I'm about to debate some antifa cucks on my college ratio on the "merits" of Marxism...

I'm about to debate some antifa cucks on my college ratio on the "merits" of Marxism. I think I'm already pretty well-prepared for it, but does anyone have a list of the most well known antifa talking points, and how to rebut them?

Other urls found in this thread:

laraj.ca/AGwiki/uploads/Contemporary/IronmarchOriginals/Zeiger - Hammer of the Patriot.pdf

Just be sure to state that calling someone they disagree with a nazi isn't a valid talking point.

Why are these threads popping up all of the sudden about some fag asking for answers on how to "debate" something?

Want us to tell you so you can file it in the databank and try to nit pick it and refute it?

Fuck off.

live stream it or fuck off faggot

The only "merit" of marxism is that they are always wrong.

They are universally jealous towards success and beauty. They literally can't ever get anything right. You need only see what marxists are attacking to know what is good, right and beautiful in the world.

This isn't the entry level board you nigger.

45 ACP 230 Grain jacketed hollow points are usually pretty effective.

Something you may need to look out for is the appeal to emotion they may try to make at some point. I've debated a few lefties and "don't you care about the poor?" almost always comes up. They will argue for government or some other forced societal charity bs, which you should be ready to defeat by pointing out how well the welfare state etc has already worked. Think generational poverty and the breaking apart of the family unit.



Holodomor is a great starting point. You want then playing defense the entire time to win.

Just sage and gas faggots, post crime statistics, and move on.

Debate them with an elbow drop

Why bother debating them? Just make fun of them, call them names and laugh in their faces. If they touch you then beat the fuck out of them.


true, i ran into this this weekend at a bday party with a friend who turned pinko gommie over the years. BUT WHAT IF THEY CANT AFFORD IT! CAPITALIST HEALTHCARE NEVER WORKS!

ok bud,


You shouldn't even think about debating communists clowns on their own terms by refuting their talking point one by one.

Marxism is the theory that bringing back a primitive prehistoric village type of economy is possible when there's millions of people and half of them are living in cities. It's never going to work and any attempt to impose this fantasy requires a totalitarian police state like in North Korea. And even in North Korea a ton of people died of starvation because bureaucrats aren't good at producing positive results. A 'capitalistic' North Korean dictatorship would be 10X better for them than communism.

The free market tends to work but a nation would be foolish to let itself be controlled by the market. Some things need to be above it. Libertarianism is for romantic retards who like Ayn Rand novels.

but that isn't true socialism…if i had a nickel…

In one case my leftie shut down once i explained to him blacks actually enjoyed a better standard of living under 1950's segregation than today. They tried to call me a racist i laughed that off immediately (they said i supported segregation haha these people have no experience in the exchange of ideas) and just reaffirmed that their proposed solutions make the victims worse of then they were before. How did yours work out?

There has been an alarming increase in 4gag threads.

This. Their only "talking point" is that you don't debate with fascists (AKA everyone you disagree with) only smash them. People will fall for this.

When you bring up the past failures of communism you're probably going to hear the "communism has never been tried" line. This little tidbit hurts them:

*Communists have a point when they say that communism has never been tried. But the reason that it has never been tried is even more damning than the failures of the states that purported to be communist even if you don’t believe in the astronomical body counts. You see communism has never been tried because it has so far proven to be impossible to even achieve it due to human nature. The fact that you’re about to tell me there’s no such thing as human nature is more evidence of your idiocy and refusal to learn from history.*

*You see, communism has never been tried because the process that is supposed to implement it has broken down into tyrannical despotism every single time. The means of production is supposed to be seized democratically through socialism and then the socialist government is supposed to turn the means of production over to the workers and relieve themselves of power and dissolve the state. Communism is a stateless, moneyless, classless society right? This has never been done because it flies in the face of human motivations and desires. What human being or group of human beings who just seized all resources and means of production of a nation would then benevolently hand this power over to everyone equally and give up this absolute power? So far? Fucking nobody.*

This addresses the most common strain of cancer being Marxist-Leninism. Now the seemingly redundant "anarcho-communists" have at least realized that this process has failed at every single attempt so they fap to a collapse of the capitalist system or LARP as violent revolutionaries who will directly seize the means of production through armed conflict thereby skipping the statist Marxist-Leninist process. I don't think I need to elaborate on the absurdity of this and the opportunities for mockery in it.

t. former commie.

Hope I was of some help.

Brother exactly what i was thinking! every attempt at socialism leads to some gruesome dictatorship!
A system which can allow for the deaths of 100 million+ is a failed system. Their dream systems of ownership get torn apart by human greed and desire for ownership!

But user, I thought all Ukrainians were all Soros paid superkikes who killed six gorrilian innocent Russians and insulted supreme hu'white nationalist Putin so the Holodomor was also a hoax?

I don't like how you haven't responded, but Iill say this. Look into actually marxist doctrine. The destruction of the family is a major point to bring up. Just bring up how single parent homes and divorced families are less well off financially and psychologically then intact ones. Also, marxism is inherently violent and revolutionary. Marx himself broke over democractic socialists on trying to change the system from within, as he thought it was only through revolutionary action like the Paris Commune of the late 1800s that communism could be installed.

