Competitive will save TF2 they said

Competitive will save TF2 they said.

Why did they think that was a good idea?

Overwatch has made the same mistake.
Do they even have custom servers and games bigger than 6v6?
It'll be dead by the time the next multiplayer game comes out.

I didn't even know they added that, I stopped playing TF2 years ago.

TF2 blows ass anyways, I can't stand playing with such shitty people

But whats the point? TF2 is a silly fun multiplayer game that you don't take seriously. Whats the point in trying to take it as seriously and boring as possible?

I actually agree with you 100%.
I think the fact that TF2 has different game modes, casual servers, RTD, crit, different player counts etc is all better for the game. I don't think hats and congas are.

There's a small contingent of competitive players that has been organizing 6v6 and Higherlander (1 player per class) games for years now. Valve tried to distance themselves from it up until very recently, I guess because Overwatch scared them.

In practice, the competitive guys kept playing in their own privately organized leagues, and TF2 casuals just want to fuck around and 6v6 gameplay is totally alien to them, so nobody used the official competitive matchmaking "beta"

And now that Overwatch landed with a decisive "eh" (it's fairly popular but not overwhelmingly so), they don't really have any incentive to work on it.

Valve servers are what really killed TF2. All but the tightest knit community servers died out as Valve servers took all of the casual players from them. Most players today don't and never did get to experience any of those unique maps or game modes, nor do they know what it's like to find a server full of interesting people and slowly become a regular. Just hours of silent, anonymous, boring gameplay.

It's like the difference between starting a relationship with someone you really care about, and sucking dicks through a glory hole in a public restroom.

Competitive are the first players to run away when population starts declining.

This is possibly the most incorrect statement I have ever seen on Holla Forums.

If I had to give an example I'd go with starcraft.
Population experienced a huge downfall around the time warcraft became hugely popular.
Casuals couldn't give a shit since war3 had better modding. European and american pros fucked off.
Only the koreans remained within their bubble of gambling on games.
The EU and US sc1 battlenet was dead both as competitive and casual play.

HoN would be a similar case. Give me an example that proves the opposite.

Quake III Arena
all the CS 1.6 guys that refused to move onto Source or GO
I'd argue Starcraft goes against your claim
even TF2; I'm told by friends in it that the competitive scene has actually experienced something of a resurgence recently, it's just that nobody plays on Valve's competitive matchmaking.

Maybe pros move on quickly to good enough sequels to follow the other pros, but in my experience they stick around longer than anyone else if there is no legitimate replacement for their game of choice.

I believe modders are the one that stick around, not competitive players that rely on cash.

And with TF2 what op is showing goes against you.

No idea about Quake. Is the CS1.6 scene alive ? I know mods are but competitive ?

Who are you quoting.
TF2 died with manconnomy.

What the fuck was Valve expecting?

True about modders. They're the ones that stick with dead games by far the longest.
For "competitive players that rely on cash" you're not wrong either, but I wasn't thinking about the guys that play games for a living. I was thinking about the guys that are really good but play mostly as a hobby. Even the most famous TF2 player, b4nny, can't support himself off of the game alone. I'm pretty sure the same is true about most games that don't have a sponsored "e-sports" branding as part of their marketing.

I am the OP. Valve matchmaking crashed and burned, but AFAIK the (completely fan organized) competitive scene is still going strong. I'm sad as an above average but not amazing player that wanted to play some casual 6v6 with random people.

It boggles my fucking mind just how lazy and/or incompetent Valve can be. Just what the hell do they do at work all day?


I get that. I just associate competitive with players who are in it for the cash.
Nothing wrong with people who play a lot. Savage XR is still alive thanks to them and that title is 13 years old.

It was funny back then but now, not so much.

What happened was that during the Stress Tests, everyone(who had a mobile authenticator) had access.
Everyone who wanted to play would play at the designated time, when they switched to a beta pass system, the population of people playing died off, even if they do distribute more passes, I don't see it going anywhere until the full release.

No, no they didn't.
"They " said optimizations, map, character and weapon balance changes, map/weapon banning , direct streaming to twitch like csgo would save tf2 there is some stuff I am missing but you get my point.

Valve, because they're retarded.

They should have made a lobby system. Matchmaking is a meme for casual games and won't work with a role-based game like TF2.

Worse, they threw out all the rules the community spent years working on. They want to stick their fingers in their ears and ignore the problems with the game as it is on regular servers.

It's a lazy phoned-in attempt to clone what worked with CS:GO, and somehow nobody at Valve realized that's a retarded idea. What worked for one game won't just work for another.

All they had to do was make a lobby system with a weapon whitelist, or make some weapon balance tweaks. Problem solved. Oh, and they update almost never. Months go by and they add some artwork and a button. It's impressive how little work seems to actually be getting done.

It did get both of these. Actually I'm not sure about direct streaming, but it does show live TF2 streams on startup.

All of the things you guys listed are indeed problems (especially optimization. god does it drive me up the fucking wall how unoptimized TF2 is even when you set it up for potato graphics), but I don't think they're the worst problems.

I think and have it right.
Why the fuck was it restricted to a beta pass system anyway? All that does is make it harder to find players. They should have kept it to timed trials while they worked out the kinks, then let it loose on the public ASAP.
I don't play them much/ever but AFAIK CSGO and DOTA matchmake effectively, why the fuck does everything matchmaking related in TF2 (regular games, MvM, or comp) take a million years no matter how many people are on?
Why do they not matchmake full parties and pugs separately (other than the fact that nobody plays MM)? How fucking dumb is it to cancel a game just because one asshole quit?

This is the shit that killed it hard, not balance issues.

Well, in any case, if anyone wants to try this shitshow, I'm in the TF2 MM queue.

Hey you. Yes. You.

I just spent the last couple hours watching videos on that channel.


Thanks for the sleep deprivation.

Competitive TF2 players are assclowns who think being a dumbfuck lone-wolf Soldier with a Black Box is helpful, Snipers that can't aim, or the occasional chill guy with no in-between for those three personality types

Also a hilarious amount of players in fan-organized comp leagues were cheating after LMAOBOX was added to VAC, most of them being the aforementioned spiders






The thumbnails for either image are already enough to send a dribble of liquid fear-poop down my leg

There's a terrifying thought


Hey man, that's cute.
I'm biased because I have pet spiders

I think its all about trying to find a new system to stop cheaters more than anything else. TF2 is their "test random shit out" game. They don't have to care too much about it anymore, they can drop the ball but it won't effect too much and they can revert it without too much problem.
This is probably mainly a test to see how they can make CS:GO free to play. F2P is making tons of money and Valve is one of the biggest companies testing shit out. Not just doing it, but also testing it.


they still have warcraft 3 tournaments for fuck's sake.

Post pics of the cuties

Isn't warcraft 3, and especially dota on it like, crazy popular still in China? I think its really rather recent that dota 2 managed to take over.

Check em.

Fuck, forget to sage

user did you make that poster?

No I found some SFMer who made it.

