Post some good reactionaries, conservatives etc.. and some of the good ideas/wisdom that they possess
On learning from intellectual enemy
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Austrian school just has destroyed comemenism in at least 3 instances (bohm bawerk, mises, hayek comes to my mind).
come to mind
Not that they have good ideas, just that they at least seem to have a semblance of rigour and consistency in their work.
Thomas Malthus
honestly not even a good meme
This is the dankest bait I've seen all day.
On behalf of someone I was speaking to a few days ago, I'll through Gentiles into the hat.
Mencius Moldbug is a weird fuck but he is well-read and cites a lot of great stuff if you're looking for this sort of thing. I enjoyed his critiques of democracy.
Also Evola.
The American Revolutionaries founded the blueprints for any socialist revolution that's actually going to be successful
-representative congress pre-existing the actual government
-solid constitution that is very hard to violate
-extensive guarantees of civil rights
The only Moldbug essay I read was idiotic and so creepy to boot I felt physically ill after I finished.
That's how I feel after I fuck a lolbert.
Is that the original theoricist of fascist theory? Like the guy who was for Hitler what Marx was for Stalin? The guy the Nadsoc posted in the other thread? I forgot his name.
Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile
Ernst Jünger, I guess? his late works are very influenced by Stirner tho
Yukio Mishima, though he's not really that much of a politically-minded individual in the end.
evola is an intellectual poorfag
That he is so popular among autrighters says a great deal
He is shit tbh
Gogol > evola
I LOVE Ayn Rand. Even though I'm a communist (which I am), if there's never a communist revolution, I hope we listen to the wise words of Ayn Rand and Milton Freedman.
Get out there and read those guys, Comrades!
rand seems like a good writer
Mao has some interesting ideas.
don't shitpost for god sake, most of the libertarians that respect them selves deny any connection to this shitty writer
She isn't.
OP asked for good reactionaries, conservatives to read not childish cancer.
Nietzsche is pretty cool. Through he is not as edgy as Stirner.
Pic related
U cheeky cunt
Junger, Mises, Malthus Gogol, Plato, Hobbes.
That's the definitive list of decent reactionaries.
Gogol was a reactionary?
no, he was a marxist
what about schopenhauer?
studies in pessimism is GOAT
o. o shit.
He isn't very interesting or persuasive IMO.
Mark Steyn