Too obvious.

Just play them this

laraj.ca/AGwiki/uploads/Contemporary/IronmarchOriginals/Zeiger - Hammer of the Patriot.pdf

Underappreciated OC, shame you posted them in a slide thread Wyatt

Take a look at "hammer of the patriot"

Its talking points arent fantastic, but its central premise is solid:

1. When debating commies who wont change their minds, dont try to change thier minds because you're not going to. Speak to show power and control to the audience. The actual validity of your arguements is less important than optics they give to the audience. Dont give two fucks about your opponents, they are scum marxists. Rattling off data and acting defense about every buzzword they name call you looks weak.

2. When speaking with friends or family, that is the time to use actual arguements and data.

3. If youre debating diehard marxists with no audience you're wasting youre time.

Does it matter if it is a slide thread? Why not post arguments deconstructing Marxism? We obviously have eyes on us why not put out the best you got? If what we have is so potent in its rebuke of this dangerous ideology why would we fear putting it out there? that they may study us? who gives a shit.

This shit is the death of 8/pol/

For a long time there has been a trend of more and more subtle shut down of what once made us great. discussions and tearing apart ideological arguments. This was the heart of Holla Forums. Somewhere since the start of the election season the moderation and culture has changed and we seem to have fewer and fewer unsanctioned meta discussions and topics. Whether it is moderation or an agent influencing the culture or both, topics that might have mediocre OPs or are even blatant bait (within tolerances) are anchored and deleted even when those shit OPs spawned some of the best discussions. I have had plenty of really good active threads anchored because of a troll or a bad OP. Usually predicated by a few saging anons run in spamming report.

This feels nefarious. Whether nefarious or simply idiocy, we need to be allowed to let the few subpar threads stay a little longer because that is where some of the best discussions of /pol tend to happen. While it works for election season scenarios, having Holla Forums be a current events only kind of board is not what we are about. QTDDTOT is a decent concept, and helpful. but it does not replace our ability to discuss these concepts in depth.

Newfags and even obvious shill threads might actually spawn interesting discussions and infodumps. They certainly have in the past and is how most of us got here.

The old Kulturkampf - leftypol nog debate would be a good place to start if you're looking to BTFO some leddit - tier gommies. Good times.

We won because we had more fun. Now shills tell us no fun is allowed. Wonder what (((they))) could possibly be trying to do!

Stop shitposting.

Because they are Antifa they probably don't know shit about Marx and neither do you. It's just gonna be a liberal shitfest.

Unless they are actual Marxists who think out of the box, then you might make a massive fool of yourself.

You better worship the Kardashians and don't question the spectacle, right cuckboi?

It's not like you guys get constantly BTFO on Holla Forums so you might want to readjust your arguments.

Marxism is based on materialism and self-interest you faggot.

You were debating liberals.

But the Holocaust never happened, right? Pic fucking related

Seems like a good tactic to me

No you illiterate, they haven't even nationalized all the key industries

Besides the fact it seems to work for the fucking rest of the world just fine except Burgerland: it's not socialism

You tried

Literally the driving motive behind socialism

If you find yourself debating a reddit tier SJW on Holla Forums your probably debating another false flagging Holla Forumsyp. Also Kulturkampf is something entirely different.

Well written post on what let's Holla Forums get shit done, shit shilling and batters aside. Humor is one of our most powerful tools, and truth makes the best propaganda.

As for Op, bait, shill, or just actually looking for advice, as the one user above said, note the failures. True communism may not have been tried as they claimed, but considering every attempt ends with mass starvation and deaths of the nation's own people, the government not dissolved and being totalitarian, and generally killing off the poor in record numbers, it's safe to say we would be better off if true communism was never achieved and no longer attempted.

As shit as cuck/pol/ is these days, it did have the advantage of everyone having to fight to show off the merits of their ideology, commie natsoc, libertarian, whoever. On here, all that usually happens is some idiot or shill has a fringe view, claims Holla Forums isn't as pure as it used to be, and runs with a few other shills/idiots off to shill his new /*pol/ board, have it fair from lack of interest in a week, and then back here. It honestly just breeds lazy division.

It is a good tactic you fucknut. You're not going to convince shitlibs their ideology is founded on false premises with your superior argumentation. The only way to do it is to make them feel like social outcasts and losers, because that's how they were brainwashed in the first place.

Yeah, faggot I grew up, encountered niggers, joined the military, encountered sand niggers, experienced an environment that wasn't a white gated community that for some fucking reason hated themselves. Tell me, kid. What if anything of Marx/Engels have you even fucking read? Anything? Because from browsing and relentlessly trolling Holla Forums its apparent that none of you know wtf you're talking about even from your supposed perspective.

Case in point you neoliberal faggot. You're gonna want to get a yellow and black flag, not red and black.

You mean, unlike the hordes of alienated young males that populate 4/pol/ and 8/pol/? Have you lost all self-awareness?

What? The only reason shitlibs are shitlibs is because they think the shitlib label makes them intellectual and refined and cultured and cool.

Are you guys still using the same compromised discord?

