#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Enjoying Ourselves Edition



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- pastebin.com/ueUjXgh8
- www.oneangrygamer.net/2016/05/critical-distance-has-more-than-a-dozen-conflicts-of-interest-with-silverstring-media/2225/
- gamesense.co
- twitter.com/VoQn/status/709444614025977856 || lang-8.com/groups/3054
- blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2016/04/videogamer-includes-affiliate-links-in-articles-twitter-without-disclosure/ || twitter.com/OneAngryGamerHD/status/726462004911738880
- reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/4ng0uf/industry_steamspy_has_caught_what_looks_like_a/


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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This shit is so pretentious it just gave me a film school degree

Gaming is dead.


Fuck, I slept through my whole sunday and just woke up to a shooting, video games being blamed for it, whites being blamed for it, although it apparently has connections to Islam and E3.

How much of E3 did I miss?
Anyone got a good stream link? The twitch stream is jittering.



not much. sport, cgi ME trailer, sport, indie game and now star wars



nah, fuck this. It's just shitposting at its purest.

This an ea worker? He must trigger the fuck out of jounos and rami.

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

This is just fucking parody now

also Jade Raymond

well at least it isn't con or femfreq.

old bread: archive.is/hxz9g

What's the dude selling? Salad slappers? Or is he doing a low energy cardio video?

There is a comfy E3 thread with less PPH.
This thread will probably talk about E3 too.


Did I hear that right?

You have been visited by


Good luck on love, good luck on surgeries, Concentration, Smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep, an easy guide to mememagic and Salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words “FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE”

Remember to always be a big guy


Rereminder for next OP:
Don't forget to put
- CH Updates: Apr 2 - Jun 10: p.teknik.io/3WuOQ
- Thread Repository Update: Apr 16 - Apr 25 - /p.teknik.io/WUMEx
in the OP.
While everyone is busy getting depressed watching E3, I'll set up a GitGud account and play vidya.

I was up all last night watching Brote's stream and I wake up with a hangover and Muslams killed 50 gays in Orlando and also E3 is going on

Sean said she went to EA so probably

Anyone gonna embed the stream?



That news is already a few months old. It just wasn't hyped up much back when it was official.


Looks like Asari's where hit with the diversity bat.


It's fucking sunday

Sup gamurgays, how's it hangin?

inb4 fired tomorrow

For her, the worst nightmare of GamerGate.


No idea what this attention seeking scene shit is and I never will. Fuck off back to the uni you came from with the rest of the irrelevant parasites.

It's not my fault Vivian is shit you know

That part made me cringe hard.
Like come the fuck on, Bioware.

What? Why? HOW? They're fucking blue for christ's sake!


it looks like this fag - forgot his name


Go fuck a tranny.

Here's your (((YOU))) faggot :^)

suddenly, craving for pizzaomelette

Patton Oswalt.



It looks boringly average. Not handsome, not pretty, not even ugly but memorable, just bland looking. Is that the diversity people want?

He looks like they took a photo of the first progressive blogger they found.

Christ they really had nothing. I thought they'd have tangible info o n ME4 and it was still just "w-we're working on it."

I thought we'd hear about Amy Hennig's Star Wars game and it was just "We are working on Star Wars games."

All they had was a FIFA story mode. A story mode, I might add, where you don't play as your own character, but are rather forced to play as some random nigger.

Christ what a shitshow. They're lucky they went first.



how new

Battlefield 1 looks decent. That was it.

Fucking called it.
>It's a whole new galaxy guys!
I can bet you all the weapons and assets will be identical or very slightly different as well.

I think this is a very clear sign that today is the Day of Danielle

Titanfall 2 also looks ok.

No, the old aliens are supposed to come back. They've already talked about krogan and shit.

And that really nervous, sweating, heavy-breathing Swede

They only showed cutscenes and script events, zero to non real gameplay footage.

Danielle as a loli should be an oppai loli.

He was getting real triggered of talking about games with guns after the Gay Bar Jihad.

That would not be a surprise. I'd rather see that ayylium have the face of Flo from the progressive insurance commercials. At least she's honest about shilling something.

So EA was just a bunch of cinematic bullshit for the "players"? Looks like I didn't miss much by missing it.

I've had the worst fucking day.

I went to a Nightclub called Pulse expecting to have a good time, but the party was fucking lifeless.

That means they will use downgrade soon


Could've been subtler. More creative.

Did you at least get some shots?


Niche and Digifira ain't done shit yet.



Issue is, they've only tweeted EA stuff. It's hard to shill for that crap.

Did some party pooper walk in and the room just went dead or something?

Only thing I got from the EA presentation was that EA fired all their competent character modellers.


Someone please fucking kill me.


Reddit goblin pls go

Can we not have one fucking game that does things differently without it being called the "Dark Souls of (genre)?"


This comment is the dark souls of gamergate general posts.

Bloodborne is the Dark Souls of Playstation 4.

We have one, it's called Dark Souls.


Told you Orlando had no nightlife

Did you hear about the Muslim who wandered into a gay bar?

he had a blast

And this is why GG is doomed.

Dont forget Gamesnosh

What's Fe?

The dark souls of indie games.

"Hey, the next rounds are on me!"

Journey looking game from progressive swedish devs. it's shit

Why are you even on Holla Forums ?

Some people might have not wanted to subject themselves to the EA conference. I can't blame them.

Phil Fi's new project

First of all, does anyone knows some guy or group who makes good summaries of E3, preferably text instead of video? I don't care about vidya enough anymore to actually watch that Debordian nightmare.

Second, I assume you have seen pic related from another thread. Remember when some of us complained about using "anti-gamer" because it's hyperbole? Yeah.



He says this while the Call of Duty championships are happening right now and thousands of kids are playing Black Ops 3 in the new sweaty 2xp playlist.

They don't care you stupid fuck.


Yep, sounds like an SJW belief to me.

Never mind found it.

America, yes

The saddest part is that these people don't even know that they're going full Jack Thompson. Why? Because their rationalization is "I can't be Jack Thompson, he was a religious conservative who is registered Democrat and was given legitimacy by Shillary herself."

seriously it sounds like something Jaden Smith would say

Where where you when game journalists LITERALLY started using Jack Thompson rhetoric

To be fair, didn't he delete/retract/apologize for that shit shortly afterward?

Of course.

It's always one of the same five fucking cities.

he deleted the, and said he was sorry for posting something like that so soon after the terrorist act.


So he apologized for gravestanding, but didn't apologize for going full Jacko?


I get the feeling this shooting is gonna turn attitudes around against the left.




Reminder you're waifu is a lesbian




That's a killer joke you got there

Danielle is a lesbian, wow I didn't knew


user, stop, you're killing me

This woman is such a piece of shit.

I was talking about Nio from AnR.

So, does this mean he's gonna be in a "We Wuz Soldiers and Shiet! voice pack like in CoD Ghosts? nice betrayal there snoopy!


Shit, they caught we said Game Players- put the fucking shirt on!!

So they're just using random phonemes for game titles now?

Unwittingly uttering a catchphrase is the closest she ever got to telling a joke.

I think today is finally the day big daddy won
The left has lost their goddamned minds

Here's hoping.

Problem is I feel like I can't RT muslim redpills AND put GG stuff in the E4 hashtag without making GG look bad to neutrals.


What does the NRA have to do with mass shootings.

Like I don't get it, gaming journalists calling for game companies to make statements and other people just saying the stupidest goddamn shit I've ever heard, its insane, and at no point has anyone said radical islam either.

Yep, i think somebody's mad


Wait a moment…

I just realised… there are all kind of drawings of the tans and GG shit… but no yaoi or bara, for example. Why is there no sexy Holla Forums in his underway?

Shitty hipster game without any words about playing as a bear that EA showcased




Spam those images in the anti-gun and Orlando hashtags.


Fucking Redditors

He needs to shut up some more.

That was a good day
The best part was that the leaked ending was so shit half of them didn't believe it

Someone said way back when Trump first got slammed for being anti- muslim that this was a part of Trump's gamble. That he knew there would be a terrorist attack on US soil before november, and was banking on it. High risk, but his reward. And really, it was a safe bet. Of course there'd be another terrorist attack. He saw the global climate, and knew that this would win him the election.

The man is playing this game 10 moves ahead.

Twitter really was a mistake

can we mememagic it out of existence?

Personally, now that the wii u is hacked I can't wait to spoil the new zelda for nintendrones

But that's wrong stupid.

