Post Holla Forums-related webms and mp4s, funny videos, music, historical footage, stuff Ben Garrison would post, etc. Reminder that we can post up to 12 MB.

Other urls found in this thread:



















These are no fun.
You're ju spamming webms.
What's the deal?

No shit. It's a webm thread, dumbass.

There's usually some talksallimsayin

To what extent do you think Trump or people in his campaign were aware of meme magic and used it intentionally?



Remember the 6 months of TRUMP 2016 ads on 8ch?



















Wow, saw that coming a mile away. Niggers are an ingenious people.














Never forget the 14 words. Never tire.








Who /comfy/ today?

Excusing the cuckchan soundless webm, that's pretty neat, but how the fuck is that even measured?

Here's a better version.

great vid, never heard of him before

How new are you lad?


Webm threads have to have some high quality gore.

Why did you post that you shill, that's some demoralization material right there.

Grow a pair or fuck off. This is what the regressive left has been importing to our countries. This is what we fight to prevent. You cannot understand the world, or make well informed decisions, if you walk through it with horse blinders or rose tinted goggles.





I agree that it's good propoganda material to highlight to people what these poeple are like. But for someone who dosen't go to Holla Forums to see gore it's pretty messed up.

Is this what happens to people when they take all of the redpills at once?











Based Slavs






at least he spoilered it

you post gore to get normies off the board retard. Like you, now off you go.

I strongly believe that the lack of gore and lurking is the largest downfall of halfchan. There is no apparatus to weed out the weak minded anymore.

Did she die? Some eyewash that was very sad.

He plays the role of the jester/joker.

There's truth in your statement. Lukewarm and family friendly we shall never be.


shit acting, if you're going to post humiliation stuff at least post the real shit

Too much of a pussy, and eating right now. What happens to her?

Kikes turned a white woman into a whore.

That was perfect except for the end. US flag should never be flown below another flag.

Truly the greatest horror of all.

I'll start posting my archive, but I noticed some old content being posted with default save names (riuj3oj1mtgo3ngo3pw.webm). Please take the fucking effort to either keep the old name or put a relevant one yourself. It takes literally 3 seconds.
















Do you feel it? The race war coming? The day of the rope? The day of the rake? The day of reckoning?

I've been noticing this for a while now. The fourth reich is growing. Some say its the Koon da lee knee. Some say its keck. Some say its autism. My nigger, its the chakras.

Ever since Indian Aryans created Chakras to keep the dindus out of India and to purge the mudslims, humanity has been on a collision course with the inevitable. Right wing death squads in yoga pants, labor camps with spirit crystals, and a massive wall to divide the US from the leaf scum of the North.

Each Chakra has a different hate symbol character to it. Thoweth was all about hate symbols. Some say that Keck being added to the ADL hate list was all part of his master plan. Thoweth will crash right wing justice right up urban liberal faggot asses faster than you can say "woah, uh, that is not nice, dude".

Helicopters buzzing Soi soi soi soi soi soi soi overhead will be dropping land whale blue haired lip-pierced feminists onto BLM protesters. Bernie snowflakes will melt from an army of ascended Chad warriors, and our honorary Aryan Asians will. eat. their. pets.

The future looks glorious my dude.

Aww sheet. Did you hear that Donald Trump speech? It was so epic I had to commit ten show-uhs after hearing it. The part where we were going to ally with Russia and nuke France was my favorite part. Oh wait, he didn't say that. He will though. Thoweth hates France as it is a land of pure gay. By gay I don't mean homosexual, I mean an absence of straight. The word gay is a spectrum ranging from straight but stupid all the way to Milo's apartment on a Thursday night.

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. Watching this guy's campaign crash and burn is fucking hilarious. But in all seriousness, we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes! Nama-stay faggot. Reeeeeeeeeeee


Good music choice. Stephen is a great artist.


spirit science is begging to become property of Holla Forums







Forgot my webm.



Skip to 3:30 for full reading, but I think that web'm is missing some serious gold/ confusing meme magic



showing shitskins killing other shitskins in shitskinistan
you have to go back son, >>/cuckchan/


posting OC I made after the Berlin attack




Saved, ty


@bakedalaska is a nigger




High res version.


Ah, thank you, I saved the other one from the thread last night.

BTW, if anyone is wondering why people post these small files after a video, or multiple videos, this is the reason:

The forum does a checksum of the files to be posted, and if it is equal to another post live on the forum, it will say "file already exists". So all you have to do in order to bypass it is to change the checksum by adding a "bypass" file.

Personally, I post smaller webms with the intended video so as to keep it under the 12Mb limit, but so that the post is not wasted with a single video.






