Currently we are the midst of a raid being coordinated by a far left subreddit called /r/MarchAgainstTrump. They have over 200+ users currently active in trying to shut us and halfchan down.

Other urls found in this thread:





The only thing these "people" can raid is a dildo store. Can't be concerned about leddit, really…


Threadly reminder

To be on reddit you have to be stupid, to be on a fringe extremist sub-leddit you have to be very stupid.

Just ban them and red-pill them and they'll go away.



Dox and they will be destroyed.

I'll just ignore your cancer for now.

Holla Forums will find you, keep that in mind you wannabe weathermen.

I dont know user, I think all of these people are your fellow Trump supporters who hate Trump now :^)

The jew always accuses you of what he's doing, never fails.

Implying "we" give a shit. Most oldfags moved on already, breaking 8/pol/ won't change anything. A year ago anyone typing "we" here would be called out as a faggot. Now it's normal. Between that and the kikes mods deleting book/philosophy/metaphysics threads there's nothing left to care about.

It's hilarious that a bunch of lefty idiots are spending their weekend attacking a place that no longer matters.

Do they have IRC or something? I want to fuck around.

working discord inv discordDOTgg/wjDVqW4

These idiots dox themselves. This is why 99% of namefag places are honeypots/retarded.
Just noticed a mod was playing terraria. He's using the same avatar and name for his steam:
Another idiot, swampman, mentioned he was from ireland. A 2 second search reveals he talked about some graffiti that's opposite his workplace and a lecturer for a unit he took last year was an IRA bomber. Another 2 seconds reveals the lecturer is Feilim O'Hadhmaill so the fag goes to UCC and is possibly studying some gay social studies shit, or took it as an elective. Some guy also tweeted about the same graffiti, so applied autism or just asking the guy where in Cork this is would reveal where swampcuck works.

Honestly, how many morons are affected by any agenda or attack from any other site or even board? Lines are already drawn, wishful larping does nothing except waste the larpers' time. Shilling only exposes weak, inattentive, or ineffective moderation and nothing else. Goons and the like live off of embarrassing themselves and pretending it never happened. The culture war consists of high functioning autists destroying low functioning narcissists repeatedly.

That fag writes like he has schizophrenia. lol

You want to know how I know you're new?

90% of the posts in this thread, AFTER SEEING PROOF, are talking that we shouldn't be worried about it at all.

If the shilling can't get more obvious then I don't know what to tell you.

So now Holla Forums is
/r/The_Donald vs /r/MarchAgainstTrump

As long as goyim are obsessed with Trump one way or another and not interested in actual politics, rabbi is pleased.

A good example of shills is that they never have a plan and never know what to tell you when you ask for one.

I'm almost finished with my bot. I'm about to spam beastiality and gore. I've also sent a few phishing emails to their moderators. One has already opened it.

Can't wait to see the bot get banned within seconds. I'm not saying I'm going to snitch, it's just that the mods are really paranoid and vigilant

Do you think I'd only host one bot? I really feel bad for how naive you lot are.
won't paedo spam but I can't speak for the rest of my IRC group :^)

Doing god's work, user.

Stop spreading this bullshit, some faggot is trying to use 8/pol/ and 4/pol/ as his personal army

It's worthless anyway, mods have already opened two of my emails. I'll let someone else spam CP there.

Trips confirm for epic lulz. I'm looking forward to dox's in my region. I have a several thousand mile road trip planned for the next three months and need places to stop for lunch. I hope some of them work along the route, so I can shit up their work days.

Grab screenshots for us faggots who can't get past the bullshit captcha. Leave the gore, but pls nuke any cp/bestiality

This isn't a PA, it's damage control for Trump so anyone who doesn't buy into the "4D chess" autism can just be labeled a shill. The fact that he mentions acccusing people of being from /r/The_Donald as a "shill tactic" should tell you exactly where he came from.

There's nothing going on in the discord right now, just one of the mods from r/MarchAgainstTrump posting memes and shitposting by himself.

To go to that much work to defend an airstrike is pretty damn autistic. I mean I could understand if it was just about getting everyone to dox a personal enemy.

Yes the screenshots are fake. If you're in the discord as well, you can search for the posts this guy made on his two accounts to see the very obvious bait posts.
Still, they are commies so I don't mind shitting up their discord and doxing them.

