
Using themed armies is fun edition!

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how is it?

Unfinished but good
Pirate/buy when its complete

Semi-relevant. Hyrule Total War? Worth pirating Medieval to play it?

Medieval 2 is worth it just by itself nigger

There are alot of Medieval 2 mods worth pirating it for. I don't think Hyrule TW has a Campaign yet so its just custom battles

a gobbo army is arse btw

I played it ages ago already. Just wondering if the mod is worth pirating it all over again.

Medieval 2 is wortg ot in itself, again.
Just do it goddamn it.

It's decent. At least they got rid of that matched combat bullshit from previous TW games

Use the gobbos as meatshields while you use spider riders and other monsters to bring the hammer down.

What matched combat bullshit? Is it some multiplayer thing? Cause I don't recall anything like that in Shogun 2.

only gobbo man

im using the wolf riders but i cant deal with melee lords very well

You know the really stupid combat animations in Rome 2, Attila and Shogun 2? The one were individual soldiers slide to another so they can fight in a long drawn out animation?

Use spiders, my nigga.
Gobbos use spiders.

If you have the patience get the Medieval 2 mod, it's full release was just a few days prior to this one and it's comically better in every way.

The only game with denuvo that I actually want to play. Still not going to buy it though.

Give it some time. Eventually someone is going to crack it.

It's a shame, since Total Warhammer is actually a kinda fun game, even though it is very fast paced. One turn is one year, which is waay to fast for me. But besides that, it's actually an okay game.

elves when?

It's possible we'll get the Wood Elves as a DLC in the future, but anything more than a bunch of tree hugging knife eared hippies is debatable.

b-but I just want a dwarf hide gambeson

Do you want another War of the Beard? A war so disasterous that it sent the High Elves running back to their hovels?


Shut up Daemon! Go back into your space pyramid!

Speaking of Warhammer gayms, does Chapter Master have a Linux port?

Wasnt chapter master taken down by GW?
Also, does anyone has the pic of the guardsmen planet?

The campaign is out and its great


I wouldn't expect stuck up elves or the stuck up and evil elves who are actually right about their guy being the true king despite him being a genocidal asshole who allows chaos worship among his followers anywways I'm rambling, back to the point. I wouldn't expect any of those until an expansion DLC with a seperate map that will most likely also introduce naval combat.
I just don't see how they could try to introduce them into the empire map we have now.
The the woody faggots could be a single faction DLC though. The devs have been going for a "nemesis" theme with the races though, each one being paired off with their WORST ENEMY EVER, empire and sylvania, because everyone knows the vampire counts are the classic foil of the empire, and the whole orcs/dorfs thing, because fuck the skaven, they would be too interesting and fun. They wouldn't fit inside the current regional occupation thing either.

I don't think the lizardmen are going to happen. Maybe as a late stand alone minicampaign set in lustria, once the dark elves and skaven have already been introduced. But other than that, not going to happen. They are by far the least interesting faction after all.

Personally I'd much rather know when the fuck they are going to add the skaven.

Don't they want the shadow the hedgeheg demographic?

Feels a little bare but otherwise fairly well done. Not as bad as Rome 2 was at launch. Should be pretty good after 2 years of patching/modding/dlc jewing.


that just black guard armour right?

You cant fool me Horned Rat

The fuck is wrong with you?

Das right. But even regular infantry has lots of pointy bits that would be a pain to model, not to mention voice.

I hate the rats most of all.

Pestilence pls go

AFAIK Denuvo has not been cracked yet. I really want to play this game but the Total War series always releases buggy pieces of shit that take awhile to get patched up and with the $5 Chaos DLC I basically treated the release like cancer. But I keep watching battle replays and the urge grows stronger…

Shills should learn not to market their shitty games in such a blatant way

All ah ya'all lizards are just jealous because you don't get to have ninja's like the skaven do…

Why is it so hard to believe that some people might enjoy the game?

If you don't mind the fact that everything (except combat) has been simplified to fuck, it's actually pretty good.

Because it's deppresing to think that there are still people who enjoy shitty streamlined games made for casuals by a company that embodies everything that's wrong with the industry. Buying games from CA after Rome II is just nigger-like retardation. I prefer to believe you faggots are shills.

is WH as bad as rome2?

It really is more frustrating to see people in all threads call people that like games that they dont shills all the fucking time instead of just ignoring the threads and let them die..

Tell me more! I'd rest a little easier knowing that the combination of my favorite nerd tabletop game and favorite computer RTS/TBS game isn't worth my time right now.

Stupid lizard things must die-die!

No. It doesn't have all the crippling bugs, broken AI, constant crashes and other fun stuff from the Rome II launch. The game is pretty playable, if a bit bare bones, with only 5, soon to be 6 factions in it.

Lizards are the best and this game would actually let me play them without paying hundreds of dollars but the game is probably just a quick cashout and I can't even pirate it lol good one TA/games dorkshop

there are 6..

What do you mean?


who said major?


Every time I see a tier list dwarves are near the bottom but why?
They're pretty damn powerful except their endgame shit is trash. gyrocopters are useless and dont even work right now

But a dwarf turtle is damn near impregnable especially when you open some gaps for flamers and flame cannons

slow units so hard to flank with
slayers are arse vs most things

The least interesting faction is Bretonnia. Lizardmen are nowhere near that bland.

They tried to jew it but devs changed it to be non-40k with a bunch of 'unofficial' 40k mods…

I wait for the enemy to come to me, bombard them from behind my shield wall then when my archers run out of ammo I just switch them to melee mode and charge them in

I just wish formations were still a thing so I could move my shield walls around


I play Ogres.

