Quick History Lesson 101

Dobson's at it again!

Women, gays, black people, the mentally ill, it's impossible for them to enter a comic book store. Utterly impossible.

Inflationman, why are you spamming half and fullchan?

Isn't this an old strip? Does Inflation Bear even draw any more?

Post it in the lol thread

The internet hate machine, indeed.

Newsagents, the last bastion of multiculturalism and tolerance.
Fuck you, Dobson, fuck you and your Internet-nerd looking down on comics nerds BULLSHIT.
You are the most comic hating cartoonist since Gerard Ashworth.

If he talked to more people in real life, and didn't dismiss everyone talking to him over the internet as a "troll", then I'd think he'd realize his own retardation. But he doesn't leave his house, and thinks comic books and movies are real, and fails to link the fact that people talking to him over the internet are real people and not just text on a computer screen.

Dobson doesn't care that they're people, he's a bitter little misanthrope who hated everyone he had to deal with as a student and hasn't gotten better.

I think that Dobson exists as a cosmic counterbalance to RHJunior's right-wing furry retardation. You know, like how LaTuff and A. Wyatt Mann are two equally retarded ends of the retarded political spectrum. On the retarded political compass. Giving some validation to Retard Horseshoe Theory, that suggests that the further you go to any political extreme the more retarded you get.

Except both extremes do have a educated people taking part. The people you described are just lolcows. The problem is that no one can sit down for a civil debate anymore it’s all “muh eternal revolution” or “muh rope day”.

Horse shoe still isn't real Matt and/or Trey.

Space travel, faster communications, cleaner and cheaper energy and the cure to cancer are progress, not some nigger thinking his life is worth or some mentally-ill faggot who thinks he can become a woman if he wear a wig and chop his dick off.

Kill yourself, horsehoefag.

That's what you sound like tbh

At least I can spell "horseshoe", you fucking pillock.

I'm a Taoist. I believe in balance, and cyclic dynamics. How this manifests in economics is a shift from left to right and back as the economy shifts. The wingnuts stuck in PINOCHET or STALIN mode think their position is the only valid one, and would nail one end of the seesaw to the ground.
To change with change is the changeless state. You pedal a bicycle with both feet, right? Only free trade can really take full advantage of a bull economy, and socialism is best for recovering from a bear economy, the New Deal that took America out of the Depression was margarine socialism.
And as to your assertion that I lack passion, I'm a radical centrist, not a cuck with no opinions. I'm an extremist moderate, I believe that people of all races, creeds and colours should live together in peace and harmony OR I'LL FUCKING KILL THEM.
And Holla Forums and Holla Forums are still retarded. the big retarded horseshoe had bent right around and your retarded balls are touching.

Seriously faggot?

Fucking great writing there, Dobbo…

I wonder if he could name a single comic from the 80s that actually was homophobic and racist. Or, indeed, explain why sales were on the increase back then, rather than declining as they are today.
I mean for fuck's sake, comics were so successful that a store dedicated to them could actually open at all!
Dobbo really has a PhD in Cognitive Dissonance.

This is why intersectionalism is a thing. Form your own opinion on every matter, imbeciles.

Thank you!
At least I've put some fucking thought into what I believe instead of drinking Kool-Aid from some carpetbagging demagogue.

Someone making a typo when calling you a retard doesn't make it wrong for them to have called you one. You sound ridiculous with your "I'm a radical centrist daoist, cycles bro every is stupid but me" nonsense. Claiming to want world peace and then adding an all caps statement that you'll kill those who disagree is also pretty juvenile. I hope that you're still in high school and will grow out of it. At any rate, I think reddit might be more your speed.

Comics had a lot more sexism, racism, homophobia, etc before the direct distribution model came along, it had nothing to do with cultural insularity. Dobson is more of a basement-dweller than most Bronze Age fanboys.
I don't know where he gets his information from. I'm pretty sure he never read real comics, so he must be doing research on Tumblr and feminist blogs.
As an actual Bronze Age comic geek, I can tell you our shops, our conventions, and our fandom and industry were no more redneck than the rest of society was then, and usually leaned toward the progressive. Allowing that we were all basement dwellers and the fans were all virgins. Geeks didn't really become sexually viable or capable of wooing until Bruce Campbell touched us with his magic.
Dobson, as usual, is full of shit and tilting at windmills that are also full of shit.
I guess it doesn't matter if he insults real comics because no-one who reads comics reads his drivel.

And I hope that you grow out of life and stop breathing my oxygen.
It's people like you who make me seriously consider social Darwinism as an ethos.


Fucking christ. This thread started out shit and somehow managed to get even worse