kek these "guys" probably bend each other over the gun counter
kek these "guys" probably bend each other over the gun counter
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oh and they have disqus
First thing I see, no muzzle discipline.
Yeah I don't need to read any further.
I'm surprised they even feel the need. It's not like anyone on "the right" has done anything worthwhile with their guns and the few who do immediately get thrown under the bus for "bad optics".
It has to do something with their genetics.
what a waste of a jawline
i have the worst fucking jaw on the planet and these cucks get one and dont even live up to the higher test
Liberalism and gay-hipster-face are both caused by low testosterone in men.
They don't have enough testosterone to be of any threat, to be perfectly honest.
AHAHAHAHAHA. After decades of voting and shilling for gun-grabbing kikes now they pretend they like guns. Pathetic shitlibs.
Hipsters with their Gavin McFuckface facial hair are single handily ruining the historical manliness hair once meant for the Northern European peoples.
I hate them, so much.
lol it takes more than buying guns to to fight a war. Goddamn I want them to start some shit.
dis gon be gud.
Captcha: lp gay q
This reminds me of an article written a year or so ago by some libshit attempting to buy a rifle to show how easy it is for evil, racist school shooters to get their hands on a fully-semi automatic Assault Rifle-15, but is denied by NICS due to an assault charge.
But jews are certainly welcome, I'm sure.
Eh, at least he's keeping his finger where it belongs, I would've expected worse tbh.
Those fucking black framed glasses too… EVERY TIME
And that's exactly why they decided to look that way.
And that's why you work towards steering the store owner towards the JQ.
Shhh, the civ nats will sperg and call you a fed if you point out their pussyfooting.
Dollars to doughnuts these people have never so much as seen a single drop of their own blood come out of a paper cut.
They're certainly not prepared to see it come out in fountains while they're looking at muscles and tendons.
I don't know what kind of gun stores these poop stuffers have been to in the past, but I've never seen any anti-islam, pro-trump stuff at any of the ranges I've been to here in Texas.
Glasses and hand holding gun look shooped to me tbh
(sieg heil)
Remember a few years ago when leftists wanted published, and did publish, gun owners home addresses?
The brainwashed cuck face is starting to look mighty annoying.
This reminds me of the whole #swoleleft thing. It's pretty much the same thing SJW's attempted to do (and succeeded to some degree) with video games, comic books, and other "geek culture" type stuff. They invade a subculture, project their views onto it, and then pretend their views are the norm. They won't be able to do that with guns or fighting subcultures, but they should be able to find a niche and win a few lost souls from there.
Fuck off Fed
And fuck you. Not being a gullible idiot doesn't make you a civic nationalist.
54%. Any day now, right?
Great. Good for them. They're blessed enough to live in one of the very, very few countries on this earth wherein if you truely do believe the government and its supporters are that bad you're allowed to arm the fuck up and do something about it.
This is how this is supposed to work. You'll find there's far, far more of us than there are you, and we're better at shooting than you, and we've been shooting a hell of a lot longer than you, and we know how to do things like reload ammunition and do firearm repairs and things you could only dream of learning, but you are in fact supposed to gun the fuck up and defend yourself if you think shit's gotten that bad.
it has, but not for these weirdoes lel
But why would you ever need a gun :^)
P.S. it's also pretty funny that with all the SJW and Marxist harping about toxic masculinity and muh female future, they've found value for masculinity and men now that the pressure is on them.
They'll redpill themselves soon enough.
Nah, that won't happen. If these guys have been through 2016 and are still anti-right wing, they'll never come around. This (as well as the swole left thing) is just the cuck taking it's full, fighting form. Attempting to become ubermenschen for the purpose of protecting and serving untermenschen.
Checkin them dubs of confirmation.
Remember one thing. These fools are the faggots who have bought into the kike narrative. At least 2/3's of it or 66.66666% of it. So their fears based mostly on kike memes manifest in them needing to begin arming up. Too bad their foe has already gone past that stage, and then realized who the real threat is. They're still slaves of that spell, we broke it.
The bluepilled kike memes rule them, so they act accordingly.
They'll either accidentally shoot themselves or go to the range once and then leave their guns sitting in the back of the closet.
