
How come no one of you glorious bastards have posted this video here yet? It has some serious meme potential. Also


Other urls found in this thread:


We are reaching the kids.
We are winning the meme war.

Fuck off and die.


Fuck off. I'm just spreading his memes!

Imagine Barron having the same conversation…

I like this kid, have a webm

And you feel the need to do that with reddit screenshots?

Kill yourself.



He may be autistic but he certainly seems intelligent.
The audience were cunts for not laughing at his jokes. They were probably shocked and worried that this is how all autistic people think.

He does have a point, you would have been better off using an unrelated image, you've made the best effort to doom the thread without realizing it.


Literally not watching this, don't give a flying fuck


I swear, more and more it's seems like autism is just being associated with high intelligence and a weird sense of humor while being less socially proficient. I may as well be autistic.

It's like you don't even know where you are m8. Anyone of us would be considered autismo to these pleas.

We don't?

Everyone here is autistic. It's our thing.

Thanks for letting us know


low energy

As a chaos god, I'm sure Kek loved this performance.

I didn't say that, and the fact you think my post implied that when I was specifically referring to the audience, indicates you are both on the spectrum.

they don't call it weaponized autism for nothing

Anyone here who can't see trough this should leave this board forever.


If that were true, than the host wouldn't be trying to ignore it.
When the media makes things up they make it the focal point of attention. The kid was just trying to be funny to compensate for feeling awkward.
It's like you don't even pay attention to how they lie to you.

There is multiple layers of irony when you performs an isis beheading in NY in front of the NYPD or when you say things like "I want to fly planes onto skycrapers" in live TV. You might need to lurk more mr. nofunallowed

Thats in Ireland lol…

I bet he was just looking for an autism support group when he found 4/pol/.

praise kek

Poor form. I'll let it slide since this shit is hilarious though.

I was thinking this could be some set up to associate kek with mudslimes, but I'm pretty sure the kid is just joking but is too autistic to realize/care that it's an inappropriate joke for TV.

What a cheeky cunt I like him.

This is fucking gay


holy shit. shut the fuck up. you're just as bad as the newest of newfags.



Poor little guy, he's clearly trying to banepost but can't find the right words.
We must reach out to him.

you're just too autistic to tell to difference between genuine behavior and acting.

He appears to already be on halfchan. He could even be here as well, who knows.

In any case, if he's truly autistic he will find his way here.

Poor kid, he doesn't know his audience there due to actual autism damping normal social awareness.

I empathize with this level of failed jokes. I see my past self in him.

Pity they're going to drug up and destroy him.



I thought putting "Trump 2016, You can't stump the Trump." as my yearbook quote in my land of Britbongistan was pretty fucking daring, that ain't got shit on saying"Praise Kek" on live television.




He is a small guy, but he may become the big guy we need if initiated beyond the hotheadedness of his peers.

I understand its purpose but couldn't you just post beaners chopping up other beaners instead of going full nigger like that user.

I showed this to my mom (yes I'm a Neet who lives with his mom) who was watching MSM bullshit and i was giggling like a fag - she was horrified. I explained that his juxtaposition of expectations was humorous to him and our people.

She lamented the curious ride of autism to which I quickly blamed the Jews and even suspected it to be a controlled increase to harvest autists to use in this current meme war. She just threw her arms in the air.

Normalfags just don't understand.

My sides are devastated.


Why was this kid on the show? And why was it good he said he wanted to be a Muslim terrorist?

Is this pc talk for initiating the crusades?

I believe that he was ironically shitposting in real life. He does not actually want to be a terrorist but he was irritated by that trite semi patronizing question and wanted to shock while at the same time show the audience that they accept that as an option at least subconsciously. He probably is irritated at the passivity of the non Muslim world and wanted to force fed them the idea and prevalence of Islamic terrorism.* but 50% was shock as defense to being put on the spot. Notice the nervous smirk and lack of eye contact.

Us Autists confirmed for the master race that will save Western civilisation.


When nobody else stands up for White boys, and somebody starts to defend them and show them how to protest the constant guilt tripping, you could expect that the message will resonate.

Are you sure he has autism? Looks to me like he's just a master at banter and no normie can keep up with his powerful memetic wreckage.


Do you have stairs in your house?

We're using their own tactics against them anons, we need to indoctrinate more kek worshiping autists to spread the message

This is a new low.

wait for pph to go down even lower chan-wide, you'll see some serious shit then

That's not autism that's just high-level pranking!

8ch has been reddit-chan for years. I've never liked reddit, but at some point you have to get over it.

Can anyone find his home address? I kinda want to mail him a letter of encouragement. I think it'd mean a lot to him.

Nice try CIA

This was a p comfy start to my saturday morning, I cannot lie. Praise fucking Kek.

I don't see what's wrong with it. To be specific, I'm thinking something like a postcard like that other user sent before. A winking pepe on the front and a short 'we got your joke, keep it up sport, t. user' on the back, that's all.

keep trying CIA-kun, one day… one day you'll get that bonus! ヾ(^ω^*)

Heretically underchecked dubs.