Probably just an autistic kosher conservative type who's still clinging to Trump and want's others to do the same.

How pathetic, is it one of the hues or soccer niggers?

What do they even hope to accomplish?

Over the 4 years there has been many paid and non-paid shills who thought they could stop the fire rising and they only become the fuel for it.

But it gives retards like an easy out to defend Trump's bowing before the elders of zion, and, like doxing antifa, exposing people whose views are accepted in the mainstream doesn't accomplish anything.

Fuck off kike. I saw the exact type of posts being created by shills repeatedly, as the ones they were being told to make. You will not survive the DOTR.
Praise Kek, Sieg Hiel!


I hope you kill all of reddit, as long as everyone knows that the screencaps behind the reasoning to do so are sloppy crops.

good to see a new thread

It's all the slightly less than new anons who haven't experienced a real shilling raid yet. They don't realize how painfully obvious it is.


I dont know what the fuck to believe anymore. What the fuck is real?

Hmm, that is suspicious. Think this might be a leftypol fracture?

sure they do

tfw they give your friend mods within one hour of being in the discord. holy fuck these guys are retarded.

260, to be exact, not including the mods.

We have been immunized, but SRS and goon types had a lot of influence in the last 8 or so years.


I have no idea what the motivation behind the originator of the screencap is but I know the oldest screencap I can find is a really obvious fake. Everyone can do whatever the fuck they want to the leftists though, its not like anyone needs faked conversations to make them look stupid.

I know it's actually over 2k, but that's what it says in the discord.









We have been taken over, ask about WaPo or Politico articles, and you'll get banned

These images are false flags created by The_Donald.

Don't fall for it. They have been compromised by JIDF

what about wapo or politico articles?

Is this satire?

No r/The_Donald is an Israel First subreddit.

Do we have any dox yet?

its because kusner is a kike you nigger, you keep getting banned for defending him, not for mentioning Washington Shitpost or Politikike

This fucking leftynigger forgot a few details on his shoop

we know its damage control by these MAT fags. They are trying to shift blame to r/the_donald but but of them are fags and are shilling and need to die.

We're definitely being shilled by r/The_Donald though.

Go back to The_Donald, never return JIDF Kushner CADRE Soros scum.

raiding Holla Forums never works. ONE OF US ONE OF US ONE OF US ONE OF US ONE OF US.


Whatcha writing rabbi?

both sides, they are both retarded

There are no left-wing shills

Only The_Donald false flagging faggots like this kike

Too late for damage control, faggot. Nice how you made it extra obvious by plastering the same post and attachment everywhere. If you were an independent party, you wouldn't be fucking shilling that shit.

What's more likely, you're a dumb commie kike who is trying to offload blame for their shilling, or The_Donald is constantly patrolling Holla Forums to redirect accusations leveled against them?

You won't consider the question honestly, but you will hysterically accuse me of being a shill because kikes always project. The_Donald has been pro-Trump to a fault, I personally disliked the intervention they write off as assertive posturing, the idea that the people praising Trumps actions in Syria are shilling against Trump on a white nationalist image board is so absurd only a joke would have come up with it. Kill yourself you hook-nosed parasite.

Kike got autocorrected

I provided plenty of evidence, do you have evidence that proves that those screencaps are legitimate, or do you blindly trust anything anyone posts?

See post related you commie kike 💩✡️💩

It's obviously fake, and if you ever used an image board you'd know that nobody spaces like that except plebbitors.

Yeah, you fit right in.

Way to ignore the insanely fucking obvious logic of my argument you kike nigger

enjoy your ban

Redditors browsing Holla Forums was a problem well before r/The_Donald's existense, something newfag redditor like yourself wouldn't know. Just like how you wouldn't know that they supported Assad well before Trump entered the political arena.

Yes, I think its HIGHLY likely a bunch of blind, pro-Trump supporters are shitting up Holla Forums right now. Infact, you have no way of refuting it, especially with BS like this up on the front page, endorsed by the mods.


Just filter him. He's trying to derail and gaslight, or he's just a bigger retard than the Holla Forums discord users.

You've got to be ironic at this point, no one is this retarded.


Problem Solved?


There is not a single left wing shill in this thread.

Not one.

