(((Michael Savage))) names the Jew
what fucking dimension are we in?

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Sad state of affairs that all of his daughters are coal burners, destroyed legacy. I wonder what he did wrong in raising them.


There was an attack thread about him on Holla Forums yesterday, seemingly out of the blue.
It makes sense now.


Fuck off trs

muh sage

Any citation here?
He has a daughter and a son (with middle name Goldencloud).
The son is a typical jew.

But since they are all kikes who cares any way.

Over the course of history, there have been a handful that were at least helpful to our cause.

Savages names the jew quite a lot actually. He's Miller tier.

My first thought: Doubtful. He loves Israel. I've heard his show before.

Then I had to pick my jaw up off the floor. He just told his listeners the US is acting as a puppet army for Israel. I'll applaud his honesty. That takes balls. Especially considering his listeners.

One of the few jews I can stand listening to.

name one that closed the oven door from the inside

Poetically put.

That kike named himself, I can't stand how influential a kike manages to be in christian circles but that's one I can't wait to see go.

Post a webm so that we can spread it around social media and (((youtube))).

names his own kind ? imagine that even kikes don't want to be kikes anymore they still should be exterminated.Pretending to be against their own power structure dose not impress me at all controlled op all day just like that zio punk chomsky.

Booby Fischer was chased to the end of the earth, destroyed, killed. This I think proves him to have been on the path of light.

Why would they?

no such thing as a good jew until they actively start killing themselves.Understand what controlled opposition is.Rats like this and alex jones,molyjew and many others will cry about shit jews do go so far as even naming them yet at the end of the day are still jew parasites that need to go.Fisher was autistic as fuck and being a chess player gm level myself hold him in high regard but he was still a fucking jew and not the best chess player ever.Morphy would have stomped a mud hole in his jew ass.

My opinion on him stands.

thanks, goy!

He prolly diddled em, filthy fucker

He's the kind of jew you let keep talking by still keep one eye open for.

you think a jew can be based and conducive to white power? lmao think again shabbos.Good chess player sure yet no amount of his jew hate for his own kind will ever make him Aryan and he is dead now anyway and Morphy would have mopped him up on the board he all but admitted it and recognized Morphy's ability in his own words.

This is true. If jews like savage and other jews on the right that say "it's not me it's those kikes" started wars and killed other kikes that give them a bad name then maybe thing would be different for jews. Every race in modern times have fought each other, the jew should be no different.

exactly the day all these so called self hating jews take up arms and actively try to destroy what is giving them a bad name I will take no jew that calls out his own kind seriously and regard them as nothing but blowing smoke up a goys ass.

I don't know who's Jewing who anymore.

you jewed yourself and you don't even realize it.

I heard the guy once on radio, he went on about how the media and the culture is so blatantly anti-white.

I really liked the little I heard. Shame he's jewish. Very Yiddish Ashkanazi indeed.

I could never fully trust a jew in my lifetime but I wish they would spend the next several hundred years becoming such virtuous people instead. Perhaps God would lift the curse of being so difficult to look at. Shame they all have to go.

She probably meant miscegenation is bad for jews.

didn't he make up some shit recently about getting attacked by someone calling him a jew? Is he just trying to be relevant?

what legacy? Did you think he was white?

I'm not sure of anything kubrick really did and I'm not sure of fischer.

*not sure of fischer being a jew even

Eyes Wide Shut. He was almost certainly killed over the extra 10 minutes of footage that was never shown to the public. That whole movie shows kike traditions, I can only imagine what else Kubrick wanted to show the world.

Bobby Fischer … "What is going on is I am being persecuted night and day by the Jews, for telling it … Jews were always lying bastards throughout their history." father as Hans-Gerhardt Fischer, also known as Gerardo Liebscher,[3] a German biophysicist. His mother, Regina Wender Fischer, was a US citizen. Regina was born in Switzerland; her parents were Polish-Jewish.He was a jew and schizophrenic because of it.

An eternal reminder: there is no such thing. Any yid that appears self-hating does it with a particular vested interest.

(checked) and what I been saying .

Oh no, what will ever do with out his jewish seed passing on to future generations…

Don't forget Michael Weiner's BASED gay jew lover who fought for the right of homosexuals and jews to sodomize boy!

Bobby Fischer is the only good jew

well, better kill yourself.

(fukkin checked)
funny that he's naming the jew only after his daughters burn the coal and he feels the multiculturalism seeping in.


you are right he's dead BAHAHA!!!

Do you have a source for that?

He's always named jews really. The guy actually wants to exterminate all non-whites and live in harmony as a jew with us. Sadly he doesn't realize that's not possible with jews and they must all be gassed. Maybe one day he will come around and willingly gas himself.

Shit, left out that Allen Ginsberg from NAMBLA was Weiner-Savage's faggot lover.

Didn't Bobby Fischer write up some tirade in a letter as a response to someone assuming he was a jew; where he claimed that he most certainly was not a jew?

BREAK YOUR LINKS, the Daily Stormer is a suspicious website, anything involving that crazy jew Weev should be kept at a safe distance from this board

He was a jew who renounced Judaism and sought to expose everything the jews do. Same with Brother Nathanael. Both are good. Note that this statement borders on the NAXALT fallacy. The number of jews in history who TRULY converted away from Judaism and ACTUALLY espouse the lies of their people is so small as to be countable on both hands, but every time we find a REAL one, we need to use them as an example.

