Are shills pushing for Holla Forums be influenced by E-celebs?

I've noticed something lately. I think it started with Pewdiepie, and hasn't stopped since. An e-celeb will say something that the userbase here generally agrees with (which is usually a very light form of red-pill, AT BEST, or simply making a holocaust joke), and then, all of a sudden, there will be this MASSIVE push on this board talking about how "BASED" this e-celeb is, and how he or she has gone "FULL POLLACK/NATSOC/WHITE-NATIONALIST", concluding that this person is now "/ourguy/" and we (((need))) to show him or her our support.

Arguments for this typically amount to the claim that this e-celeb is "redpilling masses of young people who watch their videos". Because apparently making Now, personally, I would dismiss these (((posters))) as sheeple redditors who are prone to blindly following e-celebs, but what I've noticed is how…..aggressive these people are with their "we need to (((support))) muh-based-totally-full-natsoc-e-celeb" message are. They act as though there is any need or overwhelming want for e-celebs, and that anyone who disagrees with them needs to GTFO. And it's ALWAYS the same arguments, without fail.

I can't be the only one, I honestly believe at this point that (((they))) are trying to push the same cancerous e-celeb worship onto Holla Forums that was used on GamerGate to allow for controlled-opposition to ascend to power and influence in that movement in order to de-escalate it into the "muh pr, let's not try to actually defeat our enemies, then they would win, let's just try and focus on this completely nonsensical issue that will accomplish absolutely nothing whatsoever while our enemies are allowed free-reign to continue their agenda".

I doubt Jontron or Pewdiepie themselves are in on this plan. it's probably (((them))) who are attempting to take advantage of a situation to normalize blind e-celeb worship on Holla Forums.

I'd like to see some proposed solutions to this problem, unless you all want Holla Forums to suffer the same fate as GG.

TL"DR: I believe shills are taking advantage of the fact that e-celebs are starting to speak out against the same things pol speaks out against to push the normalization of e-celeb worship on pol for the sake of propping up controlled opposition e-celebs who will attempt to neutralize Holla Forums from the inside out with "muh PR"-type arguments using their accumulated influence over this board's userbase, aka de-escalation, exactly what was done (successfully) to GamerGate.


Weak as fuck. They don't influence us. We use them. Get the fuck out.

Who cares? Occasionally it's worth paying attention to the e-celebs, but usually it's mere attention whoring. Sage, hide, report, move on. It's that easy, but some motherfuckers always have to try to ice skate uphill.

If you come to this place you either leave immediately or stay forever only if you're white of course.

I believe even a Jewish shill who knew the truth but is fighting against us will tire in time, because by definition Jews are impotent.

E-celebs are falling away anyway as it become harder to make bucks from e-media. Maybe they'd get payed then?

Shills don't stop as long as they're getting paid, user. And even after they've been laid off, their loyality to their masters remains. Do not underestimate the shill's tenacity.

I think as far as our goals align with them, it's fine to support them. How could this hurt? Nobody idolizes these people. If they prove us wrong, so be it. We'll drop them.

Nigger this has nothing to do with GG. They're doing this on their own accord and have no ties with us other than possibly lurking here. They're not representing us, or anything of the sort. I think every chance we can get to push the overton window is one that should be taken. Even something as small as a holocaust joke, yes.

Purity spiraling is the most effective D&C method ever used on Holla Forums. This thread is an example of another attempt. Showing e-celebs support when they defy the leftist narrative emboldens others to defy that narrative. Which helps normalize our views. Since we want some things that the normies would consider "extreme" it benefits us that these large influences are shifting the overton window.

