What Germany really looks like nowadays

What Germany really looks like nowadays

See vid.

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Where's the sound?

No sound cuz webm file size restrictions.

if you want to hear the mudslimes muhdickin' : youtube.com/watch?v=3sHWwijra-0


Ya, I was recently back for a family visit (I live in Ireland these days) and drove through northrhine westphalia in the afternoon.

Shitskins everywhere. It was like driving through afghanistan.

You mean NRW, which is the shithole of Germany. Granted, other places aren't too peaceful either, but you don't say California and the yanks represent all of America, right?

You lying fuck OP, this video is old and things have gotten exponentially worse since then. At what fucking point are the krauts going to rise up and take back their country? Is everyone just waiting for a charismatic leader to unite everyone? Why is nobody slowly removing kebab to seed fear and open hatred for whites in their communities?

Weimar had resource restriction that woke people up. Whites in Germany can still live comfortably. Now it seems its a race between genocide and economic collapse. Eventually a European nation filled with shitskins will turn into a poor nation, but how quickly will conditions deteriorate?

I was just in Italy, Bangladeshis everywhere

Then the obvious solution is some subtle ways to make life uncomfortable for the lemmings without tracing it back to yourself. I'm so tired of waiting for things to get unbearably worse before they can start getting better.

The jew controlled media keeps everybody thinking being openly against invaders will get them sent to the gulag.

The ZOG makes sure that everybody who is politically active gets their life ruined so people just shut up and try their best to move away from the brown plague.

It's basically the same as in commie countries and millions eventually starved to death when the great famine came around. People are shortsighted and nobody learns from history ever.

Holla Forumsacks calls me a traitor for moving to Ireland but there is no way I'll stick around for my own destruction and economic oppression

Problem is that either Holla Forumsacks unite to make one final stand in some way or form, which obviously wouldn't have a great chance of success, or we all run and die like dogs one by one.

Blonde haired German teen in tinyshorts hanging with the invaders.
Wake me up.
Seriously Im so full of hatred why even try if our women are so fucking treacherous and disgusting.

this is what UK looks like nowadays

she is ghetto tier either way so nothing lost

It looks like an American black ghetto.

Meanwhile suburb pic related is where Americans of German descent live. Some things never change. A great people is a great people afterall.

keke you must be real thirsty

she's ugly as fuck, metal on her face, bloated and "blonde" is dyed hair, can't you even fucking see that you blind cunt?

To be fair though, Duisburg-Marxloh is probably the single worst ghetto in all of Germany together with Kreuzberg.
I'm from Switzerland and even here Marxloh and Kreuzberg are well known "terms".

Have you ever been to New Glarus Wisconsin? Supposedly pretty comfy.

That second pic

Not with those genetics she ain't.
Trust me on this, you DON'T want half-breeds.
Some might look like 'mutated' natives but still have all the behavioral characteristics of shit-skins.

Given that you're not xenophobic enough to eliminate invaders, let alone half-breeds, pretty soon you'll have an unsolvable problem on your hands, just like the ZOG intended. Use whatever remnants of shame culture you have to stop this shit RIGHT NOW.
t. Eastern Yuropoor.

Its terrible, the footage of france is terrible also. I hope they manage to have better sucess with their elections.

There are some ruined towns in the north of England near me but none of them have this disrepaired 3rd world look yet.Have to hope their countryside is still nice like ours.

Faith in white females restored.

What the fuck is this? Get out, faggot. You are not from around here and we don't need your Evalion #3405858

I'm not from Duisburg and my city looks just as bad minus the gyppos that somehow managed to establish themselves there.

We absolutely need more women being openly racist. Hang yourself.

The shitskins are already getting funds from their own countries. They won't be affected.

Could be an immigrant who just dyed her hair blonde. Doesn't look too aryan to me.

looks a bit slavic tbh
like a romanian half-breed

No they don't.

Dude, educate yourself, you faggot, feminism was a mistake, and women follow strong men or the Zeitgeist which is controlled by the cultural marxists.

*own will

No they don't. Feminists have openly stated they'd rather get raped by niggers than dominated by white men. Enjoy.

Oh and since you're so big on education; go educate yourself on the 'mouse utopia', because that's what's happening today. You'll learn quickly that your 'muh alpha male' simply is no longer applicable.

Wew, well shit Schlomo, guess I should just get me an Asian waifu then. Thanks for setting me straight on the fact that white women are unlike any other women on the planet, and that they're a bunch of feminist cunts out of their nature, and that they'll never under any set of circumstances ever procreate or respect white men!

procreate with*

Your problem. Don't take it out on me you cuck.

