Alabama Church to get first Church Police

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Good. Have a bump, O.P..

It just keeps happening


Wew where is this time line going?

Guess what school this kid goes to.

To the middle ages.

Sounds like a shit deal honestly

Deus Vult Pupper

inb4 its blocked by literal Jews and the 4,000-strong church realizes all the Jew hating in the Bible never outdates and isn't just a metaphor.

Not cuck PCUSA Presbyterian, PCA presbyterian. Big difference.

Honestly don't know much about them, just always skeptical since I can't walk into a church without hearing faggotry
But I dunno m8 pic related isn't too encouraging

Hmmm. Seems 50/50 to me.

True, I suppose it's a matter of wait and see really

It's by language.

"That the 27th GA respond to Overture 22 from Westminster Presbytery by reference to the statement of the M5GA, 1977, pp. 67-68 (cited below) and this General Assembly and with the following statement: Given the serious threat that sexual perversion generally, and homosexuality in particular, represents to young people in our society, the congregations of the PCA are encouraged to study the Scriptures, to pray for God's mercy and truth to triumph in the lives of people involved in or affected by homosexuality, to speak and act pastorally on behalf of our children, and to direct further questions and concerns within our churches to those within our denominational circles especially able to assist them, such as Harvest USA. And that the General Assembly encourage sessions to warn parents of the homosexual agenda being promoted through the agency of government schools."

No thanks. My religion isn't for non-whites at all, unlike christianity.

By faggotry I also mean the excessive outreach to muds performed by many chuches. But like I said, I don't much about them and figure it to be a case of wait and see how it plays out. As it stands it's not like there's no precedent for it since private universities have private police departments. Competency is usually a big problem for them though.

You cant really expect a largely mainstream Christian denomination to not support spreading Christianity to non Europeans, the PCA is certainly right wing but its not white nationalist by any means.

What did you expect? Its not like Christianity has ever been an exclusively European religion nor is there any religious justification for not sending missionaries.

Deus Vult Pupper

Deus Gevalt! Remember to die in foreign lands, goy!

They are turning into Jews. Kikes pull this shit in their neighborhoods and use their security as private thugs.

Shit are churches going to turn into the new gangs?

Because feeding the wildlife is a bad idea and churches and governments are the biggest sources of funding.


All sandniggers will die.

This will legitimize Islamic police in the usa therefore validating sharia law.

Wow, no shit.


dude, if that passes, a mosque is going to show up the next day demanding the same amenities

Mosques and rent-a-riots only pop up in liberal towns for the most part.

Alabama just keeps being based.

Deus Vult, Pupper!

deus vult pupper

Deus Vult Pupper!

For a moment there I thought it was similar to this


Wait, so what the fuck does the actual police force do? Are they cucked in Alabama?

Beyond security I would imagine they also direct traffic when people are coming and going. It's common in the south for large baptist churches to have the nearby traffic signals go to blinking red during services and hire cops to direct traffic.

deus vult pupper


Coming this fall 2017

>inb4 this catches on and SSPX founds a new holy order to retake California


Deus Vult pupper

That's a contradictory statement. To be right wing in the USA means to be a white nationalist. You cannot be right wing without being a white nationalist. They are shitlib scum like all churches.

Yes, effective tactics are bad because Jews use them.
Just give your money and influence away for free goy, you don't want to be a Jew do you?

Cuckservatives are worse than liberals.

I like your creativity when it comes to racial epithets. However when attempting to promulgate neologisms it helps if there is an unambiguous antecedent.

Come on now. There are many oldschool conservative groups in the country, most of a religious bent. You can call them cuckservatives, but they exist, and they are right-wing(ish).

How the fuck does anyone think this is good? This sets legal precedent to defend sharia police too damn it!


Stop. Last time the churches were militarized they committed mass genocide on Europeans for more than a millennia.
The gospels are fake news. The egalitarianism of christianity is simply incorrect. All human life is NOT equal and use being equal before your jewish god in the after life can't be proven so you should fucking kill yourself


pick one and only one christ-tard

Time to start Christian Identity churches in Alabama.

Deus Vult pupper

Christcucks can't help opening the doors to these fuckers, and if they approve it for the church then they will not be able to deny it to Muslims. Bravo Christianity.

