Do you like

Do you like

do you?


Starts to get a bit boring when you hit level 45 because you can't upgrade anything anymore.
Needs more upgrades. It's fun winning

Max hp, regen, speed, body damage.

Take the gun that shoots 3 ways in front.

Fly around, backwards, shooting constantly. Fuck everyone up.

Too easy.

oh boy another one.
how long till its flooded with bots like agario?

Why would you waste your time shilling a free game?

Tutti giochi nel .io dominio sono cazzo merda

Excuse me? There wasn't any other ones when I made this

I went with max bullet speed, bullet damage, bullet reach and reload, and then put the rest into moving speed and topped the leaderboards as you can see!

If you don't like the game then stay out of my thread! Why are you even here if you don't like this game!


leafyishitler is one fucking nigger.

well you asked if i liked it in the op. Why ask if people like the game if you cant handle people saying no?
Sounds pretty faggy to me.

They aren't even saying no or explaining why.

I'm not talking about them i'm talking about you. Why ask people if they like a game if you cant handle them saying no?

You asked them if they liked the game faggot

I can


Just make it a fun thread, okay?

Please tell your boss that I don't like his game.

I love me some Diepo, user! Speaking of io games, have you played Agario? It's really fun! I'll upvote all your posts if you come play it with me in a team! Please?

I've played it but was no good at it! but I like this game more!


Why is everyone being completely rude to me even if I just make a thread about a video game? Always when I post here people are total d*cks

sounds like you cant son.

Please, my sides can't take this for much longer

You need to post more funny memes, otherwise they think you're an outsider

same tbh fam

You may use that picture as a negative reply. But look at the ape's face. Do you see fear? Do you see anger? No, you see fucking confidence saying "Bitch, I got aaaaaaaaaall this food to myself and I KNOW I'm getting more later". Envy the ape user, envy the ape.



Have you tried not being a faggot?

I really like™

It's a fun game with alot of variety and diversity.

I personally enjoy using a Tri-Angle melee build.

The fastest ship possible.
Keep firing to propel yourself forward!

Haha, it's so fun killing people in this online multiplayer game! ^_^

No need to have a temper tantrum little boy just learn from this ok?


lol fag

Which is better, or my dubs?

Not particularly, its just 1 of many other clones of agario. Its fun the first few times but gets boring and uninteresting like the others.

Stop ruining my thread, it's video games related and this game count as a video game and I just want a cozy fun thread like everyone elses

pretty sure theres a comfy thread up already

No, I was honest, and searched for one first.

Why does everyone gets on my ass if i use a name with nigger or Trump on it? this game is filled with john oliver watching normalfags.

sound like youre a liar.

I installed because of a Broteam stream. It's a shameless clone of, with microtransactions.
I played it for 30 minutes and wanted to kill myself.
All of those games are worthless.

That isn't about Idiot?