You're the one who can't deal with reality.

You're either a shitskin or an omega cuck loser, who no woman of any race would touch with a ten foot pole.

God you're pathetic.

That nose though… Probably looked like this before being degraded.

I just presented you the current state of women which showed you're wrong, and then you just flew off the handle. Go cuck out against someone else you fuck.

Ger is really a lost cause unless some social upheaval happens. What will it take for deutschers to understand what they will lose?

bro she looks fucking non-white af

big lips, fucked up eyes strange facial hair

either retarded or i dont even know

you know as well as i do slaves dont look like that

Just read a book and educate yourself, it's embarrassing to read your shit.

Wew, you can't even respond to the facts, that I stated.

No, you just presented your lack of understanding of female psychology, because you're an omega shitskin cuckold.

M80, you need to stop projecting now, it's not healthy for you.

Stay triggered Pajeet/Ramos.

ive seen bosnian turk rape babies with similar complexions and dull looks in their eyes tbh

There is no reason to shill your shitty e-celeb whores on here. They all turn out to be crazy sluts and possible controlled op.

DDR = Best Germany?

Soviet socialism sucked ass, you fucking shill.

Fuck off

t. German

Disgusting, nary a German in sight.

But bro, these are THE NEW GERMANS! :-)


if japan had no japanese people, would it still be japan?
if israel no jews? if africa no blacks? india no indians? tibet?

I drove through New Glarus by chance last summer taking the country route to my parent's summer home (yes I stopped by the brewery). I can confirm it is comfy; that whole part of Wisconsin is. I can't wait for warm weather again and road trips my qt gf and best buds.

56% *white* Americans schoked that their puppet state also is getting less white while they have military bases there and re educated the youth against their own people

Who could have seen this coming certainly not me jack Smith

But bro, it's all about CULTURE! :-)

Don't you know? Race totally doesn't play part in one's default way to function in a society / to create a new society. :-)

I don't think this video was made to highlight the invasion / demographic replacement currently taking place.

I've seen a lot worse.

Remember kids: All good Germans either died in the war or were forced out shortly afterwards.

What's left there is basically the "ex" communists and Slavic rape babies.

This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper.

Thanks for the demoraliztaion propaganda.
Now i'll give up fighting.
Thanks greatest ally!

it's jewish son

fake blonde and she looks like a mischling anyway. Throw her to the dogs.

remove mudshits

Black pill shills everywhere itt. I for one look forward to a re whitening reclamation war. Would mean lots of land for few people. The rest can have the equatorial zones, africa, etc. Canada will be swept into usa so they are forced to stop larping as "neutral", and eastern Europe can be walled off. sorry poland

That looks like a roach user. At the very best she's a Kurd but definitely not German.

Albanian? maybe?

Make it stop, it hurt's.

Needs subs.

Still begging others to save you?

Its like bongs don't know how fucking easy it is to kill a man when you drop the emotion from it. WTF. How do people even get to the point they don't clean house of both these shitskinns and the cops protecting them? Just the reporting on this enrages me and it is nowhere near my own family, much less next door or happening to my own kin. This is a fucking incredible level of difference in outlook. A fucking nigger would seem to have more in common with me than these fucking worthless cucks.

OP did say looks like, not sounds like.

Most men are cowards.

German taxpayers are paying the luxury lives of Arab mobs and the German lawyers who protect them in Berlin

tbh all of the victims of these scandals come from poor working class backgrounds
absent father figures due to prison or just because their welfare queen mothers dont know
the only reason the police have this much information on these attacks is because Britain is a legitimate 1984 style police state and everything is monitored, recorded and filed away in a cabinet
this is happening all across the western world its just other police and intelligent services in France for instance wont have such cases on file because it wasnt reported, they didnt investigate it or it wasnt caught on their non 1984-esque surveillance
you can bet without a doubt turks are doing this to German girls in Munich
and that American girls are getting this treatment in California and Chicago for sure

That is not a European woman.


No i'm certain its this german girl grown up
Look at the nose


Nah, video was posted last year.

Features are all wrong too, you're comparing baby fat on European features to normally bulgy Semite features in adulthood.

how pathetic moishe


Enjoy ban.


This isn't cuckchan. Shitposting gets you permabanned.

A Jewish pedophile.

