WE'RE BEING BARRAGED BY SHILLS (again) - who is it this time?

Well, it seems we're under attack again. Building false consensus, is _ white? d&c threads, all the usual shit - but it's been cranked up recently.

Just a friendly reminder to be on the lookout and tear them a new asshole when you see them. Also It seems they are trying to subvert smugness this time around.

paranoid cuck, b8 thread

thanks for the bump, you fucking retard.

First day on the job?

They're paying you way too much. Your life isn't worth your weight in dog shit,


Op, it was nice knowing you.

help I've been trolled

Slide threads have been posted hourly for the last week. I haven't seen that much sliding since the primaries began two years ago. I have seen some odd posters lately, some so obviously not from here that it's almost uncanny and baffling.

What I have noticed that stuck out to me was when the Holla Forums-tier gore threads went up earlier and they conveniently went up when the mods were gone. This has happened before. It always happens on a saturday and usually in the early evening. The mods will conveniently leave and that's when this kind of spam will start.

So many coincidences, so few holocausts.

Yeah. Something has definitely been going on. Intense shilling. We might be onto something. Let's keep doing what we're doing I guess.

my guess is it's shia and friends upset that their homemade hwndu flag got taken down.
whoever it is though the fact that they take time out of their day to shill and shitpost here just proves how pathetic these people are.

One thing I have noticed lately is the severe lack of gets being checked. To me, that signals a high presence of illegal alien faggots on our board.

Gonna just go ahead and check these

I'll go ahead and check these ID dubs

didn't halfchan get the credit?

CIA and buddies, to disrupt info from wikileaks.


Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

It's mostly goons and sh/int*/skins right now. The jews are busy having meetings after their latest D&C effort shit the bed.

Anchors away. Check the catalog next time, OP.

The mods do have lives. They do it for free.

Damn, I love the power of Autism!


I've noticed this, and it has also alarmed me.

Was it them or us?

Frankly I rather they get the rap, since it keeps normies from coming here and shitting the boards up.

Mods removed all the permabans because of potential exodus to /polk/

Kek, how did this slip under the radar?

Jtrig, trs, or ctr

What else is new? Did they figure out we think they're dumb and decided alternative tactics?

Now why would we do such a thing like that? :^)

some of the posting reminds me of the kind of thing back at halfchan /pol 4 or more years ago, trying to drown the signal with noise
that gradually increased until 4cuck became uninhabitable

Some of it is retarded shilling by d k m u.