to stop bitching and say "hey this ship is about to sink, can we stop treating this as imperialism and think about the pragmatic needs of this region?"

How would you know, you can´t even redtext. Top fucking KEK.

What if i told you, that 90% of the weebs are ugly fat fucks who haven´t lost their virginity, What if i told you, that these people are fleeing from reality into a world where ugliness doesn´t exist, which is where they can forget their self, which they loathe so much?

What if i told you, that most of the 10/10 girls don´t give two shits about Anime, don´t like it and would be repulsed by the highly sexualized, pedophilia resembling content you post?

Pic related makes your pathetic excuse vanish. This person should hate Anime according to you.

do you realize the state of polarization in this country? It's nothing short of a miracle that Trump got elected. I'm almost serious when I say that, his election was a monumental feat.

Impeaching Trump means that the next President is a Democrat. Impeaching Trump won't get you Rand Paul, or a revitalized Pat Buchanan to take to the stage. Furthermore, if Trump fails as president, that means the entire notion of Nationalism, Economic Protectionism, The Wall/Borders, and all of that will be discredited. No one would be able to run on a Nationalistic agenda ever again if Trump fails.

Why? Because anyone who tries to will be lambasted as a wannabe Trump.

It's things like that that make me believe Trump truly is the only hope. If he fails that means it's all over. I firmly believe that. If Trump fails as president our best hope is balkanization and ethnostates in the US but we all know if that were to happen that Russia or China would invade and likely be successful due to our fractured nature.

Why can't we take him under our wing? Work with him to reestablishing a stable country, create a technocratic government (not a mere democracy that is taintable by people such as Soros).

Soros frankly is the biggest source of conflict in the world right now, what should we do with him? (legally that is, create policy to stop private enterprise influence on politics for personal economic benefit?)

Also both are war parties. The issue is the manner of the war and the method of preventing either party from having their way.

What this means is that Trump is truly setting the tone for the party. If Trump decides to avoid full war in Syria, and some kind of solution emerges from that area, Trump will be looked at as a cool and wise statesmen, and Republicans will emulate that going forward. If he goes to war, the Republicans will officially be the war party more than ever.
As new as it gets tbh user.

This. He hasn't failed yet, I'm very hopeful. Especially since he just got the chinese to buy all of their coal from us.

Such rash action would lead to instability among the voter base who voted for the vision, not for the man or party. They still need to contend with the risk of civil unrest so easing a policy shift will take some time (if that's the route they're taking). With a slow strategy they would attempt to gradually marginalize such a base and prop up a newly manufactured one until its influence shifts to a more desirable stance. The disadvantage of this for them though is that entities like Holla Forums can put up a good fight to prevent this from happening.

However if they're truly desperate, they'll just do as you suggest and use a media shock and awe blitz to demoralize and panic people into meaningless unrest instead of an originated militia.

Hard to tell which way it'll go, but wait until Easter because that's likely when the next big move will be made.

Could someone give me a demonstration on how to block shills like this faggot?


Next you'll tell me that 10/10 girls don't watch Netflix.

Well, I'm not saying you are wrong. Also, I'm following this from a semi-occupied satellite state as an interested observer, so my thoughts are just general input not really a torch any way in your fight. Still, I do have some faith in your burger revolutionary spirit so I'm not sure that if 1. Trump honestly and with integrity keeps to the program he was elected on and 2. gets blocked at every turn by the corrupt establishment, that some sort of beneficial revolution is impossible.

That's my main beef with this Syria development. Up until now he has acted with complete integrity, but now a lot of people can put his earlier Syria tweets together with the ones of last week and say "see, he's just a politico fatcat backtracker like everyone else." I firmly believe it was the wrong choice for him, no matter if there are sound and hidden plans behind it. But that's not a call to sperg out with orange drumpf lelelel, it's just a call to keep vigilant and skeptical.

Personally I think balkanization would be the preferred path of USA, which is why I'm not as fast as you to throw my support behind the concept of Trump even if he should be everything he says he is. It might be that propping up the federal government, even on a somewhat good vector, only prolongs a bad situation.

God damn it Don, you scared the shit out of me. You could have got us killed with that little stunt.

Nicely executed though.

I think you bring up a great point, and I think a large reason why that won't happen has to do with the current state of Syria as well as the traditional view of the US as spreading Democracy. It's one thing to refrain from intervening or seeking regime change, but to actually help a technocratic government function? I don't think that will ever happen, at least not overtly. Maybe we could have advisers but just from a realistic view I don't see the US as propping up Assad and never thought Trump would really do that. The best course of action would be defeating ISIS but otherwise letting things take their course there.

You say that Republicans are kike controlled. I assume you are talking about elected Republicans. I agree for the most part.

I was instead speaking about Republican voters. Hence the posting of the graph showing their enthusiasm for Trump's strikes contrasted with their disapproval for Obama launching strikes. These normal Republican voters (the boomer wave that carried Trump to victory) are stupid, and it's not that they didn't want to bomb Syria, they just hated Obama so much that whatever he wanted to do they didn't want to do. Now that Obama is gone and they love Trump, whatever Trump wants to do they love.

Those are the Republicans I'm talking about. If Trump takes a measured tone here, he may help normal Republican voters to awaken a little bit. Wishful thinking perhaps, but even though I enthusiastically voted for Trump I can't in good faith say that the majority of people (especially older boomers) who voted for him did so for the same reasons I did.

My mother for example is extremely proud of the Syrian airstrike and sees it as the US having it's backbone again and establishing respect in the world. I disagree, but we must face the reality that that is how the majority of rank and file Republican voters think.

Ah, gotcha, thought you meant the politicians.

Did i trigger you there with my redpill, little niglet?

They do, and they also chill.
But i never found a girl in my life that liked Anime, and i got to know quite a lot. Its only male betas who aren´t turned on by real women anymore, because they remind them of how despicable they are. That´s why they watch Loli and other despicable shit and shove their sadness down the throats of other chan users as a cry for attention.

Being vocal for it helped he change his position. If was not for his own supporters coming out against it he would have no excuse for backing down.

Holy fuck you think these idiots just need more water to grow crops? This is what Progressives think, that all people and cultures are equal. The entire region is full of people with an IQ of 85 who marry their first cousin. They aren't capable of advancing any further with their religion, culture and institutions. And the time for those solutions was 10 years ago. Now there will be only death.

user pls.


Then why bomb them?
Is he backing off Korea too? I bet not, he's probably just saving up man power for Korea isn't he?

Sure, whatever you say goon.

We become more think tank like every day.

Who would have thought, a natsoc think tank with a frog mascot.
It'd be great if people started talking about legal precedents and topics here.

Like "Equity" and the concept of undue influence. Is that even a thing in the US?

While the rebels were definitely given a step ladder by other countries, the fact is that there were many issues with Assad's regime for a long time. Maybe it wasn't the leaders but rather the army itself that was causing havoc to certain ethnic minorities. Maybe the issue is that the army is too powerful in Syria.
That was a big issue in Rome remember, and that too lead to civil war.

I'll bet you'll say that women poop next.

It will take work to transform is. But don't forget Australia does the same with their land (which should be even less arable).
This is why I think there is a need for a more technocratic revolution in the area. As individual segregated farmers they cannot get this running, but if the regime actually got that running we'd might see a new Syria where crops can thrive. Centralization of this system is required. Perhaps foreign sponsorship too. That's why I think there needs to be a treaty between the big powers to colonise it as a joined effort.

It would also be a symbol of harmony between these nations.

Also I realize the corps won't allow this disgusting act of harmony to occur, they have competitive interests.
So that's why policy is required to reduce corporations effect on the politics of nations. Starting with Soros clearly.

Ok I read the article but I still don't want him to go to war this early, it's pointless.

'Chan' might be some sort of clue as to the origins of these boards.

This explains why you're so mad. Did you try Social Justice after your anime angle failed to get you laid or is it just for the shekels?

If she wants to watch Netflix, i´ll be damned if i let her decide. Netflix is still pretty shit, but you gotta do something. You can´t just jump right to the sex, mate. Only in your dreams.

4chan is the american version of 2chan which was "2 channel" but called 2chan because play on words for "chan" too I guess.

That's how (number)chan originated. I really need to learn to write everything all at once.

I tried to look up a Roman documentary, the only response I got was 1 documentary "reenactment" with a strong SJW bias.

They don't want normies to remember Rome.

But it actually wouldn't. 86% of Republicans polled (I know, polls need to be taken with a grain of salt especially from orgs like WaPo) said that they supported the strikes compared to 22% Republicans in 2013.

In 4 years Republican voters quadrupled their support for attacking Syria just because Trump did it. The fact is that the die hard Trump lovers here and on 4chan and r/the_donald and the online meme culture was not representative of the majority of his base.

"We" grew a lot in this election. More people are part of our alternative views than ever before. I hesitate to use the term alt-right, but that's the most all encompassing term that makes sense. The "alt-right" however you define it (for sake of argument I'm including Milo fans and casual Breitbart readers in this) may have been the most vocal part of Trump's base but we weren't the main pillar of support.

All you have to do is look at exit polling demographics. I know there are true oldfags here, but to be honest I doubt there are many on this board above 40 years old. Most I would imagine are late teens to early-mid 30s.

My point is that the average Trump voter isn't some young kid hip to new right-wing neoreactionary ideas. The average Trump voter is a 57 year old white who voted for Romney and McCain in the last two elections, and Bush both times before that.

Those who voted for Obama in 08 or 12 and switched to Trump are for sure what allowed him to win, but they are not "the base". We have to admit that our ideas are overrepresented online because those who participate in chan culture devote more time to the internet than a normalfag type person. It seems like we're the majority online sometimes, and through meme magic we can translate this to the real world and influence the dumb as rocks typical Republican voter.

