Harvard drops the LSAT

Harvard drops the LSAT

> archive.is/80WPl

Harvard Law School announced Wednesday that it will accept the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) in a pilot program for students applying to its class of 2018.

Can someone with some further insight on this offer some… well, insight as to what might have motivated this change?

Other urls found in this thread:


Here's some of what my initial perusals turned up…

What is the Graduate Record Examination (GRE)?

> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graduate_Record_Examinations

> The GRE has also been subjected to the same racial bias criticisms that have been lodged against other admissions tests.


> ets.org/gre/revised_general/about/scoreselect/

I feel like this is in some way a means via which to shuck more niggers and shit into higher academia - am I completely off, and there is a legitimate explanation for this shit?

This is bullshit.

What they're saying is, exams are retardophobic.

They're using it as an excuse let in more niggers


Implication seems to be the GRE is much easier than the LSAT
> top-law-schools.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=65560
> lawschooli.com/gre-vs-lsat/

That seems to be the case, yes.

Checked for that's the vibe I'm getting.

As someone looking at taking the LSAT later this year, I'm now wondering if I shouldn't just say 'Fuck it' and refocus on the GRE - if I could pull a 170+ on the LSAT, I can surely pull an equivalent percentile, or better, on the NLSAT aka GRE.


And thus, it begins.
College degrees will be widely seen as worthless by next decade. In general, I mean, not just meme majors.

Welp, looks like I'll be studying law in a European country then.

Oh boy, can't wait for my grandkids to be watching an old movie with me and asking why it's so great that one of the characters got into harvard.

I thought LSAT is under the DoD.

The rank of Harvard in International university rankings is primarily based on decades of past performance.

However recent academic research seems to be lacking, their rank will slowly drop the next decade.


Hahahahaha me too.

LSAT are very worthy endeavor, 12 guys with LSATs will fix the Harvard problem…

Isn't Harvard that meme Uni where big dream fags drop out because they realize they are wasting their time and become super financial geniuses, like Gabe?

LSAT is basically an IQ test. Scores are very strongly correlated with IQ, to the point that some take LSAT scores as a direct proxy for IQ.

GRE is, I believe, less g loaded and with more dependence on education than inherent intelligence than the LSAT.

This will actually be very good for us. The left doesn't realize that by destroying higher education they are destroying their biggest weapon. Credentials will no longer be based on good goyim status, jumping through hoops at a university.

Hopefully companies will move to more focused certifications for hiring as degrees become less and less a predictor of ability.

This is probably part of a bigger plan to reduce the comprehension of lawyers and make them more pliable and unlikely to interfere with government power.

The Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage is incredibly spurious, it could easily by reversed with a different composition of judges. The ruling is based on the semantics of the word marriage. The court ruled that the word marriage has not meant between man and woman for most of history, including when earlier law regarding marriage was written. Government increasingly relies on this type of Orwellian revisionism, it's easier if there is nobody competent around to challenge you.

I was going to post about this to let anyone who has taken the GRE and done well to all become Harvard lawyers. I was thinking about doing it as I have a decent GRE score. In my experience, even the smartest international students do piss poor on the GRE, especially the verbal reasoning part. This could be a chance to get some right wing attorney squads going.

Before I found Holla Forums I was looking at going to an ivy league school. Had the grades and the money to get into any of them. Im glad I found this place before I pulled the trigger on that because it is plainly apparent how little a watermelon league diploma will be worth.

I wonder how it differs per round in production costs

Offtopic but I just showed the OP image to Jesus. He loves you guys. P9kite sage for offtopic.

I took the GRE several years ago, scored quite well (98th percentile verbal and quant, 99th+ percentile writing - thanks Holla Forums).

It's a fairly difficult exam in the sense that it's basically the SAT on steroids, take that as you will. A big portion of the GRE is test taking strategy, which is a second order concern for students who want to achieve a high score.

I think it's a fine exam for law school, because many law students do not have undergraduate educations in law, so the LSAT is biased against those students, while the GRE just tests raw intellect and key skills.

It's the right time for anons to go to Harvard and take all of the titles, their prestige will still last at least 10 years.

Correct me if I'm wrong guys, but this is too lower the standards to get in, right? Law degrees are already not worth the paper they are printed on due massive supply fulled by the idea that getting a law degree was an easy way to make a lot of money. Now you have way more people wanting to be lawyers than there are positions. Lowering standards even more will only compound the issue. I'm guessing in the short run this will generate a lot of shekels for Harvard, but like all of the lowered standards for colleges, will eventually lead to a system collapse as more goyim wake up to the idea that most college degrees are a huge waste of time and money.



