1 = 0

For some years I have been working on a small Hypothesis that might create a new Path of Light to our modern Academia and thus the direction of our Ideals. Trying to revive our connection with our most important ally in life. Nature.

The reason I am posting here is because I might have made a mistake and my train of thought could be flawed. With the amount of autism present in this board, there is a chance we get this right.

This might get long but will try to summarize it as much as possible while also explaining the Maths and reasoning behind my numbers.

The whole idea revolves around infinity and how that infinity is related to us, finite beings. You can't control infinity if you yourself are not infinite, so how does infinity affect us in a fundamental way?

Time as we now it and understand it is, commonly, seen as the difference between positions in space. Say, you throw a ball, each second the ball will have change position in the same space, thus giving us a possibility to calculate the velocity by diving the distance the ball traveled in a specific interval of “Time”. Thus v = s/t

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Abstract-Algebra-Dummit-Richard-Hardcover/dp/B00LZMW1DQ/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1489853133&sr=1-3&keywords=dummit and foote

For quite a while we employed the Sun to measure it, but as we evolved our technology, we were needing a more precise method of calculating, thus we arrived a the standard definition we currently have.

Cool, but I personally still have a small problem with this definition. If we are really wanting to create a constant based on radiation of atoms, why not using Hydrogen or Helium? The most basic Atoms we know are Hydrogen having only one electron and one proton and Helium having two of each + neutron, without mentioning the isotopes. Adding to this argument we already know that
So then again why aren't we trying to use, at least for the time being, the most abundant and simplest atom we know in order to define that which we based our whole existence to?

All that was only food for thought, because I work much calculating specific examples, I only compare data which I find in Mathematical Theory to that which we already have, but here is my problem, I haven't found my Einheit, my standard, my constant. The universal constant.

So, for starters, again, I am working on what the Mathematics can help us achieve, I propose some formulas which might be related to some physical phenomena but I can't, because of lack of resources for experiments, to really prove everything I am finding.

Now, how we calculate everything is based upon Pythagoras. Everything is an equation relating two numbers to get a third. a² + b² = c²
This equation teaches us that everything is related to each other and experimentally that is what we have found. Each force has an equally “negative” force. Thermodynamics has the principle of entropy which in the end everything reacts with everything until everything is the same or has the same level of energy.

Taking that theory and applying it to distances, and thanks to our amazing mathematical model, we can calculate each point in a space by using vectors. Vectors are nothing else than coordinates that spread from a center point, center point is decided by the observer, this is all which Einstein tried to explain.

This all is only spatial geometry, it has nothing to do with the difference of states and distance between objects, no speed. Only constant values.

Now, let's assume that time is not what we think it is. Time, under my definition, is a product depending on the Energy levels, and probability. This is where I am stuck at. This is where I need more autism.

Let me explain this idea a bit further. Light might be the fastest thing we know, but then again, we do not know infinity. We are dependent on our energy level, the size of the human body and the reality that is created around us by somewhat close energy levels. You will never really know what happens inside the sun because you can not comprehend the temperature nor the pressure in there. We can assume and give ourselves an idea, but as long as we, our brains, never really exchange information, interact, with the sun all we have is assumptions.
The same is for the quantum world. We are too big and all we have of the quantum world are pictures. Each experiment we make depends on the equipment we are using. That equipment works mostly in measuring the energy amounts at different moments or time intervals, that meaning we are making a “video” recording of what is happening. Videos are nothing more than lots of moving pictures with sound. And that which we get is only the pictures, never the real situation. Of course, thanks to those pictures we can study a lot of what is happening but the energy levels, size and amount of things happening is too much for our equipment and videos to cover.