And I hate to say that, I do. I don't want to say my own mother is stupid but she often can be. My father is much smarter, and he was wary of Trump but ended up voting for him.

I don't even want to post my worst case scenario electoral wise in case it ends up becoming real.

We originated from apes. I still don´t want to be one.

All this projection. KEK.
I never liked Anime and surely didn´t use it as an angle to get laid, only an autist like you would do that. I came to hate it when i encountered the sad faggots who spam up Holla Forums with this shit.

Its worse in Europe man. We only have the handpicked Judeawood stuff. It literally all has some agenda in it. Even the tomorrowland documentary is a big propaganda piece for multiculturalism. Their CEO needs to hang, it was initially a good idea.

Form is nothing, essence is everything.

So you concede to my point. Congrats.

To be honest, we're beginning to mutate that forced meme. Now it's associated with nazies in the media, so it really is becoming us slowly. As much as we hate that fact.

Also the government seems to encourage it somewhat (with caution though), because at least it recognizes the reason for a state's existence rather than "fuck you I won't do what you tell me".

It's over user, the delusion is too strong. Or maybe its clinging to a hope that isn't there. Fuck it I'm out.

Of course i do. I ASK her if she wants to watch netflix. I communicate. You don´t just take the remote and say "yeah we Netflix nao". If you had some confidence in yourself, you wouldn´t take the dominance game this far.
Fucking pathetic. Lose your virginity, cuck.

Good you and your shill buddy should never come back.

It's tough I know. There's a load of texts preserved from the Roman era though. Here's an audio of Caesar's De Bello Gallico translated to English, if you're interested.

This is moreso my point regarding Syria and Assad. We can sit here all day and cheer for Assad and wish him success on the battlefield against ISIS and the rebels. In a perfect world that's what would happen.

But these aren't all foreign fighters. Maybe a lot of ISIS is, but the non ISIS rebels (though they may be Islamist conservatives) are largely Syrians who decided to revolt against Assad. You can say they are wrong, you can say they were manipulated into war, whatever. The fact remains that for whatever reason they have they are willing to fight and die to get rid of Assad.

They are willing to die to get rid of Assad or even just to attempt to. That's a level of hate and disdain for a political figure I've never seen in my life. Their hate for Assad makes Antifa look like Trump fan boys.

And it's not like these individuals formed in a vaccuum. It's not just they who support their rebel cause, it is their families, their friends, neighborhoods and whole towns in some cases. My point is that simply killing the current rebel soldiers will not end the civil war. New people would pick up arms and keep fighting.

The only way Assad could win is really a complete genocide of many rebel controlled areas. Or at least forcing people to seriously prove their allegiance to Assad or be killed. He would basically have to become the murderous caricature that the international media is characterizing him as. Otherwise when does it end? How do you get Syria to return to a peaceful functioning society when this is all overwith? How would you get a rebel soldier to lay down his arms and accept rule by Assad?

You don't. Any rebel that does that would likely, and perhaps rightfully so, be thrown into a work camp or just executed for sedition against the state.

And just for hypothetical questions, let's say this actually happened. Let's say the US took a total hands off approach or they supported Assad in a war of annihilation against rebels.

So many Syrians have fled the country. If Assad did what is necessary to win you would have millions more refugees than currently exist. More people would die. Assad could win, but Syria would be extremely depopulated.

Then we could all rejoice…Assad won, the true lion of Syria won. Moderately secular peace has been restored and disparate groups are living as Syrians again. YAY! We would cheer loudly.

But what happens after that? A depopulated Syria would be much easier for Israel to take over. I guess my point is that even if Assad won on his own terms…he might still lose in the long run. Especially if after he won the global opinion was still against him.

That's why I'm not totally opposed to Trump's strike. I think the absolute best course of action (most realistic but also beneficial) would be a complete destruction of ISIS and then some type of peaceful transition. Assad leaving power, and having some kind of election or power transfer where it's not guaranteed to go to rebel forces. A deal must be made.

Perhaps Trump will tell Assad that he will use the full might of the US military to crush ISIS and the worst of the rebels, but on the condition that Assad voluntarily give up power and work out a transition process.

I know that's not ideal, but civil wars and recoveries from civil wars take lots of time. Even just thinking that, during the aftermath of the civil war Israel could launch a strike, or send a (((terrorist))) into Damascus with a "dirty bomb" or something. Syria has the card's stacked against it. There will never be peace and full reunification under Assad. If Syria wishes to remain Syria and be a counter-weight to Israel they need to establish a peace process and rebuild their nation quickly. Perhaps Trump could assist them in rebuilding structures.

Oh really? Then why this post:

And thus a goon was born.

The interesting thing though is having a very vocal but minority base can still have a real impact on things. Those are the kind of people the general population will see more of openly expressing things wherever it's a bar room or rally. So while this base may not be anywhere as large as Holla Forums imagined, but it certainly has a greater projection of influence per person. That's what I'm counting on more than anything else, and I do think they recognize that issue too.

We still need to keep the pressure on him.

He did and Assad told him to fuck off. Now that he's struck Assad's near empty airfield, Putin and Assad want Trump to remove U.S. troops, which Trump stated he wanted on the campaign funny how that all works huh? Also you do realize Assad is basically just doing mop up work in the less populated areas at this point right? He's less than 6 months out from winning this thing.

just read the last part of your post. Let's say that our main goal is the prevention of Israel from seizing Syrian lands for "Greater Israel".

The best way to do that would be a joint control or protectorate of the country. Something split between Russia and the US and perhaps decent mid-east nations like Jordan or Lebanon. But basically some kind of coalition enforcing the existence of the state until Syrians can fend for themselves again.

One reason the US wants to be involved in Syria, beyond just NeoCohens who want greater Israel, is the belief (likely true) that Iran would have more influence should Assad win.

My guess is that right now Tillerson is going to Moscow to draw up post-Syrian partition plans.

A girl tells you about her hobbies and interests herself, if you get to know her, user. In what world do you live in? You don´t walk up to a girl and ask her if she likes Anime. Hell, i never asked that question at all because i don´t give a flying fuck. I am going to start asking it now though, maybe they all hide it because they are embarassed, but i highly fucking doubt that. They are just no pathetic little virgin weebs,

I'll be honest and say that I did not realize that. I know that Assad has made gains lately and I think that's great. But can you really say he's doing mop-up work?

According to the Syria livemaps you have parts of Damascus that are still under Rebel control

You've been found out goon, go fuck around in the spicer thread, hop Ip's and come back in ten.


Stop talking about anime bullshit and derailing the thread. I know that by posting I'm contributing to your sliding but god damn is it annoying

If "goon" is equivalent to a person that hates the weebposters and their shitty content because of THEM, than yeah, you found me. Congratz. Wasn´t hard. I think you are pathetic.

This could be an easy shilling technique, just trigger the weebs with the truth. I am no shill though, but this knowledge in the wrong hands… Lets all hope JIDF and Shareblue never find out about this.

Taleb made the point that this is an ethnic conflict between Levantine Syrians and Arab Muslims. ISIS commits ethnic cleansing when they take an area. Assad is doing the same. This is also inevitable. Arab Muslims are not productive enough to feed themselves. They can either, starve to death, fight each other or immigrate. I don't want them immigrating so the only options available entail their deaths.

Fuck me…
Look even if you see that Trumps strike on Syria was logical and made perfect sense in your mind it is illogical to suspect that 60% of posters here are suddenly shills. I've read the arguments about how it was all an elaborate plan/ruse and it does appeal to me a lot, at the same time it is disappointing to see all the shill accusations bouncing around at people who are probably not shills.

It kills discussion and turns people away from listening to your logical points as you come across as a fanatic and an idiot. These actions whilst they may be thought out, do appear to most people to be further evidence that Trump is completely unpredictable and that the outcome of another Mossad gas attack is anyone's guess.

Everyone… You do realize that chans are inherently counter culture, they will gradually shift away from republicans while they remain the ruling party. Particularly as they maintain pro censorship policies. 4chan back in 08 flocked to Obama, by 2011 he was fairly well hated. I think that it is best to assess all arguments before calling out someone as being a shill. Smart and intelligent counter arguments are always a better counter for an ideology than accusations of treachery. The main reason why radical leftists have fallen and collapsed is because they have become so aggressive to foreign viewpoints they have become more extreme and alienated themselves. Blatant accusations of shills could well be a shilling tactic.

Sometimes I think that's gradually going to change into becoming its own culture instead, if not already in some respects.

I think he also earned a bit of respect from them.

Thinking bend the knee is retarded. But something changed I believe. Their rhetoric on NK was pretty intense in that editorial some user posted. Bet Xi riked Mar a rago a rot. Probably told him how he got it cheap after no one wanted to use it as a second WH. I bet he was impressed.

This is the make or break for US - Russian relations.
This will either create a new paradigm, or more tension than ever.

Remember, this isn't soviet russia. The difference is political structure shouldn't be an issue, it should be two democratic countries creating a coalition for the revival of Syria.

Balkanization and an enforced union between the balkanized states might be the only option if a technocratic government does not emerge.

Frankly though, there needs to a method of segregation that still allows trade to flow. Perhaps ethnicity needs to be taken into account when a person registers a land deed. Certain areas need to remain homogenous and others heterogenous or "for the state".

We tried natural mixing, it ended up in genocide. The only solution therefore is:

The latter is not an option for us. This is where indoctrinating globalists seeking conversion to their ideology becomes a problem.
Alternatively we can have something between a union of sovereign states and a republic. Something more malleable.