Sage for HWNDU memes

uh, yeah genius, it happens quite a lot.

no one has an undergraduate education in law, what are you talking about? Pre-law is basically nothing, it's not even comparable to pre-med.
not even close, that's what the LSAT does. Logical reasoning ability is exactly what an IQ test is.

sage for HWNDU meme, sorry OP

He is a financial genius, he makes money off a fake hat economy and fake knives in his sleep.

I know, they'll be a few good universities that retain standards, and they will do will because of it.


hey shit-for-brains, there's no restriction on burgers studying law in other countries.

Fixed that for you.
yes, Gayben is a jew

LSAT looks breddy easy TBQH fam, and I'm just a NEET-a-L33T eating foodstamp bought steak every night (and only steak).

So poetic, I'm an extremely high IQ nutbag who got pummeled for half a decade by everyone in my elementary school, only to turn around and live comfy making those normie hacks work and pay taxes and welfare to me, for the autism they gave me.

So, live comfy and NEET-a-L33T and help cause chimpouts on Twatter for my own sadistic keks and memetic glory? Or git gud in order to become Schlomo's wageslave busting my ass along-side my normie torturers?

Fuck it I'll burn down the house. It wasn't built for me anyway, you made plenty sure I knew that.

There's a third way.



staying the course, huh? Well there's no cure for retardation, so you might as well.


It might get cheaper.

REEEEEEE how the FUCK does that benefit a single goddamn prospective lawyer already in the USA? Not to mention how fucking retarded it is to take future lawyers from other countries where the laws are totally different.

just stop

I mean the SAT wasn't difficult, but the GRE is significantly more difficult than the SAT even after adjusting for grade level. It's more difficult mainly due to the enhanced time constraint and overall length. It is much less forgiving than other exams as far as time constraints go, compared to, say, the MCAT even though the MCAT is more arduous.

The GRE had a harder verbal section than the LSAT, which I found difficult. The logic games on the LSAT were easy, in my opinion, but that's just my personal bias. The math on the GRE was harder in the sense that I had to recall basic mathematics concepts, which were tough after so long.

The Physics GRE was the worst of them all, but its meant to be so.

Standardized tests are retarded anyway.

This is so fucking bad, and you can bet others will flow suit. The LSAT is only exam accepted by "MENSA" in that it's considered a straight IQ test. Not that this stopped Law Schools from taking niggers with 153s where Whites had to have 170s. They can sense the new Supreme court is going to shoot down AA and are getting prepared for it. That's the only answer.

It (used to be) at least an entire system where you sent your recommendations, transcripts, and LSAT all to the LSAC and so you just paid shekels for each schools. The GRE meant to be a lot easier.

I had a 169, and I would by no means say the logic games were "easy" and I was in top 2% of exam takers. You're either full of shit or the Jews have really dumbed it down in the last 6-7 years. My older sister came out of Harvard, and the consensus was always "the LSAT is hardest standardized exam." you could sort of nigger-rig by looking around very stealthily and trying to figure out which was the experimental and then just spending more time on the legit section if you had a proctor who doesn't pay any attention.

You're not honestly going to sit there and tell me "logic games were easy" unless you are at Yale Law right now.

Another possibility is that you are a chink/gook.

This is preparing an entire generation of fucking idiots having law degrees. In 20 years, you not only have to worry about lawyers, judges, and politicians being corrupt or activist, you'll have to worry about them being retarded enough to believe jewish/ marxist bullshit and the voices of reason will be in the minority.

I'm not at Yale, I'm at Penn (but not the law school)

I guess I have a talent for logic games then because I've had a pretty good time with them, but the vocabulary and math recall wasn't as easy.

I'm white

Good point. Especially given that professors these days are now fucking blackmailed into given everyone an A or B+ (especially a mouthy nigger), let's have absolutely no objective standard for any school. And if you are ever in a car wreck and get a nigger as your surgeon who has to save your life…I've rarely seen so much dumb shit stuffed into one fucking post.

Pretty soon, the only ivy league degrees that are going to be worth anything are going to be those awareded to the kike children of kike alumni, the rest will be given to niggers and muds so they can cry even more about discrimination when they're still not getting hired with their Harvard degrees in white genocide studies.

Well, if you are White then you are either a 1 in a million exception or they've really toned down the logic games. The conventional wisdom used to be not even to attempt the 5th one. I didn't get a single reading comp question wrong but my logic section had..not nigger-tier but enough wrong to embarrass me.
They never had a maths section, maybe it's new.

As a guy who is about two months from graduating law school I saw the LAST (which is currently used) and the GRE need to be scrapped. And a tset that actually reflects usage in law school be used, or instead a general aptitude test. Once you are done with the LSAT, you'll never do anything like it again in your life.

