#Gamergate #Notyourshield [GG+NYS]: Animu Gatfacts edition


2. Crash Salon's advertisers - with no survivors:
- medium.com/@TrojanHorse711/salon-s-list-of-atrocities-and-a-list-advertisers-to-contact-gamergate-7c5cdeb9f2aa
- pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE
4. #GamerFruit - Dig into FIG:
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5. GG WIKI IS BACK. UPDATE IT - [ gamergatewiki.com ]
7. PUSH DIGIFIRA: digifira.com

- pastebin.com/ueUjXgh8
- www.oneangrygamer.net/2016/05/critical-distance-has-more-than-a-dozen-conflicts-of-interest-with-silverstring-media/2225/
- twitter.com/VoQn/status/709444614025977856 || lang-8.com/groups/3054
>Tracy Fullofshiterton: >>>/gamergatehq/323269
- blogjob.com/oneangrygamer/2016/04/videogamer-includes-affiliate-links-in-articles-twitter-without-disclosure/ || twitter.com/OneAngryGamerHD/status/726462004911738880
- CH Updates: Apr 2 - Apr 26 - /p.teknik.io/5shqa
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- Thread Repository Update: Apr 16 - Apr 25 - /p.teknik.io/WUMEx
- archive.is/26dfN


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate.Me: gamergatewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
• Operation Disrespectful Nod: v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);
• Operation Shills in a Barrel: v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);
• Operation Baby Seal: v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines);
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• Operation UV: archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker);
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Source is Gunsmith Cats.

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Pretty comfy refresh, OP

3 days old, but relevant to Clickbait journos defense of Gawker, Anal Dash is a piece of shit everyjoe.com/2016/05/27/news/pax-dickinson-interview-being-a-cultural-warrior/

Good taste


I'm still a bit baffled they're still going with the gawker defense force. Nobody likes them. No one. Even those defending them are aware they're horrid cunts. Why try and keep going.

Archive of previous bread

Rally is my waifu


DEAD !!!

Shes cool. I also like hyper police

Rally was one of my first animu crushes. She's basically the ultimate /k/ waifu. I bet her hair smells like Hoppes #9.

But some girls need a loving husbando more.

What about Alita?

Ruined by Hollywood

desty nova is better.

Don't remind me. I hope james cameron dies before he can rape her.




You know what, you stupid nigger? Stop. Just stop. You've already done irreparable harm to imageboards. This goes beyond your petty squabbles. The little stunt you pulled on your board now has everyone that codes imageboard software going "How can I keep the board owners from getting shitter shattered and turning the board into a honeypot?"

No, you weren't happy enough to kill GG with your purges, your drama mongering, and your USSR-sized ego, you had to fucking take imageboards down with it by abusing your position to dox people and turn them into the feds.

I know this will probably fall on deaf ears because this is in a general and everyone will circle around you on their knees to suck your dick because the mean Mr. >(1) said something to hurt your feefees, but I'm tired of watching you shit all over everything you touch and think you're helping. Let someone that doesn't ruin everything he gets a hold of take over. You've had your chance to leaderfag and you ruined both GG and Holla Forums in the process.

It's time to stop.

And they expect to be the next minecraft and not the next spore? Kek.

Reminder Anime is mainstream in the west now, at least in the US.

Rather a nobody than some diva that needs to be catered for. A nobody won't complain about scenes not fitting to her reputation and shit.

and thats not enough to stop it

You seem reasonable. I believe you.

Live action anime fail though. Maybe this will put james cameron out of buisness I doubt it, but at least damage his reputation enough to force him into an early retirement

You wish.

Holy shit

I looked a bit further in imdb because I usually don't watch movies. And this popped up.
I really though that this died out but it didn't. This insanity and stupidity is eating me.

June the 3rd

why do you think I wrote the spoiler. He should retire though. At least noone will touch hyper police or tank police.

c'mon i hated the turtles when i was little

Gobots and Inhumanoids movies when?

Forgot link to tweet

American anons, why aren't you writing letters to your canidates for office asking for NFA repeal? The salt from libtards will be worth it.

I don't know if this is Kelly or some other "Black Knight" faggot or just a regular idiot, but if you think we're unaware that you've lost the boards, lost on KiA, and have taken up a bastion on social media to try and keep damage rolling in against #GG's efforts and outreach, you're mistaken.

And thanks for the confirmation that we're on the right track.

What did Anita promise, and what did she not deliver?

Everyone recites the "whar videos whar" meme, but what exactly was the original Kickstarter promise? What did she deliver, and what did she not?

You just fucking had to respond… now he is going to cling this narrative and trying to get attention for over half a day so he won't kill himself

Thats an old tweet. And kikstarter is losing notoriety for fig bitten by their own friends indiegogo and the ne one that anita made that barely funded on.

That's exactly not what the tweet says.

That's right, smear and strawman anyone that criticizes you to make yourself look good. That's all you motherfuckers are good for. Anyone that disagrees is revolt, or a goon, or (insert outsider here).

I'm not even GG anymore. I'm just angry at the chilling effect your conduct has had on imageboards. It used to be if you disagreed with the zeitgeist and trolled, the worst you could expect to get is banned. Now it's having all of your posts compiled and you get doxed, with everything tied to your name. Hell, Lynxchan modified how it handles moderation just to keep something like what you did from happening again.

You're not helping. Stop making things worse.

Right on cue. Open wide, maybe he'll shoot one of the early loads into your mouth.

Generals are cancer.


Hi Holla Forums how's freedomchan going?

Oh yeah, forgot them. Any more empty smears I forgot to list off?

Shoo, shoo shill

I'm glad my dank meme caught on

Well, I know everyone's going to cry because I haven't posted in this thread yet, but that's the reason I've been distancing myself from most organized groups involved with gamergate for months now.
I still drop in here to read up on the news, and it's the same old shit every time anymore.
Don't worry, though. I'm on the side of video games. I won't tolerate any person, idea, developer, publisher, demographic, or business practice that damages them.

If that's the side you're on, great. If not, you're my enemy too, but either way goddamn it's fucking annoying putting up with you faggots who willingly associate with Acid Man.

Don't think so but you forgot the only thing that matters

Honest question. Shouldn't you be happy that Acid and revolt are such spergs that it lead to this? In the end it improved how things are handled, did it not? I dislike Acids spergs and provocation as well. He had major responsibility that revolt kept shitting up the thread over and over again, but I don't blame him alone. Revolt had equal parts in it.

So you don't care about how vidya is being influenced by ideologues anymore? Gotcha. I'd recommend opening a neogaf account. You'll find lots of like minded people there.

u wot m8

Ain't a surprise. Right after the development of 2 new operations there has to come within seconds a person who screams "But what about Meeeeee"

The same repeat isn't annoying anymore. It's mentally sickening coming from a sociopath who continues this same shit for over a year.

Isn't it death threats because of delays?

I'm pretty hype for NMS. I'm sure we will see tears and salt like we never saw before, not even after Spore when it will come out. It will be glorious.

Exactly. I'll fight when it's time to fight, but I won't be a part of something that's as scared to fight as GG is now.

No. It stifled conversation, led to unnecessary infighting, reduced trust not only in imageboards but sysadmins and systems in general, and honestly, it's part of why Holla Forums slowed down, I'd say.

Of course I care, but it's not like any of you can actually do anything about it. That cat's out of the bag. It's too late to impact the industry in that regard. Tactical blunders way back in 2014 kept us from winning that battle. Now all we can do is push back at the greater political atmosphere rather than in the vidya industry.

I see it as expecting gamer backlash to a boring game, spinning it as harassment to summon the betas and feminazis to buy it out of spite and sympathy. It is a heads up for a major shitshow coming. This pleases me.

Its always uncanny how somebody spouting cancercrew's memes will suddenly appear, with other (1)s in tow, as soon as any mention gets made of some bullshit that they're up to, and that maybe something should be done about it.

And responses are generally the same tired stuff.

You can set a watch to it, I swear. Half the reason I post feelers like this is to gauge the reaction. You'd think they'd figure that out eventually.

You are a liar and a fraud. Kill yourself!

This particular strategy is past the point of diminishing return. This will be very interesting.

The journos have been hyping NMS for a year now with nothing more to show than a few screenshots and promises. Part of me hope they overextended themselves with this and will feel another backlash as they get called out for their shoddy reporting.

I've heard revolts side and hq's side on this. I joined 8/v/ shortly after the split, because I was too busy with work to follow GG closely before that. I stick with "hq's side" if you want to call it that. Revolts are spergs that kept unnecessarily damaging GG and GG supporter. They are responsible for tons of burnouts and stifled conversations. I almost dropped 8/v/ a few months in because of them. Yes. I lurked revolt. Even posted there for a bit. They are just my type of people. Revoltards is a fitting term.

Yeah. No.

Where have you been the past few months, mate? The big ones are sometimes still bending to ideologues will, but many AA studios are making fun of them. And yes, we are pushing on all fronts, vidya and political. Comics and tabletop. Did you miss the "Captain America is gay" nonsense just recently? People didn't want any of it.

You're the perfect bait.


Is this a new form of marketing or something? This shit is everywhere now.

Victory, I guess? This felt more like the opponent killing themselves rather than having a proper duel.

I'm actually insulted.

Don't forget that it's a guy being harassed. They're going to be conflicted. They usually ignore males being harassed because of their stupid "harassment = power + harassment" ideas. Yet they hyped this game up and if it blows, they'll look like idiots (again).

They can't really do anything to win with NMS besides ignore the whole thing. They drop in to defend the guy making the game? Why didn't they defend any other guys who have been harassed? They let the game go? Why did they spend so much time hyping it?

There's big potential for this to be a big happening. I imagine they were all taking money and favors to hype this game too.

They cannot live or breathe without social media presence. They're all irrelevant and powerless outside of this microcosm of pseudo-importance, so as soon as they go indeed hidden away they stopped being able to have their way.

Yeah, it is kinda insulting.

Get him to get unsaint anitas priase than call harrasment because of woman?

Isn't the NMS person a trans FtM?

