How Many Scenes From "Turner Diaries" have essentially come true?

If you haven't read/lsitened to the book by now (much better to listen on Jewtube or archives to hear Dr. Pierce do all the negro and Jew voices), you're a cuckold. It makes about 10 hours to listen, and once you artist listening and get into the story, you'll do it in one go.

some things that have come true:

1. "Demographic Warfare–" When the Organization takes over California, they send millions of niggers east for the System to deal with them, knowing they won't be able to turn them away or machine gun them, and will have to take them in or else admit "equality" is a hoax. We have the Turks using this type of warfare right now, threatening to flood Europe with shitskins.

(I'm going to add examples, please join in if you can).

Other urls found in this thread:
y Mason - Siege.pdf

2. BLM Riots- So many things here, could go on for a long time. This is one of the funniest parts of the book, and never really thought it could come true when I first read it in ~2006:
"Another incident in which the TV viewers were treated to closeup coverage was the killing of a cat. A large, white alley cat was spotted by someone in the crowd, who started the cry, "Get the honky cat!" About a dozen demonstrators took off down an alley after the unfortunate cat. When they reappeared a few moments later, holding up the bloody carcass of the cat, an exultant cheer went up from those in the crowd near enough to see what had happened. Sheer insanity""

Probably a shorter list of those that haven't.

Who the fuck does that to a cat?

forgot to add link to story about the beating and bringing of the cat:

That cat was clearly racist, user. Don't you get it?

"After an initial flurry of rage was dissipated by wildly tearing handfuls of pages from the books and throwing them into the air, a bonfire was started on the sidewalk for the rest of the books. Then they dragged out a White salesclerk and began beating him. He fell to the pavement, and the mob surged over him, stomping and kicking. The television screen showed a closeup of the scene. The faces of the White demonstrators were contorted with hatred -for their own race!"


There's a reason they're called niggers.

Stay dumb goyim!!

"After that, the skilled agitators of the Human Relations Council worked various sections of the crowd up into a real brotherhood frenzy. These swarthy, kinky-haired little Jewboys with transistorized megaphones really knew their business. They had the mob screaming with real blood lust for any "White racist" who might be unfortunate enough to fall into their hands.
Chanting "Kill the racists" and other expressions of brotherly love, the mob began a march through downtown Chicago. Shoppers, workers, and businessmen on the sidewalks were ordered by the Black "deputies" to join the march. Anyone who refused was beaten without mercy."

you're trying way too fucking hard to fit in retard, presumably because you've never read the book and don't even know who Dr. Pierce is…

Real nice contribution. What time is it in Tel-aviv anyway?

Why arent you screaming muh booooks already?

Sure is kosher itt.

Into the filter you go kike, stay salty, people will continue to read and educate themselves even if you dont like it david

This whole evacuation amounts to a new form of warfare: demographic war. Not only are we getting the non-Whites out of our area, but we're doing two additional things which should pay off for us later by getting them into the enemy's area: we're overloading the System's already strained economy, and we're making life next to intolerable for the Whites in the border areas.
Even after the evacuees have been dispersed around the country, they will constitute about a 25 per cent increase in the average nonwhite population density outside California. Even the most brainwashed White liberals should find this increased dose of "brotherhood" hard to swallow….. '''If the System bosses had the option, they'd turn the niggers back at the border with machine guns. But with the border manned with mostly non-White troops, it is pretty hard to give the order to fire on that non-White flood. Since the inundation began, they haven't been able to figure any way to stop it.
They are trapped by their own propaganda line, which maintains that each of those creatures is an "equal," with "human dignity" and so forth, and must be treated accordingly.''' q Yes, sir, things are looking up here, and I'm sure they're looking Blacker and Blacker elsewhere!

> They are trapped by their own propaganda line, which maintains that each of those creatures is an "equal," with "human dignity" and so forth, and must be treated accordingly.

I'm going to keep trying to add. for those who haven't yet read/listened and want to, here are some links. Again, highly recommend listening since Dr. Pierce doing ll the negro/jew voices will have you doubled over laughing, but whatever you want, just so long as you take in the info:

if you're from Europe and can't get to to it via YT, try proxyflow:

Keep going user, spread the post over the day for maximum visibility

Jesus, Combat 18 was one of the firs tot has this up. Had it up on there site in fucking 1991(!!!) 25 years ago. They turned out to be a bunch of posers, but consider that, a quarter of a century ago:

I have no doubt mods will anchor it and tell me to "move it do pdfs," as they always fucking do when you are trying to redpill newbs about a classic book by showing just how much of it has come true.

Top kek, I had no idea. Read it before but I guess I gotta give it a listen now.

The rally was addressed by all the usual political prostitutes and pulpit prostitutes, who issued pious calls for "brotherhood" and "equality." Then the system trotted out one of their local Toms, who gave a rousing speech about stamping out "the evil of White racism" once and for all. (Note to the reader: A "Tom" was a Negro front man for the authorities or for Jewish interests. Experts at manipulating the masses of their own race, they were paid well for their services. Some "Toms" were even employed briefly by the Organization during the final stages of the Revolution, when it was desired to flush millions of Negroes out of certain urban areas into holding camps with a minimum loss of White lives.

The same kind of people who shout "He white! Get him out tha car! Beat his ass!" Gleeful savagery is common among shitskins.

trust me, i won't spoil it but the part of Dr. Pierce doing the negro voice…just a bit of a spoiler…wait until the deputized negro and the "sick, sick White" come into their shop asking for donations and he sends them to Solly Feinstein's pawn shop instead. That one 5 mins scene (if you hear the audio) will have you laughing until you cannot catch your breath.

You're the cuckold. Read it on your own.

You can find it as mp3s in torrents. I listen to audio books on long drives and it had me laughing all the way up the coast. Almost perfectly timed for the drive as well. Give it a 14 out of 88.

Hymie–I'm going to assume you're the same jew under a new ID from above trying to derail this- the fun is in hearing Dr. Pierce do the Jew and Negro voices. always trying to derail, D&C. I made it perfectly clear, those who want to read should, but that the funniest part for me is hearing Pierce do the voices.

you don't agree? fine with me. Make your own thread on the Turner Diaries telling people NOT to listen to it, only to read you've surely read it, right Hymie? Why do you need to tr tho derail and destroy would could be a fun thread? Because you're a kike, correct? Filtered.

Call me a cuck or whatever the fuck, but seeing violence against non-prey animals like this makes me fucking BOIL

'''It is impossible to put into words how depressed we all are by the spectacle in Chicago. That, of course, was the aim of the organizers of the rally. They are expert psychologists, and they thoroughly understand the use of mass terror for intimidation. They know that millions of people who still oppose them inwardly will now be too frightened to open their mouths.
But how could our people-how could White Americans-be so spineless, so crawling, so eager to please their oppressors? How can we recruit a revolutionary army from such a rabble?
Is this really the same race that walked on the moon and was reaching for the stars 20 years ago? How low we have been brought!'''

Has Anyone Else here read the TD close enough to be able to add? Even if you only know it a bit, so much material, as so much shit has been happening literally exactly as he predicted it would

Soon enough there should be pockets of resistants.

All of them except the solution.

'Nowadays gangs of Black thugs hang around parking lots and school playgrounds and roam the corridors of office buildings and apartment complexes, looking for any attractive, unescorted White girl and knowing that punishment, either from the disarmed citizenry or the handcuffed police, is extremely unlikely. ==Gang rapes in school classrooms have become an especially popular new sport.==

'''Until she was 15 Elsa had been very happy. Her family had lived in Connecticut until then, and Elsa had attended an exclusive, private school for girls. (Single-sex schools are illegal now, of course.) She spent the summers with her parents at their vacation home on the beach. Elsa's face glowed as she described the woods and trails around their summer home and the long walks she took by herself. She had her own little sailboat and often sailed to a tiny island offshore for private picnics and long, happy hours of lying in the sun and daydreaming.
Then the family moved to Washington, and her mother insisted that they take an apartment in a predominantly Black neighborhood near Capitol Hill, rather than living in a White suburb. Elsa was one of only four White students at the junior high-school to which they sent her.
Elsa had developed early. Her natural warmth and open, uninhibited nature combined with her outstanding physical charms to produce a girl who had been extraordinarily attractive sexually even at 15. The result was that the Black males, who also continually badgered the one other White girl at the school, gave Elsa no peace. The Black girls, seeing this, hated Elsa with special passion and tormented her in every way they could.
Elsa dared not go into the restroom or even let herself out of the sight of a teacher for a moment while she was at school. She soon found that the teachers offered no real protection, when a Black assistant principal cornered her in his office one day and tried to put his hand inside her dress.'''


anyone read The Hunter?

Pizzagate people will find this section from Turner Diaries especially interesting:
Elsa explained: "Mary Jane refused to leave after everyone sided with me, so we sold her to Kappy the Kike. He gave us the TV and two hundred dollars for her."
"Kappy the Kike," it turned out, is a Jew named Kaplan who makes his living in the White slave trade. He makes regular trips to Washington from New York for the purpose of buying runaway girls. His usual suppliers are the "wolf packs," from one of which I had rescued Elsa. These predatory groups snatch girls off the street, keep them for a week or so, and then, if their disappearance has caused no comment in the newspapers, sell them to Kaplan.
What happens to the girls after that no one can say with certainty, but it is thought that most are confined in certain exclusive clubs in New York where the wealthy go to satisfy strange and perverted appetites. Some, it is rumored, are eventually sold to a Satanist club and painfully dismembered in gruesome rituals. Anyway, someone in the commune had heard that Kaplan was in town and "buying," so when Mary Jane wouldn't leave they tied her up, located Kaplan, and made the sale.

No, that makes you Hitler, user.

I actually uploaded a copy of the "Turner Diaries" to /pdfs/ about a month ago. Those who haven't read it yet can download it here:
If you're in Canada, then it's best that you don't advertise the fact that you have a copy. I think that it's now on their list of banned books.

Also, if you decide to go all Timothy McVeigh on everyone, make sure you take a lot of kikes with you.

Yep. It's even better than the "Turner Diaries".

I have. It's actually loosely based on the case of the man it's dedicated to. It's good, would be happy to discuss with in another thread, but if possible really want anyone who has read it to see just how much Pierce was able to predict in "Turner Diaries." For fuck's sake, the an even predicted "Pizza gate," and that young girls from the Gerogetown area of Wash DC BC area were being sold to Jewish White slavers and used in perverse sexual rituals by Jews.

Yeah, I hated everything about Oscar teaming up with that fed, it's unrealistic as fuck for a supposed blueprint for taking out the zog.

Not a chance in hell. Please, make a new thread for "hunter" and I'll contribute to that. I really want this one for encouraging people to read "turner Diaries" and for those whohave read, to go back and find the similarities to the Dystopian world Pierce predicted was coming. God, do I miss that man. One of my great regrets is that I was too young to ever meet him. Sure he would have blown me off, he wa a solitary guy but still…if you want an idea of who he really was, a very fair bio of him was written by a Vermont professor. It's called "Fame of a Dead Man's Deeds."

I'm happy to discuss "hunter" with you all and we can have a nice long thread about it, but I'm autistic about keeping things organized and I really wanted to keep thsi one just for Turner Diaries and comparisons for what has come true already…

Also, highly, highly recommend people listen to all of Dr. Pierce's audio books. His books (ALL OF THEM) have been banned for decades now in canada. you can't order them. I'll find the broadcast if anyone wants, do you know how the Jews in canada got the ban passed on books coming in?

They grew up a list that included, kiddy porn, necrophelia, that sort of thing. At the VERY end–almost as an afterthought–they added "books that promote hate." Of course, the perveerted Jews would be happy for you to read all the book about nerophelia you want, t why don't care. The REAL purpose of the fucking bill was to get Dr. Pierce's books and others banned from importation. Canada' secret police even has a secret unit to intercept and BURN THE BOOKS. Not only Dr. Pierce's stuff, but textbooks from people who believe races have different IQ. Pierce managed to get his hands on a list of all the banned books in Canada. They include a fairly popular anthropology textbook, which use skull sizes and IQ data to make the case that the races evolved differently over tens f thousands of years and that there are difference in intelligence and psychical ability and impulse control.