Its not like we cant outwardly reject them in the future if they turn on us or something and any loss of Holla Forumsocks as a result of such a turn only helps to purify the board by removing casuals. I really don't see anything wrong with throwing a potential right wing e-celeb a little support if it helps push our message. Perhaps I am wrong if so please point out the flaw in my reasoning.

fucking hive mind


The biggest problem with the e-celebs is the making of useless threads. You just made a useless thread so you are asuch as a faggot as them

Actually, this plan would honestly be pretty close to the level of thinking I have seen so far, so as retarded as it sounds its possible

Haha righty'o

The entire Western world is desperate for leaders, someone who gives them the permission to take action, so as not to ruin the chances for a better future by being too quickly or messing up the as-of-yet-unknown plans by the unknown leaders.

tbh it is discussion-worthy when some guy with almost 50m young subscribers rapidly pushes his fanbase into NatSoc ideology


What ends up happening is that eventually they end up becoming us and their shill efforts were for nothing. The other scenario is they don't become one of us and we push them out back into normieland where they accidentally go on red pilling more and more people. Who eventually find there way here and become.. one of us. It's a lose lose game for shills because their brainwashing goes against everything that was born into you by generation after generation. The world the Jews want to program you into believing is unnatural and you can only dismiss so much truth before one of them actually sets into your brain.

Fuck e-celebs and fuck you, OP.


Agreed. I'm glad these people have the guts to speak up considering it's easier to shut up and count their shekels but keep reddit shit to reddit.

You're the shill, here, faggot. Pushing your false dichotomy narrative and perspective towards these people. Get fucked.

Here's how it is:
No one cares about them. When someone posts that pewdiepie or jontron are being shitlords and may be redpilled or proto-redpilled, it's not because they want to follow their teachings and submit to e-celebs like lemmings. They post them because it's interesting, it's a major happening in the normalfag-sphere, and it can be fun to discuss.

Anyone who autistically screeches about even mentioning youtubers is a shill.

1) We don't fucking need them, they learn from us
2) Everything they do is for money and attention
3) They all fight/dox each-other for e-turf, and shill
4) Kill yourself for even attempting to justify this

If you think that is a possibility you must be new here. What kind of self respecting Holla Forumsock would ever agree that kikes need not be gassed?

I'm not disagreeing with out here, but what makes me suspicious is the extremely aggressive, almost-seemingly organized push for supporting "muh based natsoc e-celebs" whenever one of them says or does anything remotely in agreement with pol. Something just smells off about it.

I saw this happen once I don't want to see it happen again, and I was right the last time.



Honestly, I see more organized anti-"e-celeb" shilling than I do e-celeb support. The ones who support them aren't fauning like halfchan faggots and calling them based.

watcha doin there?

if you are suspicious that is a good thing it means you have a general eye for shilling but you forget your company sir. We are the ones who cannot be shilled. We have resisted every attempt by our enemies to divide or control us and we are very good as sniffing out kikes. We also primarily consist of natsoc autists who are not easily swayed by group appreciation and decide independently to denounce or support someone. trying to get Holla Forums to unanimously back anyone is a fruitless effort as we cant agree on anything…except gassing the kikes and a white ethno state which there is no way to spin in the kikes favor.

What Im saying is calm your tits, we are immune to such low energy shilling.

And my own theory about the shilling is that it's likely a government entity. It's one that's organized, with effective tactics, and can blend in. Leagues beyond the capabilities of a handful of leftypol idiots, goons, CTR, or anyone we've identified before. Eglin Air Force Base has a massive team that shills reddit. Dunno

ok trump is the exception but he is quite the exception.


overton window

Thank christ this shit is anchored.

Mods bump lock most eceleb threads and delete the ones that aren't entertaining or informative. Sometimes it's fun to laugh, OP

Third Post Best Post.

E-celebs are fine until the moment when they try to tell us what to do or think.

Keep them away from Holla Forums but support their activities.

Neck yourself, TRSodomite.

wtf I hate myself now
wtf anybody who OPs is right

JUST occurred to you OP? So the point all these YEARS was… what then? If not this… you thought we were against them WHY? hahaha FUCK! We have some dummies among us.