White breeding and propagation general

So I have come to the conclusion that what the white race needs more of, above all else, is more redpilled women. That's why I want daughters, lots of them. Is there any real way to increase the chances of my children being female without resorting to genetic modification?
I'm not against the idea of having a few boys here and there. I want a lot of children regardless, but girls are definitely preferred.

Also, see title.

Other urls found in this thread:


you guys need to shill at different times, its really easy to spot you when you and your other employees all make worthless threads all at once

you have a typo down there "edpendent"

First post worst post.

Listen, son, a woman doesn't need to hold a certain political belief for her to get pregnant. Stop looking for "redpilled women" and instead become a man who doesn't jack off every day. It's more important that you don't let the corrupt system attack your children than your wife who can be "converted" over time, especially if you love one another. The schools and media have played a bigger role in brainwashing people than parents have.

Yes, but fostering that belief will make it more likely she'll make the right decision when selecting a mate.
I'm not asking you "how do I find a redpilled woman?" I'm asking "how do I generate more women to raise in a redpilled manner?"

saged for slide thread

Now hear me out on this, they talk about Generation Z being 'muh most conservative generation' I figure if there is any truth to this it is because their parents are all degenerates so the kids rebel by being wholesome. Is there a way to act degenerate so your kid will rebel and not be? Kids are going to do the opposite of what you tell them when they are teens, so what if you act like a stupid drunk/stoner around them and it makes them not want to do that stuff? I don't know how well this would actually work since most bad parents just breed bad kids.

Without invasive medical procedures costing all the money in the world, all you can get is a slight increase in likelihood, no guarantees. Most of the methods floating around (like always having sex in the missionary position) are clearly bullshit, but some may have promise.

The "Shettle Method" takes advantage of the fact that Y-chromosome sperm are a bit lighter and more energetic, but X-chromosome sperm live longer. If you can time it right, try having sex two days before ovulation begins. By the time an egg is released – so goes the thinking – two-thirds to three-fourths of the male sperm will be dead, but half of the female sperm will still be there.

Also, female bodies have a tendency to miscarry male embryos under stress. The thinking is that males are high-risk investments – maybe they'll father many of your grandchildren, or maybe they'll have none. In hard times, when the woman is underfed or stressed out, she tends to lose male pregnancies because the numbers look bad for investing in baby boys. Female embryos and fetuses aren't spontaneously aborted, presumably because daughters almost always produce a limited (and thus, safe) number of grandchildren.


You should be the one selecting her since she doesn't know what she wants.

Homeschooling and being active in their life. Have her learn an instrument, play with her, comb her hair, etc. Be a gentleman and a standard for her to measure other men by.

Poorly parented kids will gravitate towards the fringe. Being a piece of shit to them will either make them hard right wingers, commies, or losers. That's a mighty risk to take.

Thanks for the information.
I certainly wouldn't want my wife to miscarry regardless of gender though. Shettle Method seems nice. All I need in increased probability, not a guarantee. With enough children the number of girls will further outweigh the boys.

I fear the prospect of a nigger selecting my daughter first. Obviously moving to a white neighborhood would mitigate this possibility but providing some awareness would be even better.

Well yeah. But I'm more interested in in how to create these girls in the first place.

Not using a contraceptive would be a good start. I mean really it's not hard to do this when you have Africans making a baby every second.

The extreme cases for more women and fewer men is still bad, as such a society has 90% of its members more or less incapacitated while they are breeding.

We need a balance, and targeting women specifically is quite a bad idea. (We should still do so, but not in exclusion to men.)

How do you meet girls?

I am not suggesting you become a degenerate but i learnt (by way of a off comment by my professor) that a extremely disproportionate amount of steroid users have female children

For example shocking amount of pro bodybuilders have exclusively girls for children

The phenomenon is not really studied but there are some theories as for why it happens

Every boy I have means less resources and attention I can provide for the girls. That's why I'd prefer to avoid a "hope for the best" approach.

I'm not saying all of you should try to produce more girls. But at least a minority of us doing so can be nothing but good.

honestly it comes more down to situational awareness than knowing the right place to go. Women exist pretty much everywhere men exist. Tbh, next time you go to the market look around and see if you find any you like. I promise she won't bite your head off if you try to spark a conversation with her.

Women just need to embrace their traditional role and maintain virginity until marriage. One woman, one ma. This is the foundation of western civilization.