OK, now I guess I have to find the broadcast site I've talked so much about it, give me a second. Pierce describes how the Canadian Secret Police began intercepting his packages being sent to his customers/alliance members…

This is VERY handy and people interested should DL this…it's a transcript of ALL Dr. Pierces American Dissent Voices Broadcasts. Each one is a fucking treasure:

The Turner diaries was a great book, but it's fairly anachronistic in that it's based on the 70s view of critical marxism. Niggers played far to big of a roll, with spics on the side line. In the 80s jess sorta gave up on using niggers as a effective weapon, and just let them run wild as creators of anarcho-tyranny. Spics have taken their place as the main weapon against whites in the US. Blacks are still used, obviously, but you won't see diversity squads come to your home to confiscate your guns, because the jews know they wouldn't get shit done.

The part of the book you're talking about is one of the strangest parts considering how our media works. They literally zoom in on a group of niggers besting a dude. Todays media would pan away and do everything they can to make the blacks seem peaceful. They also would NEVER show a black killing a cat, because they know it would freak white out. Most jew propaganda with blacks has been. Uilt around them been TV magical negros, and showing them to be violent, especially agaisnt something as innocent as a cat would be a huge taboo.

A few things in the book that seemed inevitable but never happened: banning of all guns (lord knows they tried), legalizing all drugs , legalizing rape, and there was no use of release valves whatsoever. In real life, shit was almost as bad, and the people were ready to rise up, so they tossed Reagan in there to calm whites down.

Going to try to post the entire article that is relevant to Canada and the thought police, since many Canadians don't realize their police force does this and that they HAVE NEVER HAD freedom of speech…


The Turner Diaries were written as a serial for a magazine that Dr Pierce was editing at the time. Hunter, on the other hand, was written from the start as a novel and, as a result, I maintain, functions a lot better as a novel.

My main grievance with the Turner Diaries is that the last five or six chapters seem to have been rushed. The actions in the final few chapters take place are far to rushed. They take place in fast forward when compared to the rest of the book. These chapters left me with the impression that Dr. Pierce was told by the editor of his magazine to "wrap up the story" and, in response, hastily put out 5-6 chapters that would bring the story to a rapid conclusion.

Hunter, being planned as a novel from the start, has a more holistic structure. Each part fits every other part like a glove.

But ultimately, this is subjective question, not an objective one. I think that Hunter is a better work than the Turner Diaries but I cannot objectively prove it. The best novel depends on the "eye of the beholder".

Thankfully, the Cohen Act is on the short list of those that haven't.

As I remember it, the book was banned by the Jewish press, and was called a "dangerous & subversive" book by the Jewish media.

People did not "laugh" at it, they avoided it and feared it, as their Jew brain-washers ordered them to. Their knee-jerk reaction to it, indoctrinated into them by school and media since birth, had them calling it "a blueprint for the takeover of America."

And it was just a book.

NEVER HAPPENED…YET. Please don't try to sound as if you're a scholar on this book. no to ME anyway, since I've read/listened to it over 50x in total or more and know much of it by heart. I assume you've listened to at least some of it, since ehe know he starts off the book by apologizing for "some of the anachronisms" in the book. It's written in such a way..he knows he can't predict the future perfectly, but the points he makes still stand today. consider:

1. The little drop our girl Elsa and her friends. He tries to make an alliance with them, since their friends are also interested in "fighting the system." What happens? they turn him in. hat's the lesson from that interaction?

Even if you seem to have things in common with liberals, such as hatred of Israel, never ally with them and never trusted them, they will rat yo out

2. The interactions with "compassionate conservatives and loibergtarians which we would call "cucks."If you've read the book, you' recall that Pierce is called out to try and convict a member of the Organization who gives an order to his cell to stop all activity, arguing that "the war against the system is doing no one any good." As explained in book, this man turns out to be the "sort of who sees government only as limitation on free enterprise and his ability to make money." He doesn't "get" that we are fighting to save our vey race in a concrete way for the first time in our history as an ethnic people.He was a Lolbergtarian. He ends up being shot.

the other example of interaction with a "constitutional conservative" comes wth the general in San Francisco, who sets up his own state after the break with the system and wants to set up his own new territory based on "restoring the constitution" and "eliminating pornography." Another waring from Dr. Pierce. Here, we go to the book again, as much as a main in the ass as it is to find, need it to make the point. the point pierce makes her tis about "General Harding," another man we would call a "cuck" or a "True Conservative (TM) today. the section on him is worth reading, going to need it's own post. Pierce was warning his future audience about these type of people. I'll post what the book has to say about cuckservatives like general harding in next post…


"The biggest fly in our ointment is northern California. Things are completely out of control there. General Harding has really botched the situation. It serves us right for having anything to do with a conservative; he, like all the rest, was standing behind the door when the brains were passed out, and so he got a double dose of pigheadedness to make up for it. (Note to the reader: Turner is referring to Lt. Gen. Arnold Harding, commander of Travis Air Force Base, which was located about halfway between San Francisco and Sacramento. Harding's role in the Great Revolution, though important, lasted only 11 weeks; he was finally assassinated by an Organization team on September 16, 1993, after several earlier attempts failed.)
If the situation in the San Francisco-Sacramento area doesn't improve soon, we're likely to be involved in a civil war against the troops under Harding. The System would really love that. The only thing Harding has done right so far was breaking with Washington during the first week of our July 4 offensive, as soon as it became clear that the System had lost its grip in California. On his own initiative he declared an independent military government in northern California and got nearly all the other officers in military units stationed there (except our own undercover military people, of course) to go along with him.
Revolutionary Command made the strictly practical decision to let General Harding carry the ball in his area, and our people were instructed not to oppose him. This had the effect of substantially reducing our own losses, although the military has actually suffered many more casualties in northern California than in the south. This is because Harding has failed to take sufficiently radical measures to consolidate his authority and to deal with Black military personnel.
And he has failed utterly to get the civilian population under control-again, because he seems unable to understand the necessity for radical measures. The Jews and the other Bolshevik elements in San Francisco are running circles around him, and the Chicanos in the Sacramento area have been rioting more or less continuously for a month.
When a delegation of Organization people went to Harding last month and suggested a joint Organization-military rule for northern California, with Harding's forces handling defense matters and the Organization handling civilian matters - including police functions-Harding arrested them and has refused to release them. Since then he has been issuing idiotic proclamations about "restoring the Constitution," stamping out "communism and pornography," and holding new elections to "re-establish the republican form of government intended by the Founding Fathers," whatever that means.
And he has denounced our radical measures in the south as "communism." He is appalled that we didn't hold some sort of public referendum before expelling the non-Whites and that we didn't give individual trials to the Jews and race-criminals we dealt with summarily.
Doesn't the old fool understand that the American people voted themselves into the mess they're in now? Doesn't he understand that the Jews have taken over the country fair and square, according to the Constitution? Doesn't he understand that the common people have already had their fling at self-government, and they blew it?
Where does he think new elections can possibly lead now, with this generation of TV-conditioned voters, except right back into the same Jewish pigsty? And how does he think we could have solved our problems down here, except by the radical measures we used?
Doesn't Harding understand that the chaos in his area will continue to grow worse until he identifies the categories of people responsible for that chaos and deals with them categorically-that it is physically impossible, considering the relative numbers involved, for him to deal with the Jews, the Blacks, the Chicanos, and the other troublesome elements on an individual basis?
Apparently not, because the idiot is still making appeals to "responsible" Black leaders and to "patriotic" Jews to help him restore order. Harding, like conservatives in general, can't bring himself to do what must be done, because it would mean punishing the "innocent" along with the "guilty," the "good" Negroes and the "loyal" Jews along with the rest-as if those terms had any meaning in the present context. And so, afraid of treating individuals "unjustly," he is floundering around helplessly while everything goes to hell and the civilians in his area die like flies from starvation. Generals should be made of sterner stuff."

Anyone? anyone else know book well enough to find a section about negro rioting or anything else Dr. Pierce writes of and try to tie it in to present day events? Am I really only one here who knows this book that well? Fuck, I really am in a "league of my own" as far as autism and my obsession wit this sort of material, aren't I?

If you can, please contribute. If you've ever read but don't remember exactly, just look over some sections from the (very abridged) version on the c-18 website or DL it from archive, and see if it jars your memory..

They definitely called it "the ramblings of a paranoid conspiracy theorist." I remember first hearing about it and how hilarious and ridiculous it was when I was a liberal. That's what got me to read it. It almost has a b-movie pulp vibe like Reefer Madness amongst the left

Holla Forums isn't very fast. Give it a day and other anons will drift in.

I'm sure Mods are soon going to anchor this if they haven't already, but for those lurkers/causal users who didn't know where DOT ("Day of the Rope") comes from, here you go:
'''August 1, 1993. Today has been the Day of the Rope-a grim and bloody day, but an unavoidable one. Tonight, for the first time in weeks, it is quiet and totally peaceful throughout all of southern California. But the night is filled with silent horrors; from tens of thousands of lampposts, power poles, and trees throughout this vast metropolitan area the grisly forms hang.
In the lighted areas one sees them everywhere. Even the street signs at intersections have been pressed into service, and at practically every street corner I passed this evening on my way to HQ there was a dangling corpse, four at every intersection. Hanging from a single overpass only about a mile from here is a group of about 30, each with an identical placard around its neck bearing the printed legend, "I betrayed my race." Two or three of that group had been decked out in academic robes before they were strung up, and the whole batch are apparently faculty members from the nearby UCLA campus.
In the areas to which we have not yet restored electrical power the corpses are less visible, but the feeling of horror in the air there is even worse than in the lighted areas. I had to walk through a two-block-long, unlighted residential section between HQ and my living quarters after our unit meeting tonight. In the middle of one of the unlighted blocks I saw what appeared to be a person standing on the sidewalk directly in front of me. As I approached the silent figure, whose features were hidden in the shadow of a large tree overhanging the sidewalk, it remained motionless, blocking my way.
Feeling some apprehension, I slipped my pistol out of its holster. Then, when I was within a dozen feet of the figure, which had been facing away from me, it began turning slowly toward me. There was something indescribably eerie about the movement, and I stopped in my tracks as the figure continued to turn. A slight breeze rustled the foliage overhead, and suddenly a beam of moonlight broke through the leaves and fell directly on the silently turning shape before me.
The first thing I saw in the moonlight was the placard with its legend in large, block letters: "I defiled my race." Above the placard leered the horribly bloated, purplish face of a young woman, her eyes wide open and bulging, her mouth agape. Finally I could make out the thin, vertical line of rope disappearing into the branches above. Apparently the rope had slipped a bit or the branch to which it was tied had sagged, until the woman's feet were resting on the pavement, giving the uncanny appearance of a corpse standing upright of its own volition.
I shuddered and quickly went on my way. There are many thousands of hanging female corpses like that in this city tonight, all wearing identical placards around their necks. They are the White women who were married to or living with Blacks, with Jews, or with other non-White males.
There are also a number of men wearing the l-defiled-my-race placard, but the women easily outnumber them seven or eight to one. On the other hand, about ninety per cent of the corpses with the I-betrayed-my-race placards are men, and overall the sexes seem to be roughly balanced.
Those wearing the latter placards are the politicians, the lawyers, the businessmen, the TV newscasters, the newspaper reporters and editors, the judges, the teachers, the school officials, the "civic leaders," the bureaucrats, the preachers, and all the others who, for reasons of career or status or votes or whatever, helped promote or implement the System's racial program. The System had already paid them their 30 pieces of
silver. Today we paid them.'''

