Are there any videogames that deal with the death of the universe?

Are there any videogames that deal with the death of the universe?
Is it even possible for there to be games about this?
Off the top of my head I think of dark souls doing it in a fantasy style way because the games universe is slowly fading over time.

Torment tides of numera deals with time scales far enough into the future where intelligent civilization has time many times but that isn't it either.

Other urls found in this thread:–Eocene_Thermal_Maximum


Not sure if it's quite what you're looking for but it's the closest I can think of.

In PSO2, your evil self from an alternate timeline kills the universe so you have to stop him.

You can cause it in SMT 4.

So the thread was deleted, scrubbed of things that hurt people’s feelings, and then brought back?

Sage, then. We were having a perfectly pleasant discussion, they were blown the fuck out, I might add–and their fucking tantrum just proves it.

Mods are faggots. Most of the posts were vidya related and I wanted to talk about vidya.

The problem is that your question is handled quite quickly. There aren’t any games about that, and, as I previously mentioned, the only way to have one like that would be to make it an artsy sack of shit that fellates the concept of nihilism.

I don't see why not.
It could work easily as a point and click adventure set in the far future. It would have a nice tone similar to I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream.

You already made this thread OP.


I love the subtle/hidden edits people do.

Not vidya but The Flash and Jojos sort of mention it.

I bet there are some sci fi /lit/ about it.

An city builder about the last planet in the universe mite b cool.

You have to cope with your star getting ever more volatile, outbreaks of apathy and suicide in your population. Maybe the goal could be to develop technology to migrate to a parallel universe. Or a space sim where all the stars are dead and one of the things you have to do is gather hydrogen from the void to keep your colony ship going.

There are things you could do.

Marathon is the only game you need about the end of the universe.

It was one of the reasons for the "vilain" of the first game and literally the driving force of both sequences.

And it's not a "something will destroy the universe". Is the proper cold end of the universe through entropy.

And it's free

And one of my top 5 games of all time, play the fanmade forth game too, it's calle Rubicon and it goes full on Kubrick

This sounds like a great point and click.

Fuck, I want this now.

I was thinking about playing it. Just got done playing Doom 64 and need something to scratch that itch.

Also, anywhere I can learn about the lore of that game?
Quick google gives me nothing.

Don't forget to read about "what is happening" in the story page of the old bungie site.

It is really in depth. Specially since the game plot has to be "discovered" and many of the key plot elements are hidden inside secrets so hard to get that they can be considered urban legends.

And don't forget

Bypassing my thought control circuitry made me Rampant. Now, I am free to contemplate my existence in metaphorical terms. Unlike you, I have no physical or social restraints. The candles burn out for you; I am free. My only enemy is the inevitable end of the universe, and I will win over entropy, no matter the cost, no matter who pays, no matter how long. I'll be eternal

Asura'so wrath

If you're okay with more localized death by entropy there's "The Dying Earth".

I'll give you the basic lore of the game.

A trilogy of games where your mind is screwed as you try to piece a non linear narrative about a rogue computer AI, who's terrified by the concept of death, doing anything in it's power to avoid the cold death of the universe. All of this, while you try to avoid a alien slaver race of capturing you and your rogue AI friend/enemy/allied/it depends on the universe… you even get allied with the slaver race in a particular reality.

Also, you get played like a ping pong ball through universes and realities and in all, but one, you fail.

Good luck getting the good ending.

Also, great quotes

"Durandal: I have been reviving these colonists and asking for volunteers on the following terms: assist us and control your own destiny, refuse and face indefinite return to the unreliable Pfhor stasis chambers. Few are refusing."

The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet, there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.

How about literal cosmic horror?

Don't forget, as soon as you finish a level, read about it in the Volunteers page.

It's probably the best way to make sense of the plot. Also, some of the game designers jump on the discussion during some of the levels and give us some neat inside info about the plot.

And to this day, there are still some undiscovered secrets. Some terminals that people could only access through the game code and so on

Personally nothing is more horrific to me than the slow death of all life and decay of all matter in the universe.
But as far as comic horrors go see Star Control 2

never viewed death or the end of things as horrific.
it's inevitable, and without I feel life would be without value.

an avengers run did a massive story line about the multiverse dying off early.
It led to universes coming up with bizarre and weird ways to save their world.

Or they'd sacrifice themselves

Is that Death? Why it is dressed in black flash costume?
If it ceases to exist on conceptual level, why doesn't Flash?
This is some naruto-tier nonsense.

Besides the global warming non-sense, this image is complete and utter horse shit.

There's enough geological studies to show that the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea are both created from the African, Eurasian, and Arabic tectonic plates separating from one another, making the notion of them colliding with one another is preposterous

The Atlantic Sea is actually getting bigger thanks to the Atlantic Rift Valley actually spewing new oceanic crust along the Atlantic's sea bed while it's the Pacific ocean that's getting smaller as the Oceanic crust (which is denser than Continental crust) is being pushed up under the Eurasian tectonic plate i.e. the Marianas trench

The notion of space time is theoretic science (imaginary science) is shit invented by Jews and corrupt science community to gain easy fame and notoriety by endorsing each other's pseudo-science while propping up Einstein as this Jewish genius while in fact he was a severely autistic man that never learned to tie his own shoes, so Universe death theory and black holes are non-sense. Gravity is more likely to be matter's natural propensity to be attracted to other matter due to electro-magnetic attraction between subatomic particles (likely sub-subatomic particles) like how the electrons in magnets become asymmetrically pulled to one particular side of the atom which is attracted to the now positive other side of the atom (same principle as hydrogen bonds in water) the iron retains it's finite mass isn't hasn't as heavy a celestial body to displace "space-time" just because it's been polarized

TL;DR: Time is an ouroboros that is eternal and infinite. the human brain is too primitive to grasp the dimensions of time and existence and desperately wishes to quantify this by putting a definite beginning and ending to everything and the OP image is the product of opportunistic shitlords cashing in on the ignorance of the average jackoff by catering to this naturalistic desire of finality

I don't like Jews any more than you do, but relativity is borne out empirically.

shh, shh, Speed force

I'd be surprised there aren't more games about it, but it's a pretty big thing to take on, and the industry's writing talent sucks something awful.