Seizing means of production and not getting your surplus value extorted from you is in the self-interest of the proletariat. Therefore dictatorship of the proletariat. AnCapism means cucking yourself voluntarily for some shit like "the NAP" even when there isn't a state that protects private property. To the rest of the argument, pic related

Also, I'm not a fucking Anarkiddie.


tldr, reported

And you don't?

le anal sex/communism analogy man

Also way to confirm your sheltered, upper middle class+ white origin.

Seems would be the operative term. You're obviously not from a country with public healthcare.

funny how group motivations fail when singular benefit can be derived

So with the idea of a dictatorship of proles in mind, could you point me to where a nation successfully dissolved itself after giving the poor it's means of production back?

user, it's a lost cause. They will always strawman and then no matter how many citations and evidence given they will use fallacies like no true scotsman which is essentially their bread and butter. Remember what Yuri said.

Well being aware of the Godwin point is already good.

Getting all your threads shit up by le ebin Holla Forums army isn't BTFO

top lel they hate us, when you even mention Holla Forums you get banned on there

Burger tier education. Liberalism was literally founded to protect private property, learn something about your own history. It's entirely juxtaposed to Marxism.

Pic related

This leftist is especially autistic.

Trash. Even though it took you 5 hours to make that sandwich of shit, nobody will buy it from you.

You have too high an opinion of yourselves.

Then why did you advertise there prior to them finding out your main drawfag draw things they found sexist before turning on you?

Holla Forums tier autism. What does any of that mean for actual real world results of your activities? Absolutely nothing. You'll hold your megaphone screeching autisticlly until some problem glasses SJW/nigger comes and takes the mic from you and gives it to a more oppressed group. And you'll stand there and take it, because you'll take any help you can against us and the right in general.

What is it that Holla Forums judges the merit of the arguments based on my race and background? If your only argument is that I'm white cis scum you might as well join your local feminist bookclub. Pic related

Do you know how many fucking countries have socialized healthcare?

Like, when you base your movement on some arbitrary definition of race completely ignoring the material self-interest of the classes?

Never happened because the material conditions of communism have never been achieved. Also, when you are under constant siege you need a state to protect the revolution or you end up like Catalonia. You can have state socialism though to reach the state of post scarcity. We never knew what would have happened if Deng and Khrushchev weren't dirty revisionists.

Faggot, don't even try. You can count the minutes on one hand until you're banned from your board for saying something transphobic. Meanwhile no historical "communist" regime in history tolerated that shit. You're /r/socialism and tumblr before that.

Antifa stands for nothing. All they seek to do is destroy. Ultimately their ideology leads only to self destruction.

They are nothing more than wanna-be rebellious kids trying to be edgy by creating boogeymen to "resist". The worst they can do is act as enablers to forces which are actual threats to society such as the invasion of radical Islam we are seeing especially lately.

Capitalism sells a whole bunch of trash nobody needs. This also contradicts marginalism, of which I assume you adhere to. Anyway, the labor theory of value recognizes your individual perspective, you wouldn't make shit because nobody would employ you to make shit, but you are employed and someone profits of it, ergo, labor theory of value applies.

It was always a hellhole, and we only advertised there insofar to get alienated redditiors on board who are genuine socialists but were critical of the moderation there. I don't know what's the point of that since I'm pretty sure a lot of guys were also advocating Holla Forums at r/the_donald.

Liberalism still means liberalism outside of the USA. Second, I'm sure you have talked to SJWs before and they are the biggest neoliberal bootlickers. They are liberals in the classical sense of the word. You can try hard to conflate me with these people over and over but it just doesn't make it more right. Even when I'm valiantly defying liberalism and give you actual reasons why I'm different you'd still just count me as a liberal - you are just a demagogue then. It'd be actually more honest to call yourself a jew loving Zionist since you unconditionally support Trump.

Also, liberals want gun control. Fuck that shit. Fuck so called human rights as well.

I wasn't doing the horseshoe bullshit. You are liberals and SJW are liberals. Both rely on identity politics. You are not on opposite ends of the spectrum.

You know this board's fucked when a namefag from Holla Forums is less of a faggot.

That's exactly what the fuck horseshoe theory is, Sargon. You're claiming that two extreme opposites are actually the same thing.

But you aren't opposites. It's literally the same shit just with a different skin color. Plus you both support liberal capitalism just with a different flavor.

Horseshoe was originally coined to establish a narrative about the dichotomy "individualism vs collectivism" to argue that fascism and communism would be the same thing, but it clearly isn't: Nazis invented privatization while Bolsheviks made everything public property. It creates totally different material realities, but when you are a liberal muh feels are more important than environmental conditions.

ITT: leftypol making the same retarded arguments they usually do.

You won't accomplish anything here, fool. Try not to choke on your facemask next time you losers are burning tires to feel like you're "fighting fascism". You show those fascist tires and garbage bins who's boss!

Antifa debates? You're probably debating a communist not antifa. Antifa wears masks, formally admitting it has no arguments.

Look m8, every foray into reddit imageboards have made has only damaged anons. I've been to your home-board. It's a shithow, so is this place. It's like the newfags on your board, as well as the newfags on this one learned nothing from gamergate, and seeing KiA devolve into absolute homophilia.

