Why does the mutt effect not apply to humans?

Please enlighten me on this, my understanding of genetics is fuzzy at best.

Studies have shown that mixed-breed dogs are healthier. But the opposite seems to be true for humans (not able to receive bone marrow transplants, organ transplant issues, etc)…why is this the case?

Is it because a purebred dog is in fact actually inbred? Whereas the human races have enough genetic diversity that mixing outside your race is more harmful still?

I.e. there is no mutt effect for humans because the human races are not inbred? (with the obvious exception of mudslimes).

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Have you stopped to wonder whether organ transplants between dogs would be breed-dependant?

The libtard would be quick to remind you that variations in species only exist in the animal kingdom and that all humans are equal.


This is a bad example, because we don't really do transplants on dogs very often. Purebred dogs do have many more health issues, though.
Yes, this is correct.
Even there, there's not going to be a positive effect just from breeding with a different race (unless it's a superior race, obviously a half-white half-arab is going to be superior to a full arab in many respects, but inferior to a full white). You could get the same or superior outbreeding benefits just by mixing up the arab gene pool and not having most of the population marrying their cousins. This holds for all the races except for Ashkenazi Jews, who are closer to a purebred dog breed in how related they are to each other.

I hope so, and if not we should make it be like that. :^)

Ding ding ding. the reason why purebreeds got the stigma for being genetically defective is because breeders would have sisters fuck brothers so they could get more dogs quicker for higher profit.

All dogs are the same species, they have a very recent common genetic ancestor.

However, humans most recent common ancestor was in comparison far, far longer ago.

Did you know that Tigers and Lions can mate and produce offspring? However, the result is often while physically imposing often a sterile sickly mess. As far as I can tell, the further back a recent genetic ancestor was the more problems with the mutt.

Also interesting is that Lion/Tiger hybrids are different depending on the sex of each parent. Interesting when you consider why they are importing so many men from the middle east, and fairly few women.

You've answered your own question: quite a few dog races are inbred and suffer more frequently from genetic diseases, such as a higher chances of developing cancer (bull terriërs) or physical limitations (chihuahua skulls, large dogs' hips, some pitbulls can only deliver through C-sections).

In humans, this is not the case because populations are larger and selection is more or less natural. Most people have a large enough gene pool to counteract inbreeding, except for some remote regions and (((selective races))).
Also, boers in South-Africa display a high level of inbreeding.
In such cases, 'fresh' DNA will make sure that these people have at least one intact copy of DNA and this will make them healthier.

For most Humans, inbreeding is not a problem and racemixing will actually result in problems, breeding a human that is not quite fit to survive in either of the parents' natural habitats. A mulatto isn't suited for either the cold winters of Europe nor the harsh droughts in Africa. And of course, organ and bone marrow transplants become a lot harder.

I'm not an expert, but in the nature the optimal state is rarely in the extreme ends, so perhaps there's 'an optimal genetic distance', so that pure breed dogs are too pure, and the race mixed humans are too chaotic?

full house for truth.

In genetics there's both hybrid vigor (mutt effect as OP puts it) and outbreeding depression. One, both or neither of them can happen depending on the particular genetics of the species. So don't take the existence of the term hybrid vigor to mean that all hybrids are more vigorous than their parents (like shill OP wants you to)
Sage for shill thread.

There's a lot of things.

First, "healthiness" isn't a great metric. Mixed-race humans are less prone to some diseases and more prone to others. If you reduce everything down to a single eyeballed value, you're not going to get a good answer to your question.

Second, human medicine is different from veterinary medicine. Humans are more likely to get better treatment for more difficult diseases, while dogs don't get that level of healthcare.

Third, humans are not dogs.

Overall, this is a shit thread. You start off by comparing humans to dogs, and make a number of clear mistakes along the way. You are a huge fucking idiot, OP, and you should sincerely consider rectifying it by drinking a gallon of bleach.

And naturally I forget my sage like an idiot.

What you are thinking of, and it applies to crop/animal breeding in agriculture as well, is heterozygosity or hybrid vigour. Breed two highly inbred lines of a plant together and you will get offspring which are generally much more productive ('fit' in terms of agriculture). This is because the offspring will be less likely to have the deleterious alleles present in either parent, specifically pairs of recessive alleles.

Hope that makes sense.

t. plant breeding scientist

I find that hard to believe, but thing is the two original races would be mixed to death. Race mixing two race mixed breeds aint good either.

Humans aren't in the animal kingdom? I guess that makes sense since libshits are all mentally vegetables

Because purebred dogs are often the products of incest the added genetic diversity often alleviates problems specific to the breed.
Human ethnicities don't have the same lack of genetic diversity within their own group so these problems are not present in significant numbers. And the genetic gap between racial groups is large enough that it causes problems of its own if two are crossed. For example immune systems that evolved to combat completely different things are not going to be compatible, which is why mixed people often have weaker immune systems as a whole and can have a host of genetic diseases that would not normally exist in the race of either of their parents.

I should have read the whole post, yes this half of the reason.

Niggers have an inbreeding problem as well, we just don't care enough about them to look into their child abuse problem and they don't trust cops enough to actually report it. Molestation is quite common in black households.

I think there was a study done in Australia on the minimum genetic distance required to not have incest problems arise because rural Australians apparently often married (it's an older study may not be the case now) cousins and second cousins because they're isolated and didn't meet many other women. I think the takeaway was that second cousins (child of a cousin, so 75% not related) was enough to prevent most of the problems (though obviously this doesn't work if your line has a long history of doing this as second cousins would become more and more closely related over generations, this + cousin cousin marriage is what fucked up muslim genetics).

Wrong. They are healthier than the inbred breeds, but not more healthy than properly breed breeds.

Have you not seen an American?

Like this American?

That's horse shit. Also, breed =/= race


kek, have you?

Sorry user but Hitler dubs don't lie.

Breeds which changed little in the course of centuries have little, if any genetic diseases associated with them, because their genetic legacy was increased through time (see: Maltese dogs).

However, newer breeds have little time to adjust their mainline of characteristics, requiring in-breeding to keep them in line with pedigree status, which often means bad attributes are kept and amplified (see: German Shepherds and hip dysplasia, Pugs and breathing/snorting/general skin problems).

Mutts are often more healthy, genetically speaking, because they are exactly selected and modified by their environment, not by arbitrary reasons. Example: amazonian jungle dog mutts were brought by spanish and portuguese conquistadores; indians didn't care about their breed, as long as they could help with their tribe. Those are reported to live well past twelve years, at a medium-to-large size.

Humans can, and will, over time, develop less genetic diseases if their genetic line is inbred as well (read: jews breeding with goyims to decrease their genetic disease load), but most of times this can be easily fixed through regional breeding (nordic/anglo-saxons, italians/germans, slavs/greeks, for instance), which is enough of a genetic spread to not propagate genetic defects.


The genetic drift between say the negroid and european races is too vast, we're talking hundreds of thousands of years. The genetic drift between a poodle and a dachshund is a few hundred years.