That's not a bad tier list. 8/10, only because there's no muslims on there, otherwise it'd be 10/10.




Trips checked
And tears yo




What's that second one from?

I don't know, saved off a webm thread








And this marks the end of my library dump.

I hope you enjoyed.

that's almost too cute for this board


sauce on 2nd webm music?


I spent 3 seconds googling for it myself.

It took two shit skins wearing knock off MARPAT and fingerless gloves just to pick up that rock. How is that demoralizing?
Enjoy the random WEBM, I really should start naming and organizing them.


Perfect for pure rage

Source please



I am pleased, it could have been bad. I save some weird shit during drunken shitposting sessions.
I'll try it again.


This is turning out to be a pretty funny way to do webm thread posting.

nice vid, adorable tryhard, but… don't raise daughters to be sons. she cannot, nor ever will be charged with, being the father.


They get a focus group of a few people, maybe 50 or less, and they give them a little controller with a dial they can turn to express their feels.



may not have to. they may get regular conjugal visits. the crazy dripping from every word in wikipedia is a good indicator; the crazies appear to love them.

https en wikipedia org/wiki/Cargo_cult

pretty low standards for culture, not exactly meeting when one can't ever leave, not sure what 'common' grounds exist, materialism (nor -ism anything) i'd say is beyond them while simultaneously being not-the-point-at-all to war nor business of whites, competition seems a bit stupidly one sided to call competitive, striving=nope, prestige=nope, enterprise=nope, and achieve also nope. and that's just the linguistic puppetry in one sentence. the end is true, oddly. about the only thing that is: wealth, specifically witnessed from others, and they want it.

i wouldn't call their imitations admiration nor the dynamic between child and adult, however: the imitation is to trick the planes into landing, to steal 'the other' wealth, which is universally recognized by them as better than theirs. and that's about the only reason why they want it - it's not like the need it. though the thought of stealing it does seem to drive the most advanced building, architecture, and planning they've ever had. which isn't much, of course.

cows met on common ground with hippos near a watering hole. they'd drink the entire pond to desert if they could, simply just to take it, because the hippos have it and are bigger than them.

kavetch out when you got cucked-duped – by your own jew-press brother no less – into thinking your closest living cousins actually worship you, instead of just pulling ye oldest trick of wolf-sheep-clothing (imitate-to-eat/steal the shit you have), and end up losing all your planes into your uncle's trade center.

granted, your uncle jewed your senile aunt into insuring the trade center, which was built by goys and even the insurance is back-funded on their goy tears, so nobody of your flag loses. amirite?

bad. plan.


i have a lot of respect for this man.
to be so unphased by whats happening around you, you are gravely injured, there is a civil war in your street, your family are in danger. and he just doesnt give a fuck. just slouching on his chair whilst everyone panics around him. one day i'd like to have the kind of nonchalant resolution this man has. what a legend.



What happened to NiggerLivesMatter? They just kind of fizzled out. Haven't heard from them in a while. Stupid fucking niggers and jews only talk about destroying the current structure but never talk about what they're gonna replace it with.

above was meant in re:

Can you imagine if lefties couldn't swear? They wouldn't be able to complete a sentence. Also
God I want these people gone so bad already.
I know negro fatigue is a real thing, but commie fatigue is just as real.

That should go straight to /nofap/. Turns out pornstars aren't girl next door types who live perfect lives.
That ending was downright painful. You can tell she's running down all the mistakes she's made in her mind.

How could you post this and miss the very important last 3 words?!?!?!



Great speech here

context for first webm?

During the gamergate thing, there was the great exodus to Holla Forums and people really gave shit to the transvestite Brianna Wu. Somehow Huffpost Live got a live session with hotwheels etc, and the faggot was whining and Brennan fires that wrecking shot.


it's worth watching the full clip of that, it's hilarious. i don't know how to embed tho



Steve Jobs confirmed actual faggot?



Thai - NOT vietnam




where is this kid saying praise kek from? and when?


He's Israeli and it's staged


Because he knows how to work with electricity. The electric shocks he gives himself are real, but how he gets himself electrocuted is staged/intentionally done. He wants to teach people not to fuck around with electricity

He's an Iranian Muslim refugee piece of shit living in Canada. He's hugely against Trump but there's no surprises there

wait, there was something in one of his videos that made him seem like a kike. Now I have to watch all his dumbshit videos again to figure out why I thought that.

He did a live demonstration at some event involving car batteries where he mentions he is from Iran. I'm just inferring he's Muslim because in his Christmas video he says he's not even Christian so I just connected the dots there











Itd be nice if someone with the originals could make versions of these old cuckchan webms and include the sound.