Let's get back at Maths now. Any space you want to study can be put inside a sphere or circle if in 2-D.
After that, the sphere, or circle, can but inside a cube, or square and that's it. Pic related.
From there all coordinates in that space will be dependent on a length, the cube's length. Being that length two times the radius of the sphere, and because your object lies inside the sphere you can study each point with our sine, cosine formulas. Which btw are only Pythagoras.
This will give us, for our space interval a “universal constant” which can be used in everything happening inside that space. If you change your center point, create on the new center point a new sphere, thus cube, and then enclose everything in a sphere again, and there you have it, a two system reduced into one with a new center point which lies in the middle distance between the first two. The more systems you add the complexer the Maths, pretty logical there.

So now, what about the probability? This is where I am stuck at. How can we measure a universal probability independent of everything happening in that space. I tried using the function 2^x to explain everything that can happen inside that space and also everything that can exists inside that space. From there, if you want to find a specific probability of something happening you only have to find your binomial or normal distribution of the issue and there you have it.
But my problem is Fibonacci. Clearly the golden ratio and the that sequence has more weigh in reality than the 2^x function. Not everything splits right in two, how to approach the sequence or how to introduce the golden ratio into the constant.
Pi is already in there btw, as the sphere is created, it depends on pi. Euler is used inside the exponential growth of the binomial, normal, distribution. It is only Phi which remains unused.

Any ideas?

If someone wants numbers ask. OP was already long and boring enough as to put calculations in there.

Read ISBN 9780415121859

Time isn't real. Timing is. That's the mistake you're making

Neither space nor time are real. They are systems of measurement. Dielectricity and magnetism are the links to the aether (dielectricity being a push toward spatial contraction and magnetism the push toward spatial expansion.) Most of what we know is actually electrically-based, which is a combined dielectricity+magnetism. Dielectricity is commonly referred to as "electrostatic", it's the E field whereas magnetism is the B field if you look at it in terms of fields. Realistically, we're probably sitting in a black hole because space and time are irrelevant in any electrodynamic equations and everything can be explained in terms of quaternions per Maxwell's original equations (i.e. nothing is actually moving, it just translates spin and inertia from one thing to another.) Study Maxwell and Dollard if you are interested in this stuff, there's also a guy on YouTube you will almost certainly come across searching for this stuff who gets the magnetism side correct, but he tries too hard to combine dielectricity with magnetism and in turn misses all the potential for time manipulation and most of the potential for space manipulation and projected inertia (mostly because he doesn't experiment with high voltage static fields, only magnets.) Beware any source researching the stuff though and take it with a serious grain of salt, people researching it tend to get MK Ultra'd and their later works sound similar but are batshit compared to their early works (they turned Dollard into a meth head, they turned Hutchinson into a trap who went from making objects levitate to making cooking shows while wearing dresses on YouTube, etc.)

I've done autistic research on time and here's what I've come up with.

For instance, if something occurred in the future the past would be altered to accommodate its existence.

This is also what I was coming to, was only trying to define all which can be described in a mathematical model.
The Maxwell equations are really fundamental in understanding the fields.

Then the questions comes to. To which purpose is all this information to be used? It really changes a lot the understanding of the universe and what, essentially we really are.

also this

can be explained with the comment above.

I seriously don't understand what you're trying to accomplish. What are your "universal" measurement units supposed to be?
What is a "universal" probability?
What are you basing your research on, and if you're doing actual research, why aren't you writing a paper?
Can you show me some actual calculations or hard science?
Or could it be that you're just a dumb LARPer who watched too many "scientific" youtube videos?

There's your problem. You may as well build a thesis upon dividing by zero.

No not necessary, you can have energy with time dependence for example. But in the end it might be true for euclidean space but that doesnt really hold for minkowski space. You can look at the lagrangian field theory for example.
Because the cesium transitions are very stable and can be measured very accurately.
Because if not very accurate and we dont base our existence on it we just define the unit. You can use whatever unit you want. For example, energy is something very important in physics but we have loads of different units for it eV, J cm^-1 etc.
Uhmm noo?!
You started all this by saying that we define the unite of time as energy vibrations in the hyperfine structure and now you are saying that this is out of our reach.
So polar coordinate?
there already exist a thing called the invariant interval
I'm not sure where you are going with this but there is a field called statistical mechanics. Something there might "help" you.

