SotB: State of the Board

Because most of you don't seem to get it and are currently running panicked from thread to thread like a headless fucking chicken.

On April 1st, around 20 minutes to midnight/1AM, posting on all boards was disabled, in an attack that lasted for over 4 days. Some people will tell you that we were hacked, some will say that the site was disabled for an alphabet agency to investigate and go over with a fine-toothed comb, and others will even say that it was a failed update gone majorly wrong. Whatever it was, it doesn't really matter. Consequently, as a result of this loss of service, many anons have left 8ch on a permanent or temporary basis and the quality of posts on this board has gone down the tubes.

An awful lot of anons seem to think this is due to the false flag non-incident concerning Syria, though it is much more to do with a rapidly changing userbase on the board that a majority do not realize is even happening.

This one is immediately obvious. It has to be, otherwise the intended target will not get the message. Posts along these lines generally criticize the administration for the way it stores data, believing it to be intended as a tool of destroying 8ch from the inside out and posting the same infographics since the botched integration of /fph/ as evidence (even though if anything were to happen it would've happened long ago) The important thing is not to listen. They are here to cause chaos and divide/conquer as many users of the site as possible. They want to polarize us, make us attack each other while they sit back and watch the carnage from a safe distance. Until we start leaving for their site.

With the site being down for the better part of a week, you best believe they're funneling as many resources as possible to kick us while we're down. No more denying that this site is a "sekrit klub", everyone of importance is aware of our existence. The ADL knows who we are. Jewgle knows who we are. Even the GOP knows who we are. Our appearance on that whiteboard of "grading antisemitism" has alerted everyone who was previously unaware to pay a visit. They failed miserably during the election season, bankrupting themselves several times over and believe me, they want to end this fight as quickly as possible.

We were among the very first boards to be restored. They were at the absolute bottom of the initial restorations, next to the degenerates and horsefuckers. Their "active posters" were revealed to be mostly bots thus catching them with their pants completely down, and a couple of weeks ago we unmasked a sizable chunk of Holla Forums users as what we suspected them to be; fat feminized faggots. You'd have to be an idiot to think for one second they aren't going to retaliate in these changed circumstances.

This one is by far the most important. Everyone and anyone who was ever banned on 8ch prior to April 5th has gotten an undeserved second chance at Holla Forums. Many have of course already cashed in their chips and are now back on that list, but some are playing a much more subtle game to stay on the board for as long as possible in order to subvert it and its genuine userbase as much as possible. Watch some Bezmenov if you're unsure of what this entails.

So, to sum it up, we have:

And with all this going on, you still believe the consensus, primarily regarding Trump, has changed?

Other urls found in this thread:

No you are seeing a reaction to real world events.

Nice blogpost. How about giving a tl;dr?

Yes, because the condensus on assad and putin has not changed. They keep being based. Trump however…


Fuck off, we are finally free to criticize Trump's bullshit without having imkampfy up the arse.


8/pol/ didn't have discussion this good in YEARS.

Every time 8/pol/ loses consensus on an issue we have a "state of the board" thread that somehow doesn't get deleted for being /metapol/ and is always a call for more crackdowns on those naughty freethinking anons who happen to disagree with pro-Jew Yinon plan policy and can't be made to go away through spamming jewdogs.

Really makes you update your priors.

Meant /polmeta/

This is like in Ghostbusters 2 when all the ghosts get let out. Feels frustrating. I hope things will be alright again.

You have to admit that things did become considerably worse after the site came back online. Regardless of your opinions of current events and whether "Drumpf is literally Obama" or "le god empooroar of 6,000,000d chess"

Pretty much this.
Also a nice false flag to currently use in order to avoud the topic of Shunshine and it's implications.

So what is stopping you from banning them again now ? yeah that's right you want that precious 2K number and top board info back so you are allowing these people to shitpost and yet you put the blame on them.
Sorry mod your typical tricks,narrative driven trump shilling doesn't work anymore and you have been exposed.
Hope you are not decoding our IPs,I mean that's a lot of info you provided in that last paragraph which makes me kind of suspect you

it's not like a ban lasts forever

Good thread OP. Have a much needed bump. We will all survive this together, and come back stronger than ever.