I heard that southern Americans have 20% negro DNA.

American ARE mutts. European mutts, with a proeminence of anglo-saxon genetics.


OK, thanks for the confirmation. I figured that was the case.

Right, thx for confirmation.

why don't you take your heeb social justice questions and shove them up your Jew asshole. Cite a fucking source and quit with your concern commentary. Gas yourself

Thanks user, makes sense.

I would put forth the idea of the mule.
The infertile offspring of Horse and Donkey.
It is a useful animal for hauling and ploughing, the only defect being infertility. But of course, Mules are a special case where inter-species breeding produces a useful offspring, but an ultimate genetic dead end

ahaha no.
That'd mean we were just light-skinned Blacks.
I'm an ethnic Southerner, and most of my DNA is Scotch-Irish, who themselves were the mongrel peoples of Northern England/Southern Scotland/Irish descent. I still got a mutt's smack of western European blood in me, though. Tho, DNA testing revealed 100% European admixture as far as it could tell

kys fag. This isn't concern commentary, I would like to know how best to rebuke the muh-hybrid-vigor liberals.

How do you know you're the exception, though?


interesting, will look into it more.

You no nothing of the subtle art of Redpilling. Threads like this, while by no means should be spammed, help keep Holla Forums sharp for any real arguement that may come about. Certain people want Holla Forums to be complacent, to forget what made them strong to begin with. Victory defeats even the greatest of empires, but only if the populace is content to rest on their laurels. Remember, the more you know, the more dangerous you are to (((them))). The more people you share this knowledge with, the less power (((they))) have. It's as simple as that, newfag.

There's been studies proving white Americans are purer than Euros. I remember a thread on it a couple months back. Americans aren't any more mutts than Europeans. In fact I think the chances of a European being a mutt are greater. At least compared to whites who split off to America.

I guess you should define mutt, then.

Please type correctly.

because humans unlike dog breeds aren't highly inbred. hybrid vigor is undoing of effects of inbreeding more than anything.

Do Euros actually believe this? Whites self-segregate in America by far more than any other race. Not just with another races but with other whites as well.

thanks for the cap, not sure of all the terms but will look em up

He probably got that 20% statistic from (((((21andme)))))

We're talking about the great majority of the population, not the entire population.

I think they would be actually (to some extent). But I'm not aware of whether dog organ transplants are done outside of very few cases.


Yeah, sorry
Was caught up in righteous indignation and wanted to craft my point, my zeal outpaced my typing.
I'm also on a phone, so you know how fucky those can be

Yes. They are not comparing naturally formed races with mixed, they are comparing highly inbred populations with less inbred.
Just look at Muslims for the human example.
Humans naturally avoid inbreeding, this is why the MSN visiting from s village 100 miles away got the attention of all the local women, it is a measure to prevent inbreeding.
This natural tendency of men and women to prefer "outsiders" used to be healthy, because "outsider" meant someone from 30 leagues away.
The Jew has harnessed this positive trait and corrupted it by importing aliens.
In the psst, far aliens would never made because ecen if they somehow msnsged to get here from far axross the seas, they would be killed by the locals , considered unfit for sexual relations due to their status as slaves or even if they caught the eye of the women, precented from touching them by proper male supervision.

Forgot to include:
No, it is very real and the statistics are shocking. Weed man Organ just got red pilled about it and the clip from his show is a good way to introduce normalfags to the truth, it even includes cited sources.
What he didn't mention is "depleted uranium birth defects" in Iraq.
Guess which country (apart from the UK) has the highest level of first cousin marriage and defects? That's right, Iraq.
Now instead of going unreported, the defects from the inbreeding is being recorded by the Red Cross and chalked up as "depleted uranium effects."
One of the greatest lies of our times.
Video already posted so here is a link.

But it has its downsides.

This is only as a byproduct of the breeding process for purebreds. Purebreds tend to have a small base populations that get bred with each other. The result is heavily inbred populations with emphasised defects. The supposed "hybrid vigour" is just the result of adding any kind of genetic diversity to a heavily inbred population.

Biology graduate here.

Hybrid vigor is not true in many cases, as pointed out in this thread. The problem with biology is that it is massively complicated, and so just about any 'rule' you make when it comes to the genetic shuffling of breeding is going to be subverted by some other organism somewhere else. Some species are very sensitive to inbreeding defects, while others fuck their sisters through generations without much negative impact for instance.

It may be possible that some combinations of human specimens would produce hybrid vigor, while others will not. For example, the cross between white and asian produces 'eh' sometimes really hot females and generally dopey-looking males. That is not particularly fit for sexual selection overall.

Ligers, those cross-breeds between tigers and lions mentioned before, are instinctually confused and therefore behaviorally rather unfit. You will see in dog breeds talk all the time about how the temperament of a dog is determined by the breed, and the breed is mostly determined by selections in the HOX genes that control hormone production. Humans are almost undoubtedly similarly influenced by such adaptations via selection. The instincts of one racial group, to a greater or lesser extent determined by hormone makeup that alters brain and physical structures, will be more or less different than another's. How much so depends on the selection criteria on them hence why with convergent evolution you could get two far-flung populations that converge on similar traits, like whales and fish developing similar fins to cut through water, or like the Prussians and the Japanese due to their warfare-centered societies.

Finally, think about the diseases in the areas of the world that human populations adapted to. European stock is what remained after multiple bouts of plague and horrible other diseases that made them excellent resistors to many diseases and amazing vectors as well, as the Aztecs and other Natives eventually learned, while African populations dealt with malaria constantly and evolved to have a really shitty solution to it via sickle cells that fuck up the parasite's reproduction.

If you mix too far outside of a racial line, these disease-resistances diminish because they are lost in as little as two generations as genetic shuffling occurs. This is likely a major part of why people are normally less attracted to their immediate family - too similar to risk genetic defects - yet also less attracted to those who look too dissimilar to themselves - too much risk of resistance dilution and instinctual confusion. Outside of debasement and taboo sexual fantasies, which are exciting precisely because they are instinctually unappealing and therefore thrilling to explore for those with a taste for it. You actually are much more likely to be attracted to someone who is from a different family but looks kind of similar to a relative - or yourself.

tldr; Biology is tough, but races exist and have an undeniable influence in human populations. How much and in what manner is less known.

What do you think about the explanation here? It basically comes down to the offspring receiving a chromosome from both parents, so the effects are somehow predicable, but then the offspring will produce a chromosome that has mixed genes from the two parents, hence it's a lot more random. And thus all the supposed benefits of hybrid vigour will be lost just one generation later, replaced by a rather shitty genetic lottery.

Pure bred dogs are often inbred

Even being inbred, find a working/hunting breed that hasn't won any dog shows and you'll see a healthy breed.

I believed the DU thing, until I learned how inbred they were. Don't know if true but quite frankly don't care.

brazil :^)

purely anecdotal, but as an anglo-american raised among germans, I still don't find german girls attractive. All the people who like mixing tend to move to cities

Hey some of us are grunts some of us are leaders no harm in asking better men questions smarty pants.