Shin killing himself rather than be defeated by Kenshiro comes to mind.

You're aware there are multiple camps involved, and the kind you're talking about are just one, right? Yes, they're insanely cancerous, I can agree with that.

However, arguments and a more chaotic atmosphere allows for greater creativity on imageboards. An atmosphere in which everyone gets along is a stagnant one. I know you'll call me Holla Forums for saying that, and that's not true since what they seek to do is not ideological, but simple trolling to cause trouble. The cracks were already there before the split, yes, but the whole purge and doxing created a whole new set of cracks and factions that didn't exist before. Not to mention it made people scared to openly discuss things out of fear that they'd be next on the list.

Oh, and just so you know, many of those "burnouts" are still fighting the fight, just in different ways. Just because people don't use the tag or post in your threads doesn't mean people aren't on your side.

You're smart, then, but when "one of your own" fucks people as hard as Acid Man did to people he labeled "cancer crew," then that's even more troubling. Moot and the mods were distant from the user base. This was another user going on the attack.

Good. Glad to hear you all are branching out from the simple "ethics in games journalism" vector to ridicule the SJWs. Since you can't fix the industry from within, you have to impact the political atmosphere to get the industry to at least distance itself from the political ideologues you're fighting. Get them more on your side through that, then fix things.

Oh shit you're right. I forgot. So we get to see all the MTF trans who hate FTM trans deal with an FTM trans getting harassed. This is going to be good.

I just wanted to play video games.

OK, how to start and prepare for #OPLostWood ?

Distribute these and DeepFreeze included?

I shilled her video on Holla Forums as well, but this Japanese lady is comparing lefties in Japan and America to show how similar they are. It's very interesting.

Not enough, we need more OC.
OC wins wars.
Also, we need a list of #GG approved outlets to spread with the OC.

This girl is awesome. I saw her stuff before.

Watch the honey badger radio show, specifically the latter part of this one. They got their own narritive being made too.

MtF trans are considered "gender traitors". NMS will get no support from the antigamers. If NMS is a terrible game, the devs will fail with little sound/ fanfare/support.

There has been a major shift in advertising with the last decade. It went from good looking people selling shit and that shifted to losers-you-can-relate-to people selling shit, quirky and dorky people with obvious weight struggles and difficulty acquiring relationships etc. Now it is supporting the corporation that shares your values etc… the victimization pity advertising seems to be a new thing but almost a last attempt saving throw.

This NMS doing it before it is released? What does that say? Oh boy, this is going to be a major disaster. I would love to be proven wrong, great games are rare these days.

You mean FTM.

A childhood friend went that way. She's now a guy with a beard and everything. Even got a dick made of her arm.

This shit is too weird for me man.

I don't like the name at all. Is that a reference to girlwood? How is that in any way relevant?

Yes I mean FtM. My bad.

a few days ago i said that im gonna turn skeleton drinking sjw tears webm into animation. here is a rough animaion

Which is kind of a pity. When I was a kid I dreamed of a game like NMS. Massive, free roaming MMORPG, with multiple worlds and space travel in your own ship. Something like EVE Online crossed with Fallout 3. Only back then I imagined it with DOOM graphics because technology. Each world would basically be an MMORPG server with quests and a storyline and shit, and space between the worlds would be unmapped and interactive.

After decades someone finally takes a whack at something like it and cocks it all up. Feels bad.

you're waifu is still trash though

Pretty good so far.

bretty gud

That's great!

Looks good. Please share progress and maybe later even files so that people can add backgrounds etc.

Just a little bit of Internet autism and suddenly they go full SHUT IT DOWN mode, ostracizing themselves from the public at large. It's proof that they definitely aren't hiding anything and are behaving totally rationally given the circumstances.


NMS looks like shit though. It has the same problem Minecraft had. A bunch of random ass game mechanics thrown onto the game because the core concept isn't that exciting. Building in Minecraft worked, but NMS doesn't even have that. It has walking around and exploring, and everything else added on.

NMS feels like it's skipping the early beta part of Minecraft, where people were enjoying just building and started getting bullshit like the hunger bar.

NMS is like a procedural planet generator and at some point someone went

Exactly. Which is going to be interesting, because nothing has really happened to shed some light on the fact that SJWs love MTF trans and they hate FTM trans. I have a good feeling it'll be a good situation to show normalfags how hypocritical SJWs are. And all the bullshit with the media pushing NMS like it has will probably yield some good ethics stuff too.

Animation needs to have more "weight" to it. Do you know about "easing?"

chinks really are the niggers of the far east aren't they?



Great start.

It will be interesting to see how the SJWs try to spin it..

Same, but the fact that she kinda dyked out at the end of Burst, kinda felt forced and killed it for me. But she's still my #1 pick.

you mean ease in/out?
its been too long since i animated anything

nigga its a skeleton. but ill try

I saw the thumbnail and thought her hair was a guy pointing his gun straight down.

Improved it a little.

Yeah, start slow and speed up.

If I had the talent I'd love to learn how to animate Gilda, but I don't even know how to draw.

Not bad user!

In the arms or legs? The legs seem fine for the most part for a loop animation. The arms could use more time on the top and bottom of their swings.

I'm done with KiA. Most of KiA agrees with Blizzard censoring Overwatch.

"It's legal guys, it's all ok.", when they're not doing the same with WoW or SC2, yet those also have SFM rip offs.

Personally, I think the legs should step forward faster, but yeah the arms could use a little bit more work. The skele's upper-right arm is quite stiff.
Still, it's good work.

What censorship exactly ?
And thing is, sadly, there's not much of a leg to stand on if the original creator of a piece alters it. It's hard to make it look like "censorship".
It is representative of a moral cowardice, but that's still, in a way, "allowed".


He's talking about DMCA's of SFM porn, because the porn is using dumped Overwatch models.

Val, did you miss Blizzard censoring Overwatch pornography or what?

Oh yes,user did a good job. The right arm should swing in more to aliveate the stiffness in it.

And no, self-censorship is still censorship.

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

Call them fucking retards and move on.

Also, Antis think we get paid in ad money to shitpost and be in GG.

fucking kikes.

It's most of the community though.

This is why the Japanese are superior.

Exactly. Call them censorship supporting retards who stifle creativity. They are cancerous.

If you're gonna shittalk someone, at least get it right

Guess that commercial for Kumade Village really worked.

The kid is gonna show up months later looking like a trained Martial Artist.

They really do not know shirow do they?

Thanks, archiver!

I'm thinking the finished animation is going to look wonderful, given how well this looks so far.

My guess is the Sourgon spelling is part of the shittalk.

That's how the Elder in Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi trained.

This is why the Japanese gun market in my dreams is superior.


Nah, sorry, just thought the user was talking about something in the game itself.

I agree, but it's a touchy difficult thing to determine, and you can't tell an artist "YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT YOU ASSHOLE" since it's ultimately his choice.


So what if he shows up looking like new Ken?
Is that a failure?

Censorship is inherently wrong, there's no excuse you can come up for it.

The legality is dubious though. Ripping the models and making porn out of it is the same level of original derivative work as photoshops with celebrity fakes. They shouldn't be able to DMCA that.

Jesus christ dude get this dick out of your ass, I'm not disagreeing, I'm telling you it's a different context nonetheless that doesn't involve the same points and gravity.

It doesn't matter, if it's inherently wrong, it shouldn't be done anyway.

That makes it even worse.
Reddit was a mistake.

Holy shit, you sound like everyone gets mad at you the second you open your mouth.
You sound like you'd complain about the temperature of your birthday cake.

What threads are you reading? So far I've read one thread about the censorship (reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/4lkkgr/blizzard_aggressively_shutting_down_porn_of/) which seems to say that the censorship is pointless.

No, it just means when he's in his 40s he'll start renting a sportscar on the weekends to go to clubs and try to pick up chicks half his age.

"Stop evading my blocks," says the person who somehow could see everything the person they blocked is doing.

It's no different from people making mods for games and taking donations from a patreon. Blizzard is within their legal ability to stop that stuff even mods in general. However if any developer/publisher started blocking mods for their games and from allowing modders to get money they would be universally seen as fucking shit heads. However because this time it's stopping "evil" porn some people are saying oh well it's okay to stop it.

Looking through mombots feed, how did we miss this gem? Long story short, turd is a feminist but a racist for basically pointing out black culture causes soggy knees.

Val, there's no need to act the part of the shill, we have enough of those on KiA already.

You didn't look past the first upvoted comment. The rest of those are mostly trying to justify the happening because it's a "legal matter".

We didn't, that's slowpoke tier news.

Oh. I must have forgot it. But man, does he piss me off so much.

If they're using ripped models, it's a copyright issue as they are using copyrighted material. If it's porn and it's original content, it's censorship.

Not sure why they aren't trying to pull the whole "it's parody it's fair use" thing when making the porn though.

Phew, more censorship apologists right here.

Didn't Paradox had the all-white human race mod removed from Steam?

That's more of a battle than Blizzard enforcing their legal rights.

swinging left and right a bit…. i think im dont with rough animation… i tried to fix the right arm a bit but whatever.

i hate fixing animations

You are retarded.

No you fucking idiot, they're ripping the models FROM the Overwatch game, that's why Blizzard is within their legal rights to clamp down on it.

Start a fight when they start censoring drawn porn but right now, there is no cause for us to jump on them.

also i'll be back later. maybe tomorrow i have to go work round the house.

woah dubs, don't put word into my mouth. I'm just saying we have more ground to stand on for the Stellaris mod than the ripped OW models.

The issue is solved.

I'm counting 4 censorship apologists. One of them is smarter though, he's trying to bring up the "Pick your fights, guys!".

Having the right to do something =/= should do that something

Kill yourself.

This is censorship. They have no legal right to do that. In fact, they're probably infringing on the legal rights of the mod creators, granted there's not some sort of bullshit clauses in the EULA you know there are though

This looks a lot better user.

Their arguing sounds a lot like ralph shill's style. Though we uncovered his nude ass so I doubt it's him. Probably someone who knows him.