I literally can't tell if you are being ironic and this is satire or you really think any of us believe that retardation

on another note, if you guys find any of MAT's websites or any sites they use go ahead and post them ITT and I'll be sure to deliver them a gift

interesting. where was that revealed? i thought it got bumped up high because of imported redditors


I lied, the only left-wing shills here are Jared Kushner CADRE Project Alamo faggots.

Words the shill can't say:

Jamie Gorelick

Gary Cohn

Dina Powel


Project Alamo

close. Even /r/socialism doesn't really like Holla Forums. They've been shilling on 4chins
The spam their own discord links on 4chon as well. They try and fish for younger, impressionable users.

I honestly have no idea what your argument is. That post seems like you're barely literate and trying too hard. Real kike hatred flows like poetry, yours seems forced.

too bad your theory falls apart when I tell you that the kike Kushner can get into an oven and needs to go. Woops looks like your narrative just fell apart faggot

he didn't say the words.

CADRE kike shill detected.

Project Alamo

Jamie Gorelick
Gary Cohn
Dina Powel
Project Alamo
and there is a thread up

now kill yourself you reddit spacing kike

You have to go back to Reddit. Do it. Now!

Enjoy your stay.

uh oh, did I piss the shill off and destroy his ass hole beyond repair.

MAT isn't raiding anybody.

r/The_Donald is blaming it on them to push their kike agenda.

Don't fall for it.

This faggot has (10) as well. The commies are scared.

Since this thread is going no where, the goons have posted alleged mod logs. Except goonery incoming

I've seen bots that shill better nigger



shilling aint for you

Holy shit

They'd better have the NSA tools on hand.
Can it be believed that there are still people who think they can accomplish something by pissing into an ocean of piss?


r/The_Donalds numbers are WAY bigger to the point where Holla Forums or MAT or ShareBlue or whoever the fuck T_D is saying it is this hour, doesn't matter.

It's The_Donald and nobody else. painfully obvious from the moment they posted that discord shop on halfchan.

I'd say you have about a double digit IQ


you are funny, we'll kill you last



Holy fuck, the chutzpah of this Kike! Your hooked nose should be in the dictionary next to chitzpah, well, only if you namefag. Look how he parrots "go backs to r_donald" just as his masters told him.

whats the matter kike-kun, you getting angry?

You nailed it kike.


Kikes pretending to believe this = this thread

This really is the most hilarious and best timeline holy shit.

half the board has't come back from the downtime. the other half is not fooled by anti-trump shills.

ShariaBlue you FAILED!

We will never turn on our God Emperor!
We will not wait for Hitler!
Hillary would have been a billion times worse!

Trump is playing 1488D chess.
He has a genius level IQ.
We will not turn on him!

Go back to isreal you fucking KIKES!

surely, if you keep at it hard enough, you might just start to convince people


How do you feel about Bashar Al-Assad?

Normalfags dont care
Politicial driven kiddos from the left are too dumb to use anything else than facebook

Discord was shilled since last(?) year very hard.

Who is this?

Kikes pretending to believe this = this thread


Fuck yourselves.

makes sense now actually

Thanks user! God Emperor protects!

wew lad go the fuck back to reddit and stay there.

but the screenshots are fake. why is this a sticky? is this just a shitposting general now?
uhhhh sorry i came in late because i was reading erotic loli fiction over at /loli/

my screenshot is real. r/The_Donald run by JIDF.

from now you are only getting smug, the quality of your shilling doesn't even deserve more of a response

Kikes pretending to believe this = this thread

you too

At this point; I can't help but laugh.

stop talking to yourself.

windows 7 is more safe to use that windows 8 and its better that windows XP or anything like that. And Opera is comfy. better that Chrome at least. Besides why is someone a jew just for using opera?


i mean the discord shit is obviously a fake. anyone that couldn't take at first glance is honestly kind of retarded.

On the other hand, over 400 people shilling daily against pol, and pol is still not divided.


That's what I thought, Nerd Virgin



the only people shilling Holla Forums are retards with no spine that follow trump blindy. i'm sorry boy but
Until Trump proves that he won't attack the Syrian army again, I don't fucking trust him.

Here are some smug anime reaction images.

Ironically, r/The_Donald is now the JIDF.