After this thread we are meeting each other in the parking lot big brains

study was probably using purebreds used in dogshows or where dogshows are a major influence on breeders

most Pure bred German Shepherds in the US are inbred to shit to accentuate retarded features dogshow judges decided were important, these artificial pressures forced the breeds genepool into a weak group genetic health deficiencies and chronic hip problems while healthy dogs with non-dogshow quality characteristics have older gene lines from germany

check youre average ashkenazi jew whos a fucking human genetic disease Vault vs the average west european, a mixed person with a ressistance to malaria who lives in West nile country is a waste of everyones time

most americans are some sorta german

90 to 120 are grunts
you have to be able to follow basic instructions

You're thinking of south americans my friend



Europeans have been invaded and rape since time immemorial, there's no way they're "pure"

Golly, you seem to have answered your own question. The detrimental effects of inbreeding apply mostly when there are high degrees of homozygous alleles - all kinds of nasty recessive genes are present in large numbers and therefore occur more often. In normal populations this is intensively selected against. Dog breeds are kept to an artificially high degree of inbreeding, and even though the individuals may well be far less fit, their genes are still preferred for other reasons.

Selection is not distinct from natural selection as far as the logic involved in concerned - if a dog's reproductive fitness is more afffected by having the right sort of pudgy face rather than good hunting ability or healthy knees, it will develop the former trait at the possible expense of the latter. AKA replace what you normally think of as "fitness" with the humans' desires and it makes perfect sense.

Indeed. The lion-fathered, tiger-mothered liger is YUGE, because the female lion and the male tiger have the gene that suppresses growth. Never saw a tiger-fathered, lion-mothered animal before. I'd assume it would be somewhere between the two animals in size.

Per importing Arab men and not women from the ME… note that White-fathered, Asian-mothered mongrels like Eliot Rodgers are fucked up, more often than purebreds, whereas Asian-fathered, White-mothered mongrels seem to have less social problems.


could it be?

I wonder if we will ever see the offspring of two ligers.

South Americans, maybe. Not whites from Dixie. You may have that backwards–black Americans are about 20% white on average.





There's also the problem that not a lot of studies are going to focus on the racial makeup of their test groups.

As well we honestly don't have that much race mixing even in this day and age. You do get some examples popping up now and then, but race mixing is still pretty fucking rare which is why it stands out so much when it is done. So I'm doubtful we really have large enough populations to even test to see what the effects of race mixing are.

So a lot of the debate over what the effects of race mixing are seem theoretical.

You know damn well why. The (((globalists))). The more they can erase literal and figurative borders, the better it is for them and the worse it is for us.

Ladies and Gentlemen: The Carolina Raisins!

Whites are the superior race. Whites breeding with inferior races results in offspring that are inferior to whites.

mutt propaganda

outside of Holla Forums, 120 would be officers not the lost lt stereotype either


C'mon Goering, and you're 8 points ahead of me.


Ah thanks this is interesting too. I'm some other user who butted in with what we might call /ourstandards/

Most depressing thing I've ever read. I'm 34 in a dead-end job and my IQ was allegedly upwards of 140 when I took to the test. Generation after generation after generation of the most talented and skilled white kids is being pissed into oblivion.

Uh no. African Americans have 15% European DNA.

You answered your own question. Mutts are less likely to have genetic disorders because they're not inbred. Purebred dogs are more likely to be inbred because you have the same small insular group of breeders swapping their dogs around. This dog's grandfather is also its uncle, etc.

That's why if you're getting a purebred dog, you have to do your homework and make sure the pedigree isn't full of inbreeding. I made this mistake with my golden retriever, who suddenly died last year from acute lymphoblastic leukemia. It fucking sucked.

It does. But there are limits.

Eh, even people with the IQ level of an ape become multi-millionaires. I'm 38 and also poor, but I see wealth accumulation more of a result of a positive mindset and hard work ethic than general intelligence. IQ obviously helps but you still have to do shit, and my problem is I am lazy.

Lazy or just bored with unmotivating shit? I usually have the attention span of a housefly on meth, but when I'm actually doing something that's interesting to me, I can concentrate for long intervals and be very productive. I'm 10 more productive making OC for Holla Forums than I ever am at work. Making OC is challenging and interesting and engages my creativity, pushing paper at work, frankly, does not.

Both unfortunately. When something interests me, I'm like you and I almost become obsessed and ignore everything else. But then I get bored. Are you like that? I'm trying to fix myself by committing to finishing things I start. Just lost my job in January and now trying to get serious about making real money.

goddamn i love americans

Existential boredom or laziness?

I have yet to see that.

Mark Cuban is barely literate. Try reading his blog. I bet he has a 110 IQ at best.

Yeah and third cousin is fine, but you would be breeding to select for all the traits of that family.
This is how tribes used to exist, and what is still done in iceland? Or greenland? the one with the 300thousand pop

Iceland is 300k, and Greenland is 50k, so it is probably done in both.

I have a purebred Belgian Malinois from mostly Dutch police lines. He's healthier than any mutt. Dutch KNPV dogs have to pass a rigorous police dog test including jumping a 6 ft wall before they're bred.

To have a viable human population you only need 3,000 people.

Yeah, it's dependent on breed for the most part. Pugs and Bulldogs are genetic wrecks even though they're super cut and have great personalities but something like a Weimareiner or Malinois are both fantastic breeds and really healthy, because they were bred that way.

I have a couple mutts and one of them gets problems from both sides of her lineage. The mutt argument is a little old because it hinges on the idea that there isn't a reason why breeds are so different anyways.

I wasn't implying it's intelligence, most of the rich people I've known were average as fuck and inherited it and just knew how to game the system, or got it through cheating or government shenanigans. But I've known too many normies who work really hard and never figure out how save more than they spend to think work ethic means shit, at least not without being able to actually control what you make.

it depends on viable for what

Fucking kek! Thanks user.

pretty sure they call that a taigon

To elaborate, artificial selection was used on dog breeds. The effects are visibly drastic, but are mostly due to differences in expression, not in genotype. Human beings are only slightly artificially selected due to sexual selection. More of the difference is genotype.





Anti Whites and communists will use IQ as a measure for intelligence to try to make the White man who wants order in the world look stupid but, if we talk about other races having low IQ then all of a sudden IQ isn't an accurate measure of intelligence

So 20% of southerners are either niggers, mulattos, quadroons, octaroons, whatever. Color me shocked.

It's easy to present statistics in a misleading way.

Funny thing is, that if you apply the wording in the first 2 pics to humans you're worse than Hitler.

Chicken guy here. Yes. It's inbreeding.

Bantam chickens get it hard. Getting a bantie silver spangled hamburg takes a severe amount of effort. Most of them die at an excessively young age, if they hatch at all on the other. On the other hand, something like a Rhode Island Red, where there are a lot of the fuckers, has amazing vitality, hatch well, lay well, etc.

Mixed breed chickens don't show any better or worse health in these cases, but what I have noticed is that my longest living chickens have always been pure-bred. So make of that what you will.