What a surprise…

That report is from 2015. The video of the little girl is from 2015. Even if the video of the girl would have been made 10 years ago and just uploaded later you don't just go from singing Schubert and growing up in a household with art on the walls and a piano on the floor to being a complete hoodrat.

What's with jewish girls and their asslessness?

We're no different you goys and I. I'm a ethnostate supporter myself. I believe strongly in race and culture. We are no different :^)

Jewish women are like Asian women - without cosmetic surgery, they've got no appeal.

Israeli Jewish pedophile.

Triumvirate of Jewry confirmed.

I'm joking im not even part jewish. Just pure blooded german king.

Yes, we can tell Schlomo.

damn i though belarus was at least pure….

I'm so glad Barron is autistic instead of a full fledged homosexual. Imagine how fucking buttblasted this entire board would be if he became a flaming twink faggot

Jewry has pervaded all. There is nowhere to run, and the ride never ends.

Don't think it'd be overtly buttblasting, merely indicative of the conditions in which we live.
Your commentary reveals you.


God dammit i wasnt going to read that… dehumanize yourselves and face the bloodshed!

Reported for obvious shill post.



going to have to agree with
i know what the fuck that '10 years old' is doing, she's not adoring, she's prostituting. if you're 10 and already trolling for men's attention via ero/sexual manipulation, this is not a good thing. hallmark of poor/absent fathers and/or jewish/matriarch/harpy/sheboon hellspawn 'mothers'.

Don't speak German - missing half the information in the vid

Recipe for becoming a backwater euro shithole, just add brown.

why did this need to be turned into a little anime girl?
do you weebs realize you're becoming as obnoxious as the horsefuckers? why is this crap on Holla Forums so much? it didnt used to be. why do you find it appealing? why do we need to accept people who find dumb things like this appealing? do you want to be a little girl? do you identify as a little girl online? stop it. fucking cuck.

Still looks better than Berlin before Hitler came along and cleaned it up. Not saying it isn't bad just saying that not all is lost and it's still not too late for someone to fix it.

So, as someone who lived in Germany for the last 5 years, let me tell you. Every American city is worse than every European city and there is 1 simple reason. Niggers.

I hate Arabs. I hate the Moslems so much I want to make lampshades out of them and the thing that ties my German wife and I together our hatred of Sand Niggers. However, they are not as bad as Blacks. Not even close. Maybe Portland is the only city in America not as bad as Dusseldorf, but honestly, probably not even that is stretching it.

The main problem with Germany is, I cannot send my kids to that education system and have them turned into the Leftist scum that they are, so we came back to America so they can learn about the horrors of Diversity first hand, until we move to a White Nationalist town.

This is one bad quarter and its still nowhere near "emerging market" levels of bad. Hell its better then most bad parts of america.
The demography is a problem though and the fact that this all is eating up what we achieved in the last decades.


Dubs of truth. I for one am excited for the race war. Even if the white race loses anyone ever see a nigger shoot? Not likely we won't have to live through the bullshit that came before, and we'll at least get to say we died for the greatest cause in history.

checks out ;)

All these faggots here trying to D&C Americans and Germans. Fuck off shills.

Die in hellfire shill.

The germans have to use their analytical autism to end the muds.


I'm German and scared shitless. Shit will be messy, nobody has guns, which is why no go areas with too many violent mudslime gangs come to exist.

I grew up in a ghetto'ish area with just 30% mudslimes or so and most Germans were scared shitless as they always outnumbered them 5 to 1 or so.

The show will only continue as long as the panem et circensus act can be upheld. Otherwise the vast majority of people have no need to worry. The question is, what will come first? Our flaming chariot and the revolt of the few world shapers or the resource shortage and the revolt of the masses?

If theres conflict there will be guns, as guns are magically drawn to places of conflict by the law of supply and demand.
Shitty thing is the criminals will have them before you as long as you dont happen to be into an organised network.

No slingshot practice? They're lethal

This is why force is probably the only option left. Civilization has to be re-taught to women, and most men.

I will tell you why. They are in school or at their work place.

I don't know about the guns, user. Somebody posted a map some time ago, where the countries with the most weapons were dark blue. And Germany was only slightly less blue then the US.

No slingshot practice? They're lethal.

i practice with a longbow
i can hit a man in the chest with one at 400 yards
and i dont care how little people are unappreciative to arrows because of guns
rub a little crushed up nightshade or hemlock on the end of your arrowhead and hit anyone in an arm, the leg or the chest
and they'll probably be dead, assured without medical attention as its unlikely a doctor will consider toxins with an arrow wound these days

Surrounded by mudslimes - try edgy slingshot shit - ??? - probably die.