The entire
Are ~20 leftypol users posting furiously.

They aren't even VPNning.


No more concessions, no more crypto bullshit

there is even some namefag posting in all syria related threads
literal reddit tier posting strategy
the fist day since the restart of 8ch was pretty comfy and civil, now with all this misiles shitshow the shills are doing extra time
we need to endure, as always

Holla Forums is Natsoc, Not GOP
Trump is not /ourguy/, he's theirs now
Holla Forums will not blindly defend this shabbos goy

leftypol didn't do shit, this is real revolt by people who don't tolerate cucks. So go to another board for GOP faggotry and take Bill Mitchell tier cucks with you.

This, Assad and Putin didn't capitulate on their stances, Trump appears to have. I don't know why it's impossible for you all to conceive that increased activity and skepticism towards Trump doing an unprecedented action could mostly be genuine users concerned about where Trump is going with this. Yes I don't doubt there are shills but you have to exercise some critical thinking here and assess what just took place, try not to have a bias due to who did it. If it were anyone else but Trump you'd all be saying it's a classic neocon tactic but many of you seem to think it's some master ruse plan even though it serves no tactical purpose for him to go along with the narrative (and no, "winning" over the media and the dems and cuckservatives is not a good thing)

Oh and Natsocs dont marry their daughters to kikes

The way both sides reacted was a disaster. There were something like 3-4 threads on the original bombing, which should have been consolidated to a single general. Then 3-4 new threads were made about how it wasn't Trump's fault, because they didn't like how the original threads were going. Then we had 5-6 more threads to counter the pro-Trump ones because they also didn't like how some threads were going or because they wanted to gloat. Any sort of discourse broke down completely; instead of yelling at each other in a single thread (or succession of generals), anons on both sides starting making their own threads to do so and completely shat up the board in the process.



Alright. I got banned by imkikefy, now I'm unbanned. I wasn't supposed to be unbanned until the 20th.

OP is actually right. Be careful.

Fuck off to a GOPzine you queer.

Eh I somewhat agree OP I would have to say its more people are taking sometime to adjust back into the board on top of the shills seeing this as a golden opportunity to try and take the board back by force before all the posters return.

No it isn't. It never was. It was just a coordinated campaign by the mods to dumb down and radicalise the user base.


wrong nigger

imkikefy was an entryist paid for by the State Department who tried to pigeonhole every right wing resurgent as just a bunch of skinhead neonazi retards. And you morons ate it all up

I've been on Holla Forums far longer than you stormoron.

We're seeing amounts of shilling I didn't even think is possible. If we migrated at all they'd just follow us at this point, so I don't think that's a good solution either. This board is being absolutely swarmed.
thank God they make themselves obvious to spot

Typical paranoid schizophrenic. No, it couldn't possibly be that you are a dupe. It's

Reminder that the BO and the mods are the greatest shills themselves.

No we didn't. We fucking hate the cunt, why do you think I was banned you dumdum?

It's pretty fucking unprecedented. We've got a live one, right here:


wrong nigger

kek fuck off shill
Mods are anti-natsoc
Mods push kosher nationalism

Full article
part 1:
part 2:

Daily reminder that imkamphy and realmoonman are dead.
Welcome the NEW mods Hotpocketx and ressurectedplayer!

they are the same idiot

Prove it.

better, prove they are different

If you've even been here for more than a month you'd know Holla Forums users have exposed groups of shills before, like CTR. There's no debating their presence after its been proven.

Yeah I saw that argument being pushed all on the same day by several different mouths, with no one ever complaining about mods prior. Maybe the "I will post it every day until you agree with me" tactic will work on places like Holla Forums but it won't work on Holla Forums that easily.

It's like trying to hear yourself think at a daycare full of screaming autistic kids. There's so much white noise between posts that no discussion can really happen at the moment. I must admit I'm a little nervous.

Nice try, goons. You failed last night, you failed again today.

Holy fuck, how new are you.

