Other urls found in this thread: / 5 (2 * 2)




Pretty sure Trump said that in his Inauguration
Pretty sure Trump Tower is in TDKR

Not the commies bitch.


Request for info

I heard that Muslim countries (qatar I think?) had a hand in developing Common Core. Is there any truth to this?

Has anybody ever produced a detailed history of the development of Common Core?

Thank God.

I was talking a stroll through a local park and took a shortcut through the elementary school playground (90% white school). I found a Common Core math book lying on a bench that a child had ripped in half. I took it home and read through it. It was the worst thing I'd ever seen. Every problem was a trick designed to hide understanding rather than exercise the child's skill.

Common Core is obviously a weapon designed to punish and weaken the minds of white kids. Blacks and spics will skate through without learning math as they always have regardless of any standard.

Clarify, preferably with pictures from the actual book?

I'll have to find it. May take awhile. I didn't throw it away, though.


I have to argue with my 10 year old cousins about math. Because of this kind of shit.


Lol aryan children

About fucking time.


Muslim Brotherhood is deeply involved in the western education system.

Parenthesis first, fam.

It was written by jews with the openly stated goal to hold back Whites, another blatant example of jews anti White agenda. It's not commie core, it's jew core.

PEMDAS you absolute nigger.

I did do the parenthesis first you cucks

sources plz. "some user on 8/pol/" is not going to cut it.

repeat, sources plz. I know there is one or two people who admitted to something like this but I can't remember their names or anything.

what? the answer is 16.
20 / 5 (2 * 2)
20 / 5 * 4
4 * 4

20 / 5 (2 * 2)

20 = 9 + 11

(9 + 11) / 5(2*2)

9/5(2*2) + 11/5(2*2)

5(2*2) = 9 + 11

9/(9+11) + 11/(9+11)=

9/11; see me after class billy.

If that's not the answer you got then you are literally subhuman and need to kill yourself for the good of humanity.

I fucking knew some retard would post this image even though we have gone through this three times earlier on Holla Forums. The answer on the right is the correct answer, and it's not "Common Core math" it's correct math. The one on the left sure as fuck was never the answer by any old method, as the answer on the left is completely incorrect.

Yes, there are people on Holla Forums who can not do basic elementary school math. It's fucking embarrassing really and these plebes should shut up lest they make nationalists look dumb.
PEMDAS, very simple. Nothing common core about it, that hag teacher is probably just trying to pass off correct math as Common Core so that CC would gain support.

Try 3,000

Pretty sure TDKR is in Trump tower, too.

You can't unring a bell. This is a lesson that Trump is learning every day.

I don't understand.
How does the question in OPs pic work.

You don't make 10 by adding 8+5
8+5 is a sum, you find out the answer by completing the formula.

How does this work?

Multiply before you divide nigger

It's trying to teach mental methods that people use to solve math, rather than just teaching the math and letting people work out their own personal mental methods of doing it.

This is because figuring out mental methods for yourself is something white people are good at but niggers cannot do. Common Core is an attempt to bridge the achievement gap between white people and niggers by telling all students precisely how to think. Of course all this does in practice is fuck with white students, most of whom will inevitably find other mental methods more agreeable to themselves.

Wrong, the precedence of *,/ and +,- is left to right. Always has been, always will be. Kill yourself stupid nigger.

I adore the "then add 3". So it isn't fucking 10 you dumb bitch. If you are adding 8+5, you do that. You add five to eight, or eight to five, and get 13. You can't just only take a portion from one of the numbers and call that the solution. The problem is incomplete. There's no pausing in the middle of a calculation and calling it a day.

Shitlibs think whites are privileged and racist and evil, so why should whites be allowed to participate in common core? Make it only available to non-whites, and force white students to return to traditional education methods!

that equation is ugly and whoever wrote it should be castrated
t. B.A. in Math


That's true but beyond the point.

why is that even allowed


This is easily the best criticism. It is designed to force your children to think the way Schools (the government) wants, not to teach kids the ability to think on their own.

Occasional reminder that writing division as a / in the middle of a line is completely retarded and if you're ever going to do it you should use copious amounts of parentheses so there's no room for ambiguity. You will never see a university textbook write division this way. This has nothing to do with common core specifically, it's just primary school teachers being retards.


he's new, go easy on him :^)

Tbh the issue with common core is that they try to teach all the little tricks you can do to make simple math easier, but then merge it with this retarded vocabulary so the child's parents have no idea what they're asking for.
Common core tends to work just fine for more self sufficient kids who don't need their parents to help them on homework. It's really only when the parents try to help and they see all this new speak that they aren't familiar with that problems arise.

