My brother was browsing Imgur and stumbled on this post.
Prepare for an influx of ledditors.
==Our board has been mentioned on the liberal shithole Imgur==
Dont meme it.
Another Exodus is not needed.
Good thing Google provided Holla Forums with free effortless border security so that cucks can't travel to this board via Google, which by the way filters out 9/10ths of them.
Post gore to scare them off if needed I guess.
Stealing that flag would be one hell of a scalp.
the hwdindus already stole it, slowpoke.
fucking slowpoke
That's so true.
(checked 'n kek'd)
Already happened.
Our shit gets posted on pleb tier "meme websites" all the fucking time.
No need to worry.
Took all of 36 hours.
8 chan has two things helping it, it's not on Google and the URL isn't Holla
This will shield us from a fair share of leddit
The .pl copy is still the first result hahaha
This is why it's a good thing our mods aren't lolbergs and actively ban people who are clear outsiders.
Trips and dubs confirm
I don't understand how anyone can support shia la jew. The guy is clearly mentally unbalanced, if society were slightly better this jew would be forcibly committed to an insane asylum.
These people don't have a "political" thought in their heads any more than North Koreans. It's free PR, it gets these shit bags free press and exposure to pull some bullshit showing their "opposition to Trump."
Most people end up on that fake Holla Forums with all the ads and spam. They will get confused and leave and will give up on finding here.
Woah when did this happen? I thought 8ch was deindexed?
There were also a bunch of articles written about 8/pol/. So if those didn't break the camels back I doubt a imgur mention will. is deindexed not all boards.
You will get a warning if you search for
"Suspected child abuse content has been removed from this page. Report child abuse content."
Astronomer anons, locate this shit.
I don't want to shut it down I want to bring it into the light, I want to bring everything into the light!
Go check the catalog, should be thread #s 264-267
Well that should scare them all off.
Do you see any stars in that image, nigger?
Nearly half the posts already are by simply comparing the passed year to previous ones.
How fucking new are you to this site? Since the election began, this place has been mentioned in just about every big Jew MSM platform. From "Time" to The Jew Snake Crimes (NYT) to..anything you can think of, has mentioned this place. Esp after the photo of Clinton with "most corrupt candidate ever" and the star was re-twaated by Trump. Who fucking cares?