I know mae, but by that time, given the mods prediction for anchoring anything to do with a book and telling you to "move it to pdfs" (where no one will ever see it), I highly doubt it will still be here and no way am doing all this work over again…

The problem is that you picked the worst day of the week to start a thread.

Fri? I had the day off mate. But on weekends, usually get the school age/leddit crowd. Also, in my experience tuesday's and mondays are even slower. Yes, Aussies aren't around and the few euros here who might have a social life possibly are going out, but who knows. I could take it to cuckchan and it might get more activity, but would rather have actual guys with brains to converse with. But if anyone is up for it, feel free to take what i've posted here and move i to cuck, see if you get any responses. If they ask you anything you can't answer, just bring it back here and ask me, will give you answer than then you can pass it off as your own. I don't care so long as the info gets spread.

I realize the girl shot in the article accompanying was a muslim, nut to the Jews, all goyim are the same.

For months an Israeli murder squad, working out of their embassy, has been picking off our people around the country. Today we settled the score-for the moment.
We struck with heavy mortars while the Israelis were throwing a cocktail party for their obedient servants in the U.S. Senate. A number of Israeli officials had flown in for the occasion, and there must have been more than 300 people in the embassy when our 4.2inch mortars began raining TNT and phosphorus onto their heads through the roof.
The attack only lasted two or three minutes, according to the news report, but more than 40 projectiles struck the embassy, leaving nothing but a burned-out heap of wreckage-and only a handful of survivors! So, we must have had at least two mortars firing. That confirms what I was told last week about our new weapons acquisitions.
One fascinating incident in the news story, which the censors somehow failed to cut before it was broadcast, was the murder of a group of tourists by an embassy guard. During the attack an Israeli came running out of the crumbling building with a submachine gun, his clothing in flames. He spotted a group of a dozen tourists, all women and small children, gawking at the scene of destruction from across the street. Shrieking out his hatred in guttural Hebrew, the Jew opened fire on them, killing nine on the spot and critically wounding three others. Of course, he was not charged by the police. Your day is coming, Jews, your day is coming!

Chanting Kill the racists and other expressions of brotherly love, the mob began a march through downtown Chicago. Shoppers, workers, and businessmen on the sidewalks were ordered by the Black "deputies" to join the march. Anyone who refused was beaten without mercy.

I think you're right. The school-age kids have their heart in the right place but I've noticed that they have a very poorly articulated world view. I think that's part of being a teenager.

In my comment I was referring to the traffic. You'll get much more but not necessarily better traffic during the week.

Also, the mods probably won't delete this thread, so you'll be able to check back in a few days for new responses.

And lastly, my favorite part of the book. Anyone who has not listened to this part on audio is really missing out. Dr. Pierce doing the negro and jew voices is fucking hilarious. After this, will leave it, hoping someone else who knows the book might take an interest.
If someone who knows how to cut sections of YT videos could cut this part of the audio out, I'd be eternally grateful. I'm still trying to teach myself how to cut audio clips from videos already posted, but thus far have not succeeded

"Then there was the delegation from the local Human Relations Council which visited the shop yesterday. Four Blacks and a sick, sick, sick White male, all wearing Council armbands, came into the print shop. They wanted to put a big poster in the shop window- the same kind one sees everywhere now, urging citizens to "help fight racism" by reporting suspicious persons to the political police-and leave a container for donations on the counter. Carol was behind the counter at the time, and she told them, in effect, to go to hell.
That, of course, wasn't the right thing to do, under the circumstances. They would have reported us to the political police, if I hadn't heard the commotion and intervened. I came up the basement stairs with what I hoped was a convincingly Jewish expression on my face and went into a "So, vot's goink on here, already?" routine. I laid it on thick-not too thick, I hope -so they would get the message: the shop manager here was himself a member of a minority group, a very special minority group, and could hardly be suspected of harboring any hostility for the Human Relations Councils or their commendable efforts.
The head nigger began complaining indignantly to me about Carol's rebuff. I cut him off with an impatient wave of my hand and directed a look of mock shock at Carol. "Of course, of course," I said, "leave your collection box here. It's for a good cause. But no vindow poster-not enough room. I vouldn't even let my cousin Abe put vun of his United Jewish Appeal posters there. Come! I show you where."
As I officiously led the delegation toward the door, I ordered Carol back to work in my best Simon Legree manner. "Yes, Mr. Bloom," she said meekly.
Out on the sidewalk I overcame my revulsion while I chummily put an arm around the shoulders of the Black spokesman and directed his attention to a store directly across the street. "Ve don't have so many customers here," I explained. "But my good friend Solly Feinstein has many people going in and out. And he has a big vindow. He vill be happy for your poster to be there. You can put it right under where it says 'Sol's Pawn Shop,' and everybody vill see it. And be sure to leave him a donation box- two donation boxes; he has a big store."

They all seemed pleased by my friendly suggestion and started across the street. But the White, a sorry-looking specimen with pimples and an imitation Afro, hesitated, turned, and said to me: "Maybe we ought to get that girl's name. Some of the things she said to us sounded definitely racist."
"Don't vaste your time on her," I responded brusquely, dismissing his suspicion with a wave. "She is just a dumb shiksa, She talks that way to everybody. I get rid of her soon."

Give me the timestamps, I'm curious to hear how that sounds.

Give me a youtube link and about 5 minutes and I'll do it for you.

hope so mate. I don't know, maybe I just wasted my time. But this book has…something that other stuff on our side just does not have. It's serious in many ways, at times it's enraging, but esp if you listen as an audio file, it will have you laughing until you can't control yourself.

I'm going to try to at least find the section here the negroes from the Humans Relations Council and the "sick, sick white with an imitation afro" march into the print shop, and hope someone might cut it and make a playable audio file.

(checked nice trips)

Coo, thanks mate. Let me find the section, just will take a few minutes…

Ok, starts at right around 5:24. thanks again…

You can use a mix of clipconverter dot cc and the program "handbrake". It's pretty easy to cut whatever you want and make it postable on 8ch. Here's one I did today in like 2 minutes from an hour long video.

It's 5:24.08- 5:27:18

If anyone can cut it for me, thanks.

Give me a sec. I'm still downloading the raw video from youtube.

you used to listen to jew stern too before he became a cult member and the Jewess Marci Turk now walks around with his balls in her purse? wow, did jew stern end up showing his true colors after he made all the shekels he'd ever need for the next 5 generations of his repulsive progeny.

not a prob mate, just happy to have someone doing it. My fav clip. Just got a decent Pc where I could do it myself, still trying to learn the programs and how to cut. I tried to use the YT program for doing it, but unless you actually own the video, they won't let you do anything.

If you get a chance and can tell me what programs you used so I can get them and start practicing, would appreciate it. thanks bro.

I listened to it a little, but was mostly an O&A fan. That's from Artie Lange's podcast.

If you use clipconverter dot cc you can choose which part you download, which saves time when you want a minute or two from a six hour podcast or something. Only bad thing is that it refuses to download anything with licensed music.

that fucking podcast with gilbert was great. He's the only kike I'd spare the oven if I had the chance, since he hates jewry and hates himself. There's a great clip from old stern, where this director amy heckling sent her jewess assistant to pick up gilbert at his hotel. She tried telling him her parents were in the holyco$t, and he immediately began making holyco$t jokes to her all night. The best part is, there were no cameras or anything there. He's just a fucking degenerate.

But yeah, that's a great fucking podcast where they talk about Tracy Morgan (a fucking nigger retard only on the show since he was a nigger) basically hot the lotto and fleeced walmart for $100 million. That's…Lange and gilbert doing the nigger voices, that's what classic stern was like in 90s before he got cucked. I was in..maybe 4th grade, and used to seek a walkman into lass and try to listen.

thanks, wrote down that one and handbrake, going to look into them. I've been using Mac since before it was a "cool" fashion accessory for hipster scum. Finally made enough shekels to buy a pretty badass gaming rig with a good Asus monitor, want to edit clips on it too. It came with Windows 10, which I haven't changed yet because I wan tot be able to play games on it (for first time in my life) and I know fucking windows are a magnet for spyware.

But anyway, thanks, going to DL those and work on them and my editing so don't have et ask other guys to help me.

artie is just a degenerate who doesnt care about anything, hes a normie jew who did too much coke to be hyper sympathetic and start pulling (((jamie killstein))) sjw bullshit

I remember when that old jewess called in. Gilbert was cracking up the whole time, too. He filled up Jerry Seinfeld's answering machine impersonating him. Not to go all "muh based jews" but he's a funny guy. Plus, the aristocrats.

He's a degenerate junkie slob, but he knows how to be funny.

Stop pretending you have any empathy for animals, you just want an excuse to get angry at niggers.

aritsts are not on your side, theyd sooner kill you for killing people over ideological differences before they kill the kikes running everything into the ground

8ch keeps bouncing me back an error when I try to upload an mp3 / webm.

Wait a sec and I'll see if a way around it.

I know what you mean, though. I don't remember him going sjw? What did he say? Jamie Killstein was always an unfunny faggot but if Artie Lange said similar shit that sucks.

If you use Handbrake (free program) you can convert it to an mp4 file that posts.

I fucking listened to that live on my walkman in school, must have been 8 or 9 years old. M grandfather got me listening to it, even thought he called Stern a "no good jew fuck." I personally never really liked Artie, I ws a fan of jackie just because he wrote such great shit–song parodies and parodies of black history month. They're probably all gone from Yt now as stern's jew agent and lawyers try to "clean up his image, but you can try.

Another fav, while jackie was still there, was when they had feminem in there right when his career was beginning, and Stern and jackie made fun of him as a wigger the entire time, and they took call after call calling him a wigger and a's fucking great, see if it's still on jew tube if you want a laugh.

Here's an mp4. You should be able to extract and save the audio using any video editor.

thanks, appreciate you trying. can it just be uploaded right to jewtube or to another site? I have to learn more about how windows/PCs in general work now that I've splurged on a decent one.

Well yeah that was my point. To someone in the 70s these things seemed almost like they had to happen before the 90s. Things such as banning guns is definitely still in the table because that's what jews do, but things such as using niggers as enforcers and legalizing rape have shifted in a way that they now can't happen. The jews have adapted and learned what works and what doesn't. Niggers are always going to be the sob sorry vector of anarchy, with spics being the ones knocking in doors because blacks aren't nearly as predictable. As for rape, the law will more than likly get more strick to rope in even more law abiding whites, just to ignore it when nonwhites do it. The method of making rape practically meaningless but still illegal, allows them to drown all the nonwhite rapes in a sea of consensual sex now deemed rape. If anything the system has become more diabolical.

I'm not faulting him for not being a mystic and seeing the future. Just pointing out that jews have adapted in genius but evil ways. The majority of the book is still untested, considering it details the revolution, but the biggest anachronism of all is that people were waking up and resisting in droves in the 80s and 90s. Reagan, Bush and Clinton had to do some crazy shit to put down the far right. The book basically detailed a worse case scenario, and showed the steps on how we could still win. I think that things can't get as bad in the book anytime soon , due to the fact that after the 90s, the far right was all but snuffed out, but we came right back in the late 00s and early 10s. As long as we exist, they have to handle whites with kiddy gloves to try and balance the amount of direct hate and appeasement. At least until we are a super minority in the country. Dr Pierce was one of the greatest men to have lived in the last 70 years, but I think he was wrong about the majority of whites being lost. I think most white people would be on our side, if they things get as bad as they were in the Turner diaries. The slow grind is the only method kikes have stuck to, and the only one that seems to work.

Of course, I'm not a seer either, but I think we have caused enough ruckus to make them wait a few more decades before doing anymore drastic measures.

thanks mate, this is fucking great, going to save. Now I can post this here to show it to nexus, this is fucking amazing, have been trying to get a cut of jus tithe part for almost a decade. thanks mate.

it doesnt matter how edgy they are, theyre not going to be jumping on any Holla Forums-tier happening

amazing work, sound quality is even good. Downloaded it a few times to make sure I never lose it, also emailing it to myself now that it's Dled so I never lose. This is fucking classic, best part and the reason I tell people to listen and not just read it….