The better question is"

When will there be another historical TW. This is my niche and I can't play Attila forever.

what kinda general are you

From the footage Ive seen, Dorfs are top tier if its your playstyle which is defensive, Thunderers just rip cavalry apart, even motherfucking Demigryphs.
Probably will do the first campaign with them if I ever get the game.

So you get one quarter of the glory that is skavendom.
Now where's your DOOMWHEEL? Magitek lasers cannons? Mutant hellbeasts? Screaming hordes of frenzied religious nuts?
I mean, skaven already got ratogres, who are far superior to regular ogres, just by being skaven. What else ya got worth mentioning?


You're underestimating my dwarven defensive perimiters

Fundamentally flawed in ways that won't be fixed by patches or DLC. Depending on mods might become playable.

Play the Medieval 2 mod, give them time to mod it, then pirate it in a few months with all the shitty overpriced DLC they will put out.


hexwraths pls

what are you, casual?

I get my ass routinely kicked by ai unless i play like a turbocasual. something changed in the ai and now i actually have to change tactics during battle compared to all the other TW games

That's all stupid bullshit that I hate, though I do like when Doomwheels fuck up. It's also fun to see the look on the rat player's face when they first find out Dreaded 13th doesn't work against ogres, or that Impact Hits happen at the start of combat before any other attacks, or when I pull out the large artillery template that covers an entire rat unit.

Any half way competent skaven player would be spamming jezzails and warpfire throwers against ogres, and you ALLWAYS have spare rats on hand. If you ain't bringing 100+ models for a 500 point game as a skaven player, you ain't playing the game right, and all the impact hits in the world don't mean shit if they land on a unit of skaven slaves worth 2 points per model.

Considering CA stated they don't wanna do Medieval 3, who even knows.

Nah, it's still mostly down to the AI receiving large bonuses above Normal.

Orkz are especially painful to play as because you actually fighting a battle against Dwarfs will fuck you up.


Quality post

ok i'll take the time to write bump then

Ok, why is Denuvo so bad anyway?

The thing about Medieval 2 mod is that all the races feel the same.

It's not a total war game. It's more of a tabletop simulator. They stay true to the tabletop in alot of aspects almost to the point of being annoying. The undead version of moral is crumbling when they start to disintegrate when losing a battle.

Which is why they take morale hits for fighting bigger enemies or being flanked right?
Total Warhammer is Beyond Earth of Total war.

Apparently it fucks with performace but I have seen no real evidence for this, maybe because of my beefy rig.

Partially. The crumbling thing still insures they last A LOT longer than most other kinds of units losing equally badly. They will crumble eventually, but only when their morale gets so low normal units would have routed. This lets you use any undead unit, even pathetic zombies, as tarpits for bigger and better units.

Other problems with the medieval 2 mod include the mod being unstable. Especially the 1.6 version. Large chunks of the game is in russian text, and thus unintelligible to the point its hard to tell apart clan rats from stormvermin when recruiting in the campaign unless you're a filthy cheeki breeki bastard. And unless the game crashes first, as it did for me the first 4 times I tried to start a skaven campagin in it…
And then there's the minor note that the people who made the mod couldn't be arsed to actually make any of the art resources for the game other than the 3d models, so in campaign, the buildings all use icons from the Third Age mod, soundbites are ripped from other games and so on.
The parts that work are good, but its nowhere near as good as third age, and feels much more like an amateurish mishmash than other better mods.
I'm not saying its a complete shit pile. It just doesn't feel like a coherent game and the campaign stuff needs a lot of work.

They've switched their efforts to a new Warhammer mod called Beginning of the End Times, which was recently released with full English.

They're in the Beginning of the end times mod for Medieval 2 user.

I think the biggest performance loss comes from the fact that they still haven't patched the engine to run on more than 2 cores.

What I find most impressive about this is the voice acting. Did they use people from the community or did they scavenge other games for it? I mean, where the fuck do you find the FOR HASHUT screams for the Chaos Dwarfs??

They ripped most of their audio from other games. The chaos dwarf lines are from mark of chaos. The crews on those cannons chaos have, specifically.
The Skaven also get all their lines from there, from what I heard after installing the new version earlier today. At least we get to hear skaven warlords boasting about how many lives his men will lay down for his greatness, within earshot of said rats.

bump with DE

what counts as a front/rear/flank charge?
is it still a 'charge' if you charge through a friendly unit into the same enemy unit?

Speaking as someone who actually played an actual tabletop simulator with the latest bleeding edge of dice rolling physics this just sounds completely retarded. It is a Total War game, the game mechanics is adjusted to be similar to the tabletop in spirit but it is a Total War game.

This is also the Mod I was referring to.

Fairly certain charges get broken if they go through friendly units simply because mingling units slows them down. Look at your lords and how they get sucked into tar pits all the time.


How is my army composition?

Holla Forums multiplayer games?

magine a hamster in a hamster wheel. Now imagine that the hamster wheel is ten meters tall, fires nuclear-magic-laser beams that are powered by solidified hell energy, has a xenophobic insane ratman engineer with a gun on top and instead of a hamster it houses a pack of giant mutant rats hopped up on drugs and steroids (who are likely on fire and cannibalizing each other while running). That is the DOOMWHEEL.

the best theme is loli

Chaos if fucking garbage on the campaign. Wholly shit.

Says enough

Disgusting. Just dowmload The beginning of the End mod for Medieval II.

What. Why?

Regardless, its better that no new shitty Medieval game gets released.

Once you get going you're pretty much unstoppable.

