What are your thoughts on multiculturalism? Does it work?

What are your thoughts on multiculturalism? Does it work?

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Revolutionary culture works, neoliberal models don't.

its a spook
only if you keep it to yourself.

cultures are like kids, they're parents think they're beautiful and amazing but everyone else think they're stupid, ugly and smell like piss.
we only say "oww they're cute" to be polite, in reality we could rather beat em up with a shovel.

tl:dr, as long as you keep it to yourself you should be ok

The concept of multiculturalism doesnt holds any value once all borders and states are gone.

And before that its really not important what culture you have as long as you are a communist.


Multiculturalism only means that any real otherness is banalized and integrated into a single hegemonic way of life. It's an instrument for the globalization of capitalism. That image you used is not a bad representation of it, we're all reduced to consumerist cattle.

I prefer that cultures have some political autonomy, otherwise there's no point to them. Ideally there would be different communes or city-states.

It's a garbage idea when you get to a certain point. The home culture should never have to make concessions for foreign culture.

Multiculturalism isn't.

By which I mean forcing a bunch of different cultures together just turns it all into one monocultural blob in one or two generations. Nobody has any culture. Unless it's just two groups and one is way bigger than the other. Then the smaller culture just get's absorbed and erased entirely.

Promote tolerance, not multiculturalism.

How would you feel if I told you I tolerated you?

Any multiculturalism is Western, and the West isn't a culture anymore, it's a system. So there's no "home culture" that "has to make concessions", the system absorbs and integrates cultures according to its capitalist code. Multiculturalism is the inverse colonization: after coming to you to destroy your culture, you escape to us and we destroy your culture.

What the fuck does it mean for multiculturalism to 'work'?

except the lonely cat-woman tries to steal them because she feels they are hers.

Fine. I tolerate you as well.

Why do people think multiculturalism = multiethnicism?

We need one giant monoculture in the world. Keeping cultures segregated in the same area is a bad idea IMO because it leads to people doing things the other group finds unacceptable.

Segregated cultures only work if those groups dont have to interact, not when they live next and between each other, like they are in most of the modern world.

Wow Holla Forums really is retarded.

What is that supposed to even mean? What definition of culture are you using that allows for that kind of division?

"Multiculturalism" in politics is 100% meaningless. There is no reason to use it except to invoke some kind of underlying connotation.


I think multiculturalism implicitly has the same sort of culturally conservative ideology as monoculturalism. The ideas that certain practices and ideas must be 'preserved' and not contaminated by any external cultural forces. The 'Mosaic' idea.

Culture is fluid and ever-changing, it doesn't remain static and attempts to do so just make culture stale and uncreative. Your culture is simply what you do. Anyone can preserve any cultural practice they want just by partaking in them. You 'do' culture, you don't 'have culture'. The only cultural mandate we need is that we have the means to engage in it. That we have genuine control, through our own practices and behaviours, the cultural landscape that surrounds us.

Observably yes.

Britain and Germany and America are all rich and multicultural.

For Holla Forums multiculturalism means basically brown people being part of society? What does it mean to Holla Forums?

Tolerance of what? There are plenty of things that should not be tolerated. This vague language is obscuring the public debate and escalating this entire shit storm. Multiculturalism in western europe really means Islamic ghettos in with attitudes that are irreconcilable with western values, and that is a terrible idea.
Almost no one outside of Holla Forums gives a shit about asians, blacks and arabs that integrate in to western culture.

tbh I assumed they were a Holla Forumsak. No one else really gives a shit about muh western culture

..I do :(

Multiple distinct cultures living among each other, (semi-)segregated

White culture to a person of colour is like water to a fish - they don't notice it most of the time, but they flop around angrily if you throw them out of it.

A rotten set of customs and ideas that doesn't have the right to survive in the world today and refuse to be examined critically for fear of looking like the retard thing that it is

The philosophers, writers, artists, linguistics etc.. needs to unite to destroy culture actively and replace it with a better artificial culture
fuck it fam we will make better culture

See josip broz tito

Well, have you ever live din a multicultural community? Because I do and the worst problem that we have is African criminals and arabic drug dealers. Although the former primarily consists of refugees and high school drop outs, and the latter are pawns of bikie gangs. So if you resolved those issues then I don't see a problem.