And law school finals are a completely different world from the LSAT or GRE, and everything is always written to be as nice to nin-whites and women as possible.

On the LSAT, a good way to guess Ana answer is to know that the man is always wrong if the question involves a man and a woman. End of the question involves a white and a non-white the non-white will be right.

Sorry for spelling, on cell phone.

I'd love to propose this as an experiment and see what the final score is.

No, because unless it's a job where you really need to be smart (few and far between…maybe a big position at Goldman-Sachs) the niggers are hired for the "diversity quota" still.

But if you are a goy and aren't very, very good at a sport, your chances are almost zero. Think about what they've done, not only a the Ivies but all schools. Most of "the Seven Sisters" are still all female, and no one has an issue. Any all-male school–even fucking military academies–forced to admit women. so between..the 50s and 80s, you had White men lose 1/2 positions to women, another 25% to Jews, plus niggers, plus spics, plus internationals, plus Jews. It's fucking insane.

the year I applied, my UG school had a 29% admission. Now it's down to 14%. I don't keep up with any alumni shit, but how many Whites guys are getting shafted?

There is a mountain of research that shows that standardized tests are not necessarily the best way to recognize talent, just the easiest way to make a somewhat decent correlation between intellect and score on a mass scale.

Standardized tests are a relic of the past when it was more difficult to make an accurate assessment of an individual's intellect due to technology.

A better way to do it is for there to be a standardized type of examination for each specific discipline that is performed over a long period, like a licensing exam with multiple parts or projects, but each part is graded and takes time to do (can only be done in a specific location to prevent cheating). Since this would take a lot of resources to do for each student, a plain general IQ test should be the standard for graduate schools, and additional subject tests to supplement the IQ test for programs that desire to use them.

The math was on the GRE and I took a sample LSAT online from a previous year, so I only tried a few sections and gave the 5th a quick look but never finished it.

And who would you have grade them exactly to ensure fairness? I tend to agree in some respects, it would be better replaced with..a brief. But how do you keep that fair, when you already have whores who can't get jobs offering to help doctor apps/essays for the LSAC?

The LSAT isn't perfect but it's fair. It measures overall IQ. Depending on what type of law you are going into, of course it's no a perfect indicator of success. But last study I saw, it had a very high correlation with success in Law School.
Look at the SAT and how they had to dump the new 2400 point model they tried with the writing sample. It's better than anything else available.

I would also add that I think the LSAT, like any standardized testx can be gamed if you have enough time to sit down and learn the teicks, so a test of "knowledge" or "IQ" in my opinion is horsehsit, they even have statistics on which answers to guess in the logic games section based on a questions particular placement in the line-up.

And I took a class and shot up 15 points…only got a 156 because I suck at those kind of tests. Even though my GPA was a 3.7 overall and a "law GPA of 3.3" according to LSAC.

Do you want to be the professor confronted by a dean who just got a letter from a lawyer after honestly assessing a dumb nigger student has no talent or aptitude for any grad school?

that's like me running 2 miles in the morning and telling others Ranger School is actually easy. It's a 4 or 5 hour exam with one 15 minute break. the idea is that you are fucking mentally exhausted and sitting in a desk and nervous and have to perform under pressure. Doing a few questions online from your desk with no pressure and no proctors and to exhausted after previous 3/5 hours is meaningless.


user, face it, you're not as smart as you'd like to think. 155 is average. You are average. I can sit and make excuses for why I didn't get the 176 I wanted. You aren't as smart as the others who took the exam.
you honestly took that exam at one point and got a 141? And still had to balls to even take the real test? It's an IQ test. You can get used to the format, you can't "study" a such which is why MENSA accepts it. you aren't a smart as you thought you were. And a 3.7 isn't exactly a great GPA if you are really serious. Take personal responsibility in your life and accept your weaknesses.

What is a great GPA then? A 4.0? What weakness you dipshit, I just talked about how the test, in my opinion is a bad test, I never claimed I was awesome or better than anybody else who took, you should take the reading comprehension section again.

I literally cannot be bothered to study.

We are definitely at peak lawyer, most make jack shit these days unless highly connected. So maybe this is some sort of ploy to change that. Doubt it.


I did make a second post about being on a phone, not like I was hiding the poor spelling.

I like the way you think user, but instead of calling is a 'plain general' IQ test, I would suggest calling it 'uniformly regulated' testing. This is clearly the path forward from the arcane standardized testing methods.

just eat shit

It's called the Standards and Poor Rating for a reason.


>dumb enough to post on a phone :^)

If you are White and want to be taken seriously by t-10 schools? you better be over 3.9.

now I see why you were indeed able to score a 141 (you get 120 for just showing up). The test is not a "bad test." It's an IQ test. You did poorly, and rather than look yourself in the mirror and say "I did poorly, not as smart as I want to be, I need to work 5x as hard as other people," like a nigger "it done beez a bad test an' sheet."

and you can't even fucking see it.