This. Become a man. Grow a pair. Learn to be dominant, make enough to support a family and be able to protect that family then find a girl who has good genes, likes kids and has some domestic skills. Her politics don't matter because women will echo the politics of the men they are attracted to.

Wew lad

90% of conversations between strangers can be called "random." That's how people get to know other people. One person goes to another and makes a comment about their environment. If they don't get a response or if that response is rude, they shrug it off and move on with their lies. Otherwise, conversation is started.


Sure, but with a woman that's now considered at least one or two counts of rape.

Women used to be either kidnapped by, or given to, men of different tribes. A lot of our marriage rituals reflect that. Giving the bride away, maids of honor, best man and groomsmen etc.

Girls are innately wired to reflect the values of their tribe growing up and then take up the values of their new tribe.

This also explains their attraction to bad boys, niggers etc (those outside the tribe).

Fuck off with that demoralizing shit. The most she'll do is scream or something (which is absurdly unlikely) and everyone will will look with confusion. If she's enough of a psycho to press charges then you're in luck because most stores have surveillance cameras.

user, please. If you offend a woman, do you really think you're going to be able to defend yourself against her feelings with physical evidence? It's the year it currently is.

Kek, if you're that afraid of women maybe you shouldn't breed. The white race doesn't need cucks like you.

It does, my genes are amazing. I'm just not going to go to a fucking grocery store and invite the police.

I guarantee you won't need the police to start a conversation with a fucking woman. Hell, you can go pretty much anywhere and talk to girls and the chances of it going badly for you (sans the prospect of rejection. Always remember: it's 12 failures to every success) are minuscule. Even college campuses aren't that bad you fucking pussy.

Not in a market, mate.

Well now that's just outright shitposting.


Honoring women who aren't mothers is like giving valor medals to men who haven't served.
The fucking Havamal warns us about this.
A sizeable percentage of "your" women have no intention whatsoever of becoming mothers, they are dead weight.
Women stopped deserving 'protection' when they what on the nuclear family and replaced it with feminism (which they got and which all women now benefit from, regardless of their claims to being right-wing.)
Nomwoman wants your 'protection', they view it as creepy and overbearing control creamery. If she wants protection she will call the police, "real men."
And statistically, it is her husband or boyfriend they will come to brutalize, most often form"domestic abuse" which now includes such horrors as telling her to stop frittering away the family money "financial abuse". Where are the 'red pill" women demanding that these extensions to domestic abuse law, which by their nature make it impossible for a man to "control" and "lead" the household, where are the calls to revoke those feminist powers? The 'women of the fight's are deafeningly silent on such things.

btw this is another Renegade Radio/TRS " we need more women in the right". Thread.
Right-wing feminists are still feminists.

Praise day at even, a wife when dead,
a weapon when tried, a maid when married,
ice when 'tis crossed, and ale when 'tis drunk.

The speech of a maiden should no man trust
nor the words which a woman says;
for their hearts were shaped on a whirling wheel
and falsehood fixed in their breasts.

Is that 'Don't try to pick up women at a grocery store'? Because that's what I actually said, albeit in a less direct manner. I'm going to cut to the chase this time because apparently you need it in simple terms.

I know men and women don't exactly work the same way, but picture this:

Even if you ignore the idea that it could someone you may be interested in a relationship with, are you going to be a douche in that situation?

Now replace some details to work for literally any other place you go. It's all the same shit.

Well now that's just outright cowardice.


Let's all pretend it is still 1950 and that obviously batshit insane claims with zero physical evidence to back them up will just be ignored by the cops.
No woman would lie about rape Goy, listen and believe, control your woman, it turns her on!
No, don't worry that it is classed as DV and will earn you a one way ticket to years of prison rape, man up mgtow faggot.

So Moshe where are the jew approved places for goys to meet women?

I would absolutely be a douche in that situation, I'd look past them like they weren't there or weren't even human. I never acknowledge anyone at a grocery store is even alive besides the person bagging my shit if I'm unlucky enough to be anywhere without a self-service register.

I will try, kind sir.

I wouldn't know, I'm not a Jew. I guess the go-to is apparently the fucking dairy aisle though, because it seems like the notion that a grocery store isn't a guaranteed wife is a little upsetting to most of you lot.

the 'mother nature cycle' naturally compensates and when the women know the nation is at war they naturally have more boys
and in peace times eg times of farming not war they will naturally have more daughters, why do you think farmers have so many daughters?

Oh, well in that case don't breed. You're a fucking autist.