Spooky liberal nonsense. The interactions of different individuals in a given society, no matter their backgrounds, constitute a culture which is, owing to the nature of reality, constantly changing. There is no "multiculture."

Multiculturalism is only the absence of authoritarian restrictions on culture. It's the best, because it's simply the lack of state oppression. You want state oppression based on arbitrary nonsense? Okay, go to Holla Forums.

and anyone wanting to maintain their "local culture" by keeping shitskins out because they wear a type of hat that is fundamentally harmful to the moral fabric of society, is a fucking cunt and an idiot and wrong.

Don't care.
This is a nonsense question. Multiculturalism has no particular aim or goal. It just sort of is.

I came to this thread to tell Holla Forums to leave.

I have to ask, whats with the OpenSuse poster?

Wtf Holla Forums, culture is literally just customs and habits, it's only realized as actually "cultural" in the encounter with the Other. It's neither essence nor static, but a construct formed from interaction with others. Culture does not disappear in the encounter, it appears in it, and as it appears in it so it also changes. The cultures of today are not the cultures of tomorrow.

In this sense multiculturalism is indeed impossible, because it presumes the same kind of stasis as nationalists. A Kurd in Europe is going to have very different values from one in Iraq, and a Frenchman in the 1800s had different values from one born in the 1990s.

I rarely agree with Mr. Islam here but he's right. Culture is a liberal construction, it's seeing through the gaze of the colonizer. We should work to abolish any barriers between people and that includes tribalistic traditions, religious zealotry, nationalism and defenses of 'it's just way of life!'.

I don't have opinions

Depends. Roman Empire and America would
be successful example, but modern day multiculturalism are mostly


Multiculturalism was a huge breaking point for me when I debated it with my former leftist friends at university. They seem to believe in the neo-liberal lie that we should replace regional/national cultures with individualism (personal cultures). But we have seen how that worked out in the US and to some extend in the soviet union (baltic states).

I agree that you should be first and foremost a socialist/ a worker but that doesn't mean you have to erase your or any cultural sphere.

I grew up in Swiss. We have german, italian and french Katons (states) and you can tell whether someone is from such a katon just by the way they behave. It's nuanced. But aside from that I can exactly pin point and explain to you the lifestyle and the worldview actual (south-)germans, italians and french have. And this contrast in how people live their life and tend to express themselfs is the most beautiful thing I can think of. When I see a group of italians drink a beer with a group of german tourists at work (I work in a Hotel) and see how their cultures interact and the misunderstandings and the laughts at the misunderstandings, the conversations about what they have in common and how they might do things differently, showing each other things the other don't know in their culture - I can see an intense sense of brotherhood and comradeship developing not based on what they have in common but what differences they share. For me these kind of moments are magical. But I know exactly that this wouldn't be case if you didn't have two seperate cultural zones where those people can develop and maintain their cultures. And as I have witnessed myself this doesn't mean we need borders or nationalism - in swiss youz have different Katons who maintain their nuanced cultural difference even though we share the same country.

I think Zizek has a similair story of his experience in the Yugoslav Army - "shared solidarity" youtube.com/watch?v=p4YJAs6Cv9I

Neo-Liberals and post-modern "marxists" I meet at my university on the other hand believe that cultures are on the one hand enrichment when you mix them but on the otherhand what is wrong with the world. They say they are tolerant but often proof to be the most intolerant when it comes to the cultural sovereignty. According to them it would be preferable to become like the US, a land based on shared general non-culture, a hyper-capitalist dream were everyone is an individual atomized wage slave instead of being embedded in a social structure independent of the consumer system.

I agree with this

Besides that, multiculturalism is not leftist to begin with, but capitalist. An easy way to ensure a permanent new social lower class which provided cheap labour which otherwise becomes less and less available in a more developed country which correlates with lower birth rates and, on average, higher amounts of education.

