Genuine question: What did Sean Spicer say that Kellyanne Conway dubbed "alternative facts"?

Genuine question: What did Sean Spicer say that Kellyanne Conway dubbed "alternative facts"?

My libshit family keeps bringing up "alternative facts" again and again, but what exactly was the context in which it was used to begin with?

It doesn't matter at all, and they're 200 news cycles behind. Remind them that almost every time the Trump team has made a spelling or linguistic error it almost always is to draw attention from kike media to signal boost the actual message. Remind them Trump has already kept 70% of his promises. Show them this week's weekly address.

Stop arguing with your family about politics. Until you're 35 they won't really care what you have to say on the matter. One day your parents will be dead and you'll find yourself wishing you had spent less time arguing with them.

In the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter, but what was the actual message they were trying to boost with this whole debacle? Something about the inauguration crowd?

have you tried watching the press conferences?

When did it take place? I'll look it up on youtube.

It was crowd size figures iirc. Obama had more, but Trump had less space due to security concerns. The pictures used by most reporters were also taken at different relative times. Obama's was during his speech, Trump's was 3-4 hours before. Kike media also took Spicer saying
to mean only physical viewers. Obama had more people there, but way more people watched Trump's on livestreams or news broadcasts.

Pretty sure it was day 1. It was about the crowds. That's about all the brain space I've wasted on it.


And user is right, don't argue politics with your family. If you do anything, show them why you believe what you do. Libshits love to argue things that drag you away from your principles into talking about how many of Trump's businesses failed or what his Secretary of X supported.

This is what I was looking for
thanks user

don't spend all your time arguing with family. you never know how long you have with them

Is a term commonly used during court cases.
Both sides in a legal dispute typically present different and contradictory versions of events. "Alternative facts" is how this is described all the time in legal jargon.
Conway is a lawyer and literally did nothing wrong except use a phrase that non-lawyers don't use and media kikes could spin because she is a dumb bitch.

i never talk about politics with my family, we just had a gathering today and m aunt/grandma who I rarely see were talking about this kinda stupid shit

ahh ok, makes sense then; but while you don't talk politics with family, don't forget to leave them subtle red-pills to swallow

by the way, I'm doing some reading, and allegedly, he had said
"largest audience to ever witness an inauguration – period – both in person and around the globe."

actually, reading this again it can be interpreted as the "largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, considering the numbers both in person and around the globe"

Basically. Lugenpresse read what it wanted to read and lied as usual.

are normalfags still talking about this? At my workplace, nobody even cares anymore, the only people who discuss politics are people who supported trump.

Just say "Alternative facts" was first used by a liberal and try to reappropriate it. Like say the fact that russia is involved with Trump is an alternative fact

good luck

To everyone saying I should stop arguing politics with my family:

Why not they should be the ones to stop arguing politics with me?


Just say alternative facts are the facts the media won't mention then use it to bombard with facts the media has not mentioned.

check out the current memory hole thread, or others if they were archived. there is a whole lot of real facts that are to problematic to talk about

Do you really think so? Shouldn't family and heritage be the first priority? If you are right then many years of my life and others have been a complete and utter waste…

I have stopped talking politics with my family and most of my friends (not worth it for many reasons) but I still have found very subtle ways of shifting their Overton window. The best way is heh-pilling, acting like it's all a joke and just enjoy the ride I've gotten full fledged sjws to go from hating trump, to thinking it's funny he's president. I also like to make ironic "racist" jokes, as a means of solidifying race based associations, without overtly arguing statistics, etc.

This is a good strategy. I can almost always get liberals to agree that everything has become crazy, and things would probably be just about as crazy even if Trump hadn't become president. The fact he could even run as he did itself means things are crazy.

That's usually a good path which can let you drop some redpills about how the media is intentionally trying to confuse normies so that the elites can pull their bullshit without getting called on it. I've gotten liberals to hate Soros as much as they hate the Koch brothers. In general, "the elites are against us all" is a good framework for overcoming any differences with people.