How can you not like Based Stick Man?

How can you not like Based Stick Man?

He even called out the central banking cabal at the end

He produced mongrels.

While adhering to a philosophy created by the same tribe behind central banking.

These people can usually change but I guess he won't

Not really. Anybody who didn't grow out of lolbergtardianism after Ron Paul's second run is a lost cause. Just as the "recovered" lolbergs and ancaps over at TRS.


Fuck off you worthless piece of shit. Based stick man is doing more for the movement than you ever will jerking off all day in your mom's basement.

Your kind said the same thing about Mike Enuch and his tranny kike waifu

James Friedman is a beautiful woman with a very feminine penis.

his mother's not too bad either

Not part of your faggot movement. Why the fuck are you here if race mixing is fine in your little movement?

Antifa have been active in Europe a lot longer you little cuck, there's nothing special about what he did. Though in Europe the race traitor would be on antifas side.



I honestly think some of TRS will come around. I expect there to be another controversy, probably Mike skimming the sheckels too hard or something, that forces people to wake up and realize what TRS really is.

Some of the people involved with them had their hearts in the right direction, but got suckered into a bad group. Some of them should know better and are irredeemable.

Subhumans can't come around user. Look at these freaks, look at their words.

The only ones that aren't genetic refuse are the white hat guy and the blonde kid in the flannel. They both look like they're laughing at their retard buddies too.

All lolbergs will be exterminated, NatSoc only.

My weakness is that I still retain some hope in humanity.

holy shit go back to cuckchan

This is like watching a Hollywood movie with a black lead and using that as an example of how superior negroes are.

Don't fall for the division, TRS are not us but this doesn't mean they're not doing their part to put the jewish question forward.
Most of them are from chans to begin with, they're an offshoot. I want to see what becomes of them before writing them off completely, their recruitment drives and shitposting groups have maintained despite the doxxing.

I thought we chased you freaks off the internet. Get the fuck out.

Yeah, that's why they're so good a fitting in, oh wait.

Would you preferred it if he would have used one of these TRSodomites as an example instead?

Maybe not, but the fact that Enoch and his wife are both kikes certainly does.

Fucking LARPs ruin any chance of getting anything done. If there is a race war, which will most likely not happen rather it will be divided by political ideologies you LARPs will be here.

When shit actually goes down atleast this guy fights back, while you LARP here.

Stickman and people like him are on the first level of seeing the problem this isn't your secret club, people need to see the truth cause the normies are the ones going to be fighting the majority of the time, not you.

Yeah, yeah, kike, shill, purity spiral whatever LARPs.

Blow your brains out. We value anonymity for a reason.

Fuck off kike faggot.

When shit goes down I won't have any of you altkike faggots anywhere near me, you'd likely shoot me in the back once we start rounding up "based non whites" for deportation.

Difference was I was fighting alongside fellow nationalists, not patriotards like stickman.

You're acting like we're on the same side, we're not. You're a worse race traitor than any leftist, if not for moderate little cucks like you they'd have never gotten power.

Hilarious coming for a lolberg larping as a brownshirt.

Fuck off back your kosher forum, faggot.

also if anyone's LARPing it's cucks like you that think racemixers can advocate pro-white interests.
LARP: ''live-action role play"
as in
"I'm really a loser with a jew wife, or a racemixer who hit some guy with a flagpole but I pretend I want what's best for whites even though I actively betray their race"


praise kek muh dude. I watch murdoch murdoch too. Fucking normies, am I right??

Spencer is right though.
As far as the numbers go, race-mixing is not a problem in and of itself. It's the Jewish promotion of it and the resulting increase in those numbers. A lot of the Spencer hate here is just totally irrational, taking his shit out of context. Yeah he's too soft on things and he's a bit of a windbag who says dumb shit every once in a while but otherwise he's doing good work.


Such as?

Jesus H. you autists are really going overboard.

He is a dude who hit antifa with a fucking stick. You're praising him as some kind of fucking messiah that can do no wrong.

I used to like MurdochMurdoch until I started seeing the fucking memes his bullshit have spawned and what his fanbase look like.

What, you want us to become ancaps now because some based racemixer hit an antifa with a stick ? Fuck off.