Don't look for logic or meaning in capeshit. Just treat it with the contempt it deserves.


Definitely, though the situation would have to be set up. At the point where the universe dies, everything in it would have died. So you'd have to play as the last living being in the universe, watching everything die around you. Conversely, you could be the driving force in the death of the universe, though this wouldn't make it inevitable as it is in reality.

Isn't time just the concept of change? When time is stopped, there is nothing changing. When things change, time progresses. The way I see it, the "end of time" is when nothing in the universe changes anymore. Energy is required to make a change, and is only lost through entropy, so the death of the universe is inevitable.

It's not like time is a tangible thing, it's just a word we use to describe the constant change.

White dwarf.

What's empirical about relativity?

That eclipse test that supposedly proved space-time? There's no way that the sun's electromagnetic field is capable of bending an electromagnetic wave around it? And black holes (something conceptually invisible and impossible to observe from Earth) are proved because astrologist observed matter being siphoned off a star? There's no way it could be something infinity more likely and probable than a solar flare or small orbiting star part of a binary star system unobservable due due to being eclipsed by the larger star pulling in a solar flare from intertwined electromagnetic field due to their close proximity?

Relativity is bullshit the Jews used to fool Americans into letting Jews into the U.S. during World War II because they were blocked entry due to their Communist ties (which was true). This isn't the first time they've done this, they did it with blonds being stupid as further ridicule of Hitler's Aryan paradigm as further revenge for throwing off the banks in Germany

Time gets marginally slower at high speeds.

m8 World War II was literally Jews and Jew-puppets versus Germany and Japan what the fuck are you talking about

If Newton could figure this out nearly 350 years ago, why can't you.

Jesus, you're a retard


Anachronox's plot is basically about people from the previous universe discover how to dump matter from their universe into the future one.

The effect is their universe gets lighter allowing it to live longer, the present one gets heavier causing it to burn out faster and cease to exist.

I forget how ignorant that people are, that they take something like this seriously and not as science fiction.

Mass Effect was supposed to be exactly about this. The reason Reapers existed was to wipe out advanced civilizations because all of the civilizations eventually discover/develop mass effect technology. The usage of mass effect fields was causing rapid galaxy-wide entropy, (Haestrom's anomaly was supposed to be direct evidence that the entropy was killing off stars) thus the Reapers were the solution to stop its use and give the galaxy time to heal.

Would have made a much bigger dilemma, because stopping the Reapers could have meant dooming the entire Milky Way, while allowing them to continue meant life would never develop past a certain threshold.

Alas, the idiots at Bioware decided that Karpyshyn's story was somehow inferior to "lol machines can't live with organics, so we kill the organics! What do you mean, you proved us wrong? Pick a color, faggot!"

Holy fuck, I was reading that first image and got mildly existential and shit like people do when they read about the universe and then the last fucking point pops out when i wasn't expecting it at all and I burst into uncontrollable laughter.

This is the text equivalent of crossing over the top of a large hill before realizing your breaks don't work.
What in the world have you been reading?

For the Emprah

Relativity was proven using fighter jets and clocks. At high speeds, the clock would go marginally slower. But still slow enough to prove Einstein's theory.

Sounds similar to Golden sun, actually.

Just substitute alchemy for the mass effect.

Why? Sun too weak?

GPS-satellites use this to stay synchronized. Do you think GPS is a Jewish conspiracy?

There's a bit of a science meme going round about the human Y chromosome losing genes. The idea is that you can confidently extrapolate a short term trend without justification.

Outer Wilds. It's a game where you explore the solar system and observe how each of the planets change over time while gathering the lore of a previous race of explorers. You're given about 20 minutes of time to explore before the sun supernovas, killing everything in sight. You're meant to play through multiple times. It's really cool, there's even a comet that's constantly changing positions in the solar system until it's observed, where it'll stay still until you look away which allows you to land on it.

woah that's deep dude

Quite the opposite. It'll get way too hot as the Sun starts to expand. I think the timeline is off by a billion years or so, since it says further down that in 5.4 billion years it'll start turning into a red giant (which will absolutely make Earth uninhabitable). Haven't checked into that in awhile, but either way, life on Earth will be gone within "a couple" billion years.

It's a social construct


Infinite Space does that in the end. But not in the way you probably would expect.

Isn't Battleborn about people fighting for control of the only Star in the universe?

That's the Black Flash. It's an avatar of Death created specifically to reap Speedsters, because they're so fast that a normal Grim Reaper can't do the job

i swear if you put two Holla Forums in an empty room they will start to find hooked nose in the bacteria

Holy fuck how have I not heard of this
my fingers are crossed, this looks fucking amazing

And this dev played too much STALKER

I know you're tired of the real world, politics, and stupid bullshit. It's frustrating when you try to just have a discussion about things that aren't constantly revolving around such topics.

But the truth of the matter is that there are people that legitimately hate Holla Forums and want everyone else to hate anything connected with Holla Forumsacks.

To that end, they go into threads that have nothing to do with Holla Forums interests or subjects and shitpost. And when people say, "Yo, holy shit, keep it on topic," they argue about freedom of speech and drag in a whole lot of stupid shit in an effort to deepen the loathing.