All anyone has to do to know it's fake is go on the discord and search for the terms in the screenshot. You'll see that all the "raid" mentions come from the same guy who took the screencap and no one else.

shut up, shill

No one cares who you trust, kike. Assad is a sandnigger, if you side with an nonwhite over Trump you are a Cuck or a kike.

yeah thats what i was thinking. cause im not fucking retarded. I mean isnt our motto to always be cautious and think before we do shit? old Holla Forums always said "always look for the real meaning". well someone posts discord shit that looks 100% fabricated and expects me to believe it? i didn't even have to look fr shop evidence to know it was one. the way that post was made made it obvious that it was a falseflag by a Holla Forums user. no fucking leftist types the autistic way we do.



I already asked this but still, is there any way to get their ip?

yeah no. either you're not from here and are shilling trump, or you're from here and are just trying to falseflag as a retard to cause more chaos.

i'm gonna tell you something, i don't really give a shit. Trump is not better that Assad but I don't believe Trump will really pull us into a war with Syria, he just did something retarded once and hopefully will not escalate. Basically i'm saying, i'm not your enemy. I don't really care what Trump does or doesn't.



Our brand of autism, not the leftist brand of autism.


my bad wrong guy. my saved name for that pic confused me.

The discord is only a single avenue of attack. We know of others, but it's fun to fuck with you.

Why are you using emoji's user? Use words.

from my understanding you'd have to hack discord's servers… like with some NSA level exploits… no idea where you'd get those though…

its not like we don't' have a thread up about it or anything :^)
wouldn't have a clue, nope

Ominous digits. Why do you have that and why is it named coon?

what did he mean by this?

I dont even know how to use these nsa exploites. Not a hacker at all.

Your grammar is shit.

Oh i know what you can ask someone to prove they are from here. Post anything you remember from that time A. Wyatt Man visited us. He made like three threads, if you're not new, there's no way you missed it.

Or if you wanna go a little more in the past, what happened that time Ben Garrison was here?

Discord is shit anyway, that cancer needs to die.


Well then, there you go. Neither of us are newfags. I'm just saying, I can't really follow Trump right now. I'm gonna wait like two weeks, and if he clears off the syrian shit, then it's okay. But i'm not gonna shill agaisn't him either. I'm just gonna wait and see.


I like how he picked two of the better archives and more talked about threads rather then something obscure

I got it from an underrated expose that came out around the same time I was in the middle of RWSS research. specifically, when we started targeting DC area spaces to throw off the inauguration protest planning. I named it coon cause his name sounds like that, and he's an antifa nigger.

RWSS turned up a lot of info that I still find useful to this day and had ties to a lot of other ops that were going on at the time. it was unfortunate that more people didn't get behind it and that it got slid and shilled so hard. we found connections to alefantis and were close to making connections to clinton as well. the info on those stashes of guns found in DC came from RWSS research. there was some big shit planned by the antifaggots. none of the ringleaders ever received any serious consequences.

this guy has no relevance to the cohn mentioned but that name made me remember this pic cause of the "coon"

imagine what we could do now with the tools kek has blessed us with.

pic related, no one remembers this anymore. not super old, but still. makes me sad that no one remembers.

I'm just saying, I can't really follow Trump right now.
Niether am I, but to say that we should all freak out and automatically assume that Trump is a Kike shill says alot.

I was wondering why our active user count was several hundred people higher than it usually is.

I never see people talking about the fact that Wyatt lurks this board anymore. Quite sad, he was a good poster tbh.

probably because of the TRS shit, how about some more obscure stuff like all the applied memtics digging on dan gabriel, all of that almost got memory holed. It wasn't even that long ago but I bet most people here wouldn't even remember those threads.

He is not a kike shill but he's not infallible either. And well he is surrounded by jews and snakes in the cabinet. I just hope shit clears up soon.

Also we should start using Emoji's more. I know they're mostly used by teenage girls but they have great memetic applications and will still probably still be used in the future.
We should master them now and create our own, future-proof language.

In this thread is some heavy shillery going on.

What about all the shit and drama with Evalion? Now that's been memory holed hard.

Just spam your election memes with every post, and watch the shills flood in, responding to your memes but not reading your posts.

Isn't it like, totally illegal for reddit to allow this to go on. You could report this shit

no, that was part of the TRS drama, that was actually a big part of it

The Donald retards from leddit are raiding us too.