I guess I should have linked those together since they werent all near the data cap. Was just going through my old webms by oldest date saved and posting the better ones as I came upon them. Saged since there were so many, and since they are old ones so dont have sound.

Kek, niggers are all the same


It makes no sense either way. Learn to communicate more clearly.

It was kinda interesting on its own, until they actually formed their entire cults religion on the idea that crafty white people steal all the planes by tricking them into landing at the airstrip, as if the airport is what they build to get the airplane. No, it couldnt possibly be that white people made the airplane. They must be stealing them all, so we cant have them! Lets trick our own planes to land, and steal them!
Fucking niggers.

9/11. isis. syria. islamic spring. and to a lesser extent, lybia.

confess to me again that you cannot see the parallel outcome of from . the cargo cultists are 'imitating in hope'; theirs is a violent religion that are imitating to commit theft. likewise, the genetic pool of retards of islam imitated their close cousins in similar jews, who at many times in history, did precisely what suggests, and still do to this day, and the outcome is always .

really good

top kek

Tanya Makes Anime Great Again


have the original user

reported for newfaggotry.

Was this the story of Richard Spencer before he turned into a nazi?

that first webm


Danger 5 is a highly underrated show. Rarely have I laughed as much as when I watched it.

shit save this for when that kike tries to run again in 2020

That is something you could have done, but you should also not post webms without sound.

Just came across this, neeeded to share this.


saved, nice

It's hilarious, let me tell you.

Saved. this was incredible and gave a voice to both sides


Anybody have the WebM of the Hispanic club all singing the song about killing Americans? I thought it was in this thread but I can't find it.

Whoever made the original video deserves an award.

I posted this on a different thread, I think it was the Swedish feminists bitching about the rapefugees

Requesting a compilation of Muslims in Europe sexually menacing women (or just chimping-out) with this song overlaying it I'll look through and see if I can contribute any other material. This will be excellent red-pilling material w/the violent material juxtaposed by the song. You'll see.

Sorry in advance, it's not letting me post the embed.

https() // www()youtube()com / watch?v=_VIAObwgHu0

it's too much

Location sucks, but if you've never had a fireworks war as a child, you missed out. We burned down my old barn doing just that last year. Deffinately worth it.

Pure coincidences.

I would love to, but the software powering this board is utter shit.

Any workaround this?

thats because you post shit

That's a sign of your incompetence in converting videos. Why would you make a video that doesn't have those settings? BTW, I say this because the only way you would get that message is if you manually made a video not with the default settings that every video capture or creating software uses… having made the mistake myself.


what movie is this?

Actually, after over 9000 tries I finally found a set of settings that produce a half-decent video that is accepted by this board.

That always gets me in the feels

What's so hard about VP9 and Opus?

R8 my OC


Too much text for such short editing. You practically made a power point of jpegs. First bitching about jews then going onto whatever else comes to mind. Keep your shit together next time.

Also that fucking song is getting tiring.

You went off into alot of random shit which had no relevance to what the video started about.

You need to pick a main theme and stick with it.

Also alot of those videos I understood because I know the full back information (ie the woman being drug underground to be raped by sand niggers) but the average viewer will not.

Imma give it a D+ overall.

Does anybody have the video about the gay degeneracy in SanFran? I'm trying to put together a redpill package and I would like to include it.



How the fuck do you even make that noise


sauce for gondola mandala song?

That's the late late show from RTE (our government mouthpiece broadcaster) in Ireland. As for when it happened, couldn't tell ya. The show is pozzed to fuck.

What a little legend though. He says it at the perfect time in the perfect volume, right as the interview ends. The mother looks at the father (I'm assuming they're the parents) intimating "Ah for fuck sake, he's on about this kek shite again"

Is noted. I thought of this more as a reminding video than a gateway redpill. Appreciate the honest opinion though.

I've seen this guy in person. This is from a renaissance fair in Texas isn't it?

somehow a bunch of rabid left-wing douchebags in the backwater i live managed to make a show palatable to neo-nazis all around the world.

Fake and gay

That's because they have nothing to replace it with. They only destroy, they do not create.

OC; photo deception in online dating

Why do you have this saved?

This is a great first draft, user.

The music is excellent. I would suggest using the star of david overlay for any video or image of a jew. Remember, this is propaganda to redpill people that otherwise wouldnt make the connection. Use a clearer video for the migrant crisis. Go to Gex and see what he used.

Whenever possible, use infographics and long lists to show VAST NUMBERS AND DATA (which will be seen but not quantified or analyzed for substance, but rather for quantity), and videos of jews talking to CONVEY BLAME AND GUILT.