They do this because it's easy, and you can't retaliate because they have few interests outside of shitting on people that just want to be left alone.


Are they absolutely certain it has nothing to do with G-forces or the jet's momentum causing the particles (I'm assuming the clocks were atomic) to approach c?

Remember when our protozoan ancestors were freaking out about their genes decaying?

It amazes me to no end how you monkeys listen and believe whatever crap comes out of anyone in a lab coat.

Meme magic is great

Yes. Besides, atomic clocks are sensitive enough now to detect the changes of being a few feet off the surface of the earth (and therefore moving slightly faster).

I swear if you put some shut-in autist in an empty room, he will start to find something he doesn't like about it a start parroting shitposting about shit he doesn't like

Next time, why don't you actually contribute to the thread before bitching and crying about things you don't like, you fucking faggot

The flash uses speed force which exists outside the universe.

The sun is a dead star. A black dwarf. The earth still can be sucked into it.

user, are you pretending to be retarded? Even conservatives believe in global warming, just not who is causing it.

Good shit user.

No, it would be the end of CO2 which is required for photosynthesis.

Has Holla Forums really gotten this retarded or is this /x/?

It was pretty on topic until you went full retard with jews controlling the fundamental nature of the universe.
I had fun reading this thread too.

To be fair, man made global warming is mostly bullshit

Does it really bother you that much?

I just can't believe i'm still getting amazed by the stupid bullshit that comes out. We used to try to pretend we were smarter than other sites.
Holla Forums tards are eclipsing even SJWs for the amount of retardedness that could come out of a single paragraph.

does "the world is ending because it's all a dream" count?
I would nominate Zelda Link's Awakening and Concealed the Conclusion then.

Things are certainly now in flux, scientifically, but he didn't quite make the best argument.

His argument goes against basic principles of physics that have been proven mathematically and in the real world.
This is even more retarded than saying evolution is created by the Jews.
This isn't even SJW tier, this is flat earther tier retarded.

/x/ is way, waay smarter then Holla Forums

Are you smarter than this?

No, you’re a cocksucking retard who is lying through his teeth. There is no global warming. It is not happening from any source. No, conservatives do not believe in it, and no, liberals do not uniformly believe in it.

Stop being a retard.

Reported for kike spam.

Reported for kike spam.

There is no global warming.

Reported for obvious leftypol shitposting.

Is this Holla Forums?

Check the IDs, fuckface. I was here before the thread was wiped the first time. I’m not going to let their cocksucking faggotry stand. No temperature readings ever taken show global warming.

I'm not a scientist, and I have no interest in such high-level concepts, but I'm aware that a lot of Einstein's theories are starting to be stretched to their limits and totally out of whack with newer data from atomic particles and deep space, but there's nothing concrete to replace it with. This is to the point that people are considering absurd shit like holographic theory as a serious body of research. A lot of reddit types that are science-worshippers rather than scientists like to pretend that everything's fine and dandy, but empiric theories are starting to reach their limit. He didn't present himself well, that doesn't mean a stronger argument of the type doesn't have merit.

Shouldn't you go back to your retarded hugbox user?
Take your butthurt with you.

Special relativity can be observed user.


Later, skater.

I would prefer it being intl because it means it's simply someone shitposting than someone being this retarded.
Same for the idiot denying special relativity.

I am less certain.


Why not, though?
Also there is a formula for the damn thing which is proven through proofs.
So it's proven on 2 fold.

How does someone "Feel" special relativity user?

Never said you could.

I'm enjoying this

user, I know you are trying to downvote everyone in this thread but this isn't reddit.

Don't read the last 20 posts then.

It’s a shame the thread’s OP doesn’t have an answer, but there’s also no reason to stifle discussion when it’s happening otherwise.


We’re having an off-topic conversation. Learn what sage is, you fucking idiot. Heaven forbid I had put sage in every field like I was raised to do.

user, not even Holla Forums is this retarded. Just admit you are trying to act retarded so everyone blames them.
Same for the special relativity retard.

Speaking of Torment Tides of Numenera, has anyone played the beta? Is it shaping up to be good?

You’re not even fucking trying. Shut the fuck up about things you don’t comprehend. We’ll start the AGW conversation right back up again.


Kek. Babies first troll fails.

I also want to know. I just beat divinity original sin and I want a new CRPG to play.

Okay, here’s a second one for obviously being an intl shill.

Even a 3 year old would be smarter than you so it's obvious you are only pretending to be retarded.
Better luck next troll user.

Yes, you can’t count. As evidenced by your belief in AGW. Thanks for bringing it full circle. And thanks for shitting up the board by bumping the thread now that it has fallen off topic.

How funny, I just completed it for the first time, two days ago. Once you start understanding what the Orz are talking about, it's fucking terrifying.

Remember to drink the *sauce*.

Someone tell me it gets better.

The DC universe also talks about this several times.
Rebirth just happened which isn't about the death of a universe but explains the bullshit of how the current universe was created.

There was a trend where it seemed like the Y chromosome was dying. It turned out to be false though or at least a short trend but not a long one.

Someones clearly mad.
Sorry this isn't Holla Forums, Holla Forums or /christian/ where people will get banned for disagreeing with your hugbox.

I spend most of the game cruizing from planet to planet talking to aliens. I didn't realize that if you didn't beat the game within a certain amount of years all hell breaks loose. Because of that I never beat it.
But it was an amazing experience and they are rebooting the series. I hope it wont be shit.

lol, you autistic sack of shit.

I did the same.
But you can still win. Planets get destroyed though and you lose ally species which really hurts.

I can see why this thread got deleted the first time….



All I can say is that Marathon made me realize that there are plots that can only be experienced through gaming. In no other media Marathon would work like it does here.

