So as it turns out leddit is cannibalising over jontron's redpilled nature

so as it turns out leddit is cannibalising over jontron's redpilled nature.

i think its important to note the relevance of youtube "Ecelebrities", especially their influence on the younger generation. pewdiepie was a big victory for us, especially since he doesnt have much to lose in the way of money or fame. smaller accounts might see some negative backlash and be discouraged from openly holding certain opinions. if possible a link to a boost in popularity would be nice to establish, much like television and mainstream media gain attention/ratings for exhibiting left wing opinions. not sure if this is grounds for a campaign but it is relevant i think. see reddit com/r/JonTron/

Other urls found in this thread:

no thanks

he's a closet Holla Forumsidya fag that his his power lvl because he wanted his youtube shekels to flow uninterrupted, not sure why anyone would be surprised by this.

Still glad to see someone with a high following is now dropping redpills. sage because this thread will turn into an e-celeb dick-sucking contest.

hid his*

He seemed more into being quiet about his politics because he didn't want to piss off people he considered friends. Then those supposed friends kept attacking him for a couple years which probably made it more obvious that they weren't really friends.


Neat, I suppose.

Well if any of you people have leddit accounts, be sure to support the guy.

inb4 anchor
I enjoy how JonTron is being more direct while Pew employs humor. Same one-two punch Holla Forums has.

Jaffari is a cautious man despite his style of humor. If he feels safe to say these things it means we are winning big league.


This one got a bit of a chuckle from me as well. These events are fine.

Seeing the culture of political correctness and self-hating dissolve right in front of me is fucking glorious.

Same spin is that if the west is such a terrible place, why do non-whites keep wanting to move here? Add on top of that the whole wanting to overthrow all the institutions that generated the wealth they want to suckle on.

That just face…

Jontron also refused to bow down to the synagogue during gamergate. This isn't a new thing. He's a man who stands by his beliefs even if it costs him.

Does Jontron hate the jews after Danny Sexbang took over his role at GameGrumps? Eric turned out to be a disappointing, pussywhipped bitch.

*Aaron. Don't know where Eric came from.

I don't see a reason why I should hate a guy who is obviously redpilled. Bonus points: he's a reviewer, he didn't start out as a political faggot or talked about politics at all. This seems to be his genuine opinion.

We'll never know since he's likely under some sort of legal agreement not to speak on it in exchange for continuing to receive royalties.

Jontron is such a shitty debater. He argued with some leftist youtuber today and got walked all over. He just kept saying whites shouldn't have to accept being a minority but kept getting tripped up by his liberal baggage. The whole debate was about whites being mean to poor minorities.

He could have shut down the whole thing by simply saying he doesn't care about the feelings of minorities.

Egoraptor's name is actually Erin. Probably where you got Eric from. Egoraptor sold his soul to be with some ugly gook bitch that bosses him around.

most likely from

Just eric your shit up.

I get your point but let's be honest here. You're not redpilled unless you admit the holohoax never happened but should have and name the kikes. This 'redpill' thing is getting way out of hand in placed like T_D, who claim being redpilled means supporting Trump, or just not voting Democrat.

Last time I checked (around 2015?) she was really packin' on the pounds after their marriage. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and fatface don't mix well, even worse after caking on the make up. Also, thanks for the correction.


No, faggot

Say what you will about MurdochMurdoch, but the "dank black guy wearing a trump hat/fucking based!" was spot-on. The retard strength and /u/spez was pretty funny.

If he survives this then it will set a precedent for other E-celebs.

Then we'll be really winning.

Or better, he could say minorities don't give a fuck about whites. So shitskins will treat whites like shit when given the smallest opportunity. They hate us all, and do nothing charitable for us or help us in any way.


Son of Iranian immigrant with 1.8 million twitter followers and 3.1 million Youtube subscribers is going full blown WHITE NATIONALIST on his young and impressionable fan base.

So it's trendy to be a white nationalist, now?
I wonder how far the pendulum will swing.

This is going to keep happening. More and more "famous" people will start dropping red pills on their audiences. The winds have shifted. You cannot cork the bottle anymore. The truth is leaking out everywhere and the kikes are royally fucked.

Reddit: Ruining absolutely everything since 2005.

The term you're looking for is overton window, and yes.

The more people who survive the crucible of coming out will only pave the way for more people.