/politics/ State of Holla Forums moderation #1 (dated 05/19/16):
/politics/ State of Holla Forums moderation #2 (dated 08/07/16):
/politics/ thread about imkampfy (dated 10/23/15):

Try swapping your IDs again imkampfy.

I welcome the change in moderation.


>h-here's links to another failed exodus board crying about nothing

It's an open revolt against Trump you retard, the Jews didn't fool anyone with muh dead chilluns, people are sick of being betrayed, now fuck off this board to a cuckshed.

And how new are you? Haven't been at this long, have you? Did you forget that I'll actually investigate the threads you posted and find out that it's fucking nothing?

you are beyond retarded

The argument was that there was no complaints about mods, when clearly there has been going on two years. Complete with loads of screenshots and archives. I know it's hard for you fucking dumb low IQ faggots and shills to understand such nuanced positions.

Keep up.

so far the new mods are off to a GREAT start

Good to see some things never change. First post, every fucking time.

the major voices on this board are the shills and the crazies

You're retarded.

I don't think you know what d&c means

Nice strawman idiot

Classic imkampfy. Go check the threads, you'll see screenshots of imkampfy using VPNs to switch IDs in order to crack consensus here on Holla Forums.

Getting a list of previous archives you can use for fake arguments from your boss while you get paid to shill does not mean you've been here long ;^)
And your threads (which are just failed exodus attempts) don't have any relevance to the topic. It's not proof.


What a shit argument. A lot of people are pissed at Trump. It's not rocket science.

And I'll say something else. I come to places like this because I prefer to arrive at my own conclusions. If I wanted to be told where to stand I'd go to cnn.


The argument was that there was no complaints about the mods here. When there are complaints going back a long time. The archives present hundreds of anons going back two years complaining about the mods here complete with screenshots and archives of the claims. That's a counterexample to your claim. If you aren't a shill or imkampfy, you are literally a dumb motherfucker and deserve to die in the upcoming wars. Also learn to argue moron. Add some supporting reasons to your claims. Saying, "ah huh, nope" is not an argument. It's shilling and stupidity.

.pl is pretty comfy with a good amount of users and good mods. I'm still crossposting just because I've been here so long, but it's out there if you're interested.

Also, Trump attacking Assad was the RED LINE for many of us. It's not that hard to fathom how clearly and deliberately going along with the kikes agenda would be the straw that broke the camel's back. You can say it's chess all you like, but with the information available, it all appears like a betrayal.



nice try

If you want me to take you seriously with that article, why does every "imkikey" poster sound like they're not even remotely from here? It just looks like d&c bullshit that we've seen before.

And you wonder why we call you shills?

*citation needed

I'll add some some supporting evidence once you do, chaim.

Actually there is a complete Article written about the thing with fucktons of evidence of everything

I'll spell this out since you are a stupid: I gave a counter-example to the claim you made with evidence in the form of archived material. That's what a counterexample is, a refutation of a universal claim that you made. A supporting reason is something that supports an assertion. Assertions are what you made without support. See the difference?

Here is a link, as you are an ignorant faggot:

Also, filtered, because you are either imkampfy and his IRC crew, or a fucking dumbass.

These are fantastic btw. Thanks for the links. Added when I need to redpill fucking morons here from imkampfy and his reign of terror.

I know, but I wasn't there for all the threads used in examples in your article, and all it takes is a little MS paint to make up a lie. I'm not saying it's wrong, I'm just saying it's not enough to convince me beyond the shadow of a doubt. But my question was why do the imkikey shills act like obvious shills? This just distances me further.

You're. Threads. Are. Not. Proof.

Hello Reddit

Hello Reddit

Internet toughguy


I fucked up

spread them, poorly written but with a lot of evidence.

tfw so much is happening and you can't tell who are the shills and who's legit anymore

Anyone else just gonna wait this out and see what comes of it?

That's okay, this was getting too easy anyhow

None of those bombed Syria. Trump did, after listening to Jared "Wormtongue" Kushner and all the kikes Ivanka invited in.

You do realize how retarded you sound don't you?

