Our Wall is Under Attack!

Looks like our wall is under attack!

Breitbart reports:

Looks like the deep-state and likes have the Donald subdued and are now in control. Fug me, guys.


Yeah Trump was a judeofreemasonic hoax.

That's the Red-Pill, that the jews were calling "Black Pill".

I suppose the way he's going if the world still exists when he's done he might be able to make Mexicans pay for the wall.

He probably should have considered doing that first as foreign policy.

I guess there's also some slight possibility of finding a way to raise funds from the private sector or just getting the private sector to do it and then award them the contract for policing/maintaining it for a billion years at a hopefully reasonable price.

it's so annoying that after we fought so hard for a year and a half to get actual change, the house republicans still refuse to act or do anything, when's the day of the rope?

We were trying to elect a Jew loving civic nationalist and Zionist the whole time, so we shouldn't be surprised or upset at what's happening now. First thing we need to do is completely get rid of democracy in all its forms, then we need to get a strong right-wing leader in charge who can kill the termite commies and globalists.


Trump should just deploy the Army corps of Engineers if it isn't funded.

f.ck super business genius and god emperor got tricked again. God i hope he invades syria to protect them from the kikes.

what if he threatens to launch 59 tomahawk missiles into Mexico?

seems like the only thing under attack here is your ability to use the catalog

This must be the special needs shift in Tel Aviv.

Damn, yanked that text right outta my browser!

Posted it in a rush. Realized after.


They've killed his dog, shown him the JFK footage, they've told him there are 10 CIA agents constantly monitoring him and each member of his family, and now he has to follow Cruz's policy, it's not exaclty betrayal. It's all OK, killing his dog was just a slap on the wrist.

It's fucking nothing. Mexico is paying for the wall.

Looks like Mexico is paying for the wall then.

So you're going to tell people to build it and ask Mexico for their wages? Yeah, fuck off.

This is why we can't have nice things. Holla Forums may as well use its votes to cause a shitstorm and place opposing candidates in the same cabinets, in the senate, and congress. May as well preoccupy their shabbos goyim with bickering and slowly move back into the realm of states rights and state legistation to give the big f u to the (((Federal government.)))

Start an avalanche of pages on different crowd sourcing websites for wall donations. They'll get taken down but the message will be clear. American citizens want that wall.

It'll all happen 'soon'.