I'm not going to ask you to do it, I know you did enough work, but I want to get the part where the "sick, sick white says: "maybe we should ge that girl;s' name…some of the things she said were definitely racist."
and then earl turner says "don't worry about her, she is just a dumb shiksa! I get rid of her soon."

I guess I need to DL and then use handbrake to work on it?

*I know, I'm autistic, but I love the part where he says "some of the things she said sounded DEFINITELY racist." I say it a lot on this board, and people have no idea what I mean. Hope I don't sound like I'm bitching, I assume you had to get it to a certain size to fit, but thanks of getting me most of it and giving me a good start to work from.

Ask and ye shall receive.

Give me a sec.

Everything happened in South Apefrica, is happening in the Europa.

you know about Bobby Matthews and the Order right? That they knocked off an armored car with about 2 million it it, and Matthews gave Pierce a lot of the money? He was able to launder it through his church. I think the FEDs were genuinely afraid to arrest him, esp since they allege tim McVeigh was "inspired" by him, and he had Navy Seals who were members of the National Alliance. If they had arrested him, I think the Jews genuinely feared an uprising.

Look up bobby matthews and "The Order." They put all his methods described in the book to the test. They only end dup caught when they began forging money (as described in the book), and the one degenerate they had let in the book (who wasn't even a real White) tried to but booze with a fake $20 bill. They locked him up, an the squealed.

They eventually cornered Matthews on Whitby Island in Washington State in a cabin. He even had FEDs in his rifle scope, but didn't ire since they were White. Eventually, the FBI just flew over in a helicopter and firebombed is cabin, burning him to death. Matthews, a few months before he went under ground and formed the Order, gave a speech at the National Alliance Conference. you can tell, the guy was fucking intense. Here is his speech:

ah, you already did a bunch of work mate. I'm just a fucking autist who has listened to the book way too many times and so has the entire thing memorized, you don't need to to do more work, I will figure it out eventually…

timmy may or may not have been a beneficiary of some seed money from a similar event, during the 1990s a good chunk of bank robberies are connected to ebin neo-nazi white nationalist groups with a latge chunk of money having not been recovered by FBI

There were a bunch of songs written about Matthews. This one is "man Against time" by RAHOWA. Skrewdriver also wrote one about him that was covered by Saga. love Saga's voice. She was a normal Swede girl when she was young and then she was violently raped by a nigger animal, and it turned her into a National Socialist. Love her voice. She covered the Screwdriver song about him, think it's called "Gone wiht the Breeze." Anyway, her tis the RAHOWA song about bobby:

Spics are as dumb and disorganized as niggers, they are just as useless, look at California and you see that they make any place Detroit just like niggers. Hell in mexico they can't even dislodge half-retarded castizos who form neighborhood defense organizations when they control the fucking government. Using them as shock troops is laughable. And since liberal whites are are limp-wristed pussies the kikes essentially have no ground game. Back in the 70s and 80s far more of the combat troops were non-white. Now even with Obongo trying to shove trannies, women, faggots, and muds in the combat units are still 95% white men. Compare that to the mere 60% during the Vietnam War.

Pierce was always kind of a pretentious shit in my opinion because like some around here he thinks he is "enlightened" in comparison to the white rural population who all hate niggers, spics, kikes, and faggots to a man even today. For them hate is a natural function of their biology, like breathing. If there was a civil war muds would be murdered in the streets, rural whites would go "hunting", I've heard people talking about exactly that during the runnup to the Trump election. Pierce really didn't associate with them and considered them "lost" because he never knew how to talk to them.

He also seems to forget that the US was founded as a white only state and muds had no legal rights within it, 1790 Naturalization act specifically denies rights to non-whites. Rather coopt this and state that the use was founded as a fascist and racialist republic he cedes the argument from tradition, which is sure fire death sentence for a movement.

He isn't versed in chemistry or actual military tactics so some of it comes of as contrived. The "Organization" is far too successful as a force operating outside of existing military command structures. It would have been better and more realistic as a conspiracy which is infiltrating the government and turning assets against one another. And he doesn't appreciate just how potent and easy to synthesize nerve agents are That of course is a limit imposed by his interests, technical aptitude, and analytical abilities rather than general intelligence but still he doesn't seem to go about things the easy way when it comes to the revolution described in the book.

Turner isn't really "prophetic" as people might say rather he was repeating shit that was openly being said by kike "academics" and niggers at the time in their one pamphlets and news booklets. This is why the actions of the "System" look like something out of a marxist pamphlet, because that is were he cribbed the scenarios from. Kikes started hiding that shit in the 80s because they realized that people were getting pissed. Ironically due to the fact that only white conservatives breed anymore even the "soft" waiting game has been killing kikes, niggers, and spics. Kikes especially have a birthrate of 0.8, if it wasn't for massive immigration they would have lost by default decades ago as the white population became to right wing to get their social shit past. It is only gibsmedat voters who give the left their power and through that their access to judicial activism.

I still find it hilarious that for years solely based off of the way the MSM talked about this book (when they did rarely mention it). I honestly thought that it was an actual diary from a real guy in real life who actually killed a bunch of real people. You should have seen my confused face when I finally learned the truth. The hysteria surrounding this completely one hundred percent fictitious in every way book, to the point were it's literally on every single hate speech and bad goy list and effectively banned the world over. Is probably one of the most absurdly hilarious things I ever learned after being redpilled and finally looking into it myself.

From what I've read/gossip when I used to know people around the Alliance, Sr. Pierce almost certainly got a decent chunk of the cash. I don't blame him. That's part of the reason I think, in all his broadcasts he plays complete fucking dumb when it comes to finances, and pretends he knows nothing about even the Federal Reserve, which given how smart he was is hard to believe. I think Pierce was probably acting in case he was ever hit by the FEDs for that. But, he probably was entitled to the money and put it to good use. HE lived in a fucking trailer with no indoor plumbing until he died, so not like he took the cash and splurged.

i DO think buying the White Power records company in Michigan was a mistake, but he died right before the fucking internet exploded. If he only lived another 10 years…we might have ended upon much better shape.

Here is "saga" singing about bobby:

Have you ever listened to his broadcasts mate? I'm thinking esp. of the one where he says "those Whites standing on corners shouting 'nigger' and shaking their fists were right."

If you don't know which broadcast I mean, I'll find it for you. I've talked to people who lived on "the land" with him. He wasn't really "pretentious," just autistic. He gave up his career as a uni professor (where he had tenure at age 32 teaching grad psychics) and a comfortable life to shit in an outhouse in the middle of West Virginia and live in fucking poverty. Hard to fault his idiosyncrasies.

God, just imagine what things would look like with Dr. Pierce was still alive. He'd probably have his own podcast and would be seeing a massive revival of his support. It would be similar to Dr. Duke's revival, but way more dynamic. He was there right on the cusp of the Internet revolution. He saw the potential of it, if only he lived the wield is as a weapon.

Here you go mate.

I'm doing this at the local pub on my phone, so take what you can get.

Again, can't agree here. Listen to his post "Bosch bin laden" and others I can name. He was fuckign specifically warning people about working in the WTC after the Jew Baruch Goldstein murdered all those arabs at the cave of the patriarchs. He predicted the "arab spring," he predicted…and no there were no kike academics at that time predicting the sort of shit he did with the specificity he was. How could they? none of the "academics" would admit that Jews and Israel were the real driving factor behind all that was going on.

I know his broadcasts…way better than I should, have wasted a lot of my life studying him. He predicted a ton of stuff that no one else did–not even the most vaunted Jew academic– simply because he was able to see Jews and Israel in the middle of everything and driving the course of events in a way no one else would.

There' a reason he has the cult following he does. And not just among dummies. I graduated an "elite" uni and a t-10 law school, and he's the most observant man I've ever come across. He died before the Iraq war, but he died predicting what would happen, and he'd been predicting the Jew would find an excuse for that war since the mid 1990s.


fuck, what a perfect thread for you to get hitler dubs on thanks, now it's perfect and my autism won't be triggered with that line left out. Thanks friend.

I remember listening to the Turner Diaries, when i was 11. over 17 years ago. Its amazing i never thought ill see the day when Dr Pierce and RJM would be talked about openly.

Living the life, fam.

thanks again, i think i can figure out how to put them together from here and have it completed. Just downloaded hand break and clipconverter shouldn't take me long to figure it out.

There are a tons of bands that did.

So in the year 2000? Sheet, I remember waiting on…I think it was Saturdays at around 1030am, the new dr. Pierce shows would come out. Had to hope no-one was on the goddam phone, and they'd take a long time to fucking DL…had to delete each one after listening because I was sharing a computer with all my siblings and had almost no space. I just thank christ, whatever people sat about Strom (I don't believe he's a pedo), after Pierce died and before those fucking incompetents took over, he got all Pierce's broadcasts up.

I've always wondered if that gap in Pierce's broadcasts from "Criminals with Badges" to when the others begin was just him laying low after the Oklahoma city bombing that they tried to pin on him, or if there WERE broadcasts from that time that just got erased and no one had them, since most ppl picked up the shows on shortwave radio back then. Had denver been able to get an answer.

such as one of my favorites, by Max Resist

For future reference, and if you're curious, here's how you download a video from youtube and extract the audio (using linux):

youtube-dl -f 250 [youtube url]ffmpeg -ss [Start of clip] -t [Length of clipped video in seconds] -i [filename] [output filename].mp3

Also, Hunter >> The Turner Diaries. Just sayin'.

I know, I just like ROHOWA (even thought fucking George Burndi sold out) and Saga the Best. The Jews still won't leave Saga alone. She had a job at a day spa..i think last year, and the kinks managed to get her fired. Keep in mind, tis girl was NOTML until a fucking nigger raped her and ruined her life, and the Jews and feminists go after HER.

This is a speech that everyone needs to hear,

I never listened to his show, just read his more academic stuff and the Turner Diaries. Even he claimed that the Turner Diaries were dramatized and fantastical, though whether he thought that the events described were unrealistic or he was just covering his ass legally and intellectually is debatable.

Actually given that kikes in Israel had been screaming bloody murder during Desert Storm and outright demanding that US enter Iraq it really isn't that surprising that they'd capitalize on the chance to start a war years latter when the opportunity came. "Muh Scuds goyim! They could reach our hooked noses from Baghdad." It's just that in "polite" political company nobody could say such a thing so it was never published outside of white nationalist circles.

Thanks, I use usually use the firefox extension, no idea if it still even works anymore, haven't Died one in quite some time.

But can't agree with you on "Hunter" at all. Even his official biographer didn't like "Hunter." It has some funny parts, like with the evangelicals and the fucking battery-powered Halo that lights up. you know, I haven't heard it in a while, and I think Linder did a reading of it and it's on jew tube. Going to listen to it now, see if my opinion has changed at all.

But for me Turner Diaries will always be classic and also it had so much impact on the world.

We're still alive, we'll wield it in his name.

"Ten hearts, one beat. One hundred hearts, one beat. Ten thousand hearts, one beat. We are born to fight and to die and to continue the flow – the flow of our people. Onward we will go, onward to the stars high above the mud, the mud of yellow, black, and brown.

So kinsmen, duty calls. The future is now. If a month from now, you have not yet fully committed yourself to the Alliance and the responsibilities thereof, then you have, in effect, not only betrayed your race, you have betrayed yourself. So stand up like men! and drive the enemy into the sea. Stand up like men! and swear a sacred oath upon the green graze of our sires that you will reclaim what our forefathers discovered, explored, conquered, settled, built, and died for. Stand up like men! and reclaim our soil.

Kinsmen arise! Look toward the stars and proclaim our destiny.

In Metaline Falls we have a saying, “Defeat never. Victory forever!”"


Having righteous fury doesn't make you a cuck user, it just means you're right-minded.