Maybe these ones taking arms are the ones who will turn when it really does come to pass, the actual unchecked violence.
If they go to the shooting range, inform themselves about guns etc. they will sooner or later get heavily influenced by cuckservatives, which is a smalll step in the right direction.
Exactly. The funny thing is, the cuck is stuck in a double bind. If he breaks free from cuckoldry, he's no longer on their side. If he stays a cuck, he's absolutely useless in a SHTTF situation. Either way, he serves no purpose on the battlefield of tomorrow.
A weapon doesn't make a warrior.
but a murderer
I think the question is whether they'll eventually get effective communist partisans like in previous revolutions or whether it will be limited to the cucks. Even the shitskins had a decent sniper or two in the sandbox.
For you magicians to interpret
I bet they got two whole boxes of ammo too!
I think that the whole liberal beard thing has to do with communist propaganda. They want to look like the Bolsheviks
Fucking Masonic Kikes.
I think it's more their twisted idea of masculinity. It's why they fret about their filet mignon being just right and why they can tell between a 30 year old scotch and a 40 year old. It's why they smoke out of pipes, wear flannel shirts, and play tag frisbee. They think they're fucking manly because they whittle Nintendo figurines, they get 50 dollar beard trims, and they freak out if they get mud on their Keds.
he can't even do it correctly, his hand isn't completely hidden
Bingo. They adopt the trappings of traditional masculinity (beards, tattoos, tobacco, brown liquor, suits, etc.) in an attempt to mislead themselves and others (but especially themselves) into believing that they're "real men" while remaining squishy shitlibs if you scratch any deeper than the surface.
Case in point, link related. This has been a perennial favorite over on halfchan /out/ since literally day one.
God damn, those commies are ugly.
Jesus Christ.
I'm praying for rain.
I have a more perilous wilderness in my fucking backyard, what a bunch of faggots
Linkola was right. Humanity has had it too good for too long.
Are you afraid yet user? :'^)
A bunch of faggots take a weekend trip to a designated camping ground.
that was the gayest fucking thing i have ever seen
At least they gave it the right name.
Holy fucking gay. That is definitely a good video to hit cucks up with to help them realize their cuckhood, but any man would nope the fuck out from that faggot shit theyre doing in the video. Its like they don't get the whole of a group is not without an efficient hierarchy if it is to be truly successful.
Why is it nearly impossible for cucks to grow proper facial hair? Is it too triggering, or do they actually think that shit makes them look masculine?
So a bunch of feminine/homosexual men go on a casual camping trip not too far off a paved road. What makes them think that anything about that trip was legendary? I get the impression they would cry for their mom if they got a splinter.
I did better camping trips in Boy Scouts. There's no reason their camping trip should be worse than camping trips planned for children.
When these cucks go to war expect a lot of friendly fire.
Both true, but I've realized that a lot of them are aping the NY Jew look because they want to signal that they're high status enlightened liberals.
Because Leftism is a cult.
I used to stay the night in the wild for fun when i was just a shit kid. Have they no shame?
t. never used a soldering iron
It's their uniform.
Doesn't look like a strong jawline to me, just lopsided like McCain's.
I used to do that too until the police came by and said we werent allowed. Stayed indoors ever since.
What's that language, Romanian?
That's Italian, you dingus.
Haha i know, good times. They always found us easily due to the campfire but that didn't stop us though.
Still, it goes to show just how weak these SJW beta cucks are. They feel like they 'survived' some shit while kids used to do this for fun. The cringe is immeasurable.
Goes on pleasant weekend vacation
Narrator should be first to the death camps.
I kept hoping they would get lost somehow and have to eat each other to survive.
lol faggot
I hope she likes 3rd degree burns.
Single stack magazines a shit.
Fite me.
Cucks buying guns are not good. We and cucks operate on different level. We know proper gun safety, know when and when not to use them, we hold them with conviction, we know what we are doing with them.
Cucks are more than likely to do these things:
- Murders an unarmed guy cheering for Trump in the next rally.
- Shoot themselves, and maybe also taking their own families whose DNA profiles possess none of its own essences out.
- Go around trying to intimidate people in a bar because it has a gun and failed hard, then got confronted by bigger guys with guns, suddenly draw and shoot the bartender and his daughter, then shoot itself in the legs before cops came and pray he will be 'hero' in tumblr/twatter tomorrow morning.