Non of us are, but no one here is president and we only hold so much information.

Patience is a virtue.

we've been over this, both the retards from reddit r/the_donald and MAT are both shilling, MAT is just more insistantly retarded because they are also shilling with Holla Forums and shareblue


Here's one of the "mango memes" from when Tina used to spam them and accuse everybody of being buttnut on cuckchan. Now can we talk honestly about how obviously fake this all is? It isn't a shill campaign, Trump fucked up and people are understandably upset.

He's still here. He posted a new image in that retarded "don't give up on the g-d emperor now" thread.

These faggots are sheep.

literally "freedom is best choice"

Why would someone fake the third screenshot though ?

So they can pretend that anyone who criticizes Trump or calls out the plebbitors defending him is part of a shill campaign.

Better question, why would anyone faking screenshots use image editing instead of HTML editing an actual discord server.

I've been lurking their discord all day. They are an unorganized pack of mouth breathers. This is the #general discord channel right now.

Maybe we should raid them instead?

because they're retarded. To put this matter to rest, I went through and took screenshots of FuckDrumpf's discord activity along with responses.


That's all he's posted on both accounts. Even the gommies didn't fall for his bait. I'm not saying to not go and fuck up their discord and lives, because that's hilarious and i've been gathering as much info on the mods as I can as well. But let's just be aware that the retards at MAT aren't the ones, or are at least not the ones overwhelming responsible, for the shilling on cuck pol and here.

He isn't wrong about the "we" thing. Before the election it was really seen as an attempt at false consensus and astroturfing. Of course, what he's missing is that the nature of the board has changed quite a bit now that it's got out into the real world and started having massive direct influence in the culture war. Now that the normies know about this place, it is crucial to keep cohesion. While Holla Forumsacks will never entirely agree on any issue, it's necessary to differentiate between Holla Forumsacks and the deluge of shills, trolls and newfags. Lots of oldfags have left, but more are probably still on board. Remember, you're here forever


It's not a bot. I can't believe this.

Their mods are giant fucking cucks.

God what a life

Isnt it like we could buy the ip's from discord?

they dont look very scary
how is that shithole discord a threat?
where do they come from anyway?

oh thx for the quick rundown friend:))
disregard my previous post's request then

Oh great, another sticky for a false flag "we are being raided" thread.
The State Department is playing Holla Forums like a fiddle.

oh wow just like 4pol then

I will agree to this, but the problem I had with post was…
They still are, but much less frequent as before.
Seems to me a common tactic to divide the board; though before the hack; I would frequent /pdfs/ as well as many other boards.
Granted though; due to the hack; those boards have been harder to reach. Still reachable though.
Regardless. They're are still other sites to lurk.

It's hilarious that a bunch of lefty idiots are spending their weekend attacking a place that no longer matters.
Agreed, but it screams bait.



Remember, you're here forever
I know.

Polite sage.

we're the new wave, they're going down

that's some zoe quinn grade queen bee character there, or a brianna wu tranny type
very expectable among commies

great pic thought thx
fantastic redpill about antifa
they're just part of the israeli fifth column that supersedes our goyim governments

Reminder about the kind of people who think they can raid our board.

been a loooong time since I've seen that pic.

saw him posting not long ago, maybe a month or at most two
he's more lowkey than when he made a whole thread around himself, he just showed up in an already made thread

And if that doesn't work they go with the usual plan like the "mod betrayed you all, you guys!" faggot who recently started spamming again. The same thing, posts the most autistic threads that a person can imagine, changes IP's and keeps bumping it, archives the thread knowing of how shitty his attempts are and possibly later uses these as some kind of leverage to boost his claims of "mods abusing their authority"