The current state of Holla Forums is civic nationalist which is fairly close to liberalism. National Socialism, and primitivism/naturalism are nowhere close to this, as you've just said it's privatized with NatSoc and some form of collectivist anarchy/feudalism with naturalism.

I guess you are sort of bound to make the same arguments if you guys can't actually counteract any of it.

Are you trying to tell me white identity politics are not identity poltics?

What is a "worker" in today's world? Isn't this term outdated? Where do you draw the line between prole and bourgeois today? The world has changed. Its 2017.

I wouldn't make shit because nobody wants shit, not because somebody wouldn't hire me. Value is driven by the consumer, not some abstract theory of value. Hence the idea of stolen value being retarded, since that "value" is being leveraged against what the consumer wants. The worker gets a steady paycheck for his labor, which wouldn't be guaranteed otherwise, while the owner takes substantially more risks in marketing, moving, and selling the product.

No. We routinely tell anons not to link us and tell people who we suspect of being from there to go back. Lurk next time.

No, I'm putting you two together because I'm not concerned with retard tier snowflakes and their unique brand of leftist bullshit and how it venerates different sophists over other sophists. It all has the same ends because you're all owned by the same people and will be disposed of when your usefulness is complete.

Good, we agree. But I find that last point amusing though, considering three out of the twelve retarded and in some cases blatantly false points in that infograph are all appeals to some basic forms of human rights.

I actually don't disagree with this, and I was always against recruitment of plebbitors. 4/pol/ should be a living cenotaph.

This bothers me a bit too. 'Worker' used to imply a shit lifestyle with backbreaking effort. Now our 'proletariat' can live comfortably by typing on a keyboard in an air-conditioned office. I think some of the dichotomy has broken down over the past century of development, leaving Communists pushing their definition of the boundary between the two to one extreme or another. Holla Forums has called me a 'petit bougie' for working in a family owned business with 3 employees. My dad runs the place, hasn't had a weekend off in a month, works until midnight every night and gets up in the morning just to keep the place going, and we're barely hovering above poverty, but we're the 'bougie' because we own a business.

It's insane and feels like an outdated system reaching desperately through modification after modification to still make sense in a modern context. Someone trying to fit a jet engine to a horse-drawn cart and not figuring out why it never works the way they want it to.

I love how the LARPs over there are just as hilarious as the LARP here. Kill yourself why are you here.

Didn't answer the question, I'm a leaf, lower middle-class, mostly poor in my life, as population grows social health-care is universally unstable especially with a completely Un-homogeneous society, this is already been shown in multiple cases. Your ideas are absolute garbage to the working class, we hate you, kill yourself you LARP faggot.

LARPers ignoring the important parts of race and only emphasizing race, as a LARP you should see this already. And you don't understand the simplicity of the classes and their needs to say something like this as if you understood.

Not real communism….

Rightwingers are the real SJW's! pol never claims that identity doesn't matter, did it ever occur to you that for some people their identity and the continuance of their race, religion, and culture is more valuable than material consumption, you cum-guzzling faggot? Besides the fact that the labor theory of value is horseshit

TRshill detected.

user, I'm glad you asked. A worker is simply someone who works for a wage, and the bourgeoisie are the owners of the means of production, the people who reap the profits of labor without actually doing the work.

"Worker" or "proletarian" is not a word for a cultural milieu, it's describes your relationship to the means of production. A manager for a corporation who gets golden parachutes is - technically - still a proletarian since he works for a wage. He might culturally not perceive himself in that way but he's still cucked

Keep up with the reading comprehension LARP, it's gotten you this far. You not see the irony of this (((communist))) and you're LARPing? Unbelievable.

So is a landscaping guy who owns his own truck and lawn mowers and weed eaters a worker or bourgeoisie?


Hi Schlomo

pick one.

When was any of that implied or said, are you really this stupid? Can you read anything past what triggers you?

You are the definition of a LARP.

See, this is the kind of thing I'm talking about here . Communism seems more concerned with the ideal than the reality. The golden parachute guy and my dad are both equally guilty somehow. Wasn't the whole point to bring up the living standards of the workers? Theory is fine and all, but you guys seem to get lost in ideology and miss the forest for the trees.

No, I've just been around you faggots so much I can read fucking minds and know that's what your value system includes.
The only people who call us "LARPers" are the kind of retards who think that emulating gamergoy and compromising until you're fucking liberals except you like being white more.

think that emulating gamergoy and compromising until you're fucking liberals except you like being white more is a good way to fix your country*

Tired tonight, forgive muh typos

Full retard

Also, kill all niggers, kill all jews and make sure it's done right and deport all illegals of any kind. The reality of that is far more complicated then words (except for Jews they're easily destroyed) cause I'm not gonna LARP my secret website and my americreich.

So you're just a splurger that lacks social skills, huh never would have thought.

>it's not real minarchism goy, trust me

He's the reason Chile is under full rothschild control, you're dumb as fuck for buying into kike enuch's kool-aid.

Are you fucking retarded m8? Now you're the one who has gone full LARP in a pathetic attempt to not be outed as an alt-kike mong.

What do you exactly mean by this?

It works fine for Europe, Australia, etc, problems only occur when health care is privatized. Of course, bourgeois governments love to fuck you over so your alienation is not surprising.