Again, "yugoslavia" comes to mind.

The first rational post I've read so far.

Depending on whether political correctness chokes us still.
Also, Holla Forums is not Holla Forums. The political ideology started random, went right purely on a logical basis.
The only reason for any left swing is purely aesthetic.

Frankly, it will simply mediate between left and right in the future. But only after the left gets rid of political correctness.

Because you've clearly read many.

Why is it so rational?

Cool story bro.

You're trying to fix the culture of inbred mudslimes. They marry their first cousins and have IQs in the 80s. This is as good as they get. They grew beyond their ability to support themselves and have to be culled back. If you believe in evolution and Western culture just let them die. If you think all people are equal then go all the way and become a SJW.

I can keep going you stupid niggers.

That seems to make sense. Just guessing here, but are Levantine Syrians the Alawites and Shia and the Arabs are the Sunni?

If so, a really blackpilled argument might be that the Levantines and the like have already failed. They cannot contain the spread of Islam in their nations. Surely this was the case with Lebanon. All of those areas have been further Arabized due to Palestinian refugees (Jordan being a prime example).

I mean look at Syrians like Assad, Lebanese, or even the King of Jordan and his wife. They all look like white Europeans tbh. Israel plays a massive role in this destabilization, but we cannot deny that it was once some peaceful idyllic place.

The Ottoman empire kept most of the Arabs in check. They were content to live their simple lives. Then oil happened and they got rich as fuck in the gulf states. Then they used their oil money to fund radical religious extremist groups as a way of penance for taking money and working with "le great satan". Because they work with so much money they must deal with Jews, their ancient brethren.

So give us some of them.

Are you unable to read? A girl will tell you about herself. A basic interest like watching anime will come up pretty fast if you want to keep the conversation flowing. Its like you never spoke to a girl in your life.

Pitbulls can be trained :^)
Regardless of their stupidity.

NEVER identify with your government, unless they are actually taking on the Jewish problem.

Okay, so he says that we're not going into Syria.

But here's my question: What exactly is he gonna do in the event of another chemical gas "attack"? Because I have a feeling that this isn't the last attack that's gonna happen, as it seems like this was a false flag, or at least done by the "moderate rebels".

Trump didn't state what he's gonna do if Assad does it again. I'm legit scared that he may go back on his words. He already did something unpredictable what with him bombing the air base in a QUICK retaliation.

I still have trust in Trump, but I'm extremely wary of his next move. I guess at this point it's only speculation though. I'm hoping for the best and will just regard this whole incident as a hiccup for now.

on the plus side, earlier today Putin said he knew of a plan on behalf of opposition forces and/or the US to plant chemical weapons in a damascus suburb and then detonate them and blame them on Assad.

Putin giving voice to this changes things. If they go on with the attack it will vindicate Putin he can say I told you so. If nothing happens then we all wonder whether Putin voicing it prevented it from happening due to cabal's fear of exposure. Either way, it shows Putin still has come cards he can play. If they're able to telegraph or predict upcoming chemical attacks then there wont' be able to be a false flag

I agree, but I also think the Chinese are now trying to reverse engineer that skull fuck so they can do it themselves someday.

Guaranteed, but hey it wouldn't be fun without a competent opponent right?

That is what I'm really hoping for, because it allows Trump to commit back to his campaign promise to deal with ISIS and a greater conflict is averted.

Did CREW start paying junior high kids, or has leddit always been this hellish?
It's not even summer yet

Do you think that is more true for cuckchan or Holla Forums out of interest?

Fair call but at the same time people inherently have a distaste for the ruling parties I believe when they don't live up to expectations. In my experience people who have been reformed to a new outlook tend to be more radical.

We still can't allow actual shills corrupt legitimate discussion.

I've actually got to run out the door. In terms of good arguments on this topic it all depends on who you see as the good guys vs bad guys and if you want an efficient or moral approach to achieving global security.

There is too much unknown in this circumstance. I think politically Trump made an intelligent move but I personally disagree with it and I think most of Holla Forums does as well without jumping through 4D hoops.


The way I read this is that this attack is part of a continuous plan to ensure there is never a clear winner and that the region remains unstable and a useless ulcer to Russia. ISIS winning is bad but so is Assad so plans to keep them in perpetual war is best. Israel and Turkey can slowly carve it up but a direct war by those powers may end the civil war and be bad for them, it has happened before.

I still think Trump is a good choice, better than the rest… But don't kid yourselves, these moves only benefit Israel as much as nice as alternative theories are.


I think Holla Forums is forming its own culture in response to realizing the power of certain concepts and strategies. The more serious atmosphere here compared to what I hear of 4cuck also hints of this; as it means instead of functioning as reactionary force, it could evolve to function as a key player instead.

I wouldn't know about 4chan's development since 2014, haven't really been there lurking since first exodus. From what I hear it's degraded into an uncontrollable mess.

And the Christians. Everyone against the darker skinned Sunni Arabs. They haven't really failed yet. Ethnic cleansing is coming to the entire Middle East and while the Arabs have numbers their culture is pretty shit and they're losing out militarily to Kurds and Persians.

The king of Jordan was installed in Jordan by the Brits for his service against the Turks during WWI. He was originally given Saudi Arabia but they gave that to the Sauds so his family got Iraq and Jordan. The people of Jordan dislike the king because the king is modern and the Jordanian people are all retarded skitskins.

The Turks were hated for their repression. There were often revolts. The whole region has always been a shit hole with constant wars and infighting especially since Islam spread.

Things you have never asked always come up in conversation? You already contradicted yourself, get over it goon. That you're trying to pretend women have varied interests only proves how little in depth interaction you've had with them.

You mean the breed renowned for flipping out and attacking without provocation? When that happens we put them down. And so it is with Islam.

Fuck off nigger.

Good spot. Now you know who is shilling: Everyone who doesn´t at least TRY to remain neutral on the topic, but downright insults everyone who disagrees with him and doesn´t weigh the pros against the cons.

In this stage, it is impossible to really determine what is going on, which is why you shouldn´t get swayed into being demoralized about Trump.

I will never get the point of spamming this shit. If you want to drive shills and thinskinned anons out, why not just post gore?

All you faggots doubting Kek and Trump can go fuck yourselves.
Heresy is punishable by death in the Kek Reich.

Holy shit; is the whole Kek leaving for the summer and returning in September thing a warning about a mass shilling attempt against us during the summer by leftist college kiddies hired by shareblue and/or deepstate CIANiggers?

Are you legit retarded?
I will repeat it for your slow mind: If any of the girls i talked to liked Anime, i would know about it, because personal interests are literally the most common topic during the first few conversations. Unless they hide it, there is no reason to not bring that up, because its a good way to find something you have in common. I never brought it up, because i don´t like Anime, and never did they. Therefore, i conclude, that know girl i ever really got to know likes Anime.
Is that too much to handle for you? Women don´t like your precious weebshit? How will you ever recover?

Literally what?

Nope, you are just a retarded little autist who literally doesn´t understand the real world because he never leaves his moms house. Sad.

I just now actually read through those infographics, I just grabbed them off the thread. Didn't realize they were anti-Kek. The thread concluded that the song that was mentioned in the infographic was basically saying Kek would be absent during the summer and warning to beware false gods during the summer moon (August 21st eclipse) and that Kek would return on September 23rd.

How have i stumbled here, 4ch/pol/ was too shitposty, but this… good god…

Didin't Trump pass eugenics as legal earlier today? I remember a thread about this

8/pol/ is better, but please lurk a bit more before posting.

Is this the part where the 4cucks leave?

A sample size of 0 yields those results. You never asked about a thing you passionately hate? Then you never got past brief casual conversations.

You have no idea how women work. Modern Western Women don't have varied personal interests nor are their interests deep. They mimic whatever a guy they like is interested in. Outside of that situation, the place you find yourself, they will talk about the most popular and bland pop culture. GoT, Walking Dead, Harry Potter, shitty nigger music. They will also talk about their life, especially the emotional parts. Girls will tell you about rape and molestation if you put in a minor ounce of effort and they are attracted to you. Conversations with other girls will revolve around fashion and gossip. Non-single women will talk about their husbands, BFs and children.

Must be tough to be ShareBlue right now, they're trying so hard to just keep a foothold.

Many blind followers of Trump got a good slap in the face with the reality of politics a couple days ago, riding high on victory just made them all True Believers of Trump but now that he went and started shit by bombing Syria out of the blue everyone will actually be more critical of him now. Plus the mods lost their grip so all that bottled up resentment from legitimate users spilled fourth and boiled over, now that it's simmering and the mods can ban everything again (which they are) things will "normalize" in about 1-3 weeks.

Are you, a little sad weeb, implying i never got to know any women?

No one passionately hates Anime, especially not women who just don´t give a fuck about it. Its the degenerate weebposters we hate, Anime is just shit.

t. literal fucking basement dweller

Their interests are just as varied as mens. What is so special about mens interests? The only thing girls don´t really care about is politics, unless you approach sensitive topics like the refugee crisis.

So you are saying they lie, when i ask them about their hobbies, favorite TV-show or whatever?

You are a virgin and your shit doesn´t make sense. End your life, buddy.

Oh yeah, forgot to add:
That is called making you "the emotional tampon", at least that is what a friend of mine who is a PA artist said. They do that to friendzoned [cucked] guys to get rid of their emotional ballast.

In fear of getting drawn into this off topic discussion, I'd just like to chime in to say don't listen too much to PUA "theredpill" type guys. They have some valid observations, but their philosophy is thoroughly tainted by insecurities and bitterness.

We have a strict 2 year lurker policy user. Pls understand. Thankyou for your cooperation.