If humans are one race then how is racism possible?

the implication of the question is that accusing someone of racism is racist in itself, because the accuser unwittingly acknowledges inherent differences between races of man
to accuse someone of a crime, you must have knowledge of what the crime consists of, and the interactions between the perceived victim and perpetrator

mods have banned me for anti-liberal mindgames like this in the past

I think the mods have banned you because you're smart and severely underestimate how dumb people are. They won' t understand such mind games and do mental gymnastics like a Olympic medalist.

This user nailed it. It depends on the level of outbreeding/inbreeding.

I want to tell you how good you did with this post and how proud I am just to have witnessed it.

sage for my own lack of contributions

what about uncle Adolf?


also /tg/ you have to go back


We have orcs, they just got brown skin.

From what I've read you would be correct here. Purebred dogs are often horribly imbred. Like fathers being bred with their own daughters or even granddaughters levels of imbred. So any relief from that sort of thing is likely to help.

Human races on the other hand will eventually be separate species in time, if they aren't already. If we applied animal standards to humans we should at least be 3-8 distinct subspecies.


good comparison

how long do they live naturally? The hardware store Rhode Island Reds I used to have would only live 2-4 years. Since then I've been mixing orpingtons and australorps to breed for hardy/foraging with gentle but not skittish temperament if possible. I know livestock but holy shit I don't know chickens. Do you know any good resources?

Do liberals actually deny that there are races? Doesn't most of their diversity shit hinge on it?

I thought their issue was when people point out that the races are in fact subspecies and differences are more than skin-deep.

I suspect this is mainly due to shitty breeders making lines that are intended for aesthetic purposes and such with no regards to health. Purebred working dogs like the Ovcharka and the Kangal have next to no health issues - because they are bred for practical fitness rather than, say, a particular ear size.


this is true, pugs and other small breeds actually have skulls that are too small for their eyes, so they bulge out and can lead to severely debilitating illnesses with high vet costs that make people just abandon them or put them down.

I thought it was common knowledge that liberals believe that there's only one race.


I'll weigh in on chickens. I recommend to begin with Rhode Island Reds. They are a nice egg-laying breed with a decent amount of meat on them when you decide to bring out the hatchet. They have a somewhat aggressive temperament, but they are easily trained. if they peck your shoe or try to peck you, just give them a light kick. You wont hurt them, they are a hardy breed. They are medium sized fowl so you should have no issue with housing them even within a smaller space.

To debunk the 'muh mutts' bullshit, all that you have to do is point out the following fact:

Purebreds such as Collies, Greyhounds, Labradors, Huskies, German Shepherds, etc… Are some of the most heavily purebred dogs in the world with greyhounds as an example being able to be traced back to fucking ancient Egypt. Yet somehow these types of dogs are, by a mile, healthier and more intelligent than the rest of the dog and mutt breeds combined.

Let us examine why this is. When you breed sheep dogs, racing dogs, guide dogs or any dogs that are bred solely for a specific task, you breed the best with the best because you want smart, long living dogs.

Now, other purebreds such as Pugs, Dachshunds, Chihuahuas and any other shitty purebreds you can care to name are shit because they just get bred for looks. This means shitty genetics gets passed down and made worse through successive generations.

This is one argument that thoroughly proves the objective success and moral righteousness of eugenics. Do you want humans to look like pugs or Greyhounds in 1000 years? Or, to put it another way, do you want humans to look like inbred midget chav brown people or like fucking Space Marines?

Oh well yeah. There's a saying that goes: there are 3 ways to get rich.

1. Inherit it.
2. Win the lottery.
3. Build your own business.

You don't become a multi-millionaire by saving or working for jews. You have to be the owner.

But user, all humans are created absolutely equal, the only differences are the result of upbringing! If we just bring all of Africa and the Middle East into racist sexist transphobic white countries and expose them to the goodness of liberalism, we can have a beige utopia without nasty things like gender or inequality in eye colors within a few hundred years! Think of the children

huh, they're even more retarded on this than I thought.

Can you explain what ethnicity is? vs. what liberals think it is?

I am assuming ethnicity = race as it is used colloquially.

Yes of course. It's pretty much the ultimate premise upon which all of their ideology rests.

Then what are ethnicities?

Skin color and absolutely nothing else at all.



German shepherds, Collies and Labradors live, on average, three years less than mutts. And have more genetic diseases cuz (((pedigree))).

Pugs and Daschunds, even worse, same reason. Chihuahuas, not so much, because the breed had some time to weed out the genetically inferior.

Again, it is all about how old the breed is. Breeds that appeared a couple centuries ago are much more likely to have genetic diseases than those who are around for millenia.

huh. Absolutely retarded.

The suppression field. Your thoughts aren't random or unusual. They are entirely too consistent, except for the select few people chosen for particular jobs.

Consider, there is nothing physically stopping you from doing anything you choose. It is what you believe to be your own thoughts, reasoning, and feelings, even though, I believe, you'll find they are all lies and nonsense under any scrutiny. They are all encompassing, yet invisible, like the air; never considering anything is there until it fucks you in the ass.

Be aware that there is something there and it is not your friend. You'll see it for yourself if you can remain lucid.

Just to be clear on this, Holla Forums.

European mutts from the same culture and civilization are perfectly fine. Germano-anglos, irish-anglos, spaniard-french, heck even italian/greek anything. All these genetic material are pretty close to each other, like chinks mixing with japanese or abos/niggers with monkeys (lel).

Interesting theory, but I'm not totally convinced. What stops me from doing what I want is a) fear of death, and b) foresight/appreciation of consequences. I think you're more right about "suppression" than thought implants - I think there's something like a device, or a being, or something which is artificially dampening human potential and keeping us from being able to effectively grow into our own fullness. It's something so complicated that all we can seem to do is mythmake about it. I don't know if it's even theoretically possible to fire missiles at the correct angle to reality and kill the suppression field that you describe. I don't know what we can/should do about it.

The breeds you refer to have their general stats​ skewed because unfortunately puppy mill breeders have got hold of them in the last couple of decades after realising people like them, and have been determined to ruin the breeds.

Anyone practicing puppy milling should be taken out back and shot. A program should be established to keep dogs at acceptable levels via breeding control and a genetic heritage database should be established so that only the best dogs can reproduce. Within 15-20 years it will improve the average dog immensely.

That makes the existant issues worse, but are not main causes themselves.

You can create such database, then the local (((dog breeders))) will say your dogs have no (((pedigree))) because your german shepherd has their hips in place to prevent dysplasia and look different from the other shepherds. Also, your pug which has a longer snout and has less skin and respiratory problems, sir, no longer a pug, because snout is long.

I can go on and on. Pedigree damages dogs genetic heritage. If you want to ignore the 'no pedigree = mutts', than I can grant that you have a point; by slightly altering the looks of a breed for the benefit of reducing genetics disease, one can get rid of some of their problems.