The NRA did not even make a statement yet. And why would they need to? You had a guy who hated gay people and actively wanted to harm them never stopped. He got weapons illegally, and then went to a place where guns were banned from and he shot it up. How do more gun laws prevent that from happening when the guy broke every law in the book. This was a clear cut case of a muslim terrorist, but god forbid you point that out. You need to blame the NRA boogeyman and try to stop gay people and anyone from owning guns so they can't defend themselves. Fucking idiots. Guns are banned in mexico for the common man and they have one of the highest gun crime rates in the world. Gun control is strict in chicago yet all those criminals do fine to get them. People who support gun control at this point are retarded, especially since it was initially done by the liberal parties to prevent minorities and women from owning firearms legally. Now it is the party standard for a group that proclaims to be for the rights of everyone.


I couldn't believe it as I was playing the damn game.

All those dead gays and Dobson wasn't one of them.

Does not compute


They can either point fingers blindly and hope that it somehow blows over, spoiler alert it won't
Or they could admit that they are pushing for more of these nutjobs to come over and that maybe, just maybe, they were fucking wrong


It's all to divert attention away from immigrants doing this shit.

What bothers me is how much likes she got for that.

they keep saying this because they can say "NRA" and not get called raciest

Dobson needed to leave his basement for that but what if someone is carrying a water bottle? It's too risky

Do it yourself.

The left is acting this way because it is backed into a corner. Their ideology has failed them. The real world has kicked their front door in. They have no arguments that can't be blasted the fuck out. Nothing they say will work. They're scrambling.

They need to find a way to blame this on white republican gun owners, because their ideology has left only that group to be blamed. Anything else is racist to them. At this point it is clear that they are wrong, their attitudes and beliefs are dangerous, people are dying and "love wins" won't win a war.

Nobody likes to have blood on their hands. People like Wil will say "fuck the NRA" but he can't hide the fact that in his mind he is screaming. He can't hide his guilt. He can't hide the blood he will see on his hands, the blood he can never wash off.

I think I found a muslim unicorn.

I just finished the most satisfying greed eden run in binding of issac. Piggybank + steam code= free money

Not really. Its like betting in blackjack with the deck face side up. Isis has not been eradicated to the point we can say we are safe, and we know thay have been gaining male concerts around the world of all colors of skin.

Fully hacked yet? Or that server hack?

This makes me mad I know it is old zelda seems like a nice lady. inb4 someone shows me sjw ties

We're not faggots except you

You have a few libtard trying to say it technically is not a serial killing since there is no refractory period, but they fail to realize that does not have any relevance to what a serial killing is. It was both a serial killing and a mass shooting where 50 people died, but they try to argue semantics incorrectly to try and justify their shit.

the weapons were bought legally

Then why do you like so much faggotry between the mascots?

Not sure if fake account or not.

This is someone I can respect.

I like to imagine if Dobson got shot it would make the stereotypical "balloon deflating" noise.


please use archive.is/us-news/2016/jun/12/omar-mateen-orlando-nightclub-attack-shooter-named

Best be careful what you wish for, user…



I don't want yaoi, I'm just curious. Strange it didn't happen, you would expect something like Holla Forums being stripped while tickled and that shit.

What has Paul Feig said about this shooting?

If he said nothing, guess he doesn't care at all.

If he said something, but defends the shooters, guess he was lying.



All I know piracy is possible and rom injections for VC games can happen.

I don't actually own a Wii U, and just read the threads about it awhile back.


Just hurry up and draw the tans in soccer uniforms. The Euro's on now, and ICUP III is coming up.

You type like a faggot who clearly doesn't post in these threads and want that kind of shit when there's no obligation whatever to make it. Fuck off.

Nothing yet, but I'm guessing

Even I didn't expect us to get blamed for this

seems real, account says she's pro-GG too.


Holy shit, that's gotta be worth at least 2.5k virtue points!

The second worst thing to happen to gay people today


You really do type like a faggot.

Do you mean "us GG" or "us vidya"? Because I haven't seen the former yet.

I'm the Gildafag, what would you expect?

I can already taste the salt

HQ has a team, they're on it.

I don't know what you want me to say



I have a bridge to sell to you


Okay, that's just fucking cheap.

Is there some kind of image switcheroo I'm not aware of, or is this a bug?

I can't even tell if i'm being trolled right now or what

How are people this dumb?

Boy, I sure hope he has citations for that, because that's over one a day. I mean, other than up his own ass, obviously.

Tumblr is mad that people are criticizing ISIS instead of the white Americans that could have done this massacre but strangely didn't. It's so unfair!




yes there's a image swap bug that's happening quite more than usually

Just the way it is, unfortunately.

It's pretty telling, isn't it.

The CNN article links to her twitter account, not sure why you're calling me gullible and claiming that its a fake account when the only available evidence is on the side of her being a legitimate account.

I think this is the strawmanniest strawman that ever existed, hot damn
The left really has lost their goddamned minds over this, it would almost be funny if it wasn't such a fucked up situation

Anybody can put in their profiles they are pro this or anti that but I really doubt there's any pro gg content there. Goons also like to put it on their profiles to mock gg

You know, let them ruin E3 (as if it could be worse) with articles about evil publishers hyping FPS games. They brought it on themselves by enabling those journos and other non-people on Twitter.

They make a BF starring a black man and then get shit on for making it a first person shooter with guns. They thought they were protected by the journos but instead are being used to push their agenda and they aren't even fighting back.

Let EA, Activision, Ubisoft and other shit big publishers handle this PR nightmare themselves. I'll just hang around and harden my arteries with the salt.

Nah, any strawman comic would have a hard time beating this.

That's kind of hard to do.
It's always

Were… were we even planning on defending EA or ubishit?
Its like cancer fighting AIDS

Was that the definition of serial killing though? Wasn't that just an amok run? I see serial killers that kill people over the course of a "long" time. That kill, get away, kill again, get away, etc.

This was more like a religiously/ ideology motivated terrorist attack.

You know what?

i feel sick.

I can't stomach this shit anymore.

Oh fuck what I wouldn't give to see Cleese and Palin give this a go

You'd be surprised how easy it is.

There were Nintendrones bitching on gonintendo over them not doing a spoiler warning for fucking mario maker costumes.

Is that ironic?

Yeah Niche wasn't going to cover EA much. We all watched the presentation, but the only thing that interested us was FE, TitanFall Because Brandon is a fucking MechFag and only slightly ME Andromeda Because I'm a battered Wife.

Doesn't brandon know that they're not mechs? :^)

Holla Forums hates him about as much as they hate dobson, so no, he is very much serious about this shit

I saw the dev team in Montreal last summer at some convention. Lose all hope, it was like a bad Tumblr family picture.

Just saying.

Since we're on the topic, here's one fished from Holla Forums. Notice the date tho.

A British student union defends ISIS again, no-platforms an ISIS critic


He was a spree killer, not a serial killer.

Nope, the artist was 100% serious. He also believes that one-dimensional characters are perfect and lapses into seizures if people tell him otherwise.

You sure this isn't a parody?

Can you just cede a point you're obviously wrong on already?

Fug, the board added a shitload of newlines. Sorry.

Is there a farther reach?

I missed the beginning of the presentation. What is FE?

Now I'm starting to feel sorry for gay people

Latest indie hipster circlejerk "so deep" game

Fire Emblem, DUH

What is the full name so I can look it up?

Fairy Excrement


just FE

I just want ME1. I loved that fucking game.

Brandon got stuck on a train for the entirety of the presentation and he's our main editor right now. Honestly we're looking for people interested in editing right now. Get in contact with Brandon if you're interested.

Environmentalist propaganda the game. Looked nice and could be interesting from a gameplay perspective but ultimately still propaganda.

that face is giving me some fucking Shrek vibes

I think its just FE, i had a stream in the background, could probably check twitch/youtube soon enough for the vod, but its EA so its really gonna be trash

Fe is the full name

Well, apparently "Fe". Upper casing both letters makes it seems like an abbrevation.


oh god it barely changes

I'm no Editor sorry, I was there for political reasons, EA was a big part of Montreal's videogame 'mecca', that's why I was there.



Chris Plante is offended.

what the fuck

Just saying we have a general need.

This is really the hill they are going to die on? Right at the start of E3 at that?
There is not nearly enough popcorn in the world for this


Guys I heard violent video games at E3 are pushing poor innocent Muslims to slaughter gays against their will.

