National Socialism operates on natural law not, spooks and other social constructs. Nature is the ultimate Fascist...

National Socialism operates on natural law not, spooks and other social constructs. Nature is the ultimate Fascist. Have you ever heard of the saying "Life isn't fair"? Its because it isn't fair or equal. Equality is a spook. It only exists in deluded minds. Pursuing egalitarianism and equality is a fool's errand. It is impossible to prove that 2 individual humans let alone 2 different groups of humans are equal by any objective or subjective measure. Not even identical twins are equal even though they are perfect genetic copies of each other. They always wind up being a little different and therefore unequal from each other.

Here are some equality cults that exist today:
Christianity (inb4 religious DnC. I recognize that Christianity and other religions can be very beneficial to society by providing a communal function for people and by providing a purpose to life beyond purely materialist filth. This is about some of the content of the ideology of Christianity and other like religions and not their real life works.) and I assume Islam as well preach that all human life has equal and inherent value. This is why all the Christian power structures were very upset at National Socialist Germany for practicing eugenics on its disabled population. "You can't sterilize or euthanize objectively less valuable people who are a net drain on the nation because my cult believes in universal equality for no reason!" Christianity also preaches universal equality before God in the afterlife. This cannot be proven so do with it what you will. I don't believe in it and neither does National Socialism.

Capitalism preaches about the equality of equal economic opportunity for all people. This is simply impossible. When Capitalism is unregulated the elite financial interests will create conditions that favor them and not the poor. An intelligent rich person who grows up with a loving and nurturing family who gets the best education and connections with other high caliber people has far greater economic opportunity than those who are born poor, homeless and less intelligent. (This may be the result of inheriting the fruits of one's ancestors and that the rich got there by hard work and intelligence and in many cases this true however, in reality in unregulated capitalism it is not the hardest working and most industrial people who win. It is the most conspiratorial people who come out on top. See: The Jews' strategies to total financial domination in capitalist societies)

Communism preaches a total equality of all individual humans, economic classes, races, cultures, everything. Communists often point out that life isn't fair and that human conditions are unequal which is obviously true and they work to make it equal. This task is impossible and destructive.

TLDR: Nature and by extension humans are not equal, therefore, no human condition can ever be equal. If no human condition can ever be equal then stop believing in cults that preach human equality.

Have a great day everyone.

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morality is a spook xd

I've been thinking about this a lot as well. Good read, user. To add on to what you've said, I've been thinking of political ideologies as the manifestation of evolutionary traits of self-preservation and group-preservation. I've done a lot of meditating on what balance between the two is most effective, and I feel like NatSoc has all the answers.

Morality evolved from evolution favouring the group.

Thanks. I agree on National Socialism. I also think that Judaism is the manifestation of the Jewish evolutionary traits of self and group preservation. They created an ideology where they are God's chosen people and that its not only ok but, that its their DUTY to exploit the gentiles. This suits the Jew's conspiratorial nature which is probably why their religion manifested as such.

Equality is imoral, as it breaks morality to be "implemented".

I can't fault kikes for acting in their nature. They chose to be pests and they should be treated like them. Turks get shit on and get called roaches, but the Jew has done everything in his power to earn this title.

Good for newfags, but pretty basic for those of us who've been here a while.

I agree. Just as I don't blame the Negroes for being savages. It is just their nature but, they should be treated according to their nature and kept out of European societies.

Are you trying to say that Turks don't deserve the shit they get? If so I must tell you that their historical imperialism and modern meddling in European politics has them hated by Christians, Arabs, Kurds, Persians, Greeks and the rest of the Balkan peoples and probably others as well.


No. They deserve everything, I'm just saying kikes deserve the title of roach.

Very well. I agree.

Not worth a thread, though I'm not disagreeing
except for this. I've never heard this from anyone.

Thats funny

This is how capitalism is pushed by many people "Everyone has equal economic opportunity therefore, different results in economic success are a result of one's hard work and talent not, some crazy oppression by one group over another." If that is what actually happened then I'd be ok with it but, conspiratorial people mostly Jews but, a few evil gentiles as well in international finance do indeed create conditions that serve their interests at the expense of others. Especially at the expense of nation-states.