Show me where Blizzard is removing porn that isn't using ripped models and I'll change my stance on the issue.

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

However, just because you shouldn't doesn't mean you can't.

Go be a leaderfag somewhere else.

Take your own advice retard.

What do I have to do to become a professional shitposter?

Parody is fair game and so are mods. The fact that you think porn made with models is something that needs to be clamped on is retarded. You are no arguing that parody should be banned. Fuck off.

I feel like I should copy-paste Rexx's post on this matter. He's been with the CG porn guys for a long time.


I dont really have anything to add to either side, but if the models are modded for sexy time, would that be parody since its no longer using the stock model?

But they aren't making a profit off it, it's like a company suing someone for posting concept art online.


No, that is a retarded mindset. This guy is a spineless faggot.

Lack of profit doesn't automatically mean fair use, just like the presence of profit doesn't automatically mean infringement.

Hmm, it sounds like a dont stop, but wait a few weeks before shit dies down. And as my good user
Not after 140 million.

You can continue being a censorship apologist, I don't think I can fix you in any way.

So what? You can say the same about ethics, but you wouldn't want more Kotaku's though, do you?

Fuck damn, you people are retarded.

Holy shit, where the hell do all of you retarded censorship apologists come from?

That Rexx guy should kill himself and take you with him. What a spineless faggot.
Him and Blizzard probably need to take some marketing classes.

It's almost as if there's a ton of porn about all of this because the game is liked and popular.
It's not like his argument falls apart when they're only removing SFM pornography and nothing else too.

I had me a giggle


To add to this, I would like pornography of third party characters to be added into the fair use clause as well, given that whoever sets up the porn, be it SFM or drawn, acknowledges that they are drawing/animate.

Only because there's an army of morons willing to spread second-hand information about any topic.

What I am focusing on right now is making sure no Gawker clones spring up by dissuading my family from reading clickbait.

ITT: Shills pretending to be oldfags


When you make porn with ripped models, you're essentially stealing those models from the game to use for your own purposes. It's a step above just pirating the game, because you're advancing your career as a 3d artist with someone else's work that you're not authorized to do.

This explains a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if the retards here trying to get us to go after Blizzard were SJWs trying to leverage gamergate to keep their precious little SJW characters in Overwatch pure.

I didn't know the porn made it to Kotaku. It makes sense Blizzard is being dicks about it. This whole thing is probably Kotaku trying to bully porn artists and Blizzard into removing porn because the SJWs don't like to see those "poor oppressed video game characters" so "objectified" like that.

It doesn't matter if they profit or not. Blizzard can use their legal rights to protect their intellectual property even if it's not costing them money.

But the real issue here, is that it seems like the SJWs at Kotaku are trying to shed light onto Overwatch porn to make it stop. They were all excited about how progressive and "atypical" the characters were. There's a fatty, a butch dyke, etc. They loved it. They thought people liking Overwatch was a sign that their little SJW principles were taking off with normalfags.

And then the found the porn and realized that people like the characters because it makes better porn. Which pisses them off because that's exactly what they consider "objectification" to be.

And now Kotaku is leveraging their position in news aggregators and search results to spread the word to normalfags that this porn is bad. I wouldn't be surprised if they were playing things up along the lines of

Gawker still has the ability to get into news feeds (like Google News, Steam, etc). They have good ranking in search engines. They are scary even if they have no money, because losing money won't change where they stand on the internet with their presence. It's exactly why people still want to buy it. If you bought Gawker, you'd be buying their positions in search and aggregators, nothing more. Someone will buy Gawker, but it'll only be Gawker in name as most of the people there will probably be fired.

I'm trying to have a reasonable discussion here. I asked for one simple piece of evidence to support your claims. And you didn't give any. You just ended up calling me names. At least say something worthwhile. All you have to do is show me some Overwatch porn that's been DMCAed that isn't using ripped models. Is that so difficult for you to do?

Archived: archive.is/CQjNR

Kill yourself. Do you think I want this to happen? Fuck no. I'm just staying WHY it happened.
Unlike some daft cunts, I actually try and look at the whole picture instead of just going "Muh ebil triple-a corporations!"

If only there was some way to prove that Blizzard were behind the Tracer complaint pose and this current shitstorm(?) it's a bit small to be called a shitstorm, at least from my perspective. All the outrage, followed by other creators making counter art of sorts seems a bit convenient for Blizzard.

That's a bit of a stretch in my opinion. I would argue that copying models from Overwatch results in no profit, neither future nor current, from being lost. Given all the porn, I would argue that it's free advertising, helping Blizzard save money.

No amount of shouting is going to un-C&D the content. Even at peak GG numbers we couldn't convince them to come out and say they're changing policy. The best we can do is make an even bigger fuss until they realize that fucking with people's creations and livelihoods is worse than allowing people to make porn with their assets. This is something that's done silently to save face, like advertisers pulling contracts from shit game journo websites. We can affect change even with small numbers.

This is not a debate over intellectual property rights, or shoddy Kucktaco "journalism", or the "family friendliness" of a brand. This is straight-up censorship. We have not shied away from calling out developers and publishers before and we should not shy away from it now.

What this user said.
This is why killing Kotaku is important and, by god, it better happen quick. I can shed some light on why this theory is sound as fuck.

Let me tell you fags a story. It was a while ago.
Got covered by Kotaku.

See the trend here?

Exactly. SJWs get pissed off when people draw Mei skinny. Imagine how mad they get when someone loads her model into SFM and have her sucking a dick or getting fucked.

I can't see that not triggering SJWs.

And we will laugh at the jobless asshats

You are so retarded it hurts.
You are a censor supporting piece of shit. Are you from reddit?


Looks much, much better user.

By supporting censorship.

I didn't make any claims for which I have to provide the evidence you're asking for, retard.

Nor do I have to be nice to a censorship apologist.

No, it's completely pointless though. I thought we were anti-censorship around here…

But it's k if my favorite Blizzard is doing it and it's legal!

If you'd know anything about the issue, you wouldn't be a dullard censorship apologist. They have no legal obligation to take down SFM pornography, otherwise they would have done the same in the case of WoW and SC2, which they did not do.

a rich jew from russia already bought gawker, as much as we wished the hogan case will not kill them thanks to his backing.

As yhe other user pointed out, they bought the name, the people working there are replacable. Why would anyone keep legal liabilities?

Way to expose yourself, idiot.

porting my waifu over here don't pay attention

So any jobs in the US that are in demand? I need to fucking leave this hell hole

Canada im not suprised. Sharia law and mandatory whorshiping of muhamad when?


You want to go to the US that sucks even harder?

Just go to some Eastern country, or Italy for example.

God fucking damnit, you dumb cunt.
I'm looking for the root cause of why this is happening.
All this censorship is a symptom of an even deeper cancer. It's the fucking SocJus clique again. It's fucking Kotaku. It's always those cunts.

I think you all are directing your fury at the wrong target when you should be focusing on burning down the one that made Blizzard do this in the first place. You know. Kotaku? The SJW clique? The fucking reason we're all here in the first place?

SJWs have the motive. They have the means. The results of the fiasco only benefit them. This doesn't benefit Blizzard. This doesn't benefit the community. Only those fucking parasites.
Not to mention they've all been salty we've been filling the Tumblr tag with nothing but Overwatch porn.

When you make non-pornographic content with SFM models, you're essentially stealing those models from the modelers to use for your own purposes.
When you make porn with existing character designs, you're essentially stealing those designs from the designers to use for your own purposes.
When you make ripoff games with the same mechanics of popular franchises, you're essentially stealing those mechanics from the developers to use for your own purposes.

Do you see why this argument is destructive?

Get a PhD I guess.

user I'm not made of money and I don't have time to learn a new language

Tell me how asshurt the enemy is at Senran Kagura for PC. I need to know.

I wanna know too

That's funny, you call a picture of trash your waifu?

I wouldn't be surprised if the entire country goes full Islam in 20-30 years.

Even if say, I'm so retarded to think that Blizzard thinks of themselves as so small, insignificant and lacking in dosh to bow down to Kotaku…

How does that fucking change that Blizzard is being retarded and they should not be?

How does it change that your stance is that of some random spineless faggot on Tumblr that has like, no type of basis whatsoever when similar examples with Blizzard contradict it?

I assure you you don't need to be made out of money, but you won't live that well for the first year, until you get your shit together.

You kid. 2-3 years.

Look for a trade.

Roofers, Concrete , and Paving workers are always in demand.

Especially with Trump going on about removing the workers visas and what not, Concrete laying companies are gonna be looking for people

hedging my bet

Uhh, we will kinda need that to escape canada unless we can be political refugees.

so all religions are protected or only islam?

Are you upset that we're making this about Kotaku abusing their position in media to censor things we don't like instead of going after Blizzard? You guys wanted us to go after developers and publishers instead of media since gamergate started.

In fact, you little retards have been here running around going

Blizzard has every right to DMCA their own 3d models that are being used by unauthorized parties.

But Kotaku is complete shit for creating a moral panic and forcing Blizzard to remove porn.

If Blizzard was nuking porn and they were the ones causing it to happen, they would be nuking all Blizzard games porn. They're only doing overwatch.

This whole thing is because of Kotaku pulling bullshit and forcing negative attention on something Blizzard doesn't normally give a shit about. And then Kotaku forces them to start removing it.

What would happen if Blizzard didn't DMCA? Kotaku would be running around writing articles about how Blizzard loves Overwatch porn and hates women and loves to objectify video game characters.

Like I said, the SJWs at Kotaku have every reason to shut down Overwatch porn. They're the ones forcing Blizzard into this.

The law is pretty clear about the difference between using content and using a modified version of it. We're talking about taking a 1:1 perfect copy of something and then re-using it. But Blizzard is normally fine with porn being made. It costs them money to chase after this shit. They don't care, stopping it normally isn't worth the money. It's why there's plenty of other porn out there for their other games.

The reason why they're so aggressive with Overwatch porn is because Kotaku and SJWs are bringing attention to it. If they never did, Overwatch porn would end up just like WoW porn, left almost completely alone.

