Mfw words>numbers


Hey Holla Forums

You know it to be true my dear tranny boy. We wouldn't be having this conversation right now without the wonders of words.

You couldn't have one fine day without the one. You couldn't have tea for two without the two. You could't have three blind mice without the three.

And you couldn't pronounce any of that number shit without words. Checkmate brother.


Meanwhile my country has a thriving community and economy based on trading goods and words. While all you have is yourself, a gay dodecahedron as your only servant, and a bunch of shitty outdated computers for cheap shitposts no one ever reads. C-H-E-C-K-M-A-T-E.

01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101

01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 00100001 00100000 01110111 01101000 01111001 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100100 01101110 00100111 01110100 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01110011 01100001 01100111 01100101 00111111

Let me guess, you tried to write in binary.

Maths enclose writing systems, including semantics.

Math is for nerds

01101000 01100101 01111001 00100000 00101111 01110100 01110110 00101111

remove math
You are worst number
you are the number idiot
you are the number smell…



Y'know, when I saw this when I was really little, for whatever reason that fucker scared and disturbed the hell out of little me.

Perhaps because he has not face and has a strange effeminate voice.

I've seen worse.

Christ, why did you have to remind me about this fucked up movie. I was having a perfectly good day and I thought I repressed this shit.

Aren't numbers just words written funny?


Hey Holla Forums

The movie would've been better if they had brought along the Spelling Bee. He had a great dynamic with the Humbug which made his character more interesting, since the Humbug literally does nothing but be worthless and devoid of humor half the time, and it would also add more to his character since the Spelling Bee is a mockery of poor teaching methods and having the Humbug criticize the Spelling Bee's methods would help to flesh out his character by showing the Bee better and more engaging alternatives to teaching Milo about their surroundings and how to move forward on his journey. For example, have the Spelling Bee teach something informative but in a boring and restrained matter that disinterests Milo from learning, but then have the Humbug take the Spelling Bee's lesson and present it to Milo in a way that is far more appealing and less trivial. Their petty rivalry and contrasting natures would've also added a nice level of comedy to their group dynamic and the Spelling Bee could've served as a great foil for the Humbug in making sure he stayed in line and did his part for the group while the Humbug kept the Spelling Bee's tedious and repetitive nature (reminiscent of a boring educational children's program) from holding them back due to his uptight and tedious methods of accomplishing a task.


Is the Terrible Trivium, dare I say… /ourguy/?


You bastard.

''Know I know who you are! You're "The Terrible Holla Forums"!

Quite correct! The Terrible Holla Forums! Demon of the Internet and Divider of Cucks! Ogre of Shitposting!

And… "friend" to neckbeards and hate-lovers everywhere…!

but how can one love hate?

Same way someone can feel joy at seeing others miserable. Embrace the hate and anger, user. Let it flow through you.

Hate and love are two sides of the same coin, when you hate something you wish it got better or in line with your views.

Congrats. This is the dumbest question I've seen all year.

I vaguely remember reading this once in school.

"Milo, quick! Its the overbearing Holocaust Survivor!

"Remenber the six million, goyim! I survived 6 extermination camps while I was a 6 months-old fetus. Oy Vey!"

"The damn nathzees used their horrible masturbation machines to torture me and my three grandpas and four mothers. All while putting 25 cm of wood into my ass! What a shoa!"

"So its all your fault that the damn nathzees killed my entire generation! So always support Israel wars, and be enslaved to the chosen ones! You are not allowed to forget the Auschwitz Roller Coaster Gas Chamber! Never doubt or question the Holoacust! I know everything that you should know, goyim!"

"MWAHAHA! We're the deadly, unstoppable, super hacktivist group known as Anonymous! And if we do say so ourselves, we're one of the most fearsome beings in the world wide web! We are anonymous! We are legion! We cannot be stopped! We have even evolved beyond our meager origins on 4chan and laugh in the face of the Terrible Holla Forums! You are fools to think you can stop us as we strive to enforce our own brand justice while wearing snazzy hats! Occupy Wall Street! TWO SCOOPS! Impeach! Buy our merchandise! MWAHAHAHA!"

"If you think you can stop us, think again! We are enlightened, ahead of the game, and in this moment we are Euphoric® thanks to our own intellect! We cannot be stopped! We're even bigger than the C.L.I.T.! We're Hot Topic's best seller! We are the hacker known as Ano-… Ano… Anonymous… I… I'm big… and… uh… mean… and… uh… I eat… Holla Forums… and 4chan… for breakfast…"

"And… uh… everyone who… disagrees with me… is… uh… a bigot… and… um… Oh darn it… Actually I'm Reddit the Insincere… I don't mean what I say… I don't mean what I do… I… I just like attention whoring and being edgy I guess… Then you had to go and spoil everything! BAAAAAW!!"