Step one comes next, it always does.
We should spread useful information pics to these cucks:
They're lying, NO-ONE can get away with that "no blacks or irish" shit anymore. Unless it's maybe a communist saying no whites or no men in a californian university.
What the fuck is up with that loli ?
I don't follow recent animes but why is it posted everywhere and why is it always responded to with this ?
I have a High School acquaintance who now live in Austin, he has recently become gun obsessed and is straight up commie tier in terms of political beliefs. He posts all the time about open carrying to conservative events to intimidate "fascists".
Day of the rope is fast approaching, and the left can feel it.
It's Holla Forums the anime. Check it out, it's great. Merciless stuff.
Here's the full ED with English lyrics.
Saved, this is pretty perfectly stated.
Nietzsche was right, morality based on resentment always follows this pattern.
They're actually subverting themselves. With a bit of time even those cucks will realize that something within them is beginning to change. They'll start questioning their own beliefs. This may potentially be a good thing.
Conspiracy mode however says that it's possible Soros and his globalists are arming their cannon fodder goys.
It's an atheist jap mailman reincarnated as a loli. Autogynephiles dig that stuff.
Screw Facial Hair and go FULL ROMAN!!!
Expectation rarely meets reality when it comes to beards.
If you wanna be a Nordcuck, just save yourself the trouble and go live in a stupid hut.
Oh yeah, and no more Female Caesar Cuts. That shit's disgusting and degenerate. I'm glad Megyn Kelly lost her career with that one.
H-how is everything they do so feminine? It's like theyre actors playing on the Men Show
Fucking MK Ultra man
Why are you here? You obviously don't belong.
This man speaks the truth. Facial hair is a lot more likely to make you look like a hippie or commie faggot.
"We've got gin and tonics!"
The only facial hair a man should have is sideburns.
Shit, everything that's been discussed on Holla Forums, the Libshits have been doing with backing from Soros. Remember how during the Portland Riots a bunch of degenerates started swinging at an electrical box? And then when Right-Wingers try to do the same, they get dragged through the mud by the media. Hell, there's a ton of Cuckservatives that support Trump these days saying "We're NOT like the Liberals. We don't commit those sorts of crimes or rebel like them. Women's March, WE GOT TO WORK!!!" A little more, and the LibCucks will start cucking us and get a pass from the media.
That "Day Of The Rope" meme is shifting sides fast with things like "Punch A Nazi".
Holy crap biscuits, that shit is good. Danke, user.
lefty conformaty
In all honesty, Gavin McFuckface is a Neo-Victorian Hipster Cuck. A lot of the Non-Bolshevik Hipster Intellectual wannabes are, fancying themselves to being something like Friedrich Nietzsche.
Yeah, and the rest are just Neo-Bolshevik Virtue Signalers.
If you're not a Cowboy and/or a Country Music Singer and you have a beard, you're a FAGGOT!!!
Stop sperging, you dumb nigger. Beards are fine if the man is a man.
Kein problem mein freund.
It's a great anime and Tanya is a fascinating character. There's speculation and stuff involving the plot and so on, lots of folks are watching it. It grew immensly popular really quick. Pixiv is full of fanart, the Japs themselves love it. It's one of the three highest grossing anime of the year (it started last year though, point is it's selling like wild).
Japan truly is the greatest ally. Youjo Senki almost seems tailor made for /our guys/ everywhere.
And lest you forget: anti-anime is anti-white.
Facial hair is becoming a default indication of poz, shaving your face for purity is becoming increasingly more masculine and nationalistic.
t.high-estrogen faggot with no facial hair
I look like 12 without my beard, user.
I kinda hope it get's a dub.
A very good, german dub.
Haha who am I kidding
friendly reminder that a 9mm hollowpoint does more internal damage than every practical pistol round that isnt .357mag.
The short period in which there were good german dubs, when mtv was showing anime has passed, user. Also, this would never air on a german tv channel.
as a former cuck, buying my AR15 and working out regularly was the exact thing I needed.
I know that feel.
I feel and look more like a beta cuck without some hair on the face. Then again, I can't even grow a full beard anyway.