So, the hollywood image was great, no one is going to look at each face or name, but thats not the point. DONT use long jew quotes for showing their kikery, because, 1. too hard to read, 2. too hard to consume. make the pill easy to swallow. Think of the short video with the zooming in on countries kikes got kicked out of. No one reads or remembers all of them in the clip, but seeing them fly by is what makes it powerful. Its irrefutable.

If youre going to add 9/11 and stuff in here, that's great. However, you made no connection to jews, mossad or anything else for that matter. It will go right over the normie's head.

Take out the snowden bit.

Godspeed propaganda brothers




(checked) appreciate the feedback! Will try to apply your tips the next time i create a redpill video.

www .hitler.org/writings/Mein_Kampf/mkv1ch06.html

Anytime. A great video can do so much once spread. Link related

anybody know the song from the first one? it sounds familiar but I can't figure out what it is

Californication - Red Hot Chili Peppers is probably what you are thinking of

That's a good question. I've wondered the same thing for a while now myself. It almost sounds like FFVIII era Uematsu was inspired by Californication's bassline and made a little ambient tune using it. Then again it might just be a one off track someone made specifically for that gondola.

wew lad

what did she mean by this?


I honestly had a harder time watching this than any of the gore videos I've seen.

Has meme magic gone too far?

this passes for autism?


More OC :^)

what is this, a game?
i need context.


this guys probably not even homeless, just wearing a disguise.

I haven't seen that particular vid myself, but I think it might be related to the "MEMEME" meme circulating on jewtube (Embed related). A subtle type red pill on the dangers of obsession, and losing ones self to an illusion.
All things in moderation and what not.




After watching this webm I'm afraid I might commit suicide by jumping off a bridge inside of a bag while shooting myself in the back of the head 6 times.

Don´t forget the buckets of cement on your feet



That last one gets me every time. Never fuck with a retard or a slav.

is this… does this guy run this place? is this the effect of too many redpills?

could you imagine where we would be technologically now? although, the flags should be side by side. also, uh, is this from man in the high castle or is there a timeline we really need to get to?



the fuck? Thats me going to work almost every day. Ive even done half of that shit. Spill a little of my drink on my shirt, then rage and pour the rest all over it, smash a laptop, chug energy drinks with supplements in the parking lot before clocking in, walking in with headphones and sunglasses on so I dont have to talk to anyone or hear anything that will piss me off further.






Did you smoke in the shower? :^)





Is there another version of this speech with English translation (or even without) that doesn't have the cuts/added music over it? Would be a lot more effective without the editing imo



So is asain fatigue tbqh.

amv using multiple anime
sources provided in video description



Thomas Jack- Booka Shake (original mix)

Terry summarizes his theological views.


Sauce on gondola spring music?

is there a longer version of this?

Princess Mononoke - The Journey to the West

Thanks, user.

Here's the WebM (might as well, since I have insomnia)

Also, is there a board where I can fetishize over how well encoded a WebM is? (not mine) but I've seen a couple that look gorgeous and barely take up space.

kinda dead
/a/'s webm thread seems to have the most technical talk of all boards, aside from /webm/'s sticky
i think it was a Holla Forums who made a 41minute webm and requested hotwheels on /meta/ (rip) to allow longer webms

the thumbnail on the first one looks like a giant moon man looking over the building, the fire of Detroit in his wake.



makes me angry that they laugh at her. as she's sitting there looking at her faggot grandsons that let black men fuck their women, and her slutty retard grand daughters that have 5 mulattos they don't know the fathers of, all she wants is to return to when things were good… and these faggots just laugh like she's a senile old woman. she's aware, she's aware that the ovens need to be restarted and that her bloodline has been ruined by the jews.

jesus fucking christ my sides

this should be everywhere

Fresh shit.




.. Jesus Christ, I mean I know they exist, but still, Jesus burn this planet pls


not having voter id laws is more racist


The whole story with JonTron is pretty funny. I wonder if he has a good effect on normies.



Testing lossless mp4

Gore, ppl getting shot ect dont bother me anymore, but seing those police officers get shot is really distrubing.

Do you by chance know who made the video that webm is from?

Jesus christ, you better fucking lurk. This is why 4chan is so shit it's all underageb&




means that video contains either a subtitle stream or two audio streams or some codec cripple chan doesn't understand.

So, this is what Common Spic does when he's not beating off to transfaggot and bestiality porn? I can't say I'm surprised. If he didn't an hero, I'm sure his audience would've loved it.

requesting a webm with an old guy getting war flashbacks in front of a disco club

Feels were real

Why is voter ID discrimination?

