Fantasy game



The only unrealistic thing of Fantasy is the lack of porn of certain races.



Unrealistic has two meaning in this context.
1. Doesn't abide by our reality
2. Doesn't abide by the game's own "reality"
If a game doesn't follow the rules it has set up for it's own universe, then it's unrealistic.

I wasn't shitposting



It still hurts.






Everyone knows you're being serious, faggot.

People are tired of your lack of disbelief suspension.

I wasn't shitposting in a thread, because I made the thread
Get it?


And it will never stop

That's super gay




Don't talk shit about Doom, bud.


lol jokes on them, it means they are faggots

wtf that's not my pic

it's from this thread

Apparently this bug has some sort of relation with the threads one have opened?


check em

settle down faggot

They're probably thinking they don't want to be your friend anymore

Most people don't know how to react to finding out their friend is a pedophile

Epic burn bruh
Damn son

Even though this is more than 6 years old, its still going and gives me a miniscule amount of hope.

Fantasy settings have rules, too. They might differ slightly from the ones that we have in real life, but they're still there. Shit like magic tends to bend those rules, but rarely will it outright break them (unless it's high-level magic, in which case fuck the rules)

Observe them, peasant



This shit just shows how little respect they have for the game series and the fans. Bringing up how unrealistic a game is when the in-game lore is at odds is such a lazy way to dodge the question. Fuck Bethesda.

What about a game where you can stuff every item in the world into your pocket, with no explanation as to how? People pretty much never complain about that, because we know how frustrating the alternative is.
And that's the way games should be designed. A reality is presented to us, but the rules can be bent, is the result is to make something more fun.

Many games with loot to get have weight limits
And tetris inventories can be pretty fucking awesome

It depends on the game. Sometimes limiting what you can hold adds strategic depth. Sometimes it's just arbitrary bullshit. I don't think I've heard anyone argue for item burden being returned to the Souls games, because we can all recognise how not fun that was.