Young Dan Pussey

Dan Clowes used to be real popular with the 90's comic alternative set. You know, the comic fans who hate comics. You pretty musch were only allowed to read Hate, Eightball, Cerebus and maybe Yummy Fur and Naughty Bits or you would be excommunicated, classified a non-person. But what the pseudo-beatnik X-gen comic intelligentsia never seemed to get, was that for a guy who supposedly hated mainsteam, commercial comics as much as they did, Clowes seemed to have an awful lot of insider information…




Well this story can't possibly turn out to be sophomoric.


Snort, one mini-comic maestro I used to work with named his strawman superhero comic fan "Johnny Fuckwit", so Young Dan got off fairly lightly, IMO.


One page missing here. Wasn't in the file I downloaded. Probably a single page strip or something…

You know, this is exactly how I got published. I wrote and drew a superhero story so bad the editor thought it was a parody (wince).



I think the last I heard of Clowes was, that fucking hack Shia Labouf had plagiarised a comic strip of his, word for word, for a short film of his.

Any relation to Terry Fuckwitt?

Possibly. He once confided to me that he was just making up all the "references" in his work, hoping that people would think there was some deeper meaning to it.

You mean like us?
I love Clowes, and I love Pussey. This comic skewers everything about comics and comics fans from the 60s to the 90s. His take on Art Spiegelman is terrific.



This should be a banner.


Thanks OP.

Which one is supposed to be Spiegelmanwho I just know as the "Maus guy"

Gummo Bubbleman

Doctor Infinity is Stan Lee, right?

Totally. But I don't know if the specific stories about Infinity's interactions with various comics creators are based on real incidents.

I recognise a couple expies here. "Roy Hoover" has to be Jack Kirby, and "Gil Dickey" might be Jack Cole getting thrown to the wolves over his horror work.

What did Spiegelman do besides his rodent holocaust comic? Was he doing the same stuff Bubbleman did in the comic?

Um, I think this appearance is mostly in reference to him editing Raw magazine, which was the artiest comic magazine EVER.

Hah, that whole thing with making them stay in and eat takeaway actually happened when they were making Tattoo Assassins, during crunch time. They didn't want anyone leaving the offices to get lunch…

Larry Anger is of course Gary Groth.

That's the kind of stuff I want to know. I need to read up on Jack Cole.

Yeah. Raw was pretty great.


Yes, it's an introduction. Maybe >>>Holla Forums is more your reading level.

t. nigger

I've always wondered who that guy Pussey was based on was.
This one guy from the Homage Studios Swimsuit special is a suspect, but it's probably a coincidence.

I don't think Cole got thrown to the wolves over his horror work. He just got a better job, namely working for Playboy, which for decades was the gig for cartoonists because they offered the highest pay.

Even though he illustrated, and possibly wrote, "Murder, Morphine, and Me", which was the centerpiece of the comic book scare, it doesn't seem to have affected his career. Which is what makes his suicide in 1958 so baffling.

I read his wiki article. What a strange end. It's always weird when people in comfortable circumstances commit suicide in their later years.

I'm guessing his wife had something to o with it.

Cheating bitch.