IQ testing gives an ok profile of rough cognitive abilities but it ignores all kinds of factors.
Plus the tests are Jewish so I don't fully trust them.

You're acting like the LSAT is some awesome IQ test, and if going off of what you're complaining about, then the LSAT is a learn-able test that can be improved upon, whereas IQ is supposed to be more or less static.

So which is it, a learn-able test that anybody can do if they have enough time or a static test that you shouldn't see much improvement? So did you score over 170, which is less than 2% on the test, like everybody else on Holla Forums who is a super genius who just got shafted by the system or what?

I mean, shit I only have 119 IQ and I can't imagine that it has gone up or down but maybe a few points since I was tested.

We all make mistakes user.

it's still a g-loaded examination, ie a de facto IQ test. They'll still normalize the figures to make minorities look better but when was that not occuring?

raising your score=/=raising you intelligence.
IQ is solving complexity that was not arranged for. if you prep for problems in the form of IQ tests, you will improve at that specific battery of tests. If you lift wieghts, you can raise your strength but you will not have a seismic shift in your lifting capacity.

I'm not arguing that they are one in the same, the other user is treating them as if are.

it could very well be, and this could be figured out. At first glance it looks like it would make a quick IQ test. What did you get on SAT/ACT and what era?

I can't recall, that was back in 2008, on the LSAT I remember I went from 141 to 156. My IQ score according to the WISC-III is 119 when I was tested back in 1998. Though if I recall I think I only got about 26/27 on the ACT.

Again, you demonstrate shit reading comprehension. The LSAT is not "learnable" in the sense that it can change your score in a statistically significant way. Kaplan and those other places (used to teach LSAT classes to rich NYC Jews) guarantees that "you will score at least one point higher than you did on the initiation test you take or you get a refund." It's not about "learning material," you can't. You can buy the old exams and have someone act as a proctor and simulate the conditions and get the same exact results– 1 or 2 points higher, at best.

169, I think it was 97% or 98%. I lost literally every point on the logic games. If you correlate with he IQ chart, it comes out to..137 or 138. You don't have to believe me, don't care, everyone on here also claims to be 6 foot 5. I'm 5 foot 8, it's an anonymous board, I don't give a fuck.

This is what you won't answer. Firstly, are you White? Yes or no? If you're White and they had no LSAT when you took it, you'd not have gotten in at all. The average at my LS was supposedly 171 according to US Jews and World Report (though in private one of the secretaries told me that's horseshit, it's more like 166). So you do away with the LSAT, overnight every top school is 30% nigger. Grades are fucking useless these days, professors no longer fail people who deserve it.

It's an objective exam you cannot study for. You can get used to format as well as anyone else if you can pay the 7-8 shekels for exams you can get from LSAC. You do away with LSAT, what do you suggest is used that won't open the gates for niggers? right now, if you are White and smart and come from a shit high school, the SAT is only thing to save you. Even you went to a very good school and have a 4.0 (or damn near), if you are autistic and aren't president of the feed a nigger foundation with a gap year spend building outhouses for niggers in the Sudan, the LSAT can save you. Why would you want to take that away? Even with it in place, they fuck over White men. That's gone? Every White guy is finished.

(unless you're not White, in which case I'd understand since it would help you if/when AA is thrown out by the new SCOTUS).

I don't mean I got all questions wrong on all 5 games, I mean I had a perfect reading comp score and all the points I lost were in logic games. and I had to learn the "kaplan methods" (TM) to teach it to privileged Jews on NYC upper east side. If it were learnable to where it really gave a boost, I'd have gotten in the high 170s as I wanted.

If it's any consolation, I actually am 6'5".

well, there you go. Everyone on here is 6'5", good-looking, benches 405, and has a 150 IQ.

Jesus, quit repeating your test scores and trying to get other anons to validate you. No one gives a fuck.

I am white and 5'10. I didn't claim that I was a genius, as you seem to be insinuating, I simply don't think it's that "good" of a test, you simply learn the tricks and take enough practice tests and you'll do fine.

And you absolutely can "learn" the LSAT and this guy's blogpost is a decent example of how: lawschooli.com/lsat-prep-books-self-study/

Nobody can compete with the ridiculous requirements to get into the better schools nowadays, and honestly as the rate that Harvard and the other T10 schools seem to be heading, they don't seem as though they will be at the top forever, especially if the US News and World Reports ever got thrown by another objective scoring system.

Another user asked me a question you dipshit, does it hurt your feelings or something because somebody else isn't following your rules for "your board"?