This board is fucked, the reddit tier Christcucks are shitting everything up.



Deus Vult pupper

Deus Vult pupper

What's your denomination, brother in Christ?
Westborough Baptist, yours?
I'm a Lutheran.

Ah, a filthy heretic, then.
No, that would be you, you filthy calvinist degenerate.


Cue faggots slapfighting and Shlomo laughing at two additional whiteys being divided by ((( muh holy salvation by the hand of Yahweh ))).

And if you fight me over this, then that will make you a non white.

Hide post.

Christianity as an umbrella term is cultural marxism (all denominations are "equal") applied to cultural marxism (all races are equal under ((( God ))) ).

It's like Christians can't get enough of it, so they have to layer it up like a matryoshka doll.


Christian Identity is the truth.

It is why Jews look "white" but they are not.

They are the offspring of Esau who is the brother of white Jacob (Israel).

Esau went on to marry two women of Canaanite decent and had children with them.

The Canaanites are of the serpent seedline of Cain, who is the offspring of Satan and Eve.

Today, the Jews, who are Edomites of Esau, are trying to steal back the birthright given to Jacob by Issac.

The Jews are trying to destroy the true Israelites of Jacob as payback.

This is the fundamental problem facing White Western Civilization and why the Jew has been at war with us for centuries.

→ 001:001 In the beginning ((( God ))) created the heaven and the earth.

The ((( Abrahamic ))) Version of hiding a post.

Ayo hol up, so wat yooz sayin is….. WE WuZ KIKEZ n Sheeeeeeeit?!?

We are the lost tribes of Israel and we are the chosen people of God. So yeah, if you want to say WE WUZ CHOSEN ONES, sure.

Kill yourself, you delusional twat.

Keep hating, Chaim.

Deus Vult Pupper

Things are coming to a head and muslims already use mosque's as F.O.B's. This just draws everything out into the open and effectively puts the normies on notice.

Okay, tell me why have you accepted a semetic desert religion with a false warped meaning instead of embracing your actual Indo-European roots and adopting an Aryan religion instead of this semetic nonsense?

Why are white people called "Caucasians"?

We are called "Caucasians" because we came out from the Caucus region when we left Israel and spread into Europe.

Why do you think King Tut has R1b DNA?

Christianity is an Aryan religion like Norse Paganism. Odin was an Israelite Priest from when Israelites were Pagan.


Did Vikings Really Hail From the Craggy Caucasus?

I hope this is bait.

First of all, reddit spacing
Second of all, No. I don't even see why I even have to try and attempt to argue with you on this because it's laughably wrong; but here's just a poke.
If all that's true what you said; then why does Norse mythology look absolutely nothing like Hebrew canon in anyway. I mean you can point to similarities also found in many other mythologies and religions but it doesn't mean they are true. Like the Hebrew bible entails god making the heavens and the earth and Norse mythology entails making earth out of the body of defeated ice giant.

Lets look at the Elder Futhark and compare it to the true Ancient Hebrew.

The Edomite Jews had to remake it all in the late 1800s creating modern Hebrew.

Wow, it's almost like ancient human language was simplistic and many different groups of people developed similar letters. Do you think that only one group of people invented knives and axes as well?

Show me Asian, Indian, African, American texts like those. I will wait.

Spoiler: anti-Christians who don't know what is a Serpent Seed Doctrine is

Naw dude them letters is legit. I think he's prooved it to us undoubtedly


Niggers never invented written language and Asian letters aren't that different from what you posted. Stop thinking everything is a synchronicity and learning your history from schizos on YouTube. Humans are all great apes, we have a lot in common with one another, not counting niggers, pretty much everyone invented similar shit.

completely different.

Are you serious?

Dem chinks wuz kikez 2 nigga.


I love and admire ancient Paganism from when our people were lost Israelite Pagans but those gods have been proven to be man made by a lost people looking for the one true God who created us, white Adamic man.

Cains offspring are arabs. I'm not even joking.


Deus Vult pupper

This is all starting to sound like Mormonism

It really doesn't.

No, you're just genuinely mentally ill and have created a complex fantasy to replace the depressing reality that you exist in.