Communism as a fucking utopia. You know, like in Star Trek. Obviously it hasn't been achieved and it was never claimed that it is by anybody. Socialism has. That's a stupid strawman, I'm willing to debate anybody on the USSR.

We see culture as the superstructure that legitimizes the material base. Hence, you have a nuclear family. Not because of some "human nature" bullshit, but because it was/is an economic unit of the man working and the woman taking care of the household. There is no intrinsic value to the nuclear family once you dislodge it from its material base. That's why women want to work today, etc. Culture has always adjusted to material conditions it was supposed to justify.

I don't know, does he hire people? He isn't bourgeois, but for sure part of the problem as he commodifies his work and sells it, unless he is doing all of it for its own recreational pleasure.

Capitalism is more than just wage labor, but it's the easiest pill to swallow.

Yes, he's the reason, America and the jews aren't the reason. They would have happily accepted his rejection of their terms and went their own way. Much better course of action would have been to get his country invaded, get himself killed, get his country "democratized", and still have the central bank under Rothschild control. That's why you jews are still demonizing him to this day, he didn't do nearly enough that you kikes wanted.

Still retarded

Are you retarded goy, if you expose the Jew they are easily target-able and they lack numbers, this is common sense you fucking idiot, get and expose the people to the Jew and they are easily destroyed, do some critical thinking please before you start splurging your muh nazi LARP.

Never implied any of these things, not even close, stop projecting closeted nigger-kike-faggot.

Captcha: ugaygew

Not majority of the race which created the country. Canada's health-care system is crippled and crashing because of mass-immigration through Canada's policies that are letting these people in and the system can't handle it

What part of we're full don't you understand
Tell me that in 10 years with the levels of immigrants they're getting it's already at capacity if you have any idea what you're talking about

Really….really, a fake sci-fi show that the main premise is that after nuclear war a scientist created a warp drive which got them introduced into a galactic federation that let them see vast advances in technology that made money and labor obsolete. Good job buddy, can't wait.

He is the reason, because he allowed said central bank to exist. He was a puppet of America and the kikes and you've drunk the kool-aid of a yid and his tranny wife.

Which happened anyway. Nice moot point you've got there, at least Hitler tried, and succeeded until his generals went full retard.

You still worship a puppet because he threw some commies out of helicopters, that's cool as long as you acknowledge he's a puppet.
Look like you do too with this:
You at-least admit he's operating on zio-american terms.

You implied them by calling Holla Forumsacks LARPers. I've only seen TRS cucks do that.

Well first off the golden parachute guy wouldn't exist in socialism since it wouldn't be meritocratic.

Second, even when you ignore the entire philosophical aspect of wagecucking, extortion and self-determination (on which socialism builds upon) you should realize that the actual bourgeoisie (not just the CEOs, the actual shareholders) have withdrew themselves so much from decision making on firms and corps, that there is no logical argument of why they should still reap all the profits of labor. They don't do anything.

Obviously a McDonalds burger slave would be better off getting a share of profit that would otherwise just be extracted by the 1%. This is an improvement of living conditions, not through a social democratic state apparatus which taxes the corp to give it back to the worker in handouts (which is a Ponzi scheme tbh since the business will just lower his wage to make up for the taxes), but through direct reciprocal participation in administering the value of his own labor.

I called you a LARP and other faggots that can't handle basic common sense and reasoning LARPs. There are the vast majority of pol's user base that can see the reality of how things are and then there's LARP's like you.

Holla Forums isn't your secret club or personal army or collective. When I call someone a LARP I call an individual a LARP, (YOU).

While I'm not sharing your racist interpretation, we are not in favor of mass immigration. Especially the more socialist it becomes, the more isolationist it must become in a capitalist world. Our Internationalism (supporting communist movements in other country and cooperat) is not globalism. Obviously if you have some uneducated reactionary lumpen invading your public infrastructure goes to shit. We aren't that naive.

I actually agree with this, stop strawmanning. We aren't neoliberals.

We actually have an ideology for that, it's called Posadism. It's just a meme though, pic related

Yes, he "allowed" it. The decision was definitely his, not the giant jewish powers breathing down his neck who came to him and said "accept this or die." He's the hostage in this situation, not the other way around, he's in charge of a tiny powerless country. So, until you can give me a better course of action, you're just a jew spouting classic jewish generalizations.

Should he have invaded the USA? Should he have tried to fight off a US invasion? What should the hostage do in that situation? You're intentionally spreading the lie that any leader of Chile had a choice in regards to their entire financial system, and you're doing so intentionally to detract from a nationalistic leader who did many good things for his people considering the awful hand he was dealt.

Chile didn't have 1/100th the military capacity of Germany. This another jewish false comparsion you're conveniently using to continue your desperate anti-Pinochet propaganda, which has really been drummed up in our media as of late. This is the equivalent of the "he's not even literally hitler" meme that you yids keep pushing on here regarding anybody on the right.

He's operating under the terms of a hostage, but, again, you would have preferred if he went full leftist with those things that not only were out of his control, like banking, but those that were under his control as well. Then maybe your tribe would be happier with him.

You also still have no fucking idea what the term "minarchism" means.