We have to stop the evil video games, they might cause something even worse than a massacre, they might cause islamophobia.

Oh, isn't that the guy who reduced a scientist to tears for wearing a shirt a friend made him, then deflected with "YOU CAN'T CRITICIZE MY ACTIONS, I'M A CRIPPLE!" Yeah, fuck that guy.

You know, i think this just further proves that GJP 2.0 is indeed a thing, i wonder if this retarded agenda pushing won't cause someone to defect and leak again

Its both sad and hilarious that literally the only people blaming video games for any part of this shit is video game "critics" and bloggers. Neither conservative media or liberal media are pulling this shit.

Tranny Asari

Calling it now, even if it doesn't make sense in the game lore.



>that first url

This is it, this is the end.

Maybe he would not give the speech if he was not a virtue signalling asshole and actually wanted to fix shit proactivly.

Holy fuck, I will never unsee that.

A female friend, which didn't stop the entire SJWsphere from ripping apart a guy who remote-landed a spaceship on a comet from billions of miles away for supposedly being a sexist.


I see green cock, spoil that shit



I'm so fucking sick of gays being lumped in with trannies.

Go look for her reply to the user "fairuse". She almost sounds a little Holla Forums.

This is it. This is the end. The world has gone full potato. Now we wait.


Eh, not really. Sounds more tradcon.

Okay, realtalk for a second here. I know we talk about socjus being collective sociopathy, but to be honest, I believe Plante actually is a literal psychopath. It's bizarre going to someone's tweet and it's all silly jokes and memes, then suddenly they blurt out something like "IT IS MY MISSION IN LIFE TO SEE THAT THIS PERSON IS BURIED IN A PAUPER'S GRAVE AND THAT THIS HAPPENS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE"… and they mean it. He and his friends don't even act like it's a joke or anything. And then it goes back to regular banter, like his disturbing mask-slip didn't happen. Sam Biddle's Twitter followed this exact same pattern before he scrubbed it clean.

My buddy got engaged to his SJW hambeast, even though he was just on the cusp of figuring out she was cutting him off from his friends and family.

This can only end in 2.5 kids, then divorce-rape.

At the wedding, when they ask if someone is opposed, speak up.

Kill this retard now.

Tell him to set up a prenub.

can i say fam on Holla Forums?


Don't forget to film the wedding

On Holla Forums you can say anything you want. But you might get billied for it.

Yeah, it's pretty scary when you see feeds like that.

I'm so glad Godfrey's back.

Fucking tell him to get a Prenuptial agreement.


Something chase you off cuckchan?

only if you sign up for

This Fe shit feels suspicious, can't tell if simply "indie" dick sucking or if there's anything more shady


I'll try, but he hasn't listened to me about anything lately.

I don't imagine I would be able to get through to him until she inevitable leaves him destroyed.

I wonder if a prenup is really effective. But yeah, better having one than none.

I'll never understand the urge of some to marry, you can have a nice relationship without having to spend thousands on a marriage.

Ok, that cracked me up good.

Is he retarded or something?

I've always wanted to do that.

Prenups have been thrown out in court before, but they usually are upheld. It varies depending on how good the lawyers are.

Prenups really vary in effectiveness depending on the state and what judge you have to deal with.

oh great, more monochromatic indie shit with violins everywhere that sets itself in an "alien world" with voiceless, lifeless, odd characters and monsters because they can't model a human face worth shit, they can't voice act, and since there's no writing to make up for that it also proves they can't write either.

And the fact that they constantly have these dark colorations, in fact monochromatic so the actual model polycounts are masked and so they don't have to make textures.

This shit be shit, brother.

All posts and threads about the verge article or SJWs blaming the shooting on violent video games are getting hotpocketed with extreme prejudice back on cuckchan.

it's from a swedish company that makes cellphone games

Not really surprising, mods there are basically the same as reddit admins politically. Wouldn't surprise me if some of them are actually from SRS and wormed their way in.

It's amazing how eager people want to stifle others saying "can we all agree that these guys are basically Jack Thompson in all but name?"

Polite sage here, but since we're on the topic, why in fuck does alimony exist? Why does wealth need to be split between separating parties? Why are possessions even included in the realm of what can be taken?

I understand splitting things like a house, or a car, given the shared nature, but fuck a gaming console, TV, part income? What the fuck?

Granted, my knowledge of marital law is limited and based on stereotypes and what not, so I might be talking out my ass here, but what the fuck? Why can one person bilk another like that? It's not like you can quit your job and keep the benefits, why can you do that with a marriage?

An arab man walks into a bar and kills 50 people and he's not a serial murderer? You know, like what just happened?

His name sure as fuck ain't Johnny Peterson or some shit.

And as an arab, he literally had the highest body count then any other shooter in the history of america.

Argument invalidated, racist exposed.

Thing is, Jack Thompson was one loud guy who was basically the laughingstock of his profession. SJWs are much, much worse.

To fuck your shit up.

I can't speak on the matter of prenups, but with divorce it all boils down to what judge you get. My best friend had a wife that cheated on him and set out to destroy his life, and he got a male judge that was infamous for bending guys over the table. In our state cheating isn't considered grounds for divorce, so she sought alimony, child support, more alimony. He lost his house, he had to give her 70% of his paycheck, plus half of his fire department paycheck that he got once every 3 months.

She got full custody of the kids, despite the fact that she she hated them. My friend was an awesome father, he lived for his kids. The house went to shit, she let the kids play with knives, lived in their own filth. I went over their once. It was like a scene from a 3rd world country.

Two years later it turns out she was with another guy but was hiding it so he would still have to pay the alimony. Shit was fucked up.

I mean his name is literally Omar Mateen, for fuck's sake.

It might be comfy. I like bass/double bass and ambience it has.
I'll probably pirate it or the soundtrack.

Its basically a holdover from when only men really provided income and divorce was exceedingly rare. Of course feminists want to keep societal advantages for females even after gaining equal rights.


Nah, but seriously, what purpose does it serve?

I think the morale of the story is to never get married.

didn't the shooter have illegal guns?

Alimony, as a concept, goes back to when single-income families were the norm, and the husband was expected to provide for the wife. If there was a separation, alimony was the law's way of making sure that the woman–who was now used goods and likely beyond marriageable age–would still be provided for.

Theoretically, in an egalitarian society, especially where you have more and more households where both participants hold jobs, alimony would be dismissed as a relic of the patriarchal past, but strangely enough, feminism hasn't gotten around to addressing that particular institution just yet.

any known faces here?



I'm seeing a lot of the Justin Mcellroy's tweets without archives, does anybody have them? can you paste them on the screencap?

No, he got them legally.

So it is bullshit. Got it.


You know, i'd call this bait if it was posted on here by an user in text, rather then a picture post.

This ain't bait.

Does that even matter? If that club was a gun free zone it never would have happened. Video games gave him those guns too. Legally bought video games. Video game control is the answer

I've heard that name before

Don't think familiar faces are necessary.

Seconded. Requesting.

I bet it's a tranny, but thirded.

Does anyone have that screencap of the user describing gaming journalist, and how they have no skills and now they hate games and they are stuck in a career they hate? Please? I offer this in exchange.

The NRA hasn't said a fucking thing, Josh. Go sit in the corner next to Wesley.

I was going to say I don't know but I found it after 3min of Googling.

Lana Rain.

Ah shit, forgot to spoiler.

Sorry Mark.

Forever and always, the one aGGro I want to see brutally injured.

Don't care if its petty, I despite Piante so much for what he did to that scientist.

Nice dubs. She's the one who did that cam thing dressed as Rei IIRC.

The thumbnail made me think it was a qt trap

I'm kind of disappointed


Me too, I thought the same when I finally found it




best ara sister confirms thread of love and reminds us to dig E3

literally the next tweet:

Didn't today teach you anything about fags, faggot?

That they need to carry guns?

ah damn, I didn't know we had to take notes

Well, just back from Download, seems I missed Gawker declaring bankruptcy. Allow me a moment of Smug won't you.

Anyway, you winning GamerGate?

Yes somehow we are winning, not really through demonstrable actions, but somehow we are winning anyway.

You should see the eruption happening on Twitter right now at Polygon and Verge using the recent mass shooting to go at video games.

It's fucking beautiful


Feels like it, and with kebab going full religion of peace on a gay night club the libtards are having to do Olympic caliber mental gymnastics just to keep from going insane.