Nice digits.

Everything to be honest, but have to go baby steps because not everything is that easily described.
When talking about those "universal" I am referring to constants like Pi or e. Doesn't matter the amount or size of the object and or phenomena you are trying to study, they always set up a starting point for the research.
Almost like reducing everything into a simple formula, which contains the constants.

Right now I am LARPing with Mathematical Theory, trying to create that formula which contains everything, after some efforts I have come with some really interesting similarities with the numbers we currently have from our Atomic model.
Prime Numbers are deeply tied with this idea.

this will also respond
Uhmm noo?!

Starting with what we actually can achieve using Maths goes around the numbers and variables. Variables are nothing but unknown numbers. From there I took the approach of trying to find a way in which all numbers and variables depend from one constant.
Take a 2-Dimensional space for example. X-axis and y-axis. Pic related.
so, by taking the function
we create 45° diagonal. Each point in that line will create a triangle with two equally bis sides, thus
If we want to measure the length in the diagonal.
but because x = y then
d=sqrt(2) * x

That means that each NUMBER can be traced back to a product of sqrt(2), because the diagonal starts with length 0 and goes to infinity. This is my starting point. If each Number we know depends on the constant sqrt(2) then everything we can describe using our numbers will also depend on it, mathematically.
Also the sum of all values starting by zero of the function of 1/2^x equals to 2.
After a lot of autism I came up with the idea that 1/2^x represents all possibilities in existence + non existence.

if we are looking at pic related, tree distribution, each existential possibility shares two outcomes. It happens, or it doesn't. If nothing happens then 1/2^0 or 1/1 = 1 => 100%. We are done, nothing happened and there is 100% probability that nothing happened.
But if something, did happen, then the distribution gets interesting.
From that which happened, there must come whether another happening or everything ends. always resulting in the sum of all probabilities = 100%.

For Hard science I do not have much from my own research, but the probability distribution in terms of Theory resembles a lot to our current Quantum Equations. In many, if not must formulas Pythagoras or Sqrt(2) is present.

do you have a bit to expand on that? Did search about the reason but find almost nothing.
Thanks anyways.

You need alchemy OP

That still contains a variable though.

Too long. Too silly. Didn't read.


ops didnt mean to greentext that

Time is the numbering of change. The reality of time is accidental to the reality of change. Change is the fundamental thing that you have to address.

Your error is at the very beginning of your inquiry.

I urge everyone in here to check out this book:

The author is a little long-winded, but the information is sound as fuck. He also has a Jewtube channel where he demonstrates these principles while explaining what they do. His vocabulary is a little verbose and he comes off as a bit of a fedora, but he still knows his shit.
If you've studied sacred geometry at all, you'll notice some similarities between what he's doing and all of the old school Pythagorean stuff that the Masons are constantly jerking themselves over. He goes over some of this in a few of his oldest videos.

Embed related.


Mathfag here.


Go read a Calculus book that requires that you understand sequences and series.

No answer, as I'm not a chemist. Wild guess is that Cesium is easier to handle in the lab.

This is the worst, and deserves attention.

There are equations relating only one number to get a second, equations relating many numbers to get a last, and equations relating lots of numbers implicitly without the hope of solving any one of them in terms of the other. Moreover, this isn't unique to the Pythagorean Theorem.

Everything *is* related to each other. The relation is "exists in the same universe." This does not mean the relation is meaningful.

Then you do not actually understand either geometry nor Relativity. To put it flatly, the geometry of the universe is not Euclidean. Modern Geometers do all sorts of horrifyingly fucky things (I am but a lowly applied mathematician, and cannot explain them). The fact that Geometry is a field of active study and that Physicists care about it suggests that you simply do not even understand that there's something there.

Then go get a university education in STEM. Either at a university or by reading lots of books.

