VOAT OP claims was 'Paid' to Discredit PizzaGate Investigation

From the VOAT OP
I was offered minimum wage by several organizations to post Voat comments to discredit multiple PG investigators, getting there from the website Craigslist. I'm unsure how I can prove the accusations without implicating myself however. There are multiple people being paid to do so, and work shifts around the clock to constantly turn out narratives that are beneficial to our employers. I can say that the organization is well-funded and holds massive power among left-leaning organizations.

Individuals I Was Paid To Discredit

Brittany Pettibone
David Seaman
Richard Spencer
Lana Lokteff
Pizzagate Angela
Examples of Threads/Comments I Help Make

4 youtu.be/58mdlRS0Hrs
I feel like I could provide a major lead into these activities, but need help and suggestions for doing so.


A good example of this, was David Seaman. Due to the anti-Semitic nature and close associations to the alt-right, a good way to discredit him is link his investigation with Zionism. It worked as intended and he fell out of the public eye.

Voat Account Switch

New Account Name: VerifiedConfessor89

I added the archive links, everything else is original.

Other urls found in this thread:


Interesting. None of us here are so green as to not expect it, but still good to have more solid evidence.

Yeah definitely. I actually picked this up of Twitter, and copied. Some of the key researchers (PizzaGate Angela etc) have been Shoah'd from Twitter in the past few weeks. I've also lost probably two dozen bots, and many others who use the hashtags #PizzaGate or #PedoGate or #Podesta or #WhyILovePizza or #SaveTheChildren or hijack trending hashtags with PizzaGate related materials have also been Shoah'd. The fact the kikes are pushing this hard against it only drives us to keep digging.


Not exactly a surprise. Good to see things must have been on the right track if this was done to stop it. I think some Democrats are going to Federal "fuck me in the ass" prison soon.

I'm not surprised. From what I've heard from other paid Shill regret posts in the past they get paid 8-10 hour days at minimum wage even if their total time shilling is an hour.

21€ a day for shitposting

Here it would be more like $56 uss a day at eight hour paid days.

Its more likely the R's will just use it to hang over there head and get votes for (((critical)) legislation.

Seems like a double agent shill.

No way, Holla Forums shills get paid in hundred trillion dollar notes. Zimbabwean.

Sadly that's probably the case. I do 100% believe Jeff Sessions and Ivanka and DJT are aware of this, and I believe Sessions will use the DOJ resources to the fullest to hunt down every one of these fucks he can. It's up to us to help because Alphabet is clearly fucked and in midst of a civil war of its own.

dubs confirm

That's possible too fam. I'm more into thinking whomever this shitposter is was paid to discredit the PG leads, and was forced to watch and read some of the shit in the process. If my theory is true I'd say they began to become mindblown but what they were learning and disgusted and felt guilty. If you've been involved in some of the research, you'd know it's fucking tragic what's occurring and it keeps many of us up at night.

Obvious bullshit. If anything, people are being paid to shill for them and make them seem credible.

I was involved in the beginning but my haxor skills weren't up to the task so I mostly catalogued, reviewed, organized etc, so mostly standard intel shit. I think I got completely out of the loop by thread 18 or something.

Who fucking knew? I told you faggots to set up hardware to ensure the only internet traffic possible to your device was this board.

Anyone who has ever used the internet in any capacity outside of this board is a fedzogkikeshill. Disagree and you're a fedzogkikeshill. If a single electron from any other source on the net has ever crossed your device you're a fedzogkikeshill and you have to go back.

Forgot to say that what you wrote seems too optimist. Remember that these people are mostly psychos to even consider doing this kind of shilling.

This is exactly what I was thinking.

He's a kike who works for an Israeli gold scam and made videos defending Israel, nobody linked "investigation" to zionism but him.

*his "investigation"

t. Maury Silverberg

I'm sure some are, but I would guess most are just low information normies who believe pizzagate is a VAST RIGHT WING CONSPIRACY and they're on muh right side of history for standing against the evil lies.

Yeah that does strike me as well, regardless thats the OP. Then again if that were the case I wouldn't put this shit past David Seaman to have OP'd the thread all together on VOAT. That dude is a faggot con artist, and many of us involved in the investigation argue over this. He's the perfect D&C topic if there is one. I'm obviously anti-Seaman, but many others are convinced he has credible sources. I think he's a faggot tbh.


You realize how that sounds right? FedZogKikeShill

Anyone who comes here with information, screen shots of head lines or any kind of evidence that they use the external internet is a ==KIKE SHILL==

No tolerance for cucks who use the ==KIKED== internet.

That's from the VOAT OP, not my words and I don't disagree. David Seaman is a fucking con artist and the center of the D&C involved in the PizzaGate investigations.