They really should rethink the whole agent shit. It worked in SH2, fine, but it didn't work anywhere else. I just tried assassinating a chaos dude with my witch hunter 10 times at 30%-40% chances and he just. wouldn't. die. FUCK.

So, I finally gave in and played a Warhammer game: WH40k Space Marines.

It's alright, but literally all I could think of was

And so I couldn't take it seriously. A bunch of blue oversized metal oafs with Rescue Hero feet, a cute little tassel tail and the emotional range of a block of wood are their shining icons of purity?

Personally, I feel the Agency from Crackdown would be a fuckton better of an icon for Holla Forumsv - they're all about wiping out genetic degeneracy (aka "Freaks") as well as taking down ethnic gangs and commie insurrectionists. And they actually relish the extermination, unlike Wreck-It Titus in Warhammer.

Holla Forumsacks are retards about fascism in the same manner leftists are retards about communism. Both groups would be first against the wall in their respective "ideal" systems.

Ultrasmurfs aren't representative of the setting seeing as they're one of the GW writers precious babies. Most of the next most famous chapters are a mix of slightly crazy, slightly mutated or almost heretics.

Also 40K wasn't originally intended to be serious it's only new corporate GW that takes that line once grimdark became an actual trope. The existence of stuff like Gorkamorka(the old ork standalone game), necromunda(90s punks in 40 K universe) or even the original rulebook are good evidence of that.

loli armies when?

they're the only ones i've managed to beat the game with

I miss the times when in Holla Forums you could talk about LOTR and Wahammer (AND NOT JUST 40K) lore.

Lets revive that!

The dwarves are to blame of the clusterfuck of the War of the Ancients. Its their fault to make the war, which devastated the elven and dwarven races

Stay in cuckchan and reddit kid.

could this retarded meme finally die?

I came to post this but you beat me to it.

Haven played it, but I want to know…are the warhammer races capital cities avaliable? Like I can see Skavenblight, Middemhein or other non principal faction cities?

dwarves a shit in mp

gig gud



"I got into Warhammer back in 2006".txt

Nah. Sadly there aren't even any special capital cities. Would probably impossible to simulate the Faustschlag.

It's like you don't really hate traitors and heretics. You one of them cherry boy marines?

Implementation of vampires is hilariously lazy.

Most of these faggots have no experience with any of the Warhammer games and just meme spout their HFY shit.

What. The fuckers havent even put Altdorf there?

I believe they are hipster retro faggot millenials that think everything 80s and over the top is supposed to be "ironic".

There's a mod that makes armies insta-crumble if their lord dies but it's a bit buggy.

Just wait for it all to release then pirate it once Denuvo is cracked

the races in tw;wh atm each have a schtik
i.e. empire is balanced, vamps are rush and flyers etc
how would the elves be made to be different to the original and any new races?

Jesus Christ, mods need to delete these threads
You guys are the cancer killing Holla Forums

Fuck me, forgot my sage

Nice downvote, you're needed in the Overwatch thread where the community and the game are legit shit., not here.

Guess what boyo, I do and it is full of silly.

Don't listen to he is saying nothing but bullshit.
Middenheim, Altdorf, Nuln and all the other captials of the elector states are in TW:W vanilla.

OW and Total Warhammer are both shitty games, faggot.
Both of you cucks deserve to be banned for support such shitty games

I said these cities don't get special siege maps you turdmongler, and they don't.

Did this game end up with that stupid mechanic restricting the territory and enemies you could face as any particular faction?

yes you can't take dwarven lands as vamps for expamle

After unimaginable pressure they finally caved in the end and now you have "mods" that do that.

what do goblin women look like?

It's actually not that bad because it makes you set a focus on certain territories instead of blobbing all over the place. The good factions don't want to fuck with each other anyway if possible.

Not sure if pic related is still canonical though. Those bloodbowl figures are from back when the warhammer universe was a silly place…

Shouldn't that be left to the players discretion though, instead of forced by game play limitations?
Its not like there's anything stopping the VC's from moving into an underground dwarven fortress once the defenders are all dead, and its extremely obtrusive for orc players to be prevented from taking over cities in the empire for resupplying and reinforcing troops, and there is no basis in the canon for suggesting that orcs can't take over the ruins of human cities. Hell, half the cities in the badlands are build on ruins of a long dead human empire.
Same goes for dwarves not being able to conquor human cities. Why? Because fuck you, thats why. Its not like the dwarves didn't use to have cities across the entire area where the empire now lies, back before the war of the beard. No wait, they did.
Its all contrived bullshit that only serves to limit the players options through pointless glass walls, they insure every campaign feels the same. It really fucking bugs me that the VC's can't take over a major fortress lying within one turns movement of their capitol, and can only really hope that a full stack of dwarves don't just randomly march out of the mountains and destroy their capitol any time the dwarves go to war with them.
In short, there's no basis in the canon for regional occupation bullshit its not like humans can't survive in a giant underground fortress like a dwarven karak, hell it would probably be safer than any city in the empire, and expatriate dwarves make up part of the empires population., there's even examples of Chaoswarriors keeping permanent fortresses brass keep during storm of chaos and Vanhorstmans chain of demonic fortresses and it does nothing for limit player options for no real gameplay related reason. Its just a retarded gimmick that someone on the development team wanted in to help promote some "nemesis narrative" bullshit where each faction is supposed to mainly fight one other faction.
TL:DR Regional Occupation has no basis in canon and makes no sense from a gameplay perspective other than trying to force specific factions to fight. It's a retarded idea that should have been left out of the game.