Most modern Germans are ultra law abiding super cucks. They go b-b-b-but it's illeeeegal on anything that jews told them not to have like switch blades.

Post on a German knife forum about stuff you aren't supposed to have if you want some lulz.

Motorcycle gangs already do have them come to think of it. They're quite popular in Germany these days, as there are tons of young men on welfare that'd rather turn to crime than work some cuck job for almost no shekels.

Hide in the bushes, non-creative autist.


(1) + reddit posting, total kike


Wow, can't wait to kill you all. It's a blessing that all of our enemies are inbred scum with no honour or courage.

Good News
The shilled topic of voting rights for refugees was refused in the North Rhine-Westphalian parliament.

Hi Rick

Yeah who would have thought that Arabs and Turks are armed

They enjoy political protection, that is correct. Just why?

Yeah we imported more than a million last year and ten thousands a month since then. What could probably go wrong?

How long have you been here?

Looks like the Middle East

nice subtle evalionstien defense kike

Fuck off RIDF no one is nostolgic for your communist shithole

After all that shit that happened in Britboigistan I kinda lost hope.
I mean, when your own children get raped to death and neither the police or the authorities (childservice for example) are doing anything against it, and the goverment that supports that shit STILL remains active… what the fuck has to happend until people start to gather and either demand action or take up arms themselves, and be it only with pitchforks?
If you try to go against it alone, you're bound to get your ass handed to yourself, and end up in prison at worst.
Shit makes you fucking depressive.

whered the death part come in?

sometimes I can't tell right away if a photo is Sam Hyde or a strange photoshop of Nick Cage's face on someone.

Second pic.
At the end of the first third of the text.


I just read an interview with a German escort.
She's the 35yo mother of a 3yo daughter, works a normal office job and earns 2600 per month.
She started working as a prostitute with a rate of 500 per fickificki, 40% of which go to her (((agency))), right after her divorce one year ago.
Her patrons are mostly wealthy middle-aged men, many of whom are married and have families.
She does the whole deal in hotel rooms on the day of the week when the father takes care of his kid.

Why does she do it? She wants to grant herself and her daughter 'a better life', the concrete example she gives is a summer vacation to Spain she could otherwise not afford.
She still thinks a commited relationship would be nice.

I'm writing all this out because I was reminded of stories from the Weimarer Republik about wives and their daughters selling their bodies for bread.

Women don't need a reason to be whores, it's just who they are. They treat it like any other service job.

All these conceptions of honor, good will, decency, morality and ethics are meaningless to them.
As they are to jews, niggers, muslims and all the other undesirables. They are animals and parasites, and a small minority of them who are actually worth a damn have convinced us to treat them like equals.

I'm done with pretending. With this society. I'm not an Übermensch, but at least I am HUMAN.
The Founding Fathers knew this. That's why they specified 'Free White Men' to uphold their republic.
In fact, this used to be common knowledge among men.

The next time you look in the mirror, I want to give yourself a firm look in the eyes. Wether you consider yourself ugly, short, a NEET, a virgin, an outcast, a hermit, a loser or an idiot, remember this:
You are aware. You are an actual human being, able to love, to listen to your conscious, to think about teh future and act accordingly, to delay your gratification, to better yourself.

No more whining, no more defeatism, no more hatred.
This is how things are, and you'd better get used to it, 'cause the others are not gonna change.
Only a fool would trust Jews not to stab you in the back or niggers to obey the rules, or expect to ever truly be loved by a woman, for who and not what they are.

You owe it to yourself to stand firm. To not give them any inch more, when they're really trying to take everything from us.
And if we fail, mankind perishes with us.

yeah Manchester is our third most mudshit infested city
and as you can see shelter? its our poorest downtrodden people that suffer this shit which is why society doesnt really care

aren't germans good engineers? Why not just silently start milling guns in old warehouses? Also, since you're in Shengen, you can set up operations under another name in a different EU country and just go down on the weekends to do your "work". Then just start passing guns out in your network. Just never tell anyone that you are the one milling the guns. you're always getting them from a "really paranoid guy that doesn't want to meet anyone".

Stamped or tube gun is easier. only 3-4 pieces of a gun "need" to be machined. Sten or Luty guns for example are great for this sort of thing and can be made on 50ish USD in parts