Ancient Egyptians less Sub-Saharan than modern-day Egyptians

Ancient Egyptians less Sub-Saharan than modern-day Egyptians

>Egypt, located on the isthmus of Africa, is an ideal region to study historical population dynamics due to its geographic location and documented interactions with ancient civilizations in Africa, Asia, and Europe. Particularly, in the first millennium BCE Egypt endured foreign domination leading to growing numbers of foreigners living within its borders possibly contributing genetically to the local population. Here we mtDNA and nuclear DNA from mummified humans recovered from Middle Egypt that span around 1,300 years of ancient Egyptian history from the Third Intermediate to the Roman Period. Our analyses reveal that ancient Egyptians shared more Near Eastern ancestry than present-day Egyptians, who received additional Sub-Saharan admixture in more recent times. This analysis establishes ancient Egyptian mummies as a genetic source to study ancient human history and offers the perspective of deciphering Egypt’s past at a genome-wide level.

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What they dont tell is, whole North Africa and Middle East was once populated with lilly white Mediterranian race, which is now mogrelicised and allmost nonexistant in pure form. Predynastic Egypt, Old and Middle kingoms were nigger and semites free. With arrival of Hyxos (later named - Hebrews), everyting went downhill.
Btw, only newfags on this board doesnt allready knows all that. Here, jew believing niggers are of rare stock, you know.>>9488116

Egyptians were originally white, then were gradually mixed. This shows in the statues and sarcophagus which gradually becomme mudded and niggerified. Nefertiti has unmistakably aryan features.

I sure wonder who let the niggers in there.

Wait, isn't there a story about jews sending a baby down the Nile to subvert Egypt from within? It's pretty much the same thing they do now with the crying "refugee" kids. The game hasn't changed one bit, has it?


It just occurred to me that these niggers are so stupid and ignorant that they think all black people in Africa are the same ethnicity, and that western Africans are the same as egyptians.

Empire of Dust really does a good example of showing the differences btw, like the Chinks helper is Congolese, big round fat heads, compared to say a Kenyan, who are lanky, skinny, kinda rectangular heads even.

Oh it was never lily white. Thats nonsense.

The real redpill about the Middle East and North Africa is very simple and stark.

It used to be green.

How do niggers know their ancestors were Egyptian, when they don't even know who their fathers are?

They just make stories up. It is do to something with their incredibly egomaniac behaviours.

Look into the number of Pharaohs that had red and blond hair.

Ramses II (the most famous Egyptian pharaoh), and the entire Ramesside family line, believed themselves to be descendants of Set because of their red hair.


the claim that red-haired pharoahs were white has been debunked by science. vid related.

Top Kek

What do actual Egyptians think of this nonsense?

Dey is KANGZ

They're rolling in their tombs.

'There goes the neighborhood.'

Not sure about what Egyptians thing but i asked an Iraqi about it and he said it they found it to be extremely annoying and offensive and replied by quoting hadiths that basically said Blacks were sub-human.

The media has been trying to grant a sort of noble dignity upon negroes for quite some time. Then the negroes act like negroes and it's back to the drawing board.

A pig in a tuxedo is still a pig.

Why do the red and blonde haired pharaohs have consistently colored roots if the coloration is due to a chemical dye process? Why can't modern day dye processes color roots?

It's obviously a joke

I play vidya with an Egyptian and he knows about this and just laughs at it

The funniest thing about these niggers and their KANG shit, is that they say they are "royal" and what not. Do they think every single Egyptian was a Pharoah? They had a functioning society with a large group of commoners. Even if niggers were Egyptians, they would probably have been a farmer or something.

They were lily white. They came from neolithic Europe, via Anatolia (Gobekli Tepe). Same Mediterranian people, as Minoan civilisation earier. Now look embed, who were Minoans, filthy kike. It is about Mediterranians. Whole Mediterranian basin was populated with these people. Now sadly gone, because of miscegenation with semites and negros.


This is how Mediterranians looked like. Egyptians were of Mediterranian stock, with about 5 - 10% Nordic blood (ruling caste).