I just find this whole thing baffling how people are so angry with Blizzard. Yet when we suggest this is mostly Kotaku's fault, they resort to name calling.

It's the media. Blizzard is a big company, but they don't have the placement Kotaku has in search engines. Blizzard can't generate clickbait and garner attention like Kotaku is. It's sort of why most publishers don't have their own forms of media (I can only think of Nintendo Direct that's bypassing them). They're not as good at it (under normal circumstances).

I just find it fascinating that you're basically implying the media is insignificant compared to Blizzard. If that were the case, there'd be no need for Blizzard to talk with anyone from the media and their games would be successful without any media outside of official Blizzard media.

Well, in 2005 51 percent of muslims wanted sharia law. It was only prevented by the women who numbered the males pretty evenly. With how many men coming in the family thing is bogus. and most being from saudi arabia, its going to be a lot higher. It will pass.

Only Islam.

user has a point

Kotaku brought this on

as usual

Christ centered gamer was banned from the calgary fan expo, what do you think?

I'm not saying I like what Blizzard did. I don't. It's a bad move that benefits no-one. Do I think they did it because they wanted to? No. And that's enough to change my tone towards them.

The way I think of this is as follows.
Kotaku has a gun. They're pointing it at Blizzard. They're telling Blizzard to punch us or else they'll shoot. Inevitably, Blizzard throws a punch.
Do you brawl with Blizzard or do you go after the guy with the gun who threatened 'em to do it?

Well, I'm gonna be honest, I don't know how trump will handle the whole workers visa thing, but since the whole disney debacle it got me thinking on how it will work

I know for a fact that concrete laying companies that do sidewalks and shit hire mexicans and get them workers visa's then they return only to come back the next year after winter. I have no idea how turmp will handle this though.

Which wouldn't do anything to Blizzard. The faster companies learn, the better.

It's almost as if statistics themselves show that shit like Kotaku does not actually make anything popular.

Page 12 - theesa.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/ESA-Essential-Facts-2015.pdf

Yes, they did it because they wanted to, unless you can believe they're that ignorant of how little damage shit like Kotaku can do to them.

Then I have to either question your sanity or how a monolith like Blizzard is so retarded.


man…we're going to either have to annex Canadia or build a northern wall soon.

Only Islam. Calgary Expo recently CCG from going by stating they banned any religious or political group from going but have multiple feminist events and liberal events.

Blizzard released SFM models. Lewd SFM modelers edited them (or made them from scratch for all we know) to make semi-nude or nude models.

I really think you're exaggerating this. I'm no Shitaku apologist but they like to makeone clickbait article about this shit and move on. They're subculture leeches. They didn't blame Blizzard in their article and there's no reason to suspect that they would. Not even SJWs would blame them. What makes you think they need to aggressively police derivative SFM creations?

Even if it was true, feel free to stop with this fallacy at any time.

nigga, don't get me started.

Question the latter. They did let D3 pass the qa after all. They have been retarded for years now, and some of their employees, not all but some are sjws.

Explain why they didn't bat an eyelid when we straight-up ripped their models back in Closed Beta?
Explain why the fuck they would post this image on their official twitter account. This image made using SFM models.

Kill yourself, faggot.

Nuke, I go with nuke.

If shit goes poorly fast enough, we may see the United States of Continental America.


New tag to jack

Fine, let's say Blizzard is retarded.

Should I just be ok with it? Because at the moment what I want is to have those retarded elements removed.

I'm so sorry, they were forced by the almighty hand of Kotaku into all of this. Picture related, I'm sorry for your disability.

Blizzard dindu nuffin. Blizzard a good boy for censoring games.

annex and elimination, we don't want to leave a problem for our children do we?

On the bright side

most of Hamilton and Toronto will get tossed off roofs

how many subs have bleed from WoW and how long has it been since the problems that plague the game have persisted.

we're not saying their retarded, cause they are retarded and it's plainly obvious.

I go with building a village. Small gated community that gradually and carefully expands as it obtains new refugees. Be sure to outlaw Islam and transhitism to nips those cancers in the bud.

What the actual fuck?

Let canada become nature again and offset the global warming issue. Everyone wins, besides canadains.

And every capital city. This law also conflicts with the trans protection law. Who wins in a legal battle, a muslim or a tranny?

Is that all you've got?
All this weak-ass shit? I'm in Holla Forums. I expect better bantz.
Have fun brawling with Blizzard. It's not like that's what SJWs want you to do. Be good goys, pulled along by SJW puppeteers.

Meanwhile, I plan to continue to persevere and make sure Kotaku and Gawker journos end up fucking jobless.

So, are we buying ads for DeepFreeze this e3 or what?

Pedobutts is in the tag

how about we try and find what we need to get off this rock to start mining asteroids and somehow diffuse Yellowstone before we set about that.

How, when and where?
If we have boots on the ground, I suggest handing out some deepfreeze business cards in those fancy industry parties where people network.


Both Kotaku and Blizzard are at fault for this. It's seldom one or the other with shit like this.

Both of them are cancerous, and Blizzard has a history of caving too easily and not sticking with what made them good.

Fuck both of them.

Shucks, it seems your conspiratard theory died out. Go on, oh almighty Holla Forums user, support censorship.

I don' think you understand the point people are making, so I will explain it. Kotaku is retarded for getting mad about the porn, but blizzard is even more retarded and hypocritical to ban the porn and censor people because of said retards at kotaku. Just because you think blizzard was bullied into doing it does not make them faultless you faggot.


m8, 90% of the country still is nature.

And going after Blizzard, like you're suggesting, is actually helping Kotaku. You're giving them the power and telling Kotaku that if they bring negative attention to a developer, that gamers will go after the developer instead. You're enabling Kotaku.

I imagine Blizzard viewed this from a cost perspective. How much would it cost to hire some shitty DMCA firm to DMCA porn and how much would the negative attention cost?

To be blunt, I don't like them going after the porn either. It's a good form of fan art. But this is Kotaku's fault. Once this shit dies down the porn will be fine. As that other user posted, this same exact situation has happened before, and it blew over and things went back to normal.

But stepping in and making it worse for the developer is going to tell Kotaku that they can bring attention to things they don't like, and gamers will step in and be a personal army for them.

Step into normalfag game media and you'll see Kotaku is everywhere. Not to mention major publishers are usually scared as fuck of any sort of controversy, even if it's not true.

It's not about Blizzard being retarded. It's about them being pussies. And for them to get bullied by Kotaku like this only makes me think that they're massive pussies. We all know they're retarded. They fucked up WoW and they're strong arming porn creators to delete their porn through legal means. Going full streisand like this is the bigger fuck up. Legally shutting down fan art or projects is one of the best ways to piss gamers off. It happens with every C&D letter that gets sent to a good fan project. And with porn, it's even worse because your dick and horniness is involved.

I would say the best way to handle this situation is to say that Kotaku are being a bunch of whiny cunts (Nathan Greyson is the cunt who wrote the Overwatch porn article, btw) and pushing Blizzard into strong arming fans into removing their art. And Blizzard are being massive pussies for listening to Kotaku.

I don't think the censorship angle is valid. There's better ways to handle this. I don't like seeing the porn removed either. But the big issue here isn't censorship, it's the media forcing beta as fuck Blizzard into going full legal Rambo on porn because one a few little articles shining light on something that could bring negative PR.

This is actually pretty spot on with how I feel. Blizzards response in this and their sad attempt to avoid controversy by DMCAing porn (and I'm assuming thinking that they'd get away with it quietly) is pathetic.

But like I said, going after Blizzard empowers Kotaku and it helps them.

Thats not enough. Lets go for 100%.

I fucking know, you dumb fuck. But here's the thing.
Kotaku, we can beat the fuck down no problem. We did it before, we can do it again.
Blizzard? What the fuck are you gonna do?
This isn't like the vanilla servers debacle or tracer's ass.
It doesn't have huge fucking e-celebs backing a backlash against it.
It's best to prioritize targets. Going after Kotaku, in my eyes, is more productive and achievable. Not only that, it'll remove the cause that made this happen in the first plate.
Shit, nigga. What do you want to do?

A lot of people in the SFM community are pissed. Your mindset is retarded.
Now you just move goalposts.

Why can't you go after both? Is it hard for you?

It would cost them more to hire a DMCA firm than to take on the "negative attention", which I've shown that it barely matters in a link I just posted.

No, no… No. If I accept that Kotaku is at fault here, I will also blame Blizzard.

So if all of a sudden, Kotaku would have said:
"X site is unethical" and would have been right on the matter, you wouldn't do anything because it's enabling Kotaku?

Do you even read what you're saying before posting?
Why do you hate definitions?

but we've already ravaged kotaku and their owners as best we can without militant force, blizzard is the one taking the abhorrent action.

Yes. Why?
Because it's "instead of", not "in addition to".

From my understanding they were already sending DMCAs before the Kotaku article. There was apparently a bigger wave of them recently though.

Literally what are you even talking about? What does "go after" mean? I don't get why so many people have a tendency to use vague or metaphorical language like this.

There were multiple upvoted KIA threads publicizing it days ago, so they were already "gone after". Now it's old news unless there's another wave of DMCAs or something.

The only time they sent a DMCA was to take down some models from Steam Workshop but that was resolved a while ago, if I recall.

I imagine "going after" means the same thing as what we did with td and spread word of them dcmaing porn?

ddmfag speak imo

Here's an idea regarding the Overwatch porn stuff.

Ask them if its JUST porn of if the models can be used in anything else, say Widowmaker throwing pies or something, that will prove if its just porn they are clamping down on or just the model usage.

Maybe ask one of the artist to make a silly animation.

If it's just like Torrential Downpour, then I don't see why not.
"Going after" implies more negative connotations like shitting on Blizzard and generally being hostile towards 'em.
Damnit, were we all not on the same page?

It's just the porn. SFW SFM animations still haven't been pulled from Youtube. One of the devs even said embed related is cute. Although I can't recall who said it and where. I'll need to dig it up.

If we spread info, we spread complete and verefied info, not half info. Half info can be half wrong.