If you are a white Adamic man, you will know the truth one day. Yahweh bless user.

Nigga you just got roasted

Sure thing.

This is a testing ground. We are all being tested and we enter the new kingdom if we pass this test.


Yahweh uses frogs as divine punishment.

Kek might be a modern day Prophet.

It's almost as if the Vikings and the North Indians got along well and created an entirely new and superior culture… actually it's exactly like that.

So, God creates us, then he decides to test us to see if we're worthy of entering his new kingdom. What does the test entail? What do you have to do to get in his new kingdom? Please elaborate, user.

You have to follow the laws that have been given to us. But I am not God nor am I an expert on the mysteries, like a Monk or Priest would be, so I cannot give you a complete answer.

What are those?
So you're not an expert, but you're confident that you're correct?

Thanks, moishe

hello nigger

I'm not an expert, I'm just a twenty something NEET who is trying to understand this degenerate world and the truth of Christian Identity appeals to me the best. I wouldn't doubt the theory we are in a computer simulation. God would be the computer programmer of the simulation.

Let's try
You eternal faggot

May the incorporeal laws of nature and the universe smite you.

Why wouldn't you doubt that? Do you think the fact that you live in Irvine, California is meaningful?

No it isn't meaningful, that is why I wouldn't doubt we are in a computer simulation. The knowledge of that wouldn't change a thing because we are still stuck in here.

Even before Vatican 2 the catholic church itself was calling itself spiritually jewish and spiritually semitic. No more hiding behind muh vatican 2 is heresy shit for you christ cucks

Hell is for ever!

Why do you faggots keep taking obvious bait? We already know the anti-Christian posting is D&C put together by Holla Forums and LearningCode.

Do you enjoy chewing glass?

Half autists, half shills who take the other side of the argument.

Alabama Nigger instantly starts playing in my head, kek.





Holla Forums is a Kekist and esoteric board. Begone with your abrahamic demonic shit

Are you fucking retarded?



It's a fresh set of (1)s agreeing that Christianity is communism, which was a talking point of Holla Forums. Report/filter, etc.

Blow your brains out, intl. Christ wasn’t a socialist. He was a religious radical. He advocated charity by the individual. He did not want a complex temporal power structure established to tax people at gunpoint to subsidize poverty.
Santa Claus, likewise, rewards virtue with toys and evil with coal. If anything, what he represents is a purely capitalistic idea–regardless of background, race, creed, etc., by virtuous and diligent behavior one will be rewarded materially. Whereas slothfulness and evil reaps nothing of value.
A Wonderful Life is about valuing family, not about establishing a top-down economy.
A Christmas Carol isn’t about a capitalist who turns into a socialist. It’s about a capitalist who overcomes the bitterness of his childhood and learns to value his family and his friendships more than his business. He doesn’t stop being a capitalist; he still solves all of his problems with money.
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas is about a terrorist who realizes that his diagnosis of capitalist society as being corrupt and materialistic was wrong. He realizes that though the society acknowledges capitalistic values, it also has a spiritual core independent of that system. His realization that the two can exist in harmony allows him to come to terms with his own bitterness and join society, rather than living like a hermit up in the mountains.
Charlie Brown, ironically, is the only story with any socialist values at all, and they’re negative. Charlie Brown used everyone’s money to make a terrible economic decision and invest in a bad tree that didn’t fulfill its intended function. The people were then forced to band together to make the best out of this smoking ruin on their own initiative. In essence, A Charlie Brown Christmas is about a government using the people’s money poorly, and then the public sector having to make the best of it with their own innovation.

I don't understand pagans. Their gods were supposed to help them in battle, wreak terrible curses upon them if they did wrong, etc., yet paganism was all but wiped out and those gods did nothing. Christianity says that a person is judged AFTER he dies, so it makes sense that lightnings don't rain down on sinners, but what of paganism? Doesn't history pretty much disprove pagan beliefs, as had they been true, pagans never could have been mass converted or raped in battle?


Both have their origin in the Phoenician alphabet, which itself developed from Egyptian hieroglyphs during the Late Bronze Age collapse.

Would Jesus support racial cause?