Shit, forgot my image

In their eyes, ethnicity is just a social group in which someone is raised.
For instance, if there were IRL chans, children raised in the environment would be of "chan" ethnicity.
To put it simply, someone that denies race believes all humans start off as a block of clay which is molded by their environment.
In their minds, race is a virtual construct, just like nationality.
In a nature versus nurture argument they would place nurture as the only differentiation between different groups of people.
I'm repeating myself a lot here, but one way might click with a lurker better than another.

Like all flawed thinking, this school of thought can be dismantled using their own views against them.

For instance:
You: Does exposure to the natural world, or the lack of it play a part in the development of children?
Idiot: Yes, obviously. Inner city kids often lack the knowledge of where their food comes from, and if they did, more would be vegetarians. faggoty ass embed related
You: So could you describe us as beings that need close ties to nature?
Idiot: Sure, I guess. (some blathering about environmentalism goes here)
You: Then why is it wrong to apply natural law, the logic and science we apply to every other animal, to ourselves?

You'll get some form of response that contains wrong, racist, I don't think, or I don't feel. You might also get silence.

Don't get caught up with liberals denying genetic differences between races. Plenty of conservatives do the same thing.
You're either a racist, or a retard.

because reality is a simulation and pic related

For slight proof of what I'm talking about in see:


nothing about what I said has anything to do with your post. stop advertising

I mean they couldn't even learn how to save, and that includes people who work for themselves.

They are not "perfectly fine." I wouldn't look down on someone for being german-irish or whatever and there is nothing limiting them as whites, but they are halfway between two races of europeans at that point. Without cultural indicators, I can pick out people who originated within 1-200 miles of my ancestors. They're basically my people or my breed. Mixing means you don't have that, and unique traits to the different races are muddied.

German shorthaired pointers may have had some ancestors who were english pointers, but you can plainly tell the ones with recent english-pointer ancestry. Coloration, body shape, demeanor, and even the way they hunt is different. If what you want is a german shorthair, that is not "perfectly fine."

Note: this is not an attack on whites of different nationalities. But it also doesn't mean we're all the same.

Buff orpingtons are pretty calm and predictable birds, not that big of a deal but good for beginners to get used to.


Goering used his brains for good fashion. Basically every time Irving mentions him in Hitler's War Goring in some European country shopping for latest clothes. or perhaps that was a cover for something else?

Purebred human.

I'm talking purely genetic variables here. You can insert tribalism in the conversation, and that's fine and I agree with your points.

Americans received a huge influx of irish people, but because they were of the same culture, religion and costumes (way of life), the impact on american culture as a whole was minimal; they assimilated quickly because there was very little to assimilate in the first place.

Now, mudding european races was done in the past, and civilizations kept on going. Take a look at UK. A purely indo-european civilization first invaded by Romans, then mixed and interbred for half a generation until the nordics came, doing the same themselves, then came the Normans (franco-dutch-german people) and "muddied" their culture even more. Not to mention Scotland, which became a mixture of both irish and indo-european cultures.

Then there's France, who was purely germanic, then became romanized, then became germanic again with the Franks, which defined their people.

I can go on. Europe has much more intermix with the civilizations than any other continent in the world. Italians (Romans) were nearly everywhere, for instance, and it wouldn't be too far-fetched for most of european people to have some common ancestry to some italians or, even an older branch, the greeks.

Does anyone know of any pioneering dog breeders that are experimenting with creating a new master race dog, or even a successful and stable hybrid? looking for a new friend

American Alsatian? Heard it was supposed to resuscitate the Dire Wolf. Unsure if it is a real thing tho.

The true master race dog is the one most adapted to your lifestyle, user. Living in a small apartment means you'll have to pick smaller breeds, and the other way around with larger breeds. It really is up to you.

I strongly advise you to go to the local dog shelter. If you have less patience with dogs, I'd say you should adopt an adult dog. If you want a cute little puppy that shits and pisses everywhere and just chews on anything that is remotably chewable, make sure to check his parents; its the way to know how he is gonna be looking like.

Greyhound owner here. They might not be 100% master race but they are definitely up there

Also they are racist as fuck toward any dog that's not a greyhound/whippet. Makes me laugh pretty hard.

Greyhound puppies are fucking fueled by red bulls in the morning and extra dark roast blends of coffee in the night, though, right?

Yeah they are pretty crazy, but you can find quite young dogs (1-3 years) that got retired early for whatever reason and they make great pets.

I don't know that there aren't genetic variables as well. Do all white people have the same instincts, predilictions, behaviours? We don't all the look the same, why would everything else that be cultural and not possibly biological?
Hapas have more mental health problems, might not a scotto-pollack?

Not at all, they may be 'american', but irish don't have the same culture or even religion. We all tend to dress the same sort of, that's about it. But I can show you differences in dress just in different parts of flyoverland.

I haven't read it in many years so I can't confirm if it's Holla Forums-approved, but I would look into Albion's Seed by David Hackett Fischer.

If you look at the genetic contributions of some of britain's invasions, they weren't as extensive as you might think, regardless, they have had time to settle, and they weren't mixing at random. They were fixing themselves into a local area and staying put.

their civilizations traded with each other, they traded wives with their neighbor down the road who were similar to them, or they captured wives from not much further away, or they fought and died to preserve or spread their people. They didn't just travel around the continent mixing as the whim struck them.

Toppest tier is probably German Shepards and Border Collies. I personally am into bulldogs, though. Specifically Olde English Bulldogge because shits on normal bulldogs. Dogs are so much better than non-white humans in general, few breeds aren't.


Yes, chromosomes will sort of fragment and repair themselves together in novel ways during miosis (gamete production), aside from the whole shuffling thing. But that isn't the main reason why hybrid vigor dissipates so much.

You will be much more related to one of your grandparents than the rest most likely, because each of your parents has a chromosome from each of their parents - so when their sperm and egg are made, they will randomly select one of those two chromosomes to be the 1 they give you. So in an extreme case you could have basically all the chromosomes from your grandmother on one side to account for 50% of your DNA composition.

Anyway, the hybrid vigor is one of those unpredictable things that is hard to say if it will be 'fit' or not until you do it. Mules are an example of hybrid vigor in some senses - they're sturdy like donkeys but big like horses, though sterile. Human combinations I guess you'd just have to observe and see how that goes. When the article mentions that human mixes might have fucked up jaws and health, that's pretty much the funbag mix you get with it. You're taking two populations that have had very intricate and highly selected-for traits and throwing it all together to see what comes out. It's not going to be as fit as either population most of the time, and even if it is the mixing afterwords will be utter unpredictable.

But yes, the 1:1 ratio of gene mix will basically disappear one generation in, and thus you'll be more or less varied up to the point of unpredictability and highly-likely lack of fitness if the mix is from a wildly different population like darkies and non-darkies.


Thanks, anons. I will look into it. I live in the country, and my last dog was a weimaraner, which I absolutely adore that breed: so loyal and loving. They just can sometimes have genetic issues with the hips nd stomach, and then severe separation anxiety. Also was looking at the German shepherd, but I will take a look more into the ancient breeds like the greyhound if their genes are more proven.