So in other words its just porn.

Could the rating have something to do with it? Its rated T.

Looking through the trends, it's only the porn linked on the Kotaku article…
Porn of some other folks are still up.

Thats shitty. Its feels like the same shit they pulled with kukuryo and when the spotlight of shame is shone they pull this shit.

That's even more suspicious then.

I'm saying this whole thing went like this
The end result of attacking Blizzard is what Kotaku wants.

The fact is Blizzard is at fault here not for censorship, but for being pussies. Kotaku, specifically Nathan Greyson, is responsible for abusing their media position to try and censor something they don't like. Gamers like their porn, Kotaku tried to take it away, and Blizzard caved instantly.

Blizzard lets porn slide if they're not pressured (and the amount of pressure you need to give Blizzard is laughable). But the slightest little whiff of negative PR and they run screaming, grovelling to make things better.

I mean giving them a big negative smear campaign. Blizzard just wants this shit off the public radar. Having us run around talking about Blizzard's Overwatch porn problem brings attention to it, which is just what Kotaku wants.

If it's more for Blizzard backing down in the face of Kotaku, then they deserve our attention. But I was under the impression that earlier in the thread, people were wanting to go directly after Blizzard for censoring porn, and to treat them as the only party responsible. I don't think Blizzard would be doing this considering they let lots of other porn slide, and it costs them money to hire people to file these DMCAs.

People finding out Kotaku pushed beta as fuck Blizzard into taking away porn will get people mad as fuck at Kotaku.

So I just watched the video I embedded. This guy's take on it is that the Kotaku article brought a lot more traffic onto certain videos. This caused said videos to be near the top results when googling "Overwatch". Of course Blizzard does not want their new brand to be associated with porn so they started DMCAing popular videos to get them off the top results. In a month or so they'll probably stop.

tl;dr Kotaku's shitty clickbait forced blizzard to DMCA.

So in the end its all Kotaku's fault.


That's what I've been saying, goddamnit.



Is there a plan? Can we do something? Its clearly a PR issue thanks to Kotaku, obviously they knew their article would bring attention to it and cause this effect.

"Get rid of porn!"

Just give the Hulkster a month

Simple. Tell the normalfags who care about this shit that Kotaku's article forced Blizzard to DMCA the fuck out of 'em. Do this when the opportunity presents itself. The more normalfags get mad at Kotaku, the better.

Spread word, and do not spread half assed info. And make infographic.

You are both retarded since it is Blizzard who capitulated and censored the work when they could have ignored Kotaku. You must be retarded or blizzard fanboys. Saying Blizzard is perfect and can do no wrong does nothing you faggots.

Hearing all this about a company trying to stop porn makes me think of a guy on a beach trying to stop ocean waves.

It just sounds so incredibly futile.

I always thought most people only knew about Overwatch because of the porn.

Well, it cant be because of blizzards recent track record with gameplay and buisness decisions.




hey, there was this one guy who did stop the waves

Poe's law is strong with this one.

So did you faggots ever clean up deepfreeze? I remember last I went there it looked smooth but there were a shit ton of numbers/statistics/charts that had no legend or sources. Had no I what the fuck they were supposed to mean.

I like the cut of your jib. But power gamer is dead and the dates are wrong. Also the second image is too long for people to be bothered with.

Don't get me wrong I like the plan. In fact I was the one who pushed it last year, but I discovered that twitter fags are too precious about their timelines to spam useful information and make them actually valuable. Fucking E-celebs.

Sorry I seem a bit jaded. I've been sitting back with a drink whilst watching the world burn for a good long while now. If you can make some good oc and get word out about this op, you'll have my axe.

This is probably the most dangerous mentality the left has fostered, that people should be punished for the "threat" that their words may influence other people to take actions. It was already stupid when the germans did it about nazism, but now people are seriously arguing you should go to jail for shit like this?

It's also thanks to their irritating habit of calling bad words "violence" and opinions "threats". They've muddied the waters so bad we're launching straight into "disliked opinion" laws.

What retards. By this faggots logic, bahar should be behind bars as should every feminazi who ever tweeted #killallmen

Yep. See canada. And it will only escalate things. Suppressing words makes dangerous bombs and groups, like the nazis.

this is looking very spooky


Oh no

What are you animating with?


Get pirate flash desu. if you do, pirate master collection, after effects is useful for animation and compositing

this they fix the memory leak problem with flash?
also i have most of adobe products.
polite sage for being off topic

Your animation is close enough, no need to sage no clue, im running c5 and c6 on laptop and computer respectivly

I think CS5 is good.

try cc yet? Has some interesting things in it.

Sage for offtopic and blogging

What games are you playing this evening, Holla Forums?

When I was looking through my room for old games to rip for Dolphin and Nintendont I found my old copy of the Magical Pokemon Journey manga from when I was a kid. Shocked I still have it, but it brings back memories.

Also managed to track down Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on GameCube to use on Nintendont, it's pretty decent so far.

da fuck?
also, what a fucking pussy.

Nah, #KillAllMen is alright because punching up and power+prejudice or something.

One thing I can tell you though, if is that having a social media timeline full of bile, hatred and borderline batshit insane ideas is the best way to become unemployable. This person has no future in any real job.

Doom Roguelike.
I'll make that fucking berserker armor and dragonslayer work.

All my friends are playing Overwatch but I don't want to buy it.

So I'm playing Witcher 3, doing the Heart of Stone expansion. I like it more than the main game so far.

Except direction of the punch doesn't matter, if you punch first, you're the VIOLENT AGGRESSOR.

nuDoom with the normalfag friends.

We're gonna fuck around some snap maps later.


R6: Siege
I love it, but nobody on 8/v/ wants to talk about it, the vidya general on /k/ has a few people that play it (even added someone to play it with) but that thread's incredibly slow, and I have too much self-respect to go on plebbit or /vg/.

Playing this game but the emulators have problems and I keep getting stuck because they don't load characters in the cutscenes.

Tell that to psychos on social medias, not me.

Does it emulate on ppsspp?

Yeah, I know, but I honestly can't believe that phrase is even a thing.

The OR of ORAS. Also, trying to get back into MH4U. You really need to play that game consistently to be remotely gud at it.

I'm going to pick up either XCOM: EU or Oracle of Season in a bit, because those are two games I found in physical for dirt cheap recently.

It's not a PSP game.

Oh and I promised you faggots I'd pick up Persona.

Haven't got to that yet.

I'm convinced most social media heavy users are sociopaths, but maybe that's because I'm in human resources and I am trained to evaluate people.

I imagine they have burned most bridges in real life and only have other sociopaths and degenerates to sulk with

That's what i think too. They removed everyone who would help them get their sanity back and now hang with other degenerates like themselves who enable them. That's the power of social medias.

Seriously, social medias set us back 2 generations. They are the worst thing to happen int his century.

Cant you set up ps1 games to run on psp or can you only do that with the real psp?

It does not help that the govs like canada prefer to enable them over helping them.

Whoops, ment for

If you are referring to the tranny thing, it's all smoke and mirrors, the constitution already covered discrimination based on gender.

It's pure PR.

The islam one is about the same thing. Canada is a terrible nation.

In any case, I solved the current bug. I guess it's not impossible to beat the game… I wonder if it's not the ISO.

I still can't believe monkey king tried to pass that tranny bathroom shit as a federal law mandate, under threat of removing federal funds.

Like literally leaving millions without education, starving children, old people without their meds and for what, to placate .02% of the population? Like has the whole world gone fucking insane?

Literally just say, "add a gender neutral washroom," and none of this happens

I mean, not starting this shit at all in the first place also works, but FUCK, come on.

KoF 98 UM

Yea I don't get the trampling on state's rights, all I can figure is that he's trying to leave a legacy beyond Obama care but doing it in the worst possible way.

I mean 11 states sued the federal government over that shit because they massively over stepped their bounds.

Bingo. As for canada, no descrimination via belief or gender. Thats it. Then again thats not the stupidest thing. No immigration cap in nova scotia goodbye any chance of work and all canadian boards must have gender partiaty because reasons. No meritocracy.

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Being on the wrong side of history
☑ Fondling 55 eggs by surprise
☑ Molesting people in VR
☑ Plays DOOM better than Polygon
☑ Safeguards vagina bones
☑ Are the LOVELY, horrible people at 8E8ightC-han
☑ Told God check my quads
☑ Seducing AVGN to the dark side of history
☑ Turned waifus into Gamergate's worst nightmare
☑ Turned Notch into a woman hating MRA rapemonster
☑ Cuntfuses a lot of ovary-acting womyn
☑ Captured all goon territory in EVE
☑ Delivered the final leg drop on Gawker
☑ Corrupted Milo into an internet super villain

I've been gone for a few days so let me know if there's something I need to add.

This gender parity retardation was brewing for a while, but boiled over with the gender balanced cabinet crap. The CURRENT YEAR retardation is MORE damaging to that situation than just naming a 50-50 cabinet.

Of course, the lib media ate it up. There werre a few sane ones who went, whoa hold on a sec genius, but they were either slammed as "eebil conservatives" or ignored for being the wrong kind of leftie. As usual.

I see differently, I believe the spotlight put on the ego and narcissists fueled by ideology as well as other behavioral traits exhibited by nu-males help society learn to avoid and resist letting them into power.

There have been many mass learning events during the last two years. Most people here from the beginning got a few years worth of sociology without the ideologue teaching it. Same for narcissism's role in grassroot communities undoings etc…

Yes, the people who least need to be put together with one another are now connected but they are being observed by the general population and that assists the society in the long run.

That isn't a law here it was just Trudeau who did that because he is a moron.

I had heard that he was pushing for that or something though I could be wrong

I recently tried guild wars 2 again after not play for 3 years. It's quite a lot of fun. They improved it greatly while I was gone.

Check futher in they just passed it. The thing that pisses me off the most is nova scotia became mini south state, replace illegal mexican flood with muslim indian and chinese flood. They also passed minimum income. Hooray, more taxes.

I hope you are not paying a cent for it. They are cesor happy feminists. Can someone supply user what they did to blade and soul?

