If anyone still has the phase three insurance files from wikileaks i know a guy who has access to a quantum computer.
Does anyone know if a quantum computer can crack the 256 AES encryption?
Against symmetric algorithms the best a quantum computer can do is effectively cut the key length in half.
Effective 128 bit symmetric encryption is still too long to brute force.
Even if you could crack it, why would you want to?
The insurance files are Julian's dead-man's-switch. That might be literally the only thing keeping him alive.
Quantum computing is completely overblown with its abilities. Not to mention it's a bitch to program for.
julians already dead man you seen his CGI copy its shit.
To the best of my knowledge, a QC capable of such a thing has not yet been built.
You should instead be worried about custom fabbed silicone built by the NSA. They may be able to break 256 AES using some purple decryption-tier hijiniks.
it is expensive to run a qc so i hope you have a lot of neetbux saved up to give your 'friend'
So the same people that whacked Julian then proceeded to 'leak' information that damages themselves?
What's the next step of their master plan?
user, I don't know what kind of person you are, but where I come from that's not the way to repay people who have done massive favors for you or your cause
LOL i dont care about my anonymity you fuck i just need tor to see onion sites.
Wiki has already tried to get this shit out they are compromised you fucks
AND user, I dont knwow what kind of person you are, but where i com from not leaking information about govt. pedo operations no matter what favors you've done in my culture results in death. FUCKING CIA SHILL GTFO.
One of these days I'm going to get NT 3.51 for Alpha working in an emulator.
I doubt the NSA/CIAniggers' whitelabeled metasploit tool still carries exploits for Netscape Navigator.
I'm not going to condone killing Julian just to find out if he's sitting on anything relevant to that investigation or not.
If he is, then I agree, he's a right bastard for not giving up the goods.
If he's not, then Wikileaks goes down the tubes for nothing.
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
LOL what are you saying you retard.
Are you actually retarted?
Well that about settles that.
Time to abandon thread.
go back from where you came from and stop posting
why the fuck are you using winzows 10
fuck you
man, don't they train you guys to at least try switching up nodes before shilling?
takes no effort really, almost insulting tbh
CIANigger can't form coherent sentences.
Given the state of the eternal SSL/TLS shitshow I wouldn't be surprised at all if most websites still couldn't be persuaded to downgrade to 40 bit encryption.
Besides, if I went to the trouble of setting up qemu-alpha I might as well put a MITM proxy in front of it.
This. And a key length of 128-bit effectively becomes as secure as a 64-bit key length with regard to quantum computing, which is definitely not too long to brute force. That's why the government is ordering a move to 256-bit AES for the most sensitive data; for future-proofing against quantum computing. I don't see the point though since some contractor will just give the all the secret data to Wikileaks for them to publish and make public.
then why isnt it public already you fugggg
In due time.
Your shilling couldn't be more obvious if you tried.
you're bad at this. stop.
I'm going to leave this thread up for the entertainment value.
wew newfags are out in big numbers today
Tell your imaginary friend Nintendo doesn't have "a quantum computer".
god dammit forgot to sage
Now we get to make fun of you, too.
as long as you spank me too daddy
Oh hey, you again, from the Vault 7 sticky. How's the brony culture going?
oh boy, 8/pol/ is actually being infested
still to long to brute force…
but I only know/hardly remember the hype of this thing.
But ordinary that might take years in a big cluster shit
Are you also a Microsoft security specialist by any chance?
Show me a cluster of anything that can even count to 2^128 first, then I'll believe it can perform that many AES decryption operations.
The only way you're breaking AES-256, even with the help of a quantum computer, is either to consume more energy than the sun will emit in the next million years, or else via a cryptographic flaw in the algorithm that nobody has found yet.
No, but you know I know a bit on you know what, when it comes to securityCough :)
But I haven't pad so much time lately now.
And no, I also wish I took crypto as a course back at the uni, so I can't code and know these encryption methods/protocols or what it is called, no.
Delete this CIANIGGERS
And you seem like the guy from the Vault 7 sticky who didn't know what a pajeet is. Same posting style. Could be wrong tho!
Nonetheless, CIA sure is desperate to fuck around a mesopotamian claysculpting board
Holy fucking shit. You're literally retarded.
Maybe they're just not getting the message.
you don't know somebody with a quantum computer. you know someone with a quantum simulation of a quantum computer via Josephson junctions. don't be confused.
even if that is true, than what and>>9467570 said still apply, and even then you need to have some preexisting knowledge of the kind of solution you're looking for. we can probably assume the type of insurance he was keeping - i.e. text files of some variety - but that still doesn't tell you everything.
QC's that can do this with a nice GUI are 30 years off.
I thought they would at least make you poor bastards read ED or something before coming here, Jesus. you guys need to find better employment.
I never tested it while I had the chance, while I had access. If I join school this fall, only got my thesis left….. I could have had it, but sure what to do.
Anyways, this
I was going to do some ml stuff, but it could be cool to find something to research in encryption/decryption and shit, to do research on.
IE this; How to crack various algos using … somthing.=
Bad research question…
But sigh… noes I doubt that
No, I have just lurked there, lately not at all.
I posted some stuff not much about something else, don't remember.
I can't believe nobody here has yet proposed what is the obvios solution to this: Love.
You might not know this, but love is all-powerful. If you put your heart and soul into something you can achieve anything you want. All you have to do is focus on a goal, and work hard to get there.
I'm stunned at how little you all know about life. You let a 256-bit encription get in the way of your dreams. Pathetic.