It's like a 40 year old in a 10 year old's body lol.

Anyone have the full segment on Huey?

His jokes didn't fail, I'm laughing my ass off.

Kek is a lightbringer, not a chaos god.



fack the shills got it


Praise kek indeed.

Kek is the lightbringer.

This is you.

Hughie is /ourguy/

If you try to get a get then you won't get it.
Also Kek IS a chaos god, you just don't understand what the pre-discordian notion of Chaos is.
Chaos is that which is indeterminate, Kek residing in that darkness of obscurity brings forth order through it.
Light from Darkness.
Order from Chaos.

You're sounding pretty heretical
Tendies and shitposts, not loominaty and eris okay

and I've tried to get gets before and it has been fine. The key is not to try to get gets selfishly. Sometimes other anons need the digits more than you do. It's nbd.


Maybe you should actually try to learn about the Ogdoad before dictating what it entails.

I do agree that selfish gets never happen as shills are always visibly failing to get them. But a lot of reality is determined by perception, and trying to conceive of something before it happens can affect the outcome of that event. If you operate under the notion that gets are either true or profound, than the posts that are true and profound will receive gets.
Trying to force it interferes with this collective principle that had been meme'd by chan culture for years and years.


He's a man of vision, I'll give him that. Granted it's fucking nightmare vision, but a visionary none the less.

how is that autism




(((they))) are thoroughly afraid of Kek.

The shills script for dubs and other gets but they don't always get them.

The gods lived IN chaos, they weren't representations OF chaos.

Calling Kek a "Chaos god" is just plain wrong. He's not chaos deified, he's a deity that comes out of chaos, represents the obscurity of primordial darkness and represents the change from darkness to light. Literally a lightbringer. Chaos itself isn't deified, it's a state/plane of existence. Deifying chaos leads to Eris/Discordianism/nihilism and other types of moloch cuckoldry.

It'd be like calling odin a "valhalla god." Chaos and valhalla are places/states in these cosmologies.

Maybe you need to go relearn the cosmology.

Praise Kek and Shadilay.


If the kid's an actor then I'm going to be horribly disappointed.

Either way he is spreading the message. I'm sure dozens of people have thought "What did that kid just say?" and begun searching - not hundreds or thousands, but dozens, I'm sure.


+1 layer of irony.

>*Becasuse being unable to read body language

Please excuse my weaponized autism

kek. Not sure what that's from, but I like it. I'm a burger not a bong, if that helps.


And here is what I wrote "Chaos is that which is indeterminate, Kek residing in that darkness of obscurity brings forth order through it"
Key word "residing". He is of chaos because he resides within it, he operates within it, he isn't chaos himself but he is necessarily dependent on it to bring forth order.
The rest of your post is a misunderstanding of what I said, as I had referred to the Chaos of the Ogdoad as "PRE-DISCORDIAN" meaning that it has precisely nothing to do with Eris and mindless chaos.
You need to work on your reading comprehension.

I would contend that these people aren't actually deifying Chaos, but a specific aspect of it.

Chaos, unlike Valhalla, may be understood as an all-pervading substance or force. A person may harness the chaos existing within a system to manifest phenomena, or alternatively introduce chaos into the system. Chaos, as an opposite to stasis, is the source of creation as stasis only asks for itself: nothing.

Pfffft. How desperate do you have to be?

If the kid's aspiration is to blow shit up, who are we to deny him? Nobody should stop a child from fulfilling his dreams. Every child is special and deserves utmost support in their endeavors. If he identifies as a terrorist, we have no right telling him what he can't be. :^)

best girl a best

Team Rocket are Pokemudshits.

This is you.


How many karmas did you get from your post at faggit?


yes but did you forgot how to sage?

Seems like the average Holla Forums poster to me tbh

You're the same kind of idiot that would bitch if no image was posted.

Every once in awhile, an anti-Holla Forums meme is either mildly clever enough or flat bad enough that I'll save it anyway.

He's pretending, which is why he said praise kek.

so its autistic 10 year olds outmemeing bronies… i want to laugh but this shit is just sad.

kill yourself

Also the fact that 9/11 images and airliner one-liners have been used to troll chat rooms and forums for the past 15 years or so…

so is that kid trying to make 4chan look like islamic terrorists?
is that what the FBIanon guy meant when everyone whos on 4chan after March 15th is gonna get jailed a year later?

Who is this user?



That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard.

You should try walking a mile in our shoes :^)

holly shit where are all you dumbfucks coming from?

C-c-c-claim, that's right.

Of course it isn't, he just said this purely off his own initiative, despite this being on a Kike show and such shows always being scripted.
Trust the Kike TV Goy! This is "based" and "lulzy."
how fucking new are you that you don't understand debasement ops?
I trust I didn't need to add, this attack memetically links us to "autistic ginger kids", this is grist for the leftist propaganda mill, an reinforcement of raw memetic armaments straight from the Kikes.
The memes have probably already started circulating on Twitter "what the alt-right really looks like", " a web Nazi unmasked."
And no, Holla Forums is not alt-right.