I don´t know who you are referring to, but this friend of mine specifically gets a lot of pussy. If he is bitter, he sure knows how to hide it. Its nothing compared to the bitterness i encounter on Holla Forums when the topic is moved towards women. I can imagine that this PUA community attracts a lot of frustrated men, but i guess this curse is lifted with success, as long as you don´t revolve your whole life around it.

You speak like a nigger.


I was going to say this confirmed you have never had a real conversation with a woman. Then you said:
Yes, women lie. Yes they fake interest to get close to men they find attractive. I can understand you've never gotten close to a girl, but are you autistic you can't observe their behavior?

You would know that abuse victims are often promiscuous if you knew anything about women. Of the 3 females this happened with, I was inside 2 of these girls shortly afterwards. The other 12 so I didn't fuck her but I suspect she was down for it.

This guy actually knows about women, what a breath of fresh air.

Most girls don't mind anime movies or like them a lot. A vast majority don't care for the virginal anime stuff that is spammed here as an 'anti shill tactic'. You weebs really think someone paid to be here gives a fuck about anime? Same old fucking tactics.

One thing though the 'emotional tampon' is not always used to friendzone, it can also be something you uncover if you're FWB etc. Just talk about pedogate. It comes out every time.

you sound butthurt because it's the truth

anime spam posting is a now useless tactic that shits up the board. post gore if you want to trigger.

No we like it in moderation and don't care about jacking off to it because real pussy is easy and plentiful. god damn fucking virgins go back to 4cuck

I think the reality of the situation is the American people are getting dp skull fucked by Trump and China, the Chinese will help him with North Korea in exchange for nothing changing with the trade situation. The Chinese are the second biggest problem on this planet after the jews.

Fuck the United States and all its allies.

Of course I can't speak to your friends properties. He might have a healthy attitude towards the subject. I'm just saying the field itself is a bit dubious.


I'd agree that Holla Forums is forming more of it's own culture at least up until recently, there's been a serious decrease in the quality of posts, most just resorting to autistic screeching. 4chan I feel with it's more (((multi-cultural))) user base is always destined to just be a counter culture since it's too hard for that many different types of people to form their own culture so they just go against whatever is main stream.

His 'friend' is some PUA he listens to online for advice on how to get laid. He doesn't want to let on that he avidly consumes PUA media because he has no successful interactions with women.

Saved. Maybe now shareblue fags will go back to worshipping their dead cow god in vain.

If you look closely, you will see that i target the posters.

If i go on a date with a girl i met at the club and we talk, she won´t have any reason to lie about anything. We are already on a date.

A man finds a woman attractive because she looks hot. The rest is personality. I am not going to want to fuck a woman because she likes Harry Potter or shopping in High-End boutiques.

Your projecting is sad.

Yeah, but they don´t tell guys about it who they want to fuck, because its the ultimate vibe killer.

You know what gives away a liar? Talking specific numbers on an imageboard.

What? She was 12? Are you creating fantasy stories with little girls now? Goddammit you need to get laid.

This guy fucks (although i still don´t think its a good sign if she tells you about her past abuse experiences)

True, i guess some men go overboard with it and become cruel heartbreakers who value themselves only if they fuck a different woman every weekend.

Sad, so much for the 14 words

Let's dispel with this fiction that Trump doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing.


Yes, following the orders of his jew masters.

But that's wrong, we're already in Syria!

You kinda need to fuck 3D to get children, which you need to do to secure the existence of our people.

Jesus user, can you get more pathetic?

I think some anons like to repress that fact. Imo, you have no right to talk about white genocide if you aren´t going to help preventing it.

Fucking hell, is your next line going to be "man up and marry those sluts"?


Please stop shitposting so hard

I'll believe that if he really stays out of war and renegotiates all the trade treaties like he said. I think the jews bet the farm on China, and their worst nightmare is Trump putting America first in those treaties. Israel will keep gassing Syria, North Korea will keep shooting things into the ocean, and msm will keep making him look weak if he doesn't go to war. The problem is America can't do nonintervention and keep his beloved Israel alive. It would be great if he let China get stuck defending Israel and make Japan our new greatest ally.

not an argument

He's lying, so he's probably also lying about the rest. There's already troops being deployed there, at Jordan border.

I never said you didn't have friends, I said you were trying to conceal you listen to professional PUA. Odd that your mind immediately went there. As if you're desperately trying to conceal that possibility.

Girls who are attracted to a man will lie to please and impress him. I used to find it annoying. Now I feel pity that you've never had a girl that interested in you.
If you're on a date with a girl and she has no interest in pleasing you, that means she doesn't want to see you again. Sad. Your whole definition of success is based on getting a first date. I wonder why that is.
Grossly inconsistent statements.
Pretending to be not mad.
Trying to sound like a complete expert on a subject you obviously know nothing about.
Pretending you don't know much about PUA but being unable to restrain yourself from using their terminology when you want to lob an insult.
Misusing what you learned from a PUA because you don't understand women very well.
Using the club as an example of where you get dates because that's all PUA talk about.

You're like a guy who never had a conversation with a woman and was forced to form his beliefs from movies and television shows.

talking like BFFs forever turned FWB or long long term exes etc in good contact etc…
Most shorter term flings don't mention such shit

US troops were in Jordan training ISIS before they were called ISIS in 2012 and prior… always been there.

Let's be honest, Trump clearly said "I will be the most pro Israel president ever". All he's doing now is following through with that campaign promise. I was shocked at the people on here that chose to ignore his pro Israel stance and his converted jew daughter, personality cults always go bad.

Its not odd, since you have been projecting the entire thread. I don´t listen to a PUA, my friend has read some books about it. You thinking that this friend doesn´t exist makes it seem like you have no friends and project on others.

About their hobbies and interests? Why the fuck would they do that?

I feel pity for you, if girls lie in your face. I can´t think of a lie a girl could tell that would mean anything good.
I once asked a girl if she does sports and she said yes, but later relativised the statement and said that she seldomly goes there. She was under pressure and was wondering if it would kill my attraction for her if she told the truth, but when she relaxed and got to know me she felt the need for honesty. Lies are poison for every relationship or conversation.

Of which i made none, you were just to retarded to understand them.

So far everything you said was bullshit, while i know from first hand experience that what i think and do works.

Which terminology? I called you a cuck with the term "emotional tampon" which i heard from my friend, who is a greek, works out and does PUA. You will have to take my word for it, but you won´t, because you are a distrusting, sad individual.

Didn´t learn anything about it, i am a natural. I am also not "misusing" shit, because i fuck, while you are a triggered virgin.

The club, parties, university and fuck apps like Tinder or the street are literally all the places where you can get a woman, and clubs and parties simply work the best, that is common knowledge.

But you sure seem to know a lot about PUA. Maybe you are taking the projection to a whole new level?

Oh my dear weaboo, when did i say i am not mad? I am mad about the infestation of this board with weebcucks, who spam pedo pics and literally never provide good posts.

Again, end your life, buddy. You aren´t fooling me, i know what your kind is.

You two are some sad fuckers and both will be filtered, however that being said girls will lie to impress you if they like you, it's just something they do, you tell them you're into some hobby or something and they'll say they are too. Women naturally attempt to fit in into whatever social environment they are in, it's part of their biology. Think back to times where women would be traded to different tribes well then they better fit in quickly or they're going to have a bad time.

Since when did we allow Normalfags?

They lie under pressure, but not about basic hobbies and interests they have. Its way to easy to find out that she doesn´t actually have these interests if the dating turns into a relationship. She won´t invent stuff by herself, because that is a really bad start. if she does, its a red flag.

Shills btfo! 1488D chess confirmed.

I think this thread having turned into a discussion about picking up women is a testament to how tired we all are of discussing the Trump issue for now.

The discussion always goes a full circle.

There will never be a full confirmation for any of the narratives until the war starts or its all water under the bridge.


We already have confirmation, there is no war and Trump keeps repeating there's not going to be war

it's over, doubts can start again at some point, but anyone trying to create dissent is shilling

*dissent over this topic

Yeah but you know how the other side will say "its just words"? Well that isn´t going to stop until its all water under the bridge and the media kikes start kvetching about Trump again.

When will he call out the kikes on their false flags?

There's been more deployed recently though, so that's a bad sign.

Well he campaigned for America first, not Israel first. If he was a man of his word, the only involvement in Syria would be some air strikes to help Assad and the russians unfuck the region, and pull out of there ASAP.
Also the whole "Assad must step down" bullshit that's being pushed… WTF is up with that? If the syrians want Assad (and they vote for him), then he has every right to remain president. It's not up to americans or israelis or anyone else to decide that. This reeks of neocon trickery.

Ironically enough, my mom is a bit more 'red-pilled' on many things than my dad, and is actually not opposed to Fascism, on principle. My dad 'understands' why people would dislike Jews but still falls for most of the Jewish tricks. However, my mom will ask questions like 'why do the Jewish people (in the media) do such-and-such?'
Maybe some of it's because she listens to (((Michael Savage))) and was a fan of Richard Nixon when she was a young kid, and that leads to a greater questioning of media narratives, but my dad prefers more 'mainstream' stuff (although he does get a lot of his news from Drudge Report).
I still laugh every time that Sean Hannity talks about the 'Alt-Left' Mainstream Media while he has absolutely no idea what he's even saying, just to 'get back' at them for branding Trump supporters as 'alt-Right'.

You said I was wrong, provided an example that proved I was right, admitted it, then continued arguing against me. Your autism level is truly astounding. I've actually never seen that before.
I mean, you just proved I was correct.
Give us more irrelevant details about your friend who totally exists. You don't seem defensive at all.
Why you mad bro?