If JonTron survives then more will pipe up.

i think its important too
maybe a leddit campaign would work well
something like "when everyone seems to be hating jontron but the stuff he says makes sense" or just providing citations to the things he says (for example they were questioning the rich black crime over poor white crime statistic) or perhaps T_D style "SJW BTFO"

i thought she had FAS

any an all e-celebs are cancer because of what happened to gaymergay.
They don't need to be discussed here, and doing so just invites PRfaggotry and personality cultism


No dude she's literally an ayy lmao

We don't need to actively destroy e-celebs who say redpills. Focus on the faggots and cucks.

Remember what Pat Buchanan said, "Do not wait for orders from headquarters, mount up everybody and ride to the sound of the guns."

is she finnish or half gook?

You're right, we shouldn't talk about them at all. If their redpills work good, if not we're right back where we were before pandering to the aut-kike became a revenue source for these parasites

dubs say she's an ayy lmao

Damn, there's two of the fuckin ugliest lesbians I've ever seen.


I highly doubt any e-celeb will ever go full bore and name the jew or call out their biggest lie.
This is the biggest issue with e-celebs, they're all PRfags who won't ever turn on the tribe.

They can turn on the tools of the tribe(shitskins) all they want but it won't do any good until they go full isolationist and name the holy hoax

Honestly I think that E-celebs are fine if they keep themselves separate from Holla Forums. We don't want another GamerGate but we can't pass up their massive reach.

Let them operate independently of us, be wary if they become leaders who try to order Holla Forumsacks around.


well that would explain why the moderation at Holla Forums is shit.

Yeah, the jews control all the purse strings, so if you speak up about them you end up homeless.

Armor piercing question from Jon "Aryan Apocalypse" Jafari

dubs of truth.
it is the shame the kukolds who ignore these digits of truth like the non believers they are.

It's funny because Holla Forums is literally owned by a Jew from the top 1% but he's shit as a moderator because he's autistic rather than malevolent.

So finnish?

fucker has all the money in the world.
why hasn't Holla Forums overthrown him yet?

yes lel

Eceleb who do content aimed at 14 year old kids with soft, impressionable minds is advocating that's it okay for White people to protect their culture and identity. Slowly legitimating these ideas into the mainstream. That's not meaningless to me.

Everybody has to start somewhere. At my first job I had a 70yo dude explain to me that the world is not black and white. Crying about worthless natives is useless when our ancestors built one of the greatest nation in the history of the earth and these fucks should be happy we didn't completely eradicate every last one of em.

Leaving Game Grumps is probably the best thing Jon has ever done. I actually enjoyed GG at first but Arin got annoying fast. Wish I knew the exact details of the split but it's surely some stupid lefty muh feelings bullshit.

Not only is Suzy a FAS with a UFO but she's also a total whore whom Arin is cucked by daily.

I still find it fucking hilarious that him being a shit moderator has absolutely nothing to do with being a literal ultra elite Kike.

Same thing innit?

Don't forget

Nah, people just are more open to stating that not all immigration is good.

You can only hear so many horror stories about criminal Mexicans or Islamic terrorists causing problems before you become a lot more open about saying what a travesty that bullshit is.

The only good thing Arin ever did was the Metal Gear Awesome series

Does the fucker even do animations anymore?

Don't think so. I think the whole newgrounds-tier funny animation thing is dead and gone.

Damn shame.

Western animation is kill

GG had a pretty intensely positive effect in the end, especially because of e-celebs like Jim/IA/MM. They act as bellwethers that indicate what is socially acceptable, the same as any other sort of celebs.

Most every video game forum went from tacitly accepting all liberal bullshit to treating it the same as acting like a raging asshole as GG went on. That's an accomplishment even if people don't want to admit it.

Finnish woman for comparison.

what a shame i used to love these back in the day.

I think that what we're seeing with Felix and Jon is the aftershocks of GG and Trump getting elected.

Just imagine where we'll be in a year.

Nothing on Youtube but some stupid interview with anime people. He is the biggest weeb in the worst way.

Leftist weebs are fucking cancer.

Even then his cartoons were all LE WACKY FACES and MAKING CHILDREN'S GAMES VULGAR XD, never understood why people liked him

because we didn't know better.

Jontron is a fat cuck but he smoked that fucking jew in the image lol.

They're all closet misanthropes, regardless of political leaning.