AND WHY DIDN'T YOU POST ANYTHING FROM THAT ARTICLE? You want us to click on that link, don't you?

I have to hand it to him. I thought Michael Weiner was a typical cynical kike trying to swindle the goyim, but he's actually been spot on.

if thats true we can kill him last ;) but I doubt it he is playing a role just like drudge and molyjew.There is no decent world to live in under kike control humanities only salvation in whites controlling everything jews know it and all the shitskins know it too accept the dumb niggers think we was kangs and even that is ridiculous on its face as without whites they would all be mudhutting it still like they are now.Jews never contribute anything to the betterment of the human condition even by proxy instead they have latched on to the most powerful,intelligent group pretended to be like them yet secretly hate that they will never be as good as whites so try to destroy us.Don't know about you goy but I say fuck that I am proud to be white and have a 3 digit iq because of it.Jews are jealous their stupid desert scrolls don't add up to reality when the muh chosen ppl is in their face.Whites put those parasites to shame and they only live to suck from white power other than that what do they have? a fucking desert ? they call holy ahahahaa .Nah bitches you little rats are nothing without Whites and we don't need you yet you cling to us for dear life thinking somehow you can get rid of us and be us.That is your dumb inner sandnigger having delusions of grandeur.

Fuck off shariablue

We can set Michael Weiner up in a single room at the work camp and let him work as the kapo policing the Jew prisoners.

user, you're doing it wrong.

I suspected this, the Jew will morph as he loses ground. Remember there were some Jews weeks ago who were working with "white nationalists" but wouldn't work with the ones who blame Jews for anything.


Jews in antiquity would divide their tribe in half before going to war with another tribe; one half goes to battle and the other half seeks refuge with the other tribe, so that no matter what, the tribe survives.
Take everything a "good" jew does with a grain of salt.

Forcing a Jew to do hard manual labor is worse than killing him. Nothing a Jew fears more than hard work.

The Jew is slippery. Before you know it a group of them will have gotten away and then they inbreed to create more.

Like a rat infestation, the only way to find peace is to kill every last rat.

It doesn't even have to be hard. Jews hate all kinds of labor. Even cutters of jewels sold by kike companies are overwhelmingly gentiles.

I said a while back sterilize them all and force them into hard labor until they are dead would be the best insult even tho they would make shit slaves and require constant whipping to keep them working like a donkey.

Gonna listen to the Drudge interview Savage did last week again.

so you gonna listen to basically nothing but a shit show deflecting blame from jews GL with that goy.

Another one is Gilad Atzmon. He's my favorite former jew who renounced his jewishness to expose the jews.

You poor fool.

never ever trust a jew you fucking idiot or get sucked into their not all jews are bad meme GROW UP white man.

He knows that people are waking up so he wants to cover his ass by being "the exception to the rule", which is just like the girl who is "not like the other girls".

Don't fall for the tricks. He has known everything all along. He doesn't have a change of heart just like that, it's all for selfish reasons and to adjust to the overton window to keep listeners.

They ALWAYS pull this slimy move when people are waking up, and it preys on the altrust/sympathy weakness in our people.

Of course it is, but the important thing is that people got to hear a kike, who said he loves Israel, say the US Navy was being used as a puppet navy for Israel. If get a chance listen to the whole episode. I was surprised he went as far as he did.

And they got to hear a caller say afterward that Hitler did nothing wrong, and "Savage" stumble over himself trying to brush it off.

Ironically kikes are so inbred that they are the only race that benefits from miscegenation as long as it's not with niggers or turkroaches.

He's always been a jew playing the "I hate jews" card. MPC has a "shietel of metal" card; wonder if they apply it to him. I don't hate what the guy says, but because he is a jew he ultimately can't be trusted.

Savage Nation Radio. As in the Savage from "Brave New World," the Jew openly mocks the Savage Nation that he leads, but he is not a Savage like his listeners. He is the government leader that knows and holds all the secrets in the shiny big office at the end of the book. He is a gate keeper. Gate keepers do speak the truth, but only so much so that the Savages don't keep searching.

The one thing I cannot find I reason for is killing cryptokikels.

I know why kill practicing as they always are taltamudic, and will probably instill those values in any disgusting prole they give life to, but why non practicing?

Because they're still kikes.

The Talmud isn't what makes jews do what they do, the Talmud is what it is because it was written by jews. It's the written manifestation of the twisted jewish mind.

Hey now, they make some pretty good bagels!


out of a whole career it doesn't amount to much, and 10 minutes none of us have seen isn't helpful.

checked, thanks, I recall some arguments in the past over it

No such thing as a "good jew".

Plus, if he was a threat, his fellow kikes would have kicked him off radio. Kinda like if Trump was a threat, he wouldn't have been elected.


Is being genetically jewish as bad as cultural Jews? Same difference? Probably posters here who dont even know their ashkanazi heritage. Not sure but I thought pretty much all white people have jewish ancestry.

He's on infowar right now saying Kushner and Tillerson are manipulating Trump into war with Israel

Yep. Trump's biggest mistake

At least Gilad openly denounces them. Jerrid is about as jewish as you get

aww2 shit is Savage an actual fag? Is he related to Carlos Danger?