Try listening to his broadcasts, I think you'd gt a totally different opinion of him. He didn't think he was better than anyone. Sure, he was a little pissed that he went from working at Nasa and Los alamos to shitting in an outhouse at times and was so ostracized by society, but esp at the end, he faults professors like his colleagues and the White upper middle class for failing the working class. Here's a perfect example from one of his broadcasts:

* I should have specified Cal Tech Jet prop laboratory, not sure if it was officially a part of NASA..

ROHOWA, still has some great songs, even if Burdi turned out to be a Cuck.

Fucking niggers. A cat is worth more than your average coon.

Kek, no, but the state clamped down so hard on them they had to scatter or they would have crushed their nuts.

The current lemming don't read books, we have to make a serie adaptation of that history.

agreed. "ode to a dying people" is fucking amazing. another one Saga does a great cover of. to be blunt, most of Skrewdriver's songs sound better with Saga doing doing them. Ian Stuart had balls but his voice wasn't great.

Here here. Though Hitler was a great man, we do not need him. For we have men of similar regard who fought for our freedom against the jews right here in the US. Commander George Lincoln Rockwell, Doctor William Pierce, and many others were great men taken from us (((strategically))) that will not be forgotten. They remind us that we are only an extension of the struggle that has been fighting against kikes for 70+ years.

IDK, everything I hear back then was that they were posers. They took a lot of shekels from people, and when people asked where all their shekels went, I remember they released a video with one bloke with 1 fucking .38, implying it all gone on weapons.

I'm sure ZOG did come down on them, but fuck, look at what the IRA (despite being commie scum for most part) accomplished with ZOG having the SAS breathing down their necks. They blew fucking Mountbatten in half and came within a cunt hair of thatcher herself. If she'd been taking a piss when the bomb blew, that was her finished.

I'm not trying to diminish the Turner Diaries. 'Tis a fine book. I enjoyed reading it. I also think that the impact of the Turner Diaries was great political impact than that of Hunter.

My criticism was from a literally standpoint. I was not commenting on the content or impact of said novel, I was commenting on its structure and plot. Dr Pierce had more time to plan out the plot of Hunter than he did when he wrote the Turner Diaries. As a result, Hunter has a more holistic structure than the Turner Diaries does. Also, Hunter contains more complete and better thought out ideas than the Turner Diaries. For example, it's discussion of the JQ is far more complete. The JQ is not explored in the Turner Diaries. As a polemic, Hunter is a far more effective novel.

That having been said, we can argue about this until the day of judgment without making any headway. The question we are disputing is entirely subjective. There is nothing I can say to convince you of your errors and there is nothing that you can say that will convince me.

You're wrong, btw

That audio
Sounds like FBI smoke blown up your ass bullshit.

This kind of shit is what they want you to listen to.
YES..go underground drop out of society so that you are ostrichsized, outcast and minimalized.

If you want power …you infiltrate and become the power. You change the structure in which you exist.

to each his own I guess, but Dr. Pierce was never going to be a great writer, he was physicist. some of the dialogue in "Hunter" is fucking ultimate cringe. The format of "Turner Diaries" for me at least is what makes it particularly interesting, based on a Jack London novel written the same way. One thing that has always bother me about that "T.D.," there's a throw away line in the first few pages, that get something like "Now that we have the gun.." that makes no sense, no idea why he didn't edit it out.

I got my copy of "Hunter" from a guy who just did a 7 year bid upstate and became heavily involved with the Brotherhood. They're fucking..I mean, yeah, they take care of themselves and other Whites on the inside but not exactly scholars for the most part.

If you read "Fame of a dead aMans's deeds," is biographer also doesn't think "Hunter" is great, but maybe because it was dedicated to john Paul Watson, who was on death row for declaring open season on mud sharks. fucking glen miller used to send him newspaper subscriptions and shekels for his commissary…until the dumb bastard decided to hit a jew community center without managing to hit a single jew. Christ almighty, what a fuck up he was. And he was a green beret in vietnam too as I recall. Word was he found out he only had a few weeks left from his culinary doctor and just wanted to go out with a bang, but wow what shitty fucking planning.

Stop LARPing dumb fuck. You have no clue who or what Matthews did. You're in way over your head in this discussion, no offense.

PULMINARY doctor. Fuck, I got trips and has to be Satan trips..

Why would you even wonder that? The most important audience are the least likely to comment. You don't do this shit for upvotes, you do it to put the information out there. Just like someone did for you.

you know what's odd about Hunter? Well, not rally odd, but it seems like he sort of merges aspects of his life with GL Rockwell's life, in that the protagonist ins a former pilot and Pierce wanted to be a pilot and eventually an astronaut, but his eyesight was too shity…

He gave his life battling for what is right, you wont.

Yeah, I get that friend. But for example, I spend several hours making a thread here on Jewish Organ Theft, finding and posting over 65 unique sources on Jews and organ theft. no one helped on that thread or added a thing. I don't want "up votes," but just some indication that people are reading/helping and that I'm not just pissing away hours of my time for shit to sit there and no one ever looking at it.

In this thread–as I do whenever I put together a lot of info– I openly ask for people to post it on cuckchan or any other forum and tell them to post it as their own OC. I said that on this thread too, if you go up and look. I just wan the info to get out.

Yeah, no kidding. The Diaries were much the same way. Pierce simply could not write romance.

You don't sound smart enough to be a Fed getting me to say something incriminating…you were just basically saying he was loser in your last post. Again, if you had any sense, when you are around people who obviously have been here a long time and have real world experience, you'd just lurk and try to learn, rather than trying to draw attention to yourself. This isn't Holla Forums and moreover, this thread is unusual in having a lot of people with actual experience. Post less, Read more.

Not really, he didn't try writing dialogue that was as cringey. I just turned on Linder's reading of it. I recall the line from "hunter," when he's talking to his girlfriend "I do believe you have the best pair of tits on the east coast." hau!

That wasn't even the worst line.

Not really sure who you are talking to? Me or the guy talking shit about RJM.

I honestly know that feel. I used to try to make redpill threads on cuckchan 3-4 years ago that went nowhere and were deleted after 10 posts. You just have to trust that one or two or maybe 100 guys out there read what you post and slowly start changing the way they think. Not every redpilling is instant.

Also, the quality of the board over the past year has been garbage with all the redditors and other trash flowing in. You should be grateful that they don't post. And a lot of the old fags see the new momentum in things and perhaps think "I can ease back now".

In short, keep on doing what you are doing, even if it seems like nobody is helping. You are having an effect. If nobody is helping, it is even more important that you post.

Also, phenomenal digits.

Certainly not the part where the whites fight back.

it takes 10 minutes to download

Why should I read the turner diaries? I'm not trying to diminish this thread or anything but it just seems like it's not an illuminating book for someone from Holla Forums.
What will I get from it?

To be honest I think the biggest failure of the WN movement up till it fell apart in the 90s was the rhetoric. Saying "Aryan" rather than white, since then people think you are talking about a larger group than europeans. Or the "comrade", "kinsman", "brother" stuff. To a german who inherited a pan-german nationalism from Bismark and then was further unified with other provincial germans by the experience of the world war and Wiemar kike fuckery this kind of talk was fine. But rural whites in America are almost all descended from cavaliers, scotts prussian outcasts, mercenaries, separatists, and those who inherently had little national feeling. You are dealing with very clanish and taciturn people. This language is overly familiar and sounds outright foreign to them. Nothing makes an American white(those whose families were here before the founding and still constitute a majority of the white population even today) more suspicious than unwarranted familiarity.

I really think we should appeal to hate and self interest alone. They have no problem killing kikes and niggers but that second you imply communalism beyond the extended family you are going to be viewed with supreme suspicion.

I don't see this rhetoric returning but it is important to point this out so the same mistakes aren't made again. Similarly since you are dealing with dour, hate filled, and insular people you don't want to use triumphalism like they did in Germany. They are naturally pessimistic and see themselves as forever holding the line in their rural community as the world around them slowly rots, they can't and don't want to relate to beauty, art, and grand aspiration.

I'm a geologist and was exposed to all this shit through education and though those of you who like it, but even I find it alien to my personality. I don't feel any swelling in my breast when I see great works of architecture but I've got a serious boner for murder and war. Play to the audience.

This is actually why I firmly believe America is an ultimately doomed state. What truly connects the Americans (whites) together?

Thank you and good job. All it takes is one user to see that, just one, and the entire war shifts to our advantage. That user could be the the spark that redpills a well to do family, a class, a school, a town, a country.

Hearts and minds is not just a meme.

Never stop.

I find Europeans think this way, yet the rural Americans are very patriotic. For them there is the ideal of America, when they speak frankly this is a kind of fascistic republic or empire which brings them together for conquest or war. What unities them really is a ideal of disunity as odd as that sounds. They want the right to be clannish and disunited but under the umbrella of a massive empire which exists exclusively to protect them and their interests.

The real conflict is between the now small(it used to be about 50% of the population but is now less than 20%) portion of whtie liberals and everybody else. All the other Americans are totally content to squat on the same ground their ancestors have for about 400 yeas at this point and occasionally fight for war.

The reason I don't buy "balkanization"theory is because there are no naturally small nations which could form a rural white in Alambama is very similar to a rural white in Pennsylvania. There was some amount of provincial nationalism in the South, but at this point they are also more about the South as an ideal Empire and Early Colonial America as a body which respected and protected the south which was ruined by libshits and kikes.

This historicity of these things is not relevant because this is the abstract ideal they hold. If you went in with a Natsoc policy even at the state level they would reject you outright. They'd lynch kikes at the drop of a hat and go to war if you offered them money for their services or promised them land.

American patriotism and nationalism is very different from that of Europe since the population of America was derived from mostly rightists who lost civil wars such as the cavaliers and those who just didn't give a shit to begin with. So the national ideal is paradoxically(but not incompatible like Euros tend to think) a very distant Imperial rule. They only reason they'd want to leave the Empire is if it remained a libtard shithole being filled with mudmen. If it was all white they wouldn't give a shit what principles of governance it employed or how it was organized so long as it stayed out of their business and let them have enough firepower to crush most armies around the world on their own.

Think of it like if the barbarian mercenaries in the Roman empire asked nothing from the state and just killed whoever you pointed them at without a fuss. But if you dared even suggest that they not carry their sword they'd try to gut you were you stand.

That is what America is oddly unified in general sentiment and yet completely disinterested in being friendly with each other. A European would find negotiating while pointing guns at eachothers heads to be disturbing and display a total lack of trust and honor. For an American of the old stock that is exactly how it should be, we know exactly where we all stand and any indication of bullshit results in immediate murder, usually with both parties dying by the other's hand. Think of it like MAD for individuals and because for their national predispositions they find this natural and comforting.

Rural Americans are nearly immune to modernity, they are the only population in an industrial nation which has an above replacement birthrate at around 2.7. Even mudslimes and spics suffer a non-replacement birthrate after a single generation as the bread and circuses consume them. But for rural whites modernity has nothing to offer them so they shun it without being told to even knowing why they do it. It just doesn't appeal to them, likely for the same reasons art doesn't. They are a sour and angry people. Friendly on the surface but always suspicious and seeing slights everywhere. Any one of them will openly suggest the murder of millions of people be they liberals, niggers, saracens, or anybody there perceive to be acting against their interests. And they are deadly serious whether their ire is directed at the correct targets or not. If they could they'd reduce the Levant to a glowing plain of glass and wouldn't think twice. These are the men(not the kikes) who burned Dresden, Hamburg, Tokoyo, and Nuremburg to the ground despite harboring no real racial animosity toward the people there. They laugh about genociding injun trash. This is why I've said "They'll pray that we were the Nazis by the time we are through with them." Germans of the Third Reich wouldn't torture and slaughter 6 gorillian jews, to their detriment. But Americans would.