And yet here I am, speaking up about the kikes and I'm not homeless. Wonder why that is
because I'm not some no-lifer cuck who's dependent on a system that wishes to eradicate him
then again this guy is half-sandnigger so he benefits from the system

This too, problem is that they all order their fans around like a bunch of mini-leaders so it becomes a problem if too many Holla Forumsacks start to follow them, ie personality cultism


Keep from off Holla Forums but let them know that we approve of what they're doing for us.

Pretty much. GG helped to get more people even talking about a lot of the SJW/liberal bullshit going on around them, then Trump getting elected confirmed people's beliefs that there were plenty others around them that held the same opinions (enough so that Trump was elected).

GG though had been fantastic for just getting so many different 'geek' celebs/e-celebs to go into an absolute frenzy where they tried shaming anyone and everyone. It made them all the more fanatical, but most importantly in my mind is that it made them take up using blocklists and attempting to block out everyone that disagreed with. They stopped even daring to take up a moderate position on anything because they started thinking of everyone they disagreed with as just being some useless online troll.

Exactly, so why does this need a thread here? Sounds like you lot are shilling for some e-celeb that decided to pander to aut-kikes now that it's profitable.

So why has no Holla Forumsirgin targeted mark for being such a fucking faggot?
it wouldn't be hard to send him empty boxes of pizza

Kek, shes kind of cute.

Mark is autistic.

He'd build a fort out of the Pizza boxes.

no, we eat the pizas so he gets hungry but has no pizza to eat, so he'll die by eating the cardboard.

He made decent flash cartoons on newgrounds in a time when standards were incredibly low. Now people know decent tricks to animation that makes Arin's old work look typical or trash. Like using three different frames that you rotate through to convey a still figure, it's not a large amount of work yet is all that's needed to add a ton of energy to a cartoon.

When he started doing Game Grumps he was also fairly popular since their shows were relatively entertaining and it was relaxing to listen to Arin and Jon go at it. Thing is as soon as Jon left it became obvious he was the one making things feel as relaxed as it was while Arin started feeling incredibly forced. Arin was also wanting to turn gamegrumps into a full on business so that probably had to have made him a lot more stressed about maintaining a certain feel to the show, plus a desire to 'expand' by getting on more guys that could help add to his bottom line had to affect things too. Like after a while Arin got some other guys on who do their own show, do the editing for the videos, and that all means Arin basically started making money without even having to participate in the process.

What are you on about? do you browse >>>Holla Forums ? - half the board lurks for Mark's posts and calls him a faggot wherever he shows up.

They broke him after a whike and now he calls himself a kike and no-longer allows cancerous threads just to exist just because he likes the games(ie overwatch and undermeme)
He's just waiting for permission to die at this point, drinking with his jewish buddies in jew york bitching about electronics.

he's not broken enough to step down.

More eceleb shit? God mods keep this shit off here

Your dubs confirm, I doubt he will ever step down though. 8ch will die this year either way, there is nothing holding back the waves of pleddit/cuckchan cancer coming through.

"die" is being dramatic, what I really mean is "eternal summer"

this year was our "hackers on steroids"

hai fauxnews(fake news)

I'm not sure you understand what jewish means at this point. Jews are notorious for using non numerically based arguments because they are on average fucking terrible at math. They use appeals to emotion and loaded questions to berate a victim into silence.

Holla Forums was always dead. but we're the ones preserving it's corpse from rotting.
the solution is to overthrow mark and IP ban shitskin countries

shit forgot a sage

Really puckers your asshole, doesn't it?

No matter how much you bitch about it, Holla Forums fundamentally wants to be kept up to date on how the current culture is shifting and where.

JonTron's bretty gud, he's half white half Iranian IIRC. E-celebs have momentum to spread knowledge on antiwhite bullshit, so they're more than useful to us.

holy shit my sides

Imageboards have died every month since 2005.

Somehow we're still around.

The only surprising thing is that it's been left alone this long. I suspect that they're in this thread attempting to perform a consensus crack in order to give themselves justification to SHUT IT DOWN.

Holy shit everyone is redpilled now.

I just wanted to point out the hypocrisy of advocating for preserving a culture by rejecting immigration while also being a big influence on culture via the internet, a place where everything blurs together.

I thought jon was full Iranian. the only aryan in him is the pronunciation of Iran :^)

Faux isn't pronounced that way.

not really.
All niggers on the internet type in a certain way and have their own nigternet culture.
same with spics, redditors and such.