He says after he relayed an anecdote about a girl lying about her basic interests and hobbies.
How can it be easy since you said it never happens? After all, women never lie about this. Seriously though, you wouldn't know because you've never had an actual relationship.
It's like watching a hamster think after it realizes it's walked into a trap.

He's just larping as a PUA. He isn't one in real life.

He doesn't want mudslimes getting uppity with chemical weapons because then they might start using them on the West. I'm not sold on the false flag narrative because I don't have trouble believing a Syrian Muslim would do something dumb. Assad can only hold his position thanks to Iran, Hezbollah and Russia. I'm not impressed with his intelligence or judgement. Don't get me wrong, I still prefer Assad to ISIS but having them chip away at each other isn't a bad thing either.

So am I to take away from this that Trump is always a man of his word?

"I will be the most pro Israel president ever"

Trump is only very good at one thing, directing his people. You're cheering like redditors at a promise he's already broken, based on an obvious false flag that's been cemented as truth.

Assad is legit smeared as a gasser of innocent children, get a load of this. You can "reassure" me that there won't be boots on the ground, that the missile attack had negligible effects and the Syrian-Russian response was merely 4D chess. But the narrative against Assad is set, and jewish like the new Trump cabinet.

Cheerleading is the lowest point of politics. Glad to leave it to redditors, who even in imageboards have the mental habit of upvoting each other based on how many anons agree with them. At this moment, I see personally no reason to trust Trump's word until I see Assad actually win against ISIS.

If Trump doesn't go to war over gassed babies, (((they))) definitely will start attacking the states.

Thanks for heads up I'll see what I can dig. Maybe they're training more fake terrorists or prepping for VBIEDs as the war dies down (SOP). They like to keep areas unsettled and destabilised as long as possible with suicide attacks.


True indeed. Other places the battle wages until a victor emerges.
Holla Forums arguments are more slippery than a dripping wet snatch.

Still though if you lay out all the evidence clearly it's obvious Trump is fucking kikes up with most moves..
praises isisrael publicly then goes behind their back in every way possible
fucking ISIS badly not bombing empty desert like king nigger
Russia gets more S300s in Syria with excuse of 'us aggression'. this fucks ISISrael airforce even more if they get pushy or bomb russian assets/troops
- veto'd war against Syria and Iran
- 88D chess to throw media off muh rushha and get kikes 'praising' the action
- TPP kike agenda fucked
- Constantly plays kikemedia to get them to expose themselves. E.g. 'you don't report terror attacks' gaffe
- Orders FBI investigation of holohoax call bomber with help from NZ police to pinpoint the hoaxes came from ISISrael itself
- ICE kicking out shitskins (less race mixing kike agenda)
- Called out kikeplans in Sweden and bought huge attention to this issue which media had been burying
- Record pedowood/pedogate busts 2000 so far in a few months!? ffs was 400 last year
- Playing chess with Russia/Syria pre-warned attacks/23 of 50 million dollar cruise missiles hitting anything (5 planes, radar booth and some misc BS) and focusing on NK so Iran is left alone for a while during critical Syria phase
- got china to bend the knee (less WW3 chance now)
- Ignoring the pre-canned kike script for holocoaster remembrance day which pissed them off and instead saying this
>In the name of the perished, I pledge to do everything in my power throughout my Presidency, and my life, to ensure that the forces of evil never again defeat the powers of good.
They gave trump a tallit which pisses kikes off as they have to treat a christian like a jew. KEK
- Bannon hates kikes and is on record putting them down
- Roy Cohn, Trumps mentor = a faggot jew who hates fags and kikes and is on record putting them down bigly
- basically calls up jews around NYC and puts them in their place
- made his $ in heavy jew territory, he knows how to beat hem and is wise for their tricks

>b-b-but seriously goys guys h-h-he's a zionist kike puppet!!! I swear! H-h-hillary would've been bedda, would've wiped syria terror state off the map and iran!11! They're so dangerous to ISISrael
hand rubbing intensifies

p.s. virgin faggots; use this sort of anime if you have to

No you don´t, dumb fuck. It was techniqually not a lie, because she had a gym membership, she just didn´t use it often. She didn´t make shit up like saying "Yeah i totally watch Anime" which would be easily disprovable later on. She didn´t invent something to cause attraction, because it doesn´t work that way, but responded to a question in a misleading manner to prevent my attraction to her from dying. There is a significant difference between that.

That is called a rhetoric generalization.
Its unusual and women who do will be mentally unsound. Everything happens, they might also kill you on your first date. You can still say that women don´t kill people on their first date.
I repeat:

That is right, i am not a PUA. Never claimed to be one.

Besides trying to put my statements out of context and cropping them up, like you did in your first post i don´t really see any arguments in your post.

Everything you said about women is still false and bluepilled, like claiming womens interests aren´t varied, basically saying
which is the classic frustrated virgin MGTOW narrative.
You are still part of the weaboo cancer and you still haven´t convinced me that you ever touched a vagina in your life, let alone sticked your penis in one.

You're going through hoops to avoid admitting you're wrong and also justify a woman's lying to you. This is what beta cucks do.
I'm not pulling statements out of context, you're a mass of contradictions because your statements are not based on experience with women. You put women on a pedestal and refuse to really see them. This leads to confusing statements about things women DON'T do, with backtracking when you consider what you would do if a woman DID do that. Because everything you say is a hypothetical. You have minimal experience with women and no serious relationships. Your insults betray your insecurities.
Friendless, virgin.
> i don´t really see any arguments in your post.
Because you're a retard desperately hoping that strangers on an anonymous site don't realize you're a loser who has never had a date. Even the people who want to take your side feel compelled to tell you where you're wrong about women. The jigs up, we all know you're clueless. Everything you've said rings false to anyone who has ever had contact with a flesh and blood woman.

I wouldnt go to syria.
Because Syria is no longer Syria.
Syria is no longer syria.

Trump really just had to tell the truth, and expose false flag for what it is. Then any false flag on western soil could be more easily exposed and the real perpetrators punished.
Speaking of which, he still hasn't addressed 9/11, a supposedely tragic event where he lost many friends. And yet this would have been a good opportunity to bring up the subject…

You mean addressed the muslism Americans he saw celebrating afterwards?

Look more into this subject

Reason trump had to act was twofold.
One: to keep UNiggers out of Syria - boom, they already been attacked, it's over, done now. Few planes and a radar booth 'wew lads'.
Two: they leaked Trump tower floor plans on kikemedia last week
That is a typical shlomo threat. It's how they operate, threaten openly but not obviously via media. No way to miss it and no way to tell who the message is from, other than the recipient who knows…

40 minutes and this is all you can come up with?

Let me remind you:
You are going to these lengths, because i said that 10/10 women don´t like Anime or give no fucks about it, and no woman i ever met and/or dated ever mentioned she likes Anime or watched it.
You are really THIS insecure about your weebshit, that you try to justify this by saying "b-but all women lie" which basically gives away what you really think: That Anime is embarrassing and that women don´t tell men about this stigmatizing interest of theirs.

How are you not a virgin beta cuck?
Be happy that i shared my knowledge with you and learn something for once. Or just crawl back in your sewer. Your Animepictures mirror your worldview: They are detached from reality.

But my fellow drumf supporters who hate drumf now told me that drumfowitz is a puppet. And they called me a chess cuck too!


You can drop dated, we all know that never happens.

The dancing israelis who were filming the whole event like they had foreknowledge of the attack, but were never fully investigated and simply shipped back to Israel. Those trails need to be re-opened. Does Trump have the guts to do this, or is he too much in bed with them?

He has the best security money can buy. Just some floor plans isn't going to do much, unless the assault is by special forces.

Oh, the poor thing recoils like a beaten dog. Watch out before i fuck your sister.

Fair point but it's info that I wouldn't want my enemies having (detailed plans anyway)…
Can't do much about a concrete mixer/container truck full of anfo blowing out all the columns on one side of the building where it may be weakest… or knowing where to target with an ATGM/missile etc….

Nice to see we are back to the delusions Trump is secretly Hitler, after he's framed Assad for the sake of ISIS.

No I meant the muslims that were celebrating after the towers came down.

Get out shareblue


WTF, now i love Blumpfkinstein again!!!

I hear there's rumours that Trump was given fake intel.

Put that together with CIA's statement that they "told him not to shoot syria" I think we're seeing sabotage of Trump by the CIA or else another sector of government intelligence.

Good Video weighing the chess argument against the possibility of war.


They really are trying to force that meme aren't they.

If he was given fake intel then all this situation can become easily explained.
But we need proof of it. I only heard rumours on mainstream social media about it.

It would make sense because Trump knowing it was fake all along, (who the fuck doesn't know about the other 4 incidents in prior years) can use the false flag to fuck CIAniggers and media and internal staff with it.
I hope in time we will see this piece of the strategy game play out.

What will Trump's response be when it is proven that the gas attack by Syria was not Assad gassing his own people?

One more proof that Trump is Not the God Emporer

You're probably part of some sort of D&C shilling operation, but literally this.
Unfortunately, the Jews of Asia (Koreans) have taken over many of the large anime studios nowadays, with predictable effects.

So what are you going to do, if he gets "baited" again user? Rationalize it with 1488D chess or handwave it as external influence?

At most, I can call this a fuckup and not an outright betrayal. Also considering he's got a cabinet that's like the knesset.

Even if the intel was real, conducting a missile strike in Syria is just as stupid.
Trump's emotional nature, his kind heart, and his propensity to listen to his daughter all backfired on him.

Hurr Durr. Don't you know he's playing 4D chess? Hurr Durr. Go back to Reddit Shill.

