Ancient ayyyryans and /xpol/ general

Been a long time since we've had a thread on the precursor civilizations, the remains discovered, and what is left to be found.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm not particularly well-versed in arithmetic myself, but Carl Munk's equations have held up to the tests I've done. Any polymath tad/pol/s care to lend an opinion?



And I'd be terribly remiss if I forgot to mention Kek himself. Does anyone know of some well researched, non-kosher sources I can use to learn more about the Ogdoad?

So what's the reason for all these "coincidences" anyway? Are they archetypes? Modern wizards reviving their cult through image board culture?

To answer the last question I believe it's that they were Ptolemaic or Hellenic in origin.

I gave my DNA to the DNA Jew and discovered that my maternal haplogroup is Lebanese Druze as a 99% European recently. Cradle of Civilization and the exchange of people there probably aren't as delineated as historian narratives would have us believe.

In other words, KANGZ

IDK lads the coincidences seem endless.


So chink is now mutated aryan?

nope tochrains were either a celtic people or a scythian tribe, that went as far east as west china, the chinks bread them out about 1500 years ago. but some trace elements of geans can still be seen

fucking embed will not work


The ancient Aryan faith!

The ancient Aryan faith!

The ancient Aryan faith!

That's a very good question–if you believe in Carl Jung's work, Whites have a global sub-consciousness (not a total hivemind though) from which archetypes come from. As for what created them in the first place, I have no clue–they could be memories of the gods and heroes built up over tens of thousands of years.


No it hasn't.

0.3 shekels have been deposited into your account.

Where did all these newfags come from?

Carl Munck isn't the easiest to listen to, even in interview format, but he does address some of his criticisms in this one.

Keep in mind this interview was conducted years before RITV became the aut-right shit heap it is today


Regarding the fourth pic, there's a recurring theme of significant figures clutching a serpent in each hand found throughout the middle east and in egypt. While snakes are abundant in both regions, only a dindu would be stupid enough to hold them that way.
Michael Tsarion has discussed at length that the term 'serpent people" did not refer to some x-com species of ayys, but rather humans who had knowledge of genetics and DNA. The caduceus was the original symbol for these people, as the intertwining snake's coils resembled the double helix.

I'm not certain what the act of holding them apart is meant to symbolize, but I'm confident its in reference to the caduceus.

i thought this would be a thread about the celts. how is this not a thread about the celts?

Dump infographs, videos, and more links, then we can discuss the Celts.

yubtub embed is trash. it has no collapse/hide.

No it hasn't, there was literally a huge megathread on ancient Aryans just last week

And there's nothing /x/ about this, all archaelogical evidence from the time proves that ancient Aryans during the "bronze age" and even before in fact were about as advanced as during the Renaissance, but a worldwide cataclysm event caused by a comet 12 000 years ago caused the "Bronze age collapse" leading to technological regression for a time, as lots of inventions and information was lost permanently, and Atlantis and Thule "sank into the sea" or more accurately, the water levels rose because the comet melted a lot of ice around the world.

i would actually change my statement based on that one picture of the purses, alone. this might already be a thread about the celts. tl;dr they were definitively everywhere shown here except south america, and possibly in far north america, as well, right up until they started squabbling with rome

Can we have an esoteric Lain thread?

Reminder that /xpol/ exists in case this thread gets shut down.

As if I couldn't love this timeline any more.

Ancient Aryans may have had technology advanced beyond ours in some (or many) ways. The interior square cuts on the stones at Gobleki Tepi and the perfect joints between them indicates a form of plasma or laser cutting, but because of the shape of the incisions the tool would have to operate like a light saber, just projecting its cutting force a certain distance. We currently have no way of replicating that construction.

For me, one of the biggest issues behind all of this missing history is (((who))) is keeping this knowledge from reaching the masses? And why?

take it to /xpol/

The laser-perfect lines, the precise layering of the blocks, and the sheer complexity speaks volumes of the technology available to our ancestors. Even a godless pleb can see that no feather-nigger built any of this.

It's almost like you're too stupid to realize how obvious you are.


You're fucking with my biases, FBI-kun

In any case, I am an /xpol/ fan but this ancient Aryan business is way the fuck outside of that category at this point. This isn't conspiracy ""theory"", this is just anthropology. The theft of our history is more typical tricks from schlomo, and we need to put an end to it. I think there's more to this story than first meets the eye. We should put together conclusive evidence into concise infographics, and set about to redpill normalfaggots on their true history.

Pharoh Pepi was the last Hyksos pharoh wasn't he?

The basics facts definitely aren't /x/. I could see the idea that a worldwide civilization existed 12,500 years ago, that was destroyed by the younger dryas impact , being an accepted historical fact in a decade or two. Of course I'm sure they'll down play the fact that they were white. Luke how that one atlantis cartoon had the atlanteans be niggers with white hair for no reason. The "/x/" part is when you start going into how advanced they were. With vimanas , advanced astronomy, and construction and what not. I still believe it, but it is hard for most normies believe.

Why are the white people so advanced?