There are no guarantees here, mate. The whole reason I said "grocery store" is it's basically the least likely place people think of. My point is you can go pretty much ANYWHERE and start a conversation while you're there. I'm obviously not recommending you hang out in the fucking dairy aisle waiting for someone that meets your standards to come by. You shouldn't be "waiting around" anywhere with that intention.
I'm telling you to go about your day like you normally do and if you happen to run into a pretty young woman grow some fucking balls and try to talk to her.

here are some websites

That's funny, I was just being accused of telling people this. How's the nose hanging? I'll be nice and contribute my superior genetics to the gene pool, even if you must pollute it with your foul grocer spawn.

I live in America, user. That would be a first.

Maybe testosterone killing Y-chromosome sperm? Ace pilots in WWII showed a similar effect, I believe, being something like 2/3 more likely to conceive daughters after the war than others in their demographics.

Interestingly, as far as I know, this effect was not seen among the 80 percent or so of non-ace pilots. To make ace, you have to be hyper aggressive and competitive, so maybe. . . ?

Trump rallys are great places to meet hot chicks as well

See, the difference is you are telling people that TALKING TO WOMEN is somehow a risky operation. I'm telling you in particular not to breed because you're a faggot who can't into basic social interaction.

So do I. Commiefornia no less (one of the red counties though). That should tell you something.


I'm telling you that I'm going to anyway, perhaps even just to spite you.

Yeah, that you're not in Wisconsin. I'd say that you aren't surrounded by cows as a result, but you are, because your filthy fucking state stole mine's only reason to exist.

A couple thousand years worth of human history says otherwise. I don't see alcohol going out of style anytime soon.

Ok, seriously, where do you recommend we meet women?

Just go to the grocery store, fam. Find the 10/10 Aryans scoping out diet soda and prolapse that pussy on the spot.


Of what? I didn't watch the .webm, so you'll have to be more specific.

oh I see your butt-hurt because you could never talk to that chick

Kek, but if is not a kike trying to dissuade whites from breeding then he should be able to tell us where he recommends we find women

gyms are good they tell you she at least respects her body

Please don't ever have children

I just checked the IDs and you have 12 replies telling whites not to breed but not a single suggestion for where to meet women.

Contribute or fuck off.

I read the filename, isn't that enough? What do you want from me? Needy will get you nowhere.

I already laid it all out for you, man. Nothing says freshly produced white babies like the fucking produce aisle.

This is a great way to get thrown out of whatever gym you go to. I thought the market thing was a shit idea, but this is stepping it up a notch.

just make more white women, problem solved

good luck with that, i doubt you'll make any progress if TALKING TO WOMEN is such a scary prospect to you.

Not really seeing the connection. Fuck off with that demoralizing shit, right m8?

The chances of you getting arrested for TALKING TO WOMEN are slim to none.
Grow a pair or accept that no woman will ever want to breed with you.

It's not really an either-or where I have to go around trying to woo everyone at the local supermarket or simply give up. I feel like you're really missing that point, here.

what are you autistic? make yourself a figure at the gym and casually talk to everyone over time, don't run up to the first woman you see in yoga pants and start jacking off, after you're a figure at the gym you can casually ask one of the girls out you've been talking to

Keep shilling kike, no one is buying it

I'm not even going to fuck with you, I'm entirely serious. A gym pickup is the least likely thing I've ever seen proposed on Holla Forums and I've seen some outlandish shit about the holocaust having actually happened after all. No matter how you go about this, it is only going to end with you out of the gym at best when she regrets whoring herself at Planet Fitness.

I have never once said that, it's always been in the context of picking up women at a grocery store prior to this gym sideline. That shit's not going to work, I'm just sparing you the awkwardness of having to explain to some local cop how you were just trying to talk to spastic Tumblrina while she shopped and that despite the mace, it wasn't initially going to be the assault you later were charged with.

Well according to the vast majority of your posts. TALKING TO WOMEN will get you arrested. If you really think that's the case maybe you are better off giving up.

That's because the vast majority of my posts have been within the context of talking to women at a grocery store. That shit won't work, it's retarded. I'm not giving up entirely because I don't want to search for a wife at a grocery store, I'm just going elsewhere. Are you starting to figure this out yet? I'm not sure I can explain it to you more simply than this.

You should go elsewhere. Or more accurately: you shouldn't be going ANYWHERE with your main intention being to pick up girls. What I am saying is you can start a conversation ANYWHERE.
The grocery store is just as good as anywhere else.