Then you're just a double-digit IQ fuckwit that has no idea what LARP means, probably picked it up from TRShills spewing it everywhere.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, you want this place to turn into cuckchan? Or are you just pretending to be retarded.
Assimilation is important, and you're sticking out like a sore thumb.
Not really, you're the one using terms exclusively propagated by kike enuch's goons who all wholly believe what I accused you of believing, and know you do.

What exactly do you think LARP means heh

Exactly, and you worship this guy? Top fucking kek m8, why do you lolbergs fear greatness and risk-taking?
Lolbergtardianism with more government, and just like all TRShill lolberg faggots you're complacent in worshiping weaklings and puppets, dilution is death. In fact death is better than dilution because you're less likely to end up a walking corpse like the US and Chile are now.
I bet you like Ronald Reagan too.

How is it racist to say that someone built a country and that race happens to still be there controlling it and should control it? Do you know what racism means?

Other then that I don't really get where or what you're implying. If you help other movements grow that the majority of the country doesn't want or is more successful in their current state then you are being globalists, the logic of your plan will always lead to that.

what about muh workers, muh everyone is the same, I don't understand what kind of communist you are, where did Marx imply any of this?

>it's not real communism

Why do you think there's fucking anything wrong with being racist and acknowledging that genetics plays a direct hand in one's experience, intelligence, and potential.

Commies will never accept the fact that the people make the nation, not the other way around.
They want good worker drones forged by a utopia, without realizing that a utopia can only come about by promoting the people that lead to industrial and social progress.

Nation without a race is nothing, race without a nation can still function.

Ah, classic jew, when losing the debate start labeling people lolbergs, racists, feminists, etc. I don't worship the guy, for those things under his control, he did as good a job as possible, it's not that hard to understand, and he maintained a level of nationalism normally impossible under the circumstances of having the USA and Soviet Union ready to invade at the drop of a hat. He also did a great job destroying leftist institutions in the country and rooting them out of the culture. On social issues, Chile was far more conservative for far longer after Pinochet than the rest of Latin America for that very reason.

This is an inaccurate description of minarchism, in fact, some schools of thought would claims it's lolbergism with less government. But needless to say, you're in way over your head here, you have no idea what these philosophies actually mean. This, right here, outs you as a jew who simply latched onto these terms in the past week as a cheap way to try and shill Holla Forums. Everybody on this board understands these philosophies and, thus, knows where they are insufficient and why NatSoc is the only solution forward, you have no concept of these philosophies, hence, you have no concept of what makes NatSoc better, because you're just a D&C shill who thinks he can hide behind screaming lolberg to shill the board.

WTF does OP expect? The only way you win that game, is to not play. You're wasting your time. They will never admit anything and will try and ruin your life and or physically attack you. If you were smarter than them, you'd know better to acknowledge their fucking existence let alone anything they say, having an validity. So fucking CANCEL and thank us later. You're being naive as fuck. Maybe you do need a good beating. Get your head kick in then after you get out of the hopsital, crack back here and say how /pol is always right.

Ok, you were more or less tolerable until you wrote this completely retarded proposition:
I come from life science and know you are bs "us" (Holla Forums) by your usual means. But let's focus on this crap you just wrote.
Do you recognize that we, human beings, have a bunch (20k) of expressible genes in each of our cells? Well, the reason we (and all animals) reproduce is intimately associated with the instinct of self-preservation. We "want" to jump into the next generation. This "want" is not voluntarily, on the contrary is almost a reflex, is something we do but couldn't explain why until the last 200 years of modern organic evolution theories.

So the empathy and solidarity we have for family units is almost a natural and automatic reflex associated with perpetuating our genes, wanting our genes to jump into the next generation of humans. We want to preserve our genes, and the ones of our loved ones (brothers, etc.) because they are genetically similar, so they have some of our same genes, and so the same explanation applies as to the reason why we "love" our nuclear family, and to a lesser extent our more distant family.
Of course there are a lot of exceptions. Of course i'm not talking for 100% of all humans, but the general rule applies. We love our family, we will do our best for them, because they are part of us, our genes are with them.

In nature, this kind of "clan behaviour" or family-oriented behaviour, has been going for almost forever and is observable in many different species from different taxa. Try studying primate species (monkeys, etc.), or felines (lions). Try deducing your "ideas" of society from real data and more verifiable hypothesis. Trying to fit your unrealistic theories and uthopias and justifying it with some data (ignoring some results) won't work. It tends to fail.

There is another channel of information available for humans to use to jump information from one generation of humans to the next (apart from genes). They are called "memes",and it means "cultural information". It can be as important as genes, and memes are also important for humans, because in ultimate instance, genes are information units, so are memes. Humans want to self-preserve themselves by channeling their genes through reproduction and memes through communication.

You've been advocating a lolberg that other "fashy" lolbergs worship, it's a very fair assumption to make.
If he was such a puppet then why do you like him so much? Sure he did some cool things like killing retard journalists and commies, but do you really want to immortalize him on the internet when he was such a powerless imperfect man?
Is that why chile is a leftist hellhole complete with a former female president for progressive points? Is that why they emulate USA's ZOG to this day? Real good job he did, at least Germany's reichstag is still standing.