Even after m00t sold his site to datamining japs and went to jewgle halfchan is still kicking, although even worse
it seems you can never truly kill imageboards

He's half Magyar half high cast Persian.

Fair enough.

Even if he is, he looks like he's got more of the based Persian genes than shit arab genes.

Hello rapefugee, you have to go back

how did arabs and semites even came to exist?
did ancient aryans make a slave caste and interbreed them with neanderthals and niggers?
I ask the same for pahjeets.

Proto/Indo-Europeans, user. Do some research, you'll see that some of the genes spread to Persia.

We're the most resilient community on Earth.

That's the only reason why we're still alive.

They're basically a bastard race.

Jon is my favorite

Decided to look him up to find out and look at this shit. Confirmed (((they))) are mad. Don't be suprised if his twitter good boy checkmark gets removed and youtube starts shafting him for whatever reason.

Wealthy blacks commit more crime than poor Whites

He is of Hungarian-Croat and Iranian descent, according to wikipedia.

it explains why spics can look like arabs or pahjeets with enough mixing

If Jon bitches out then he's done.

If he apologizes than the SJW's will eat him alive, let's hope that browses Holla Forums enough to know that.

No, he never got this shat on (at least this much) when he appeared on Sarcuck's streams. He got really torn apart now because he debated a professional libshit sophist and was eviscerated because he's a bumbling retard.

meaningless numbers that have no effect on reality are jewish.

Needs to be done on Holla Forums first.

It's annoying as hell when you keep having to rehash the same things because autists never learn.
And e-celebs are probably the worst way of doing that, since they exist in an entirely controlled ecosystem. If you look at e-celebland "alt-right" is winning when in reality it's a jewish honeypot that absolutely nobody wants to go near sans the 12-year old TRS-tier kiddos who think Israel has s right to exist.
E-celebs always are self-serving, they only appear to be serving you right now because you are now a demographic that they see as a way to profit off off.
Same shit they pulled on the lolsorandumb Holla Forums kiddos up until new, pewdiepie made his career with lolrandumb shit, this is just the latest fad to latch onto. Don't worship parasites, don't even acknowledge them.

faux means "fake"
fauxnews = fake news and also a play on foxnews.

and what's stopping us?


c0demonkey's defense of the hotpockets. Do you even know how this site fucking works?

Honestly I don't want to open that Pandora's box because of an extremely high chance of Goons seizing on the opportunity to replace our current mods.

I haven't looked much into it so I can't remember much.
all I know is that kike wheels and jim are somewhere in the Philippines.

Half Holla Forums are crying about pewdiepie and Jontron Turing little kids into Nazis. Not even kidding.

In what way, faggot?


I've seen Jon get attacked for saying the word retard; believe me, he always doubles down.

It's just leftycucks trying to astroturf, they have threads all the time on
that shithole needs to be deleted

And have them flood here?

Pisses me off when I see them making threads in Holla Forums

No it's not. Halfchan Holla Forums always been cancer. Don't give Holla Forums too much credit

They are pissed as hell this time.


You made me check, you faggot. Not everyone. There's more people supporting Jon.

Time to rev up the meme machine and support the front line on twatter. Always knew I liked that bastid

They have a whole thread about ecelebs right now just because JonTron and Pewdiepie are "making kids spooky"

Show the rest of the thread faggot




fucking neck yourself.


Is he wrong?

powerlevel hiding is just PRfaggotry. Show your powerlevel or you'll get nothing done.

how much text can you put on that forehead ?

lol so whats stopping the white race from reclaiming its glory is a fucking mod on Holla Forums??? jesus fuck youre as delusional as a typical libshit

Flat chest
Yellow "i have the sense of fashion of a 12 year old" painted nails
Round and flat-ish face
Chubby cheeks
Bad skin

The only real appeal is her interesting pose. Holding a drink, a knife and looking at the distance with suspicious eyes in a way that screams "finish stereotype" is her only appeal. I bet Holla Forums would claim her as /ourgal/ if she wore a spurdo shirt because of the potential for finnish memes.

PR only matters in real life.

Anyone know where I can get NatSoc gear from a reputable seller? I want a Sonnenrad pin I can put on my jacket, but that's sorta a specialty item let's say.

Maybe just down, with the syndrome?

inb4 Holla Forums becomes commie to be contrarian.