I honestly have no idea why you're still autistically harping on the grocery store thing. What exactly makes the grocery store such a bad place to TALK TO WOMEN in your deluded opinion?

I refuse to term my opinion deluded, but it's because it's a weird ass place to do it and she's never going to be there to socialize with anyone. It's like trying to pick up women at a funeral.

The women that you want don't go places with the intention of socializing. They socialize with whoever wants to take the time out of their day to stop and chat. If you're an autist who needs a designated area to socialize in, go to the bar. Oh wait, bar sluts are shit. Have fun getting herpes.

are you fucking crazy??
the gym and coffee shops are where most people meet

I don't drink the liquid estrogen. You don't need to keep hitting me with these false dichotomies where I bow to your infinite wisdom of grocery store hookups or it's game over.

Coffee shops, yes. Gyms, absolutely not.

heres some motivation to all you autistic faggots,

Well shit, maybe I'm going to have to reconsider greenlighting coffee shops if that's the best you got.

gee guess where this woman is

Wasting her time doing meme routines she read about in a kike rag, and if you go and bother her your ass is going to be banned from the place she does them in.

The grocery store isn't even the fucking point. It's that you can go ANYWHERE and talk to people. If you don't like the grocery store, try ANYWHERE ELSE.

If you spend significant amounts of time in designated socializing areas of any sort, you're a lowlife.

you really do have a 0 IQ don't you? wait until she finished and is walking to another area and when she arrives to said area and simply start talking to her, if she isn't interested she'll say so if she does simply walk away

Then where do you recommend men meet women?

also pushups aren't meme routines, can you even do a pushup lad?

My entire point was that I'd try anywhere else first, besides maybe a gym because that's equally fucking stupid. A bar obviously not as well, for the reason I've already outlined.

I mean, you're the one who thinks it's cool to go around hitting on women at a grocery store. I think it's cool too. I'm not the one going to have to explain it to the police, so that's fine. You do you, retard.

That's a solid plan so long as you intend to walk out of the gym and never come back so they don't find out who you are and ban you outright. Might want to call in and cancel the membership afterward to save some bucks. If it's one of the places that doesn't let you do it over the phone, you're going to want to find a way to work that in while you slink out.

They are when you do them with shit form too quickly and cheat. The picture is not entirely representative of the way women actually exercise.



If you meant to send people off to find the love of their very gay lives, then I guess you might have a point with handsome men like these.

son beggars can't be choosers
and neckbeards can't have standards

No need to make excuses to me, man. You save your explanation for your faggotry for when you meet God.

hey user why don't you go the beach or pool to meet a girl?

Then do so. Like I said earlier: the whole reason for the grocery store thing is that it's one of the least likely places you'd expect to find someone.
As long as you have the most basic social skills, it really is that easy. Some won't be interested, sure, but you most certainly are not going to get a criminal charge for it.

Christ, man. Do you need to see one of these before you think it's ok to talk to people?

This. You're the man, she needs to have enough sense to keep her mouth quiet on politics.

Beaches are alright. Wouldn't do pools. I will say that counter to the grocery store faggot, beaches are sort of the opposite crowd where they're there to socialize and they're there to act like a whore. It will probably work, but it will also probably not work long term.

I prefer to, yeah.

have you ever been tested user? are you on the spectrum? if you are,
kill yourself
any relationship can turn into a long term one but I really doubt you have capability if you aren't even willing to try.

I'm not.

Yeah, but any long term relationship can turn into a cuckening and/or some other variety of shitstorm if you're starting it with a probable whore.

This is how we got in the situation we are in with the fags over at MGTOW. A woman's political beliefs/ religious morality or lack there of is important! You guys are mentally retarded if you think a woman without conviction and a good Christian raising is going to stay married to the same guy for 60 years through thick and thin. Women do not just take their husband's political views, they may monkey them for the first 10 years but if they aren't built on solid ground, have fun in the courts with her taking your kids and house. Wtf, do you guys hear yourselves:

Here's where it's going niggers. Believe it or not, there will one day be some kind of alien invasion of the human species.

That's why I've always opted for an Imperialist Space Empire with many women for every man, with every family must submitting one young son as an officer in the Empire.

We need a lot of women around to quickly repopulate from any species war. Eventually. First take care of the shitskins and Jews.