This truly is the way a manlet sees the world. I am so happy.

I can tell you why they are doing it

Law Schools are ranked by US News & World Report, based on a number of factors including graduate employment, median LSAT scores, and retention rates for students.

Harvard is basically forced to accept the highest scoring people on the LSAT if they want to retain their vaunted position as one of the best law school. By dropping the LSAT altogether they are essentially challenging the ranking system status quo.

Harvard doesn't like the current system because almost no minorities besides jews and asians ever score high on the LSAT. The GRE, however, is a joke compared to the LSAT. This will allow them to diversify their class makeup while simultaneously arguing that the ranking system is wrong.

The academic left continues to implode.

JD here. Had 168 LSAT and 3.0 law school GPA. Law school fucking sucks tbh and people smart enough to score high 170s are smart enough to see through the law school lie and have better alternatives. I was not. And now I owe ZOG a quarter million. It's actually hilarious how transparently declinist the entire education system has become. From preschool to PhD.
To any anons thinking about law school: I implore you to reconsider.

A quarter million? Where did you go to school, that's the amount that going to med school generates I would imagine.

should've gone to a state school brother

im paying only 20k a year and will be walking into a comfy salary upon graduation along with the top 85% of my class (read: the white students)

I guess that's why SAT is no longer considered a metric for IQ, first time I took it I got a 1410 out of 1600, second time after studying a Kaplan book I went up to 1530.

it was a non-factor anyway.

My biggest regret is not going to my state safety school. Good for you man. July bar?

Vandy-tier private school.

no, you're just validating getting a shit score on a test by attempting to devalue the worth of the test. cry moar.

If you have any imagination or initiative, you'll find good work with a law degree. Unless you're one of those delusionals who thinks he can work at a "top firm".

just a 2L right now actually. so I can't talk shit yet, as i don't have a job in hand. might not be in the practice area I want, but I don't think i'll end up un-or-underemployed.

you won't starve either, once you're done paying off those loans it will be worth it

Oh no, you're totally right, a test that anybody can do pretty well on with enough practice is super hard.

I enjoyed my 2L much more than I am enjoying my 3L, doing a clinic in 3L was a mistake.

that just proves my point, the ivy leagues bend over backwards to grab the few minorities who can score high enough on the LSAT to not hurt their class average. There aren't enough to go around, so they are trying to relax standards to make admission less of a concrete gpa/lsat consideration and more of a "holistic" (diverse) approach

im doing a clinic right now actually, i kind of like it. it helped me a lot in my interviews for summer internships. they like seeing "student attorney" on my resume and I can bullshit about the responsibilities i had.

It is an assload of work though and I can imagine having other things on my mind as a 3L

Which clinic are you doing? I am currently doing the Innocence Clinic and am going to be preparing a parole application packet with my group members (3 of us total).

The time that my professor requires for my clinic is so high it's killing me, 200 hours a semester, so about 400 total over the course of my 3L.

A 169 score is not "genius." The IQ correlation is not even "gifted," that's 140 IQ. If I were going to randomly make shit up on an anonymous board, don't you think I'd make up a higher score?

you still won't answer the fucking question. You do away with the LSAT. It's gone. What exactly do you think happens, other than excuse to let in more niggers? I was in a class with one negress who had a 153, and she was proud of it, telling everyone. In private, people resented the shit out of her.

My GPA was 3.93 at NESCAC school, and I had a 169. and I didn't even apply for H/Y/S, because I wouldn't have got in. You want to take away the one thing Whites have where it's a totally even playing field and the nigger can't game the system and has to have an actual score. Why would you want to do that? Because you personally didn't do well on the exam?

they call it advocacy clinic where I am, we do criminal, housing, and juvenile law. It's a good way for students to get court/plea negotiation experience. I don't know if i'll end up going criminal though, unless I got a job as a prosecutor I don't think I could do it.

We have an innocence clinic at our school too, they do good work. Your hours requirements sound like ours, they tell us to aim for 15-20 a week, but in reality it's been more like 10 a week, only hitting 20 on really busy weeks.

You said that your IQ is about 137-138, about 2-3 points lower than "gifted", forgive me for rounding.

As I said, in an earlier post, that a general aptitude test, akin to an IQ test would be much better than the LSAT, I have seen and met people who shouldn't be in law school, but if their general intelligence was tested instead of the LSAT then I don't think those people would be allowed in.

And they already are gaming the system, they don't look at just LSAT and GPA, they take a "holistic approach" to give the non-whites an extra bump to get in.

Sounds like an interesting Clinic, we have a Tax clinic at my school that does good work, and a decent program where you intern at the local state's attorney's office as a "lawyer" and get the experience of being in the court room.