I've got a friend who's a little person. He's not like Warrick Davis with the gimpy hips and other deformations. His face is more like normal-sized people's, and his bones and muscles appear to be hewn from some sort of organic steel, because he's always been much stronger than me without any sort of workout regimen. In short, he's very much the Dwarf of legend, with the temper and capacity for alcohol to match. If there ever was such a physical race known as the Dwarves, I'm sure he's a throwback.

Then where do I download the latest patch? Because my avatar is long overdue for an upgrade.

Really now? I'd like to see those (((studies))). There are certainly breeds of dogs which are not stabilized and are plagued with a variety of problems. Some dog breeds are fucking retarded pathetic excuses for living organisms. However there's plenty of more wolf-like dog breeds which don't have those health problems.

Breeders work very hard to remove all genetic problems from the lineages of their animals and end up eventually creating animal breeds that are free of health issues.

Anyways, HYBRID VIGOR is what you're asking about aren't you OP? Well in humans hybrid vigor applies in a situation like this; you have Village A and Village B. People in Village A only breed amongst themselves and people in Village B only breed amongst themselves. As each village has below the minimum population required to avoid completely all inbreeding (500 breeding males and females) these two villages end up getting a little bit inbred. So, some villagers from the two villages travel a few miles to meet each other and mate with one another; suddenly now you have hybrid vigor as they are crossed with each other.

This does not apply between different races.

If you are not inbred to begin with, you can't benefit from hybrid vigor, and believe me we could repopulate the entire world from a single town of like a thousand people. We have billions of people on this planet. Every country could shut its borders forever and never have inbreeding issues. When some white person who isn't inbred mates with some chink or nigger you're not going to see any hybrid vigor, you're just going to see outbreeding depression, mismatches of traits that don't belong together (e.g. a combo of cold and hot-weather adaptations in the mutt, resulting in poor health because they are now adapted to neither climates properly), and other issues.

Here is one very common problem with different ethnic groups mixing nevermind different races; a given ethnicity in Europe will have a certain size jaw and teeth that are the right size to fit that job. Well, look at England. They have fucked teeth. Do you ever wonder WHY? It's because different European tribes got mixed together there and you ended up with different sized jaws and teeth, so you then end up with overcrowding when for example someone inherits big teeth for a big jaw, but they got a small jaw from their mother who has a smaller teeth and jaw. Both parents were healthy and well-bred; but the resulting offspring now is fucked with teeth issues.

All this mixing creates all kinds of problems like this. We really should only be breeding with our cousins 3 or 4 times at most removed like in Iceland while trying to smooth out these various issues generation after generation as we strive to create phenotypes that are free of various issues that fuck with the breathing, sleep, eyesight, immune systems, etc. Throughout MOST of human history and STILL happening in many countries, the majority (50%+) of all marriages were to first cousins, and many of our most brilliant scientists and other notable figures in history (e.g. Einstein, Darwin) were the product of such marriages between first cousins. Nature intended us to mate with our cousins; that's why we find them so super attractive. We wouldn't want fall in love with our cousins so easily if it wasn't overall the best reproductive strategy.

The original population of the Boers (a few thousand) was more than sufficient to completely 100% avoid all problems with inbreeding.

When it comes to getting rid of genetic diseases the only way to actually do this is culling / selective breeding. Don't let those with the diseases breed. Inbreeding gets a lot of focus but you can breed within the optimal range and still have issues. When there's some fucked up mutation in your lineage it has to be culled. Those dogs you mention are healthy because nature no doubt culled the majority of them not because they are mutts. Had a pure breed been released into the Amazon and no other dogs been around for them to cross with, that pure breed by now would have been reformed by nature herself, into something healthy and vigorous.

Those defects are in actual fact from the depleted uranium not inbreeding. The inbreeding just reveals those defects quicker. If they mixed more, those defects would still be happening, but might not reveal itself until a generation or two later. Without cullings, the defects in a lineage pile up, until eventually there's so many ticking-time-bombs ready to go off that the lineage collapses. In fact, for the long-time survival of a population, a fair lot of inbreeding is preferable as it quick reveals and culls those defects before you end up having too many carriers throughout the whole population.

"There is only one race, the human race"

"Race doesn't exist, but the White race needs to be abolished"

"We need more diversity because we are all equal"

"Non-whites are as smart and capable as whites, but they need to be helped and have quotas because they wouldn't make it otherwise"

To libtards race one moment exists, another time it doesn't, regarding whether it benefits them or not.

Just like racemixing not all hybridization is beneficial. Some leads to smaller retarded animals, more docile animals, more agressive ones, etc. Hybrid vigor is taught because Universities tend to avoid touchy subjects or things that lead to it.

Schrödinger's race, reminds me of jews being white or not depending on the situation

Yes. That is entirely it. These "studies" are simply comparing inbred animals with horrible health problems to random mutts. You'll notice they always use modern inbred breeds, not ancient breeds that are healthy. The same is true of other cases of "hybrid vigor". Rabbits are used all the time as an example. A cross of california and new zealand will produce more meat than either breed on its own. But those breeds are horribly inbred in the first place.

The Original Boer population was not sufficient to counteract inbreeding. Life on the frontier was different and mobility was limited. This forced them to procreate within small communities. They still have a few (though not life-threatening) genetic diseases.
Most of them can trace their origins to only a handful colonists, some ancestors are ancestor 30 times over, but inbreeding coefficients are not high due to later arrivals of foreign people (French and English), the time span and god forbid breeding with black africans (it happened).
Nowadays, they are a somewhat uniqe people apart from the Dutch.

There is nothing ancient about it. They are a modern breed, their history only goes back 200 years. Ancient breeds are Afgans, Akitas, Basenji, etc.

welp, that lineages is done, I guess I now have to assassinate Princess Angela and any other offspring to save Europe from being ruled over by niggers.

Can all Boer then trace their ancestry back to some niggers? Is this why boer have such wide lips and a few other traits I find so weird (I'm Dutch and Boer look… different)…

If so, we must make sure the Boer virus doesn't escape South Africa, and come back to Holland or to any white nations. Boer are not white.

Well, it varies. Around 6% of the boer genome is Sub-saharan African. But you're right about them looking different, they are. They aren't Dutch anymore, neither genetically nor culturally nor in language. That's why they need their own seperate state.

Ik kan Groningers nog beter verstaan, dat zegt wat

Correction: roughly 6% is non-european
Most Afrikaners are a little bit closer to non-european races.

Pure breeds aren't natural OP, they are man-made like kikes via controlled incestuous breeding causing genetic diseases.


pedigree's are an insult to genetics.
I mean, take a look at the kikes: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_genetics_of_Jews


Nice going exploiting how little online image boards know history.

the uppity nigger was there all along, they are just naturally loud and obnoxious in their natural shape.