Deus Vult, 14/88, Gas the Kikes, White Power

I'm sorry to say this, but I think you might literally be autistic. I'm not even being insulting or hyperbolic here. That's some top tier autistic behavior.

Jesus Christ man every woman is a whore at heart thats why they have oragsms when their raped, you have to keep them satiated you sperg (YES WITH YOUR FUCKING PENIS, YOU FUCK THEM WITH YOUR PENIS)

No, kill the shitskins, take their lands, enslave the women as concubines to prevent uppityness of the white women and have robots do most work. Women are sexual servants and man explores the greater cosmos under a Lineage which transitions into Imperial Council or Oligarchy with white men voting.

you mean sterile children like monsantos seeds? no thank you

I'm not that dude, but I pretty much never talk to girls randomly. I'm always afraid they'll think I'm a creep.

I've watched my brother do it and some of my friends do it, but I'm not them. I don't feel like I have the charisma they do, and in my youth talking to girls didn't often result in a positive outcome.

That's a legitimate sign of autism. Not the first time you've went with the projection strategy, so that's not really surprising.

Just because every woman (and man at the gym) you've posted is a whore doesn't mean all women are whores. More important than whore or not is the fact that all of the women you've posted are fucking gross looking for a variety of reasons save the very first post. None of them are worth fucking with anything.

Ah another faggot who believes jewish "psychology." Fuck off, loser.

It's like jumping out of a plane with a parachute, the first time is scary but after you nail it it's no big deal the next time, practice with one liners in stores like "excuse me" or run your cart into a girls and say "oh, sorry" and if your lucky she will continue the conversation and can result in a date

user I think you are at the mistake of thinking you have your choice of women
you don't

I do, you don't. At least I hope you don't, because if you're picking garbage like this, that would reflect very poorly on your tastes or lack thereof.

I guarantee you that at least a few women will think you are a creep if you approach them randomly even if you are smooth as fuck, but that doesn't matter. There are a lot of women out there and if a few of them think you are a creep it doesn't matter if you stop giving a fuck about what

No interaction is guaranteed a positive outcome, you need to stop being a pussy and start giving less fucks about what others think and just approach and talk to girls anyways. I have had awkward interactions with women and people in general also and nothing of consequence happened long term. Just go for it and be less risk averse and you will get the hang of it soon enough.

And do you pretty much ever have a gf?
Let them. They won't have any further impact on your life after you're done talking to them. In fact, they'll want as little to do with you as possible.
Tell me, how does one learn how to play an instrument? How does one learn to draw? How does one learn to do literally anything? practice!

Tbh I was more or less taking the piss out of you to coax a legitimate response out of you since you basically avoided every point I actually made in that post.

Natural talent.

Natural talent.

No one does this because almost everything anyone would ever want to learn to do is actually rooted in their initial capabilities from the day they were born. This is the 'Niggers can learn to be people too!' mindset of a leftist. If that user wants to adopt the 'Look like a spastic rapist at the grocery store' strategy from you despite that, though…eh.

Holy shit you're a retarded beta. Nobody ever helped me with girls, I had to figure that shit out on my own through trial and error. Grow a set of nuts or off yourself. You're offing yourself genetically anyway since you're too much of a pussy to reproduce.

I meet my women in the pit

"you don't have to have natural talent to learn something" =/= "anyone can learn anything regardless of natural aptitude"

A literal autist, such as yourself, will probably never be good at talking to girls. But the average person can learn to do so adequately enough to get one long term mate.

False equivalency, social skills are much more malleable than genetic racial differences, dumbass.

LOL good luck with that.
Thinking you can trust women to vote rationally is what got us here.

If only white women voted in the election Trump would've won. Nice try though.

Is that you kampfy?

Would still win*

I didn't say I didn't have natural talent, I just attributed everything to natural talent. I'm glad you just barely had enough to get by, I respect someone who fights a losing battle. Just don't do it at a grocery store, because that shit is way creepy.

I'm way above average, breh.

Your capacity for everything is rooted in your genetics, they are no more malleable than anything else.

sure you are.

to an extent
Well, epigenetics are a thing. So you're even wrong about that.

Nigger it doesn't matter where you approach a girl. You're only creepy if you make it creepy, or you are creepy. Which you seem to think you are. A girl won't give a shit if you come up to her in the grocery store and say something to her. She'll probably think it's sweet.

Is your mother a whore too?

Whatever feel-good bullshit makes your limits more acceptable to you, my man.