I'm playing some dumb-ass p2w mobile games. FFRK to be specific. And now I learn something interesting about another freemium game coming out soon, because apparently, sometime later on in the game (don't know how long it'll be), one of my favorite fetishes becomes a thing.

No, I don't spend money on this shit. But FFRK, despite a few issues, still gives me some fun nostalgia

This doesn't even sound like a law it just sounds like the liberal government if someone has commited a crime against islams they are going to make an example of them. It also says nothing about gender balanced boards of any kind.


You mean this?

Click the red box on the bottom. It was a law confrence where the libs all pitched laws and motioned them.

I'm not. I've come to realize that I have been hit with tired gamer syndrome. I just don't find vidya fun anymore, much to the dismay of my immense backlog.

It's not an isolated condition, but rather an inevitability of my depressive anhedonia. It has taken comics away from me a few years ago too, as well as… well, nothing really, because I didn't have much to begin with. So every thing I lose matters. By now, my only pleasure left in life is food.

I'm tired, GG. I feel like typing in /kill and praying for a better respawn.

You don't pay a sub for it, so unless you count the $60 I payed them 4 years ago, then no I haven't given them money.

Apparently they have a F2P set up as well now where you don't even have to buy the base game.

I had tired gamer hard a couple years ago. what cured me is I started playing through all the classic games I had never played before.

Now other than the 1 online game I play, I play exclusive older games from 92-04 mostly.

I'm finally getting round to playing the Riddick games. So far seems like fun.

As long as you're alive, there is hope.

i feel you user. I've yet to get help for it. I feel so stuck. it fucking sucks

Oh alright I found it but once again these are not laws being passed thi is simply the liberal convention to discuss what they are going to be pushing for in parliament. So shit isn't destroyed however this is all shit to watch out for. When arguing with liberal voters point out to them the things they deem the most important. Like for the decision about gender equality on boards there actually is a law associated with it that the liberals are going to try and get passed, Bill S-207.

All the SJWs left the GW2 team anyway, probably to work on blade and soul.

The guy directing GW2 now is one of the studio founders as the expansion went so poorly that they had to fire the old director and try to salvage.

Thats somewhat fine, you have bigger things to be annoyed about like it going f2p. in a twist of cold irony, I want to see D3 go f2p. I could laugh and cry at myself.

The only really good thing there is bill c-51 being abolished.

So what's the plan at E3 exactly? Just spread infographics? How about spreading the "notable" quotes of our opponents who attends E3 and smack it in their faces.

Remember Anita Sarkeesian's statement about the nuking of Japan during WW2 and how it turned them back to "traditional" values and she loathes Nippon for it because they don't do feminism? And yes, this me being (1). I just woke up.

Why? D3 is shit even after all the updates.

I haven't tired gamer since the first time I got it and decided to rotate genres so I never am playing the same type of game one after another. I did get depressed over the lack of decent games coming out so I built a PC to play all the pc classics as well, some even with a HD makeover which makes it even better. Overall, I feel it is the best gaming decision I've made since renting a ps1 w/resident evil 1 just to try it out on a night shift after not playing games for a few years.

lauggh because blizzard looses any future sale. Cry because I wasted money on it. At least the artbook was good as was getting d2. D2 was worth 100$

I'm just gonna chill out, grab some snacks, maybe muster up the autism to build a fort, and watch it with Holla Forums like I do every year

I have no idea how anyone expects any kind of content from an Op to be seen anywhere considering how ludicrously fast and voluminous activity across the internet is during E3

I remember people trying that last year and it got washed away in the mix and no one gave a shit

Ignore your backlog. It hovers over you. You cant get new stuff whilst it all exist? Bollocks to it, get what you want and have some fun.

If you cant…

Remember that our very existance causes so much unending salt. Unadultarated, pure salt.

You will never be so pathetic that someone who wants to play computer games with stories based on good character development, rather then meaningless tacked on "diversity", will become an absolute antithesis of their entire idea of civilisation.

The time may come for you my friend, as it will soon for me, but not whilst they can try to claim any sort of triumph from it. Exist if nothing more to defy.

Well of course look at the current Liberal leader nothing good is going to come out of that party for a while.

Obama did fucking WHAT?!

That piece of shit has completely betrayed everything I ever believed in him about. In the end, fuck his ability to form coherent sentences and give sappy ass speeches where he bawls his eyes out instead of being an actual leader, he's just another dumb nigger.

No user your tastes are probably just changing it happened to me. Just play a bunch of stuff with absolutely no thought of completing them. Just start a game and if you aren't feeling it stop playing don't force yourself to play shit because some other people say it's good. Eventually you will find a game that grabs you and you'll get out of it.


Have some more rage.

The man is insane.

Trudeau is actually quite a nice guy. If he gets his spine back and challenge the party's establishment I'm pretty sure he could do much good for the country.

But as of now he's just a figurehead.

*good goy

I will be spreading the articles of the good sites and reminding people of deepfreeze. Not expecting much to happen both happenings wise nor decent games coming out.

I try and rotate one from the backlog, one newer title and repeat. I still have PS2 games sealed, including Persona 4 which is supposedly very good

You joking? Blizzdrones spend out the ass on anything blizzard throws onto their in game stores.
They would probably make more money than they do now.

Will Hillary kill him and blame conservative terrorists to claim the election?

Nigga the last patch introduced cosmetics, imagine that shit in a store.

Don't think monkey man likes her either, who knows.

It's 2016

What in the fuck is he thinking?

Trudeau has a spine the problem is all of his beliefs are fucking insane and will destroy the country. He seems hellbent on forcing his beliefs onto the country as well. The way he's going I think his government will end with a vote of no confidence.


Trudeau has no beliefs, the party has them and he is but the vehicle. A figurehead, nothing more.

They always had cosmetics since v1.

Dude, look at much of canadas parliment, the pm and ruling party changed, but the people did not. He is an idiot, but hes not the only one making the decisions. Hes listening to very awful people. Including george fucking soros.


No, god fucking damn it. I have more than enough rage, hatred and bitterness stored up from when I stupidly started reading the newspaper out of curiosity and found out how horrible the world was before I even entered fucking puberty.

I never should have known any of the atrocities and injustices that were taking place even as my faggot classmates complained about math homework and went eww at kissing scenes.


i voted for him twice.
through his presidency i have gone from a liberal retard to a fervent natsoc.

he is the nigger over the line.

Same for me.
Strange though, I still don't regret voting for him the first time. But the second term was where the regrets hit hard.

I don't even know what the fuck I'm feeling right now.

This internalized blazing rage has fizzled out as suddenly as it came and now I just feel nothing. Fucking nothing. It's just fucking nothing at all.

A nice guy usually makes a terrible leader, as they put emotion and being nice over logical decisions. They usually break when push comes to shove. We need a cool head who can make and own logical and hard decisions and can deal wit the verbal minority not liking them. Then again, the liberals have a strong history of financial corruption in canada and are always caught because they got cocky.

Eh all Canadian governments have a history of financial corruption the conservatives had a huge one right before they exited leadership. Trudeau not only tries to come off as a super nice guy to everyone on his side he is also very emotional and hot headed he is everything a good leader is not.

Canadas gov is corruption. Cons only lasted so long because the Peter (or whatever the fuck prior to harper was named) was caught in a scandal. And turd will follow the pattern. I just hope everyone remembers the ndp freakout and does not let them in. They are turd to a 13.

Got a link or something, I remember awhile back she decided to branch out and bring her shitshow to the realm of history and I'm wondering if this is related.


The way I see it the nukes were the best thing to happen to Japan, Anita's full of shit as usual.

Of course our government is corrupt look at how fucking massive it is.

I wish I had the news clip of the NDP leader saying Trump should be banned from entering Canada.

you should read goebbles journal prior to joining the NSDAP.

The only thing I can say anout turd and trump, turd said he was neutral on trump when asked his opinion by king nigger.

No one like NDP they can only get in when the conservatives and liberals are so fucking shit people can't even vote for them. Whenever they get any kind of power at all the economy immediately takes a massive nosedive. Just look at Alberta.

Look at the fucking maratime provinces. The libs and cons bled us dry decades ago and now we can only go ndp or just be the niggers of canada. And even them we are niggers with the lowest educated people in all of canada and the worst education board in all of canada.

I'll keep that in mind, maybe set up emulators. Thanks.

The hope currently is called ketamine. It's possible I have talked about it in previous threads.

You know what, spiting off these people is a good reason. My mere existence causes anguish on a gang of sociopathic hipsters. Also, there's at least one person who masturbates thinking about me.

Well I'm over 30, can artistic taste change this late in life? But yeah I'll keep the advice in mind, thanks. I have the habit of trying to 100% what I start.

Here you go.

that was you? I still have that link bookmarked.

Yeah that sounds like exactly what I went through.

That quote is unverifiable though, we only have an account of it from a random person's blog post.

Not a fun habit to have. I blame achivments and trophies.

I thought that quote was from a speech she gave which was transcribed by the even organizers?

Umm, it was an interview done by two beta, y'know.

Probably. In all this time, I still haven't looked for the drug because, like a true depressive, I would rather avoid it altogether rather than face a chance it might fail. Self-sabotage. But I'll go into the darknet one of these days…

It's getting too real. Stop user, you're getting too real.

And this bitch thinks she can judge and interpenetrate history? don't make me laugh

I' don't know, in any case we'll just have to wait and see if she follows thought on her history critique series but I'm not holding my breath. She can't get her facts straight on video games, and it's a past time favored by children with no academic overhead. If she thinks she can pull the same shit she did with games and be accepted as an authority on history she must really be believing her own bullshit.

She has retarded followers in acedemia who should fear for their careerrs with the anti pc push who would gladly teach her rewritten history if she said something as stupid as say "bill raped hillary".

No, not unless there was a transcript found much later. Just one guy's blog post mentioning what she supposedly said.


Have you talked to a psychiatrist? If you're at that point that seems much better than trying to self-treat somehow. Whether you do or not this blog post might be useful by the way:



Bees are important lovable creatures with every right to exist.