Because if you were that black at all, you'd basically look like a black, in skin or racial features. You can't have that much African blood and still look white, because black blood tends to overshadow white blood as far as appearances (and intelligence) go. At the absolute best, you'd look swarthy as a modern Arab (who themselves were passably white-ish until they mixed with black slaves and become the shitskins we know today). Folks in Dixie today are very white, and they also generally dislike Blacks too much to mix with them, even in today, bless their hearts.
The closet thing to "black" in my family history is the fact that my maternal Grandma and her line were "Black Irish," which just meant she came from a line/group of white Irishmen with a prominence of black hair. But even then, they're white as snow.
So, with all due respect user, you're dead wrong. See below.

Dubs of truth.
Although I'll say that the only Brazilians I've met have been whites from Southern Brazil. But that's likely because I've only met them in university, and the nonwhite Brazilians aren't smart enough to get into American schools as foreign students.

This is part of it, yes. But really its about selective breeding. When breeding dogs, people are generally more honest about the breeds' characteristics than with humans, and are often genuinely trying to selectively breed better dogs. So of course you are more likely to end up with successful hybrids that combine the best traits of both their parents, because those are the only ones you allow to continue breeding. Do you think humans are doing the same? Fuck no. Everyone just fucks whatever the jew tells them to then wonders why their children are violent retards with dozens of health issues. You also generally don't intentionally breed vastly different dog breeds when trying to selectively breed for superior traits. You mix similar, compatible dogs, hoping to get a god mix of the traits you want from each, and only let the offspring that meets that criteria breed. Now what good is it going to do to breed a polmeranian with a German Shepard? That'd be like mixing an inbred ashkenazi jew/nigger mongrel with a Swede. You'd just end up with an abomination.
However, mix one group with some very desirable traits with another, and you might get lucky and end up with a few individuals with some of the most desirable traits from both groups. If those individuals out compete the rest for breeding rights, you can quickly create a successful hybrid race in a few short generations, superior to its ancestors in its new environment. Nordic folk from northern Europe proved very compatible with the indigenous people of the Mediterranean and produced one of the most successful hybrid races in recorded history, the Romans. The success of the Roman Empire was due almost entirely to their generally superior genetic stock. It's no coincidence that Rome collapsed immediately after becoming a multicultural shit hole.

That was something to read, user.
but next time live fucking shizophrenic ashkenazi mutt plagiator Einstein out for CS

No, I'm just not interest in petty games, although their bloodline really is notorious in that regard.

my family has been in america since (before) the revolutionary war (because im also part native america) and i am such a fucking mutt.
but i do remember in elementary school, there was a lot of white haired blue eyed kids, that was in the midwest.
I seen some study that said the midwest is more pure european than actual europeans.
I cant find it now though.

This makes literally 0 fucking sense, unless you count south europeans, I guess.

Also, I can't imagine how depressing it must be to be half abbo

So the issue arises when people breed for looks instead of breeding for physical results?

or when you breed without any reason at all, resulting in mixed humans

This is because mixing certain dog breeds is less comparable to mixing whole human races and more like having two tribes in ancient Europe where one is suffering from inbreeding depression and gets improved by taking stock from another tribe a few miles away.


There are better ways to think about this but here is a simple example of why your main premiss, hybrid vigor, is an over used meme.

Take a chihuahua and a german shepard. The resulting offspring will be stupid and horrible for a working dog. This example proves not all mixes are beneficial.

Sexual reproduction is shuffling cards. You don't want a small amount of choices but at the same time vastly different card sizes, colors, and organizations (ie German vs French deck) in the same shuffle isn't beneficial


If A is bad in the extreme and B is the opposite, it does not follow that B in the extreme is beneficial. Everything in the set should be considered

Met him on set, he's an asshole.
Major diva, was rude to makeup girl showed up late and argued with director.

Bad example, insofar as those two races were consciously bred for their characteristics, so of course re-breeding will destroy (or rather "re-normalize") those artificial traits.

* too far interbred are bad

The evolution of sickle cells in niggers is an interesting case study because it outlines one of the key drawbacks of evolution, it doesn't select for the best possible adaptiations, it selects for adaptations that are marginally better than what it started with. This means you can get stuck with an adaptation that is better than anything genetically similar to it, but garbage compared to something genetically distant, and you'll have no way of evolving towards the better adaptation since that requires going through a more harmful adaptation that will die out before it gets to the other side.

Graphically the nigger is stuck on the small peak on the left and can't advance to the higher central peak because that would require going through a lower trough, which corresponds to having a higher likliehood of dying to malaria. In general evoloution can easily get stuck on a local maximum and have no chance of getting to the global maximum, or even a slightly better maximum, since the penalty of going through a local minimum is too steep.


FST distances are a good tool to understand this. Canine FST distance is not so far apart that when cross-breeding two separate pure breds it is actually better for the dogs health because the dogs were artificially bred in a small time span for certain traits through extensive inbreeding. The cross simply returns missing genes back to their original pool. Whereas humans have evolved over thousands of years separate from one another, especially in the case of whites and blacks where their genetic pools have adopted completely different genes and adapted separately, thus their gene pool is already complete, they are heading towards speciation. Cross breeding in this scenario can create inhibitory effects on gene expression due to now conflicting genes that are not coded or fit quite right with the remainder of the hosts genes. Thus, the mixing actually lowers overall genetic fitness, causing a dysgenic effect. The FST distance between Europeans and sub-saharan Africans is actually higher than many taxonomists consider species differentiation for other animals.

Because you're misinterpreting the study. Let me explain why it doesn't work on humans, and doesn't always work on dogs.

Say you mix a Border Collie with a Terrier. Here you have two healthy, successful dog breeds, with positive traits abound. But you also have negative traits. Border Collies are prone to hip dysplasia, and Terriers are less obedient. But mix these breeds, and suddenly you've added together their strengths, while genetically being more likely to cancel out their weaknesses due to the presence of the genes on one dog that are strong in the other. You've mixed strong with strong, and the results have created stronger.
Now let's consider mixing a Border Collie with a French Bulldog. Nothing against the breed, but what does the French Bulldog have to offer the Border Collie? In terms of practical, physical and genetic health, the Border Collie already exceeds the French Bulldog. Mixing these two would create a dog that is just weaker than its parent, because its other parent had no genes that would be beneficial to the offspring over those of the other parent.
Getting the picture here? So you mix strong dogs and you get a strong dog, you mix strong and weak and you make a strong breed weaker. So onto humans you just need to ask yourself: What on Earth does the nigger have to offer the White man? His propensity for crime? His short-sightedness? His low IQ? Nothing he has is something that is lacking in the white man.

That's why Hybrid vigor doesn't work in humans: Because niggers can offer us nothing.

oh my god this post is so embarrassing stop making us look bad. Yes white Americans are mutts, a mix of various European countrys. If you can call that a "mutt". When I think of a mutt I think half one race half another not a mix of one race

>A recent genetics ancestry survey by 23andme found that White Americans (European Americans) on average are: “98.6 percent European, 0.19 percent African and 0.18 percent Native American.”