Trump knowing its fake.
Trump calling Assad a Butcher and a Barbarian

Pick one, fool.

The flaw in your logic is that a God Emperor cannot be deceived like this. If that is the route you want to take, then you admit Trump is basically an idiot who makes knee-jerk reactions based on false intel. Is this really the kind of President you want in charge of the military?

I usually lurk, but I'm a casual.
What is Holla Forums's general stance on "Going into Syria"?
I know Trump made it a campaign point not to, as opposed to Hillary who talked about bombing Assad iirc.
Would you support it if Trump supports it? Or would you be dissappointed if he played the neocon game? Or do you trust him to do an actually good job on Syria instead of just neoconning the shit up?

t. not CIA

Our general stance is that Trump is not one of us, because any one of us would never have done this. But I'm just a shill, so maybe you should ask someone else.


You make a legitimate-sounding argument, but you're kind of an idiot.
In other words, even if he needed to murder the entire 12% of the population who didn't vote for him, that would still leave a lot of Syrians left, especially if you account for those refugees who left of their own accord.

I am one who believes that Assad is a good man trying to retain control of his nation who is under attack from all sides. I don't want the U.S. fighting any more wars for Israel. I believe the "gas attack" was either a false flag or the Syrian military bombing a terrorist facility and accidentally releasing the gas. Trump acted foolishly and recklessly and damaged his own credibility enormously, hence you see such a huge backlash against him over this. Trump should keep this in mind: fucking over your base who put you in office is never a good idea.

Trump was and is a SYMBOL, more than anything, of White solidarity.
Just because he associates with Jews, has Jews married into his family, says that he 'fully supports Israel', and seems to now be on the verge of initiating another war of regime change for Israel does NOT mean that Holla Forums supports any of those positions! We're not a bunch of mindless sheep and drones.
The ones who do seem like that are almost surely paid Kike shills being opportunistic.


Well that just about settles it then, doesn't it. Anyone who is a friend of Lucky Larry, the guy who scored big on 9-11, cannot be one of us. Never forget Building 7.

Objective beauty goes against everything they believe. That's why they always only like stories with ugly characters because it makes them feel better about themselves.


As someone who wasted far too much of his life playing chess, I should let you know a few things:
1. Chess is quite possibly one of the most
of activities! The vast majority of world chess champions and high-rated players have been Jewish down through the years.
Bobby Fischer, in his later years when he became a 'self-hating Jew', actually began to hate chess.
Vladimir Putin's chief opposition in Russia currently is the Jewish grandmaster Garry Kasparov.
2. Chess is addictive; it limits and warps your worldview to only 64 black-and-white squares; it's not good for your physical health or social well-being; and it's literally WORSE THAN ANIME when it comes to making you sexually attractive to females (although of course the overlap between chessfags and animefags is quite strong, and I should know, because I fit both of those labels).
3. Chess is also very popular among niggers. The average person playing chess in the U. S. is actually probably either a Kike or a nigger in Central Park, NYC.
4. Boxing, the sport that Hitler revered among any other, or football (soccer), or baseball, or hockey, etc. (as well as marksmanship, outdoor activities) are the true pastimes of the White man.
I can't believe that no one has mentioned this yet.
tl;dr–as someone who's gotten way too into (((chess))) in the past, avoid it like the plague. This constant 'chessmaster' analogy used to justify Trump's actions and policies that go against our interests stinks to high heaven of Kike shills. They're probably literally playing chess with each other as they laugh their asses off at us from Tel Aviv.

*deep sniff*

What about Manbij village recently? Turkey was trying to reach Manbij with its tanks and forces, along with ISIS - that was stopped by Russian and US forces together, in order to aid the Kurds. They were 80km in Syrian territory.

Sorry but you need to go back or lurk more, if you think there is no high level collusion between many parties involved.

The shit-tier level of damage from 23/50 missiles even hitting anything is pretty obvious alone.

Chess was born in India and was upgraded in mediterranean Europe.
Also, it's been used here as a symbol of thinking about the consequences of your actions so ahead of your oponent that they'll never realize they are defeated until it's way too late. Trump has achieved this time and again.

8 years of suffering :DDDDD

Yeah, I remember that exact quote about prosecuting clinton! Wait, no I don't… I guess i'm not a big enough faggot to just pull shit out of my ass in order to shill for leftypol dickniggers.

you know trump probably knows that the US can't get away with the necessary civilian collateral damage required to wipe the country clean of ISIS, but russia can, because they're already the "bad guys".

pretty brilliant really

I think it may be impossible to save Trump now. They are beginning to call his tweets "CIA", and Russia went full anti-Trump with all their paid media (Including paid posts). I honestly think Russia decides if Trump has his base supporters, or not.

Russia giveth, and Russia taketh away. I call it now. You will see everything crumble to dust. Trump will lose support quickly.

Good luck if you still support Trump, cause it will get harder, and harder.

shill pls leave, your game is up.

You sure don't like even thinking about your candidate being locked up, huh, shill?

Still pushing your "Russia manipulated the elections" angle, I see. Well it won't fucking work. Holla Forums has the ability to choose if we support him and we do it based on how he acts, not your shilling.

Not a shill, Its just that I voted for Trump and believe he is a good guy with good intentions. My point is that in time, my opinion is on the losing battle.

I can tell when the wind has began to blow in the opposite direction.


the next 4 years if all goes well

4d confirmed

Majority opinion here will dictate the future of the site. I'm simply saying it will turn anti-Trump. Whether you think Russia plays no part in it is fine with me. My only point is that it is a losing battle if you still support Trump.

Trump is done. Do people honestly not feel the winds of change? Do people honestly think things will remain the same? No.


obvious shill is obvious

Im fine if I'm proven wrong. I actually hope Trump isn't abandoned by his base, but we will see. Calling me a shill is pointless. Letting time decide who is right is all we have left.

You just can't help yourself can you?

King's Gambit > Englund's Gambit

I have some Trump supporters like that too.

You cofound the outcome with the attribute…it is rather a conflict between poor Arabs and rich Levantine Syrians after a drought hit Syria from 2006-2011, leading to a massive migration of Arabs from farming land to outskirts of cities to look for jobs - which they could not find.

Therefore the conflict is as always poor vs. rich, while the attribute of the poor is that they were Arabs and not the other way around

Would be funny if those same people were unironic NatSoc LARPers, I think. If they lived back then, then they would probably be screaming at the tops of their lungs for days and days over the Haavara Agreement.
There is no such thing as the "Perfect Game" in politics. Everybody has to ride on faith at least once, or else they're gonna have a bad time.

Even I wouldn't go that far. Trump's not perfect, nor does he always have our best interest in mind.

Trump is just useful to us, but not sure how long before he is completely demonized by shills.

Absolutely this, and not just in politics. It describes one of the core problems of western societies lately, we have faith in N O T H I N G and this is why most of the things are falling apart and we can 'lose' even to subhumans; just because they have some faith in something left.

This is exactly the way I feel about it.

Someone's parents never taught him what loyalty means.

Someone's parents never taught him that loyalty should be to his race and not to one person.

He got the nuclear codes
fuck off shit for brains

>If I still support Trump after his Syria bombing I am disloyal to my race


Perhaps if you change it to species it might make more sense, hippie.

Any chance of OP being correct is now blown the fuck out.

"A large convoy of U.S. military vehicles were pictured making their way from Turkey to their new base in the predominately Kurdish town of Kobani in northern Aleppo.

Satellite imagery caputred on Wednesday showed several military vehicles en route to the newly constructed U.S. base in southern Kobani.

While the base is still finished, satellite imagery from April 11th shows that the installation is almost complete after months of construction in northern Aleppo."

Gulf 3 is starting and trump is a failure of a president.

I'm not loyal to Trump. I'm simply a current supporter that finds him useful. I would hate for that usefulness to go to waste.

I don't feel Trump has abandoned whites, but rather is better than what the Democrats offered; whites voted for Trump because he better understands our interests. Getting upset because he isn't as friendly to Russia at this point, is your own lack of focus on race.

It seems you both don't understand me, and you clearly are opposite of each other.

You'd never believe the truth, fucking kikes.


Why Israelis are Happy about Trump's Missile Strike

Israeli Leaders offer Wall-to-Wall Praise for U.S. Strike on Syria

Benjamin Netanyahu: I support Trump's Decision to bomb Syria

Netanyahu doubles Down on Support for 'Moral' U.S. Strike on Syria

Sunni Arab States and Israel welcome U.S. Strikes on Syria Air Base

Israeli Minister: Syria Strike repositioned America as Regional Leader

Pence tells Netanyahu: U.S. appreciates Israel's Support for Syria Strike

Netanyahu, Israeli Lawmakers call for Removal of Syrian Chemical Weapons

All the recent turn of event leaded me to the conclusion that Trump, is a huge faggot.
You're triggered? Too Bad.

So this thread is where all the kikes went apparently.

Looks like I hit a nerve there to some of you disloyal traitors.

hakenkreuz glue, I see you. Well done, you fit right in perfectly. I never would suspect you were a shill.

You forgot Trudeau.

Nice try faggot

Oy Vey he's a kike ZOG Pawn Fucking boss. That is a dominant handshake position. Speaks volumes of this situation that you disloyal, roach-like, ship jumping faggots can't even comprehend.
They're eating out of his hand while it just got harder for them to do anything. .

Thank God more anons get this.