You're right of course and people pointed all of this out to CA before launch. I'm not saying it's a good system but it's also not AS bad as one would think at first. It seems to me that the idea behind it ties into the generally more "directed" ("railroaded" if you're cynical) campaign for each faction.

goblins aint got no women user


Holla Forums and Holla Forums have basically become parodies of their original purpose, with tons of tards larping as "le Holla Forums hates games" or "Holla Forums is nazis lol" shitposters.

Holla Forums and Holla Forums are basically filled with "le Holla Forums hates games" and "Holla Forums are nazis xD" LARPers at this point.

Well fuck me.



It seems like CA stopped giving a shit about the MP part of their games after SH2 anyway.

I only play the campaign so it doesn't really bother me but I can understand the frustration. Besides, Warhammer would have been PRIME material for a new Avatar Campaign.

make your own leader type thing?

Gosh darn balance. If only his army had used any of those ranged units that cost half of what the big expensive heavy infantry units he spend the entire time bitching over.
Its almost like his army was a shining example of piss poor army design that had no real potential for combined arms other than holding the enemy in place with his dwarf warrior line and hitting them in the flanks with his choppers, only he only had his choppers fire a few salvos before moving them off.
Oh and protecting his general? He could have just put his general with his units.
Things he could have done different? Bring Quarrelers, Thunders and miners with blasting charges instead of those 4 choppers that didn't really have proper targets to pound anyway like trolls, giants and enemy warmachines…

The dwarves have their issues, but they also have ways to counter enemies. Their heavy infantry is some of the toughest in the game, their ranged are the best in the game and their special ranged like those firedrakes he didn't want to bring, are insanely powerful FLAMETHROWERS that would have torn that empire infantry, that even as he tried to show how poor his dwarf warriors where, where badly struggling to even hurt the most basic dwarf infantry in the game, on their own. He lost because he didn't support his infantry unlike his opponent, not because his infantry was inherently shit. He didn't even use his miners and their blasting charges to break up attacking infantry and demolish their morale.

Even in his first example against AIKemmler, his dwarf warriors getting beaten by skeletons had more to do with kemmler buffing the skelys with his magic and being outnumbered 2 to 1, than it did with his warriors being shit.

I dare say, maybe HeirofCarthage just needs more than a few weeks to "git gud" with the dwarves?

git gud


Why didnt Fantasy get as much love as 40K? I mean, 40K lore is INH cooler than Fantasy, but not by much. Fantasy lore and game was cool and interesing, and in contrat to 40K the lore was advancing and even it ended! (Badly, tought. Fucking GW!)

Yet overall Fantasy gets marginalized. Why?

pew pew

The reality of that image is around 5 people in the middle of those two looking confused and scared as they are forced to pick a side and the non voter says whats depicted.


True. Two party system isn't great.

Because the 40k boardgame has been selling better than fantasy for decades, even though fantasy was where GW began.

Silly fam, that's an orc. user asked for goblin womynz.

Fantasy isn't memetic enough, also the rules kinda went to shit so people didn't like playing it.

hot glue?

Goddamn playing vampire counts is probably the hardest, you have to outnumber your enemy by filling your army with around 10 zombie platoons at the start to even stand a chance

atleast the endgame troops are relatively good, Cheesing my way through battles with 3 terrorgheists in every army and assassinating heroes.
Still I'm round 200 and barely even managed to complete my first few campaign goals where I would have usually completed the campagin by now with other factions

atleast its forcing me to play the battles and git gud rather than use autoresolve every time

i feel like that with orcs. mass goblins, autoresolve shows massive advantage with sheer numbers. build a bunch of giants and spiders, now shows im at a massive disadvantage, end up stomping the cpu

Yea, autoresolve is all about the numbers. Fighting stuntiez as Orks for real is a fucking pain because your boyz aren't as killy as one would think.

Ork early game is trash since dwarves all have armour and it takes you a while to get decent anti armour

Atleast Orks have higher income boosts than vampire counts, I won my ork game in 150 turns and had 10k coming in every turn
Vamp counts only have 1000k max and turn 200 with chaos armies at my doorstep

vamps can raise dead to 'fund' the army

raise dead, unless you lost alot of troops nearby, only lets you summon shitty skeles and zombies

There should at least be tech that adds experience to those shitty skeletons and zombies.

the game released with mods available to take any territory.

it's widely accepted that dwarves and chaos are the worst factions in multiplayer at the moment

you can get graveguard and black knights if the conditions are right

there are but you have to keep them alive to build it up

I thought that only worked for recruited units, not summoned. I usually go for Lahmian Book of Blood anyway.

I think you can repeatedly assault a settlement to build up corpses in a province, but that's sorta cheesy.

Both are better than Dark Souls 3, I don't see anybody calling for bans over there, you off-by-one faggot user.

If you are filling your army with zombies in the campaign its no small wonder you are having trouble.
Once you can afford it, my advice is to fill up the armies that do most of your fighting with graveguards. Standard sword and board graveguards are nice tough standard infantry. Don't expect them to tear through enemies like chaos chosen or anything like that, but they are very hard for the enemy to break and can keep an enemy army in place while your monsters line up to tear the enemy a new one.
Good support would either be black knights with lances, or even better Vargheists. 3 units of vargheists hitting the center of the enemies lines after the enemy's main force is comitted against your line of graveguards can break just about anything quickly.
As heroes go, vampires are also about as good as they come in the game, with melee skills like a warboss or dwarf lord and spell casting to boot, including one of the best spells in the game. Evocation of Nehek…

With a fully build up town and the right techs I recruit most of my Graveguards at level 5-6. With a good Wight King on hand you could push that to 8-9 I think. It requires a fair amount of infrastructure, but filling your armies with that kind of troops will break the endgame.