Yeah no. PizzaGate and PedoGate is the most important research of our time and anyone trying to discredit it is a fucking shill. Period.

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting

also, learn to redtext properly, you retard

Same, the whole
is fucking stupid.
Even if everything was a honeypot, only pussies don't take chances. Rather fight like a man than die like a dog.

I can't fathom how someone can think pizzagate is a conspiracy theory when they are being PAID BY POWERFUL PEOPLE TO DISCREDIT AND DISRUPT.
That's a level of dumb I'll never understand.

Seems more like gatekeeping than D&C.

All of these "satanic" activities are jewish. As long as kikes have existed, they've been ritually murdering/sexually abusing children/infants. It's Semen's job to prevent people from realizing that, no different than when the kikes put "jew-wife" Jonestein, the Loose Change heebs, and whoever the jew who ran 9/11 Blogger was in charge of the 9/11 truth movement.

Hitler confirms we have to fight back

As with most things in life, you get the quality you pay for and it shows.

The impression I get of Seaman is that he's an extremely self obsessed attention whore who probably really believes in pizzagate and on some level cares about reporting on it, but he can't help using it to aggrandize himself and feed his weird gold scam because that's just his nature.

That does make sense, but many of he IRC's / Matrix servers that were being used to investigate PG have fallen into peril over David Seaman. Battle lines drawn and such. It may be a gatekeeping move but it's having a d&c side effect

Did you see that retarded video where he claimed some girl he used to know was murdered because he had facebook pictures of them together and the powers that be thought they were dating? ZOG knows more about us than we know about ourselves, they wouldn't base anything on old social media photos.

Like all jews, he's an amoral liar.

but…. we are fbi special victims unit user (dun dun), we have no reason to fear fbi for investigating what they bring to us that their super computers and AIs can't do and that they don't have the sheer autism for

well I was followed tonight. they're not good at tailing people though they at least don't follow so obviously close anymore. they still fucking pulled into the same parking lot when I stopped to talk on the phone though and then sat there with their lights on facing me for an hour. then when I followed them after they finally got bored they got freaked out. it's was so obvious I'm sure the intent was intimidation BUT IT DOESN'T WORK YOU GUYS, I ALWAYS SCARE YOU WORSE OR JUST HAVE FUN WITH THE TAILS. WHEN MY CAR IS FIXED WE'RE BACK TO 80MPH SWERVING THROUGH TRAFFIC AND DRIFTING CORNERS TO TEST YOUR DRIVING SKILLS. IT'S JUST FUN TO ME. you know what car, and I know that you hate having to tail me in it, unless it's good for you too. I know you're here, and if you're not, I know you're keylogging. been aware for awhile, don't care.

know that they do follow a good portion of us, for what I really don't know. try driving like a retard once in awhile and see who bites. the trick is to act suspicious and be out at weird hours, make them think they'll catch you doing something weird, then gun it. they'll follow 70% of the time. I don't know who trains these people, but I'd do a better job.

oh, after you gun it and string them along for awhile just start driving normally or slower than normal so they have to pass, then wave and watch their face. you'll get a new person as your designated tail inside of a week and then you can repeat it all over. I don't know what happens to the people that fail my tail test, but they get replaced and the look on their face tells me they end up getting stuck with paperwork duties for awhile.

and no, I'm not larping. I don't larp because it's gay and the truth is far more weird and interesting.

btw i'm open to driving and tail lessons if theres a nice compensation package

oh and the rolling tails don't work either

I want to know if people were paid to dox user PG investigators.

Strange emails and calls.

Seems like he's a good candidate for poisoning the well.

you actually have to ask? I'm a minor player that primarily acts as an info broker and does minor digging on addresses and locations people can't find. if you do any serious digging, yes, you're a target for surveillance and slandering. surveillance is definitely letter agencies, slander is probably the purview of people paying for, or stealing info from letters for the people this investigation would harm.

I'd believe it. (((They))) are full tilt panic salt-the-earth mode and we are the ants crawling up their pant legs to pick their bones clean :^)

Judging by writing styles, many regular contributors dropped off the radar completely.


a lot of posters on both cuckchan and here have dropped off. and not just PG posters. safety squad leaders are gone, hardcore nat soc redpillers are gone, thankfully flat earthers and antarctica mysticists are gone, and it seems like a lot of the meme warfare corps have stopped posting so much.

now, if this is because the cuckchan mod bans from RWSS and HWNDU are over for most, or we're winning so much that people are getting complacent, or people are taking a break, or whatever, idk. I don't think people are getting taken out or arrested, though there'd be no way to know unless people started setting up some sort of deadman's bot to post somewhere if they didn't post at some point (actually this isn't a bad idea for those involved in any op).