Also wanted to note that I bet I really could buff a shine into my boots with that gentle neck pompadour.

Is it ok if I like the AVGN? That's the only vidya youtuber I occasionally watch. Never got into guys like this although I commend him.

I think a big distinction that needs to be made is that most of these e-celebs and entertainers rely on humor and their ability to express ideas, both good and bad, to an audience. With PC as it currently stands, a lot of topics, phrases, even images are off limits and it can severely fuck with your life if you make the mistake of crossing that line. This is an entertainer's worst nightmare, and something that will very easily piss them off, because it makes their job so much harder and so much less enjoyable.

Earlier last year or maybe it was the year before, I really can't tell anymore there was that big hubub about Seinfield and Chris Rock not wanting to do shows and colleges anymore because everyone was so overtly PC and would heckle them for innocent jokes. I think all we're seeing with Pewdiepie and now Jon is a similar strain of annoyance. I doubt they hold views anywhere near ours, but this doesn't mean we can't or shouldn't capitalize on it.

Side note, Jon seems to know a Holla Forums meme or too, he references the goys in one of his videos, albeit it seemed quite esoteric.

I've thought about this a couple times, and while it's a funny thought, I'm pretty sure it's not ever going to happen. We all grew up and discovered that the only things in life worth wanting are family, clan, and race. We're the orphaned children of a degenerate age who drank as deeply from the wellspring of perversion as humanly possible, and balked. We didn't balk because it was evil in some nebulous moral sense, we balked because what we saw in that fetid river was poisonous, to ourselves; to our families; and to our race. And while… I don't know, I don't really have a lot of hope for the future, not in a personal sense. But after seeing how deep the degeneracy can go, now I just want a wife, a few white children, a dog, and a picket fence. But now I'm 34 and it all seems farther away than ever…

WHo is this faggot and why should I give a shit?

pewdiepie just did a lets play of some shitty game where he created a hitler character and went around saying he was killing lvl 5 jews

Hang in there oldfag, we'll all make it. If not, rendezvous in valhalla.

youtuber who has a few million subs/followers and recently defended steve king

It's an understandable mistake, they're called mongoloids for a reason :^)

*if not, we'll merely rendezvous in valhalla.

I'm just kidding man.

Pewdiepie will just claim "it was a prank bro".


That depends. How creative do you want to be?


Watching the debate now. Destiny has a big advantage because A: Jon is a really bad debater, and B: he's still tethered by not wanting to go too far so he gives in on points and changes the subject when the only conclusion left is to come out in full support of white nationalism. He's still suppressing his power level, but he can't win that way. It's obvious what he thinks due to the talking points he brings up but if he veers off at the last second it makes him look like he's an idiot who can't debate. This is actually bad for us.

I can understand your point but coordinated power level displaying is far more effective.

Why did Goku choose to hide his power level until the right moment?

need to listen to

^disfag right here.
The most important factor here is actually the
JonPie when combined is exactly 1 Holla Forumsack
Notch was getting no traction because he can't bants well despite having a literal autist army at his beck and call and billions to his name. He was living up the Grumpy Un-fun Sourpuss Cuckservative memedream, no kid is gonna respond to that no matter how much truthiness is doled out.
Push more e-celebs to cancer in this direction if they gotta cancer.

beats what it started off as, at least. Now they're actually trying to get pussy, not swear off it.


two in the nums and then another HH in the ID even, I'd say that's Mos Def.

oh lol those shorts. I recognise those. (minus the pony)

Mark is the shittest jew ever, I swear if he accepted money to make a literal shill post on a game, he'd come back two days later and suddenly buy the crap when he saw it in mod queue.
At this point Mark is the memepost.

ironically the literal natives could probably do a bang-up job these days if you can get them away from the 'firewater,' it's not just Vox anymore.
Redpilled redman arguments are pretty funny too. They go like "We fucked up letting you jackasses in here, now we're stuck with you, but why are you letting those jackasses in there?
After DaPL I feel like libtards have shot their last load with'em and the patience of most tribes is completely gone.

tbf that really only affected places where GG was a common sight, /a/ which has always been perpetual cuckoldry since the EVA-ban days (lordy how I miss those days), /m/ since removing the EVA-ban, and places where the mods aren't deathly scared of their own base (/cgl/)
Of course, the boards moderation ain't a problem, it's not a problem because they're dead-slow.

kek, the kebab that removes kebab.