I am confused as fuck right now. This is why I'm an artist.

multiply and divide are the same operation order (because really, they're the same operation), in cases of equal importance its always left to right

A x B x C -> AB x C

The main objective is to equalise exam success between blacks and whites.
But Jewish operations always have multiple objectives.
They thought that if they could just break every operation down into idiot-proof stages with no mental optimization whatsoever, that even the lowest IQ nigger would then be able to pass with flying colours.
The side effect is running down of whites, destroying the ability to do mental arithmetic in real time.

But this doesn't work.
It literally doesn't work.
The fundamental premise of the question does not work.
You can not get 10 from 8+5
Even the "solution" given by the teacher does not give an answer of 10

Pemdas stupid niggers.


Took me a minute to see it..


Let me contribute then build upon it then, pic related

Fun fact, I'm training to be a maths teacher in the UK, even though common core has never come up, I have read about common core's ideas while doing general research.
The people behind this love to rant and rave about how it helps stereotyped or underachieving groups to perform better. (So girls and minorities pretty much)
This idea of creating equity is made specifically to close the gap between groups by making maths 'fair'.

So it should tell you how good common core is when it's focused on making sure everyone receives the same ending grade.

It's meant to be an intermediate step, not a final answer.
The problem is that no one needs to use a multi-step process to know 8+5=13. This is one recurring problem with common core–it tries to teach techniques to break problems down into easier parts, estimation to sanity-check answers, etc. with problems that are far too easy to need any of this.

it's all a gag on the order of operations. It's not really math as much as pseudo-logic.
There really is no such thing as an objectively correct order of operations, you really should write it in a way that makes the intended order obvious. schools just throw that crap at us when we're young so they can get away with putting equations on one line without having a set of parenthesis for every term. Order of operations also a thing in programming but since we aren't taught any programming in gradeschool (for some stupid reason) the relevance of that is minuscule.

The problem is that they're teaching kids that some expressions are 'ambiguous' just to cover for the fact that some people don't know how to properly write out a problem for you to solve.
Honestly PE, MD, AS, and work left to right. Any 'ambiguity' is not my problem, its yours.

Not according to the "new" math that is being teached in universities to new teachers.

Holy shit, mate.
Thanks for the good laugh.

Then you're a lucky goy.
In germoney we already have itin some courses in order to "prepare" when it gets officially introduced.

But for basic mathematics this sort of thing isn't needed.

How do you arrive at 16? I've been staring at this for ten minutes now.

can be made in to

Take 2*2, then 20/5, then the resulting 4*4.


its literally always the jews

Here's the simple explanation
examine the following:

is the answer 16 or .25?

In school they hammer PEMDAS into your head but in other places its BEDMAS or BODMAS. Division and multiplication are explained as the same operation with different notation(much earlier when they're teaching basic operations), so they also tell you to solve from left to right in the case of an order conflict but nobody remembers that part because its usually never on a test. "trick" questions don't test how well you remember the principle (PEMDAS) and instead measure your intuitiveness/intelligence and reading comprehension, the modern school system is about teaching knowledge (programming, brainwashing whatever you want to call it) not about testing ability or fostering critical thinking skills.

Order of operations you stupid double nigger

Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplicaiton, Division, Addition, Substraction.

I know you havea sub 85 IQ but just TRY.

Multiplication second

Now I would understand if common core did the following:
243 - 87
That would make sense, as it breaks down a problem into easier steps, I guess.

I could buy that as well, if only because in the program I went through they waited until trigonometric identity equations and by then most people aren't even taking math anymore.

20 / (5 ( 2 * 2 ) )
20/ (5*(4))
20 / 20
1 solved

What is your objective justification for assuming the expression is

and not
20 *(2*2) ?

If that set of parenthesis you added were there originally there would be no PEMDAS v BEDMAS dispute


Have we started the fire?