My assessment is that a lot of the people who were active posters are busy working right now, if you get my drift.

Well done, liberals.


Wot? How is David Seaman "anti-Semitic"? He is a Jew. Does he have ties to the alt-right? Does it mean that because he supports Trump he has ties to alt-right?

I thought Seaman was discredited for being a Jew who scammed people for money, i.e. being a Jew who does Jew things.

Have spencer or lokteff talked about pedos? Is this to send people their way or associate them with being active in pedogate retroactively?

Obviously the post is to shill controlled-op e-celebs and discredit everyone else, unless he could confirm other usernames that sounded legit in the past.

Holla Forums's IQ has dropped significantly since the /hwndu/ period. There are many casual users here now who drown out quality talk with how loud and obtuse they are. Worse yet are the halfcucks who will attack posts they don't understand as shills. I've seen many good posts go totally misunderstood and overlooked by the flood of casuals. This is not an environment much worth posting in with careful consideration any more, and these fucking outsiders will never understand that being dead weight DOES hurt the board which is why lurking more is the golden rule.

8/pol/ will increasingly become property of the 4chan/reddit crowd. It is the inevitable march of imageboards. The upsides to this are:


anyone see Hillary and Huma out shopping together. Why wasn't Anthony with them?

we can send some strange phone calls of our own…

I'm going to get some flak for this post but fuck it people need to know.

I didn't take an interest in pizzagate beyond lurking a few threads now and again until one morning out of boredom I helped out. I cleaned up some video for other anons that were digging and dumped all the frames of those videos as individual images. I say in total I spend maybe 10 hours that day helping out and that's all I ever did on here that was pizzagate related.

The next few days were strange:

I should have posted while I was digging from VPN or tor but most of the time I don't bother. I posted from my real IP and knew it'd be easy to track all that back to me.

Seems like a good thread to point out that polchan's admin disappeared without a trace weeks ago simultaneously with the board being inaccessible outside of the TOR address. If you start an alternative imageboard, be careful, lads.

They suck. I remember fucking with the personal tails [stretching and packing up like I was leaving, knowing they had been up for over 12 hours- then going back inside where I had been and starting all over again] I made so many of them sorry they'd ever took the job.

One guy [clearly big, strong guy] was all like "H-hey Mr.user w-would you walk me back to my apartment, I-I'm nervous- I might get jumped or something."

there was a canadian poster on halfchan's /sg/ who was always there with some pretty good insight that just ghosted. even said he'd be back later in the day after going to a barbeque and then nothing.

This is the state of Holla Forumsnow
user makes obvious ironic post

Somehow start reciving legitimate responses

Thread archive: archive.fo/41NDk

it has been like this for some time now

this. David Seaman used to spam r/conspiracy with threads saying 'hey guys check out this new video by david seaman, we should all support him!' he would literally post 6 times a day from a different account trying to rally people to support david seaman in his campaign again unjust msm. biggest turboshill hooknosed kike i've ever personally witnessed on the internet.

What does that have to do with pedogate? Don't buy gold or bitcoin if you don't want to.

so we're talking about selling your soul to the devil, for best case, $150 for 1 hours work…

to discredit private investigators, looking into satanic child abuse rings.

people actually do this…

thats fucked up

what's the story behind that video?

You anons have no idea of the shit that happened to me after making that GATE thread that was deleted with 300+ replies and causing me to get b&

This thread might be slid.
Here's half (more like two thirds) of the GATE thread archived - archive.is/xMdkI
I'll just say, abide my advice in it's OP of filming yourself everytime you sleep and fast reviewing it when you wake up, and be VERY careful about your food/water/drinks and medicine/vitamins/pills, basically anything you put in or on your body (shower, shaving gels, soap and shampoo included), that time I got poisoning from two cans of beer I bought at the shop (no idea how they knew which ones I'll take and obviously they were closed, with also no idea how they managed to put the shit in it, my only guess is the MILABS tech I mentioned)

What the hell is going on in that gif?



my thoughts every time i contemplate the state of the world

If people are actually buying this shit, I need to get into the pizzagate t-shirt business quick.


Excuse me, I have no idea why I thought it was a gif.

Soundless WebM's are usually Cuckchan.

here's a gif with sound bros

Thanks OP, honestly Trump can clean media house and permanently route all of his and American enemies within by using their coverup of pizzagate. From zuckerberg to disney.



Out of those three, who do you think is legit? Seaman the kike? Dicky the Zionist? Lana and her based nationalist jews?

David Seaman is legit you spook.

So you're saying he's one of those "good" jews that don't exist?