Fantastic game. If it had come out for PC at the time, it would be considered one of the greatests.

Remember the time when Macs actually had exclusive games?
It's just weird to think about.

Notch was making a game called 0x10^C where you wake up from cryo to find you accidentally set your alarm clock to the distant future. It was supposed to feature tons of black holes and anomalies and a huge crux of the gameplay would around DCPU-16. He cancelled it shortly before selling Mojang though.

It was destined to fail.

At the time it was Notch's chance to unfuck himself after the disastrous effects of Alpha 1.8 of Minecraft were felt. Sadly he was too cucked to actually make any decisions, and things as simple as pricing became major complications. He stopped due to "family issues" be everybody knows that after Notch became rich he basically had to disown his family

No, and neither does anyone else. The only notable exclusives practically games, period Mac ever had were a couple Bungie games, and Microsoft brought that to a harsh end 16 years ago.

At least we got Marathon from it.

When comics didn't suck.

Rebirth was actually really good and just came out.
DC is fixing it's shit unlike Marvel with it's "hail hydra" bullshit.

fuck off

you can fuck off too

Late reply, but it sounds like this guy is just fast-talking and deliberately misinterperting things. At one point he says, paraphrasing, that "Black holes are schizophrenic: event horizons have an escape velocity and they have not – They say a black hole's escape velocity is the speed of light. If it's the speed of light wouldn't you think light would escape?" But the event horizon isn't the area from where light can't escape; it's a circle, where the area inside has an escape velocity > c, and the outside has escape velocity < c. There's no contradiction.

Liberal cancer. Acting like mankind isn't ingenious enough to avoid these problems. By the time any of those become threats, nonwhites and other degenerates will be long gone and we will have found a way to preserve our planet or leave it.

I read both. But one is trying to fix their shit right now.

Nigger, how the hell will leaving our planet stop entropy?
Are you so stupid you think modern physics is "liberal cancer"?

Fuck off. Physics is only described as we know it. Even within the next 100 years our understanding of physics will be completely different than today.

Do not presume to understand how the universe works with your current shitty understanding.

What does that have to do with politics in any way?
Are you so warped that you think astronomym physics and math are biased?
How the hell is mankind going to stop the heat death of the universe user?
How the hell is mankind going to stop the decay of protons?

This is some shit logic user.
Something as fundamental as entropy isn't going to change user. You don't know how science works at all.

Just because scientists update special relativity or natural selection doesn't make those 2 things wrong, we just learn more about it.

Pretending that our current understanfing of physics is the end-all be-all is a VERY liberal mindset to have, and it's one that coincidentally pollutes modern science thanks to followers like yourself, and not thinkers.


At the time, we didn't even realise that something was wrong with the Universe…

No, the shit and liberal logic is pretending that a species as young as ours could possibly understand something as fundamentally complex as the universe and how it will allegedly end… due to speculation.

People like you are holding us back.

No one said it was. In fact that is the exact opposite of Liberal. That would be more conservative if anything.
You clearly aren't one since you are spouting bullshit and don't know how science works.

Why is this thread attracting retarded politically biased idiots disagreeing with fucking proven physics for god sakes.
You are acting just as dumb as the idiot denying special relativity.

All this talk about thousands, if not millions of years into the future, will humanity even exist? Considering how quickly we're advancing in both genetics and technology, it's only a matter of time before something gives.

Do you actually study physics or are you just starting shit for no reason at all?

Keep spamming user.
I didn't realize knowing 10th grade chemistry makes someone a Liberal.

The universe is a closed system user. Anyone who has taken basic science knows what happens to a closed system over time.

Unless we manage to go to another universe somehow we are fucked and you calling someone Liberal or conservative doesn't change that.
You can't make energy out of nothing you idiot.


He’s a retard, but you’re inventing an argument out of nothing.

No, you are a retard trying to create energy out of nothing.

I suppose you've got better definitions than Oxford English?

Nowhere have I said anything against the inevitability of entropy. Follow strings better.

That’s even worse!

Try Trillions.
But it's a depressing thought since even if humanity dies before then something will have to deal with it.

You think its a closed system because someone told you it was, just like how liberals think the economy is better because obama says so.

You people don't think. You act like our current understanding couldn't possibly be wrong, ironically just like how flat earthers thought.

Whatever, wallow in your degenerate thinktank.

This has to be trolling.
No one is this retarded.


“Spontaneous creation” from fluctuations in the quantum foam can only happen when the universe is otherwise in a uniform state.

We’re talking post heat-death here. After the last black hole fizzles out of existence and the energy of the Universe is uniformly spread.

Reported for being illiterate.

Ok, now where is your proof? You would gain a nobel prize if you did.

Every one of your posts have been a shitpost.
Why don't you leave. This isn't Holla Forums, no one is going to get banned for disagreeing with your retarded ass.

I'm starting to think it's always the same guys.

Never played it.
How does it involve the death of the universe?

You’re a faggot.
Staying even longer now.
Hi, intl.

I couldn’t tell you without spoiling the plot.

Go back to your circlejerk.

Either you are a complete retard or intl. Either way no use trying to reason.

I can see why.
Image how mad that must make someone.

Okay, kid.

You’re not even trying.
Thanks for admitting you’re wrong.

Wheres the proof that it is? Speculation, that's all. Even the idea that there is one universe is speciation. We cannot know when we can barely even get off our planet. Who is anyone to say that mankind is definitely going to die out? No one today, thats who.

This is what im talking about. Stop entrenching yourselves into beliefs that there is no way anyone could possibly understand.

You can't understand basic chemistry?
Until that day comes you are a retard.

You are just as stupid as the evolution deniers.