Because even though it's encouraged to be a strong independent woman who don't need no man, as it turns out, women still prefer to be taken care of.

As for what's fair / how I would handle divorce courts if I were in charge?

Of course, I do believe that the system should be open to dispute - Divorce lawyers do have to pay the bills, after all. Documented Legal Violations and/or evidence of cheating should sway the courts, because that speaks to the character of the parent in question.
Sadly, this allows for abuse, as domestic abuse is vague and unfair in application, so that would also have to be corrected and law must be applied in a gender-neutral manner.

I've heard this kind of story all too many times. Divorce court is broken as fuck.

archive it all


for the Verge post and article

I found this one, is it the one you mean?

but teh guns are scary


No sympathy since they're the ones who continually paint the medium as a bigoted shitpile with abusive consumers.

Fuck you. You deserve no raise for trying to pigeonhole this industry.

That's a nice way to sum up Abrahamic religions, tho.


No matter who wins, you lose.

An addendum, if there is only 1 breadwinner they can opt to help find them a job for the ex significant other instead of paying "to keep them in the luxury in which they are accustomed to."


That's not what Shadow told me.

fucking kill yourself

Jesus Christ what's the turnaround time here? Two hours? Less?



With THAT make-up, it looks like it deserves to be on a Mad Max set.

He just can't blame the perp, can he.

According to feminist theory serial killing = multiple victims + power. Because blacks have not power, they cannot be serial killers, Shitlord!! Saying that ironically in case you were stupid.

Besides, he was a mass murderer, not a serial killer. Different MO.

Is the poster saying that they want gays to die so they can be busted?

archived and GTFO



Gotta love the cherry picking from lefty faggots.

Nah man. If we win, faggot hang. If muzzies win, they burn. There is no win scenario for Leftists.


Yeah, I don't think so.


how long will they stay on twitter if most people call out their lies?

If either a sandnigger or a day of the rope faggot comes after me they're catching a bullet.

Think what you want. Throwing your lot in with Progressives, being a reservoir for AIDS and generally fucking up society while giggling about it for decades isn't going be forgiven just because you're White.

Like I expect the usual straight virtue signalling libtards to put their fingers in their ears about the killer, but actual gay people not telling it like it is should be considered downright traitorous by their community.


Okay crazy person, why don't you go and tell uncle Holla Forums about your great ideas.

can a nigga at least get a personalized insult instead of a canned meme

Like they give a shit, its just an indoctrination platform.

I know right? Makes about as much sense as gays against Islamphobia.

here's the thing I don;'t throw all the muslims along with the militants but the left makes no distinction between the 2, every single time some horrific thing happens and mudslimes are involved its a race to see who can defend them the fastest, I mean lets go down the list

Is all I've seen today in regards to this shooting, nobody has talked about radical islam or anything its insane.


Article archive: archive.is/aBXEj

Nice sauce and nice repeating digits.

Very nice user. Excellent job. The Gods have rewarded you.

They're just reiterating talking points of the narrative. What actually happened is absolutely meaningless for them. Just another opportunity to spread ideology. The purpose of everything is propaganda.

Man, they thought they were going to have a field day with this shit. They found the perfect opportunity to shit on video games, gay people, and defend ISIS. Shame people grew wise to their bullshit, oh, about nine months ago.

Some people are.

Try to have a modicum of self-awareness for once in your life. The only people who tolerate faggots do so because their alliance of freaks, failures, and other misc. genetic dead ends requires them to in order to jointly have the power to go against normal, well adjusted people. The solidarity is forced and artificial, even more so because nearly everyone in this fucked up group is pathologically egocentric.

So, when you guys get whichever natural ethnic in-group, which ranks extremely high in the in-group hierarchy as explored by SIT research, that has won this struggle for the West rocking up to your door to hold you to account, the alliance will first splinter down faction lines, and ultimately down to the individual. However hard you talk here and now, like that other retard, about how you're gonna drop down from your apartment and 360 noscope da evil people who just want to kill you for no good reason, when the squad rocks up to your door, with the infrastructure of a full paramilitary behind them, your ass is getting in one of the trucks, either on a seat or in a pile.

The reason this will happen is because, as said above, the people who actually fight against Muzzies aren't gonna be Lefties, and they will take issue with your collaboration and efforts. If they lose, Achmed will kill you because Allah says so, as you can observe in any Muzzie country where homosexuality is punishable by death, and carried out.

The same mechanism which prevents you from being horrified at the inevitability of your own natural death has clearly been re-purposed on a large scale for Lefties, because otherwise they would be gibbering wrecks already with the conflict we see heating up here and in Europe. You are completely fucked.


Quads confirm, never stop archiving.





No shit, that doesn't mean they all hate gays.
You're probably one of those retards that thinks that Trump actually has Holla Forums tier views.

How badly does this image trigger you?

Yea I expected Trump to speak out, he's the only that tells it like it is and people wonder WHY he's gotten so far.

Probably cause our current leaders are spineless fucking faggots who do nothing and continually endorse and defend a religion that fucking hates fags and trannies and the american way of life.

We're at war but that fucking monkey refuses to acknowledge it, never mind the fact that it was his military decisions that led to ISIS in the first place.

Wooooww, of all the images to get the thumbnail glitch on.

that's fucking hilarious


This is also true, the media keeps trying to paint this as something that's cut and dry.

I think you are overestimating the number of people who are radical right wingers like you. Progressives are currently the enemy of a wide alliance of different ideological groups. Just because they agree with you on that part does not mean they agree with you on any other one of your weird ideas. If you think your alt right nonsense will become a majority position then you are delusional.

I'm not mad anymore…. I'm already numb.

I don't see how Hotel Dusk could trigger anyone.

The alt-right isn't even promoting that, a large chunk of the alt-right is gay or tranny. He's like .01% of the population and thinks his fringe is going to have a successful coup.


What is everyone doing to relax? I have just started Gothic since I wanted to replay it. I never played gothic 2 so that is next.

Be sure to point to LGBT people that straight white men have decided that they officially rank lower than muslims.

Thank god the bubble's bursting. Their fall from "grace" is going to be glorious. Especially Mr. Diabetes.

What kind of mental disability do you need to have to make this argument, which is so disconnected from the reality of group policy and effort that it only emboldens those who have it out for you?

They don't need to all hate gays. At bare minimum, you need one organization leader with a degree of autonomy within the overall structure of the resistance to the Muzzies. One, who can allocate resources and manpower. That's for the group to be recognizable as anti-homosexual, because this wing would receive support from the rest of the apparatus.

You would get faggots being loaded into trucks even with a sizeable faction that has goals more or less aligned with the main resistance but operating separately with such desires.

A great number of the people who do have the conviction to fight the muds do in fact hate or otherwise want to remove homosexuals. The Left and the Neo-Cons literally drive them all together into a small, far-Right group by purging them from their own ranks. You are concentrating these people into one faction, then arguing that it won't be significant.

Thank you user!

Why do alt righties always think over soliloquizing makes them seem intelligent?

Thank you.

And a double thanks for the webm.

Super Mario Land, Bayo 2, and nhentai.net/g/125676/.

Playing a cyclone marauder in poe, first real viable build where i don't get assfucked by every boss multiple times, its pretty nice
Might try to get back into TW3 again

Yeah. You're fucking retarded, spend some time off Holla Forums its rotted your brain.

Why entertain the goon?

Dunno man, the way things go, I wouldn't be surprised if they end up getting a following from this bullshit.


Blood and Wine is amazing. It's like another Skellige in size, but with better quests.

Nice trips and nice video.



trips of game journo open season

This'll be fun.

If you haven't played the expansion yet, they're both fantastic.

Link? I'd like to RT that.

I'd love to play Witcher 3, but I'll need to get a new computer for it first…


That's it. I'm fucking done. I hate this world, and this country deserves to fucking burn. When these idiots are getting their heads sawed off by an ISIS sword, I wonder if they'd change their tune?

Yeah, i saw someone playing blood and wine and figured i had to, its so goddamned vibrant

Again, you are widely overestimating the support for that radical anti-gay stuff. Most right wingers just want to be left alone and support "live and let live". Classical liberal values and capitalist free market economics.

White supremacists, fascists and anti-gay fundamentalists are a fringe minority. So fringe, they are barely relevant in any political discussion ever. Even if progressive media outlets try to frame the entire ring wing and moderate leftists as such.