All this is also their weakness as much as their strength however. They are so insulated from the way the world is turning to shit and so filled with hate at every moment that they are very difficult to motivate politically. If it wasn't for the flood of imported mudcreatures they could wait out the liberals, niggers, and kikes as they abort and party themselves out of existence. But so long as dirty shitskins are let in that cannot happen. They did come out in force in 2007 to tell the GOP that if they granted amnesty they'd all be out of job, but we need more, we need some stupid kike to really kick this hornet's nest.

Great post.

In my experience, it's usually "spite".

Exceptionalism, which is built on shifty terrain.

You're doing the Lord's work buddy. No sarcasm.

I haven't gotten around to reading his books yet, but I did read the first few books of his biography.
Is it true about his living in a trailer home and being a dick to his Russian wife?

the constitution, our history, our foods and past-times, Christianity most of all and the revolutionary war/civil war

and unfortunately our boner at being the "Hero" of WW2 against the ebul nadsees

I've actually notice that the pride in WW2 has shifted even since the 90s. It's gone from the boomers and faggots saying that it was a moral war to the younger people born after 1980 having pride almost solely in the martial superiority of the US, real or imagined.

I'm almost done reading the american dissident voices transcripts and it wouldn't have happened if you (or someone else on here like you) hadn't posted in a link on here.

Don't stop.

There are also browser plugins, like Video DownloadHelper for Firefox.
Also, most libre software has been ported to windows, just put the exes in your Downloads folder, Shift+Right Click on your download folder and select "Open command prompt here":

It is somewhat ironic that he didn't know this was an ahistorical screed written by faggots during the self described "Enlightenment" which boggarts basically all our english language history books until about 1985 or so. Or that kikes were instrumental in enforcing this idea to the point that they kvetched when the truth about Galileo's trial and what he was actually charged with started getting published in the 60s.

But you can't expect somebody to keep up to date on every revision unless he is a history buff.

Also the Haddith, Koran, and Sira should all be burned until their are not extant copies for example.




You mean the Holocaust? Soon in the history books there won't be any mention of the war itsel. And it will be made end in 48, with Israel's foundation.

The novel inspired the greatest Power Electronics album ever.

That said, it's…far from perfect.

"William Pierce's The Turner Diaries, a withering, paranoid, horribly written novel which the FBI has called 'the bible of the racist right.' It dares to ask firearms owners' favorite question: 'What will you do when they come to take your guns?' The book opens with governmental gun raids which trigger a guerrilla war against 'Zionist' overlords, resulting in a holocaust of nonwhites and a new era spearheaded by rifle-totin' palefaces. First-person protagonist Earl Turner starts out having his apartment searched and ends up dropping a bomb on the Pentagon. The plot is laughably contrived in the manner of a schoolboy playing with plastic soldiers. Turner escapes death with the ridiculous improbability of an action-movie hero until he's blown to Aryan smithereens in his kamikaze mission. What begins as a loose-knit paramilitary posse grows into an earth-governing, snow-white, quasi-Druidic inner sanctum known as The Order. Hitler is referred to as 'the Great One,' and genocide of nonwhites is called 'sterilization.' The entire planet eventually becomes white, although certain sectors of Asia remain too radioactive for habitation. Characters are rendered flatter than paper targets. Nevertheless, The Turner Diaries would seem to invigorate any reader who pines for a White Jerusalem."
Jim Goad

"Cult of the Holy War" is a good album. If you ask me, "Man Against Time," "Hall of the Heroes," "In the Fires of 1945," "God Is Dead" and the cover of "The Snow Fell" are the best songs from that album.

Finally getting around to reading this today, thanks user. Just made it to chapter 5.
''Chapter V
October 3, 1991. I’ve been breaking up my work on the FBI project with some handyman activity around our building. Last night I
finished our perimeter-alarm system, and today I did some rough and very dirty work on our emergency escape tunnel.''

As our numbers shrink and we become an ever smaller minority, pretty soon it's just going to be pure survival and ethnic interests. We're seeing the seedlings of this with Trump right now.

We used to have a lot that connected White Americans together, but the jews destroyed all of that in the 60's.

I don't agree with these posts, what makes you think rural whites would kill whoever just because?

What would be the best way to make them go GTKRWN forever ?

I would wholeheartedly agree with this observation.

Mate, we whites have something other races don't and that is compassion for life and nature.

Slightly tangential but this also relates to the U.S. versus European attitudes towards firearms. Years ago, and I'd assume not so much these days, a White man carrying and using a knife for self-defense was viewed as nigger/spic tier conduct. It was considered sneaky and un-manly.

Either use your fists or pull a gun and finish what needed to be done.

Good posts overall but I'd disagree with rural folk not relating to beauty, art and grand inspiration. To be sure most don't as they equate it with wasteful decadence but there are a few who do value it. Not much point in discussing the works of Vermeer with a guy who's just struggling to keep his tractor running.

From chapter 8:
children in their pre-teens—has reached a level which would have been unimaginable only two or three years ago. The queers, the
fetishists, the mixed-race couples, the sadists, and the exhibitionists—urged on by the mass media—are parading their perversions in
public, and the public is joining them.

Very prophetic. It was like when the whole trap thing blew up on the internet and that was unheard of before. And now we have demi-gender trans otherkins just after that. It's not even a slippery slope. It's just like we all jumped off a cliff around 2006 or so.

Agreed, and this is just as prophetic if not more:
Chapter IX
The shift from 8 years of Bush where the MSM was bad and untrustable flipped on its fucking head last year. Now the MSM is trustworthy and other outlets are "fake news". Jesus help us.
And the next paragraph as well, we've watched this play out live right here in Holla Forums:

It would be a shame if there were some politics board that served as an anchoring point for this, wouldn't it?

a must read book. there is an audiobook version on youtube too

Any chance of using Hapas and Mulattoes as spies or cannon-fodder auxiliaries?

I find those events scary because they're happening in spite of the book being so poorly written.
Don't get me wrong, I know it's supposed to have an agenda but the plot itself is poorly written. The Organization is overly competent able to nuke others without retaliation and the ending in which Europe is "liberated" is laughable. Dr. Pierce was great on human nature but he didn't really seem to get that Europeans don't really care about "white nationalism". Russians wouldn't be welcoming the Organization with open fucking arms like that, they'd be pissed off and see them as burgers that destroyed their country, nobody cares about them being racial kin or anything. Unless this is a case of an unreliable narrator and what really happened was that the Organization shot everyone in Russia who opposed them.


Dr. Pierce was a great speaker but not a writer. Agenda does not excuse poor writing.
And do you honestly believe Europeans give a shit about "white nationalism"? Nationalist movements are big in, say, Hungary and guess what - it's about Hungarian nationalism.


they sure seem to in Eastern and Central Europe

Remember the black nazi-armband wearing cab driver?

He has been infiltrating antifa on behalf of his white brothers.

I'm sorry but the ending where Russians welcome le American liberators is as unrealistic as it gets when it comes to fucking Russians. There's a reason Estonians are not happy with the Russian population that makes up 25% of their country. And conversely Russians would only care about their pan-Eurasian interests rather than some racial ideals.

That, and the "Don't get me wrong" prelude were dead giveaways, Schlomo.

And Richard Nixon thought niggers weren't smart enough to work as spies.

Oh, wait – this one started spying after appearing on TV.

He was clever, that Tricky Dick.


Literally leftist logic. I hate invoking this "hurr durr both sides are stupid" shit (and I'm really not), but you are braindead sir, refusing to address a single point I made. Tell me how realistic it is to nuke everyone around you and get no retaliation whatsoever (and we know that kikes have nukes in their fucking pockets).
Dr. Pierce was right on human nature indeed, most people don't think by themselves. I'm convinced most people even here are on this side not because they chose what's the most logical, but because it's becoming fashionable to be on the right.

And let's not forget the improbability of launching that many fucking nukes without catastrophic consequences for the entire fucking planet.

Nuclear winter, anyone?

That's because you haven't been to war yet. You get a real appreciation for life and the beauty only it can create after such ordeals. Another reason why so many soldiers end up shitting out kids pretty much the moment they come home. You have to walk thru hell to appreciate heaven. And only whites can do both and understand either. There is a reason you crave blood and fire, why your heart beats to the tune of vengeance and violence. You will never become a true white man without embracing what you really are as you live your life to the fullest.

t.newfag canuck

Better late than never.

Brampton crew lol

I had an idea for this. To make some kind of meme to show communists as the violent thugs they are.

Good idea? Autism? Needs to be cleaned up?


Holy fuck this pisses me off something fierce especially because I had a pic of that cat for a couple years now so I feel I personally know him.

Maybe we could meme something about animals not being leftists because the adhere to the laws of nature and don't have equality.

If normies thought of comucucks as animal abusers (which they are) then their support would drop faster than it already is.

Interesting posts, user. Ernst Zundel had similar ideas.

checked with a black sun.

I agree on the sentiment that America's largely too homogeneous to Balkanize. We're not Rome or Yugoslavia. As weird as it may sound, I have a theory that, if you accept "American" as a race, then we have the most in common with the Han Chinese. Consider the situation of the Han, especially before 1500, and the United States:

My hope is that the US is a new China - not in the commie sense, but in the sense that when we go through times of crisis, instead of fracturing, we eventually reachieve unity. As you pointed out, there's just not enough separating white rural America for a breakup to play out. In the case of Han China, despite losing control over Indochina, they did manage to eventually racially homogenize and integrate the South – over the course of several centuries.

china is a soulless drone hivemind

america is collection of selfish assholes held together by easily available calorie dense food, welfare benefits, and semi potable drinking water and chicken wire

the chicken wire rusted out years ago, the food is grown with shit that gives you cancer in it, the water is only as potable as the tester's willingness to lie, and the welfare benefits are reliant on an economy with QE^infinity and debt that your children's successor 300 years from now will still be paying off

Im not as optimistic as you

You've never read the "Turner Diaries." Probably the main lesson hidden in the book is the unique historical role of the Jews as ferment of decomposition of societies and races. It's not even "hidden," it's the first thing he teaches Catherine when she joins the Organization.


You're either a weird kind of autistic or just pain dumb. Like complaining Happy Merchant memes aren't well drawn. The reason the book has survived and is compelling is because it's not "well written." It's sort of cold, clinical and scientific (he was a scientist) with occasional really funny parts that you'll only find funny if you have the correct mindset.

Example, "the jar of kosher pickles" thrown at saul berman's wife that "scores a direct hit" and sends her to the floor as she's waving a meat cleaver "in a spray of pickles, blood, and glass."

You'll hang first.


I wouldn't say that it was poorly written, I do think the end seemed rushed though. The ending should have been it's own book told in a traditional narrative format about the liberation of Europe and the finalization of of the revolution. The story up until the day of the rope were amazing, after the nuclear war it was still decent, but tough to believe that the remnants of the goverment would still give a shit about some "racists" on the west coast after a nuclear war. Considering they would be hard pressed to even keep their own people in line seeing some how they wouldn't have the security or food production to do so.

Culminating in* more like. The day of the rope was the best part of the book.

im downloading the video right now if some one doesn't beat me to the punch I'll post

But most of them are well drawn.



I talking about this sort of Merchant meme.

Is anyone getting sound out of this clip? I thought it was my volume, but two different browsers and can't get sound, while other wbms are playing. Is it my system fuck up or are others having same issue?

Interesting fact about the "Turner Diaries." If you've read it, you know the large role played by the Deputized Negroes of the Humans Relation Council. I thought Pierce had just made this up. In fact, during the nigger riots of the 1960s, several cities did take the step of "deputizing responsible negroes" to try to calm the riots down. I thought I had a fairly good grip on US History, but I never imagined this could be possible. In the future, when nigger riots get out of control again (and they will), I won't be surprised to see them deputizing negroes.

don't know, can't get it to play. Another user did it but left out the best part, where the "sick, sick White" comes back and says "maybe we should get that's girl's name. Some of the things she said sounded definitely racist…"

Not complaining, can't bitch when someone takes their time to make OC. But that's the best part of the exchange. I wonder how many, if any, have been motivated to listen to/read the TD from this thread. Probably not many unfortunately.