I aim for about 10 hours a week at least and then go to 20 or 25 in weeks I don't have other things going on, mostly preparing for the bar is getting me.

It really came to that test and the GRE, and my GRE scores were in the 80th percentile while I think my LSAT was something to the effect of 147?

Regardless, it's clear that careers in law are really not worth the time or hassle at this point. You end up in some soulless biglaw entity or you whore yourself out to auto accident victims and or people being criminally prosecuted for 33% of claims awarded.

Yes, you'll make money (if you're good) but what "are" you at that point if all of that was accomplished at the expenses in competing with every other -stein who passed the bar exam?

Get a PhD.

I take it you weren't terribly interested about getting into a college if you don't remember? Your ACT is not far off for your IQ, and I know mine all were relatively close. A bell curve is a bell curve. Deal with it.

if there is a reading comprehension portion I think I know why you got the score you did

bullshit, the requirements are lower, they just shifted to include more niggers and trannies and shit. The whole point of top colleges was at one time only the most capable or connected (the world ain't fair) got in.


This is why I despise people trying to make these tests less rigorous or less applicable. I was one of those kids. Of course, the education I got later was brainwashing and I rebelled and ended up back as a hillbilly, but at least it's a choice now and not a trap.

Jesus Christ, I'd love to know what law school accepted you. The LSAT IS a "General Aptitude" test. It's the only one accepted by MENSA, the cut off is something like 163 or 164. It's an IQ test. the MCAT obviously is not, the GRE is not, the LSAT is.

This is the difference between us. I got a score I wasn't happy with, had no chance had H/Y/S, accepted my fuck-up and went in and worked my ass off to finisher top and ensure my job in NYC.

Years later, you are still saying the exam is unfair rather than just accepting your fuck-up. I give up.

I feel the same. And if you do well enough, you can out without owing ZOG a penny in loans. For UG or LS.

What? There are multiple test that are accepted to get into MENSA. us.mensa.org/join/testscores/qualifying-test-scores/

Dude, you're the one who is fucking losing their shit about all this, I simply made a few posts and you've been sperging out since then.

And what did you get on the LSAT, if you even took it?

What do you even get out of being in an org with aspies and delusional prodigies? I wouldn't even list that filth on a resume or will to mention it to anyone.

I don't give a shit about it myself, but has been going on about it for almost 6 posts now.

Then I wonder why they seem to care so much. Always seemed like a typical scam, but as the thesis of the thread:

If you're smart enough to consider the option of law school, you're likely to realize it's a scam at this point.

More or less, and everybody in, is in too deep to get out.

Anyone knows what site this is from I can't recall what was it's name.


I hated college and never finished thank god I went for something that kept me out of ivy league or I might have ended up SJW'd so it was all a waste anyhow, but the one time I finally failed enough to owe money I just wrote a check then and there. Cunts wanted to try to get federal bux anyways and tried to talk me into not paying right then.

Instead of teaching kids to go to college to get a good jobs, parents ought to be teaching kids to never go into debt.

I didn't. But I'm also not telling you my penis size and claiming that because I got a different measurment twice that rulers aren't real

Because I'm fucking baffled you were ever allowed into a law school. I can only hope the Judge refuses to admit you you to bar during your interview. you can't read. Under every exam but for LSAT and GMAT, in big blue letters, all caps, NOT ACCEPTED.

You literally can't read. If you are allowed to be called to bar, when you end up in the public denver office God help a poor prick who really is innocent and gets a motherfucker who cannot read.:

In your picture, there is the "Henmon-Nelson" and "Miller Analogies Test" that is also accepted, so tell me again how I can't read while you seem to have fucking missed something.

I'm surprised you didn't tell us your LSAT score again, since you've included it in almost every post you've made. Christ man, you're the one who has been blowing their load over this entire thread.

So you're another one of those "too smart" for school guys eh? Damn, Holla Forums has so many geniuses, who found their true calling and had to drop out.

they're not fucking academic tests retard. They are administered almost exclusively to children by a psychologist. Even GMAT being accepted is new. What you can't get through your head or admit to yourself, you took a reliable IQ test and fucked up. you have a low IQ. That's based on a clear standard set by the only people who take IQ semi-seriously.

Again, god help the poor prick who ends up with you as a public defender.

To be fair, a lot of Anons have been blackballed for wrongthink. They're smart, but not everyone is smart or sly in the right ways to also game the system.
Happens all the time.

Listen they're not necessarily the best at rhetorically framing the position (I have an MA [in governance]) but they aren't wrong.

And my reading was spot on, you fuck, you said all of them had "Not Accepted" under them. And what does it fucking matter as what age or who administers the test if it is STILL fucking accepted?

oh that's fantastic.
Makes the weapon look like a toy though lol

I've never pretended to be successful, but yes I was too smart to fit in well and too combative to work for people I don't respect.