(((they))) are trying to push the idea that imkampfy and moonman are gone now an that there are new mods, look this:

they are tryin hard


They are amazing articles. I had been wanting to do it myself, but never had the autism to be able to. Also, it appears he's not an English-first writer, thus all the mistakes. He said on .pl/pol/ that it's the rough draft though.

you're a retarded faggot OP. It was because all the oldfags got banned for being a trump critic and telling anons hes not the next fucking hitler like this board made him out to be. He MAY have been a slightly better choice than shillary but he has shown his true colors and now we know that hes gone back on his word and done what we voted him in to NOT do.Dont be such a fucking the_donald faggot because thats exactly what you are

The only one who can tell the difference between shill and normal poster is you. You shouldn't let Holla Forums tell you what you should think. If you do, then you're no different from a normie. What you should do instead is try to find the truth yourself, and once you do, you'll find out why Holla Forumsacks generally have the same opinion. We base our arguments around truths.

Good post. Seal of approval. Oldfags aren't phased by this nonsense. Not the first time this has happened, certainly not the last.

You don't even have to be an oldfag, just don't be a retard.

If you talk to him, tell him to use the archived threads I linked above for sources as well (if he hasn't). Two of the most damaging claims are that the mods were caught using VPNs to sockpuppet threads and agree with themselves: and that imkampfy is the jewdog spammer:

atually i wrote that, i was forced to do it even knowing that english is not my first language. I knew it had a lot of grammar errors.

I was depressed that no english speaker did that before me, i was forced to

Fuck off D&C shill.

These fucking kikes are coming out of the woodwork to attack us. Fuck these faggots in the ass with barbed wire.

i will check the links and iclude the things i consider most critical and relevanr, remember that there is a thread active on .pl/pol to discuss things, the thread is linked at the end of the second article


its people like YOU who ruined this board by resorting to nothing other than "y-you're a shill!" as an argument

But newfags are retarded. That's why we bully them and make them lurk.

wow, you faggots are everywhere

Thus proving your point.

It's all demoralization. The simple method of immunizing yourself to childish demoralization is to use logic and truth.

Trump may or may not have capitulated. What changes? Nothing, we carry on, seeking truth, pulling the drapes down that cover and conceal the pedo-Satanists and Semitic/traitor/cuck strategists and operatives.

In an alternative world, Hillary would of won. Even if Trump capitulates now, we're still better off than the alternative. The election brought the spark of Nationalism and racial pride back into the Overton window. Trump served his purpose just through the election alone. We win because he was elected president? Only a fucking retard would believe that. He is ONE man, surrounded by enemies, and his family itself is in bed with the enemy. You may have expected him to be /ourguy/. I never did, despite voting for him. I voted for him because the alternative was Hillary. I voted for him because of all candidates, even if he is a Manchurian candidate or a Zionist, he is the most likely to be swayed to our side.

Our problem is complacency. Victory and complacency give enemies the chance to strike like they are now. Trump can't be /ourguy/ when we are 5% or less of the population. Neither could Hitler. It's only when we are the hands holding the weapons on the streets, holding back the communists, can he be /ourguy/. Only when WE are the military, WE are the intelligence agencies, WE are the media. Even then, I don't expect an egalitarian like Trump to be /ourguy/. He is a stepping stone with the potential to be someone important to the Volk. We are paving the road to potential, and that potential must be fought for, by all of us.

figures a donaldcuck like you would say something as retarded as this

its all there


This. They made the board only follow fake news stories(cnn,fox,cbs etc) and stupid shit turning it into a kind of buzzfeed for alt right reddit faggots.
Shitty threads stayed up for months and good threads with real info and real shit going down were anchored, bumplocked, deleted, or shilled hard.
Like the Awan brothers threads, or the George Webb investigation threads.
The real problem is that all IBs are fucking compromised.

Reported for zero effort.



Chess, Chess, It's chess everyone. Being a retard and taking the worst advice, fucking over your voters for no gain is Chess everyone. Shut the fuck up and stop sucking GOP dick.

Praise Kamphy, he has a lot of hammering to do
Goons out REEE

"4d chess" is nothing but mental gymnastics.