Anyone is creepy in a grocery store. Those places are awful, who would want to be forced to stay in one for a second longer by some random stranger? It's a dumb place to do it, it doesn't matter how many times we rehash this shit.

Only 53%

Risking the republic on the whim of women is degeneracy. Their husbands should be the only ones allowed to vote.

You do realize you're arguing against the notion that practicing something makes you better at that thing…
Tell me, did you come out of your mother's womb walking or are you still crawling around on your hands and knees like a good cuck?

If you don't want to do it there, that's fine. If you think it's strange to chat girls up in a grocery store, you shouldn't do it. You'll be forcing yourself and it'll come off strange to her anyway. But don't assume that everyone shares your opinion.

I am only arguing that one's capacity for improvement through practice is limited by their initial genetic potential for a specific task. I am not arguing you cannot practice, merely that you will be practicing for absolutely no purpose past a point. The shittier your genetics for a task, the lower your ultimate level of attainment will be in that. I guess I can see why you'd interpret this as 'Practice does nothing' when you've got such a low ceiling you might as well already have peaked before your practiced at all.

inb4 typo autism

i think you got the wrong user.

MGTOW is misunderstood.
MGTOW is just a rational assessment of the social and legal situation that men are in regarding gynocentric social views and laws. That's it. It's a risk management strategy. Lots of MGTOW fuck bitches. Hell, some have kids. But they are aware of the issues, and use that knowledge to protect themselves. And, yes, some go full on monk or ghost because that's what works for them and it's what they want to do.

MGTOW realizes that there is no righting the ship until a major change in social ideas and legal issues regarding women happen… but they aren't looking to crusade to make that happen.

I can't believe retards like you are allowed to post on Holla Forums without getting banned.

And I would say the vast majority of people have not yet reached their full potential. Nobody spends all of their time trying to improve at talking to girls. Hell, most of the people here spend no time whatsoever on it.

I can't draw for shit. But if I spent just like an hour a week doing it I'd be better than I am now. And that's not even close to what I'd consider "practicing."

What the fuck does this have to do with deciding how girls respond to being hit on at the grocery store?

Oops that was embarrassing. You were right, I meant to respond to

I'd disagree, you don't need to specifically practice the specialized task in order to practice extremely similar tasks. It's in with every other casual social scenario, and I'd say more of them are maxed out in it than those who aren't. That's despite not having practiced. You might want to look into the drawing thing if it keeps you out of the groceries, though.

Nah, I've never had one. Which is why I avoid them– I know my life is so fucked that I'm an unattractive candidate.

So while and are good advice, I feel like I can't follow them. My brother at least has a job, even if he is a giant fatass.

I'd agree there to an extent. Though "let's chat" is very different from "i find you attractive." You need the "general" social skills and a bit of something else: something called charm.

I highly doubt that one. Social skills are fostered through interaction and many people have very little of that.

Get one. You need that before focusing on any of this other shit.
Seriously, why are you still in this thread? Get a job.

So you're opening with 'I find you attractive' at these grocery store outings, then? I see. Explains the 1 in 12 number, and why you're still hitting them up.

I know, but easier said than done– like I said, my shit is a mess.

I'm not contributing now, though, so I'll go.

Do you open normal conversations with "let's chat?"
The whole point of flirting is to give off that implicit "I find you attractive." You don't literally say that obviously.

Get your shit together enough to get a job, get that job, and then do everything else.

Do you tailor it by aisle or by store, then? I do open normal conversations with "let's chat". I'm up front, not a grocery store weasel.

This is a shill thread for sure.

He's asking you to:

Fuck you kike nigger monkey.

Screw OP for actually advocating polygamy like a muslim nigger. That's not the way the white man's family operates shitskin nigger.

The superior white christian man has one wife with 15 kids, they don't do what niggers do and breed every women like a dumb nigger animal.

The reason niggers all look the same is because the nigger war-chief created 200 kids so that out of the 20 that didn't starve to death, 18 were his.

White people had modular families so only the best family trees survived, the nigger zergling tree is full of garbage though.

Mormonist polygamy is the answer. Terry's God is a space alien, lines up with Mormonism.

I'll admit, you are funny. But really it depends on the situation.
Is there something in your general proximity you can make a cheeky comment about? Instead of keeping it to yourself, say it to the girl next to you and see if you get a laugh. From there you try to keep the conversation going and maybe convince her to give you her number.

I'm not. I want daughters to compensate for any improperly raised women of other white families.