Kek, I can't fucking tell if the fag asking the question is being serious or not. These past few years have been a ride.

gotcha, just not an argument I have heard.

The real exploitation is largely Jew on Gentile (as discussed earlier Jewish exploitation of the Gentiles is built right into their religion!) but, many people and mostly the left interpret it as the White man against the non Whites.

Great monologue OP. Thank you for sharing this.

Would it be possible to shift this thread in the direction of philosophy/natural law?

What are the true philosophical/metaphysical precepts of natural law, or laws of nature, that we should focus on?

Evolution or the mechanics behind evolution as the one true moral imperative?

That seems like a natural place for this discussion to turn towards.


Let's delve into both.

I'm somewhat fond of the view of a mechanistic, infinitely complex universe built on systems, subsystems, and modules/nodes of subsystems. It combines a highly meticulous philosophical view of universal physics while leaving room for spirituality and the divinity of creation.

Ultimately, the issue is that it is also somewhat bereft of a holistic metaphysical view of being or the universe. Heideggerian ontology, arguably a philosophical core of National Socialism, as well as Nietzschean philosophy are incompatible with this viewpoint, in my opinion.

You were hoping for rekt?

Great video on the application of natural law to National Socialism in Germany.

Not something I want to see but I really don't like drivers who endanger others.

Literal waterfalls of human excrement.

but racecar

can't leave those unchecked


Looks like they got an education in traffic safety. :^)


r-selected pedestrians endangering themselves is a whole 'nother thing. I hope that car drove on


Good post OP. Always good to remind/educate people about the natural order/laws.

your le rope day will never come


I thought this was forced deportation, seems like the impact should have sent her over the border.

nothing of value was lost (webm very related)



How the fuck is the nation state natural law? The nation is a creation of the French revolution.
How is this ideology not more fitting for libertarianism that National Socialism? National Socialism is literally racial egalitarianism. Or racial socialism if you will.

This natural law bullshit ia gay as fuck and perhaps some subconscious way to appeal to some sort of objectivity that doesn't exist.

I want to say one thing: while the National Socialists didn't believe in equality, they certainly practised equity. What that means is that all Germans, regardless of class or occupation or income, can ascend to any position in society if he tries. One thing they abstained from was allowing women into positions of military and the like but that doesn't mean girls didn't learn to shoot and stuff like that, just not to soldier.

Nation is synonymous with folk which is synonymous with race. Look up the etymology of nation, it's a reference to birth. Tribes were the first large nations, the family is the first nation, and the "nation-state" is just many different tribes/provinces of similar identity and race working together. As we expand so do our terms.

Not quite.

Ok so the "natural law" of some individuals being better than others is subordinate to race in the end then.

talk more about this

They understood both the individual and the collective as well as their importance and relation to one another. Most great ideas come from the individual for example but you need a collective to make it happen and it's not like that collective is made up of equal parts, yet they come together to create something great regardless. Society is basically set up like a movie: you have the director, producers, actors, set makers, and various other people fitting various roles and you need all of this to make a good production, the more the better. Not everyone would make a good director or screenwriter or even cameraman, but you need all of them doing what they can and enjoy doing.

Nation states are a creation of Positivist/Humanistic Laws in the modern sense, however historically they have formed naturally out of metaphysical and philosophical precepts stemming from concepts that have always pertained to a 'natural law'.

How the universe manifests itself and how we conceive of ourselves within it, independent of religion, has always bound various groups of people together to from the early tribes/nations our human history.

National Socialism, as I've always understood it, was an attempt to reignite the old flames of natural law within the human spirit and develop a new society around those principles.

For the record, I am this guy:

Just on a new computer. Watch the video I posted on Natural Law & Order in the Third Reich.


Where are you getting this from? National Socialism was a collective society that subordinates the rights and ambitions of the individual to the rights and ambitions of the nation and by extension the state. It is not a liberal individualist society.


