Our Cartoon President

Trump gets a parody and liberals think it's funny.

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Don't click on that fag op's link. I'm making a webm.


Wow. They couldn't get a single aspect of him right. The guy talks constantly. There's decades of footage of him on camera. He tweets the way he speaks.. and this is the best shit a major network can slap together? If it was a skosh shittier looking, it could pass as a newgrounds cartoon from 2003.

Of course they do

oh, so that's why it isn't funny.

They didn't even get Ted Cruz right. It is just the same boring liberal comedy we have seen 1000x over. I think the real accomplishment here is just how dull they managed to make this.

A YouTuber could make better animation

It's almost like their entire conception of these guys is built from the moronic memes that faggots pass around facebook. Like they couldn't stomach the idea of actually studying and reading up on the things they've said and done, because it might threaten the narrative bubble they are desperately trying to keep around their shriveling audience.

This really cuts to the heart of the matter. It's getting to the point where they aren't better at making content than random weirdos on the internet. Why would you pay for their content when you can get better, funnier stuff for free?

It’s from a lame resurrecting bit from his show

Dude. Trump has orange skin.

It's like everyone has a five second memory.

Like Trump himself?

I'm not even mad, just disappointed. Every president can and probably should be mocked. I know this isn't how it was for Obama, but whatever. The problem with this, that show Comedy Central had (or still has), all the late night monologues, every hack on twitter, and whoever else I'm forgetting is that every joke is just "Isn't he dumb?" You hear one joke, you've heard them all. Even when it come to mocking his appearance it really just boils down to "doesn't he look dumb?" You got the damn near if not the entirety of writers in the US and Canada and you can't craft one clever joke. It's just pathetic.

They're just salty he stole it from them and assblasted them with it.

People being mad their president is dumb and an easy target. Oh Murrica. Last resort internet, where you still find "friends".

They're in a perpetual meltdown because nothing they can do will actually hurt him. Most politicians operate under a veneer of respectability which means that standard media shaming tactics are very effective, because they peel back that veneer. With Trump there's no veneer. All his flaws are readily apparent which makes it pointless to point them out, which is why they've got to exaggerate shit or just plain make it up.

The man himself is far more entertaining than anybody trying to mock him will ever be.

He's too easy of a target. What joke can people make that hasn't been made already, or is superceded by real life events?

The stuff about his appearance does really irk me. And yes, he looks stupid, but why should that matter? Why are people so caught up on a world leader's haircut, rather than any of the things he's actually there for? Really makes you realise how many people will just go ahead and vote for a pretty face and a good slogan above anything concrete. I think democracy was a bad idea.

"Isn't he dumb" was reasonably funny for Bush (though he provided all the best material), even if it aged like milk

There's a problem beyond just media management - I think it might be because the internet diffuses humour so much better than TV. With an 80s show like spitting image, you had a lot of power how to characterise people, and a Thatcher sex joke would be flying a bit close to the sun - but now? If you really want to you can go on Facebook - not even Holla Forums or Twitter, Facebook! - and find jokes that by TV standards don't fly close to the sun but into it.

It's not just Trump, you can look at the declining power to characterise leaders in general. People have a general image in their head for Tony Blair, George Bush, Tony Abbott, and even (in New Zealand at least) Helen Clark. But contrast later politicians - David Cameron stands accused of fucking a dead pig, but in the public image he's just "The Prime Minister, David Cameron…" despite it, Obama was equally nondescript, Malcolm Turnbull and Bill English too. Jacinda Ardern… is a girl, who won against expectations. That's not really a personality. Maybe there's just too much stuff going on now - is the Prime Minister engaging in carnal acts with a deceased sow as a university student really going to dwell on your mind when you're seeing hundreds of funny jokes a day online? You can make good jokes about it, sure, but they're not going to stick with you throughout the week.

I found pic related amusing, dunno if it'd hold its charm in animated form since a chunk of the premise is that it's from a book about him. it's not, btw, it's a joke-post.

It's not an either-or proposition. You can make fun of both. The standard of actually doing it has been woeful, but it's worth remembering that people have always made fun of the appearance of politicians. Tony Blair's evil grin is still seared in my head.

Bush conned people into Iraq by manipulating their anger over 9/11. Not only have 'Bush r dumb' jokes aged badly, they've demonstrated the short-sightedness and idiocy of the people making them. The worst part is, they're doing exactly the same thing with Trump.

Why isn't there a gorilla channel?

Fake news.

But MTV already exists


Fucking god, these faggot media hacks get paid millions a year, and they're all working together to try and take the guy down, and all they can come up with is mocking his appearance or his intelligence, or racism, sometimes.

Even if I was infected with the cancerous growth known as liberalism, I think I'd be sick of the constant Trump bashing just because nobody has anything of any value to say to actually criticize the guy. It's schoolyard shitflinging, not even banter, I've seen funnier posts on this fucking site making fun of anons, people who have literally no identity. But Trump, with all his numerous and readily apparent faults, and nobody has managed to make a single joke about the guy that can warrant a chuckle. Sad.

How can it be so hard to come up with a skit at Trump's expense? I like Trump and you could do an entire thing about his deep lust for revenge against people who he thinks have wronged him, or how he totally shuts out people who he thinks aren't winners or if you really wanted to be tasteless his refusal to touch alcohol and his dead brother. Are they so afraid of humanizing him they don't dare look closely at even his character defects?

