
Holla Forums, once you've realized that the past 200 years of western political thought are basically completely rotten - what exactly can one do?

Destroy it

Last 200yrs? Fuck off Jew monarchist. The Founding Fathers did nothing wrong.

Make your own society that will thrive on the inevitable death of liberalism itself.

Crash it with no survivor. We would have to already be on the big guy's plane, of course.

How about not writing their constitution properly, fuckface?

I don't doubt their intentions were good, but the country they created has turned into the mightiest weapon that leftists have ever wielded in history.

America is responsible for:

- Liberal democracy as the only acceptable form of government.
- Normalization of homosexualism.
- Normalization of the tranny disorder.
- Sexual dysfunction as "lifestyle".


What's wrong with it?


Euro-trash fucking Communist


Critical theory and cultural marxism and Communism is a European-based phenomenon

Take your shitty 4chan level of historical knowledge and your horrible Euro-fag politics and die with your Muslim god!

Except Hitler, he was cool.

For a start…

That's not true.

= white men (read meme)
And that's true… for white male babies.


Wilsonian liberalism is what destroyed the old, traditional order in Europe user. Wilson destroyed the old monarchies and replaced them with pseudo-states like the (((Weimar Republic)))

The bottom two are wrong. Higher ascendancy involves realising is the jew that is the problem. You can't have natsoc, monarchy, or anything else because the jew will be there to destroy a successful nation and political structure.

I agree, but given that we're on Holla Forums I just assumed that as implicit.

And the fact that the right to bear arms was an additional note.

Yet they didnt explicitly wrote that.

i don't see why jews are a problem if you just kill them

Hello there shlomo. Still trying to D&C i see.

You seem lost newfag shill.

= Communism

That's because they weren't writing for a snotty little hipster shit like you. They were writing it in the 1700s. It was implied that a human man was white. Everyone knew that by default.

Literally small detail bitching about the creation of Nationalism on a Nationalist board.

It may be for some, but it also means a republican government may also succeed without jews and niggers. We don't know. What we DO know is that we need a natsoc and extremely anti-semitic government now to deflect jews and niggers crying out about rights they did nothing but subvert and destroy.

Typical braindead patriotard subhuman.

Another low IQ patriotard leaving a hole in his roof. Typical.

Not really true. It existed in USA before that. Anti-white stuff was present in old abolitionists. Feminism predates Frankfurt (suffrage movement for example). USA had a lot of these seeds sown long before Frankfurt.

The problem is that the USA has always placed this value on anti-authority and revolution, founded in it, so it was fertile soil for all revolutionary stuff. Frankfurt and Trotskyism for example. Both rejected in Europe and only found acceptance in the USA.

Retard, there was no equality with animals back then, just like don't have to put "…all men are created equal – except for dogs – fuck dogs".

Niggers aren't human, that's what you don't understand.

There is no legal ground to arbitrarily ban rifles. It's a Commie talking point. But you're too programmed to get that.


Lol you really are lost.

The same as "current year", just in reverse. Blindly defending errors just because. Typical hallmark of low IQ.

But it is, and people have been fighting tooth and nail legally because of it, no matter what your cuckservative, patriotard rotted brain wants to tell you.

Comparing abolitionists to Communist brainwashing victims called "feminists" is a big stretch. Only a Leftist would equate the two.

Did you miss the part where all of Europe fell under Communist genocide and half the population betrayed their own civilization? In AMERICA, they had to introduce it the way you introduce sex to a pure virgin, nice and slow and gentle.

Communism came from Germany.

Just listen to how this fucker talks.
Jesus fucking Christ. How brain dead can you be?

That makes no sense. Historical changes exist user. Get the fuck off your computer for awhile. We know your IQ is like 115 and you're all impressed with it but that's low around here, son.

But it isn't. I've never even heard the argument. Nice 'high IQ' response there, Albert

Just face the facts that common law systems are ridiculously easy to subvert because they depend upon having an anglo-saxon core to actually uphold them.

Pic related believes you can read a justification for reparations into the constitution. And he's one of the highest ranking judges in America (on the CA supreme court and would have been a shoe in for the supreme court under Hillary).

Why are you showing pictures of WW2 and a 1997 race definition, you fucking useless moron?


How am I not facing that fact? Who told you to bring Liu into it?

American had a strict non-white immigration policy until 1960s (JFK). Can you say the same about Europe?


What relevance does that have? Europe never dealt with significant non-white immigration until the 1960s and 1970s, and the laws we had in place were de facto and de jure as strict as say, Japan's are now until they were liberalized.

If we're going by laws on the books you should be worshipping Argentina, as they have a preference for European immigration built into their damn constitution - which is far better than what America did.