I think at this point I'd be happy enough seeing some of the events from "Unintended Consequences" take place.

If we look at Africa, the ones most successful in keeping Africans in check are other Africans.

Although this comes out as slave trade, warlords, etc.

Goes without saying, but the problem is that in current ZOG, a "deputized Negro" would have authority over Whites too, and thus just like in the book we'd see them bringing White women into their headquarters for "questioning."

for those unfamiliar with book, if you are going to spend entire day just shitposting, the book is about 10 hours to listen to it in entirety. Highly encouraging listening, it's still on jewtube if you live in ZOG, and if not it's on

A must read/listen, this book is very good

Practically none from what I can remember OP, as most of the novel takes place during the revolution.

Whatever the first couple of chapters held was already going on at the time and like most authors he just extrapolate the current trends. That's why economists love demographics, it's one of the few things you can reasonable count on. Which is why everyone here is freaking about European birth rates and the number of invaders while normies are delusional enough to imagine the state will take care of it and them, when in reality, they're going to fucking die.

thanks for the thoughts. If only told people before an entire thread was spent matching scenes from TD to recent political events. The actual "revolution" doesn't begin until july 4th california offensive, and even then ZOG and "The System" still have enough in common for 10 threads.

This needs to be required reading for Holla Forums

So instead of ordering books from a known white supremacist publisher, get them from some place like Alibris. There's no indication of the contents on the box, it just comes from one or more generic book sellers; the kikes would have to actually open the boxes and look at the books inside to see if they're contraband. Order a couple cheap books from the sale seller as "camouflage", so instead of the customs guy opening it and immediately finding The Turner Diaries or All Kikes Must Die Vol VII: The Lolocaust, he just finds a stack of three or four random books and thinks nothing of it.

In the 20 years I've been ordering things from all across the US or from overseas (Japan, Finland, UK, Canada, Russia, etc.), I've had a total of two packages opened: one was opened and inspected because the box got damaged, and the other was an overseas order that was opened at random. The odds of some customs agent checking your package of books from the US for contraband are nil, even if they didn't have better things to do.

post that Mongolian Nazi meme

Yes. They're called "Osttruppen."

RIP Earl and Catherine
RIP Dr.Pierce

Did you listen to that broadcast? I'm not even sure if that's the right one, where he talks about Canadian Secret Police having a "verboten list" of books that include his books, several textbooks on race, the novel "Serpents Walk," and a few others. The most insidious part of the entire thing, they hide it from the public.

That's why I get a laugh out of that one professor now being forced to use the SJW pronouns complaining the loss of "freedom of speech." Canadians never had it. If you listen to his broadcasts, in the late 90s men like Pierce, Zundel, and Fromm tried to raise hell over this stuff in Canada, and no one gave a shit since they were too fat and too comfortable an didn't want to make trouble. You're still minimizing and making excuses that any government should ever have the right to open and seize mail and behalf of international Jewry.

If people here know who David Icke is, there's a great film by Jon Ronson (who is a complete cuckold) about Jews in the late 90s trying to shut down David Icke. It's fucking surreal, a group of Jew academics and others sitting around talking about how to literally "shud him down." And the great irony? Icke, to my knowledge, never singled out Jews. As soon as the kinks hear about someone speaking against a small, international cabal trying to control the world, they automatically assume it refers to them. Strange, how that works:
(this is worth watching, whatever you think of Icke, to see how jews behave)

Looking at it philosophically, one can’t avoid the conclusion that it is corruption, not tyranny, which leads to the overthrow of governments. A strong and vigorous government, no matter how oppressive, usually need not fear revolution. But a corrupt, inefficient, decadent government — even a benevolent one — is always ripe for revolution. The system we are fighting is both corrupt and oppressive, and we should thank god for corruption

What is really precious to the average American is not his freedom or his honor or the future of his race, but his pay check.

He complained when the System began busing his kids to Black schools 20 years ago, but he was allowed to keep his station wagon and his fiberglass speedboat, so he didn't fight.

He complained when they took away his guns five years ago, but he still had his color TV and his backyard barbecue, so he didn't fight.

And he complains today when the Blacks rape his women at will and the System makes him show an identity pass to buy groceries or pick up his laundry, but he still has a full belly most of the time, so he won't fight.

He hasn't an idea in his head that wasn't put there by his TV set. He desperately wants to be "well adjusted" and to do and think and say exactly what he thinks is expected of him. He has become, in short, just what the System has been trying to make of him these past 50 years or so: a mass-man; a member of the great, brainwashed proletariat; a herd animal; a true democrat.

That, unfortunately, is our average White American. We can wish that it weren't so, but it is. The plain, horrible truth is that we have been trying to evoke a heroic spirit of idealism which just isn't there any more. It has been washed right out of 99 per cent of our people by the flood of Jewish-materialist propaganda in which they have been submerged practically all their lives.

This line most applicable to the Aussies. They showed themselves to be complete fucking cuckolds, turning over their guns after one mass shooting that was probably a false flag when it's examined.

I've never encountered this attitude. The general attitude with limp-wristed commies is "ew, you carry a knife?!" and everyone else sees it as a vital tool. You're basically considered to not be a real man if you don't have the equipment to do whatever needs done, up to and including a knife (whether it's for opening boxes or opening niggers is seen as equally useful).

Rural folk appreciate art for its beauty. They don't care about social commentary or high ideals, they just like something that looks good. As you said, there's not much point in discussing the finer points of art with a guy who's struggling to keep his tractor running and bring in a good harvest this year.

There's also the general view that modern art is all trash; not unreasonable, considering the sort of shit the kikes promote as "art". Thus, rural folk will stick to the classics, preferring 19th century paintings and Norman Rockwell to, say, some trendy, fishmouthed faggot who shat on a canvas and then wrote a ten page essay on how it relates to the complex interdynamics of gender relationships in Himilayan goatherders.

They also reject most modern music; the younger generations will consume modern pop country music, but they always return to the older stuff preferred by their parents and grandparents; likewise, instead of Dragonforce, 3 Doors Down, or Skrewdriver, they're going to listen to CCR, ZZ Top, and Led Zepellin.

They have an almost instinctual rejection for modernity and degeneracy, and are a far more practical and utilitarian people than suburban types, much less city-dwellers. This disdain for the outside world is ingrained in their character and has been for centuries. There's even still hillbilly communities where it's too dangerous to go if you don't know someone who lives there; the only way to visit is to be able to name-drop someone in the community and claim to be a relative or close friend, and the only way to take up residence is to marry into the family, which is by invitation only. Go traipsing around where you don't belong, especially if you're of the dindu persuasion, and, well… let's just say there's lots and lots of quiet, wooded areas where a body wouldn't be found.

You're a fucking idiot. At no point did I minimize or excuse jack shit. I told him how to easily get contraband books. This would be like if I told someone how to get their hands on a gun in a country that bans civilians from owning guns, and then some dumb fuck (you) comes along and says I'm an apologist for government bans on guns.

Found the PR cuck.
Go home >>>/niggerfaggot/ >>>/rthedonald/

Anyone have any up to date US incarceration rates if pickaninnies and muds were to be vaporized from the system? I'm trying to get a monetary drain figure they are to the criminal justice system.

You are LITERALLY the type of cuck they executed in the book for being a PRfag.

..But China has fractured countless times throughout history. There's even a quote to capture this idea in China "the empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide" because it went through the process of uniting and falling apart so many times.

I don't think it will play out like this. The left is high on their own supply. They fully believe niggers are equal to whites in every single way (except sports of course, blacks are just at that you see).

Yeah, China should be 3 countries. It will break up into that eventually.

America is almost 250 years old as it is. It had a good run but it's going the way of the fate of empires, irreversible decline that was easily preventable but the leftists of today are no different than the past in their Sodom.

No, it should be even more than that. Look up how many Chinese languages there are. Now understand that almost none of them are intelligible with each other, like a Brit trying to understand a German or Dutchman despite both speaking Germanic language except even worse than that.

Yeah but the 3 country idea is based on both culture/language and economic power. The coastal areas are massively wealthier than the interior peasants, and eventually they'll refuse to keep supporting them. (This wasn't really my idea, it was some shit I read and agreed with it).

growing up, a white man using a knife for crime was viewed as nigger tier, but it also never happened as far as I know. Someone jumps you and you whip out your buck knife or spiderco knockoff… actually everyone here carries knives but I've never known any whites to draw them on each other or attack each other like niggers. That's deadly shit at that point, and we don't kill each other in fits of retarded rage like other races. Fistfights were common though, people don't draw knives for that.

Long time lurker, first time poster. I had a plane, trains and automobiles type of weekend a couple of months back and got through Alex Linders reading of this. Enjoy his incidental asides. I read this when I was a teenager but TBH as a kid in 99% white country, it mustn't have made an impression cause I forgot it altogether.

But reading/listening to it now it made me really wonder.

I was really shocked at the number of prescient things in the book until I realized that the society and attitudes (of the cucked whites) in the book, were the logical outcomes of the liberal agenda.

After reading the book, the idea of a race war, as a reaction to hyper liberalization of society also seems like a definite possibility if not very fucking likely.

It's been together for thousands of years.

Not continously, but the idea of "china"won't go away, to be more clear.

Another must read is SIEGE by James Mason, a must read for any revolutionary national socialist

You better be kidding motherfucker I am only up to DOTR…

This sounds disgusting, honestly. Makes the liberal propaganda seem true. Just a bunch of dumb hicks that want to play in mud instead of reach towards an ideal. Just base hatred and spite instead any sort of brotherhood.

Grew up in CA so I don't really know what America is like, but I hope it's not as cynical as you make it.

Linder's read of "Turner Diaries" or "Hunter?" If you're going to listen to TD, the only way to do it is listening to Dr. Pierce read his own book. It's fucking hysterical to hear this scientist who worked at Los Alamos and the NASA Jet Prop Lab doing negro and jew voices. Even after multiple listenings, sometimes I hear him doing a voice and just laugh until I can't catch my breath. I think my favorite is when he's doing the Jew newscaster near the end announcing the nuking of his "beloved, Jewish NYC."

This whole post is delusion and ego stroking

I can't stand those asides, would much rather just read the fucking book, he'd probably have a lot more views. At the end of a chapter, it wouldn't be bad, but right in middle of the books? I tried listening to "Camp of the Saints" with Linder reading and it's just too fucking frustrating. But I'm not holding my breath for "Audible" to do a version of it.

btw- another must read is "Serpent's Walk." The author is allegedly a "prominent sci-fi/fantasy writer" and Pierce took his identity to the grave. That could be bullshit just to sell more books, but you can tell whoever wrote it has indeed written novels before.

Did you not read the prologue? It's pretty obvious, and I'm either further behind than you.

Well, the book is published by the archaeologist "Andrew Macdonald" about 97 years into the New Era after the ruins of the Eastern Command near DC were excavated and diaries were discovered, so they are dead when book is published.

Also, it's interesting how on Amazon yes, I know, >buying white nationalist lit on Amazon >letting kikes track your purchases the book doesn't have the "customers also purchased" list.

The Order (Kekism and Meme Magic). The main character was atheist like Pierce. a bit of a self-insert, I assumebefore joining the order. After that religious experience with The Order, he believed that their organization was working on behalf of God.

Things really never change.

We have more ideals related to things like honour than any other people I've ever met, but most of us also know that we have always been manipulated with our ideals.
How many times have you heard someone here say "I just wanted to hunt and raise food and have kids with my waifu. I just wanted to be left alone."
Is it base hatred if it's deserved? Is doing something out of spite wrong if you were wronged? And you're forgetting that we also have enemies we respect, usually people who are most like us. One breeds ruthlessness, the other competitiveness.

I went to college with people from both coasts, I have never met anyone in flyoverland as indoctrinated and full of identical information thinking they are enlightened. Many of us are ignorant, but at least we know it.