Seaman stopped selling those/refunded them a while back. Update your tactics or get left behind, Chaim.

if they dont bash their controlled opposition people might start getting suspicious

That doesn't work when you're defending a kike.

did you do anything to connect yourself from your 8ch post to any other way you could be identified on the internet, such as an igmur account?

Yeah I'm pretty surprised. Aren't these usually interns that get paid in mere pennies? If they're paying them that much they must be getting pretty serious about this.


Anyone bitching about being surveyed is a fucking shill trying to scare you into being silent about the over-arching theme here. Secret societies are lurking around and they are look at kek. However they are the vulnerable people. Here there is probably only the data-mining if at all from the site itself which could be an entrapment thing but guess what that doesn't feel right to me. The narrative of a luxurious meme secret society is tainted by the reality of pizzagate. What is happening is there is fake talking head fueds and posturing by the state to crackdown on what is in front of their faces. But al but a few address the actual problem of institutionalized anything that is the privileged elite that is defined by the judeo-masonic fraternal mafia. David Brock is probably shilling against voat but only the sekrit society assholes come here to deflect and pretend they are sacred with pepe and call it kek.

I've personally been posting much less because I got a new job and am busy trying to MAGA. I have no doubt that shady business could be afoot, but it's not always a worst case scenario. Year of the Fire Cock, etc.

Another reason why e-celebs are fucking cancer. Their very existence in it of itself is a fucking weakspot.

Too bad you're mainly focussed on the issues at hand rather than being a peddling kike looking to market off of the horrors of child trafficking.

Probably this tbh, this same type of victem scheming happened with gg/anti-gg

iirc the son was depressed and mentioned how he wished to kill himself and the father attempted to call him out on his 'bullshit melodrama' by having him pussy out of the act, but the son went straight for it and killed himself.

queue instant regret and heartbreak


TRS self-promotion tactics become increasingly desperate.

anybody who has "OP" in their name is guaranteed to be a fag

RIP dad, he must of have mentally broken after that…

Just open the catalog if you don't believe this is being slid

David Seaman is a jew. Fuck off back to cuckchan.

Don't know how having him pussy out would have him not be depressed.

That is definitely a hearty kek right there. Suicide fags are the worst. Also their reaction by flopping around on the ground was pretty kek worthy as well.

Nonsense until he names the groups which he could have easily done without implicating himself. If that doesn't happen then it's a pathetic attempt to revive attention because that's what many of these types crave. It's that and not the well being on children that fuels them. It's like a social thing for them with a bit of entertainment. I know this because I drew very little interest to information I sourced myself by accessing three emails.

Which is why some shit about Seaman could work. That's how dumb some of the audience if you will is. As such, it's meaningless because those type of people were never doing anything or were going to. Yeah he's Jewish which is actually a GOOD thing. A Zionist would cover up this shit. This guy pushes it. Is it for himself and shekels? Maybe! but if he gets results, does anyone care? No if they care about children. Anyway none of those fucking ecelebs matter to any of this. They don't make or break it either way. If I could uncover more, it's going to the FBI. Nothing comes of it, I have enough asshole fb and tw accounts with followers to use to get the info out to millions of people.


nah it's because Hiro finally went full jewt.

Obviously being taken out one by one irl.

Gee, I wonder who could possibly have been in charge of that?

Not so instant that he didn't take the time to slap the black off'n him before he hit the floor.

Not that I can remember. I didn't practice good OPSEC though. The machine I used to work on that day was compromised at the factory. It also runs Windows. They didn't have to do much to figure out who I was.

This paid shill seems like he's trying to actually get us to believe all the disinfo agents. I don't buy this shit. Seaman is trying to sell Israeli gold and get money from Patreon for "reporting" on other people's work he found on Voat. Multiple YouTube channels were literally shut down for even investigating Goldmoney and Seaman's past as well as those Pettibone cunts. The comments were flooded with bots and shills accusing everyone of being pedos for not supporting this fag. I don't believe this shit for a second. (((They))) are desperately trying to make Seaman the spokesman for pizzagate so when he turns out to be the fraud we all expect, the whole thing will come down with him.

Question: Why aren't we keeping an eye on craigslist for this type of shit?

Anytime someone criticizes this douche (here, YouTube, Voat) it gets fucking shilled to death. There's definitely some big boys behind this concerted effort, it's not grassroots. Lift the Veil is a faggot too but he did a really good expose on Seaman and Goldmoney. Literally undeniable that he's making big money on pizzagate and that he's lied about Goldmoney.

Except this is not "more solid evidence". A dude shills against it, then links posts proving that he shilled against it and this proves that he was paid how? Spreading disinfo as proof is not going to do anybody any favours.

le bump