Because whitey is doing it.


right there in this very thread.


makes good points but holy shit my jewdar going off the charts kills this vid for me.

Why don't you make webms of the parts where it defends the Talmud and says we should support Israel?


Can someone please add attached vid when he corners the (((rat)))?

Because colored folk don't have the finance or opportunity to obtain them.

This is codeword for:

"Shitskins are too fucking stupid and incapable of managing money to get something as basic as a fucking ID"

sauce on the club music in the first vid?

Very skilled acting.

We as humans can't fucking work in gay little social cubicals. Those jobs need to be for the homo ladyboys. The rest of the hard working whites need to become farmers and engineers.

Isn't that a racism and discrimination of low expectations though, which is far worse than expecting people to have an ID card.


#2 source please




That shit is Jewish as fuck

This legit made me tear up, holy shit

Whoever you are, dead man, you died bravely. I don't know if I'd be so composed.

Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet

the media is fucking up bad with how they're handling trump, are they actually playing that ad on tv? dude, even today the nytimes had an article about how white parents have a responsibility to teach their kids white guilt early before they can be racist, but even there the top rated comments where like "enough!", it seems they are overplaying their hand

European Jewish Congress visited the pope and gave his home a special blessing

Anyone got the full vid of this?

Must be a hidden camera. Jews would never reveal themselves so plainly.

Anyone have the pumped up kicks webm?

Powerful webm

Thanks for this. Greedy (((banking))) is probably at the foundation of everything bad in this world. Really great redpill.

Powerful webm

Wasn't GEX banned here because faggot mods & muh e-celeb?

Look how rattled the older man was when it was mentioned in the same context: Germany & Banks

Way to jew out the FPS for smaller file size.
I am proud of your decision to make the frames higher in quality.


I didn't understand the part where he explains that when banks purchase promissory notes, they're creating money out of thin air from that. So if you trade a promissory note for "money", they are actually creating a new account (debt) just like how an account (debt) gets created from deposits? Don't they still have to give actual cash?



Can anyone make this into a webm?

there are plenty of videos on currency creation. steer clear of some of the goldbug sites that are shilling for metals, just watch a few videos about currency creation, the money multiplier and interest.

the basic explanation is that banks are only required by law to keep a certain amount of deposits on reserve at any time. it might be 10% or less, depending on the bank.

so you deposit $100 in a bank, the bank is only required to hold $10 or less and can then do what they want with the other $90. if they need to pay back the $100 dollars they own you, they can effectively take it from another customer of the bank (they still owe them money) or borrow money from another bank. if everyone tries to take all of their money out of a bank at once, things get interesting and JP Morgan executives start suiciding en masse via nailgun to the back of the head. Or maybe that only happens if people holding promissory notes for metals ask to check the vault they're stored in, I forget.

Basically propaganda for women to realize that all their worth is in their youth which they shouldn't waste away and instead try to obtain a husband while they're young.

Reboot was fucking fantastic. I am surprised how far it went and how original it was. It's basically porn now to nostalgists and computer software enthusiasts.




I meant the one with actual Columbine footage but that is a good one, too.

Wow this one really got me. Very well made!






where's the rest?!?!



The dog in this one makes me kek.

holy shit that was fucking great


They deserved it tbh.

Does anyone have a webm of this


cant embed for some reason




So this is the power of sexual deprevation….ah…


anyone make a webm? this shit was hilarious


Try Californication by RHCP


god bless the sea monkeys

what the everloving fuck is "TRS"

a cancerous forum

ok. I don't even want to know the name then.

This is actually a pretty accurate representation of being a wagecuck.

I would know


Holy shit, when did this happen? Used to be a big jontron fan but life got in the way. Only reason I watched GG way back when is because Jon made the whole thing work.

I don't follow gaming shit at all, so I have no idea. Seems recent. I fucked with GG on twitter, to see if I could inch it to the right, but back then JonTron seemed like a peripheral figure, someone who remained mostly silent and occasionally made implicit remarks. It's surprising to see him openly discussing white genocide now, that must raise quite a few hackles on the Left, that someone with a large audience is talking about this.

Jesus, that was absolutely savage haha


oh fucking cunt shitknuckles the end got me hard



fuck outta here


things kicked off when he appeared in a stream

that tweet seems 4days ago


I'm an ameriburger and that gave me some serious feels. Brother once we are done here we will come help you out there.

….. just call them niggers….





Anyone saved the "RACE WAR NOW" video?

It was on the "Counter Globalist" Youtube channel, but got removed. Someone re-uploaded it here, but it's in low quality and cut short (without end titles).


If anyone saved the original, please share it here.