Cancerous as usual

poor little whiners
they still don't get it at all
they're stuck in the old ways before the rise of pol
they don't get its power
its structure
what births it, and what births from it
what it is
how would they, even we marvel at it and try to figure it out after the fact
the trump campaign season has revealed that 4pol's user-base is stronger than its whole team being kike trannies and its site owner a data-mining nip
truly a marvel to behold
and those leftist dinosaurs come up with their agitprop tactics from the 60's
they really haven't stopped losing yet by a long shot
it's a new political culture
new tactics
new structure
born from the net, free speech, anonymity, fast obsolescence
and white guys with a lot of time on their hands
how can they even compete or fight back?
they sure are trying
and at the too level they are fighting back very well, how they are neutralizing trump's admin is a wonder to behold as well
but trump isn't the source of the people power
nor even its main arm
hell i'm not even american
this is a worldwide "revolution" in the good sense of the word (not freemason), like the printing press was one too
today the whole world can influence and xeigh on american elections, and has
i've never been a tenth as interested in a election as in this one, and have never been involved in any nor even dreamed to be
the lefties are like the Shadoks… pumping for nothing
not because they are leftists, but because they are pyramidal hierarchical authoritarians
they became what they started denouncing in the 60s
they're the old crusty order now, the psycho-rigid cunts telling you how you should live your lives, and die for them
they're israel and the kikes
no pasaran! :)

gas yourself

reread it and curb your autism

How am I not surprised by this. Leftyfags are genetic dead ends on all fronts, arent they?

Only fuckdrump seems active in planning and action. The rest just goes 'muh trump' 'muh Holla Forums'

OP, youre a faggot.

If you cant see what is plain as day in front of your face, youre a faggot

Yes, I am reddit spacing on purpose, because this place is no better than that shithole.

8pol is now just like 4cuck in its final days.

how much did your rabbi pay you to say that

Interesting claims, user, but where is the proof?

I'm a hard facts sort of guy so I don't want to go off of hearsay/conjecture, even if it is probably correct.

Eventually plebbitors sperg out when they try to hit that upvote button and can't find it anywhere.

They can only stand to be without that button for only a very little while. THEY NEED THAT BUTTON.

So anyone have an invite to their discord?

https:// discord.gg/wjDVqW4

You really don't have to break up the link on here, you know


All those who voted for him should remind him loudly that he wasn't elected to do a regime change in Syria. Bring your anti-war banners at the next Trump rally in Palm Beach, FL - April 18th


Even if you entertain the idea that this is actually 4D chess, why is it assumed calling him out on it isn't part of his plan either? If we go with it we may as well assume he is trying to play the villain to unite the left and the right to the anti war cause?



Reported for shilling.

Who gives a fuck about cuckchan?

Don't bother, they're all furries they get off to that kind of shit.

Are you retarded? Fuck off with your spongebob D&C and help normalizing the board again. These shills are not interested in discussion. They are interested in manipulation through shitty one line posts. Kys.

What sticky? this thread isn't stickied

It's not complicated: nobody wants to see Syria regimechanged like Lybia or Iraq but nobody actually knows what's going on in Trump's mind. That's the opening, that's the opportunity they try to exploit to push people into two camps fighting each other. And we don't know what kind of information he's getting from the CIA and the military. We need to remind him he wasn't elected to do a regime change in Syria.


" One of my vivid memories of the 2016 campaign is the look on Bill O’Reilly’s face when Donald Trump answered his question about intervening militarily in Syria and the Russian role in that country:

“O’Reilly: “Once Putin gets in and fights ISIS on behalf of Assad, Putin runs Syria. He owns it. He’ll never get out, never.

Trump: “Alright, okay, fine. I mean, you know, we can be in Syria. Do you want to run Syria? Do you want to own Syria? I want to rebuild our country.” "

If Trump's popularity sinks because of a stupid pointless war in Syria then it's going to be harder for him to do something about immigration, which is the real battle and it's a battle in which a majority of americans are on his side, the majority wants him to do something about illegal immigration and decrease legal immigration too.

The libtards don't care about Syrians, the only thing they want is more foreign immigration, that's their #1 obsession. Ethnomasochism is their religion. Trump could destroy some foreign country and they wouldn't freak out as much as if Trump and the Congress decided to change the 1965 immigration law. That would be the end of the world for all the irrational libtards.

Are these mutually exclusive? Because they both seem pretty fucking likely to me. There is no doubt that we have a bunch of redditor dumbfucks here.

LOL try to be more subtle next time

I sperg out over this shit a couple of days ago. Sorry. It was like being on cuckchan again, and I think my biggest mistake was having sage going on every reply. I am a moron, and eternally a newfag because of that shit.


This, didn't /bapho/ get their shit? Shouldn't they be blown the fuck out now?