In the United States, the acronym PEMDAS is common. It stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction. PEMDAS is often expanded to the mnemonic "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally".


google search results for BEDMAS and PEMDAS respectively, the order of operations is always and has always been that division and multiplication take the exact same position in the order and its left to right in case of any conflicts


Setting up an equation like that is bad "grammar". The common core convention is also the opposite of the general programming convention

Unless your German then your up a creek without a paddle
If your wife has a job have her quite it and teach him.

or just use more parenthesis


when you use improper and/or unclear math "grammar", you invite these mistakes.

same as writing -3^2. it REALLY means -(3^2) which would be -9, but most people incorrectly assume it means (-3)^2, which it does not. the sign is completely separate from any exponent, something that teachers fail to make mention of in school


K-12 is Prussian serfdom designed to get the plebs to love monarchy and hate enlightenment values. It was always savery meant to dumb people down via extended childhood.

Common Core is the modern icing on the cake. It's what happens when the commies take over the old Prussian mind control system. They rehash shit like the "look see" method. Which teaches kids verbal memorization over phonetic learning. It's an old 19th century method guaranteed to make people literally autistic. Duke Pesta has done several great presentations on Stephen Molymeme's show about all this. He also has his own videos on youtube.


Modern education is built on route memorization, Route memorization makes for a very dull boy. See the argument over Pemdas. Route memorization mean not understanding that multiplication and division are the same thing. Also not understanding signs.

This has been admitted to

Grad school survivor here.

Image on the right is completely accurate. Don't fucking do it. I spent 6 years in school taking a STEM program (muh sTEm meme) and I'm working a manual labor job.

I wake up every morning to greet the sun, and contemplate how long before I finally snap and AN hero.

That first image rustles me deeply.

I bet you know all sorts of funny math jokes right?

you totally fail at life.

Yeah, I got 16 also. Multiplication and division are the same level of precedence.
To be sure: / 5 (2 * 2)


I'm glad at least one user

pointed out the BIGGEST issue with Common Core:
It's literally a JEWISH TRICK to brainwash children!
(((David Coleman))) and (((Jason Zimba))) have been working for years to get a monopoly on the entire curriculum from elementary to high school through (((standardized tests))) and admissions exams.
Of course, (((Liberal Arts Colleges))) are already under Jewish control.
I've heard from people who went overseas and taught in English-language schools in Asia (where normally Kikes would have less influence), and they're even pushing (((Common Core))) over there as an 'American Standard'.
This is fuckin' serious!

I forgot to add that (((Horace Mann))) was Jewish as well!


This makes no sense considering the fact that Old Math, New Math, and Common Core, all must abide to the rules of mathematics. I.e., the defined notion of PEMDAS in standard arithmetic. 20/5(2*2) = 20/5*4 = 4*4 =16.
However, I can see how they get 1 (and why it's wrong).
20/5(2*2) = 20/5(4)
Technically, there is an implicity multiplication of 5(, i.e., it's actually
20/5*(4). But what the hell is 5*(4), i.e. what is multiplication time a parenthesis? Well, there is the axiom of distribution, so what you can do is 20/5*(4 + 0) and distribute the 5. Then you would get 20/(20 + 0) = 20/(20). Again, what does division mean when next to a parenthesis? Regardless, you'd get 1. But the issue lies in the 20/5*(4 + 0). On what basis would distribution, which is really just a property of multiplication acting with addition, take precedence over division? I.e., effectively, they'd both fall under the catagory of multiplication and division, from which you would work left to right to get 4*(4 + 0) = 16 + 0 = 16.
(Either that, a somewhat interesting error, or the retards thought PEMDAS means multiplication first and then division in terms of precedence. Which is retarded, they're inverse operations that can be defined using one another. It wouldn't make sense for one to take precedence over one another).


They want a situation where kids cannot rely on their parents for help and are therefore forced to rely ENTIRELY on big brother for all information and learning.

the only upside i see in weird maths is fucking up chinks' 'wrote memory' privilege

meanwhile, in asia


Fuck a cactus

I had to google that kike fuck, because I thought his nose had been shooped in those images!!!

The kikeist kikester of kikystan

Are people confused? Cause it doesnt say (20 / 5) (2*2)

If dubs common core gets gassed and sent to the oven.

What you fucking idiots are not understanding.

20/5(2x2) ← perenthesese
20/5(4) ← solved inside them mofos, yes, but they are still fucking there.

another explination.
Scientifically, this is how that equation should be written.

{ is a mathematical statement, like a sentence.

Math is a language motherfuckers,Perenthesese matter. do your god damn homework.

I wonder how will the (((concern trolls))) try to spin this one…


Better start working on a bog drainage trinket, queer.


The NWO wanted to keep schools open 16 hours a day to further abuse and lobotomize the youth into helpless drones.