Can I humbly request that someone make a webm out of this one? Preferably only until 1:57


Moonman, Pepe, and Kek have manifested

weekend time





Feels bad man

I can't help but notice in this webm that the majority of those goals were from teammates not being selfish and passing to others, looking out for the team as a whole. This appears to be something that 3rd world filth such as the Brazilians are not used to.



Well Satan what am I watching?

Enjoy your time here before you are in the bin.

That guy knows what he is doing, he is not a retard. And I doubt he is a muslim





















Shitskin, you have been reported. Stand by for ban




Why the fuck do you keep posting this random shitskin?

report the shitskin. He already posted some vaguely anti-Trump shit.

How new are you? His videos get posted it almost every webm thread, and even in this thread I wasn't the first one to post his content




stop flooding the thread with single WEBM you fucking newfag

They are not the same, just use the same intro




He didn't say 'the same' webm, retard. He said 'single' webm. As in, stop posting one webm at a time.

both of them are 11mb, I can't post more than 1 of them.










I'm an ameriburger and that gave me some serious feels. Brother once we are done here we will come help you out there.



… How many school shootings were there in the years around the time Columbine happened? Or mass shootings in general. Worldwide, I mean.

More importantly, how many pushes for gun control were there in various countries following these shootings?

There wasn't actually that many and they were usually pretty low death counts, it wasn't until after Columbine that psychos started realizing the (((Media))) would give them huge amounts of attention.

But I seem to remember there being at least one major shooting per country in a lot of European countries and Australia, usually right before a major anti-gun offensive.

When i say not so many i mean, there used to be like 7 or 8 shootings a year, now its like 100's


It's funny because in Doos Sex, many of the hobos you encountered could actually serve as informants and knew a fair amount about what you and enemy factions were up to.

that first video, stop, I can only get so erect.



He is actually saying 'ABRACADAVRA' I believe


what the fuck

I hate Trump supporters

These were brilliant, remember we're simply a board of peace and an oppressed, marginalized group by both the mainstream media and the people that listen to whatever they say. These anti-keketic, kekephobes need to check their privilege and learn to tolerate instead of hate.

Sounds like the chord progression of EMBRZ – Breathe.

Is that entity even conscious?

you have a good ear


its a castnet

You never been fishing with a castnet before?
Shallow enough water you can get tons of crabs and baitfish with one




Those are probably 4chan normies.


that fucking feel when you just dont want to be a prisoner in your own home.

This was the first and most important red pill I took, I was 20 and was actually visiting Austrailia while I was in the navy. I remember seeing all the brown people and wondering "I thought this was a country of white people." Being confused about that led me to find out…slowly…that all the global elites have their jewish hands in all white countries and flood them with 3rd world shitskins to keep themselves rich and the (((economy))) going, labor down. Not caring what horrors they unleash on common white people, or any people for that matter.
This hurt so fucking bad to finally realize this and the pain got worse im sure you guys went though it, when you try to get the people around you to join you and they repeat their programming and tell you they dont even care about the white people, or what happens to the world or their culture, or country in "100 years" because they will be dead, so fuck it. It physically hurts me to hear other whites say that and it demotivates me, if it werent for Trump being the president, Im not sure id be able to get out of bed at this point. High energy, but also deep crushing pain.

I have forgotten what the name of that song is.


Gas yourself


Classic Australiana.

Does anyone have a HD version of this? Thanks in advance.


no but here is a webm

I assume that youtube video is that webm uploaded to their site.

Back to cuckchan.


A feel good one




This happened just before.




Got anymore of this guy?













fresh #2



now what the fuck am I watching here?

Truth behind public "education." K-12 is Prussian serfdom.

What classical song is that playing in the background?

you didn't even turn it into a webm, you downloaded the 720p one and uploaded it the way it was


Archive everything legitimate in this this thread before kampfy deletes it just like he did with the literature thread. The shitskin is hellbent on keeping historical, philosophical, and broader political discussion off the board while letting shill threads stay up for days.

If that had not been training that would have been the worse thing you could have done once you fucked up the throw.

Now that the team has flashed themselves they run into a building that is now both alerted to their presence and hasn't at all been slightly disoriented.

Knowing what to do when you have a fuck up is better training then just doing the maneuver perfectly during training.

It takes intelligence and initiative to pull off a mass murder.
Because of that, intelligence and initiative are both extreme dangers to a civilized multicultural society.

Lucky for us, intelligence and initiative are both easy to spot.
Using standardized testing we can single out individuals for a rigorous course of treatment for hyperactivity and a reduction in physical activity.
These treatments sap the will of the most dangerous individuals before they reach maturity.