>According to other studies, more than 95% of White Americans have no African or Amerindian ancestry and the 5% who do seem to have very little, so it is probably this 5% of White Americans who might be adding the 1.4% admixture into the average.


That is false though. Recent study in Austria has shown mutts inherit the bad traits of all the breeds that make up their genetics and are more likely to have behavior problems, shorter lives, and decreased intelligence of pure-bread dogs.
I'll look around for the study. It was on drudge a few weeks back.

holy shit I found it

topkek m8

it does increase the perception of how autistic some of you are

does that European study also include notorious 'European' groups who contributed to civilization as a whole such as Albanians, Bosnians, Sicilians and the Moors of Southern Spain?

I'm quite the mutt desu, but I feel pretty healthy.

Although it's barely noticeable, I'm just a bit more hairy than normal.

literally best dog

You are talking about a few small countrys that have no impact on the US. the vast majority of us have roots in the United kingdom, Germany and other western European countrys not the ones you listed. I'm getting a D&C vibe from your posts

either you or I have crossed wires on this sorry
i meant if the European sample in Europe contained traces of African and Asian DNA it certainly isnt coming from places like the UK, Germany and other proper European nations
it'd be coming from the aforementioned toilets of Europe

Could this be linked to the huge rise in autism? Since more people are race-mixing, this could possibly be leading to genetic problems.

Yeah, evolution works with what it has, and doesn't always make the best of solutions - it simply selects for the best thing among its options.

For instance, the human eye is built idiotically. The retina is behind a whole mess of veins rather than in front of them, so our vision is fundamentally compromised. But what is more 'fit' - to have these retarded eyes and be able to see something, or to go a few generations without eyes as you rebuild a better one from scratch? Hence we just improve on this broken model until it is pretty much 'okay', but still shit when compared to squid and octopus eyes that have more logical construction.

This is why genetic hygiene is so important, to not make your gene pool so shallow nor to mix it up entirely with wild mixing that throws away good genetic strains willy-nilly.

A good analogy. Anyone who has played a deck-building game like Magic or whatever knows that at first you start with essentially random cards, then you build a deck. It does okay, but then you tweak it, and over many matches and tests and removals/additions, you actually produce a competitive deck. It might not excel in all situations, but it gets the job done enough that you are pleased with it.

Now imagine taking that deck with its specific strategy and mixing it haphazardly with another deck, 50-50. What do you think the results are going to be like? Sometimes it might be a much better deck if they were relatively similar. But if you mix it with basically the same deck your card balance gets all fucked up and it kills the deck, and likewise if you mix it with one so dissimilar you essentially start again at square one in rebuilding your deck with any semblance of a proper strategy.

That in a nutshell is the problem with both inbreeding and interracial breeding. Stable breeding leans towards the closer-ties breeding with enough genetic distance to make for novel tweaks without shuffling your deck with god knows what other kinds of cards unsuited to your strategies.

look it up

It wasn't particularly funny, it wasn't particularly bad, it wasn't anything. It was a post. I get the reference just fine.

didnt the Romans bring the ancestor of the modern Greyhound to Britain along with hares so they could hunt rabbits with their dogs?

Nah, they hunt dogs with their rabbits.

Elliot was half jew. White fathers of HAPA's are often bottom of the barrel betas who go for mail order brides or something. Naturally there isn't much chance for the children to thrive. Asian males generally can't be too beta in order to attrackt white females, so again it shows in their offspring. Take an alpha white father and his children have a good chance of not being too fucked up.

That being said race mixing is still pretty shite.

those bloody Romans

Yes and no. Michael Fassbender is german-irish and looks much like my 14/88 german great uncle. In fact I think Fassbender looks more "german" than his bavarian father.

Keep in mind that nationalities aren't races, but consist of mixes of european races themselves.

This board is called politically incorrect, right? Fucking

You have no understanding of the art. You must use words carefully and with careful intent, there are times when the safest of words can cut the deepest. Using careful language to make appear naivety adds to humor, too.
Which one sounds better?

I feel so bad for mixed asian and white kids. The Hapas, they are just so angry and frustrated at life, especially the guys, they play life on hard mode.

society cant help them as it is
in our glorious new world all hardworking Hapa's will be given the chance to forge new meaningful lives as the foot soldiers when war with commie China begins
every loyal Hapa can have as many commie chink fuck sleeves as they want

Just say dwarf you cock sucker. You are letting Political Correctness change your speech and trying to justify it to other anons.

Theres a couple breeds of dogs, where the entire population is descendant from a literal handful of parents.
At the same time, the opposite effect is also much more visible and acknowledged in dogs:
Certain pureish breeds are clever and have useful skills genetically imparted into their behavior, which are lost if you breed them with a retarded vanity dog.

Anyone who tells me that race is only skin deep, i dare to teach a dalmatian how to herd sheep.

That's bullcrap, autism is almost as rare as ever, it just keeps getting overdiagnosed

The only caveat to mention is that this means that there are purebred dogs that have no issues because their heritage was better controlled.

No, male lion female tiger gets you a liger, which is the biggest cat in the world. Healthy.

Female lion male tiger gets you a ligon, which is a small sickly mess.

Dunno if either is sterile.


they're both sterile
like horses and donkeys results in sterile mules

Male ligers and tigons are sterile. Female ligers and tigons are not.Tthere are a few liligers, titigons and litigons in existence.

Yeah, we've been trapped here by this pos: Gen 3:22-23. Why would anyone align themselves with a being that admits to denying us immortality? People are fucking nuts.

They are basically the same as breeding a horse with a donkey. Female horse male donkey = mule always a male and always sterile.

those studies arent true. the idea that pure bred dogs have health issues is because of improper breeding resulting in massive amounts of inbreeding. And those dogs coming from lines which have been misbred tend to have genetic illnesses because of it.

Now lets take beagles for instance. Beagles are such an old breed that no one knows just what dog mixes were bred together to make a beagle. beagles have had almost all diseases bred out of them. So here we have a proper pure bred as an example of the genetic superiority of keeping to your own kind.

You're too retarded to read two posts above your own?

Why are you focusing on tigers and lions? Most species of bear are able to breed with each other and produce fertile, viable offspring.

certain species of fox is able to do the same with dogs.

There are many examples in nature that the definition of species is faulty as fuck. And it usually revolves around the part "can not breed and produce fertile, viable offspring IN NATURE" I.e. those bears dont see each other cuz they live on other continents or ecosystems etc etc. Well we wouldnt see niggers if it werent for the advent of ocean faring.

This. Don't call a rod a 'long, firm tubular object', call it a fucking rod.

yeah Polar Bears and Grizzly Bears can produce viable offspring

It's the excess that remains after their massive kang brainz were removed by whitey.

This is why I consider us not only separate races or separate sub-species but separate species altogether.

Friendly reminder that speciation has already happened a long time ago.

The world as it is does not deserve immortality. It is still filled with kikes, unevolved niggers, and inbred arabs.

#2, unless there are mines they would be useful in, they are deformed and should be genetic dead-ends

no, if you're going to link fucking wikipedia at least read it