More school is better because public education is so great, right? :^) Kids learn so many valuable skills in K12 and emerge into adulthood ready to tackle life's challenges, right? :^)))

Read (pic related). If 10% of it is true then Common Core getting terminated is fucking amazing. I am giddy. We're dodging a fucking bullet.

The point is that the original problem is poorly formulated and could also be interpreted as (20/5)*(2*2)=4*4=16
This is just some Jewish mind tricks trying to convince kids that their ancestors were so stupid they couldn't do math right, and they purposefully used a badly written equation to do so.

But its BODMAS in England lad…

there is your answer faggot.

… you, sir, are the moron


This is like postmodernist math

The fire rises.

You're a fucking retard for assuming that (5(2x2)) is the operation when it's clearly as fuck writen as 5(2x2), therefore you first divide 20/5 and then multiply the result with (2x2).
Like you said, it's a language, but one you little retard lack the cognitive ability to comprehend, let alone properly understand.

Nice double argument, since the same can be said that you're assuming it's (20/5)(2x2)

The thing with math, the perenthesese tell you where to start.

BTFO faggot.

Let me help you and break it down even further.

Perenthesese do not dissapear.

20/5(2x2) ← there are those nasty little buggers.

Notice how there is no perenthesese on this half of the problem. → 20/5(2x2)

The only way to remove perenthesese is to Multiply into them, you can not just take them away. Furthermore, the only way to multiply an entirely new problem into the parenthesese is to place the desired function in it's own set, creating (20/5)(2x2)

But that isn't the origional problem is it? it is 20/5(2x2)

You cannot create what is not there. You must work left to right following the order of opperations.

20/5(4) ← pay attention to this step, because the parenthesese are still fucking there. To remove them, multiply the number on the LEFT OF THE PARENTHESESE into them.

Don't fall for common core bullshit, nigglet.

the parenthesis stage of BEDMAS/BODMAS/PEMDAS only indicates you do whats inside the parenthesis first, not that parenthesis based operations occur before all others.

should be

parenthesis enclose an expression and indicate that you should solve the enclosed expression first, not that you should resolve anything touching a parenthesis first.

Common Core is garbage
I'll add it to the heap!

Cum on Core is compltly faek

you are correct, but I wasn't wrong.

what in the absolute fuck is going on here?
where the hell are these extra numbers coming from?
I thought I was starting to figure it out, but then it lost me again.
What I thought was going on:
>15+5 (well the 5 isn't taken from the start of any number, so it's the sum of 12+3?)
>20+10 (okay the 10 is the sum of 15+5, I think we have a pattern here)
who the fuck could process like this? literally nobody of sound mind would process a subtraction problem like this, especially with 2 digit numbers, this is just NONSENSE to pull numbers out of thin air with no rationale behind why those numbers are being used

Because of the Prussian failure to defeat Napoleon, Germany took a long hard look at its institutions—primarily its school system. This introspection led to the conclusion that Prussian pride and power could only be restored by restructuring that system.

A strategy was devised in which the Prussian government would set up a forced government educational system which would turn out well disciplined students who would follow orders without questioning authority. To accomplish this feat, the goal of educating children became a national priority permeated with strategies adapted to turn out a national work force rather then an educated citizenry. Every step in the education process was calculated to offer authority figures the least amount of trouble and consequently train a well disciplined albeit docile citizen.

Of course the government’s attitude towards ordinary citizens did not carry over to the aristocratic upper classes, about 200 families, that owned most of the property and controlled the purse strings in Prussia—and who were intent on keeping it that way. These families did not want their children attending school with the lower classes and in the course of things the new educational protocol gave the upper classes choice in deciding the kind of schools their children would attend, a choice it did not offer to the average German.

The Prussian system may seem familiar to Americans in that it demanded compulsory attendance, national training for teachers, national testing for all students (important because it gave the government the ability to classify children for potential job training), national curriculum set for each grade, and mandatory kindergarten. Mandatory kindergarten was necessary because it served to break the influence of the mother over the child thus making the child more responsive to government influence.

Another development added to the growing furor and revolution in American education. In the early 1800’s, what is commonly known as the Ph.D. did not exist in the United States. Then a well connected American named Edward Everett went to Germany to take courses and returned to this country as the first American to receive a Ph.D. degree. Eventually, 10,000 of America’s wealthiest families would send their sons to obtain the Ph.D. in Prussian universities. Ultimately, this development would affect the educational and intellectual make up of the entire education system from kindergarten through college. These German trained Ph.D.’s took over the educational establishment in the United States and anchored themselves in positions of political and economic power and influence. The substance of the course work in Prussian universities in tandem with the educational philosophy tended to be socialist and collectivist in nature. Consequently, the knowledge and mind set of the Prussian system were passed on to several generations of American intellectuals.