I got out before that could happen, but the career I spent the first few years working towards would certainly have removed me for wrongthink. The me of today would have pretended and blended in and subverted my enemy but probably failed, I don't hide anger well but back then the ethical problems were too much for me.

Quebecfag here. I can completely explain.

Our education system is different from the rest of North America. Very different. I'll spare you the details, but the gist of it is that over here, universities don't have SATs or any equivalent. All they use to judge you for admission is student records, meaning what institutions wrote in your file and past grades.

What this essentially means is that instead of relying on your actual skills, they rely on hearsay. So any teacher, from elementary to high school and CEGEP, can completely fuck up your chances at even a bachelor's degree by making shit up about you. In the US, the SAT means that even if a bunch of teachers make shit up about you because they don't like you, acing the SAT gives the universities an objective measure of your abilities and thus the opportunity to ignore abusive, corrupt school officials if there are discrepancies. In Quebec, it means wrongthink will get you shut out of university.

The removal of the SAT and total reliance on GRE would bring the same to Harvard.


way to broadcast your ignorance of the legal system to the entire thread

hitler dubs confirm


That's my point. The whole point of removing the SAT is to gate it even more. To make it even less about ability and even more about your connections.

I personally know multiple people who got 175-180 on the exam. They're above average intelligence, but all of them did it by studying almost daily for 6 months beforehand.

What did they study?

LSAT practice tests/logic games

how do you "stay" reading comprehensions and practice games when they won't be the same as the ones on the exam? Do me a favor– look up the definition of "study" in the OED and get back to me.

I fucking taught this shit at Kaplan in NYC and had to take their classes. You cannot "study." You can get accustomed to the format and length of the exam, and at best it's been shown to add 3 points. Thus the reason the "Kaplan LSAT Guarantee" (TM) only giantess our shekels back if you score LOWER than you did on the first day of the course when they give them the exams.

How can you do a double-blind and compare the "people you know personally" and how they would have scored without studying? You can't. For the last time– I taught the shit to rich Jews. I think I'll take Kaplan's stats (they are almost a billion dollar business) and the formula they put together to draw in as much business as possible without losing any money over "people you know."

the fucking amount of retards and the continued insistence they "know better" is really amazing.

you'll notice, BTW, the Kaplan SAT guarantee (TM), at least the summers I was teaching there, was a 100 point increase or shekels back. LSAT was ONE POINT higher. That's all. And the day one test was purposefully made as difficult as possible.

you'll notice, this correlates with MENSA and the SAT/LSAT and why one is accepted as an Iq measurement and one not. Kaplan or any other Test Prep Bullshit can "teach you" vocab words and the other shit. you cannot "teach" reading comp or logic skills.

not sure how else to put it.

How do they promise higher on SAT then? Or was there vocab on it. I don't recall, it was pre-essay when I took mine.

I'm considering trying to be a lawyer, what is wrong with law school?

As much as it's easy to bash Harvard for lowering standards, I am not entirely convinced that this is the case here. Assuming the best of Harvard (Yes, this is an idiotic thing to do), this may be a reasonable step forward to a different way of weeding incapable students out.

First, admissions standards act like a filter. That is, poor students need to be kept out, while good students need to be kept in. Entrance exams such as the GRE and LSAT are a great way of doing this from the administrative point of view: the university pays nothing to administer them, and they work "sort of OK." The problem is that they are controversial.

First, they are not a good measure of student aptitude: obviously qualified students sometimes do poorly on them (either because they perform poorly under pressure, or because they lack "test taking skills"), while obviously unqualified students can be trained to do well on them by mastering "test taking skills".

Second, they're run by corporations. The corporations are incentivized to get students to learn "test taking skills" to master their test, so they also sell test prep material. That is, they sell both the lock and the key.

Third, as a consequence of the above, richer students have access to more material than poorer students, and this skews the test scores greatly.

Overall, these admissions tests are a poor way of handling the necessary task of weeding out students, except that it's a cheap way for universities to do so.

Assuming the best, it may be that Harvard's administrators have found a better way of weeding out weak students without sacrificing too many of the university's resources. (I, personally, believe that interviews and a quick low-bar university-administered exam are a better system than the current one.)

this is exactly the people trying to say niggers are disadvantaged at taking tests use

If they sell a lock too easily picked, no one will by the lock.

more socio-economic reasoning aka nigger shit. If you read the researchers who actually push that stuff they are egalitarians.

a proxy for an IQ test is the best way to choose students if you are limited to one thing.

Welcome to CY+, where fucking communists and jews control the entire system, and shitskins and cunts are driving out white men. Get the fuck off this board.