Uh, ruling caste people generally don't pick saffron from crocus. Also, all art from that period was stylized as fuck, and women are generally depicted as white and men as red/brown, so unless you want to argue that the Minoans were really into BBC, or that Injuns wuz Cretans and shit, that's not a great argument.

Fucking jewish Nat Geo is debunked. All pharaoh DNA wich were analysed shows R1b (European) haplogroup. You wont heard that fact in that fucking juden "documentaries". They hide that facts and dont analyse any pharaoh DNA after king Tut and Ramesess R1b.
Now fuck off with that propaganda shit.

So you tell me, fucking kike. Minoans were niggers or what? Is fucking that what you are saying?

No, but you're probably retarded if you think they were "5-10% Nordic". They were probably from the anatolian/hittite branch of Indo-European groups.

There's not really any trace of the Ancient Egyptians left today, they are all arabs

The Minoans were genetically European.

Wrong. See pic and:

Are you fucking illiterate?
"The findings suggest that the ancient Minoans were likely descended from a branch of agriculturalists in Anatolia"

I was reiterating what you said.

Sorry, didn't read your ID.

You simply doesnt have a clue. Probably thinking, Nordics are from Norway. Nordics are phenotype inside white European Caucasian specie, always were. Like Mediterranians, Alpines, etcetra. Where is white European group, there will always have some percentage of Nordics. And that Nordics will always be highest caste.

also, you should read the greek accounts of how egyptians treated their slaves (I believe it's in Aristotle) they stripped them naked and then worked them till they died, no food, no sleep, literally just death by work

Here, better data.

You are so unbelievably wrong about population origin it's hard to even begin explaining to you. First of all, the genetic origin of Indo-Europeans is almost certainly in Anatolia, not in the Steppe. The model you're posting, which I'm assuming you're basing this off of is outdated as fuck and doesn't even account for sailing.

Nobody believed they were arabs. Just look at them

No, you dumbass, Yamnaya is strongest theory and Anatolian is outdated and debunked. Also, look at those two pics. What they have in common? Ancient Egyptians and Tocharians from novadays fucking China. All bleached?
Thing is. European Caucasian was once solely ruller of the world. Bud then he made a mistake and fucked with beasts slves he had have. Some 5000 years after that, we are near extinction because of that mistake. It was Eve's sin.

Yeah, sure, faggot. That's why Slavs outcompeted the "glorious Nordic race", despite being more closely related to actual Aryans, and Lebensraum was totally legitimate and not at all like its kike photocopy Zionism.

Idiot. Slavs are just one branch of Aryans. You doesnt have a clue, kike. It is embarasing, how low with knowleadge is JIDF right now. Please give me some at least 3. class kike here, this one is just too stupid.

Haplogroups don't lie, jackass. Please take your "we wuz everyone n shiet" and fuck off back to your trailer park.

Here, dumfuck, click on that pic and see how it happened.

1) haplogroup R1a is just one variation
2) Y-halpotypes only show paternal lineage. You need to cross-examine with the mitochondrial haplotypes as well

Also, learn something about haplogrous before posting stupid noneducated shit. Here, you can look at pic related and you will understand nothing. Why? Because you are not even 3. class.

You dont understand, man is usual those one, who councquer land and fuck local women, do you? And therefore, mtDNA shows different patterns because of that?
pic related are exception to the rule

They're really quite foolish in that regard. The best they could do for blacks would be to give them a dose of reality, that they come from the plains, that they are simple race that lived in the sun and casually hunted and gathered their food with no need for modern agriculture and that that's nothing to be ashamed of if you're honest about it. The problem is that they're not honest about it, and they act like fucking niggers by trying to steal history that isn't theirs, then project that fact on whites.

Okay, but if you want to piece together the puzzle of where groups originated and how different groups of people migrated/conquered, you need to look at both lineages.

Yes, because obviously people who had not developed agriculture or even domesticated war-animals would go on to dominate groups who had.