That's bullshit, but I believe it.
you have to go back
I have to go to bed
what the actual fuck
Wait you've made one that isn't shit? The only ones the US government has is quasi-quantum computers. The major problem with quantum computing is the error correction causes worst time cases then just doing the calculations on a classical computer. If you can eliminate the error then it'd be very powerful.
What a quantum computer "would be" in its final form is that instead of using switches the size of around 20nm you could use the spins of atoms themselves to be a switch. Of course in practice there is way to much error to "pick" at the spins of the atom quick enough and with make sure your "pick" is always correct. So theoretically you'd have 1bit concurrent processors the size of atoms, that's very powerful.
Of course as far as I know the error in experiments is way to high to pull it off and classical computers are much faster and error in fabrication and operations almost non-existent for classical computers.
I want to believe though that such picking could be done with a particular iron isotope.
Didn't Google buy that D-Wave quantum computer thing? I thought it was a scam.
Only asymmetric ciphers based on hard mathematical problems like prime factoring are in trouble. Symmetric ciphers like AES and Serpent are still secure against a quantum computer, although it can cut the time needed to brute force in half.
An easy way to defeat this benefit is by doing a simple cascade of an additional cipher with a different key, effectively doubling key length.
However your picture shows windows so if you think bitlocker is secure you are mistaken. Microsoft stores all the master keys in the cloud.
Got another one! What's the weather in Langley nowadays?
he's still correct however - doesn't matter how you achieve superposition, the best superposition can do against a symmetric algorithm is cut it from 2^n down to 2^n/2. this is really just a thought experiment on how a digital quantum computer must inherently function, no maths required.
Hackers don't use GUIs now, and they still won't when you're 45 years old
no, it's real, it's just a quantum simulation of a quantum computer, a la
IIRC, D-wave uses Josephson junctions to emulate electron spin-states in order to create "QBits," so it is a form of Quantum computing, but it is really more of a stepping stone than anything.
command line = GUI in my book, and I'm a sight closer to 45 than you might imagine. I can be generous and call it a "UI" if that fits your sensibilities, but the general point is this - the way you program quantum computers now, and the way you will for a long time, is by direct physical manipulation of individual QBits using something akin to an AFM.
if you think "Hackers" are ready for that shit, try again.
You seem to have forgotten to consult your Meme Management Officer before posting. A common mistake, it's ok, it won't even be docked from your payment.
What are you idiots talking about. Do you want to try translating this?
I guess polygraph test for your CIA interview accidentally zapped a few IQ points away.
Oh my he's still trying, bless this lad!
I came here to laugh at you, but then I realized my tax dollars are paying your salary so I guess you get the last laugh.
At least until the God Emperor cans your ass.
dude, it's all explained on ebaumsworld.com, holy shit.
thank you for the confirmation, the passcode is four niner 8, two niner 10. my superior has been alerted and the transliteration can continue. rubber duck signing out.
Still gonna check dem trips but next time sage that shit!
well, i made this new CIA meme template so I was thinking of just hijacking this piece of shit thread
Holy shit Mr. CIA Nigger, what the fuck are you doing?
Nice trips in your screencap's dimensions, user.
So many shill posts
The pride of butting in and outing yourself as outsiders with no knowledge of board culture will always be your downfall CIA. No matter how many of us you'll recruit (or think you're recruiting, I mean - fucking bronies, really?), you'll always be a step behind board culture since everything you do has to be checked with a higher-up who has no fucking idea what any of this is about. NSA suffers from that problem too, but they've mostly given up on shilling boards outside of Holla Forums.
FBI at least tries to fit in and they lurk a bit before attempting. It's mostly unsuccessful, but sometimes it works. And when they really, intently lurk - they become one with the board. They take in our ideals, our culture, our memes. /ourguys/ there know what's up and work for our goals, as proven by FBIanon ages ago.
In short, imageboards will always be an impenetrable culture barrier for you suits unless you decide to actually mingle. And then you're done, another imageboard insider in your carefully constructed card castle.
You can't win this through subversion. You just can't.
It's spring, it seems they are in love with us, and they got all our nudes
Either this is a funny LARPer or the CIA legitimately needs autists from chans.
What a cluster fuck of a shill job, Mr. CIA Nigger. You should scrub this little foray into our Korean weight loss board from your terminals. Has fed058 been put on leave yet?
Did they start hiring dickmoo faggots?
This is some magical retardation.
Kind of a shame I was ignored when I applied. I could have helped with internal intelligence gathering about online threat groups using knowledge about *chan culture and online fringe cultures, which has been shown to be a threat to the establishment in the past. Hopefully I'll have a better resume next time around. Who am I kidding, it's just LARPers.
This thread needs more holographic smug anime girl shitposting.
The ONLY time I've ever seen a professional organization "break" AES-256, it wasn't actually "breaking" it. What happened was they got lucky when doing the brute force guessing and it turned out that the person used a very common password for the encryption. Plus, they already knew the IV and salt beforehand, so the job was that much easier. So, technically they didn't "break" anything.
Ultimately, no one is "breaking" AES-256 at this time.
Your head looks like a good place for a hollow point (jacketed).
doesn't it take days to go through a wordlist of any decent size anyway?
the g is for graphical.
They need to do way instain mother> who kill their babbys. becuse these babby cant frigth back?
If Assange is holding information, he is holding it responsibly and strategicaly.
Obama and Hillary might be living in a house of cards… but above that house is a fucking shit-ton of concrete and if it's not dismantled carefully, they'll do all they fucking can to bring the whole world down with them.
Remember, until Trump came along, Assange was the baddest goy for like four years consecutively. And he's paid dearly for it. Show a bit of fucking faith and respect for a guy that's basically had the past five years of his like fucked for sticking his neck out for you.
Might have to clean toilets for the rest of the week, sorry.