Implementation of the Prussian System Implementation of the Prussian system was to become the goal of Edward Everett, America’s first Ph.D. As Governor of Massachusetts, Everett had to deal with the problem of the influx of poor Irish Catholics into his state. In 1852, with the support of Horace Mann, another strong advocate of the Prussian model, Everett made the decision to adopt the Prussian system of education in Massachusetts. Unfortunately for the children and poor Irish Catholics of Massachusetts and elsewhere, the system produced a willing, cheap labor force with minimal reading and numbers skills. The Everetts of the world understood that people who could read and understand are dangerous because they are intellectually equipped to find out things for themselves, thus becoming a threat to already established power elites.

Shortly after Everett and Mann collaborated to adopt the Prussian system, the Governor of New York set up the same method in 12 different New York schools on a trial basis. Incredibly, within two weeks he declared the system a total success and took control of the entire education system in the State of New York. In a "blitzkreig" action with no debate, public hearing, or citizen involvement, government forced schooling was on its way in America.

The history of American education since the acceptance of the Prussian system is checkered with failure and elitism. From the time of John Dewey, who felt people should be defined by groups and associations and who believed that people who were well read were dangerous, to our own era, U.S. education has suffered. We have in this day and age the disheartening statistics showing 33 percent or our nation’s college graduates can’t read or calculate well enough to perform the jobs they seek.

Working against the concepts and principles the Founding Fathers provided in the Constitution, the Prussian system has produced a gradual but statistically provable decline in literacy and intellectual capability of typical Americans. We can track the five different stages that American education has gone through: 1750-1852—The idea of government controlled schools was conceived; 1852-1900—It was politically debated in state legislatures; 1900-1920—We had government controlled industrialized factory modeled schooling; 1920-1960—Schools changed from being academically focused to becoming socialized; and 1960 to the Present—Schools became psychological experimental labs.

In the year 1941 the Defense Department was preparing for World War II. In testing 18 million men between 1941 and 1944, the Defense Department found 96 percent of those tested were literate. During this same period, among African Americans who were tested—the majority of whom had only three years of schooling—80 percent were found to be literate. By literate we mean that Americans, both white and black, could read with understanding.

During the Korean War the Department of Defense tested three million men for service and only 19 percent were found to be literate. In less then 10 years there had been a 500 percent rise in illiteracy. Perplexed, the Defense Department investigated and found that the same test had been used during the two wars and the only difference was that those men and women tested during the Korean War had more schooling—at a significantly higher cost.

Twenty years later, around 1970, the same test was used at the time of a new war. Among the Vietnam draftees and enlistees who were tested for literacy only 27 percent were found to be capable of reading with understanding the material which they needed in order to serve in the armed forces. Again the major difference between American soldiers in the 1940’s and the 1970’s was more schooling for the latter group at a higher cost to the taxpayers.

Consider that the billions of taxpayer dollars were spent over the time period from the 1940’s to the present increased by some 350 percent with totally unacceptable results despite all the increased spending. In 1996 statistics prepared by the National Association of Education for Progress showed that some 44 percent of African Americans can not read at all. The same set of statistics shows that illiteracy among whites has quadrupled. Incredibly, educating Americans continues to cost massive amounts of taxpayer dollars to achieve unacceptable and devastatingly poor results.

they're incrementing to easily recognizable values until they reach 32
15 is a factor of 5 so the rest of the process is made easier
20 is a factor of 10, so even easier
adding 10 to a power of 10 is probly one of the easiest things in math
we have now reached 32. from here you take the sum of all numbers you added and you have the difference between 12 and 32.

To answer your question: you aren't "getting" the numbers from anywhere. you add whatever it takes to get to the next easily workable value. you probly use a similar method in your head when you do less easy subtraction problems.

The answer is 1. Even if you divide the expression first (which is irrelevant since both operators can technically be performed in almost the same instance), you are left with 4*1/(2*2) not 4*(2*2) and therefore should never get 16.

eat a dick

oh shit, i just realized you can also get 256 out of this. lol

wait, no. 64, forgive my faggotry

So basically, common core subtraction is the same as a trick to quickly give the correct change as a register box operator but you actually have to sum up the value of the bills/coins you give to get the value you want. With this I understand better what they're trying to do, but I'm sure subtracting is still quicker and more practical with the older method on paper or head with some practice on subtracting with all combinations of units.