I'm not arguing that they don't have their shortcomings, just that they aren't unplayable. Both chaos and dwarves suffer from lacking fundamental unit types that players are used to always having in their armies, chaos lacking ranged units and dwarves lack cav forces for competing with enemy cav. Undead also lack ranged but at least have a variety of monsters to use as excellent shock troops to compensate. As a result, both chaos and dwarves require TW players to adjust to a way to fight.
Among the solutions could also be to give dwarves some proper pike units to hold off enemy cav with. Its not like they're not in the canon.
Pikes in general would be a nice addition, if only they weren't mostly absent from the boardgame outside of highelf spearmen and dogs of war style mercenaries.

what I'm complaining about is the vampire counts units are so weak compared to other factions until late game, twinned with the fact you cant trade or make alliances easily and have little money to support armies

And that chaos ususally like to target you first

If you're talking about the Vampire hero, they don't get access to that spell, only the necromancers and Mannfred

They would need to make a completely new continent for them. So maybe in the far away future in an expansion pack like Fall of the Samurai.

I find the Empire units to be the worst. Swordsmen won't stand up to just about anything once midgame rolls around, no matter how upgraded they are. Which makes it hard to hold a solid center and thus set up proper artillery fire and charges.

halberdiers m8

Halberdiers have armor piercing true, but they lack shields and proper stats for fighting anything past tier 1 units one on one. Without support they won't beat graveguards.
Sure empire has a lot of support options for those halberds, but as undead you have the option to either use magic to heal those graveguards on the fly, dance macabre to buff them or you can just drop some kind of big scary monster on the enemy to panic those halberds, like a unit of crypt horrors, vargheists, vargulf or even a terrorgheist. Undead has more options in the big scare motherfuckers category than any other army. So try less "I need a unit that can beat any other one on one" and more "while the enemy's infantry is busy trying to chew their way through all my graveguards I can drop 3 units of vargheists and a terrorgheist in the middle of his army and cause a chain rout that scatter his army to the winds. If you throw in a vampire lord on a zombiedragon or a nightmare, all the better.

But you get amazing cavalry and missile units to back up your shields

I've had to start a new vamp campain and now I'm pushing for diplomacy early and its helping
not getting declared on by half the continent and being able to reinforce my borders

you want to use spearman with shields to hold a line, they are more defensive. Then you can move to flank with swordsman (then eventually greatswords) and set up hammer and anvils with cavalry.

Worst for MP: Bretonnia

Worst for campaign: Chaos.

Why is Sigvald so dreamy?

dunno m8

The ultimate strategy:

I beat my first campaign as Chaos. Mind you it took over 300 turns but still. A full stack of Chosen can't be stopped.

That sounds fun as fuck actually.

Well because it only takes one turn to get 6 units of silver silver chosen halberd. And instead of waiting for the unit to restock you can just disband it and recruit another. with silver silver. That's pretty legit, but early on running around with horsemen and chaos marauders doesn't exactly scream "bringer of the end times"

That sounds really good- I presume it also removes the concept of morale so they don't crumble when they take a bad fight?
Only issue with that would be vamp vs vamp becomes even more based on sniping the commander with leech and then mopping up.

Bumping with Vampire bloomers because why not.

The City of the Damned mod that adds a playable vampire faction in Bretonnia is pretty neat but the campaign seems really easy. Early Bretonnian armies are no match for Dark Grail Knights.

Yep, but that's only a problem in the early game when you haven't pacified Sylvania.

The two mods in question:


hot undead actione!

whats the usual army fund for mp?

I don't that would work as night goblins suck and would rout within the first 20 seconds of being in melee.

Looks like Elf Niggers and Goat Niggers are going to be the first DLC factions.

Makes sense development wise. They both fit on the ordinary maps, unlike arrogant douchebag elves and the douchey arrogant elves who both live across the NotAtlantic Ocean.


Is it real warhammer or is it age of smegmar?

Real WHF

Also for anyone wondering (since i saw a few posts here), all 15 factions will be put into the game eventually. TW Warhammer is going to be CA's project for a long time still.

so some more femwarriors to add to the vamps
r34 ahoy

would you a original ip TW game with custom faction creation?

Tilea has a really pretty color scheme.

I'm not sure how that would work. Especially in MP, which, sadly seems to be a big concern for CA and their balance.

Well they are supposed to be rennaissance era italians, you would expect them to be faboulous.

set factions with custom option for sp and not-so-serious mp would work i think


Why is that Radious guy such a nigger when it comes to his unit packs?

I predicted he'd add shit like ranged weapons to Chaos and, well, here we are.

They don't even look good.

Is this shit cracked yet?

Aside from only two different, and starkly so, heads for an entire unit those don't look that bad. Kind of weird and seemingly pointless to have shields on a ranged unit though since they apparently function in game only to prevent ranged damage and they'd be presumably unable to use them while using their guns.

Hes referring to the combat animations between individual soldiers. They were terrbile, and since they were lçocked for soldier x soldier it invalidade half the tactics of the game, especialy if you relied on numbers. If you had 10 soldiers figh 1, instead of just surrounding him and chopping his limbs off the soldiers engaged in 1x1 duels that took way too long, plus it broke cavalry as if you tried to disengage them midfight after a charge they all died instantly. They removed the animations (and left some good ones, for shit like mon sters, dragons, etc) in warhammer, so now the battles are much more like rome 1 and medieval 2, its pretty cash.

The game is good, as other posters said, but as of now, it just released, and is barebones as fuck, you might want to wait till they pump out the expansions wich will add more factions.