Got to be the most sensible post I've read so far. Blindly submitting to this cult of personality has made us lose sight of what's really important: our volk. That's where our loyalties truly lie, not with a politician. I've been trying to say it for months.

Godspeed, user.

Know how I know you're retarded, despite your big effort post?
You assume that people who were banned stop posting, despite all it taking is an IP change to make a ban totally irrelevant.

Yet you don't seem to realize this.

Couldn't have said it better myself

t. kike

Having ImKikey gone is a relief, but just accepting that moderation suspiciously changed after a 4 day hack is stupid. Cui Bono? If you ask me kikes knew they could not pull off the false flag and coordinated to have Holla Forums down and replace the mods by paying off or threatening Jim or the hotpockets. They are now taking advantage of the chaos caused by the Syria shitstorm and the unbanning/new mods to keep the discussion as nothing more than demoralization and autistic screeching when we need organization more than ever and defeatism is as bad as treason. The next few days and weeks will determine whether the whole world gets Zogged to death or if serious resistance can be organized to avert it and secure the existence of our people. Kikes are not as powerful as you think, and mass organization is necessary.

I'd just like to point out that permanent bans expire after 90 days, due to Holla Forums's design.

You see, kike, you out yourselves so blatantly by using terms like that. No real user would switch to being so vehemently anti-Trump so quickly. We don't know enough yet. You leftist faggots can't comprehend that we don't base our positions on emotions that are carried from one polar opposite to the other based on the political winds. You're too stupid to understand your shilling attempts aren't effective at changing opinions.

I hear ya. Real anons are still here.

If Holla Forums was hacked and the bans were reset, it follows that whoever hacked or staged the hack has access to the IPs and ban history of ImKikey. ADL and others would pay a small fortune for that information and it is incredibly useful for our enemies, due to imkikeys faggotry, not everyone was banned for being a goon, a shill, or a shitlib faggot. The implications of the hack are that our enemies now have a lot of IPs and doxable information on a substantial number of Holla Forumsacks, combined with the Sunshine revelations from /sudo/ that is a very bad thing.

It's fucking hard not to have an adverse reaction; I had a difficult time trusting him to begin with, due to being extremely black pilled on the kike infestation in western politics. Shit like this is extremely rustling, especially with the lugenpresse going into overdrive.

In addition, ban history is not the only thing the hackers or ostensible hackers might have, we are totally in the dark about ImKikey and his activities but at minimum we know his is a goon rachposting faggot and probably asses and dildos user as well. There is a lot more data that could have been mined that is now compromised.

You're 100% correct. We should be demanding that these new people come forward and identify themselves. That Holla Forums's administration had a complete lack of transparency regarding their intentions and turned metaposting into a boogeyman was one of the reasons they were so shit. With new moderators should come new moderation, and this should include knowing exactly what sort of opinions the people with power over us hold. Should they refuse to accept these terms, THAT would truly prove suspicious.
Anons have lost the right to be anonymous once they ascend to a role of power over other people.

Get into the oven first you kike.

Hey HotpocketX, how does it feel to know that a literal jew is a better BO than you?

Bullshit, we aren't a cult like the shitlib worshippers of shillary and king nigger. Our support was always conditional, especially concerning foreign policy and immigration. Trump did a 180 on the former. It is not excusable, period.

I never got the big deal about IP addresses in general

Like, I understand that site stores them as a hash, so only Hotwheels or whoever runs it has direct access to raw IPs, mods and shit only have the hash, making it very difficult to reverse into an actual address.

And even if you get an address, it's never going to be to a fixed location, I thought you could only get a general location from an IP address?

I didn't say it was excusable m8. I find it thoroughly inexcusable and reject the 4D chess narrative here, even if it is inter-dimensional chess, it's inexcusable; there were far better ways to resolve this that immediate and autistic retaliation before any information had been released. After seeing Alex Jonestein of infokikes rambling on about some convoluted garbage, I trust the 4D narrative even less.

Which can be narrowed down to doxable information with other metadata or analysis. Don't give kikes or CIA niggers an inch as far as information asymmetry is concerned, we lose information asymmetry, we lose the fight, period.

than immediate*

Are you honestly implying these discussions are good? It's just trash peddled by trash.
Fear mongering and D&C shillery.