Y-haplogroups show patrilineality, which is likely to be representative of dominant groups as males in dominant groups tend to be able to produce more offspring than in lower groups. If "muh Nordic masterrace" were true, I1 should be represented dominantly in all of the indo-european groups. Otherwise it is either inaptly named, or complete bullshit.

Seems like a fairly accurate map of major human migrations corresponding to haplogroup majorities to me.

Of course, that is true. What I am saying, matrilineal haplos are much more static and stabilysed. But ok, I got your point here.

Kekui did not appear before some primitive apes so that may bix nood about how great they had it until they had it taken from them, it would be a terrible waste for him.

No! Instead Kek appeared before the only group who he knew could understand him and use him well and we have. Both our plans are coming together in the here and now, not in some ancient memory but in current days, which is all that ever matters.

Kike dont know, horses and war carriots came from Aryan stepes north of Black see. From there to Hitittes and Mitanni. In Egypt introduced after circa 1600BC, when Kamose and Ahmose expeled fucking Hyxos (later Jews) with that new tehnical knowleadge.
You fucken know fucken nothin. I1 is paleolitic Cro-magnon haplogroup. Aryans, who came in Europe later and mixed wid Cro-magnons, carried R1a (Slavic) and R1b (Celto Germanic) haplo.
It is somehow advanced from predecessor (shows R1b in America - Solutreans), but still inacurate. For example, there was no fucking Adam in some fucking Nigeria.
I posted that map for one reason. For you to spot R1b basin in central Africa and wonder, where da white bitches are. But you didn spot that naomaly (what we call founder effect), because you are ot even 3. class, like pic related.

Except it's not true, they did have agriculture and they did have iron.

No fucking shit, there was barely any contact with niggers (besides some ethiopians). They were too primitive, the ancient world probably just considered them animals

Realize also that in those days people basically spent all day outside, and even the whitest nord would have had a tan in the mediterranean.

They didnt have neither. Arab slave hunters brought some civilisation to them.
And it is mistake to think, nowadays nigger is the same as ancient one. Today, they are already mixed with nonwhite Caucasians from North and East Africa. Pure Negro was like pic related. And what he invented is, throving rock and sticks arround, eating each other and sing umba zumba.

who doesn't hate a spook is a american or a loney cuck.

Because they are animals. No joking. Negro DNA is closer to those of bonobo then to white European. That is proven fact.


Kek. Fucking brilliant. I like Holla Forums true history sources. Fucking saved, and asking for moar.

Ever think white ppl snuck in one knight and stole black ppl history? You know how the library of alexandria was the biggest in the whole world in africa? Then it was burned down by white ppl? Make u think……..

Hannibal Barca was Phoenician with Greek ancestors. Your pic nigga is btw at least 25% white americanegro. Here, I have better pic for comparision.


Haven't you seen how they all talk about being egyptian royalty? not even one wants to even consider that if egyptians were indeed black like them that their ancestors might have been the poor fucks pushing huge stones through the sands to build the pyramids.

Of course not, but if they embrace that it means the only way to prove blacks are equal to every other race if to do something NOW while appropriating what others have done in the distant past means they don't need to do any of the arduous work other civilizations have because they can simply point to the pyramids and say "we did that shit!"

The irony is that none of them wonder why the fuck they went from the pyramids to being used as cheap slaves by pretty much every civilization out there.






You do realise, that interpretation of Tut is just juden artwork for gulible goyim and stupid niggers?

Salafists try to claim Egyptian and Aramaic as being Arabic derivatives (We wuz Musselmen.) Levantines are Indo-European, Arab invasions notwithstanding, and at worst Mediterranean.

Busts of Roman governors/generals from the region cement this further.

From language isolates like Etruscan/Basque, I'm inclined to believe they're from a similar lineage, linguistically at least (if the Rhateian hypthesis is correct of Etruscan, the Eastern arc of which ends in Western Anatolia, my money would be on them being the main node.)