Devs already said they intend to add lustria to the game. it might take awhile, but its gona be there.


The game is good, if you are a poorfag just wait for a sale, as strange as it sounds to hear this on Holla Forums:

This is a good gaem.

I cant wait to get my hands on the beastmen and start my glorious warpath of carnage upon the world

You forgot the rape.

I want my estalian colonization of lustria, i want to protect santa magritt from lizardmen, skaven, vampire pirates and those nasty tileans.

Really really hoping for ogres and Lizardmen
Or even tomb kings

Noted Total War autist LegendOfTotalWar takes time to make a point about how watered down CA have made the campaign map in their modern Total War games.

The campaign map has been shit since Rome 1 to be honest. They should never have moved away from the board game system.

Why oh why would they go out and make their first DLC packs for the least popular armies in warhammer fantasy?
Sure, they'd fit on the map already made, but so would the Skaven.

shame the popular armies are some of the least interesting

Maybe they have no fucking idea how to implement skaven.

surprised edge elves are so low

No problems with that logic.
Case in point
But we can also recruit generals when we want.
The real change is to the economy to focus more on a few armies vs the old game who's balance favoured more armies.
You get them for free now. If you want a bigger one, build the fortifications there. If you need even more, park an army there. If you use just one building slot for fortifications in a tier 5 city you get a free stack of elite troops as garrison.
Is this flawed? In part. Its a balance thing to, again, focus more on a few important armies instead of also having to deal with the little bits.
Personally I preferred the M2TW approach, no question, but the new approach is not a unilateral downgrade.
With the game's balance changed so you don't need all the buildings and you instead specialise the cities towards specific purposes, either economy or recruiting specific units. M2TW did the exact same thing with the Castles or Cities system, where castles where easier to defend and allowed more professional troops to be recruited while cities could earn far more money and provide cheap militia's.
Also, the major and lesser settlements in a region also group together to provide the bonuses from their buildings to the other settlements in the same province, so you don't need a barracks in every town to recruit basic troops. Only in one of them. Same with morale or economy buildings. This allows you to better specialise the province toward a specific purpose. Personally I like this more than M2TW's "everything must be build in one place, one building at a time" approach.
Then just fight the battles manually you dolt. You don't HAVE to autoresolve. This is a change of the balance to make it more usable for all the easy battles m2tw would make you fight every time you met the enemy, regardless of weather you had them outnumbered 2 to 1 or not. Can it be abused? You bet. Do you have to use it? No. You can still fight every battle manually if you want to.

I'm not saying TWW is better than M2TW. Heavens no. It has some improvements I like, like troops replenishing rather than having to be marched all the way home regularly to be rebuild. The region system lets you specialise your settlements much more than was previously possible.
But I miss the combat balance of M2TW. The battles in TWW are too fast. Its not as impossible to control and over in the blink of an eye as Shogun 2's battles, but still much too fast. Especially sieges also suffer from the small maps, lack of strategic and tactical options, every single soldier carrying a siege ladder in his back pocket and completely broken towers, that insure every single siege plays exactly the same. In this regard, TWW fails even harder than Shogun 2's sieges and is nowhere near M2TW's.
And the regional Occupation shit needs to go. As I have already said several times, it has no basis in either the lore or in improving gameplay. All it does is serve to pointlessly block off the players options in what is essentially a strategic sandbox game. Its like putting in glasswalls to stop the player from going off the rails in a GTA game.

TL:DR, mr LegendOfTotalWar I'm not saying you are fundamentally wrong. TWW has flaws in it. But trying to show how the game limits you, by playing a different game that isn't balanced in the same way isn't proving shit.
I want to recruit as many armies as I need, I want to recruit garrisons manually so I can ensure its unit composition isn't shit and its as big as I need it to be and I damned well want conquer where I want to, not just where the game tells me I'm allowed to. But you are trying to make that point in the worst possible way.

The eternal GW cycle

In this particular case it doesn't improve the hippy elves case that they are one of the blandest and least interesting groups in the entire game.
And beastmen are just chaos marauders with a few minor balance tweaks and new skins.

Take a look at the warhammer forums, they have said that several times. Warhammer is going to be CA's pet project for at least the next 4 years.

You just forgot the part where beastmen are entirely focused around ambushes and their army composition is completely different from chaos.

It's just a game so i guess you can.There's no reason to be upset.

Cheap marauders as cannonfodder, big mean chaos warriors to make up the solid core of your force and a few big monster units to serve as the hammer.
While beast men have cheap gors and ungors as cannonfodder, big mean bestigors make up a solid core of your force and a few big minotaur units to serve as the hammer.
You're right, how could I ever confuse those two completely dissimilar armies…

Not that I disagree with you on Chaos Warriors not being very different from Beastmen, but when you simplify it that much of course it's going to sound the same. In tabletop the Beastmen had that unique rankable skirmisher movement going on but I don't know how that would translate into Total War.

all armies can be broken down the same way then
some have ranged and some have skirmishers but using those tactics you describe is how to win with any force

Note how I didn't mention ranged options for either army? Since neither one has any useful ones?
The problem is that both armies used to be the same, when they where both just "Chaos".
And unlike other instances of armies being split into subarmies, like the VC and the Tomb Kings, with the beastmen and chaos warriors, both armies largely retained the same basic playstyle, with beastmen relying a little more on hordes of skirmishers and chaos relying more on their heavy infantry. But they are both, melee specialised armies heavy on monsters and elite units that pack a huge pack, supported by hordes of skirmishers and suffering from a distinct lack of ranged support.
Hell, the biggest difference is that beastmen don't get chaos armor.