They are a vocal minority. Trump is gaining support.

Don't lose hope, it's swinging the other way, big time.

Its literally the same fucking thing


Not only that, but they somehow did enough mental gymnastics to say that it's a global homophobic conspiracy.



Shit on reality! Repeat after me: NAR-RA-TIVE!

Homophobes can still eat pork, and can still treat women fairly.

Why are blacks defending kebabs?
Kebabs have a history och fucking with blacks.

I'm telling this attack is gonna cause a massive cultural shift, people are angry, sad, hurt, pissed and people are sick of the perpetual excuses from the left and our spineless president refusing to acknowledge radical islam and just going "muh gun control"

Well they almost get it. Islam is toxic masculinity: the religion. But don't tell them that, the mental gymnastics could kill them.


shouldn't we be lanching dis nod?

I just wish 50 people didn't have to die for people to wake up.

It's their culture, you shitlord! You can't criticize it!
Now, about those problematic Japanese waifu games…

these idiots are going to get trump elected. terrorist makes an attack on American soil? Must be America's fault. Yes you, average voter, it's your fault this happened. Don't listen to the man saying we need to address this problem head on, just sit in the naughty corner and vote Hillary.

Sadly something drastic needs to happen for folks to wake up in situations like this, its always how it goes.

Personally I wish we weren't even have this conversation, but you have all these assholes hellbent on blaming everything but the root cause and its sickening



Reading comprehension. The people who want to purge faggots are driven into a small far-Right group. There are relatively few people who are fighting Islam, and they are nearly all Right-wing. When I'm talking about fighting, I'm not talking about the people who sit at home and support the fight and vote in that vein, I'm talking about people who organize physical opposition, and it is these people who will ultimately form the groups that, if victorious, will then move onto collaborators and traitors.

This process has a foundation in history. You can crack open a book detailing the events of any great upheaval, and find examples of such "extreme" paramilitaries forming.

You have shit like the Vendean Insurrection:


The familiar Wide Awakes from US history:


Shit, the US even organized militias to go and kill Indians during the California Gold Rush because they were considered a threat to their citizens, similar you might say to how this certain group of subversive STI riddled fucks that love importing subhumans could be considered to modern citizens.

And of course, the recent Einsatzgruppen:


But hey, take your pick:


In all times and places, violent amateurs are used as the enforcing arm of a political agenda. I'd classify Black Lives Matters as a current Leftist attempt at this, not to mention the general chaos they hope to bring by importing Muzzies themselves.

Maybe read a fucken book sometime instead of sitting on Holla Forums and never filling your head with anything at all.


how dead is the twitter front? today is sunday


I guess that answers the question of who wasted 5 bucks today.
Why'd you even open this thread if you hate vidya so much?


Hey now, there's a name that's going places.

This guy here is fucking prophetic.

they will try and blame it on everything other than what it is and what is most retarded is people thinking this is a gun issue who have no idea what a propane b0mb and blocked exits for less cost than the guns could have done…the intent and the ideology behind it can not be reasoned with– they can only bury their heads in the sand and blame something else in denial or fight back and overcome their cowardice. Waking up for an sjw requires suicide of the entire ego unfortunately


You and shit waifu Val.

Its much better than the hebe ads.

this song just became funny

I greatly enjoy some vidya. That doesn't require me to be ahistorical or unrealistic. I just cannot believe that Leftists don't understand that if you corrupt a civilization enough to tolerate anything, it is inevitably subsumed by external barbarism.

It is as I said, either the West starts having some standards again, which all historically involved the suppression of faggots too, or it loses to the invading army which wants to kill all of them. There is no way for Leftists to win.


Go LARP elsewhere.

Goddamn it, Kite.

Bravo EA.

I think there should be a before and after image to compare the asaris.

And that's why you don't see what's coming.


I don't know as I not a twitter fag but this is the perfect opportunity to get dis nod going again.

i feel there needs to be more context to explain why she finds it cute. The chin and nose are offputting.

oh shit. gradeAunderA just called out Sarkeesian and Laci in his latest video. Dude has 2.3 million subscribers.
He was doing a little bit about people who get hate and deserve it, and included them in the list.

Well, I'm not going to watch this shitshow.

History doesn't repeat 1:1, trends repeat in a different form. Not using tools at your disposal is a stupid fucking move that the president won't make.

Oh goody
Friendly reminder, cokehead has been doing b horror movies since he "left" gaming

There is nothing cute about it. Asari are supposed to be all female. All really cute, beautiful females. That looks like a man, which probably means they're changing asari from "all female" to "a bunch of androgynous trannies."


Here, have a webm.

I know. Thats why I said I want context as to why kite finds it "cute".


I didn't vote for her.

If there is a significant struggle against Islam in our countries, it will extend far beyond the military. What I am saying to you is that historically, the first and sometimes the last strikes are struck by paramilitaries.

You can already see some forming in Europe which is much further along in the Muzzie problem. Some of them will become violent, and eventually incorporated into state power.

I haven't said anything on the military, because that is a quite different topic. Of course they will be used, though. They were in all the examples given, sooner or later, but you don't usually use the military to round up undesirables, especially when you have the paramilitaries I am talking about, which always crop up in these circumstances.

My head actually fucking hurts, these people are retarded

WTF is she even talking about? They passed hate crime legislation and everything. How about an amendment to tell aloha snackbars to suck a cock?

isn't this old stuff? too many girls with exposed skin and strong sexual connotations. He's a born again feminist now

Does he die in it? Can someone webm that?

Because laws will stop reality from happening….

How thick does a book of law need to be in order to stop a bullet?

You send ICE you stupid faggot.

Good that he's starting to realize what's really going on with regressive white knighting. He still seems blue pilled on other things, but even now there's still hope of more moderates are starting to see the real picture.
Which is ridiculous because if I had a machine gun I wouldn't shoot innocent people. Intentions and ideology matter. -Dave Rubin

Seriously, literal buttfaggots and clamlickers in clapistani. Please consider, in the event of the gravest extreme where you need to defend your life. It's not GLAAD that will come to your rescue, or Gays against Israeli Apartheid, or the ACLU. Even the cops can not be there at an instant. It's only going to be you. I'd personally rather you have a fighting chance at survival armed with something other than a hashtag and harsh language, if it ever comes to that. Your so called other "allies" though? You'd be more useful dead to them for their gravestanding and garment rending recital.

"All men are created equal" kind of implies that gay people have the same protections as everyone else, Felicia. Also, I know you don't know this, but murder is illegal. I know, shocking, right?

user forgot "self-proclaimed."

It needs to be this thick. I am holding out my arms.

It came out in either 2014 or 15, i forget which

Can't webm it, caught it on tv a couple of times though.He totally does, near the end he's running like a puss, he even jitters when he runs like he's got the shakes, and the monster puts a giant sawblade between two trees that he runs into, had a hearty chuckle

You sure invalidated the historical trends I'm talking about and the evidence I've presented with the /x/ tier shemitah economic BS that appeared on a board you're assigning me to, you fucken dribbler.

Pretty thick.

Watch out, you're going to trigger our pet NEETsoc.

Looks like your tiny paramilitary groups just got a lot smaller. What's that leave, Daily Stormer?

I've had a thousand such conversations with people who think they know better. It will be paramilitaries either integrated into ICE or another apparatus of the state. When it happens, remember that you were wrong.

I suppose that this blacksmith faced justice for his well-documented crimes against gunkind, then?

Why waste what little wit and snark you have on condescending me as though it has any effect on any of the groups I've mentioned?

I'm not the one that will be proven wrong.

You haven't mentioned a single currently existing group in the US. All these people wanting to kill gays are just going to magically materialize in your world. The only substantial portion of the population that actually wants to do that is the muslims ironically enough.

Interesting read. IIRC books have actually more stopping power than solid wood of the same thickness because the air between the pages creates a buffering zone making the book more 'viscous' during penetration than splintering wood.

Because I'm not aware of any currently in the US. They likely exist in some form. As I said above, the situation is far more along with a much higher Muzzie population in countries there, and lo and behold, the process I'm describing is also further along, with distinct anti-Muslim citizen groups emerging, just like the anti-X citizen groups have emerged in past upheavals, and then subsequently militarized and been state sanctioned.

Come on fam, uncross those eyes and connect the dots.

Anyone that plans to kill me. Or my wife. Or my daughter. If you're a woman and a shadowy man plans to rape you, mutilate you, behead you, and dump your scattered body parts in a dumpster, you have the right to kill him before he does all of that.