Also you conviniently dodged my Reagan question, I assume the answer is yes because he's yet another conservative puppet. Ebin :Dd:D:D;:D::DD:DDD;DDD:DD:DDDDD:DDD:DDDDD

What the fuck is the "Canadian race"?! Like, if race wasn't just some arbitrary taxonomy your statement would still have no value, but it really is anyway. How is better when I get cucked by a white person instead of a black person? Neither of them give a shit about me.

You can't be that dense. Seriously, are you unable to understand complex scenarios? If you are surrounded by capitalist subversion, you obviously want to fucking isolate yourself. Also, there is literally nothing wrong with judging a person on its individual merit when it comes to immigration. Obviously socialism requires high education standards - a lesson the Bolsheviks learned in the first years of the NEP.

Not having reached an utopian state doesn't mean we can't struggle for it. I can tell you one thing though: Space exploration will not fucking happen in capitalism because of the profit motive.

You massively underestimate the impact of pre- and postnatal environmental conditioning. You don't need to be Einstein to be a functioning member of society. What's this obsession with IQ anyway?

And you massively overestimate it, nature is everything whereas nurture is nothing. The environment and conditions you grew up in do not supersede the evolutionary conditions that brought you about.
But to have any sort of functional society you must promote the people that could produce an "einstein" and suppress the ones who cannot
IQ determines one's potential for greatness, as well as their value system. Someone with a low IQ will at-best be a drone, which for a communist society would be a good thing. Greatness cannot be achieved with a populace of drones.

My god you are so densely autistic.
Fine I won't use spaces user, there am I just like you now? Can I part of collective now?
I called you a LARP and people like you, this is how common sense works I'm not implying Holla Forums in generalities you want it to be which brings up the relevance on my secrit club nonsense, it fits in this narrative because you're trying to prove a point of shilling through the idea that it is being implied to the collective when it isn't.
You, who projects so fervently beliefs they neither understand, understand the actual possibility of enacting these beliefs contrary to what the world is leading towards and who refuses to sit aside for a second to see what can be achieved and what is an impossibility but just pushes the same LARPing over and over creating a bigger gap between what is possible and what will happen. Which isn't to say concessions to a completely liberal shit hole which led to the mess in the first place.

Look I believe a lot of things, the actuality of those things are different then beliefs with the exception of killing all jews because they are the creators of all the problems including LARPs that hinder what is possible in our mortal coil.

I said the opposite schlomo, learn to read.

I feel bad for you because you just wrote all that completely missing of what I was trying to say. Obviously we share instincts with animals to love our parents and to reproduce. Nobody fucking denies that.

I was talking about the economic modus operandi on which the nuclear family, as described in conservative romanticism, functions and the values conservatives and Holla Forums attach to it. The man bringing home the sinecures and the woman staying in the kitchen is shaped by the material conditions in which the family has to operate. Are you implying that a business woman and a houseman can not love each other and fuck? Animal instincts don't feature achievements of civilisation like agriculture or housing. This is entirely environmental.

Once you are able to separate the genetic hardcode from the material conditioning, you'll realize that the latter almost shapes all aspects of what we call culture. Religion is another example of this, traditions and customs as well. People have lived in different socio-economic systems - capitalism is only 200 years old and nation states are even younger.

We are also not trying to destroy the traditional family or some shit like that. Our goal is to achieve material post-scarcity, so that humans are not slave to the material base anymore but can fully evolve their potential and desires, may it be conservative or "progressive". It does not matter.

Christ everything is so black and white with you aut-kike retards. Why don't you use your fucking brain and format your posts like everyone else does.

wew laddy, I;'m insinuating that aut-kikes are the only ones who use LARP as an insult pointed at those putting forward non-kosher viewpoints.
Wanna know how I know you're some TRS kike?


Your exact words, saying "racist" like it's a bad thing when you could have responded with 'nothing wrong with being racist cunt' before explaining exactly why such a belief is deirable.

I disagree with this. The human mind is essentially plastic. nature may play a big part hence the rise of cultural uniqueness and national identity, however we can't downplay the effect that the environment has on the individual. Holla Forums takes it too far in believing that everyone is uniform and interchangable while Holla Forums believes that environment and nurture is a non-issue.

I never said Canadian race, how did you even get that? White people, how can that even be manifest in your head? Do you know how Canada was founded? Or any country for that matter? Don't give me muh natives please I don't give a shit.

What does anything you said have to do with what I said? The point of a communist revolution is to free the workers from the capitalists, therefore all workers are equal, blah blah, tell me where in anything marx said implies insulation and isolation of the idea of communism? Why would anyone be going towards a communist country anyway a lot of people were really busy trying to get out.

SO heaven basically.

Let me guess, your source on this is some jewish quack "psychologist"

Don't be a retard user, if human minds were so concrete by nature we wouldn't have shit tier materialism and globalism dominating our nations right now.

I'm more bothered about your idea that space exploration wouldn't be considered because from the profit motive angle.