Whoops I forgot to delete the title. Accidental namefagging

The logical conclusion of inequality even amongst brothers and individuals is some sort of Darwinist Libertarianism.

I disagree. I think for me it is National Socialism. Maybe if your group isn't being attacked by outsiders that requires a strong state to defeat. Why wouldn't we want to organize our people? Why would we want a weak state to allow parasitic outsiders to negatively influence our people?

Fascism is literally about banding together under a shared nation and growing stronger that way. Nature is anything but fascist, you dummy.

Kekked, it's actually true.
She was basically fine. Chimps are a robust species.

I actually agree (in regards to the nation-state more than nation-justmypeople), but I don't think we'll have a chance to win without mobilising some portion of the masses who are able to face to bloodshed but not able to face to raw nature just yet.

A good read.

If you say Nature isn't fair and man shouldn't expect equality within his society, are you failing to acknowledge the greatness of man? Beasts of the wild live by their natural law, but we are above the other animals because of our ability to create our own natural law as we see fit, limited only by current knowledge. Mankind can be brought to a level of perfect, where every individual is working for the whole. And in this aspect true equality would exist; it would not be a contrived equality but one based in united personal merit and shared agenda. Here is the true goal of National Socialism.

The definition of National Socialism is a big fuzzy cloud. It was then and it certainly is after 70 years of enemy propaganda. I admit I don't think I know the precise definition of National Socialism, but I feel like it is not an economic doctrine. It is a social doctrine. The goal is to produce a folk that can be described as strong and proud. A folk that holds the nuclear family and traditional values in high regard. The economic doctrine will simply be whatever gets the job done and it can vary from country to country based on strategic location, climate, natural resources.


The Myth Of the 20th Century.

You're both retarded.

I do not deny the greatness potential of man. It is impossible to have equality. You can have justice, equity and a united cause but, you cannot have equality. Equality is a lie. Equality is a false God. It is nothing more than a social construct. Rid yourself of it

That is the natural state of man. That is our nature. Groups of humans be they tribes or nations being the social animals that we are and acting in our own self interest to improve ourselves. Nature is the ultimate Fascist


You are correct, but realize that you're only speaking from where you're sitting right now.
Again, remember the goal of National Socialism. Everyone CAN be equal, as long as we are separate and fulfill individual purpose.

He seems to be ignoring the fundamental fact socialism is state sponsored "equality".

If any of you can find me any primary documents explaining NatSoc's purpose as striving for equality then sure. Otherwise that is not my understanding nor the understanding of most people about NatSoc.

Marxist Socialism tries to make everyone literally equal.

German National Socialism uses all the unequal and different parts of society so that they all work toward the common good like different cells within a human body. Justice is served. The people have equity. This is fundamentally different from Marxist Socialism and equality cults.

Absoluty wrong!

Why do a bunch of autistic marxists worship a man who thought marx's ideology was shit and is basically the philosophical equivalent of 2006 Holla Forums?

Oh I forgot it's "true socialism"

Woah there, none checking these hitler dumbs?
Is his spirit still unrested, is he lurking from death?

The state needs to sponsor it when it does not exist, so people feel less pain.
The CIA, Illuminati, whatever one calls it, is nothing more than a day-care service for people who have not waken up yet.
Here's a truth bomb to illustrate my point: Obama met with Trump, said that he had a really productive conversation, then went and attacked him the next day.
What if the subject of the conversation was Trump telling Obama to attack him?

The difference between National Socialism and other socialisms is that it is more advanced. That is precisely why it died.
Think of Hitler like a reincarnation of Socrates, down to him poisoning himself in a room with his followers. It's the exact same situation.

It's really not. It's all about folk and fatherland or one could say blood and soil.

lol, what?

I fucking meant it. Retarded socialism is for retards. Hitler brought a god-like philosophy to retards. The retards couldn't be killed, so Hitler died instead.


It attempts to operate on Naturalism. But that's better than fantasy utopian cults like Marxism or Libertarian

It's a reaction that's what fascism was. Who knows what would have changed if it wasn't defeated . Desperate times call for separate measures goy