Until recently, huge swaths of the country were raised like this. And contrary to the other guy, art and beauty aren't wasted on us, though are tastes are very different.

take a picture if you still have it

Post it

Exposed deep history of Jewish take over

I could get the bottom part if you want. But you get the gist. Not by a jew unfortunately. Just the eternal Welshman.

I'm listening to the audio book on YT.

Yeah but do they die in the story or live and have kids or what?

why would you want me to ruin the ending for you? finish the book.

More amazing prophecy from "Turner Diaries:"
Passersby averted their eyes and hurried on. Across the street two Blacks gawked and hooted. Katherine and I hurried around the corner. We walked about six blocks, then doubled back and caught the bus at another stop.

Katherine told me later that the youth had run up to her as soon as I had entered the drugstore. He had put his arm around her, propositioned her, and started pawing her breasts. She is fairly strong and agile, and she was able to jerk away from him, but he blocked her from following me into the drugstore.

As a rule Katherine carries a pistol, but the day was unseasonably warm, unsuited for a coat, and she wore clothes which left no room for concealing a firearm. Since she was with me she hadn't even bothered to carry one of the tear-gas canisters which have become essential articles of dress for women these days.

In that regard it is interesting to note that the same people who agitated so hysterically for gun confiscation before the Cohen Act are now calling for tear gas to be outlawed too. There have even been cases recently where women who used their tear gas to fend off would-be rapists have been charged with armed assault! The world has become so crazy that nothing really comes as a surprise any more.

this quote is amazing. Keep in mind, in the 1970s when this was written, if you showed this to people they'd have laughed and told you that could never happen. I think the "8 quintuplets" on the post are a sign, we really are now living in the world of "The Turner Diaries."

that is true user.

There are consequences to the white race becoming non existent.

user, do not

Good. Let's kill some degenerates.

Goddamn, all his criticisms about it are non-arguments. Does his musical criticism have any bearing on Chamberlain's validity? Or is it just for status posturing? I want to read that book now.


I don't give a shit, I never even pay attention to what number I draw but a once in 100,000 Heil Hitler quints on that post was remarkable.

Kek hears and understands.


Reminder that modern "jews" aren't jews, but Pharisees that took the Judean name and made it their own

That is quite a get there.


Wow so just finished now.

That was pretty good and relevant to what is happening now.

Super funny what happened after they took the states and Europe imagine those chink and poo mutants would be hilarious.

check em quints

Kek and pic confirms the prophesy was true, I actually prophesized this prophesy:

Here's what I prophesized:

I prophesized that a full 20,000 posts ago that 9588888 would be the post of the milenia and so Kek has willed it, with showing that this book "The Turner Diaries" is truely a predictor of the future.

NEW form of warfare?

Look at what the USSR did in Ukraine, Belarus, Estonia and Latvia.

It's not NEW by any means.

The Jew gets very uncomfortable when confronted with past crimes.

Spoiler that shit you fucking degenerate

Look at Dunblane, too.

If you wanna know why Trump went after NATO, ask why their former Secretary General gave a gun license to a known nonce.

Hamilton had his gun application rejected MANY times by priests, doctors, police officers (someone of a reputable character must sponsor a gun license)

Then in steps George Robertson.

Fucking hand signs his gun license, and several of his own kids went to Dunblane Primary.

Yes, it is new in the sense that it's one enemy nation knowingly sending shitskins at another, that they are well aware no one wants but that the "liberal, egalitarian" can't turn them away with machine guns or else they're forced to admit that equality is horseshit and the colored hordes are actually drain.

The replacement done in those nations was either done under the direct power or tutelage of the Soviets, as was the displacement of German-speaking peoples after WW 2 (as described in the book "Other Losses.") This is new. It's one sovereign nation with the ability to stop the invasion (in this case Germany/the E-Jew), but they cannot because they're trapped by their own party line, quality hoax.

*equality hoax

Soviets with all their brutality and inefficiency have right idea.
They make various ethno republics and their sort of multiculti empire kind of work.

It only "worked" so long as their was a gang of Jews ready to torture anyone who stepped out of line. That's what the wars in the Balkans in the 90s were about. As soon as the jew was no longer enforcing the multi-cult, people began establishing ethnic and religious boundaires in the same way they had there for a thousands years– with ethnic cleansing.

It worked as long as population wasn't mixed.
In Yugo it was.
Look at Poland. Reds move population a lot and Poland have much less problems. Imagine if Poland still have great German and Ukrainian minorities. At the moment when iron grip that keep them together end - Yugo bis.
Soviets dismantle was because their rulers betrayal and lack of will. Most of the republics(excluding Baltics) still want to stay in union.

Poland and "Solidarity" were one of the first nails in the USSR's coffin. They also were a problem for the Reds since they couldn't get them to give up Catholicism that easily. No multi-culti empire ever "works" longterm. Probably the most successful recent empire–the Brits– worked because they had a White ministerial class to rule over the muds.

If I could recommend Holla Forums any one book to read it'd be this one. SIEGE is such a great book. It talks about how past movements have failed and what we can do so that we don't make the same mistake. It is a guide to success, more people need to get reading this.

Don't worry it was a nigger

Rockville school cuck superintendent accuses parents of racism over outrage about rape

link the book in >>>/pdfs/

something like this?

rate my Dr. William Pierce thread.

torontoimprovementplan.jpg hasn't happened yet

This shit happens in Vancouver right now, user.

Since they tried to cover up that (((Eyes Wide Shut))) shit with a publication ban for Bernardo and Homolka cases most Canuck know the deal.

Thanks OP, you got me to finally read it. I'm pretty disappointed, though. MacDonald was very prescient about some of the outrageous circumstances in the story that time has validated, like pervasive ID requirements/surveillance, unchecked race riots, ACLU being a de-facto arm of law enforcement, and epidemic level cuckoldry. I'm not impressed with the plot, which is basically the same as every plot in 'revolutionary fiction' (Molon Labe [for lolbergs], Covington's books).

It's mental masturbation. It's a fantasy for us to hide in so we can ignore the truth that pushing back Jewish subversion is a long, brutal, unglamorous slog. Soap boxing against crooks in local politics, exposing corrupt NGOs/Charities/Churches to authorities (hint: a lot of churches launder big buxx to subversives), mind-numbing court battles to repeal dildoification, redpilling friends, breaking the mass psychological control.

Wish that it were as easy as gunning down some baddies with your friends, but it just isn't. Hence why effective Jew-wise organizers tend to die prematurely.

Personally, I think SIEGE is a much more informative read. Mason seemed to have a pretty sober critique of the failure of far right movements of his contemporaries (namely, laziness, dysfunctional people and internal conflict).

It was never really meant as "great literature," it was serialized in a tabloid by Pierce in late 70s. The others you're talking about (certainly Covington's) are knock-offs of this. It has a sort of mythic status, since Matthews formed "the Order" in the early 80s and used it (fairly successfully) as an instruction manual. It was translated into every major European language and used to be sold at train stations, and just about every nation has now gone through process of banning it. whatever you think of it, it was influential.

>t. /lit/

the audio book is really good

Heh, the anti fascists show up to cream pie icke with a banana pie and end up splashing the children's books section of the library where he was speaking. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Of course they were a bunch of weaselly, sniveling dweebs just like the ones who wanted to put acid in the ventilation at that ball.

When we take control, niggers like this will die in the most painful, torturous manner imaginable.

Wouldn't it be an interesting almond activator for the history books if only traitors and animal abusers got torture…. Nazis were animal lovers and environmentalists too.

SIEGE by James Mason is a must read, it's sad so few people on here have read it. It is incredibly important for people in these circles to gain the knowledge from that book so that we can move forward as national socialists to victory

Also here is a link to the pdf Mason - Siege.pdf

Should i read Turner Diaries or Hunter first?

Heinrich, get the gas

Read 'The New Science of Giambattisa Vico'

I think that in 92 when daddy bush was pres and the rodney king/LA riot happened it was like the BLM of today but they didn't have any resistance like we have now and the video of rodney was recorded and instantly went viral so the whites had to "surrender".
In regards to Clinton and California there was a huge wave of gang crimes, ok mostly nigs killing each others but still, with the bloods/crips in the 90's when Clinton was pres. That and the cocaine epidemic associated with it opened up the eyes of a lot people I think.

No, it isn't. The difference between now and in times past is that laws have been created to their benefit ahead of time and no towns or cities are walled off so once they cross the border the hordes just walk into every built up area like they own the place.


Two different cats user. The top one has a smaller stache.

You're not understanding the concept and what he means by "demographic war." You have 2 enemy states, but only one pretends to believe in e-quality, d-versity, and all the rest. Thus, the enemy state sends large numbers of people they know will be a drain on their society; i.e., a Trojan Horse.

From a military aspect, clearly the best decision is to turn them all away with machine guns, but in a society that values "e-quality" and "human rights," this cannot be done, both for political reasons and because some of the armed participants in the "diverse" state will be shtskins of that grain, and unwilling to carry out the order.

Using masses of undesirable, destructive people who the society will be forced to take despite their better knowledge and despite knowing the intentions of the enemy, but everyone is too cowed to point it out. THAt is the "demographic warfare" Pierce is talking about. No, it hasn't been done before, certainly never on this level and with people who will clearly be only a detriment to the society to where they're a weapons.

Never correct me again. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. If I'm not sure of something, I don't state it here.

Holy shit I'm in love.

Can we make this into new copypasta?

Please do.

show us your feminine penis
please don't


I've listened to a ton of speeches but never read his books. I'm listening to his narration right now, and I'll report back with parallels when finished.

His black voice narration is fucking gold! Thanks user.

Fair enough. I don't mean to state that it isn't a significant work, but I was hoping for a workable prescription for real-world results.

Much of the militia movement was stamped out post OKC in 1995. Since the Patriot Act, I think feds have been able to much more effectively identify internal threats and make effective organization almost impossible. Sometimes I find it encouraging that mutinous whites are what the government fears most, as evidenced by the tremendous amount of manpower and resources they spend tracking, distracting and leading (alt-right) us.


Spica are Catholics and don't abort; see Compton

Your efforts are noted and appreciated by more than you know.

The always react with glee because it's one of the few situations in which they can outsmart something. That, and no empathy.


Read it all.

It's basically modern America circa 2017, written 30 years ago. The author is basically fucking Nostradamus. It'd be quicker to list what HASN'T come to pass than to note the near-absolute similarities.


ISPs for sale and constant surveillance might be worse than the universal ID/passport.

Two things have surprised me so far.
First is the role of the Day of the Rope. Having only been familiar with the meme and its place in "Prayer of the Rollerboys", I assumed it was the initiation of violence. However in the book, it is the symbolic cleansing after the race war has been started and a major conflict in California has been won.
Secondly, I am surprised at how sympathetic Earl Turner is as a character. Granted, some of that is a result of the first person narrative. But he seems so earnest and genuine, even in the face of horror. It's a contrast to the cynical bloodthirsty-yearning I've seen in others and myself.
If you are in this thread and somehow still haven't started reading it, just fucking do it–likewise with Prayer of the Rollerboys.

Absolutely amazing book.

Still maintain TD is much funnier to listen to with Dr. Pierce doing the Jew voices.

can I get a basic gestalt on this book?

universal ID/passport was going to happen if hillary had gotten into office in order to fully accelerate the "open borders"

On top of that, I'm so fucking thankful to be within this timeline and dimension instead of the one that Hillary had actually one. Man, if dems are getting violent and exposing their true selves now, I can only imagine the horrors the other reality where dem control goes full spurge ahead to destruction would only bring.

Reminder to move to /polk/

cuckchanners need not apply

Eh, this seems like a rather irrelevant thread.

Should be /pdf/ tier.

thanks kike

kikes take guns. Holla Forums goes underground. start blowing up bldgs and shooting libshits. switch to economic guerrilla warfare. capture california. spoilers-spoilers, read the book faggot.