According to an Israeli media report...

According to an Israeli media report, Saudi Arabia has agreed to let Israeli warplanes fly over Saudi territory to save fuel while attacking Iranian nuclear sites, the latest indication of how the two former enemies have developed a behind-the-scenes alliance that is reshaping geopolitics in the Middle East.

Shared Israeli Interests

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Cryptokikes gonna kike.

In any case of any attack on Iran, the invading country would get decimated in short order.

Iran doesn't fuck with others, but once you go after it, it doesn't back down.
This isn't Saddam times anymore and they aren't defenseless.

All that oil just happened to be situated beneath the biggest faggots on the planet besides the kikes.


Oh good. Yes. Please. Kill yourselves.
Now if Trump can just keep himself from providing the Saudis and Jews the promised backup.

This was a story last year or even 2 years ago, Saudi Arabia gave permission to Israel to fly nuke bombers over its territory if it wants to nuke Iran. I forget what Israel got in return, or if it said what they got.

We produce enough petrochemicals in the US to meet domestic demand. But private companies just sell it off on the world market. This is where the "socialism" in "national socialism" would be helpful. We keep our own goddamn oil and sell it to our people at discount. Then we don't need these goddamn Semites.
I feel sorry for the Persians though. It's a shame for them they have such shitty neighbors.

The Saudis are fools if they think their country is not on the Israeli acquisition list.

Serves them right, they trusted a Jew.

House of Saud are fuckin jews that is why.




Ur dubs speak truth user

Why do they have picnic blankets over their heads?

Could have been kept to a single thread with the kikes taking the money off the nightstand.


they're nigger jews and they thought it would look gangster


Wtf is that from?

It's from a kike propaganda video made by students in Israel.

sauce on video and audio plz

nvm found the video. but the audio PLZZ. that beat is the bomb.

Are you new?

They have owned it alot longer than that.

When Bibi met Trump, they talked about a one state solution and Trump said he was negotiating with other countries in the Middle East to get more land for Israel.

Trump is going to give them their greater Israel.

Has ISIS ever tried attacking any Saudis? They obviously ignore Israel, do they ignore Saudi Arabia too?


another bump for song sauce.

This. America gets most of its oil from Mexico and Canada. But our domestic natural gas production was enough to sustain some model, internally, but we shipped most off it off and actually imported gas as well. Why trade something out and trade it back in? It's a redundant process and is used to prop up trade relations.

In fact, instead of consuming the domestic production of natural gas we shipped it off and created enough competition to motivate the Saudis enough to sink the whole fucking market.

All the gas wells in my area are still closed, and that whole ordeal kicked off over a year and a half ago.

Yeah, this Greater Israel Plan doesn't look like it's meant to end there.

The borders of the Eretz Israel to the south will follow the bed of the old Pishon River, one of the four rivers mentioned in Genesis and that disappeared along with the Gihon River.

Remember, Eretz Israel will come as a proposal to resolve all territorial issues in the Middle East.

The Hala'ib Triangle problem, for example, will be solved by this time.

It will be like a New Babylon, several peoples, before enemies, will be under the command of the authorities of Jerusalem. They will try to unify the cults and those who stand against them will be seen as terrorists, since the authorities will justify syncretism as a way of pacifying the region.

Desert sun, and fashion.

2 years ago

Iran can and should position themselves in the Muslim world over this. That Saudis are traitors who would ally themselves with infidels like Jews than fellow Muslims. This would then cause the collapse of the Saudis and hopefully the entire region ignites, thus ridding the semites once and for all.