Legitimately, what the fuck is his problem? Why did he turn out this way?

Legitimately, what the fuck is his problem? Why did he turn out this way?

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He wasn't born in the third world.

fuckoff he's cool and knows whats really up


third worldism does have some valid points tho

no faggot


Everyone who talks to him personally say he's a relaxed good guy


so are a lot of retards. what does that have to do with that ball of shit being right about anything?



Strangely economies without a free market system (neoliberalism), but with strong government control, tight regulations and high taxes for the rich had the largest growth rates: US 1936-1975, Japan and Germany after the war, and currently China. Don't forget heavy government investments in new technologies, especially in the defense sector. There would not be microchips, automation or the Internet without it today.

Heck without the New Deal (socialism) there would not even be a USA most likely.

Free market economy = monopoly capitalism, economic stagnation with poverty for the masses, and riches for the few, and lots of bubbles that necessitate government intervention by bought politicians.

1936-1975 was not neoliberalism, it was the Keynesian longboom.

The effects of the New Deal are exaggerated. What saved the United States was World War 2

Austrians would disagree with you conflating neoliberalism with the free market. I prefer to refer to the "free market" as a myth, that has never existed.

Idk I find him amusing, I disagree with him on a lot of points but he provides me with laughs so I can't really dislike him, hes a colorful character.

Jim Profit>Unruhe tho.

Post more Jason memes

whats wrong with wanting to return humanity into an Agrarian society? Citys were rare until Industrial, humanity is naturally best in small towns surrounded by farms and forest, hell it would solve pollution and you could still have communist think tanks that deal with stuff like space travel and industry.


It's not possible. Unless you mean some high-tech "contained city" (urban farms, self-sustaining buildings energy wise) construction.

Cities and the accomodations of people on a large scale that it allows for is a reality. With, or without capitalism. It's just scale, and numbers - kind of like those people building their own little 'sealed garden', with their own sewage treatment etc. and water purification. It's great, sure, but what would be greater would be a central processing plant, that provides easy access and pipelines to every household surrounding them - instead of each of them building their own. Easier maintenance, and fixing, as well.

If Jason hates capitalism so much then why does he dress like Ronald McDonald?

Probably latent unconscious sexual feelings he has towards his mother.

impossible without reducing the population.

What I've never understood about Maoists is why they come off as so … "cult"-ish.

Jason honestly comes off as some crazy Cult leader. I wouldn't be surprised that in 30 years, we would be making fuck of Jason and his followers on the same level we make fun of the RCP.

It's the nature of the platform. Unruhe probably would have been better off shying away from being so invested personally (his persona, image, looks, attire, etc.) in what he was saying or speaking about. Most of these youtubers have a massive need for appreciation, adoration in some cases. This gets mixed with the corporate platform which it is, youtube - google, heavily invested in trying to form a certain 'kind' of content, and suggests (via algorithms, search hits, etc. with a whip or sweets like reward system to 'nudge it' in the directions they want you to go) you to be more and more 'out there' with 'your face' and 'you'. Less so what you're trying to say.

If you're opposed to this, you might react by hunkering down more, doing the exact same thing as what is being suggested - but the inversion (to the observer it'll look like the same thing). Either way, you get affected.

Youtube is a bad medium. A capitalist platform that enables and promotes you to shove your personality first and foremost. Once you're part of the 'streams'/channel groupings there, it engages in the same clusterfuck that facebook feeds do, and has them mostly commenting on the same thing gotten from the same feed that everyone else in their group connected to the same feed is doing.

It really does become highly centralized, and controlled and very insular while being a gigantic egofest.

tl;dr: it's more youtube than mao

he btfo's anarchists


being against third wordlism is the same as being against leninism, just admit that marx didn't had everything right and grow up.

These critiques are much better.




if you're fixated on historic politics and not economic theory, sure

To say that they "deserved" it is just trying to be an edgy moralist, but it's not like it was some evil and unintelligible event like Americans experienced it. It was a major break in history, mostly positive because of it's symbolic value as a revolt against Western globalization being shoved down everyone's throats in the name of progress. After that globalization and progress (and all related notions) have become highly ambiguous, and Americans' response with the invasion of Iraq and Abu Ghraib only made it far worse, they basically fell into the trap that was laid for them by the event itself.
That's roughly how I experienced it then as a kid, and how I still see it now.


Yeah, most of Unruhe's arguments for Third Worldism come down to different versions of "look at deez charts!" with some appeals to emotion and fear/obligation tactics thrown in. He has little comprehension of the materialist dialectic or how Marxists understand exploitation and such.

What's funny is that there's a lot of sensationalism on his channel that you usually see in tabloid magazines. This guy is as much of a "revolutionary" as someone who dresses in an obnoxious uniform and uploads videos of himself to youtube. Oh, yeah… He's as much of a "revolutionary" as that guy in your university who stylizes himself as Che Guevara because it's a cool image, like in an advertisement for a hip clothing store.

It's reasoning like this that is why fascists love poetry.

It was used as a lynchpin for the reboot of endless war doctrine against the 'new enemy'. Everything that happened, was to the benefit of the warmongerers. You should question that event much more than putting it in the narrative box of 'the oppressed fighting back'.

It was the reichstag fire of the modern era, cementing things like the patriot act, states of emergency, indefinite detention and complete removal of basic legal rights.

And chances are, that university Guevaraboo probably has a better understanding of Marxism than Jason does.

