Fag Ribbon: The Conference

Fag Ribbon: The Conference

It's because Vox made an article about how they didn't acknowledge the fags.

Nice to know Matt and Trey wouldn't have anything to do with it. The lovely irony in that is that their game was also the only one that actually looked worth anything.

Didn't the fags stole the flag of the Tahuantinsuyo/ south-southamerican indians?

Oh boy, looks like Twitter is finally catching wind as well.

It really makes you think doesn't it?


Weirdly enough yes, the flag has been used the incan people for years before it new use as the lgbt flag


The auto-mod was pretty on top of things. They must have censored half the English language.

i can just see them back stage

the PA is like "here put the ribbon on"

TP " you better get that shit out of our face"

Glad I am not the only one who noticed.

"Pls look at me! I have the ribbon, I care about pozzed people"

Damn they are old.

How'd they get the ribbons so quickly wasn't the fag shooting the night before E3?

I hope you realize kikes like those two fund and propagate this kind of shit because it gives them material to profit off of.

I think they also know that if they were caught dead wearing one of those they'd have stirred far more shit from the people who actually care about their content.

Still though, UBI had the most hand rubbing

Hell I think it was the same night/morning.


It was probably more like this

Wow, that takes me backā€¦

Only Stone is actually Jewish