These peace and love hippy wannabe liberals don't get that. There are bad people in the world. People that will kill you. That will kill your loved ones. I have the right to defend me and mine.

I'd believe that.

It's similar in concept to a whipple shield.

Feminists would too.



Things aren't going to get worse though, enough people are already pushing back in the US and Trump is going to fix this. I don't give a fuck what happens in Europe really, they were stupid enough to allow the millions of muslims in and they probably will need a coup at this point.


Chris Plante is the last person on fucking Earth who can call us assholes.

About ten too many.

This. An endless amount of times this. People will take advantage of the rules or break them. They can and might even kill you to get what they want. Never assume that prople will follow the rules. Never assume they will be kind. Only assume that if you do not take your own safety and health into your own hands, you will have neither. Be responsible for you, fon't let others be responsible for you.

This stupid faggot needs to have his ass beat.

Oh, especially after the gravestanding he did today, if you ignore the fact that he caused ShirtStorm, which single-handedly ruined one of the greatest scientific achievements of the century.

In addition to being old, this is pretty obvious bait/false-flagging.

I seriously think this might be the actual most retarded thing I've ever read in my life. I'm honestly trying to remember a more retarded comment on anything and I can't think of any.

Send his ass to North Korea.

Someone arrest that man. He's inciting hatred against Americans.

I hope to fuck it is. But even if it wasn't it matters not. American's don't give a fuck what the rest of world thinks. The rest of the world can fuck right off.

I've never seen it before.

First Commandment of SocJus: it's OK when we do it.

I caught myself singing it last night. Maybe I knew somehow.

They do not realize that someone who has an opinion they hate will get into power and make anything contradictory to that opinion illegal. And they will not even realize it until it is too late.

I don't think Trump will fix everything. He will help on certain pressing issues, with his healthy neo-mercantilist flavor. It's not enough to take the U.S. as "the West" and pretend we don't have some interest in the health of Europe.

As for "Yurop was dumb to let them in", try to remember that Germany is U.S. occupied, and that the U.N. is basically an anti-European identity program with U.S. oversight (merchants) through both their vassal state Germany, their own considerable influence, and other countries which align themselves with them especially against Russia, which the people running this shit literally say in speeches and their documents is to ensure that Europeans don't fight each other again so we can avoid anudda Shoah. That's their justification.

Free movement and bureaucracy which renders the countries' governments as individually ineffective as possible is a large part of why there is such a crisis, not even to mention the actual brainwashing, which is also top-down revolution at the behest of "certain" EU management and integration organizations. You can take the most egregious case of Sweden as a case study, and look at how their historical temperament has been re-purposed to the pure cuckoldry it is today- Huntford's The New Totalitarians covers it quite well.

What's worse is they think they are good people for it.

Refusing to kill someone that goes on to kill good people doesn't make you good it just makes you spineless.

They are so afraid of standing for something they might regret that they never stand for anything.

That makes them worse than someone who tries and fails.

Because they refuse for selfish reasons.

I would be interested in seeing a ten commandments of social justice. Made up in a legit way. I wonder if we could slip it into their communities and have them circulate it themselves? It would be funny as hell.

No you don't. Only "oppressed" people do.

You're damn right. You can be "hateful" and "intolerant" here.You can't do that anywhere else. It's proof that you really do experience freedom.

You can have unpopular opinions. You can say terrible things. And there is nobody that can ever take that from you. When you outlaw hate speech, all that has to happen is have your opinion re-categorized whenever a new party comes to power, and nobody wants that.

America lets the assholes speak because it means that nobody can ever prevent you from speaking, either.

That is what we want here in America, and we don't want people like this faggot who can't understand that. Though, he might like it here. After all, there's no punishment just because he has the wrong opinions. He can call our politicians terrible, he can call them liars, but he can never go to jail for it here. Does he really want to live in France, where he easily could?

Then fuck him.

I've always said that the very first time Batman has an opportunity to kill the Joker, and he refuses, knowing that the joker will go on to kill again…every death that occurs at Joker's hands after that point is on batman.

It was posted a few times months ago. And it was probably written for the purpose of making a screencap for "anti-europoor" shitposting or the like. I've read anti-freedom of speech SJWs but they don't talk about it like that. All his examples seem pretty clearly negative, they're the sorts of things anti-censorship people talk about not the ones who actually support the policies.

Correct, he will fix importing muslims though, that's a big part of his entire platform.
Yet they allow that
Well again, their own fault for letting it get this far and to where they'll need a coup.

They've already made their own version of ten "anti-racism" commandments, which boiled down to "fuck you, fuck you, act like an asshole to everyone, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, compensate for perceived slights against black people every chance you get, fuck you, fuck you, you will always be racist."

Thats what bothers me about Daredevil (The Netflix series).

People re getting killed and his means aren't very effective, yet at the point he's at, he may as well kill them.

Well yea, look at all the mass shootings stopped by gun free zones, criminal saw the signs and just booked it the other way.

Besides what does she care, she probably goes to careful screened parties, its why I hate these people so much, they don't get it and never will.

Bro come on, they were fucked up in WW2 and the occupation and oversight is part of their surrender conditions, after which the U.S. immediately and unambiguously set up a puppet government.

It isn't accurate to say that if you lose a fight, you allowed it, and everything else that follows.

Spoilers for second season: Daredevil's hesitation to kill is why the Punisher appears in the first place and Frank calls him out on it in which Daredevil pretty much agrees that even he believes that Punisher's doing it right.

I'm sure they have armed guards conveniently out of sight at all those parties. That's why no one has shot up one of those yet.

Oh I'll definitely agree that they didn't have a choice immediately following WW2, saying otherwise would just be ignorant. The thing is that once it got to the 90s and beyond they could have easily thrown us out and we couldn't have done shit. Way too easy to make us look like shit to the international community with it being decades since WW2 and the proliferation of the internet and video.

Robot chicken despite being meh, did a sketch where he did get the death penalty. But criminals are a case by case basis. Some criminals can be refomed in a good reforming system, but many cannot. And a gun in defense does not garuntee death, if you have good aim, you can go for the legs or hands. But when you need split second timing, the kill shot is necessary.

Behold the crew of the U.S.S. Gamergate!

That's a pretty big ship for five people.

There's 4 more bridge officers that don't show up here, and the rest are like extras. They don't matter.

A reminder that the muslim ban is only temporary, he wants to find a better vetting system. I would suggest psychological evaluation over a few months with psychologists who know the religion and its quirks like the lying to outsiders but are neutral to it. And the ability to deem the immigrants unfit for any reason and send them back, even for reasons as simple as refusing to integrate properly.

So there's such a thing as anti-imperialist homophobia?

I'd say it's a combination of the people they replaced the government of Germany with being genuinely enthusiastic about the goals they were given, and continuing that tradition to this day, the fact that the wording in the conditions (particularly defining it as armistice) allow for indefinite occupation which has continued with military bases and political oversight, and that the former group actively continues the arrangement, which suits the U.S. just fine.

A comparable situation would be if the U.S. were conquered by Europe, who then replaced the government with say, niggers, who then only hired niggers, and enjoyed the backing of Europe. Is it the fault of the common citizen that, even 50 years later, niggers are still "running" and shitting up the country with outside support? The only mechanism for them is, as you say, violent revolution, but it's not really due to their own sloth and incompetence, other than that you'd ascribe to them for losing in the first place.

One job.

There is no legitimate way to vet them so I guess we'll just have to keep the ban. Also still hoping that he makes it everyone from those areas not just the muslims because ISIS is telling their people to pose as Christians.



They can vote and haven't elected someone from a group like AfD and likely won't so yes I can blame the majority of the populace.

who got it

Nice looking uniform on your Cap. Did you have to pay real money for that? I barely started the game quite a while ago, never saw anything like that for female characters.

6s confirm Bathesda's conference will be shit.

The lgbt in britian and feminists.

Not without mindreaders or psychologist who can break people. And both would be really slow. I know that sending the refugees back after the conflict lol the conflict will not end without a nuke who are any of the govs and un kidding is bad as they will be too climatized to the host countries and be outsiders to the world. But do need to go back.

I plan to on my next character. I've had this guy for years. I have a female romulan I can try and make look like vivian but I'd rather have a whole new character

Nah, somehow I got 400k latinum. It's a special clubbing outfit. My actual uniform is an admirals jacket, I wear this one when I want to be obnoxious.