Transmutants are not. Fuck this degenerate.

Most trans people are killed by themselves not by other people killing them.

Worthless fucking cunt. Now I completely despise Shitkeesian.

They also both have a high chance of dying after they lose their dicks.

She didn't deny it though. And with this statement from her on this article about her deep-seeded loathing vs. Nippon and piece that up with the quote, you'll find it connected.



so they're a hivemind

I think the ones who just want to "exist" have been fucked by SJWs as much as anyone.

But they do not die after stinging. They are wasps.


Pretty accurate

Where the fuck do they all come from anyway, they can't breed.

Rarely are there cute trannies.
As important as everyone else but hey, gotta raise them over others to get those SJW points.
And so do the rest of humanity, dipshit.
No they don't. A fair few trannies even avoid 'LGBTQ' spaces and 'transgender communities' because they're so cancerous and toxic.
0.01 of the population isn't "literally everywhere".
Most of you act like violent and hateful cunts. Fueled with far more vitriol than the "bigots" that you say 'prosecute' you.
Suicide is the leading cause of deaths for Trannies, not homicide.

Most of them are lying about really being transsexual. As in having clinical gender dysphoria. Most of them are just following a trend and want desperately to be someone, anyone unique when they are just a bland, forgettable person like everyone else.

DC made Harvey Dent into Trump.


The fuck, I don't know half the terms described here.

Its my superpower and I own it.

Ehh, harvey is kinda decent at times, even as 2face. Now if they made penguin like trump it would be funny.

Oh ya Lupa and linkara are caught in some gay drama apparently Lupa told some tranny to kill itself

and linkara white knighted

How do comic books still exist nobody buys them why haven't marvel and dc just shut them the fuck down and allowed smaller places to grow so maybe they can become good again.

Damn fucking right. There's a reason I prefer talking on anonymous message boards. I don't give a shit about my e-penis or being a special snowflake.

Social media. When you can block out every single negative thought, it allows you to amplify in your head things that are Looking Glass nonsense because there's nobody left to tell you how insane it is. Even some of the Tumblr crowd are trying to take this a step further with Pillowfort.


Reminds me of the tranny porn star that said she saw a ton of other trans bullying people that where just starting the trans process.

I bet he looked like this coming on to the scene.

Wasn't Lupa the one that got Spoony excommunicated for being sexist, though?

Which ones? So I can to disappoint you.

I never trust anyone who introduces themselves as a tranny. Ever. When they do that, it's just an obvious ploy to be all special snowflakey. Most trannies don't even want you knowing that they have a cock between their legs unless they trust you or, you know, you're hooking up. Not that I'm speaking from experience, of course.


She got butthurt accused the guy of being anti sjw

she obviously is one unsurprisingly

Oh yeah, I had completely forgot about that post, thanks for reminding me.

Yeah I have a psychiatrist, and as it happens, he's up to speed on clinical trials involving ketamine, but he said he wouldn't forward patients to it so as to not to "endanger them". He's a very orthodox doctor, in fact he is part of the orthodoxy. But I intend to ask his opinion on it, once I actually have it on hand.

Probably bailey jay. She also has commented on how shit women are towards men and the the "privledge" speakers are hypocrites while wearing underwear from a chinese sweatshop. pornstars aare usually very wise with the crazy outliers of course

Ok, I'll bite.

Trannies covers the entire range from adorable to horrible, both looks- and personalty-wise.
Transsexualism is a rare quirk of mammalian gender expression (being to a large degree hormone based rather than gene based) and the human brain being a big pile of fuck in general.
Bees are a huge successful species group that are integral to the survival for an even larger group of flowering plants that in turn are integral to the survival of an even larger group of animals and fungi and their predators and parasites. I think bees have the bigger claim to importance here.
Well bees come in a variety of species. You're all human and while there is a range of skin colors I don't think your stupid day-glo dye-job counts.
So do all social creatures. Also trannies are rare enough (even with the condition being so fashionable right now) that it's hard to get a proper swarm going anywhere other than the internet.
I'll concede that. Hormonal fuckups can happen everywhere. There's a tendency for trannies to seek out milieus that are more supportive of them (or just have more fellow trannies around) which is reasonable enough, i guess.
Probably true. Some of you are sadly quite adept at pushing people away from you by constant mistrust and accusations.
While it might be the case in ISIS controlled areas and the heart of Africa in the West transsexuals are not more victimized than anyone else. They are, however, a much bigger suicide risk which should come to no surprise if you have an idea about how much gender dysphoria sucks.

I must say between bees and humans, bees are far more important.

Good, I really hope things get better for you.

topsy turvey


Was it the same black bitch who when arrested had that droopy "whatdya mean my actions have concequences?"


Not sure

Can you post a cap or time mark? I can ifentify the dinidu

38 seconds in

Not the same dindu. And this one shot the cop. The courts arebeing retarded again.

What is everyone playing lately? I have been playing outlaw for the first time and I like it.

Estival verses

senran kangaroos



KoF 98UM

Xenoblade wii



You look a little cold, user. Is there a Blizzard making you feel uncomfortable?

I was playing Fighting Vipers. I'm shit at that game, but the AI is more shit until stage 7. I still don't know how to throw. I assume that would help. Thinking about going back and playing Melty Blood though, at least I understand that game.

Didn't someone resign and blame Gators? That would be a nice addition.

Such fine repeating digits.

I've yet to go back that far. Been enjoying 2k2UM too much. Also got LB2 so I can have something else to do.

My graphics card killed on me so i'v been playing RF4 on my 3ds

Maybe they will let you out of the basement soon.

I hope so. I think I see some mold down here. They won't even let me do anything about it.

What happened to your video card? Burned up? Passed out on its lifespan?

Was playing a little bit of Harry Potter like I said in , but I just started playing a bit of Custom Robo. Had the actual Japanese copy, but I can't into Nippon so I decided to pirate the American version and load it into Nintendont.

Diablo and Asscred Rogue on the ps3

Such a good game.

Thanks, Mark. >(70)

Nope. Not mark. Just a slow weekend and I still do not bundle replies enough.

Don't worry, it's easily the most polished 90's KoF game. Lots of people consider 98UM to be one of the best games in the series.

I dunno, even if I play a game on the lowest quality it would force reset. But I think it's time for an upgrade, I had this pc for about 6 years.

acecombat: infinity and planetside2


I'm going to bed, wake me up at 8:30 EST

Asuka's old news, fam.




Should I read or watch Fist of the North Star?

Maybe I'll get around to publishing it so you big guys can bully my terrible writing. I at least hope I did harem right with this one

Another fun anniversary is coming up. On the 31st, it'll be a year since 29 YEARS. That was a fun day

Other than that, the Tracy dig is kind of done since she's pretty much given up and fucked off. You could spread the info around to people like Usher or whatever, but it seems like overkill in my opinion.

DiGRA doesn't seem to be up to anything important recently. IndieCade already had their east coast event, and it was as much of a degenerate circle jerk as you would imagine. Nothing going on with Polygon/Kotaku, unless we're talking about the Overwatch stuff which I honestly can't muster up two shits about, since it seems like the only time anyone has ever heard of that game, it was in the face of some sort of controversy. Seems to convenient to not be engineered or at least desired and played upon.

So, yeah. There's fuck all happening right now and my autism doesn't know what to do with itself. Maybe I'll go write some more or some shit

What do you think is going to be better bruv?

Go read hyper police. I found it to have that late 80's early 90's scifi comedy feel like gits. Or if you want a manga more space like, outlanders.

The theme's amazing, but the mango might be better to go through.

>Can't wake up

That's an understatement.

Wow, they really want to milk this, don't they?

It'd be nice to be able to publish a story. I've had one I've wanted to tell for years, but drunkenly established it to a handle that can be traced to me. My real goal is to write something somebody someday might want to read

it's Disney, they're jews.

No disney has no fucking clue what the comics are doing

their kikes but they aren't stupid


Oh god

hes so triggered

uhh, have you seen disney?
the same disney that just shut down all internal game development.
the same disney that's current sole claim to fame is the marvel movies, cause it sure as shit ain't the fucking comics.
i mean fucking hell now pixar is ripping off dreamworks.

they do not pay attention to their shit

trust me I know people who know

they are really out of fucking touch

someone tells me they regret buying marvel on account on how cucked it is. the employees anyways

The twat is autist? Tell him that using autisim as a cruch is for assholes, not the freakishly smart autist masterrace, and this is coming from a medically diagnosed autist.

I hate other autist like these fuckers so much. They are probably "self diagnosed" too. Now I know how the tranny poster who visits once in a while feels when they see all this shit.

I'm out of the loop here because american animation sucks dick 99% of the time.
Care to elaborate?


he's getting pretty mad

Sequal after sequal of their more popular movies. But thats about all I can see. Maybe the fact that every other pixar the b team who makes the cars and plane movie is absolute shit? The best cgi film in the last while was angry birds, and I imagine pixar is banking on nemo nostalgia to cover whatever the last financial blunder was. I miss their 2d team so much.

He mentioned a study but never showed the study. And I can tell you right now, a single misgender does not break a mentally well for tansexuals person. If it does, they have bigger mental problems besides their gender.

he just linked me two pdfs from the american psychologists association. i congratulated him on realizing that being transgender is a mental illness.

pretty sure he's gonna like it

here his "studies" that aren't medium blogs



Tis a good feel.

How is it an NGO again? Because I am pretty sure NGOs are not shilled by the goverments. And I am not going to slog through that at 4 oclock in the morning. But yes, this being a part of the apa does mean it is a mental illness like autism. But unlike autism, you cant call youself the next magneto.


it blocked me now after i told it that it's its own fault nobody likes it. shouldn't have acted like an asshole. i know a transwoman personally and everyone gets along with her because she doesn't act like a cunt towards everyone for little transgressions.


i thought you faggots were joking, what the fuck?

Sounds about right. A few of the non batshit trannys like fortune and the trans user I spoke to once have their heads on decently and dont act like cunts, thus I can empathize with them better.