It's worker training disguised as education. They want numeral counting peasants, not intelligent people.


I did old math in school and new math kinda confused because thats just adding more shit to think about… and the they showed common core. == Fucking matrix are easier than that shit ==

tbh i think it's more likely that they wanted to dumb it down for the nigs who can't actually do math. They gotta teach them these stupid tricks to make them get the answer right on tests and look less stupid.



You better say the fucking answer is 1 if you know what's good for you, dweeb.

Thats the only reasonable explanation to reach 1, I still think its the wrong answer but multiplying before you divide in this instance is by all standards the wrong method. I still think its wrong because you have to assume that (2*2) is in the denominator which is ambiguous.

The standard way of writing does math expression is ambiguous, parenthesis and PEMDAS are just a comping mechanism to cover up the real problem. Just learn a better way to write down expressions that has no "order of operations" because the correct order is defined in the expression itself. How about Polish Notation?

Why dont you have a good job, user?


To bad he isn't transferring power from Israel to the American people as can be seen in his reaction to the white helm false flag in Syria. Well the US funds the white helms so he or someone close to him probably knew about the false flag in advance.

what program?
the problem i think most people run into with stem is they go into some general science field (like geology, biology, physics, etc) and come out with a lot of knowledge, but no skills. I see the same thing happen with math majors too.
Nobody's gonna pay you to regurgitate shit from a book. They can have a child do that for them and he'll be happy to do so if you give him candy afterward.

Unless your program actually teaches you how to do something useful, there's not gonna be any demand for your services.

This is correct if you assume the "/"represents a long horizontal division bar like you SHOULD be using whenever possible. You should also write it as .2 though.

Fight music should've been Guile theme song/10

It's very obviously you know who doing you know what yet again.

CC is designed for you to turn off your brain. Everything is relative, there are no absolute facts, so kids will learn to rewire their brains to accept any input they are given, and to shape their perceptions accordingly.

It's directly designed to turn logical beings into unthinking drones.

Well now that you explain the methodology behind it, it's a hell of a lot less confusing, but there would have been no way to discern that otherwise, I can only see that making problems exponentially difficult
I try to never do math in my head because numbers just don't stay in my memory, but when I need to I break up the equation into ones/tens/hundreds to subtract as would be logical to do, not try to come up with numerous addition problems

I actually brought up that example with two other people today, I walked them through the process without telling them how I was coming up with the 3, 5, 10, 2 and neither could figure out how those numbers came to be

the other example I gave them was "show how to get 10 from 8+5", and at least one of them had a college education and it was way too abstract for them

by "similar method" I basically mean "breaking up into ones/tens/hundreds."

Something like this. Maybe you're not explicitly thinking in addition but it is effectively the same operation.



common cike shill

I assure you I'm not a shill. I fucking hate common core.I just prefer to have an understanding of the things I hate rather than spouting ignorance.

If you were in a debate with someone who supports common core and they bring up a point you're not familiar with, it can be an easy hole for your adversary to exploit.

It was shooped in the first one. Here's the original:

So is English, and yet we have ebonics.

8+5=13 dumbfuck
Well that clearly wasn't in the rules but okay 5-2 = 3 fine.
8+3 = 11, not sure where you're going with this.
11+3 =14 WHERE IS THE 10 SUSAN!?!?

I don't even know what I'm reading. Someone help me with this shit.

If you're a yank.

Those on the same line are completed from left to right. You can't randomly decide to do the multiplication first.

Basically, using / with no context is fucking retarded.

Either it means division, in which case the cock fuck writing the equation should use the proper sign ÷

Or it means the numbers before the bracket go on top of the numbers after, like a fraction

Realistically they are both right because we have no idea which is the correct interpretation of the symbol is with no context. Everyone ITT is busy defending what they were taught.

This could easily be solved by more brackets.

0.2 is also correct because you can read the equation a 3rd way.

I read this slide as saying the old way is using / to mean put everything before it on everything after it, which is what people did with type writers and early computers because they could not write fractions etc properly with that technology.

The common core way then is to use / to mean ÷

I meant backslash, not bracket

And yet retards are still for Commie Core, even when it produces fucking retards like you.