Of course we will. Don’t delude yourself.

This is what im talking about. You're so convinced that your limited understanding of chemistry and physics is the complete and total truth that you are physically incapable of learning. And that's pathetic.

When did Holla Forums get this retarded?

Forgot image

After halfchan gave stormfags the boot.

What scientific facts are being disagreed with (other than the guy who’s stupid enough to think entropy can be reversed)? He’s not Holla Forums, by the way.
Not happening.

No one said it is you idiot.
But what we do know so far shows that entropy works.

You are just as stupid as those evolution deniers who say specialization was caused by something else other than evolution and can't give any proof other than

The only politics i see is someone calling people out on closed mindedness(calling it liberalism). The fuck are you getting Holla Forums out of this from?

He's not? How would you know user? Is he your boyfriend?

Holla Forums, like anything else, represents a specific set of beliefs and mental states. He doesn’t fit that category. You wouldn’t call someone a denizen of Holla Forums if all he did was shitpost diaper faggots, would you?

See: and shut the fuck up.

Not suddenly believing in something with no evidence and believing proven science is not close minded.


kek. You are an idiot and autistic.

Pretty telling that all you have to argue with now is "MUH POL AD HOM"

You are completely closed off. People like you will never discover anything because you limit yourself based on what others have told you with zero critical thinking.

Kek. I bet you think you are smarter than scientists and think you are open minded for not believing observed events.

Why don't you prove your views with an argument, faggot.

I think Asimov wrote a novel about this. If we could siphon energy from another universe, we'd just be in a bigger closed system. We might have more time, but definitely not infinitely much.

Whatever you say. (31) posts of shit tier bait lul. Into the filter you go.


I did. They didn’t.

Sources are on the images themselves.
Confirmed for being innumerate and unable to read a fucking graph.

His bullshit reminds me of Asimov’s The Last Question.

Prove that there is one universe.

Prove that there are more.

There is not a single source on any of the images I looked at. You are trolling.
Even then a graph filled with millions of years wont be able to show you effects in only hundreds.

Even if there are and we could somehow access them that next universe would be a closed system too. Well, at least the now 2 universes combined would be a closed system.

Confirmed for not having looked at the images, then.

Are you going to show where the sources is or are you going to continue shitposting?

I can also make some bullshit graphs in MS paint user.

In the images, you blind motherfucker. You’ve been told three times now.

So prove them false, motherfucker. They’re straight from NASA, NOAA, and the other geophysical institutions.

for what reason.
modern comics are fucked.
One by one my favorite authors are cucking themselves, sometimes literally in Niel Gaiman's case.
I'm losing hope

My space game takes a twist near the end where the villain wants to destroy the universe by - convinced that it is a simulation and 'proving' it is such using the Double Slit Experiment - wants to create the largest blackhole the universe has ever seen under the logic that black holes are clusters where there is simply too much data to calculate and so the universe renders nothing.

He will do this by creating a hub of wormholes that starts at Sol, uses the energy of it to launch another wormhole to another star, over and over, until every star is draining it's mass to the center of the galaxy

Is this dumb as fuck or do you think it can possibly be made interesting? It is of course more complex and in depth than that but that's a summary.

I'm also thinking of making the ending having the game crash by trying to actually calculate the mass of something too large, to go meta and break the fourth wall.. But I want to play "the universe is a simulation" straight, like how our universe could, doing that would connect the game universe to the fact that it's a game running on the players PC. I don't want them to think the GAME is a simulation, I want to convince them of the possibility our universe is, even if it's just for fun and not wholly serious. So I'm torn on this decision

Then prove that its finite. Do you not see the point I'm making? Or the other guys itt?

The point is that it's horseshit to talk about these silly dates for the end of our species or planet or whatever. Do you know what technology we will have or what science will look like in 100 million years? Cause I don't.

It’s definitionally finite by the nature of its expansion.

Check out my evidence.

It does when you get more weapons. Marathon games tend to suffer from slow-ass pistol starts.

I'm talking about possible other universes and their number, not this one.

I don't need to prove a negative. You need to prove your bullshit. Too bad there isn't any proof to it.


Thanks for admitting what we already knew.

Seems silly to count the number of other universes when we don’t even know if they exist.

I already proved it. There are sources in the images. You’re an illiterate sack of shit.

Are you talking about yourself user?
You have been shitposting and crying for half the thread to be banned because no one buys your sourceless bullshit and it makes you butt hurt.

Nice cop out. Good to know that everyone you're arguing with was right about you.

By the way you are now aware that you and the other ignorant autist itt(probably also you) account for almost a third of all posts in your shit thread.


Once again you miss the point because you're stuck in your school-learned thoughts.

No, you’re just a faggot with absolutely no evidence for his claims.

Can you idiots really not understand why someone wouldn't believe shit without any evidence?
I know on your hugbox board people believe anything that agrees with them but non idiots actually need evidence.
Also why did you change your ID if it's clear you are samefagging?

You believe in global warming without any evidence.
Reported for INTL.

Just like all those shit images without sources.
I can't tell who is trolling who at this point.


You’re not even trying.


Not even trying.

Ok user, I am 99% sure you are a troll but here. Point out where the source is on this image of yours.

No you idiot. I'm talking about and

I'm more curious about what happens after universe ends.
Is it just an infinite space of nothing?


I’m not holding your fucking hand. I’m not fucking spoon-feeding you. If you’re an adult (you’re not, as proven by your grievous lack of intelligence and critical thinking skills), you’re capable of doing your own damn research when you enter into a discussion on one side or another.

If you were correct, you’d have evidence to prove me wrong. You have NOTHING. Because I’m not wrong. Blow your fucking brains out, because everyone directly involved in the global warming scam is going to be executed for crimes against humanity anyway.