yeah ok point taken

on a similar note: spliting the chaos army into warriors/beastmen/deamons works in the tabletop game as, i'm assuming WH:F works like this too, there are rules for a combined army
e.g. warriors with some deamons etc

Personally what I would like is to see armies like the greenskins and empire get more divided into subfactions that when you confederate or conquer them let you use their specific units. For example, the only faction that could build steam tanks and hellblaster volleyguns should be the one who controls nuln. You could do the same thing with the greenskins subfactions, letting night goblings and savage orcs be their own factions, and only letting grimgor use their units after he either destroys or confederates them. Beastmen would work well as a subfaction of chaos then, allowing either force to confederate or be hired by the other in the same way. Maybe the specific troops a given chaos army could hire would depend on its commander, so a chaos army commanded by a beastlord or a bray shaman could hire beastmen troops, while still being in the same faction that has the traditional chaos troops, available to normal chaos champions. This would lend a lot of variety to the chaos faction while still retaining the flavours of its individual components. And it would also be easy to fit into this system once CA gets around to adding chaos demon hosts…

Are you serious? They fixed Warscape? That's a fucking sensation if its true, do you have conclusive proof?

I got the game when I bought my CPU and played 75 hours, (finished empire and greenskrin playthroughs) and can give you my word. Also this video shows it ok~ish. youtu.be/22AomeF2g0k?t=415

That's too much of a clusterfuck for me to judge, seems like he has significantly less than 30fps too. With these non-human units its even harder to say.

The matched combat shit is gone for nearly everything. I noticed that my vampire lords (unsure about other lords) can do some finishing moves on larger units but i haven't seen anything else besides that.

this vid shows it better.

I really wish LPs were more like this.

That looks really good. Can't believe it. How can they go from

to good all of a sudden? What were they missing all this time? Anyways, glad to see it. Won't buy so early though, the bullshit they pulled with Chaos doesn't deserve full price.

probably removing shit that was in those games because it didnt work with fantasy and accidently making it a better game in the process

The terrible melee of the Warscape engine really came down to 2 things, which they seem to have fixed in Warhammer. Unit collision and the matched combat. It appears that they've finally coded in some unit collision and completely removed matched combat aside from a select few for the hero units.


Do you want me to make you repent?

I'm just going to wait for the inevitable End Times Edition or whatever it's called. I think they announced a bunch of DLC.

Too bad Sigvald is kinda shit mechanically. It's awful how certain lords get ALL the cool shit (Looking at you, Manfred) and others get jack shit (Kemmler, Sigvald, Ungrim).

Shogun 2 wasn't terrible. They used the matched combat shit very well for its stylized "muh honorabu fightu" approach. Attila wasn't disastrous either because they actually began getting rid of the problems introduced in R2.

Shogun 2 has been the best TW so far. Even better than the original Rome and Medieval. Napoleon was neat too. Don't let Holla Forums fool you, they are just a bunch of teenage parrots

The absolute best TW was Viking Invasion. Everything after they introduced the modern campaign map had its fair share of issues one way or another.

Although SH2 manages to make both melee and (with FotS) musket combat work, so that's an achievement.

Best Total War? I love Shogun 2 but come on.

I bet you don't even speak Japanese

Shogun 2 was one of the best since m2tw, but I wouldn't say the best over all. The factions are samey, the strategy gets railroaded with the Realm Divided shit that essentially forces all the other factions to be hostile to the player, making the entire diplomacy subgame completely pointless.
Sieges are shit since every single soldier in the game is spiderman, making all walls largely pointless, combat goes way too fast to allow much in the way of meaningful use of tactics or trying to pull fancy tricks on the enemy, naval combat is a buggy mess where the smallest ships in the game are somehow the best since they are the only ones that can actually sink enemy ships, until CA patched out the ability to sink enemy ships in combat outside of FotS.
In short, Shogun 2 had plenty of problems, it just compensated for them by being highly atmospheric and immersive.

I agree with all of it. except one. Walls are not pointless. They are good cover for your archers, allowing them to win when outnumbered 2-3 times. When they are climbed the climbing soldiers will engage in 1 on 1 fights without formation bonuses. this is a huge advantage to heros, general units and all decent melee units like Katana Samurai, and makes storming castles with units that rely on swarming the enemy, namely Ashigaru, futile. Deploying expendable units outside of your castle to increase the time your archers can weaken the enemy = max win
Also climbing soldiers receive a moral penalty and part of them doesn't make it.

The rest of the points you make are valid, but they are not even problems objectively, they just make the games more casual and are fixed by DarthMod. That's the problem with being popular - normalfags.

Anyone except the Hattori also has a chance of falling down while climbing, so the walls cause attrition merely by being there.

Yes, it was the Hattori. I also have to say that

is true to some extent, since the people are all Nips. But CA has done a great job overcoming this with specializing all factions, like the Hattori as a Ninja Clan, Takeda as Cavalry clan, Shimazu as Katana Clan etc and the Clan wide boni for completing legendary buildings first. For me this was enough to keep me entertained and still does the job.
FotS does a worse job here of course, but it is still decent with the modernising/tradition options.

Unless this involves some esoteric bizarre programming it can't be that hard

I highly doubt CA and/or Warscape is capable of layered maps.

Or they could just make the Skaven gimmick the ability to stealth armies and cities.
I would love to see an underground layer of the main map, but I don't think its possible with warscape engine.
With invisible armies and cities, the skaven would have their hallmark ability of striking without warning, or at least seeming to do so to foolish man-things.