Off course, this doesn't really sell so it's disguised within a lot of liberal leftism which really worked in Europe at the time for example. Nowadays however, it mainly shows that creating an additional social lower class doesn't work, especially one which segregrates more than integrates and has an overrepresentation in loads of negative statistics.

multiculturalism doesn't work, you have to have a base culture to set the values you want in your society

Sahra Wagenknecht got alot of flack for saying the exact same thing about the Refugee Crisis over in Germany

Which was actually terribly sad to see because if they would have strongly supported her, it could be the basis of a modern leftist criticism on multiculturalism. Instead, by calling her out the left continuous to force a purely capitalist ideology as a leftist one, ensuring that they are unable to actually criticize the obvious (and increasingly larger) flaws which come alongside with it.

It is basically the best outcome any far right party could hope for, as it enables them as promoting themselves on as the only ones with an answer while actively pushing the idea that multiculturalism is a leftist failure. With the AfD in Germany, PVV in the Netherlands, SD in Sweden or FN in France it is all a story that works very similar from that perspective.

Holla Forums would be so much better if these long, sophisticated posts about theories didn't come with pictures of little girls.


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If you are an immigrant or 2nd and onward generation then you should integrate into the land's culture or GTFO. Ideally people would simply realize that culture is a silly spook and abandon it altogether but unfortunately people are stupid and spooked.

Quite a non-sensical picture since the modern day definition of multiculturalism is based on capitalism, which is not definable by "(all of) history" in the first place.

If you do not recognize the capitalist influences of modern day multiculturalism with its focus on the exploitation of imported uneducated masses to ensure enough cheap labour you can't call yourself a communist in the first place.

That isn't even true, you social engineer. Cultures develop and grow. It's not like the greek culture was just a combination of two other cultures. Of course other cultures close by influence said culture but this process needs a certain profilation from others around you.

That's like saying "Every skin color is just a combination of other older colors". No. It takes a long time for a certain people to develop that cultural identity. You can see that in the southern culture vs northern culture that developed slowly during the time the US was still cut off from europe. Yes it was based on older cultures but it still had to grow and develop it's own uniqueness over time. And the japanese culture developed from a chinese fundation but needed isolation from the mainland to develop into the japanese culture. It wasn't chinese culture mixed with ayo culture or something.

The original bucket metaphor makes pretty much sense if you look at places like the USA

Culture is shit. Just like religion, it's a coping mechanism for oppression and once you get rid of oppression it will disappear.


t. failed history class student

It is what it is.

An ambiguous term that could mean anything from muh browns to tolerate barbarism because muh tradishun.

You'd have to define its goal is. But if its goal is to get me to genocide the white man by getting a brown gf, it fucked up because my ex broke up with me.

pure spooks, read althussier


The problem with the picture is that "culture" is incredibly broad and vague to the point of meaninglessness. The picture continues to entertain notions that should be strictly limited to absurd far-right diatribes.

Got some sauce on that, my buccaneer pal?

Multiculturalism has two meanings:
In this sense, multiculturalism happens when a plurality of cultures coexist in a society in harmony. This means that each culture gives up things that cause conflicts with others.
I think this is a fairly positive as an ideal, we just mostly don't have it, except in a few areas of life which are naturally quite conflict-free (food, music, art). It also works among relatively similar cultures.

In this sense, multiculturalism is a set of policies which aggressively pursue maximizing the number of immigrants from maximally distant cultures, along with aggressively confronting any resistance to this.
I'd say this sucks balls and doesn't work.

The former sense is a liberal approach, and for example the monocultural Muslim ghettos of Europe are not multiculturalism according to it.
The latter sense is a progressive approach, and according to it the previous example is indeed multiculturalism.

Nevermind. I found the source. Artist is bubuzuke, and that's all there is to that image and all there is of that character. ;_;

Locke pls

Various races in the same place = destruction of the natives