He was close a few times to coming clean but ultimately the shekels won out. He also folded during the ho-busters scandal when he shouldn't have. Damn shame because unlike most other vidya jewtube sperglords he's legit knowledgeable about the craft, all the way back to the -vision and laserdisc days. Wish we could get one of those walking encyclopaedias to go red, because that has potential to drive a wedge into (((gaming academia))) (and it might be a bit too late to start on it ourselves since they'll be on the lookout for internal subterfuge after the past few years)

AVGN is a cuck.

no, a global vol is stopping the users of 8ch from ousting the shitskins from Holla Forums and Holla Forums

Top fucking kek. Pr doesn't matter anywhere, especially real life. Real life is where the action happens, compromising on your beliefs when push comes to shove ensures nobody gets anything done.

buy from ex-NSDAP or get NSDAP patterns, source authentic era-appropriate fabrics and get into some /fa/ggot shit.
AFAIK nobody online sells anything even remotely good,.

Because it got the faggots at JUMP and TVTOKYO more shekels.
No, that overton window shit is garbage, revolution is a spectator sport and the lemmings will gravitate towards whoever is stronger, make sure the strong don't compromise or the compromise will be seen as strength.

Jesus fucking christ go back to whatever forum you crawled out of.



WHo is steve king?

nevermind i found the controversy. Jesus people are cunts if this offends them.


oh golly gee, I wonder which (((type))) of jimmy rustled faggot is behind this wasted post.

AHAHAHAH which one of you fuckers did this

That is his actual middle name

His middle name is literally Aryan.

It's not a joke.

shill spotted
abort thread immediately

Based. Didn't realize he was Iranian.

Proof that Iranians used to be White and some of those genes are still preserved.

The memes just write themselves at this point.

I thought he redeemed himself by not wanting to watch the new Ghost Busters

I was mostly meming fam. the fact I got trips just made it funnier.


He's doubling down.



The absolute madman

I think that the Sweden memes pushed him over the edge.

Shitskin woke up.

How long before some middle school memers get in trouble for goose stepping in school and for saying that the Holocaust was a lie in english class?

Isn't he living in United Cuckdom? He'd better get out ASAP.

It's already happening.

Good news, kamrade.


of course shitskins hate it when we discover the truth.

praise kek

and that means exactly dick. He's an entertainer, and he's being edgy for his legion of teenage fans.

most of pewdie's followers are underaged children.
teenagers move on to either H3H3, jontron and YMS




You asked for this…

fuck off, we're full


current thread

Here fam




Holla Forums has been dead for almost a decade. Fucking newfags.

why did it get anchored?

because having people in the public sphere is counter to our intended purpose as controlled opposition you dumb goy
Welp his subscribers are going up after this.

What, you need cow tits you fuck?
Just wash her hands.
As every other human?
She can handle my dick with her mouth then.
Ok lizardmen, time to get out, I'm the Lizardking and now you can go fuck a cacus or something.

You're dismiss.

fucking excellent
monetary incentive
spread this about if you can. cite pewdiepie's increase in popularity too.

What, they just took a 5k sub drop today.

Kill yourself.

Basically Pew is the jabs, Jon is the right cross

I don't see anything wrong with her… I am a man who indeed loves yuge tiddies but I can appreciate a woman who doesn't have cow tits.


That was completely fucking stupid for him to do since the guy is such a depressed looking sperg with no following. Jon is just making these people famous by acknowledging them.

That foul creature looks like a tranny.

how about you go eat shit, instead?

So is anyone going to do something about sperg mods or as your just going to let them ruin the board?

There are rumors.

bump for interest


You clearly don't know how this website works.

It's good that you're asking someone, because you clearly don't know how this site works.

Sargon of Akkad recently got two copyright​ trikes from Destiny, off very short clips. Linked video.

Destiny is a pretty extreme SJW, that does anything to destroy his enemies.

I can't even.

Why'd you post all those gook children


physiognomy is real

He went from being an uneducated carpet cleaner to an uneducated Twitch streamer. Got screwed by various companies due to not understanding how to read a contract. Had his broadcasting career destroyed before it started due to comments he made. He probably has aspirations of doing something with music, but he is horrible at it. The only avenue he has left is turning to SJW faggotry and making a living off of his loyal followers. Pure cancer at this point.