The end result of our programs is a continually dissatisfied, depressed, and mentally sapped adult that can easily find satisfaction as low skill migrant labor.
Unfortunately, if we allow these people to train using simulated battle they can break free of some of their conditioning, which in turn will unlock the mental tools necessary to unchain themselves.

For that reason, it's necessary to pacify all forms of interactive entertainment, and sanitize realistic depictions of complex social interactions and historical figures.

don't think for a second that this is fiction
boys aren't allowed to be boys because their rage is what keeps society from decaying
120+ IQ with minimal tactical experience can easily plan an attack with expected casualties matching or exceeding their IQ
Why do you think liberals and jews attack smart people no matter their age?
Why do you think so many on Holla Forums have similar educational backgrounds?

no shit boot.

Thats why its funny.

Here's something from one of the video mixtapes I've made as something of a dance tiem vid. I'm thinking of shifting gears and putting out some subtle redpill vids soon.

vp8 sucks

He also fell. Tee hee

sauce on the tall white dude who could moonwalk?





DUDE, I know all those spots. fuck that fed branch on allen parkway. and that dock, that water smells like ass all the time.

when was this made? I wanna leave a rare pepe on this guy's apartment door. I bet I know where that complex he pulled out of is.


Wild Altona North brawl between police and three men captured on camera

That's from the movie Footloose.

Some deep shit

is this mitch hedberg dude from the hwndu streams? I listened to your music, I feel like you would watch these types of videos for inspiration. shine on crazy diamond.

Lost my goddamn shit


Nope, just another user. Sorry.

The French.

Never lose hope for victory!
We do not live for ideas or theories, we live and fight for the preservation of our folk and only by our own perseverance.

Moonlight Sonata. movement 3. by Beethoven







more like being the only guy who runs shit. Replace all employees with incompetent niggers and this si what you turn into as a boss.

there's a movie called the outpost from 2008 about some mercenaries who go into a bunker that has a machine that was used to make undead ebil nazis
this is from the sequel where the ebil old alive nazis and their kids who help use the technology to make more machines and bring back undead nazis

apparently there's also some older movie called the bunker from 2001 that's the story of some ss guys at the end of the war who get orders to go there and dismantle the thing>>9479864

needs converting to webm


Beautiful! Just curious, is that the original 3rd verse? I thought it was something else…

gotta love efukt

liberal compassion @ 12 weeks


I found this on Holla Forums, hilarious

fucking savages man

this makes me want to go on jew funded oil wars and shoot those sons of bitches


Steroid Commercial?

What is the deal with 15x15 images sometimes called "bypass"?
Yeah, call me a newfag or whatever, been on ibs since 2010 and to be honest, only recently came to 8ch thanks to everywhere else being botted to death.

Yeah that's Thai. Look at the blurry text at the end, it's not Latin based, it's the same thing you see when you order pad see yew or curry or whatever at a Thai restauraunt.

Also Vietnamese propaganda is Communist, stoic, and sucks. Thai propaganda is weird and amusing.

Only care because it's been posted so many times with the wrong name. Here, have an honorary Aryan waifu webm.

Why are australians so angry ?

what is wrong with you aussies ? I thought big HDI's also meant that people were more relaxed and less worried, angry and depressed ?

This screams "sympathetic magic" that Frazer talked about in the Golden Bough. The pure blooded negroid is literally incapable of understanding cause and effect and thus higher culture. It is kind of sad, how fettered they are to their lower nature.

it changes the checksum of the post, allowing you to post a video/image again that was posted before and still live on the boards


I don't have time right know, can you quickly cut the last piece of the webm off where the nigger talks? it needs to be less than 6mb



he was b& because he shilled for vid related


they killed the cheff too

When you see this you know they're lying to you twice.

omg, niggers

I just couldn't get the filesize under 6MB, but here it is without the last monologue part.

I…Is second webm real?


those are lebs m8


pretty sure it's an Onion sketch


That guy is Australian white trash, I've met dozens just like him. Generally speaking they're alcoholics, quick to take or search for offense in anything, think they're hard, like to pick fights over nothing etc etc



Here is jap translation.


Would really appreciate if someone could sauce the music on the webm.

Fun fact: Seung-Hui Cho, the gunman who committed the Virginia Tech attack, back in 2007, was a fan of Eric Hariss and Dylan Klebold and even wrote a paper about them.


Serious question for any anons. Why weren't the creators of Deus Ex killed by (((Bankers)))?

Because just like The X-Files, Deus Ex is meant to discredit the people who reference it.


Thanks for the answer, user. I really wish people knew about this shit.