I read Marx and Lenin and those guys just to get the taste of what's the opposite, not to be one sided, but I also read Carl Schmitd (Nazi party jurist and philosopher), Giovanni Gentile (Italian fascist philosopher), Nietzche, Corniolu, Brazilian integralists, Pinochet, Francisco Franco and so on, and also classics but mostly Plato and Aristotle.

Ultimate fundamental highest order truth is:
That's it. All fascist regimes have 'the ideal': Nazis famously had Aryan etc, but they all have the ideal society should strive towards. Self-overcoming. That's what Ubermensch is, that's what all policies always are.
All of the philosophies (master-slave morality, ubermensch, all the philosophers and their work) have the exactly same fundamental message:

Left wing philosophy and politics are the opposite:
There are no successful left wing economies because they can not manage scarcity. Scarcity is a fact of life. Market capitalism has a market, and this market decides who starves. Socialist 'all equal' economy invests into everything and everyone equally, into productive and non-productive individuals and businesses, so they mass starve even after distributing by force from the productive ones, they continue to invest in unproductive.
It's fine because we are all equal no matter what. We can just redistribute from non-degenerates. Who are evil. Because they think they are better. Which is evil. We are all equal.
Doesnt exist. There are no leftist values. There is evil and only evil. If someone is doing better, the ONLY logic explanation is that he exploited someone. That's the ONLY way someone can have more, because we are otherwise all equal. So he has more, therefore he exploited, therefore he is EVIL.

AKA human rights. You dont have that shit under proper right wing ideologies. No 'human rights' will save you from a hungry bear, or drowning in an ocean. Only FORCE can save you. Rights = force. The weak do not have rights.
Leftism is ofcourse polar opposite, everyone has infinite rights, which is why they go into starvation mode, starving the rich to feed the poor who cant feed themselves, eventually killing off the rich (and skillful, successful, smart etc) and also therefore killing the poor as well.

Yeah, I'm not a capitalist but markets simply could not subsist unless most people got something out of them. That is a tautology.


One of the myriad internal contradictions of liberalism is how you have a group of largely atheistic types who scoff at the supernatural defending notions like the "sanctity of human life" and "the unalienability of intrinsic rights" and so on.

That they are allowed to parrot this sort of arrant nonsense day in, day out with virtually no challenge from anyone on the self-appointed "right" is a testament to how philosophically and rhetorically bankrupt contemporary conservatives are.

Damned lifted bans…

They turned into slavs?

You mean the "le Trump and Putin r white nationalists!!!" guy?

I-is the nog at the middle Samwell's ancestor?

The weak need rights in order to maintain a healthy society. For example, we protect children from their parents so they don't turn out like you, a fucking edgelord.

"Weak" is relative to the topic. If we are all going to fight bears one on one, then we all deserve to die by natural law. But we help the weaker anons fight the bears. Tay Tay is weak but I'd kill a nigger if she wanted me to.

Here you are just transposing the strength of the individual onto the strength of a particular group vs. other groups.

I visited his website, the guy practically going full sperg over Trump bombing Syria and wants a war over "Holy Russia and Jewmerika."

Yes. Right wing ideologies do not give out free magical infinite rights.

Sparta didnt have rights. Born deformed? Too bad fuck you, weakness is a sin, we can always make another kid, there's 1 bread and trillion hungry people, ONLY the BEST gets the bread, the rest must starve, laws of physics wont stop just because you consider them evil or unjust or racist or whatever.

I took it to the extreme, perhaps an unrealistic extreme, but the point remains.
Priorities. Hierarchies. An order of doing things.

If we have 3 breads, and 1000 hungry people, the strongest eat first.

That's because I don't disagree with Might Makes Right. I disagree with the "no weak people should have rights!". That's edgelord retarded black pill shit

Burn it down.

Was just about to say this. Don't mistake subversion for intent on the part of the subverted.

Burn it all down.

By weak I didnt just mean benching 300kg. I meant.. human capacity. You know. Curing diseases, building missiles, knowing computers and so on. This is all might, or strength.
I didnt mean a population of illiterate Conan the conquerors, I just meant mighty people in all relevant spheres of existing.

Might Makes Right is an objective truth regardless of whether or not you agree with it.

You literally exist because of it. How do you think your ancestors 1000 or 2000 years ago survived?

Postmodern nonsense. You have no idea what the terms "strong" and "weak" actually means.

The presence of weak people is an inherent risk to society. Typically, they're betrayers that attach themselves to the strong because they can't function well enough on their own. That kind of behavior doesn't contribute to anything.

The reality is that it's not the strong that typically end up enslaving people and fucking shit up. It's the weak that enslave the strong because they either can't or won't labor and toil for themselves. Sound familiar to anyone?

If there is plenty of food/shelter/warmth/medicine and we're not fighting over it like animals, then we need a system of Human (actual humans, not niggers) Rights that you are born with as a protection for kids and shit.