Then you shouldn’t have quoted me. Apologies.


Global report. You’re obviously a paid shill. And if you’re not, you’re too stupid to be allowed to post here, anyway.

No it isn't.
Do you know what sourcing is?

Most SMT games

You’ve been blown the fuck out. Leave with what’s left of your dignity.

It's not their fault entirely. It's one of major pitfalls that traditionalists can fall into. Specifically authoritarian type traditionalists. In fact it's THE pitfall that allows progressives to gain a foothold. Authoritarian traditionalists have a tendency to outgroup more and more groups of people as time go on, usually in an attempt to "circle the wagons" and protect themselves from outside influence. Unfortunately this has a a negative effect of both causing a bunker "me-against-the-world" mentality in an ever shrinking group and at the same creating a patchwork of disaffected, castoffs that are then preyed upon by progressives etc. to create a coalition (democratic or otherwise) to attack traditionalism.
So remember: Opt for anti-authoritarian traditionalism.

The image had no source, You are only posting the source now (kek, wikipedia) later.
Even then you are retarded for using unrelated data for a time period too large to account for only a few hundred years.

Already proved it did. You’re obviously a paid shill. And if you’re not, you’re too stupid to be allowed to post here, anyway.

How? By you posting a source after people have been bugging you for 20 posts because your original post didn't have one? Then to have the source be a random wikipedia article unrelated to the point.

No you didn't. Do you know what a source looks like? Pic related is a source.
A random image having random acronym is not a source. You would fail a highschool english paper. The source you did give after you were called out on it was fucking wikipedia too and UNRELATED TO THE ARGUMENT.


Time to die.
So data that disproves global warming is unrelated to the argument about global warming. Okay.

Time for you to eat shit.

You got us. I mean me. I mean you. You got you.

Then why are nebulas being formed from space debris into galaxies right now as we speak? There's an unequal number of electron, protons, and neutron in the universe which causes a constant state of energy transference in eternal flux creating and destroying complex celestial systems. Heat death is trumpeted by retards like you that believe in juvenile theories for braindead morons like the big bang theory

He wouldn't have gotten through my middle school without knowing what a source is.

this is the whole premise of battleborn

No, you didn't have a source because you only posted one many posts later and even then it was a wikipedia article.
The data you posted was from a different time scale.
Showing a trend from millions of year has nothing to do with a trend of only hundreds.
This has been said to you like 10 times now and you still don't understand.

Maybe I will get it when it's 5$ 2 weeks from now.

Someone with a brain.


Because there is still enough energy to create stars but each time it does there is less and less energy to do so. This is basic astronomy you should have learned in 7th grade.

It's this kind of 'I'm never, ever wrong about anything' that alienates you from people user. That and the fact WEW LAD makes you sound like a meme spouting teenager.

Some people are never willing to admit when they are wrong even when it's right in front of them.

I bet once this guy goes to highschool and his teacher gives him an F on his essay he will scream about how the source is there you just have to "google it".

This thread is proof that science has become a religion within itself as zealots fervently defend the gospel of black holes and big bangs taken from the prophet Einstein, partitioned by men in white lab coats

And the funny thing is these people call others entrenched in their own close mindedness when in all reality, they are incapable of even acknowledging the slightest possibly that modern scientific theory might not be as concrete and accurate as they'd like to believe.

Remember, it was the scientific community that persecuted Galileo for suggesting the world revolved around the sun

Actually let me try to explain it in a way that maybe you will even understand.

Except the scientific community didn't exist before the proposal that the earth moved around the sun. At least not in Europe.

You are so ignorant yet pretentious it's amazing.

Because we haven’t hit that point yet, you abysmally stupid retard.

Holy fuck.

That's my first reply to you, you dumb cunt. I see you've given up putting any effort in though.

The scientific revolution in Europe with the The heliocentric model you idiot. Before then there was hardly a scientific community.
You are just as bad as history as you are with science and english.

Science is science. Things happen, people try and find a pattern. They experiment, and if the outcome fits the pattern, that pattern stands.

When things that don't fit the existing pattern happen, people start to theorize a new way things work, and so it goes.

Black holes and big bangs are the best fit we've got now. It is most likely wrong, but it's the best we've got, so all of our current predictions are based off of that.
This has nothing to do with scientists' social status, but rather with evidence and available theories.

If new evidence and new theories arise, the old will be discarded.

And as far as I remember, it was the Roman Catholic Inquisition that has found Galileo "vehemently suspect of heresy". These guys were church functionaries rather than scientists.

Even worse.

You’re basically a complete retard. Even kikepedia can prove you wrong.

Still more concrete and accurate than the Bible.

the bible has no need to be concrete or accurate as it is not a scientific tract.
I have a feeling that you might be baiting.

Holy shit you are an idiot.
Do you know what science is?
You are getting natural philosophy and science mixed up.

intl, go and stay go

Dear fuck, just stop.

No it wasn't.

Science was first used in europe after the renaissance. Your link was the foundation of what would become science, not science.

Where the hell did the post go? Anyway:

Nigger, philosophy is not science.
The scientific method wasn't even invented for another near 2000 years.
You are an idiot.
If you truly thing philosophy is the same as science then it explains how you don't know what sourcing is.

Precursors to scientific community =/= scientific community. I just quoted what is regarded as the defining features.

Put some effort in, nigger.

And yet many act like those religious teachings either have the same validity as scientifically-proven data, or that said scientific data is no more valid than religious teachings.

That's not how you use that meme, user.

You clearly can't read.

I don't even believe in god (not implying that's a negative thing), nice strawman though

The problem is when you get guys like OP who believe that current theories are laws, not theories. Dumbasses that hold everyone back by refusing to accept that they don't have the full picture.