Harvard doesn't select on merit anyway. They take Jews first and then follow it with the progressive stack.

LSAT does not measure crystallized knowledge. A GPA in modern contexts primarily measures crystallized knowledge.

Meaning? Your 3.7 GPA suggests you're good at memorizing shit. Your 156 shows your not as bright as your GPA would suggest. No offense.

poors are also different in temperament, not only in IQ. They are less likely (or able ) to plan ahead. This is why minorities scores lowered after the SAT was re-worked to be less g-loaded and thus more subject to brute force, the test takers were lazy and that left its mark.

The only way to make standardized testing in general more fair is only if it accounts for a small percentage (15-20%) of your admissions packet at most.

Fluid knowledge is important but so is crystallized knowledge. On top of that, you need to have great work ethic, temperament and team coordination abilities. Standardized testing cannot account for those factors, so for an exam to be worth as much as 50% of your admissions packet is pretty ridiculous.

Although I scored extremely well on the GRE, I don't consider it that good of a tool for determining overall success. Same for the LSAT. I'm sure test scores positively correlate with success, but its far from 1 to 1. I've known lots of people who did extremely well on their respective standardized exams (MCAT, GMAT, GRE, LSAT) and they are pretty shitty at their profession or doing poorly in graduate school, because their work ethic is terrible and they have personality issues. Keep in mind that I'm a graduate student at one of the better Ivies, not some random poster.

If a single exam is worth 50% of your admission, then it is impossible for the other 50% to encompass all of work ethic, knowledge, personality, creativity and leadership in any meaningful way, nor would it entirely be fair for someone who does a stellar job in all those categories, but doesn't do well on that specific exam (of which there could be a number of reasons besides lack of intelligence), to be rejected over an individual who has the high test score but does significantly worse in all of the other categories.

Now I'm not making excuses for niggers, and in fact, if niggers were actually objectively measured on all of the aforementioned categories, I'm sure they would do even more poorly than they do today. I understand the argument that people here will make, that is: if we lower the testing requirements, then there is more room for niggers to excel because of leftists evaluating all of the other categories more favorably for niggers, but that is not an entirely sound argument. By that same logic, schools could choose to admit more niggers at any point by simply lowering their testing requirements for minorities, or choosing to admit more niggers during the interview process. No one would question it. My friend at Harvard Med tells me that not a single one of the black students is anywhere close to a white student in terms of intellect, work ethic, or really any other category except maybe sunlight absorption, yet they still get admitted. Their MCAT is at best, 85th percentile but ultimately, the interview process is what decides if they get in. There are very few blacks that could boast true HMS credentials, sometimes not a single black applicant in a given year, so they have to cut corners to admit a few and hope none of them embarrass the institution.

This is simply Harvard trying to recruit from a larger pool of applicants with different skill sets, since many more people take the GRE, and certain people who may be considering law school as a possible option and have already taken the GRE may not want to prepare for the LSAT as well. I don't think their nigger enrollment will go up because they can boost their nigger enrollment at will since I'm sure they already reject the vast majority of black applicants anyway. GRE acceptance just puts a bigger emphasis on your overall undergraduate / graduate performance.


I knew someone that aced it upside down. He barely graduated because he would sleep through every class never doing any home assignments then would crush every test and state/national exam. He was the first person I ever met that stated without reserve that the holocaust was a fraud. Dude could write in two different languages (each hand) at the same time in any orientation. He took me into the woods once and he was making moonshine and shooting guns/exploding bombs he made. I remember a big scandal when a Jewish proctor accused him of plagiarism and he verbally gaslit this guy until he got drunk and drove into the back of a parked refuse truck after the accusation was proved to be false. I think his dad ran a mob industry and his mum was an illustrator. That diagram looks like a broad made it.

The thread still going? Have a hard time believing people in here are White. Right now, your LSAT and the status it has in admissions is the one thing Jews can't take away from you or Indians can't memorize away. If you are White, you're going to be ultimately destroyed by any objective standards taken away from any process and replaced with "interviews." If you are going to be "interviewed" by a rich old NYC Jew, and it's between you and a nigger queer with no objective standard, who do you think gets picked?

My sister is a very wealthy attorney. She hates it. The greatest joy she has derived from it came when an elderly client left her the two beloved rats she kept as pets. She loved those rats and they were bewilderingly smart but they died of old age within a day of each other. Now she is miserable again. Rats>Rich NYC Jew/nigger queer. Fuck HLS.

fuck all these ivy league schools. And college in general. They are cultural marxist breeding ground

Is that the same guy being interviewed?

The GRE is such shit. RIP the last bit of Harvard's reputation, it will just be known as a nigger college now

Gotta hit those diversity quotas