That sent chills down my spine. I really need to finish that game.




where is the gondola meme even from?
I've been around since the time CP was still actively shared on the 4th of chans and I never got a hold of this gondola thing. is it just feels?

Ayy lmao.

Best anime.

dude brutal. is that actually correctly dubbed or is it for comedic purposes

It's the evolution of pedobear, essentially. Pedobear ran his course, evolved into spurdo, thanks to our Finnish friends, and similarly, ran his course. Now we have gondola, who chooses to take a passive role in the world, and simply observe and/or admire his surroundings. He's the most peaceful meme in our arsenal, and one that focuses purely on the soul, on the feels of the viewer and creator

Comedic purposes, the actual thing is pretty childish and innocent.


too bad. would've been too redpill to actually air.

someone turn this into webm plz

Are you sure?

except that part ofc.
the thing is, the average african does have a slightly larger penis. thats just basic biology.
the myth is that women crave bbc.

most women bottom out around 18cm
anything larger than that is just going to hurt them. what does matter for female pleasure is girth. and there's that's where they on average fail. the average "black" dick is thinner than the average white dick. porn won't show you this because all muh BBC are injected with something to make it bulge. it's not the natural state and they will not be able to have erections past the age of 35.


BBC is a myth
slightly longer average length is biology.

their dicks are on average slightly longer and slightly thinner. which is what you DONT want if you want to please women. which is why women are usually NOT attracted to BBC because they want to experience pleasure not pain. white men are the most researched partner for women of all races.

Just stop, user.

you're too retarded for words.

these are fact. white men are superior. this just shows they are sough after by every other race.
the "race mixing" serves the reverse of the black man/white women trigger. its to trigger niggers. how dense are you.

I'm sorry you are insecure about your small penis despite being white, it happens user.

Filtered and reported.

Im flattered user

now you're not even trying anymore.

and yeah ok, forgot this was Holla Forums and it should be removed. MODS

Learn to read nigger.

Learn to read what, that miscegenation is okay if it's white on black? Stop switching IPs, shill.

I never said it was "ok"
I said whites are superior

how is that so hard to grasp.



I didn't switch shit. maybe "ignore" or whatever doesn't work how you think it works.

sweet jesus you're dumb. you're the guy on the right user

Sure thing, schlomo.



very informing, please post more.



The second video is very nightmarish.


When did his happen?

i found the video in a tweet that was posted a couple of days ago, i don't know about the source any further than that

my guess is that it's recent though, seems gavin is becoming a lot more outspoken against the jews these days

Any kid that's taught where meat really comes from is a win .Any kid that can actually kill that animal and get the meat is even better. Teaching your daughters to hunt is god tier stuff.

Nah m8. Sure, I'll let my future daughter learn what it takes to be a good woman from my wife, but on weekends that girls coming out with me to learn how to be an adult. Not only does getting your daughter involved in your shit improve their knowledge and their bond with you, but it also makes them a better future wife for someone. Who wouldn't want to marry a woman that can cook, clean and hunt some elk.




Fuck me if my motoboner isn't at full mast right now.

Shilled for like.. spamming it? Or was defending the whore?




Don't have any more webms of it sadly.

==BBC censoring coverage of muslim terror in London== MUST SEE
Marine2017 - Défense Des Animaux #AuNomDuPeuple - One of her YouJew videos

webm's of the former deliverer of yesterdays cultural enrichment in London: Abu Izzadeen.

webm's of the former deliverer of yesterdays cultural enrichment in London: Abu Izzadeen.
Abu Izzadeen (Trevor Brooks) approached by Police
Home Secretary John Reid heckled Abu Izzadeen in Leyton'

webm's of the former deliverer of yesterdays cultural enrichment in London: Abu Izzadeen.



Why don't we talk about this war more often?



Yup, this guy doesn't have a single fucking clue what he's spouting.

What war do you mean?

Well done

We're not cripplechan anymore. Hotwheels resigned.

Didn't he say he was sort of staying in some kind of unofficial advisory capacity, or am I thinking of someone else?

someone fix the audio on the second one


What the fuck was going on, retarded.

top kek

Chris Ray Maldonado‏ @ChrisRGun Mar 21

NEW VIDEO! Social Justice: The Musical Part V! #PunchANazi #Paparazzi #Parody #LadyGaga ft. @iamRucka

Fucking tom the cuck paying for his wifes bull.

I think he is still in prison from the last thing he did.




how do they do it, EMF radiation?

what's the source of that webm?

The Great Mike Pence


The spontaneous laughter at the last second is really symbolic.

better a kike lover than a fag

That's not true at all.

Kikes are the reason fags exist, though.




It's a clip from the "Money Masters" documentary. 10/10 doc you should watch it.