You're a little behind, this has always been one of their favourite claims, despite considerable contemporaneous evidence that Hannibal was a typical Mediterranean looking caucasoid


Oy vey, you filthy roman goyim.
Never forget the 6000000 phonecians killed
by latin monsters, just like you!

A thought on the WE WUZ KANGZ narrative: Do niggers not know that most monarchies only have ONE King and ONE Queen at a time? Furthermore, monarchies and social structures with nobles and a royal class of citizens rarely intermingle with lower class citizens.

So right off the bat, not all black people can be KANGZ. It's not humanly possible. It's even less possible when you consider that populations existed across Africa for quite a long time before Egypt was built, and existed during and long after Egypt's rise and fall, as well.

Considering most niggers who were brought to America as slaves by Jew merchants didn't even have a concept of cartography, let alone geolocation, there's not an exceptionally high chance that descendants of Egyptian royalty were being captured as slaves.. Mostly because they wouldn't be found in the other parts of Africa where black slavers were capturing them.

The other part of this is, of course, Egypt's long history of slave labor, strict social stratification, and the abusive practices of Egyptian nobility. The Pyramids were built by slave labor, by all accounts.. which they should respect as well, considering they believe that Jesus was black and so were all the other prophets, saints, and apostles for that matter. So, we've got biblical records that say that (according to niggers) Black Egyptian KANGZ abused their slaves to build the pyramids and their society, until Moses showed up and punished him.

Now, obviously the KANGZ narrative is all bullshit to begin with, but even by their own revision of history, it's fucking retarded at best, and paints blacks as abusive slavers at worst.

we could subvert it and cause an infighting between the Niggers and Jews since they (Niggers) claim they're descendants of the Egyptian and we should remind them they enslaved the Jews and spread lies about the Jews were not Slaves but in reality they stole all their shit and curse them to become what they are today Dumb Niggers. Watch as the Chosen's Golem killing its master

They're American or went through American education.

You guys are worst than niggers, you take one picture on a wall out of thousands, provide no sources, and just vomit what you wish history was like.

The truth is at the moment no one has any conclusive claims that relate to the genetic composition of Egypt. I mean we can't even graph our current genetic compositions in a conclusive manner. You can take samples and provide a good argument, but nothing is conclusive. To think you can retroactively provide conclusive evidence how "white" or what genetics Egyptians had is retarded.

Furthermore, all this hard on, for Nordicism, is infantile, before the Romans went up there, the "great" Nordics, were living in fucking shacks, and were uncivilized barbarians,

Well if men were out in the med sun farming and what not, specifically North Africa, it would make sense they'd be depicted with tanned skin.

I don't think modern Egyptians look anything like ancient Egyptians, there's a lot of nigger and Arab admixture in the current population but certainly the ancient Egyptians weren't west African. That's evident through plain geography. Also if you look at west African IQ there's no way they were building pyramids, chariots, and fleets of ships.

So much of it is just completely absurd though. Regardless of Egyptian ethnicity American niggers were slaves, not pharoes. Even if whites larp about Vikings and crusaders and roman legionaries, no one thinks for a second they're directly descended from some emperor or even a senator. My family was probably farmers or fisherman or made baskets or something, I don't know, or care. The difference is that we acknowledge that everyone has a place and they aren't all noble stations but that's how a society and a civilization are made. We don't all think we wuz kangs n shieeet. On top of that just about every civilization who's come into contact with niggers (and Jews) views them as subhuman and just about every civilization with a caste system views lighter skin and European features as better than dark skin and mongoloid or African features.

you dont even belong here
what the fuck are you even doing?

Wrong. I posted chart abowe, you didnt even read whole thread, butthurt nigger.
We can. Pic related.
Except Romans were mixed Mediterranian/Kelto Nordid stock.
Is that all arguments, you highest IQ100 nigga (probably some professor nigger) have? C'mon. Give me some more.

The nigger mixture in the Egyptians is way too overstated. The only blacks that ever set foot on Egypt were the Nubians, and not only did they leave an insignificant impact on the place but there is hardly any evidence suggesting that hardcore mixing occured there. Likewise, Semites/Arabs hardly did anything besides ruling the place. Little to no genetic influence.