It's shit. Kill yourself

It triggers piratefags like me
Guess Ill just and wait and either buy it with change with all the DLC or until Denuvo is cracked/bypassed.

I'm really hoping for a chaos dwarf faction, or at least any of the other "neutral evil" factions.

Just like Unity and Gamebryo right?
There are limitations to game engines but many can be overcomed, especially if you have the source code.
They didnt do it due to laziness/deadlines/performance/no idea of how to make it work, nothing more.

fuck off apologist retard

They already have an Underway stance which could be expanded for Skaven, i.e. they can't be intercepted in friendly or neutral territory or only dwarfs can intercept them, everyone else would have to contend with random Skaven incursions in their lands. Realistic, lore friendly but probably annoying as fuck.

Kindly fuckoff, Ive seen good games on RPGmaker, thats neither an excuse or reality in most cases.

Yes, the fucking game you moron.

I want to fuck that post

Just came here to point out that Skaven are nothing more than weak beastmen.

crack when

Why they do hate them?

Maybe if Clan Skyre didn't exist

Source of this?


After restarting my Empire campaign quite a few times, I got to admit that the diplomatic situation you're in is much more complex than one would expect from a TW game these days. You can't just ally everybody and hope for the best, since you WILL be dragged into shit from all sides.


dates yet?

Couldn't the underlayer work similar to the different theaters in empire(OG warscape)? Just some tweaking in the moving between the theaters/layers but considering how empire handeld it it should be doable.

Here's hoping they do Skaven and Chaos Beastmen justice (I just want to use a SAD-like list for shits and giggles without spending over $200-400. Is that too much to ask for?).

You and me both.

I know their army books are horrible, but the Beasts of Chaos codex wit that cover will always be my favorite because of the art in the book.

You sure you don't mean Dark Elves or even the evil side of the Empire/Bretonnians (playing Devil's Advocate here)? Beastmen wouldn't be caught dead fucking anything human or elf (they'd probably sacrifice a female elf to the chaos gods only to eat her innards rather than rape her). They only killed, ate, sacrificed people to gods, and shat all over the world.

with all the people playing the medieval 2 warhammer mod. why not play the clearly superior dominions 4 warhammer mod :^)

Where the fuck are they?

Grudging intensifies.

they're kinda peppered into other races recruitment options along with some territory specific recruitment

Any good mod to fix agents? Why can't you kill agents with armies? Or at least chase them around. I'd have a small 1 unit, 1 lord army just to chase heroes off. A goblin sneaking into Empire land to kill Karl Franz is not Warhammer, it's bullshit.

But why would anyone recruit Beastmen? Even Chaos Warriors were uncomfortable being around them.

Maybe not a goblin but that's basically the Skaven's entire modus operandi.

A specialized assassin unit that can hide at reduced movement cost and can only be seen by another specialized hero unit is fine, banshees being able to assassinates lords when on high vampiric lands is fine. Everyone and everything being able to assassinate and then amassing enourmous exp making them unkilable by assassination, the only method of defense, is not acceptable. Thanes assassinating people is a stupid idea.

there's a mod that disables them from doing those things but there's no mod that makes ai just use them in armies more


This one is good. The AI will still spam agents but can't do shit after 1 or 2 attempts.

Poor Fag here. Does anyone know where I can pirate this game.

Beastmen art is pretty good, i gotta say.


Humans. The best humans, too, since they're quasi-Germans.

Look at that Aura Size. I can cover the entire battle line.

How cute

Do any chaos champions even get chaos dragons? Havent seen a single one except one you fight

Same as the zombiedragon for Vampires.
Its a mount you can take in the skill-tree at level 25

for which hero? Archaon only has his steed, Exalted heroes only have manticores, sigvald gets no mounts and casters only get horses

sorry I don't waste my time on worthless languages you missed abortion.

Go watch your chinese children cartoon shows and hang yourself, freeing your parents.

regular chaos lords and chaos sorcerers

thats kinda bullshit since its barely viable to keep your 3 main lords like sigvald and ogres and not go into debt. I'm not buying and training regular chaos lords

Has not been cracked yet.

Christ the AI are unbearable cunts this time around.

for all you nubs =^]

Is there any real way to win this underway map? It's so absurdly defender advantaged when it's supposed to be you ambushing their army unawares. All the AI ever does is just sit in their deployment zone so they'll get a million free shots at you as you climb the hill to them and then charge into you for the downhill bonus. I tried baiting them into chasing my boars but they just refused to move from where they started.

The problem with weapon strength is, I've found, getting to work. In a melee moshpit, Lords tend to get knocked around a lot and can't do all that many attacks.

I've found fucking off west towards the Savage Orc territory is better than trying to fight stuntiez when you don't have armor piercing units.

Nice trick, but its essentially what you do any time you use anything to flank enemies on one side and then rolling a rout through his lines.
His "break infantry line" trick is much more fancy and the effect of his killbox is just plain impressive.

forgot the embed

What do orcs even get that's armor piercing besides black orcs and boar boys? Neither really seem viable to use in mass against dwarves.

I think the big'uns have two handed weapons.
In the campaign just hit the runts with overwhelming numbers. Orc boys are sufficient for this, if you can just throw enough of them at the little fuckers to surround them and tied down their support. You don't want quarrelers or thunders firing at you while you are engaging the main dwarf force.
Anything that scares enemies is also handy to throw at the enemy line, artillery, trolls or bigger monsters all work well, especially in the flank or rear of the leprechaun line.

yeah that's pretty swish

There's also the problem of morale disparity on VH and Legendary. Good luck getting the AI to break from just a bit of flanking.

Boar boyz have AP I believe.