He supported scripture, which does. All the stuff about racial equivalence was talking about withholding religion from other races, not saying the races are the same or should intermix in any way. Remember, he was all about condemning the practices of the Jews. The Bible is so uptight about racemixing that you're not even supposed to take the cattle of your defeated enemies, or weave clothes out of more than one kind of fiber. It goes out of its way to forbid taking wives from another tribe. That's about as explicit as you can get without going full RAHOWA.

It says right in the poetic edda that Odin was fickle and could give his favor to one side or another. Before a battle they would make sacrifices and try to win his favor, but it wasn't a guarantee of victory. You have to stop looking at paganism like it's Christianity with an all powerful father that you appease and will punish you for eternity if you do wrong. It's a fundamentally different outlook on life and spirituality.

Leviticus 19:34

I know you'll say Jesus got rid of all that which I don't really care to argue about but you referenced the Old Testament in your post so I thought I'd point this out.

Lol. He would havearched with MLKjr.

But then he would have been on Holla Forumss side by now. Because of the injustices and sins and wrongs perpetuate d

And there is nothing wrong with that.

But thats isnt what is happening. The invading hordes are not punished according to ourblaws almost at all, are allowed, nay encouraged, to run rampant, while our own people are relentlessly persecuted.

"Foreigner" means "individual not native to your land". Not "horde of militant immigrants coming explicitly to pillage you". And it doesn't imply naturalizing them, either. It just means don't be shitty to people just because they're visiting.

Remember, this was aimed a Jews with Jewish behavior.

Amazing how christcucks constantly have to redefine words to justify their Semitic doctrine. You're as bad as leftists.

Does "ethnostate" require absolutely zero international travel, then? You can't set foot anywhere you aren't a citizen?

Addendum: This would include between white countries. Foreigner doesn't mean racially different.

Here goes the Christian adding whatever interpretation they want to the text to prove their point. Foreigner doesn't say ANYTHING about race. It has no exclusions. It doesn't say "be nice to the white foreigner" it just says foreigner with no qualifier. That's why Christianity is garbage. and the people who defend it are a liability. Too much "interpretation" required.

You dodged the question while highlighting why your own position isn't upheld here. Are we talking about foreigners as a whole, or ethnic considerations? The verse is referring to people from out of town. "Living among" doesn't even mean permanently; it applies to travelers and guests. You accidentally highlighted yet another reason this verse doesn't support your point: it doesn't say anything about ethnicity. Or do you not actually have a point and are just trying to stir up conflict because that's what Rach told you to do?

Should an ethnostate bar all travel to all other countries?

What's the time frame? Why would a mud be traveling though a white nation?
Yes, that's the point. You implied that foreigner meant "white foreigner". I said that there was no qualifier for you to make that leap, and that's why Christianity is useless for preserving the white race.

You're not white are you?

Germanic and Anglo, like a purity-spiral antimatter reactor. :^)

Brief for anything but an exceptional reason. I'm not arguing for foreign workers or even refugees. I'm talking mundane things like tourism. Nothing that allows one to put down any roots. And anything that leaves behind remnants, like a rape baby, should be punishable as espionage. And the kid given the option once he's of age between sterilization and excommunication.

Also, I wasn't saying that it only mattered if it were a white foreigner. I was saying your own claim was so broad that it would exclude anyone of any nationality of race who isn't native to your lands. "Foreigner" just means "not from here". A German wouldn't be allowed to visit Ireland.

No, no. You don't decide the time frame. You show me in the Bible where the time frame is discussed for a foreigner living among you. You show me in the Bible where foreigner is defined as a vacationer. Please, continue to show how utterly useless the Bible is for protecting white people.
So what? A German isn't Irish and isn't entitled to visit Ireland. That's up to the Irish.

Deus Vult Pupper

Deus Vult Pupper!

It was about time for the sequel!

If we still have the same proportional muslim kills then it's really fucking worth it.

If God exists I thank Him for making me a Balkanshit that does not take the freedoms and ethnic identity Christianity safeguarded for granted.

That explains it.


Why people forget about the savages? Is it because they are not important enough?

Deus Vult pupper


Mundanefags need to get the fuck off this board tbh

Hell is for ever!

Deus Vult Pupper

We are about to have the real life Christian Ninja Force