Wrong. E haplo is Negro related. J haplo is semitic. 9494856


Wrong. Not all of it is. The e haplo group is divided into many subclades that exist throughout Africa and the ones the Egyptians have is the e3 or e1b1 haplogroup which can't be found in Sub Sahara Africa.

It's irrational to believe that the Egyptians mixed with niggers considering no recorded or genetic evidence sites major negro existence in North Africa post Islam. The only blacks that had contact with the ancient Egyptians were Nubians and Horners who unsuprisingly are somewhat caucasoid.


Read what I said:
Exactly. Are you arguing, those are not Negro? (pic related)
Those are Caucasodids for you? Seriously? (again, pic related)

Ethiopians are genetically more similar to Caucasians than they are to the rest of Sub Saharan Africa.

And the average Nubian or Ethiopian looks nothing like the pictures you posted. I imagine the "Nubian" is an American black LARPing whereas the other image is someone from Sudan.

Nubians are not "somehow Caucasoids", but Negres with cca 20% of nonwhite Caucasian (semitic, hamnitic) admix.

Forgot to include this:

True that, but you forgot to mention, all Caucasians =/= white Caucasians. Hamnitic, Semitic, Indic groups are not white.
And as I said, Ethiopians, Sudanese, Nubians, etcetra, are mixed with nonwhite Caucasians, for example, with Arabs.

Ok, same answer. You obviously thought all Caucasians are white. Not true. Pic related is Hamnitic race Caucasian.

I didn't feel the need to state that. Everyone who posts here already knows this.


I didn't imply that at all.

Nubians/Horn Africans aren't "negros", this user was correct:

Here, learn something about Negroid race different types. Then you will never again think, Negroes are just of Bantu West Africa type.

Hope so.
Not Negros. But of Negroid race. That is different.
You should learn some real anthropology. Here, I'll give you something for beginners:
http: //
Pic related is bonus for Anons, who yet dont know, who is considered white (sope some will find this useful).

That's a stupid image.

The San and Congolese Pygmies should be considered distinct groups given that they're extremely genetically divergent from one another.

And as I previously demonstrated Horn Africans are a genetically mixed, intermediate group between Sub Saharans and "Caucasians" with their genetic profile leading closer to "Caucasians".

That's a meaningless, non scientific distinction. A lot of old racial classifications don't state up against genetic, empirical evidence.

*don't stand up

You are arguing minutia when niggers aren't capable of grasping broad strokes, you're wasting your time.

Face and hair reminds me of something…

CREDIBLE citation needed.

The citation is cited in the blog post, dumbass.

Source of your images? Can't seem to find them.

FFS arabs don't even have a term for black, they just say "Slave".

Lel. Maybe stupid for you, but that is classification from greatest preBoasian anthropologists, like Charleton Coon and other great names.
They still belong to the Negroid race. But yes, here you are partial right. Btw, they are original inhabitants of Africa continent. They are of original A and B haplo, not like West African Negro, wich is product of some Ice Age refugees fucked some Bonobo like creatures in the jungle (E haplo).
Yes, heard that. Semitic Arabs fucked already hybridicysed West African population = Horners.
Nope. That is important. There is, for example, a big difference between terms "Negro" and "Negroid". Do you know, what is -oid stands for?
It stands for "similar to". See? Not genetical same, but phenotypical similar. And I am talking about phenotypes and taxonomy, on which anthropology is based on, not about genetic science, which is more empirical.

you have autism

And you have choped dick, neanderthal.


You mean us whites?


I really wish Livescience would direct link all of their shit, I am sick of constantly going round and round through their self referencing garbage.

Some dindus believe they were black n sheeit! Here's a very popular website "Atlanta Black Star" with an article titled "5 Ancient Black Civilizations That Were Not in Africa" :

Oops. I thought you were replying to my statement about the Minoans. Disregard previous post.