You will feel the cold

you should stop by Holla Forums. It now about how comics are terrible and the terrible people who write them and jojo.


I want to see the wonder woman in pic 3 drawn by the same artist with a orgasm face.




I asked what she promised, what she actually delivered, and what she hasn't.

No-one knows? Seriously? No-one?

I heard on tv that the Ghostbusters reboot will premiere in July. Going to be fun seeing the backpedaling and media outlets doing massive damage control the month before our 2 year anniversary.



If you don't remove all whites from campus, you'll face this sooner or later, no matter your personal stance and how much you supported social justice previously. The left is destroying the future of america without even noticing it.

I almost want to go to a really badly subverted college just so I can start an underground student group that works against people like these, like Dumbledore's Army or some shit

A campus counter-revolution would be fun

You missed capp8ng the best part where they demand once again for the university to be a coddling center. The comments aint having it though depaul was the one where milo was threatened, yes?


Don't see the issue here, one less worthless college.

If trumps education reform occurs, both unis wpuld go bankrupt.

I am gonna bully panda soon. He keeps retweeting SJWeeb retards because they posted a meme making fun of marvel.

Don't forget this quote has been unverified and is nothing but the recollection of some blogger, nothing more.
I am sure anita thinks that, hell, I'd find it more than obvious she'd say that, but unless you have proof you are only making a mistake.


I dont think he has ever been right about a single thing

like really though if you are over like 12 and still hardcore into wrestling enough to actually have a fucking name and avatar based around it you got some fucking mental problems

Trapt also sperged out about how mombot making fun of 9volt is apparently cries for attention but agreed with her about 9volt being a faggot. I don't understand burnouts. Trapt is still sperging out about GG because it is still going on and he makes posts about it daily talking about how he wants it to end. /woo/ is just some fag from 420chan.

breddy sure she does it because its not only funny as fuck for her but a lot of other people find it funny as well

we work great together upsetting these goons

url? I'm assuming it's not uniform resource locator.

I clicked the link.


Her Youtube playlist shows 13 videos.

So… Kickstarter promise fulfilled Y/N?

No since the videos are not the ones she was payed to do.

Are you a shill ? Not a joke, are you ?
No, she hasn't released her vids, and she has stopped giving a shit. She explained she wanted to stop this anyway to move on to something different.
She scammed you. Deal with it. No one cares about Anita. She's a tool. Forget she even existed.

Which were these? The GGwiki link doesn''t specify, and just links to her Youtube playlist.


I'm trying to persuade a neutral, and need help with the basics. So I'm asking. (and get called a shill. Nice).

The whole "where are the videos" meme is, according the GG wiki link, about her having only released "6 out fo the 12" planned videos.

Click the link, there are 13 videos.

I don't know how I'm supposed to tell the nuetral "no no, see those don't counjt because…" when even I don't understand, and when I ask, no one IN THE GAMERGATE MEGATHREAD can explain, except to call me a shill.

If you want me to be persuasive to this person, you need to be persuasive. Start soon, please.

I nust learned I love daww even more, she was talking about democrat socialism the other day, and how it does not work.

I remember she had a list of tropes in her KS that she was going to cover, but she never completed that list, videos like "strategic butt coverings" and shit were never part of the series pitched also some backers were supposed to get the video series in boxed DVDs.

Sorry, bringing up Sarkeesian and other literally whos immediately makes my alarms ring.
Half the videos in that playlist aren't from the tropes vs videogames series. They're variations, critique of certain games to pretend she can do this shit, and other bullcrap about whatever she thinks is relevant. The thirteen different topics haven't been tackled in the slightest. She tweets, she gets paid 40K per conference she does, and she demands more money for other scams she has neither experience nor knowledge about. That's all.
Other than that, she has also sent zero DVD. Good on her for finding the philosophal stone, 'cause she's shitting gold anytime she asks for more dosh.

She's rehashing her old videos' arguments into tiny ones while still stealing fucking art and videos and make it her own.

So on, she still hasn't finished her fucking series.

Here is a list of the released and unreleased videos. I myself could not find a production schedule which as a professional is a big nono. but maybe a kind user can.

Only 5 of 12 have been released and she opted to cut back and slash the initial promised times from 20 to 5. Thats all the information I can say I know.

Updated that for this year user, new dates, replaced Power gamer with Dual Shockers - picked as it is supported according to deepfreeze.

I dunno about dualshockers, would need to hear from someone who visits the place.
Same for APG nation, never even took a look.
Maybe add digifira in there ? Also, should we add things like L4G and sealion.club on there, as well as deepfreeze.it ?


[memes internally]

As far as I remember Dualshockers did some good unbiased reporting where others went the social justice route.

L4G is still not in a state to reveal it to the greater public. Even Digifira is far more advanced and fleshed out. I support L4G but it takes way too much time and I still don't understand the concept behind it. Digifira, from a short look, seems to be a microblogging platform very similar to destructoid. Which is pretty good if you have the right community.

he sure showed me

so did anyone watch SJWgear?
how bad was it

What is SJWgear?
Top Gear?

top gear
the new episode with the new cast aired yesterday
skimming Holla Forums it sounds as shit as I would expect

So Kotaku is behind overwatch porn getting pulled? See, this is why Kotaku needs to fucking burn.

Also, make shit tons of overwatch porn.

Why would anyone watch a tv show about cars?
That'd be superlame .

Blizzard is insane if they think it will stop
they are also retarded as fuck if they think it hasnt contributed towards a fuck ton of sales

porn sells games

I'm expecting ass tones of overwatch porn to be made. They think they can stop the internet? Kotaku SJW filth think they can shame america back into the puritanical 1700s? They can all eat shit and die.


These idiots never learn from the Streisand Effect. Go ahead Blizzard, take down those Overwatch SFM porn and let's see who's going to win in the endgame.

they couldn't be more pretentious if they tried

tards, someone explained it in last thread. shitakus article made people search for the porn and it made it to the sop in search results. Blizzard are trying to stop it now while overwatch is "hot" and probably let it be in some weeks.

And I'm mighty fucking proud of it.

That's all well and good, but Kotaku is trying to play the shame game, or am I getting this wrong?




poor depressed OL

That shit infuriates me
If you are passionate about games, just fucking play them you whacko. Just enjoy this shit. If you NEED people who don't like games to magically find them totally awesome, you're a worthless faggot who is pretending to like them just go to get validation from them.
People who think games are serial killer factories or whatever other bullshit are retards; I don't need their opinion on gaming, I don't want it, and I have zero reason to even change it. Fuck them. I'll keep playing my games, because games are fucking awesome and if you don't like them you can suck a mean cock
If you'd been actually into the medium, you would've stopped caring about your mom's opinion of you playing them years ago. Cunt.



and filtered

DualShockers does decent coverage of news on all formats, though I get the feeling that they favour Sony overall.

Their reviews are worthless, and their editorials usually are too, but news editor Giuseppe Nelva openly supports anti-censorship stuff like #TD, so his editorials and comment replies have turned up in the GG general threads a few times.

So Melissa Mccarthy says anyone who criticizes the new movie, aka, a "hater" needs to find a friend.

Literally highschool tactics.

Sony mid-bossing their way into disaster.

Hello fellow gamergators!

What the fuck happened to this place? Was there another migration? Is it really over?

Melissa McCarthy should grow up and realize she is not in high school anymore

Weird, i have a lot of friends who say this movie is gonna blow

and some of them are women, who were big fans of the old Ghostbusters

nah, basically the site kinda kept coming up with bugs and then new bugs, so many people left or stopped posting
Now that it's all fixed we can only hope people'll come back and stay
Reminder that if you also visit/post on halfchan you're a cuck and I hope you enjoy getting your info sold out to the NSA

I can't wait to trigger so fucking hard with games full of nothing but gameplay, content and softcore idealized female porn.

Want to discover secret sprawling dungeons full of post game level enemies and bosses just by getting the impulse to crawl through some random early town house's cupboard? Do that. I will bust my ass to ensure that surprise is available to those who seek it. Want to realistically stumble upon cute teen lesbians making love while exploring vents in the dead of night looking for gems? Do it.

I will be the change I want to see even I I have to do it all alone. The people who appreciate actual games are all that matters. And I'll give all the attitude I can possible to problem glasses wearing cunts and cucks who think they can intimidate me for one second.

site was shit for a long time

It's a holiday, quad tard.

When will they learn that you can't bully people into watching your shit movies? Emotional blackmail only works on people that care about your opinion. If the quality of the PR is any indication of the quality of the movie, it is beyond a mere disaster.

The moment I found out they were insulting anyone who didn't want to see it just because it fits with muh narrative, I knew this was going to deliciously blow up in their faces.

That would be the coolest easter egg ever, holy shit.

I actually wanted to go see it until they all attacked James Rolfe for not wanting too. All I've seen them do is attack the very community they hope to become fans. They've attacked nerds, fans of the old franchises, all men, and have thoroughly dismissed any woman with an option other than "omg feminist victory!1!"

I hope the movie bombs, I hope Paul Feig's career is destroyed, I hope Sony Pictures suffers, I hope Melissa Mccarthy never works again. Fuck these people. Fuck them all.

user, thanks for the support, but I'd think the super dungeons would be be a better secret for most people. Lewd is just an extra treat.


I was hesitant about the clear "feminist" angle the all female cast was taking, but I was still willing to give it the benefit of the doubt when my brother showed me the trailer.

It's how fucking obnoxious they sounded and how cringy the humor and acting was that turned me off.

My favorite part about this "we're all girls ;p" bullshit was the picture they posted on twitter about all the women who worked on the set… and every single one of them was in a role that was traditionally female on movie sets in the first place anyway. As if what they were doing was a big statement.

Turns out other fighting games don't mind slapping butts

The worst part is how none of these retards can of course mentally process that most people don't want to see this shit is simply because that's what it looks like.

Then again, their lack of common sense is the best weakness to us.


I hereby claim this thread for the ancient and venerated abs-user.

delete this

Also, since we're already on page 14, I'll bake up a new bread.

I can't take the heat. A small rain shower didn't bring any cooling. I'm dying here.
