Red-pill or leave to the wolves? A rant from a former leftie

So what do we do with libtards guys? Some of you have an evangelical attitude when it comes to politics, using a mixture of satire and candidness when addressing hot-button issues with left-tards. Most of the time you'll just get the same go-to buzz-words, but every once in a while, you might bring someone to our side (which I feel compelled to remind you is pretty small in the scheme of things), so you keep it up to evangelise as many as possible, in hopes that they might evangelise as well and so on).
Others are more hard-line when it comes to this stuff. Almost seeming to think you're worthless in the movement unless your first words were 'Sieg Heil'. 'A European tumblrina woman was gang-raped and killed by Muslims or Niggers, so what. One less brain-dead cuck to deal with. Yeah you could argue that she isn't a true European because she doesn't care for her country as much as we do, seeing it as a giant playground where anyone can turn up and hold hands. We see our country as our house. We believe in an afterlife even if we are atheists. The lives of our children etc. In all likelihood, she will either race-mix or put education and work before family life, and if she can still bear a child when she sees fit, of course her offspring are going to be bombarded with liberal propaganda, and will likely become liberals themselves.
I was raised by teenage degenerates taking ecstasy at raves, drinking at punk rock gigs which I also did in my early teens as well. They are still libtards who say things like 'it's always easier to hate' when I say anything bad about the EU. They didn't have the internet growing up. They had anti-nazi propaganda and hollywood thrown at them since birth. They were always taught that a Nazi is the absolute worst thing a human can be, you can't trust a Nazi, they're evil.
I think that rejoicing in one of your own getting murdered by shitskins is degenerate and will only minimise the effect of this movement further. Maybe it's us who are failing them.

Obviously the liberal brainwashing wasn't effective enough for you.

You probably had conservative views deep down and only time and self awareness of what is going on in the world dealt you a reality blow.

Your not alone user, a lot of people are waking up.

Even if we were to give a shit about it, it wouldn't change anything. This is just natural selection with new rules.

Daily reminder that this kind of cucking out makes hands rub in tel aviv. Every time you see somebody saying "fucking coalburner deserved it LOL" you're looking at either a shill or a coward.

Which one are you?

What % of the population in Russia were Jews?

They had Ayn Rand, Ronald Reagan, Vaclav Havel and Solzehnitsyn.

how is this a slide thread at all? op gave opinion and asked question. this board went to shit. someone will call me a kike shill for this.

I take the more extreme position out of practicality. It's not effecient to try and convert leftists through arguements, especially the trashy fags like the ones who raised you. Some people need red pills shoved up their ass before they break conditioning, and even then it isn't foolproof.
No, but I was able to determine right from wrong early in my life. Libshits constantly defending criminals and niggers rubbed me the wrong way. It was through this that I learned to hate libs more than niggers just by their constant self hatred and their defense of lawless minorities who would perpetuate crime after crime against whites, but god forbid you fight back. You're a racist then.

One of the stories that truly pisses me off is the story about that chick that got killed in SA, and her father immediately forgave the attackers and even invited them to her funeral. You have to be royally fucked in the head to consider such a thing, yet this fucking lib did just that.

I truly believe leftism, especially the hard leftists, is the result of differences in brain patterns and hormones. In essence, you have to fight biology in addition to decades of conditioning, and it's simply too much time and effort to waste.

I have no pity for people over the consequences of their actions. As we say, with Jews you lose, everytime.
Instead, I think about the people they could have grown up to be, had we woken up earlier.

I feel the same way. I hold more ire for traitors. It's like if someone let a rabid dog loose in a public park. You still need to shoot the dog because it's dangerous, but I'm not especially angry at it. It's acting according to its nature. But the idiot who thought it was a good idea to loose it among people? I have no end of scorn for them.

Too much effort to save them all. There's a tipping point to reach and after that what happens happens. A large number of these cucks will die and you shouldnt mourn them. The point will be to rebuild

GTFO faggot. Absolutely NO sympathy for race traitors. As long as our women think they can burn the coal without consequences they're going to keep getting dicking by Jerome and Darius.

I will never be able to understand why you people get angry boners for dictating what other people should do.

No, I'll call you a poorly designed bot, or you just copypasted the wrong reply, faggot. No one had said it was a slide thread.

Go shill somewhere else.

user, it's too early.

They aren't told about the consequences. That was supposed to be your responsibility as a brother, father, mother, etc. And the traitors Codreanu is talking about are political, financial, etc., not the common man who is pulled by the current of popular culture.