Yeah this was Trump doing politics and it worked out for him politically. It rustled the jimmies of the "alt-right" e-celebs and some of his "Jew-wise" supporters though. If he is indeed still working independently and not controlled by the Jews and neocons shabbos goy that surround him, he needs to let the Mossad/deep state know that if they try any more false flags, he's not going to take the bait. I knew Trump was going to eventually upset the people that actually thought he was going to be principled in the way he goes about running the country. I suspected he was going to be machevellian and unpredictable at times and some of his supporters were going to get ass blasted or at least blackpilled temporarily. He needs to really pull something off within the next week that shows the supporters he pissed off that he's still on thier side and not a Jew-puppet. I suspect he will.

I think Trump will act in the best interest of America, even if that means war. Even if the war is for $. Trump is a businessman after all.

Sometimes Israel will want the same thing, sometimes they won't. We can't decide everything based on their interests (always doing opposite) We decide based on our own.

Yes that's true and is generally my stance on the right America first foreign policy. Sometimes Israel and America's best interest will be the same. However, you can't have fanatical zionists calling the shots in America because they manipulate our interests into anything anti-Israel is by default anti-America.

You might as well start posting nigger or cuck shit you got saved to your computer you degenerate. We know you understand that.

Agreed. That is a reasonable reply.

America First ≠ Always Anti-War

I don't think Trump is trying to go against America's interests, but he is kind of naive. The fact this all seems to have kicked off as Bannon was sidelined for his daughter and her Jewish husband is the largest reason for concern.
US gains nothing from destabilizing Syria.

who are these boys?

t. Donald Blumpfkinstein

I think the problem is that the US and Russia both want power, and their interests at times will conflict. They will actively oppose each other for control. The military industrial complex is also a driving factor. $ in general.

But Trump isn't likely going to remove Assad, and the bombing in Syria causing the further flood of refugees (further destabilizing) is on Assad and Russia at the moment. Just being accurate, though this is an unpopular viewpoint.



Actual discourse? Fuck, all right. I need something explained without being a hyperventilating faggot. Couldn't find it in thread.

Trump has no problem saying Obama wiretapped his ass, Hillary needs to be in jail, Rosie is a fat pig, etc. The guy gives zero fucks. So why continue to lie about Assad?

During the conference today, the Syrian Rep put Israel on blast for the whole world to see who benefits from this shit.

He can not put boots on the ground, he can not fund another FSA/Al-Qaeda "civil uprising" (can't wait for those threads), and it doesn't matter to me. The real damage from the strike was continuing the bullshit narrative, which hasn't stopped.


dont you ever talk about alex jones or my water filters ever again

My cake wasn't fully baked when you jumped to conclusions. I think I'm more on your side than not? Somewhere in the middle maybe? Read the rest of my posts.

I do have a trollish nature though. Just maybe not the kind you troll you're looking for.

Radical Agenda EP287 - Gassed

LOL this episode of Radical Agenda is comedy gold, especially when Chris Cantwell comments the cuck excuse of Sean Spicer.

What the fuck is this shit?
The death metal. The guns everywhere. The vape. The energy drinks everywhere.

This guy means serious business.

Come on guys, give me a hand here

Non-native American English.

You are not part of a "we" here.

You're an idiot.
Inclusivity =/ exclusivity
Nice bait. Chess explicitly trains you to see beyond momentary action and plan for the whole game in advance. Every move brings out a subsequent set of alternative counter/proactive mobilization. Each alternative enables the individual to peer beyond the representation into the possibility of formation. It's a good standard for getting into game theory and it acts as a solid buffer in helping one think critically, both of which are too sadly underused in this day and age.
Bullshit. It's great for your mental health.
1/10 made me respond.


As someone who actually reads the whole thread I need to fucking stop, what a timesink, this weeb shit needs to stop. I never liked it, but I'm willing to accept smugs posted FOR GOOD REASON. But look at it. Look at the front page RIGHT FUCKING NOW. Literal one-word shitposts with 4+ smugs. Why? If that shit isn't blatant attention whoring, I don't know what is.

Manufactured narrative. Only popped up recently due to the whole Holla Forums fiasco.
Except it's never actually been board culture. Holla Forums, even on 4chan, has been about the discussion of politics and recent events. If you wanted that shit, /a/ was right next door.
This particular chan was created as a response to 4cuck censoring gamergate threads and basically shutting down Holla Forums (again). After a certain time period of activating the samson option, people decided to jump ship due to massive hotpocket activity.
All the weebs I've met have been socially and physically inept in one way or another. This includes the women. They were also into every degenerate thing possible - furrydom, MLP, LGBTWTFBBQ, etc. It's all bottom-barrel trash, and unfitting for a proper National Socialist.
See, it would be fine if the anime posted was something meaningful or even decent. However, most of it is mecha/moeshit/loli. Trash.
Fuck off back to /r9k/, you fucking dysfunctional waste of resources. You better pray we don't activate Action T4 when the new Reich comes.

I would polite sage due to the inherent derail of this post, but this shit is stickied anyway.

As someone who actually reads the whole thread I need to fucking stop, what a timesink, this weeb shit needs to stop. I never liked it, but I'm willing to accept smugs posted FOR GOOD REASON. But look at it. Look at the front page RIGHT FUCKING NOW. Literal one-word shitposts with 4+ smugs. Why? If that shit isn't blatant attention whoring, I don't know what is.

Manufactured narrative. Only popped up recently due to the whole Holla Forums fiasco.
Except it's never actually been board culture. Holla Forums, even on 4chan, has been about the discussion of politics and recent events. If you wanted that shit, /a/ was right next door.
This particular chan was created as a response to 4cuck censoring gamergate threads and basically shutting down Holla Forums (again). After a certain time period of activating the samson option, people decided to jump ship due to massive hotpocket activity.
All the weebs I've met have been socially and physically inept in one way or another. This includes the women. They were also into every degenerate thing possible - furrydom, MLP, LGBTWTFBBQ, etc. It's all bottom-barrel trash, and unfitting for a proper National Socialist.
See, it would be fine if the anime posted was something meaningful or even decent. However, most of it is mecha/moeshit/loli. Trash.
Fuck off back to /r9k/, you fucking dysfunctional waste of resources. You better pray we don't activate Action T4 when the new Reich comes.

I would polite sage due to the inherent derailment of this post, but this shit is stickied anyway.

b-but user…. why so mad?

As someone who actually reads the whole thread I need to fucking stop, what a timesink, this weeb shit needs to stop. I never liked it, but I'm willing to accept smugs posted FOR GOOD REASON. But look at it. Look at the front page RIGHT FUCKING NOW. Literal one-word shitposts with 4+ smugs. Why? If that shit isn't blatant attention whoring, I don't know what is.

Manufactured narrative. Only popped up recently due to the whole Holla Forums fiasco.
Literal nip cartoons. Pic related, real European beauty.
Except it's never actually been board culture. Holla Forums, even on 4chan, has been about the discussion of politics and recent events. If you wanted that shit, /a/ was right next door.
This particular chan was created as a response to 4cuck censoring gamergate threads and basically shutting down Holla Forums (again). After a certain time period of activating the samson option, people decided to jump ship due to massive hotpocket activity.
All the weebs I've met have been socially and physically inept in one way or another. This includes the women. They were also into every degenerate thing possible - furrydom, MLP, LGBTWTFBBQ, etc. It's all bottom-barrel trash, and unfitting for a proper National Socialist.
See, it would be fine if the anime posted was something meaningful or even decent. However, most of it is mecha/moeshit/loli. Trash.
Fuck off back to /r9k/, you fucking dysfunctional waste of resources. You better pray we don't activate Action T4 when the new Reich comes.

I would polite sage due to the inherent derailment of this post, but this shit is stickied anyway.

Sorry, Nips are the only ones promoting völkisch ideals in their media. There is an entire trend of "cities are shit, go back to the country and embrace traditional ways of living" anime.

Holy fuck I just realized I triple posted. Fix this shit, codemonkey, you halfbreed fuck.

This seems like cherrypicking. There's incredible amounts of trash Anime out. If you can cherrypick good anime, then you can probably cherrypick good movies if you looked around. Old TV shows (before the Rural Purge) are sometimes good as well.
Death to those who watch modern TV though

hang yourself already

user, I hate to break this to you, but just because the painting style is more realistic it doesn't make the woman in it real.

In the words of our favorite mischling,

I was making a point of comparing apples to apples there. How is comparing shitty nip paintings to HD photography a fair comparison?

if you could actually understand zipperheadanese you could see how degenerate and mindless most of the programming is. and on such a fast decline in the past decade.

If that's cherrypicking, then your attack on anime is nothing more than cherrypicking the sub-par stuff. You're free to bring in examples of contemporary Western media that promote traditional values, if you can find any.

If you want to compare apples to apples, you're going to have to use Western animation as the source.


I've hung around enough weebs to understand that the wholesome stuff is not popular. If the good anime is not popular, then that means there isn't a high demand for it. Which inversely means that there isn't too large of a supply. Therefore, picking the good stuff is cherrypicking.
By the same train of thought, the good and wholesome Western media isn't in high demand. That means there isn't a large supply. Therefore, it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Just that its hard to find - aka cherrypicking. A lot of the good stuff is old.
I don't typically like animation, but if that's the case then I'm going to go with the Disney movies that were actually made by Disney, like Fox and the Hound or Song of the South.
That said, animation is kind of a bad genre to judge it by, due to its inherent target audience. Only recently did cartoons start being tailored to adults, with abysmal results.

6,000,000D chess

Cherrypicking isn't about proportion, it's about ignoring certain things in order to establish a false premise. The idea that "anime is degenerate shit" only works if you cherrypick by ignoring that there is anime that has amazing art, others with great animation, some with masterful storytelling, and still others that promote virtuous ideals. Hell, you get that entire package in Mob Psycho 100, which was pretty popular.