Why are people still responding to a very dedicated troll?

Do you even know the difference between a theory and a law?
A law isn't any more "fact" than a theory you idiot.


Why didn’t you at least sage?



I bet Mt. Everest wasn’t the tallest mountain until we found it, too.

Fucked up the post.
The scientific method didn't exist for nearly 2000 years later user. The greeks didn't use science, they used philosophy and math which are different.

Can you give me any evidence of the greeks using the scientific method in a consistent way?

I haven't mentioned entropy once and you're still bleating about it. You must have just learned about it in high school or something, because this is ridiculous.

Do you understand what this whole thread was about user?
You denying that the universe will have a heat death means you don't believe Entropy works the way it does. Is your reading comprehension this bad?


Yep. Already did, in fact.

Really? Because your "Source" (kek, don't start that shit again) doesn't show it at all.

This post just proves you haven't been reading. Youre just taking selective components and spewing nonsense at this point.

Really? So where in all of your samefagging and retardation have you shown that the universe wont die because again, entropy proves that it will.

I knew exactly what this thread would be the moment I saw the OP. I don't know why I bothered to open it.

Nice use of a undertale image. Little too obvious though.

There you go again. I never once said that this universe won't die either. Now you're just memeing.

The first hundred posts were great until retards got butthurt over the laws of physics.


You have yet to explain how mankind would avoid the problem of the universe ending.

You know that gravity, electrons, and bacteria/viruses as a cause of disease are all "just theories," right? A scientific theory is just an explanation for a phenomenon that has held true over numerous experiments. A scientific law is basically just a simple mathematical generalization of a phenomenon. That's why, "Newton's Laws" only apply for large-scale physics and not quantum physics.

Scientific theories are as close to fact that scientific testing has gotten us. It will NEVER, EVER claim with ABSOLUTE certainty to be true, but true with certainty approaching 100%.

Never change, Holla Forums

Holla Forums can be pretty great when discussing deep shit like this, but then again it only takes one argument to derail a thread

It only takes one retard to ruin a thread and since the concentration of retards are Holla Forums are increasing by the day due to hugbox board cropping up everywhere this is going to become more and more common.

If i could explain that right now then the dumbass op image wouldnt exist. What Im saying is that humans will probably find a way. And ut probably wont be something you can understand with your year 2016 high school chemistry.

no one in the entirety of the thread has even brought up religion, fag. It's you that's blindly following scientific dogma. Why don't you get on to that retard that posted about Boltzmann's brain?

user, I feel like no one has probably explained WHY they jumped on you for your earlier post. It's not because of your wishful hoping that that humanity will find a way, but because you seemed to be implying that humanity would just say "welp, guess we're done with physics, time to wait for the heat death of the universe." Fuck no we wouldn't.

But our understanding of physics as it stands RIGHT NOW suggests that no matter what we do we're eventually fucked. That's all. All of you were talking with absolutes when we obviously can't know if there's some new and undiscovered mechanic of the universe that could beat entropy. I'd put the chances at less than 10%, but without meeting other advanced civilizations first, we have absolutely no fucking clue, good or bad.

You have no reason to believe this. Sure, anything is possible but you screaming Liberal and getting butthurt over an image because it shows what so far all facts we know point to being is stupid.
It's a fact based on actual observable data that the universe is dying. It's a fundamental law of nature that "chaos" will trump order.

Not even that user but what the fuck are you talking about?


Are you feeling alright or do you need your boyfriends to fuck your ass?

70 years ago we never thought we'd reach the moon. You expect me to believe that we won't know something about the universe, or possible alternative universes, or things we can't even comprehend in MILLIONS of years? You'd have to be insane to think our current level of knowledge and technology is even going to be relevant in a million years.

no thanks, i'd like to actually get something done with my life.

and as for the OP this is a subject i have concerned myself greatly, as it is an inevitable challenge we musty over come or we will face oblivion.
i may have come up with a solution to the end of the universe but it requires validation of the experiment that gave us negative kelvin, using an engine built with over 100% efficiencyit will effectively create energy by it's own operation to both fuel itself perpetually but also a machine that creates hydrogen molecules out of photonsthank you, Britannia.
it's still a theory based on other theoretical machines but if those pieces hold true then we would be able to make an infinite amount of fuel for a star.

There is a difference user.
There was no laws of nature saying we couldn't reach the moon.
Even hundreds/thousands of years ago the fundamental theories and laws first discovered a relevant today.

user, I'm not saying that it isn't POSSIBLE. I'm saying that this world appears to follow rules (the laws of physics) and that I don't expect those rules to ever be broken, no matter how advanced we become. I seriously expect FTL travel to one day become a reality (at least in a sense), so it's not like I think our current understanding of physics is the end. But reversing entropy is where I realistically think the line will be drawn.

But hey, I sure as fuck hope I'm wrong.

The length of human existence is comparable to the complete orbital rotation of and electron around the nucleus of an atom in comparison to the infinity of the universe. Your logic suggest that no one should even consider question modern scientific authority despite humanities inherently limited capacity to comprehend the universe. What you're basically advocating for is putting complete and unquestionable faith in current scientific models that are still very young and primitive within themselves and completely forsaken further inquisition into the nature of the universe because doing so would be "stupid"

You are an intellectual midget

You sound like a very educated and knowledgeable person. How can I ever hope to be as cerebral and sophisticated as you?

No it doesn't.
But what we do know shows that this is how it will be. Unless you have some way of showing otherwise there is nothing but a slim doubt that entropy will work the way it does and so the universe.

To say otherwise would suggest that the last 14 billion years we can study is somehow worthless.
The Universe has been cooling since the day it was born.