This isn't a very helpful post. Post links instead of insults.


All this literally means nothing. You made a line, a line contains all the numbers. You can get any number to do this. Pic related. Also do you even consider imaginary numbers?
Sound kinda like you are talking about a feynman path integral.

(Thanks for anchoring this thread, mods)

What's your highest level of education? I'll be able to throw books at you if you tell me that.

I of course mean "STEM education," I don't care about your Bachelors in Philosophy/Gender Studies/Basket Weaving.

This has nothing to do with posting books or links. Nobody here gives a good goddamn about who has fancy good-goy college degrees. Just post knowledge.

I'm trying to get an idea of which books to throw at you first.

Ah, also, the level of knowledge you'd need to develop is contained in books.

We use books to convey knowledge. That's what books are for.

Post them all.

First you need a atom that have hyperfine structure and resonably big one too, and an atom with just one stable isotope, a high frequency for the transition so you get an accurate measurment etc.

Fine. I'll start off with basic learning materials.

khanacademy.org/math/k-8-grades are a decent series of videos to help you understand elementary-level mathematics.

will teach you high school algebra.

will teach you high school Geometry

is a simple high school Trigonometry text.

Once you get through those four, you can start studying calculus.


is fine. You should be able to find an older edition for "basically free" if you want a hard copy.

This is where you should start.

All of those are a bit harsh and unfun, but they're necessary to understand…anything, really.

For the future parts, you'll need a linear algebra text. amazon.com/Matrices-Linear-Algebra-Dover-Mathematics/dp/0486660141 is cheap, and is what I used. You can pirate just about any linear algebra text and you'll be fine, though.

Next, read amazon.com/Abstract-Algebra-Dummit-Richard-Hardcover/dp/B00LZMW1DQ/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1489853133&sr=1-3&keywords=dummit and foote

Last, amazon.com/Real-Complex-Analysis-Higher-Mathematics/dp/0070542341/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1489853175&sr=1-3&keywords=rudin will teach you some analysis.

I cannot recommend Physics/Chemistry texts/resources, as they're outside my realm of expertise.

Oh, and First Order Logic by Smullyan.

All of the above should take you 4 or so years. Once you're done with those, you should be able to talk about this topic.


How is this supposed to be an argument against my Idea?
Still believing in coincidences?

There are still better options than Hydrogen tho, but those numbers are too spooky for me.


scizophrenia must be tough

Im not quite sure i follow. You can still use a hydrogen clock to define the second. But the modern second is defined in terms of the Cs hyper-fine transition so, of course, no other clock can be as accurate as caesium, purely by definition. The word "accurate" takes on a specific meaning.
Frequently in physics, we refer to accuracy and precision. The accuracy of something is how well its average agrees with the "correct" value, whereas the precision is how scattered the results are.
√2 is irrational.


I didn't realize TPTB were persecuting those distilling the truth so cruelly, particularly since all it takes to find the answers is perseverance. It's heartbreaking.
Pursuit of knowledge is acceptable, but service to others is a crime punishable by Tutus.
Next time a mass extinction comes around the joke will be on them
Try as they might though they can't get us all.

Thanks for the solid distillation

Two TORfags, adding nothing to the debate besides despair, doubt, absurdity, and Ad Hominem. I'm calling Shill

Stick with it OP

Actually, on reading through this whole thread, this thread is fucking gold but I hope everyone has their internet condoms sealed tight.

TORfag shill appears, then Bill Nye appears.
Then after you reply you got absurdity, simple pointless objection, and ridicule. Shill abandons Bill Nye as a poor attack vector.
Literally the next 6 posts until appears are shitposts.

Now this is where it gets interesting.
After Sage appears, shill game intensifies when (((Einstein))) starts spamming classical scientific doctrine with literally no links and gets called out, who then tries to gain high ground by degree-fagging and downplay it upon further examination.

