ADL to Build Silicon Valley Center to Monitor & Fight Cyberhate; Omidyar Network Provides Seed Fundi

Center Will Combine Cutting-Edge Analysis, Education and New Strategies and Partnerships To Combat Online Harassment and Protect Civil Rights

ADL’s center on cyberhate, technology, and society will pioneer new strategies in the fight against online abuse, drawing from ADL’s three decades of expertise monitoring, tracking, and combating hate on the public and private web. It will author reports and data; provide insights to government and policy makers; and expose and stop specific cases of online harassment and cyberbullying.

Other urls found in this thread:á'í_Faith

It's amazing how stupid they really are. Trying to regain control of the flow of information, trying to regain the power to shape every narrative, is futile. They can't adapt to how things have evolved. They are doomed.


You know, I've always faulted myself for the complacency thing. In retrospect I'm actually pretty thankful in that works as a double-edged sword. Fate wasn't as biased as I figured.

it's almost hilariously unbelievable…

Stop being a faggot, we haven't even won yet.


And 90% of their time will be spent whining about "America first".

After the likes of JIDF, Hasbara, Megaphone, and the like they're trying this now. I don't know how these heebs are considered smart. They never learn and think doubling down will work for the six gorillionth time and it never does.

That's dumb and you're a concern troll.

Omidyar is a CIA shill

The quote attributed to Foxman in the first image is (obviously) fake.

Yeah we are going to have a third migration soon.

8ch is dead and jim and kampfy have been delibatatly using this place as their own political loudspeaker. Cripplekike sold us out a year ago anyway.

Theres a few other chans out there but what we really need is something that can be both highly anonymous in an increasinly spy oriented world, and something that has anti-shill measures built right into the culture or the board itself.

Otherwise we will end right back here just like before.

Also, we need to destroy reddit... permanently.

ADL confirmed for being utterly satanic.

It has nothing to do with protecting people from harassment. They just push for more monitoring and being the third party to filter things because it gives them direct control of the communications channel.

how can you even explain the rise of antisemitism? dotr cant come soon enough

I agree. The question is are we just going to move to another chan or create our own? Because if we just migrate to another chan it will only be a matter of time before it gets filled up with shills and crap. I've been thinking about this for a while and it might be better to either look into Zeronet or (if it wasn't such a pain in the ass to set up) i2p. The best anti-shill mechanism would be a combination of built-in to the board (a kind of shared whitelist?)and the boards users themselves.

Interesting choices, because if all of them are utilized effectively, this would imply a more elaborate approach than just suppression. But knowing them, they'll end up using it all as a glorified filter and still scratch their heads on why it's not working.

This place isn't even on Google.

They really aren't, it's just the average american leftist and non white is emotionally fucking retarded and are easy to manipulate. Also, jew nepotism.

Holy shit, is that a real quote!?
ADL needs to die ASAP


They know.

These fucks again…






> The name of his father, a surgeon who worked as a urologist at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, is undisclosed.

Merchants of Doubt (2014)

Spotlight (2015)





> She is also a member of the advisory council of The Elders, an independent group of eminent global leaders, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Mary Robinson, President Jimmy Carter, and Kofi Annan, who offer their influence and experience to support peace building and alleviate human suffering.

fortune .com/2014/11/11/7-ceos-with-notably-devout-religious-beliefs/

There might as well be big sign that says MOSSAD out front. Fuck these guys.

t. Abe Foxman

www.insidephilanthropy .com/tech-philanthropy/2014/3/27/cant-get-a-grip-on-omidyar-philanthropy-youre-not-alone-so-t.html

It's complicated.

? Because the Omidyars haven't endowed their foundations with any sizeable chunk of their vast fortune, they frequently replenish their foundations' coffers, creating a sort of pay-as-you-go operation.


Complex problems defy simple solutions. For every issue we focus on, we come to the table with specific goals but without preconceived notions about how to best achieve them. Our approach relies on experimentation, iteration and constant learning.

…. I never realized giving to one side and not the other was considered 'non-partisan'.

That means nothing.

Something is up with this Pamela bitch.
I can fucking smell it.

Single point of failure with an easy solution.


Gee satan, are you saying the ADL is just an israeli intelligence agency spying on its "greatest ally"?

Whatever will the poor SPLC do now that they've been made redundant? Go back to pushing Communism in America like they did when they started? haha I bet you didn't know that xD.

Cutting-Edge shitposting from Shlomo eh? Like zee p00f's flag, just tell us where it is and there will be an electrical fire hahahahahah

I want to believe, but I want a specific source. Did the quote come from a speech? If so, which one. I would love to have clear proof of their plans admitted out in the open without need for context or thought on the part of the reader.

It's worse, they got captured by commies who love Iran and Hamas. The Israelis haven't figured it out yet or they would do something about it.

White people? 6 billion non whites. Whites are the minority.

I believe Satan is telling us he is pretty much bored with the kikes. Time to dump em

Haha yes.

It reminds me of how well classical military formations work against guerilla tactics. Wait, wait, they are spending money on this?! I feel like you no-good shysters are really scamming these poor suckers…

i came across this name
i'm no tech wiz but i see consequences for imageboard operations
>To operationalize this new technology to combat extremism, Farid and CEP proposed the creation of a National Office for Reporting Extremism (NORex), which would house a comprehensive database of extremist content and function similar to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC).

kikes are gonna kike

I'm sure we can find some big scandala in the ADL. Lets dig. We can destroy them. They are a high priority target.


Is Omidyar a (((Baha'i)))?á'í_Faith

A moderately short (or long) jog-thru on the Baha'i? I've know of them, but know nothing of them.

I read that as "AOL" at first and thought "finally, all the cyberbullying shit is going to die in an ill-advised merger of incompetence!"

oh mang, that's a gr8 idea. Piss'em off like Duke did to NAACP, "white-i-fy" their whole org.
Set up a database not just on (((names))) but an RSS feed of anti-white news like hatewatch, call it b8 watch or somethin' since it's always the newest normiest fag that falls for D&C shit.

how bout 14 words of David Chaim?
"We must secure the existence of Israel and protect our borders from the goyim"
and instead of the 88 they have "66 tips for rigging the stock market and goy enrichment"

Implying getting caught isn't part of (((their))) plan

why the ((())) treatmeent for the Baha'i?