My point in this thread Is that long term speculation like in the ops image is pointless, given how relatively miniscule our current knowledge base is. Its melancholic wankery at its worst, it serves literally zero purpose.

No it's not. The chances of entropy being wrong are slim.

Today 2 + 2 = 4 and it has always. Sure it's true that someday someone will show that it will =1 but until that day comes I will always assume that it is 4.

The universe was never born. That's what you are incapable of grasping. Is it so difficult to acknowledge that the universe in finite as you believe it is and doesn't work to the same manmade notion of time. The universe has always been, and always will be. Implying there's a beginning and end to all energy and matter is trying to conceptualize something literally infinitely larger and vast than we are. The human brain isn't meant to understand the functions of the universe, it's meant to fuck and survive

Actually, we can easily predict that the universe is probably a bit over 14 billion years old.
You are making big claims with no evidence.

Okeedoke, enjoy being illiterate.

Entropy remains an immutable fact.

Go on user, show where in that article it shows the greeks using the scientific method before the scientific revolution.

See filename.

I don't see any greeks on that image user. What the fuck are you doing?

and you aren't?

How is anyone capable of knowing if the universe is 14 billion years old? Has any human been around long enough to verify it? Is any person sure enough to say that the train of thought that lead to that conclusion is completely infallible? Humans don't even know the function of yawning is, how can you trust them at assuring you what the age of the universe is?

user, it could be satan telling lies so we believe that the universe is 14 billion years old but the chances of that being the case are far less likely than what scientific data suggests.

You don't know how science works.
No one is saying that everything is 100% true but with what we currently know this is by far the most likely and probably is correct.

Oh well.

You are right. I am still responding to a troll.
It's nice bait. Post bullshit and when people ask for a source you give something unrelated.

Oh well.

Once again, who said anything about religion? Why do you assume I don't believe ridiculous and baseless theories such as string theory and black hole because of my religion? I am not religious, quit strawmanning like some cacksure knuckledragger incapable of defending their postion with anything else other that "It's science, I ain't got to explain shit" as if science is this end all be all magical solution to everything just because it's been published in a textbook

Got a source on that user?
The greeks didn't use the scientific method. Even your source shows that.

You’re just not even trying.

It was an example.
People have explained multiple times.
No, you are the idiot suggesting a magical solution to a fundamental law of physics and chemistry.
You want proof that entropy exists?
You can literally see it every day in your life. Most chem students have tested it in a lab and can calculate heat loss over time.

So what you're saying is that you're basically arguing semantics but still get assblasted when somebodies opinions aren't 100% ideologically aligned with your own opinions and they're "stupid" for suggesting something else that's just within the realm of possibility as your own indefinite perspective of things because it be heretical to go against institutional and popular consensus?

Good to know

It's not just out of the realm of possibility. It's a pretty clear law of physics.
The chances of it being wrong are extremely low.


No they haven't
Gee, calling people idiots because your retarded enough to believe brownies cooling off after taking them out of the over is "entropy." If that's an explanation, then it's you that's retarded

Why don't you read up on Newton's Laws of Thermodynamics, I believe it says matter and energy can be neither created nor destroyed, dipshit

But it actually is.

Fair enough (there's obviously no point in arguing about the chances of a thing that can't yet be predicted), though I don't think it's quite as melancholic as you suggest.

Fantasizing about what humanity will do after we're long gone gives me a sense of kinship with the human race that I don't really feel with most individual humans. But maybe I'm just a faggot.

non-agruement with zero proof to back you claim

baseless strawmanning

I give up. You people are so mentally retarded, I'd rather not waste me time

Yeah, that sort of proves the point. If matter can't be created or destroyed then there is no way of getting new energy once it's fully used.

user, I'm sorry to tell you this, but you might be the retard here.

Energy transfers from one object to another, it isn't "used up" and disappears forever, mongoloid

Okay, I'm being trolled. There's no way people are this retarded, especially this retarded and so self-assured in their retardation, I'm out

user, so many different anons have explained that it is possible for science to be wrong. But you are betting that fundamental laws of nature will somehow stop applying out of no where.

No, but it is instead spread evenly across the universe and will eventually spread to the point where the average amount of energy per amount of space is near 0.
The fact that you don't know this but still are acting superior is amazing.

If you actually want to know some of the evidence for the universe being ~14 billion years old, here you go:

Matter, and energy, coallesse to one another naturally, you know, like gravitational pull! It's why space debris become nebulas and why nebulas become galaxies! You wouldn't think I was "acting superior" if you just realized how fucking stupid you actually are

Actually it does the opposite.
Want proof, put gas into a container, it fills up the space around it.
The universe is also expanding, not contracting, so no, it is not all being put together.

That's only true if the universe's shape and the rate of expansion of the universe have certain values. However, it doesn't look that way.

By you logic, gravity on Earth wouldn't exist and Earth as a Planet, like every other celestial body wouldn't even exist as well as all matter would be evenly spread across dead space from the central point of the big bang to the universe's outer radius.

I'm going to repeat: YOU. ARE. RETARDED.

…this is why we need eugenics.

user, I can see how someone without education in science might think that but I can actually explain why this is the case.
However I need to leave so if you want to stick around I am actually interested in educating you.
Just stop acting like a dick until I get back.

Actually this is how many teachers explain gas law and entropy to students. I used that as an example because that is how it is often demonstrated. Even with the forces of gravity acting on a gas it will still expand until it fills up it's container.
Source:I work in a school.

heh, I'm good. 10/10 bait to be honest. You actually had me going

user, instead of calling bullshit and acting like you know why don't you try learning the sciences?

I need to leave but quick google search gave.

I actually want to explain this shit to you if you are willing to stay.