If you REALLY wanted to hit home on Trump's politics, you'd have to touch upon all the Jews infesting his office and his Israel-loving at some point…and Stephen Hackbert won't touch THAT horse with a fifty-foot pole.

Not with (((John Leibowitz))) being responsible for his career in the first place.

I dunno why they wouldn't go there. To these parasite, everyone involved with Trump is fair game, including his ten year old boy and his grandchildren

I believe this is happening right now to some people. I've seen some Trump bashing media people talk about how that new book that was "totally ruin Trump this time guys, I swear" was bullshit, so if even those ivory tower retards realized it then a lot of normalfags did too.
Here's what I'd do if I had to make a cartoon called "our cartoon president": all his dialogue would just be real unedited voice clips of things he said. I think it would add a lot more weight to trying to make fun of him. I'm sure there's a lot of good material out there. Of course we're over 1 year into his presidency and these dumbasses haven't realized yet that talking about real things he's done is more impactful than talking about made up bullshit like Russian prostitute pissing and gorilla channel.

Wait, so Gorilla channel wasn't a joke?

It was a joke that was all too plausible

It was but some people took it seriously. Hence me calling it made up bullshit and talking about lazy journalists caring more about made up bullshit than real things he's done.

Hey leftypol. Still mad Obongo's out of of office, Europe is filled with women or cucks,
and Trudeau is a mangina?


How did Obongo escape from being mocked?

I remember seeing like two episodes of that shit. It was edgeless as a fucking sphere and didn't actually say anything political of note. It was mostly just "lol bush is dum" and there were no other jokes. occasionally they'd throw out a catchphrase like "heck of a job" or "quagmire" or "mission accomplished", but not in any way that was actually funny, just random references.

Honestly it was probably a sign of things to come.

Oh god.
This is just going to be that but worse isn't it?

Pitch this man for a cartoon.

Maybe? The social climate has shifted since then though, especially in the animation industry. Shoving political garbage in people's faces is par for the course now.

It'll still be completely edgeless and devoid of anything resembling actual humor though. Every time SJWs try to do jokes it's just a big pile of cringe.

The only Trump parody I've seen being good so far is on Gumball, and they just make him a greedy rich man who understands the public are selfish and assholes.

Well, the japanese also make good Trump parodies, but they belong to /a/.

How do Leftie comedians reconcile all this?

How can a Leftie reconcile this?

Only going to focus on the part about the election (which is mostly media based) to mitigate the risk of completely derailing the thread.
he beat Republican candidates of the calibre of Jeb!, boring, low energy, cardboard cut-outs. It's also worth noting the Democrat email leaks showed they wanted to help the "extremist" republican candidates get nominated (or pull the winner right) to give themselves a (perceived) easier battle for the political centre ground.
Any publicity is good publicity. Also, there comes a point where people just get saturated with bad news and don't really care. Doubly so when it's news normal people don't care about, but the political commetariat - starved of "real politics" since the Reagan era, view as dynamite. Consider that the press also failed to destroy Jeremy Corbyn in the UK election.

Looking to Corbyn is in many ways a possible analogy for how an incompetent Trump could still win. Corbyn's own party absolutely loathed him, the media loathed him too, nobody took him seriously as a candidate - but the result was that he was at least distinctive (Amusing given his own grandfatherly persona.) when put up against the general stage-managed election campaigns that have been the norm in the modern era. Meanwhile the Conservatives ran a robotic, cleanly staged managed campaign for the television cameras, making sure to hit all their soundbytes. And what did it do? It drove people to insanity with the tedium. Now, Trump was a lot more radically spoken than Corbyn - and could thus grab even more TV time for himself by saying something "unacceptable" by normal standards in an interview. Contrast Neil Kinnock in the UK's 1992 election - one of the most charming orators of his generation, a funny and warm figure - but he put on a suit and pretended he was a statesman. He did what his advisors told him to do, he had everything stage-managed to avoid controversy. Nobody bought it and he was trounced.

It's not a case of 4 dimensional chess, but of people who've watched too much West Wing believing they're playing chess instead of politics. They sit there calculating their strategy down to the word, completely ignorant of the fact that in power they've made everyone hate them, cynically seeking swing-voters and not giving a damn about their (mostly working class) support bases. So while Hillary Clinton is sitting there contemplating her chess midgame with her advisor, Trump is actually out there saying "Fuck 'em, vote for me!" (although truthfully, Make America Great Again is a very good slogan for "responsibly" capturing the feeling of the moment, like Britain-in-1992's You Can't Trust Labour)
Although that said, UK Labour in 1983 shows why a degree of stage management is actually necessary, especially if you don't have 30 years of resentment to build off-of.
yes, i deleted this post before. I didn't see the point of a page-sized political reply if the question was gone.

Why can't these guys make actual jokes about Donald Trump. No Holla Forums tell me why, it's not that hard the man is more or less the shitposter in chief they have so much material available but this is the best they can do?

I'm not a lefty. Notice the tactful way I worded
>Looking to Corbyn is in many ways a possible analogy for how an incompetent Trump could still win
Intended to hint that an incompetent Trump scenario is only a hypothesis.

Don't make me regret acting in good faith again.

It's irrelevant, I've said all I wanted to say. I have no desire to press the point and let the thread be pushed onto a completely different topic.

lol, real subtle.

Europoor detected.