"All white male kids are created with a fair shot in life to not be a fucking sub-par person"

Is that PC enough for you?


Are you a troll or something? Hitler despised the idea of "unalienable rights".

Someone cap this shit. Absolutely epic toast.

Hitler said in Mein Kampf that National Socialism was based on America's early Republic. I think you're getting this shit from some retarded esoteric like Evola.

It's emo as fuck.



To summarize, the core problem with leftism is it's failure to acknowledge that some people are better than others. The reason one person is a failure and one a success might be that the one who had success had systemic advantages.

But, and this is something left-wing types cannot accept when pressed, it could also be that the man who had success was just smarter, stronger, and more charismatic than the man who failed. In that case, the man with success deserves his success. And the man who failed deserves his failure.

The constitution makes no statements of equality. The 1790 Naturalization act specifies that only whites of good character can be American. Their error was in not explaining what to them was as obvious as gravity.

It was LBJ that signed it, along with the Welfare act


Burn it to the ground or die trying

Yeah. Socialism is fine even, but just for ourselves.

Might is right is a foreign policy, internal policies can be more relaxed, we dont have to eat each other as long as our socialism is structured and standarded and hierarchical enough to support our initial might is right foreign policy.
tl;dr you dont have to bench 300kg as long as our group can beat their group, but you really should strive towards benching 300kg and not doing drugs and studying relevant stuff etc

lol anti-democracy fags are the dumbest

yep when a pack of niggers rapes your wife and kills your children you can be happy because might makes right

Never trust a Russian

Might does make right but he's using it wrong. Laws are enforced by might alone

just laws are based on legitimacy not might

It doesn't matter what it's theoretically based on. Might keeps the law. Without enforcement there is no law. Even your mother telling you not to as a kid is a type of might. Might makes rights.

Reality is undemocratic.
Bich you arent going to do any concentration of anything anywhere by voting.

Can you vote a hostile army away? Can you vote a bridge into existence? Can you feed the masses with voting?
Idiots bowing down to the ballot box are the dumbest. Ballot box isnt magical. It doesnt do anything.

Yes because fuck you and because fuck pointless endless discussions.
You didnt have enough personal responsibility to protect yourself and your family? Fuck you. You didnt have enough tactical, operational and strategic short and long term thinking to allow a pack of feral niggers to rape your family? Fuck you.

To hell with trivial discussion, pointless talking, infinite excuses, and replies for the sake of replies. If bad thing happens to you, fuck you. I am willing to help out people in real life who can make use that help, multiply it, profit and reinvest that help further on, I am not against helping people, I understand misfortune happening to 'mighty' individuals from time to time.
It's just that I dont have time for slippery slopes 24/7 and demagogery and bullshit and excuses and trivial nonproductive endless trash.

and you better start studying relevant topics, start lifting, avoid drugs, avoid weakness, better yourself, overcome yourself (doesnt matter if its Nazi (biological) or Evola (spiritual) or Nietzsche or whatever)

instant fail… Go back 3 steps.
You'll never achieve the Overman if you keep talking like a fucking teenager, user.

Yes, you can vote to pay taxes that fund the armed forces that protect the society from hostile foreign attack. Under your system, no such
Yes that's exactly what people do. They pay taxes to the government and the government pays for the infrastructure.
Yes. There has never been a deliberate famine in any democracy in history. There have been numerous deliberate famines under monarchies and dictatorships which you are a fan of.

What if my personal responsibility leads me to the decision that I would live a higher quality of life by pooling my security desires with other people? Is that weakness? Or being smart?
Yes, I'm pretty sure ISIS would agree.

I honestly can't tell if you're trolling or not. The edge is far too much.

*Under your system, no such thing would happen because it's every man for himself which is creates less efficient outcomes than a collective security apparatus.

Voting imply choice. Last time when I checked when I voted to not pay for muh bridge, there where guys broke into my home and put gun to my head to steal my stuff and abduct me.


You do have a choice. If you don't want to live in society, you can return to the state of nature anytime you want.
Quite the contrary. It's the cooperation of humans that gives rises to states. A monopoly on certain things is desirable for all members.

Might is right does not imply anti-cooperation between straight normal European peoples for the sake of all straight normal European peoples. Might is right doesnt mean we can not cooperate. Or rampant chaotic uncontrollable destructive competition that would reduce the might of everyone involved.

Might is right, as fascist regimes all around the world tried to implement it, means friendly competition among fellow whites, and opportunistic cooperation or brutal destruction of all shitskins and enemies.

Might is right goes deeper than ooga booga, kings scepter is just ornate club but kingdom isnt caveman-dom, and fascism (official might is right political thought) isnt caveman-dom either.

lmao what an utterly shit philosophy