I recall Jason's earlier vids which were arguably more theoretically-based (granted, his buddy Klaas Velija wrote most of them). He covered things like the Cultural Revolution, dialectics, putting Marxist economics into a modern context and such. Now, he makes clickbait or tabloid videos about how evil the First World is and how only noble savage brown people can bring communism to this world. What a fucking fall from grace.

Suck my dick

Suck my motherfucking dick

Why you all bad-mouthing chairman Unrhue?

Fucking this.

How any leftist can say "9/11 was good for socialism/bad for capitalism" with a straight face boggles my mind. 9/11 was terrible for socialism worldwide because it gave imperialist powers an excuse to be more repressive and engage in wars of aggression on a massive scale. And not just the US either. China used 9/11 as an excuse to be more repressive towards Uyghurs in its northern provinces. Russia used 9/11 to clamp down on Muslim separatist groups in the Caucus. Israel of course used 9/11 as an excuse to build more settlements in the West Bank as well as the infamous apartheid wall. India used 9/11 to be more repressive in Kashmir. And so on.

Not to mention, it's not a victory for the left at all when disenfranchised Muslim youth in Europe see Islam as having more potential to liberate them than anything remotely left-wing. We forget that Islamic fundamentalists are overwhelmingly anti-communist and considered the spread of Soviet communism in the Middle East and elsewhere as a BIGGER threat to their culture than western capitalism (which is one primary reason why the US funded fundamentalist groups against the USSR and pan-Arabists sympathetic to the USSR).

All that didn't help the freedom-loving West at all, it just humiliated itself further. The mass control and surveillance i.e. being now paranoid of your own people that you're trying to keep hostage in the system, considering everyone of them as a potential terrorist, and sabotaging yourself and the circulation you rely on (all those checks) to the extent that actual saboteurs could have only dreamed of… Then we have American and UK people publicly insulting their own governments, already mass protesting more that ever even before the invasion of Iraq started, not to mention everyone else of us outside of US that now looks at everything America does with unconditional disgust.
I don't know, seems like a huge loss to me. Of course the system is stronger on a technical level, but that's even the least important thing when you're hated everywhere.

I wasn't trying to be "poetic". Everything is now fascist in a liberal world, political correctness apparently doesn't go well with poetry either.

That you weren't even trying shows how deep it runs, brutalities as literary devices, is how you fill your narrative. Pure ideology.

No, we didn't see much of a rise in public consciousness against capitalism. Take a look at any anti-war demo and you'll see there are just as many Ron Paul libertarians protesting as there are legitimate socialists.

Also, the image of the "Orwellian police state" only helps free marketeers and conspiracy theorists who like to obscure the role of capitalism and place all the blame on the government. Again, there is zero reason for leftists to champion 9/11.

He hasn't been laid in over four years.

I'm not exactly championing it either, it's not like it was a win for the left. But you have to compare it with what it broke from, which was the nihilistic 90s when many people thought that the history has finally come to an end after the fall of the Berlin wall and all that was left to do was just to integrate everybody into the technological utopia of Western capitalism, while any opposition was only a short-lived fad. At that time things really did look depressing for anyone that despised the banality of it all. But after the 90s the hope that the system would eventually collapse returned, as well as the hope that a genuine opposition was still possible. The weight of that ideology itself was broken.


Jason came out AGAINST robbing Kim Karashian. Very unusual for someone who supports Killing Fields for First Worlders.

Life in the 90's really wasn't that much different from how it is now. Peoples lives aren't pop-cultural chronicles of the decades they live in.

Well, rent was a lot cheaper then. People could afford cars. Our computers were not packed with surveilance equipment. There were still some governmental subsidies for education. My flannel shirts and ripped jeans were fashionable. Life was pretty damn cozy apart from the usual capitalist shit.

If you remember the future, you'll have a broader perspective of the present. Take a look at all the predictions from 60's, we should have already had a Nazi masturbation fantasy, a nuclear war, worldwide famine, energy crisis and catastrophic over-population by now, 20 times over.

We overstate the catastrophy in our world, we always think that is this the time that everything sucks, in our linear view of history, the ideology of the present is magnified.

He hates us so much…

His Green Capitalism one is great imo.


Like, how can this even be the same Unruhe that we know today? This is actually completely legitimate and more importantly legible, valid criticism.

Chances are, he plagiarized that article from one of his friends. I've heard from people who've spoken to him that he's a chronic plagiarizer who can't come up with an original idea to save his life.

He had a nuclear war, everyone seems to not count Hiroshima. And historians now agree that nuking those 2 cities was necessary, WWII was about to end, not even the generals wanted to drop the a-bomb.

We are having a worldwide famine and energy crisis, the West has been able to escape the effects of it through war but that won't last forever.

Nothing, 3rd Worldism just rustles the Jimmy's of first-world proles cause its true.

just because you're part of it doesn't mean you can't or even shouldn't hate it

Jason is entertaining because he acts like a disgruntled teenager.

nice taste in waifus, my dude

There is nothing true about the version jason like to spout

Revolutionary potential = / = Successful Socialism

The Cultural Revolution and Great leap forward should attest to that.

The way Maoists look at "revolution" and "people power" is flat out mysticism and magic.

No, because you're people are super pumped, doesn't mean you can turn fucking cutlery into high grade steel.

No because your people are super energized, can you dig a giant hole, pour all your fertilizer into it, and then grow grain in such dense quantities that "children can walk on top of the fields".

Third Worldism makes literally no sense in Marxism. Socialism will come about due to the material conditions of late stage capitalism, not fucking countries that are barely out of the 19th century.

nice historicism