Is there even a single good and wholesome thing to come out of Western media in the past year?


sage because I forgot last time

We all know it, man. Only thing you can do is mirror them their unrealistic view on women, their degenerate fetishes and their shitty posting behaviour by calling them out.
Just keep speaking out against it.
The jews also weren´t gone in one night in the Reich.

Trump also said that Assad could stay barely a week ago and did a 180 on that in the course of a few days, at this point you are foolish to take anything from the administration at face value.


read the briefs from Tillerson's meeting with Lavrov and Putin. Communication channels are opened back up so US and Russian planes don't accidentally come into conflict.

US and Russia agreed to work together to defeat ISIS and ensure a stable future for Syria.

Russia did not back down on it's support of Assad or admit what the US is saying about chemical weapons.

So it's still somewhat of a stalemate, but Trump did not succeed (if he was really trying) in getting Russia to renounce Assad.

Tillerson speaking with Russians today was good. They also agreed to form an ongoing dialogue committee to work through our differences in the name of cooperation.

Feels good not to be a fuckin' retard/10

Holy shit my ID
Top kek lads

U.S. forces already in Syria, also Israel attacked Damascus again.
Pics from 13.03.2017



Same place, south of Kobani in Syria. New images show large convoy of trucks carrying military vehicles.

I guess I believed the jewish twitter again. Well shame on me. Doesn't change the fact that the US attacked Deir Ezzor.
I'm not anti Trump, just pointing out that the president of the US is just for show. Real player is the hidden hand.

best article on what's happening :

and let me tell you, it's a lot to swallow

great screencap. It's like wrestling. Or Jiu-Jitsu. You don't just fight back with all your might. As your enemy comes for you, you fall back as if you are being taken down but then you use the enemies momentum to your own advantage.

this place is overrun with JIDF Trump shills

I'm inclined to believe this man. Aren't you also inclined to believe this man from the power and truth of his argument? Witness this, truly, something Stefan "The Final Argument" Molyneux would be proud of.

Good meme. What a sentence.
I'm having flashbacks now

You lazy fuck, that's the general rule everywhere. People are not going to spoon-feed you. Go back to Reddit.

I cannot understand how people can still worship this guy. All that's left for him to go back on is the wall.

Smug anime girls are better than you faggots posting landwhales and calling them "hot".

Cartoons don't help replenish the White birthrate you pathetic faggot.

it would be fucked up to worship him. I still support him though. So far we haven't had an invasion in Syria, we have a conservative supreme court justice (this alone makes him better than hillary). Deportations are increasing. The Wall will be built do not worry.

Trump is still a massive good goy faggot.
I can't tell if he legitimately believes this shit or if he's just caving into Israeli interests.

Ever thought it's much more complicated than your feeble mind can imagine? Lurk moar faggot.

and retards on here will still defend this orange jew. really tickles the pre frontal cortex

I honestly hope so! I am not a super fan of trump, but between the two, he was the (sadly) better choice. Let's pray he does the right thing: many lives are at stake here…

also, song for this thread:

No, he made a wrong decision regardless of what kind of chess he's supposedly playing.

You make me laugh.


He said the direct opposite.

I love that this has had the side effect of improving Holla Forums. Remember when the mods were banning people for any criticism at all of Trump? I was banned for ages for posting Trump's pro-Israel tweets.


TOLD your stupid asses for fucking months. And now I'm taking the big fucking dick of "told you so" and smacking you in your stupid bitch face with it because that's what you fucking need. You need some god damned humility. YOU WERE WRONG. YOU FUCKED, YOU FUCKED UP,


Cruz would have been a better candidate. I'm just glad that this has split people enough on Trump that if you started banning people for criticizing him again you'd kill the fucking board. EAT IT. We need to remove Ivanka and Kushner, from what I've read they're the problem, they're trying to pull Trump to the left. How can we pressure them out of the picture?

Virtually every issue I had with Trump during the campaign (the women's health care thing) came from Ivanka, though yes I did still vote for him because he was -and still is- better than Hillary.

Remember when you aut-right faggots were screaming that he was the god emperor and above criticism and you were going to destroy anyone who criticized or ran against him? AND NOW YOU'RE CALLING HIM A JEWISH PUPPET. I guess that makes you a cuckservative, eh Cernovich? Fuck you. Fifty fucking missiles in an empty warehouse was all it took to expose you as the hypocritical faggots you are. EAT SHIT, FUCKING CHEW ON IT.

Holy shit, you Ratofags are still around?

If Trump starts going all warhawk what are you guys gonna do? Just sit there and take it?

We called him the God Emperor in a tongue in cheek fashion. Trump is not Augustus, hell Trump isn't even Mark Antony.

Trump is Caesar, and we all know what Caesar turned out to be, aside from a dagger riddled corpse.

Actually, I think Trump is much more like the Gracchi, or maybe Marius. I think we're in the first steps of the fall of the republic, not the endgame



there is no "better candidate", the problem is democracy itself. what we get (these slimey, retarded and corrupt elites) is the result of democracy.

Trump isn't the type of person to break under pressure, bend maybe but not break. If the theory of him truly being blackmailed by the deepstate are true; I honestly believe he is biding his time to turn the tables on them. If you've kept up with Trump since the 80's from videos, news reports, various articles; you would know he isn't weak willed and easily taken advantage of. He knows the score, he understands what we're up against, if anyone is capable of dealing with it; it's him. If you truly researched and understood the man; you would know that the "1488D chess" memes aren't far from the truth, the guy kind of wrote a book about it.

If history rhymes, America is going to become some weird combination of Weimar Germany and the Roman Republic right before the fall happens. I just hope Trump is able to overcome and give us some more time.

Conniving population, rich stealing wealth from middle class, bread/circus obsessed lower class, incredible political violence that gets explained away like it's nothing, no spirit of the law followed or believed in, fake gridlock on issues to benefit the ruling class, high-stakes backroom consensus dealing common, periodic charismatic strongmen who immediately get turned by the ruling class or turned on by the people, expanding population of different cultures, periodic sponsored mob violence, political connections determining class

Nation that only respects power and honor stripped of both, degenerating culture, money system manipulated and highly corrupted, many women openly selling themselves as 'girlfriends' to make ends meet, class mobility gone, unfair and hateful characterization of nation by other nations, openly dysfunctional government, open hatred and zeal for the destruction of the nation by a class of radicals, low level street wars, limping/recovering economy (then completely destroyed by a depression from another nation)

(A couple of these look like they are coming soon, maybe.)

Your opinion has not much more basis than religious faith at this point. I wouldn't discard it entirely but wouldn't count on it either. We have to take responsability and action into our own hands now. Electing this clown was the best troll the world has ever seen anyway, there was no other course - but it's time for plan B now.

Child level shilling. Fuck off faggot.


69th dimensional boggle master wins again

Keep worshipping Trump all the way along to Zion while calling everyone else a shill, you piece of shit. I hope your family gets raped by a pack of wild niggers, maybe you'll be too busy at the Trump altar to give a shit about that too, cuck.

Good try goy Israelite.
Stop being dumb as a pack of down syndrome albino niggers.
There is more to this than face value.
Learn2think nignoramus faggot

Assadbraham Lincoln

Let this poor user be an example of how terrible shareblue really is.

Neither 3dpd woman. Unless five decades of social "progress" and "rights" are undone, kick non-whites,re-introduce the importance of pareting into the mainstream mind, having more than two kids to becomes the norm and discourage race-mixing. Not counting the political and economic steps needed to make this viable.
Its a lil harder than just "knock up a bitch" and needs more thinking about the long run.
Thanks, Boomers.

This user gets it. Even christian women are becoming a problem.

Listen man, make this easy for yourself and just get in the fucking oven already.

Literally schizophrenic.

give it up schlomo. You got outjewed with Syria.

Yeah, I sure got bamboozled, trump sure is a genius playing on a level we can't even comprehend. He's still on our side :^)


It's boomer Christians

There's no reason to abanndon Trump, but at the same time we should be catious about optimism.

I got a little bit scared of what happened, I admit but I thought about waiting a bit before giving my opinion. I'm really glad that things have turned out well, but at the same time I prefer to hold my enthusiasm a bit and wait for the situation to develop further.

We have no way of knowing what will happen, but I still hope that Trump will do the right thing.

I prefer to withold my judgement, and wish for the best, but for now, I'm beoming more hopeful.

That stupid passive aggressive sarcasm crap doesn't do you any good. Its a weak replacement for actual arguments.

I'm just giving you the amount of seriousness you deserve. You're a joke, you're a cuckold. You're stuck in the mindset that Trump can do no wrong and everything he does is to somehow outplay everyone else.

The fact of the matter is that even if you explain away his actions, he's still compromising himself, he's giving the leftists and MSM what they want, he's caving in and making piss poor excuses for it.

Give me an excuse to trust in him again, his excuses for this shit is insulting our intelligence; Trump knows it's bullshit and so do we.

Thread on end chan tried to claim that the US and ISIS were jointly taking out a chemical depot.
But I didn't read that from the article (pretty tired tbh)

Let's just hope he doesn't become a Caracalla.

I honestly think we're seeing the beginning of a global empire with figurehead "emperors" over the segregated regions.
It's clearly a technocratic global system that is forming.

Nationalism didn't stop it, it was just absorbed, a new trait to the "garden".
The only issue is that it's still "no homogenous" biased. It also lacks an arbiter or mediating central control system.
It's a team that is without a captain.

Same here. Banned multiple times for critiquing Trump's insanely fucking obvious jewish influence (his. children. are. jews. for. fucks. sake.).

The book was ghost-written. The write now spends most of his free time talking to journalists about how deceitful and incompetent Trump was during the time he shadowed him to write the book.