Excellent post my good lad, I will gladly check those dubs.

The site STORES unhashed IPs if we're being charitable, for law enforcement purposes. It only presents hashed IPs to mods and BOs, but the attacker could have gotten the unhashed IPs that were being stored.

GeoIP is a joke, there is nothing to worry about in that regard. The real threat would be if the IP list were sold to internet firms that already have a great deal of personal information associated with your IP. For instance, does Amazon or Google know your real name and address, and do you access those sites from this IP address? If they have an IPReal Name association, and the hackers sold them the IP8chan user association, then they would now have a Real Name8chan user association.

Corporations share a lot of information about users already that most people aren't really aware of. Nobody reads EULAs.

Good thread. And remember, Trump is a means to our end. There are things he is wavering on, but still is our best shot at anything being done in any positive direction. Right now has potential to be really bad or really good.

In any case, remember our purpose. Name the fucking jew. ALWAYS NAME THE JEW.

Who the fuck are these new mods? Did kamphy and moonman just rename themselves?

I would like to know this too. Some people were saying the mods didn't change but didn't provide any proofs. I guess the fatest way would be to ask Codemonkey directly.

LMFAO! You cocksucking faggots really think you're going to sway this board that fast will your bullshit like this? Sure, you might influence a few newfags, but it's not going to work on seasoned anons. We can clearly see right through your d&c bullshit. Just wait until the banhammer comes down on your faggot nigger loving asses. I hope you get nut cancer you basement dwelling kike loving faggot.

This. The sooner they clean up these cocksucking shills the sooner we can get back to normal. It's like a floodgate of faggotry has been opened the past few days.

Which Trump just signed into law as legal… ADL can buy the dox on all anons for the right price if they aren't absolutely autistic about OpSec and lets be honest a lot of anons are not.


This may be the intent but the majority thrives on chaos. They're obviously not burgers because they don't know how burgers work in the world theater. We shitpost with arms. This is but the sweetest first example of Trump letting the military do their thing.

Have a bump OP, mods should sticky


Pretty sure this.

This massive shill force is all to bury any digging into Susan Rice and king niggro

Trump buried it himself, do you think it's a coincidence it happened at this time? They threatened Trump over exposing their corruption and blackmailed him with the hoax and he caved. Kushner was probably given immunity over whatever kike shit they have on him


Don't get concerned about a bunch of faggots spewing their garbage. It only seems like there's a horde of them because the website is still kinda fucked up and they're not getting banned so fast. Also, there are likely leftyfags that are upset about their board being lumped in with queers and horsefuckers coming back up that are still hanging around.

What are you smoking Shlomo?


Agreed. Trying to pretend pol and our kind isn't pissed about recent events is making this new Trump shill minority look stupid. Bannon falls, Kushner rises, actions for Israel just happened, neocons are clapping.

Fuck you people pretending we Trump critics are some freshly unbanned shills or a raid. Pol has changed its view because of what has just happened.

Gents, have we forgotten our traditional medicines of old for removing such cancers? Allow me to remind you:

Post gore.

Just stay true to natsoc anons its the true path.



Most burgers are cucks or non-whites, and they are deluded enough to think their empire will outlast the big browning.

Does it actually work? Worth a shot.

kys fam



I came to post something like this. The complexity and degree of preparation of the current shilling effort goes far beyond what we are used to.
The rationale behind this is to shake up the sense of consensus to ease in the incoming shilling.
It was bad move to give the kikes what they wanted, but seeing the reaction of the media, controlled opposition e-celebs coordinated turncoating and the insane push trying to d&c his supporters, I'd take any "just stop supporting him already, goyim!" advice with a grain of salt. He dropped the ball, but that doesn't necessarily mean he has become a globalist puppet. Somehow, seeing how hard they are pushing the meme, makes me think they are still far from comfortable with Trump and are capitalizing on a mistake to strip him off his base.
Just keep calm, don't go full wtf I'm a hillmissile now!, and see how the situation develops before any hasty judgements.