That's still not really a legitimate way, people confess things they never actually did if pressured hard enough and long enough

Of course they won't get elected. The existing power structures, suppression techniques, outside support and brainwashing will ensure that. People aren't all perfectly rational individuals working towards their collective ethnic interest. You can experiment and quantify exactly how much your social programs will impact something like a vote, a la:


Notice that I didn't talk about what is and isn't fair at all; I asked is it the fault of the common citizen? It is true that the common citizen can be influenced in these ways. There is no value judgement attached to that. Is it the common citizen who is responsible for this? No, it is a very specific group of people who were set up for a very specific purpose by an outside power. Regardless of the votes that are cast, it is not the common citizen who is shaping the outcome.

In this is the reason Democracy isn't fundamentally sacred or superior, but the conversation keeps looping in larger and more complex topics.

Yeah, and thats not really a good or reliable filter either. I would love to sit in on trumps idea proposal for vetting process and how to handle refugees. The only other idea I could have is deporting families for the crimes of any one member, but thats not really fair either.

Good lord sessler is fat now, i thought meth made you lose weight

Yes. People try that same indoctrination in the US and if I can blame SJW for succumbing to it completely I can blame people in other countries.

I know this is Holla Forums, but that hollywood and vidya bullshit doesn't work in most real life situations, especially if you're an armed citizen vs criminal. Most of the time defensive shooting happens in a chaotic situation where you are experiencing a yuuge adrenaline dump. You will likely not have fine motor skills, only gross ones. It's center mass to stop the threat immediately, not finely aimed shots at limbs.

If you have enough distance and time to finely aim for a limb shot on someone, you better be a cop or a soldier, because if you're a citizen doing that it's usually called attempted murder. Because if you have the time and distance to do that, chances are you are not in a life and death situation vs an attacker.


If he's gaining weight then he's probably not using anymore. Probably doesn't have enough money to buy it.


And it's fucking cringy. Their acting is really bad and it's really obvious that it's a commercial due to it being so unnatural.


Just don't let them in, its not hard. I mean people can't even use the fucking "They're just poor oppressed refugees that will die if we don't" line legitimately when Canada and the EU is letting tons of them in.

Those are so bad, holy shit.

Thats why I said go for the kill shot. Probably should have used stopping shot instead.


canadian. And I want them to go back. I can garuntee they won't be leaving though, even if it is time to go back. I only hope they find the liberals and ndp so faggy that they vote cons out of spite.

Why is Sessler fat and where did Morgan Webb's tits go?

Again, that is not the responsibility I am talking about it. People can be tricked psychologically. They wouldn't be defined as psychological tricks unless they actually worked. That is not the conversation. Again, if the reverse scenario described above happened to the U.S., it would not be the fault of the common citizen.

You also falsely generalize SJWs here to your own detriment. We are talking about distributions. There are people who are genuinely stupid, they necessarily exist, and they may actually believe SJW rhetoric, but does remain rhetoric, to reach some goal, whether that's personal or group power or action.

The point isn't really worth pursuing any further, since you fundamentally ascribe too much agency to too many people in my opinion, which I've confirmed as thoroughly as possible by researching the topic.

I think that's pretty much that.

They were hyping up far harbor calling it beth's biggest dlc area yet and then webb said shivering isles was from skyrim, not oblivion

eh, it's ok

They're Sessler's now.

a lot of diversity in that room

Maybe she got a "feminist boob reduction"
I am more curious of the blonde and the guy in the green lettered shirt.

Whereas you don't hold people accountable for their view.
Well at least we agree on something, time to watch Bethesda anyways.

Maybe he found sessler's stash, he sure looks like he's on some shit

Jesus Morgan eat a hamburger.

It's never too dark to wear sunglasses…

I bet they picked those because streamers use big ass headsets too

Really? Thats pathetic. And sad that shiviring isle is probably my favorite thing from bethesda despite being a part of bland potato people oblivion.


I don't hold most people accountable for it, and most people hold the power in a Democracy. It's not a case of either everyone has agency or nobody does. I'm sure you could quantify it, then find a threshold of significance, then determine who is above and who is below. Perhaps it might even change in individuals, but you could come to some general conclusions based upon population statistics.

It is clear to me at least trivially that enough people are basically unaccountable in political matters that rule by the masses is cynical.

Sometimes I have to wear shades indoor, I have a weird light sensitivity sometimes due to allergies.

Dafuq is that, pauly shore?

Good fucking night

And he just changed his shirt again


Tod is out of ideas

its white now
what the fuck

Your views don't seem particularly cohesive.

I'm not watching the stream.

You're kidding, right?

Elder Scrolls Legend's board looks completely shit compared to Hearthstone.


Right now it's just Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb talking to people.


Your name wouldn't happen to be Char Aznable would it?


I thought I had read the stupidest things possible in regards to the shooting already.

I was wrong.



Good, he must be first

This is gonna be bad…
His ass would be banned too

Oh boy, what did retard say this ti–
He's not even fucking trying anymore.

Daily reminder that BLM is a soros operation trying to incite martial law in the US to stump trump.



Its not all about Trump, BLM was funded by him before Trump even announced.

Bethesda would likely do it.



Should have ended it with "incite martial law, will cause chaos to try and stump trump"



I had to look that up, aporojies for my igonorusu! I know of the series but only watched 1 or 2 episodes of Gundam Wing a long time ago. But No, not Char. Just someone with a weird eye allergy condition.

This is better than everything in E3 so far and possibly the entirety of E3.


What agency do mosquitoes or diseases need for us to justify their eradication? It does not matter why they are doing something, only that they are doing it, and that we don't want it to be done. Also, you will find that complex behavior is governed by genetics, as explored by the field of genomics and in particular the concept of the extended phenotype. It is no coincidence that most faggots are radical Leftists, and physical removal would necessarily work towards reducing some undesirable allele frequencies and combinations, not to ascribe homosexuality solely to genetics, as it is demonstrably possible to condition sexuality, but certainly at least predisposition. Vid is related to this topic, for your viewing pleasure and as an alternative to the cancer that is E3. It is relevant because the process of identifying genes and associating their behaviors in model animals, such as mice, before finding an analogue in humans is the reliable methodology of genomics, an example of which would be the familiar Warrior Gene.

Note as well, I never said all gays. That would be organizationally difficult and not worth pursuing due to diminishing returns, mostly because faggotry can be hidden. You could kill all niggers and muds easily, because they can be spotted without any particular specialization, so you can externalize the labor cost of hunting down the last one.

The specific reasons given for targeting homosexuals by a hypothetical victorious West would be, as outlined in the first few posts, their overwhelming Leftist collaboration, STIs, and their own subversive efforts. It is not as though these points are only something I have noticed or are unrealistic.

The industry has officially been hijacked by hollywood kikes.

Oh wow, I'm so surprised by the announcement that a hugely known franchise will be used by a corporation to make money.

PC only so calm your tits.

Well, if it's as good as Doom I'd be fine.

It's funny you mention that, I was just thinking there's more diversity at a gamergate meetup.




Why are you worried about this when we don't reproduce and thus don't pass on our genetics anyways?

It was.

You're just mad cause it hasn't been cracked yet.

mods will fix it

Apparently it is actually good. At least the SP got only praise. I only know of MP beta getting some flack.

Multiplayer sucks. Single player is very fun.

Bringing mods to Xbox and Playstation for Fallout 4 is probably the way that Zenimax figured out how to monetize them.


just like my halal animatronics






Good thing musou games are very easy to understand. I'm most likely going to import it regardless.

For fuck's sake, Bethesda.

Not necessarily true. As I said, the alleles that influence this may not necessarily manifest homosexual behavior in an individual. Even in those it does, they may style themselves bisexuals, or otherwise not exclusively so, who are even more contemptible as they act as the vector of transmission from the STI reservoir that is the homosexual community to the heterosexuals.

But again, the main reason faggots will be getting in the truck is because they are collaborators, and they would be put on lists based upon their association with cancerous faggot groups, and their associates. So, if even one of your friends is some gay Leftard posting his solidarity with Muzzies memes on facebook, you'll probably be put down as well, that being the sweeping nature of this shit.