If you want to "redpill" someone, don't start going on about the Jews or blacks or whatever. Just refute their arguments with facts, and have some sources ready to go. I've had conversations with leftist people where they've gone "shit, you're right", and I suspect a big part of bringing people around like that is because I don't use racial epithets and remember my fucking manners when talking about other cultures and races.

A lot of people simply aren't aware of a lot of things. They just read what they see on their Facebook news feeds and that's about it. They don't research things, they don't look things up and connect things together.

Trying to get someone to hate other races is stupid and a waste of time. All you have to do is just show them the corruption and fuckery that is happening in the world. As for immigration, like the shitshow in Europe, don't start going on about how subhuman the immigrants are, but rather just point out how they don't integrate, they drive wages down, they form segregated ghetto communities, there's a lot of racism and hatred on their part, and so on. Explain why mass immigration is bad in reasonable terms and you're probably going to have a lot more success.

A lot of us get burnt-out from time-to-time and then post such jaded responses. No one wants this stuff to happen… well no one wants white men and women to be numale faggots and tumbrinas, but one they get there, they're usually too far gone. A coalburner getting "enriched" is good in that there's one less degenerate whore, but it always comes with a pain that the white women had a turning point where she was once salvagable. None of this situation is good, OP.

It was against the law until recently, much like screwing any other fauna. And odds are we're going to have to pay for this mistake when Daykwan's and the soon to be single mother coalburners disgusting biological experiment in the bedroom ends up a welfare leech or criminal.

Here is the first Red-Pill

Until you are able to understand this most simple and basic 1st step of the red-pill, everything that follows from this axiom falls down.

It appears that the left need uncucking in equal measure to the new alternative right who both serve the jews interests and agenda.

The left are bad and dangerous to Westernm civilisation because they are allied and serve international jewry.
The right are bad and dangerous to Western civilisation because they are allied and serve international jewry.

This is why National Socialism was the first real alternative offered to the world to fight against organised jewry, the left and right are both jewish constructs that fight tooth and nail solely for jewish ends.

You obviously aren't from here, and you should leave.
Yes, because everything we do is about religion to you people. We don't think of it much here. This is about politics.

Someone who believes in Eugenics, nigger lovers and the ones who make excuses for it die.

You are right user and i check thee.

This would ensure our message is spread to all and sundry that are seeking truth, it controls the narrative from media and normies as it will forever link red pills to National Socialism.

Take a long run view of this. Either your race-mix or cuck out in which case your children aren't white and your cuck genes aren't passed on. Or you wake up and you make white babies. In which case your children get your woke genes.

In the end it sorts itself out. But there may be periods where bloodshed is required for survival like South Africa.

Fuck off, they talk shit to the "haters" and say they are racists.

Oh that must be so terrible for you, to be called a racist and all. How ever will you survive???

lol white knight.

The point was made how they don't know about risks, but they do and defend their shit choices. Fuck off kike with your shit baiting insults.

Mudshark evolution, if they survive their bad decision, goes by my observation:

fastforward 2-4 years

After a few years of that state, they tend to fork out into either being full-tier whores who often at least emotionally abandon the nigspawn as much as they can, or will turn into screeching "all whites must be shamed for privilege and all males gotta die" full communist cunts. Probably because they do have the firsthand experience to know that on equal terms their sweet little dinddus will not amount to shit all.
Both ways they will have aged terrible and look like hateful old witches by this time btw.

If you guys want to go save or pity and of that, or complain about how we should prevent their own stupidity when law and society won't let us go ahead.
I just think of them as a loss and a burden after the first minute of coalburning and wash my hands of them.

It's a shill D&C issue. They're astroturfing both sides of it.

The shills have been pushing that narrative hard.

There's a difference between someone who has been manipulated by a traitor, and a traitor.

The 18 year old college student who hung out with a 'diverse' group of friends and ended up raped and stabbed is a victim. The 25 year old feminist telling her peers and underlings that they are racists if they do not date minority men is a traitor. You have compassion for the one, and a bullet for the other.



'Convert' then. Fuck sakes.

The only reason that I get upset when libtards get targeted by mudslimes is because mudslimes are targeting people that we ourselves should be handling.

But make no mistake. The traitors are the ones that will have the most fury rained down on them. The traitor is the ultimate enemy. Shitskins and kikes are enemies yes, but the traitor deserves your hate more than anyone.