Assad opposes the Jews. That is the most important thing. We support Assad, always have, always will as long as he opposes the Jews. He also actually did nothing wrong, in case you werent paying attention, or werent into politics when the war started, because you were probably like 13 years old.

Trump is someone we chose because most of his policy was preferable, and he was most likely to deliver on the majority of it, and be beneficial to white people the most in general. It could be expected he would do very stupid things we didnt like, too. Trump is preferable to a president who forces blacks into white neighborhoods, on the basis that they dont have "enough" blacks, even if it costs ~10x as much welfare bucks to put them there and pay the rent. Thats what Obama was doing, and hardly anyone knows about it. That did not provoke much outrage, and I assure you - it has done a lot to accelerate white genocide in America. You can bet Trump wont be doing that, he will probably be building a wall, increasing the numbers of deportations, will ban some non-whites from entry, and keep them in their own countries. In muslims case, they have traditionally been our ally against Jews, but they must remain in their own countries, they dont mix with ours.
Personally, I think we should support Trump until he gets a second term, and then attack him all through his second term and agitate for white genocide prevention, and actual change. Blame all the things hes done wrong on Jews, because they will be Jews fault.

This is a very good comment.

My only criticism is that the memory of the general public is very short. If we attack Trump now, it won't hurt Trump's chances in 2020. There is no risk in attacking him now when he goes against our interests. I'd say about 6 to 12 months before the 2020 election is when we should again adopt a unified front.

I don't know, but I want progress posted in this thread as opposed to more anime posting or autistic meta discussions.

Just post your election memes with EVERY POST! We'll quickly flood out the shils, as they have maller ammunition folders.

Jeb was trying to save us all along. There are still people on 8ch?

I'm from cork, tell me more.

Are the mods even stopping these people? I havent seen any red text about kikes being gassed.

I think my plan is too complicated to get across, its not an easy task to shift everyone from support, to attack. Im kinda just waiting to see how this plays out, I doubt it will turn out ideally. I partially agree however that there is some logic to the idea of attacking him now, in order to pressure him into giving us concessions to regain our support. I would advise the reverse could easily happen however, where he goes full "unifier" and starts to appears the moderate democrats. That would be bad.



"Very intelligent,"indeed

invite is revoked


I think he's seen this thread already.

He's pretty fat.

Anybody got dox on him yet?


Reddit always fucks everything up.

I fear that's already beginning to happen. DNC leadership all seemed quite pleased about his bombing in Syria. I hope that doesn't become a trend.

Some of them freak out when i post pic related in their shill threads on 4pol. They don't want their fellow goy leftists learning. Kikes are definitely among them trying to direct them correctly

None of this would be an issue if the mods here were worth even just a little more than a petal of piss in the wind.

Just sayin'.

Good to know. Saved.

Fucking THIS! I don't support Assad in the slightest, but from history he's a nationalist, was rightfully elected and is doing everything he can to protect his people.

The Ghouta 2013 chemical attack proved Turkish and US/EU backed rebels had shot Chlorine bombs into Aleppo, the MSM blamed Assad. When large parts of the rebel shelled Allepo fell, they left behind large ammo dumps, they found chlorine bombs and raw chemicals to make more.

The Jews want Assad gone, go look at the 'Democratic Syrian Opposition', it has a massive Jew star as logo.

The Wikileaks proved that Saudi Araba really want Assad gone, because they know there will come a period of revenge if he sustains and overcomes.

Trump attacking Assad is retarded as he's going directly against what he said back in 2013, he's eating his own words and now appears as a hypocrite. The lefty scums will off course jump on this chance to D/C. But it remains to be said US has nothing to gain by invading other countries. Granted he didn't invade and just shot some missiles, he violated sovereignty and set operations backs weeks. Thus this cruise missile attack was done to give some sort of support to the narrative that Assad is a bad guy.

You know that's from a video about a book that was published by a rabbi who's seminary is funded by the Kushners.

Thanks, was looking for the source. Do you know the title of the full video?

"How To Kill Goyim And Influence People"

Jews, man.

Are they all HSSsshing at the man at 1:40?

God, they're so fucking incompetent.

God damn freaking normies, why can't they just stay off the internet?

That was from me, funnily enough. Notice the date in the bottom right of the screen.