Again, this isn't me claiming that every single homosexual is politically and socially cancerous, because that is trivially false. But, exactly as with Muzzies, they don't have to be to justify a general response. And bringing it all the way to the original point, there will be a general response like every single purge of traitors and collaborators and their associates in the past, with your general decision against breeding being also ironically being an argument for being purged.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't, for different reasons. With shit like Feminists and Shabbos Goyim, the radical ones that organize and lead that shit would be made examples of, but the great masses of them are just retards who do whatever is fashionable and can be salvaged.

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
Just fucking why


because Tod Howard

Fuck it end it

Keep crying poorfag



Dat pic if taken at face value, will only lead to one outcome. The massacre of the group who will obey a gun ban or gun grab. Let's see, faggots, or muslims. Hmmmm, let's think real hard on who is more likely to obey a gun ban, and who would say ahahahaha fuck you kuffar and get a hold of some guns. Hmm, I really fucking wonder.

Why? If it's the same game, then it's a remaster. If its not, then it's a sequel


Not a shill. I actually enjoyed the DOOM campaign as well.

Again, your fantasizing isn't going to actually happen in the US, or likely anywhere else. I mean AfD is openly pro-gay and points out muslim intolerance We're just arguing in circles at this point.

I think this boat has sailed, ultimately I don't think the 2 communities will go against each other anyway, anyone sensible knows its not all mudslimes that are insane, problem is the people in the power and the media never make that distinction, some guy does something horrible and its a race to see who can apologize it the fastest.

Where's that kikebook post with that muslim saying that the west is creating a culture where no matter what ISIS does nobody will ever call them out on it.

Hey man virtue signaling, doing something without actually doing anything.


What? How?

Isn't it F2P?

7 million people tried the game.
I doubt 7 million still do.

Though it could be larger than WoW. It's gradually dying, and for good reason.

I'm back.

Where can I catch a stream of the E3 shitshow?

Also Cancerfags are on Twitter, using the Orlando shooting as trolling material. I really, really wish they'd just kill themselves already. There's a fucking limit of decency, even on the goddamned Internet.

Don't believe Todd. He even lies about his fucking height.

It's F2P? I thought it's still subbed.


Ya know, I wondered what the French and Belgians felt like after their terrorist attack and seeing stupid virtue signalling faggots change their profile picture as if that means or does anything.


Front page sticky.

I want to fuck Lynda Carter.


Its buy to play it seems, they dropped the subs.

If you keep buying shitty new games, you'll be a poorfag too someday.

Not fantasizing, killing people doesn't really excite me. I'd say that Whites will probably win and this will happen in Europe, not sure about the U.S. though as the rot is more subtle and compartmentalized, but again the other option is eventual replacement by niggers, spics and muzzies there, who all love butchering homos.

For me, this is like watching some guys watching a boulder rolling down the mountain towards them, like in that mspaint cartoon, and feeling perfectly safe. I'm just saying you're fucked. Again, there is just no win condition, because tolerance is all about breaking down the nation's immune system, which results in death. If Trump puts the brakes on the whole situation, but does nothing to reverse it, it's only pausing the game. If that's the case, the actions of the next guy will probably determine how things will go.


New games journalism narrative maybe? Another article talking about E3 and guns.

Got it for free m8, the joys of having contacts in the corrupt games industry.

Stay mad tho

I swear, the two are completely different now. It's almost sad

Nope. If anyone comes for me they're walking corpses because in the highly implausible situation that shit completely hits the fan I'm well positioned to be in the bigges and most self-sufficient group in my community, as well as providing more than my share of the food to it myself.



What does this mean


Walking sim with jumpscares

Why would I be mad about you having shit taste?

More like it's time for quads and dubs.

I usually use thriller to describe horror games that aren't scary.
Walking sims like Outlast or Alien Isolation

he made one too. When the bethesda guy was talking about the after party, TB said 'the party will really begin when Adam Sessler gets there'. Sounds like a subtle cocaine joke

Wonder if its still a native american as a protag.

Probably not, someone might get offended.

Well there you go- and what of the AIDS wasted fellow who's been joining fag facebook groups with his real name and details, and RSVPing antifa riots and getting his face in as many shots of said riot as possible for years?

Also, as I explore possible avenues of discussion while waiting for your replies, just wanted to cover the angle that gays haven't been targeted by these sort of revolutionary events previously, by saying that previously they didn't politically organize on a massive and constantly advertised scale with an ideology and faction that opposes the only group who can win for Whites.

And just watching this Bethesda stream, it's about what you'd fucking expect hey.

Nope, he looked white, you could practically hear the usual suspects getting triggered

So is every presentation going to channel dead steve jobs?

You appear to be correct.

Goddamn man, Indians can't catch a fucking break, first Bravely Second now this.

Its for the upcoming anime to milk one, Arsland got one too but it bombed in Japan




Whale oil isn't explosive. At all. I lol'd.


The whole LGBTQIABBQ isn't really as massive thing even amongst gays as the media makes it sound. The majority wanted marriage and didn't really give a shit about anything else and that was mostly to ensure property rights and hospital rights, its why you see more and more supporting the right-wing now that that's settled and that trend will only continue to grow. I mean you even have Rubin who's still a self-professed democrat getting friendlier and friendlier with Republicans and coining the "regressive leftists" terminology. Much like most women are not feminists but the media gives them a huge microphone.

I had a "wut" moment there too

God that's fucking stupid

The Whale Oil in the first game is basically gasoline or someshit.
It explodes in the first game too.

also, just recently SJWs were beginning to throw gay men under the bus saying they have privilege. Now they're trying to pull them back in to protect muslims. Hopefully some will see how they're being manipulated.

Today, how serendipitious.

It's like they're trying really hard to go "guns are dead" but all they have are a couple of Vox media scumbags with pitchforks.

Blame them for getting offended so easily. Not worth the risk putting one in when you'll get the interest groups shouting at you for doing so.


Question. If Sessler supposedly "quit" gaming, why is he still invited do to this shit? Does he hook up Bethesda's devs with cocaine or what?

The fuck does Sessler even do



Dishonored 2 best shit to be shown so far.
God bless arkane.

I'm guessing it's the only work he can get, aside from shitty horror movies. Turns out, when you're openly an asshole online, people tend to not like you.

I'm just imagining if whale blubber oil was explosive. Some Captain Ahab motherfucker throwing his harpoon a little too hard and


Ah hell, the gun community deals with that every other week. That's probably not even an exaggeration.

If anything, this is another infiltration idea. "If we can get to the kids in their vidyagames and indoctrinate them that trannies are great / guns are bad / muh feminism then they won't vote against us in the future and we can ban all the things."

Tell COD players you're coming for the guns. Go ahead faggots, see what happens.

that time travel shit looks interesting

They're doing the Prey reboot, fuck em.



Coke by the shoebox full?


Well, they shouldn't even get that brah. Cutting through the tangle of rhetoric, it's a social institution to create stable families, hypotheticals about repressed and violent home situations being even harder to escape tm aside, which the government recognizes to incentivize reproduction with tax breaks and other policies. That's the long and short, it's just a numbers game evidenced on both accounts, having more 2 parent families results in greater outcomes for the children, and you can influence birth rates with such schemes.

It's not enough to discuss adoption either, because this seems to suppose that children spring from the ether and then need only be raised. You need to get men with women in a stable relationship which they have committed to in order to raise kids. Sure, not all of them can be raised by their own biological parents for whatever reason, but the best outcome is pursuing the ideal recognized by all decent civilizations.

To briefly explore the argument against, it's just special pleading. There's a more rigorous approach in vid related, but we all really know what's going on, it's painfully transparent "gibsmedat" rhetoric. Alternatively a more concise response to homosexuals in particular:


What's that Skyrim shit about? They are so strapped for cash they're already doing Skyrim HD? I can get this easily with mods.

whales are magical in dishonored so there is that.

They might not as long as libertards blame everyone else besides themselves, claim the right is the devil, and refuse to face facts that radical islam is not a friend of the lgbt and is a danger to everyone. My sister says trump hates everyone in the lgbt and everyone who ist not white. And when she tried to generalize christians, she changed the topic fast to cover her ass when I called her out on generalizing. Trump has said nothing about the lgbt before, and as an ex democrat probably supported them financially. And as for hispanics, only does not like illegals. Legal immigrants are fine in trumps eyes. And the ban of muslims, not arabians I might add, was to be temporary while they determined a way to do so while garunteeing the populace already already in americas safety. The americans safety comes first, and that should be the case with every countries' citizens. The only thing she got right about him is he has an ego and is cocky. But to be a leader, you kinda need both those traits.