Sage sages and Einstein spergs. Finally by Einstein has assuaged the stick up his ass and set up proper "credibility".

Alas, for his hour+ paid work, Einstein sits and watches OP give zero fucks about all his hard work. Such delectable tears.

In defeat, shill squad pulls a classic schitzo defense pointedly misspelled.

Now I'm not one to buy into coincidences, but the only conclusion I can draw is that OP, you're sitting on something special. Joke's on the shills.

Here's what I got.
First, when you're using these pythagorian units, ditch the theorem for the sake of the discussion. We care about these individual units, and they have sides of one and a hypotenuse of 2^(1/2). You say Pythagorus and Einstein says derail.
also OP, all this shit about Cesium clocks and atomic hoohah is a derail, check out the bizarre leading format of , culminating on the word "irrational".

I'll even throw in some shill food for fun, everybody's gotta eat plus OP shouldn't have to be the only autist in the room.

Take a pencil and turn it so the eraser is pointed right at you, you'll see the line has become a single point.
If you look at a piece of paper, and look at it from the side, the 2d plane becomes a 1d line.
Time is often thought of as the fourth dimension, and anyone who has used a graph knows dimensions have axes.
Imagine now we rotate 90 degrees in a dimension that is not x,y,or z, but instead some fourth dimension, t, while holding our view of x,y and z constant. Our paper from this perception would become a point. One single unit, of a certain size. This process could then could be repeated with a cube assuming some 5th dimension also exists, but by now I think you get the idea.
This brings us back to time. Imagine now a dimension functioning like a continuous string of 3d graphs. Each of us sits on one sphere orbiting another sphere orbiting (etc), and at each tiny change along this fourth axis, everything force (vector) acting upon the things in this 3d graph works upon the objects in this graph.
If a force were to act on some object in the 3d graph at a certain point along that string that vector, once created, would be imparted to the object and like any object in motion inertia would do the rest until an equal an opposite force stopped it.

Sage, you're a bro, I'm reading the archive link.
OP, read more disinfo material and forum cracking shit if you really want to try and run your ideas by Anons.

Saved, thanks for making my day.
To whatever shill attacks this as an unnecessary thread play by play, or picks apart this easy to argue, slapdash post, see and know I wrote this for the newfags and for an OP who clearly just loves science. My post may be picked apart but you can't stop people from reading it
Go suck some more dick and get to sliding. If it winds up deleted I'll go home feeling extra special and brew the inevitable suits some coffee if they come to say hello.
Judging by the clever psychological nature of , Einstein's particularly focused nature, and the pure fucking number and variety of tactics, I'm gonna take a guess and say my smug mug is on 3 or 4 different monitors in the basement of a building not too far from Langleeey. Maybe you guys are better than I thought and they gave you an office with a view.
Also, if I'm right, I will take this time to mention I think you might wanna prioritize whitewashing dynacorp and serco related material moreso than shutting down some sciencefag LARPers with no money to build real hardware.


Interesting topic. I guess it's the right circumstance to recommend this little book about one of the most genius physicists of all time.


Not that I grasp most of the stuff OP is saying but if he is sitting on something special as you say then he needs to be careful to not get accidentally suicided because many bright minds have it happen to them.

Absolutely god damn fascinating thread by the way, deserves a bump from me as it's the least I can do.

Hey man, did you look into Burkhard's book? I really think it could help you. I don't understand what you are all about in the OP and I don't understand 95% of the aformentioned book, but I have a feeling that it's about your topic. It's all about this geometric stuff, probability, universal constants, etc. Maybe it was my destiny to read it, understand nothing and then refer it to you.

Gonna start reading right now, already sounds interesting just by the comments about Burkhard being a misfit and loner of the academia, while also someone who deserves a Nobel Prize.
If this Thread is still alive after I read it, I try to explain that which I understood.

Thanks user

I'll be more careful from now on, but I will still post some updates on fitting Threads. Always keep in mind the Artwork, it is all OC.