Does anyone have an invite to the server?


Thanks user, I don't know if I am banned, but I will try and get in.




Holla Forumsack has infiltrated.

Should we do a massive dump of shit?



http:// archive.is/Sp3in

I'll dump stuff I collected from days prior.

Associated Twitter accounts.

Possibly a dox on one of the mods, but the name is probably incorrect.

Misc. infomation.

Never heard of the faggot. They're jumping at shadows.

The Lauren May tumblr shut down within hours of being discovered so it could be legit.

It's always women and jews ruining shit.

Remember, I posted a list of Associated twitter accounts.

Fuck off, retard. You subhuman fucks are getting doxxed and going down. Get fucked.

Rest in piss.

I'm on it man.

Why the distraction?

Fuck off with your metawhining faggot.

Fuck off skinwalker. :^)
It shits up the board and fucks the ability to have an actual meaningful conversation when there's a non-stop raid of defeatist shills trying to get everyone to return to the depression and defeatism of ca. 2012 where people wish for muh nuculur war.

Did you get that image from the megaupload?

It's not just having access to them. It's being able to discuss them with other Holla Forumsacks.

Keep doxing. @FBI has been sent emails with all this. They will request info from Holla Forums soon enough with IP's. :-)

Hey look at that, you can discuss MUH BOOOOKS on the book board.

Why do you think it's "Le alright Salaam" if you dox conservatives, but then do a 180 turn when it's your ass on the line, huh, faggot?

Go back to Dumblr, where you belong.

Did you get lost on the way to twitter?

We need new invite

We cannot generate a new invite, unless one is requested for.

Saying "muh books" should be a bannable offense. That anti-literacy meme has absolutely no business on Holla Forums.
Anti-literacy is anti-Aryan.

It's more for dumping the files, not for discussion.



KEEP POSTING KEEP DOXXING! Have sent 3 emails now to FBI of the United States Government.

Keep doxing and posting. Them IP's on LOCK

Feminist detected.


Go back to reddit.

You can post and discuss MUH BOOOKS just the same as you can link them. Autism is no excuse for shitting up the catalog with unimportant threads.

It's not illegal to dox someone, Sass.

If you leave it on the internet, people can find it.

That's your own fault.


is a real fucking funny thing.

It's not illegal to do that. Companies like Google probably know more about you than you know about yourself.

Goodbye shill! You will NOT be missed!

You'll never be black no matter how dark your wife's son is.

That's not even close to a coherent argument, which makes me think you are commenting in bad faith.

New admin showed, someone I haven't seen before.





Go to /pdfs/. Talk about books there. The solution is right in front of you, but just like the freech goons on /sudo/ crying about filenames you refuse to follow the simple solution and instead shit the place up crying about not getting your way.


I've never been to freech, I've never been to SA, I've never posted on /sudo/, I don't care about filenames because I habitually rename my files. Cool it with the nonarguments.

lefty shills also run /r/T_D, they took it over in 2016 and posted cuck porn and stickied it and banned many of the original users.

Real sad that happened too.

We get it, you're gay.

Should we put some flag somewhere and chant in front of it? For meme points, I mean.


Keep an eye on Outer Haven's raids board, they post MAT invites when they're found:


These faggots are so fucking stupid.

Cross channer here - just wanted to let you guys know that Richard Spencer and his stormfags are legitimately raiding both pol boards with Tulsi 2020 threads.

It's not just reddit and shareblue, now these retards are joining in too.

Someone on 4pol caught them being retarded.

Did you get your buzzwords mixed up?


as in playtime nazis who support a shitskin liberal woman and want Bernie Sander's healthcare plan.


That's just confusing and retarded. They don't even pretend to be natsocs, so why call them that?

Son anyone have a new invite?


It's real, we had a couple invites

I havent really been involved with countering this raid too much due to irl but theres a group of oldfags that made a small bunker that have been infiltrating leftist discord groups.. Theres a fucking ton of them and they are all faggots like the group being talked about now.

Discord is a fucking major cancer. Large voice chats allow a few faggots to monopolize the discussion and steer it in the direction they want it to go. And then theres the rest of the retards that dont really talk much but beta orbit the few more active talkers and agree with them unquestioningly.

very underrated post. Fuck this status quo, no matter what happens.