As much of a pretentious meme Elon Musk is, he is trying to have tours of the moon Coming Soon™. While you can argue that it may not be true space exploration as most space fags (myself included) see it, I counter that it is giving people with money a chance to go into space purely for tourist pleasure. Hell, even if we go with a military route, modern day militaries work on the industrial complex principle. It may be governments rather than private citizens, but it is still profit driven motives that will sooner or later reach private citizens. Couple that with the possibility of people being able to freely exploit resources, especially often without worrying about environmental issues (vacuum of space for asteroids), a lack of inspectors, and the possibility of having a full scale monopoly if they act soon enough for the initial grab. If anything profit is one of the main driving forces.

Propaganda doesn't change genes and neither does mass-advertisement.
It's Pavlovian conditioning, so it influences behavior, not the human mind directly. You underestimate the proliferation of mind-control.

Jesus fuck i'm out of here.

There was this boy who was locked up with chickens since birth and he literally behaved like a chicken later. If you can make people behave like chickens I don't think even more insignificant variables are this much influenced by nature.

Dude, you guys really are like reverse SJWs. If there is anything that oppresses people from achieving their full potential it's shit like not having free education. A nigger doesn't stop you from being brilliant.

What the fuck are white people? You mean the germanics or the celts? White people have been mixing like rabbits since the last 2000 years. Skin color doesn't indicate the same ethnicity.

And my hometown was founded by some feudal dipshit lord hundreds of years ago. I don't give a shit. People sure as fuck didn't go to Canada because they perceived themselves as white. You go talk to a white person 200 years ago and explain to them how you guys are somehow sharing this identity. They would probably laugh at you or think you're retarded.

Are you even familiar with Marx' Hegelian dialectic or are you just talking out of your ass? Because it feels like you're talking out of your ass.

Adios, individual who didn't do anything beyond scream shill at things

The main issue is that you will try to make a logically sound argument based on statistics and historical facts while someone yells insults at you (homophobe, racist, bigot, ect.) that put you in a box that you have to keep climbing out of. Its a logic verse emotion situation, and very difficult to have the conversation logically when they will continually shift to a moral argument. So I think the best is to make the moral argument back, if someone calls you are racist when they don't know all the things you believe and why you do, and they pin you to a certain group to play identity politics, it makes them a shitty person. Thats when let them know how morally corrupt and selfish their stances are, and how they "don't care about womens right" and "are a racist because". You see it is one of the worst kinds of racism, it's a lack of diversity in thought they want and for anyone outside the group think/herd, well your fair game to be treated like garbage.

I'm not your collective I don't care about you, if that is what you really need to feel some sort of community then so be it, keep to it.
It's a term, many terms exist to describe you that you don't like pointing and saying TRS to even those who agree with you doesn't make your reality anymore real and your situation anymore different.
The reality of things will be set into fruition as it always does in all of history and it will shift and change as it always does, LARPing won't change it.
that's some kikebook posting my autistic friend. Also sorry to fragment your reality so hard you have to keep this up to the point where you're furiously mistyping.

No you cunt, in that sentence It's clear my implication is simply to what is being suggested by the leftypol, he's saying that what I'm saying is racist, I said there's nothing racist literally with what I said by definition, not that racism is bad, you love projecting man, jesus you aren't a mind reader, you don't know what is being implied, you can't read people because of your intellect and you don't actually say shit you will actually do you're a LARP, why the fuck does everything have to satiate your autism, should I say DIE SCHLOMO every time I talk about kikes to be extra sure you're pathetic needs are met on the matter.

Anyway, that's enough dealings with you autist, I actually have work tomorrow.

Feral children can be reconditioned, cultists can be deprogrammed etc, behavioral conditioning has no bearing on one's ability to pass on genes.

Also where do I imply that I think I'm being oppressed? I want to oppress others. I am not oppressed, America is nonfunctional not because there are niggers but because we promote nigger-like behavior which leads to rampant materialism, and unrestricted capitalism which leads to decent men being unable to work their way into power positions since to get anywhere you must pander to the nigger-hordes and iPhone/flouride diet retards - leads to lowest-common-denominator being promoted.

ebin xD

That's the point. No one is above being influenced by their environment as much as they like to think they aren't, but nurture does influence people and their behavior and values. That's why its all the more crucial to control the spread of harmful advertisement and propaganda while promoting the good.

This thread, of all threads, get bumplocked.

There is some real fuckery going on with the mods.

There is genuine information and discussion going on here.

Why do you think they promote that? Is it possible that this has something to do with the tendency of capitalism to commodify fucking everything?

Adorno actually wrote a great deal about this. He even hated "nigger music". But since he's Frankfurt School you'll discard him because of that whacky Cultural Marxism meme.

It's gotten so bad I'm thinking of just moving over to /polk/. They atleast don't bumplock all the good niche threads. Also chodemonkey won't get involed and get rid of imkikey so we're basically stuck with this fuck.

You may be right about capitalism commodifying everything, but why is that a valid reason to conform to a communist ideal instead of going with a third position?

I can't wait to get an answer to this.

Also don't give me that "fascism is capitalism in decline" bullshit

Look, I'm a newfag to both pol and leftypol, I usually don't browse here, but that sounds like subsistence. Isn't that shit the reason Africans are still poor as fuck?

Holla Forums I don't think you understand that in this picture, Holla Forums is the goose-stepping fascists. Fedora is a newfag who gets banned.