Holy shit user what are you doing

b-but muh larper said that millions of people are going to get arrested for posting on one of the biggest websites on the internet, so it must be true.

on a serious note, the ides of march is a bad (((omen))).

He's just an autist ironically being autistic, but it's still an autist.

Jew fly don't bother me.

White people having kids got you feeling down, chaim?

He can't be bothered with an IQ test because He's playing 88D chess on an entirely different plane!


agreed, my dick hit peak rockwell hardness


Sound about right, we do it for the kids, after all.

we do it for the future generations



Calling him a chaos god is disingenuous. He's it NOT a chaos god.

oops, typo

I never said he was. I said he resided within chaos.

Huey = 613 in (((gematria)))

Other "613"s

"The Rose and the Cross"
"Master FreeMason"

Reference: archive.fo/AkEL9

Fitting for you to stumble to an autism thread.

Suck my uncircumcised cock.


Iraqlane Prakekimus private first class in the Meme army.


Chaos god implies god OF chaos.
I never said Kek himself was Chaos. Again you are butthurt over nothing.
Kek is a Chaos god in the sense that a fish is an animal of the water, and not the water itself.

in other words, let's all be more loving to reddit
come on guise, it can't be that bad!
let's be more accepting to plebbit immigrants :D
fuck you all. pieces of shit. this site was always against leddit.
instead of posting a jewtube embed or a webm, gay ass op posted a SCREENSHOT
pieces of shit.
fuck off.

you are truly autistic
first your gayass thread op with a screenshot and this
fucking nigger.


Wew. Not that I entirely disagree, mind, but wew.

I am protected.

this kid is a pewdiepie fan. oy vey, shut it down!

nothing is glorious about kids swarming 4 and 4+4 Holla Forumss that is the main reason why content quality dropped so very low in recent years

Let's not pretend you aren't a fourth (or fifth I lost count) immigrant faggot partially responsible for this mess, you're too eaisly told apart by archaiac posting style. Posting value was at an all time high for a solid couple months before the shemitah faggots started clumping in, our final blow being the election. I understand the anger of all anons here who were here yet couldn't grasp just how good we had it until it all came stumbling down. Go blow your life load to anime one more time faggot, you're just an irrelevant echo with outdated usage, a conduct for our memes.


Gematria is pretty cool. Polite sage off topic.

meming normalfags on live TV is probably better than anything you ever accomplished

sage because this isn't politics

Kek is not of light or of shadow, but of both. He steps out from the shadows into the light to reveal truth to all. Emergence is the phenomenon of order arising from chaos, this reflects imageboard culture beautifully.

This is what I've been trying to communicate but the guy is too autistic.


He could be going for something Sam Hyde style, where the live audience missing the joke is part of the joke. It's not as funny as something like youtube.com/watch?v=Tt19Vp9uBiQ but he is just a kid, give him time.

more like halfchan. that place is entirely kids at this point

Kek is pleased with your photo of Ivanka giving birth to the future of shitlords.

There's great truth to this statement. The kikes have yet again changed the meaning of a word to suit their purposes. This is what these rat faced yids do, they obfuscate the truth by degrading language.

Kill yourself.

is he really even autistic? he seemed pretty normal other than the ironic shitposting in real life.

Newfags need to leave and go back to cuckchan


that doesn't mean shit nigger

I told you motherfucker, Discordianism isn't the same Chaos as described in the Ogdoad. You're a tryhard moron.

tfw no majestic-looking, ginger qt3.14 waifu to warm the cold maple-syrup blood going through my veins in Cuckistan.

idk the father's looking kinda shitlordy himself to me.

You're posting on an imageboard. You are on the spectrum.

Why was this anchored
can you mods just calm the fuck down for once and let the user base decide what it wants in the catalog???


Speaking of which…

Feels weird man.


The video is down, anyone got a re-up?

found a mirror here


holy shit, I used to be just like that as a kid, always going for shock value and lulz before they were even called lulz
We are looking at "one of us"

Wait till you see your shitty 2min potato tier ms paint oc appear in an politico post about Holla Forums. Feels weird? No, horrified. Of all the great meme's and epic artists whom post OC, they picked my garbage tier bullshit to showcase our rise into the mainstream.

I am far more comfortable shitposting w you user's than having some normal fag idiots viewing my stuff. My shitpost is for user's of worth in our ocean of shit and piss, not whores and sheep waiting to get spoon fed. Insulting isn't even close to describing my feelings on that.

amazing wew lad

God, I love potato-niggers. 1-3-2-4. 4 isn't celtic, just a redhead.

That guy has to be fucking with him.

No user, this kid now counts as an 'e-celeb', therefore the mods are automatically triggered.