A gun put into right use, for a change.
Why, do you think this is TRS or some other den of degenerates fapping to "based nationalist traps"?
I know, I know.
Still, a man can hope, right.
The Ice Age dub was pretty damm good.
We'll put the Tanya dub on the program for the SND/a/P
This pic always puts my sides in orbit
For the thread discussion
Cucks while either
-uncuck themselves by getting into a non-cucked hobby and wanting to fit in
-feel uncomfortable while not in their safe space and abandon funs
-While forget about it, as soon as the fad passes(for them)
Enjoy your ftf faggot
this scene alone would probably ensure the series remains banned in Germany
Meanwhile in reality
Rub salt in it, will ya?
I actually found german subs though, with a youtube vid promoting them. Looks like even german normies like it.
Well, as normie as weebs get. They're not from any imageboards by the way they type
well fansubs are without barriers or copyright laws so of course people more similar to us will probably be exposed to it
no chance of it getting a DVD/Blu-ray release anytime soon in Germany though
Sounds good to me, getting guns and shooting them is one quick way to cure leftism for many exception made for the lost causes.
Anti-anime is anti-white.
You have to go back. There's nothing to discuss with people like you. You are incapable of understanding and you don't belong here.
Only worthless people and shills have a problem with anime, but judging from your comment you're probably a shill. I bet you even watch (((Hollywood))) movies.
We're not going to pay any attention to your Jew infested garbage media, nor are we going to allow your inane comments to separate Holla Forums from its beating heart and waifus. It's ogre. You lost. You are a relic of the past, a dodo with a shrill voice. Seeing not the path to Heaven you seek to deny it to those who do. Your punishment will be indescribable.
Only a degraded person cannot see the value of ideals or sense the transcendental gushing forth from these animated burning bushes. A worthy person engulfed in inner struggle and refinement knows what anime is. Those who are incapable simply don't matter.
Yep, can't find the LN or Manga here, not even the the english sections.
Not him, but basically anything directed by Mel Gibson is Holla Forums approved right?
>reddit spacing
He's right though, you're acting like a Grade A gook. Fuck off.
I don't watch movies. Haven't watched them since the 90s. Just let it die, it's all shit. Live action is an inferior form of fiction and all its celebrities, actors, actresses and so on are nothing but human shit. And that's without getting into who runs the show, how pozzed it all is and just how loathsome it is to endure even a second of soul-raping that is (((Hollywood))) media.
Watch anime, read books and manga. That is the only solution. We need to bleed the beast dry, and that's how you do it.
There is no reddit spacing. Like most oldfags I'm using the original format of posting. This garbage format you're using would've earned you nothing but scorn and ridicule when it mattered.
Should at least watch some Holla Forums approved films m8. Lord of War is fucking great.
The Seattle guy is just sad, as per the usual.
This guy though?
This guy is legitimately sad - read his fucking twitter and tell me it isn't some exceedingly sad shit. Good deadlift, but just… The aura of sadness. Its like looking into a /fit/izen's twatter feed. Mother fucker is retweeting Jenna Marbles tweets for fuck's sake.
I get a strong vibe this dude moved to CO for the weed, the small-town atmosphere and the guns rights… But all his liberal friends stayed in MO or wherever he came from. His twitter over the last like year is nothing but him taking pictures of himself and talking shit about people at the gym.
Oh gawd I just bought a PEOPLE SLAUGHTERING ASSAULT GLOCK and struggled to shoot it. When I finally worked up the courage, knowing so many poor defenseless black men are killed by these things daily, I nearly shit my pants from the force and sound! It was like a bomb! Those fascists must be truly evil to shoot these things without a care in the world.
t. every lefty who goes and buys a gun out of reaction
88% percent just bought them to take faggy instagram look how tough and manly I am guise! pics and then throw them in their closet in a locked case with the trigger lock on for extra safetycan't be too sure:^)
I'd rather have the progressives pro-gun than anti-gun
I'd rather just kill them.
Hipsters might actually look better if they just went full Ned Flanders. Mustaches at least might work better for them.
You didn't have to type all that gay shit, just get some taste. Watch Berserk or Texhnolyze to pump some test in your blood.
That something is popular =/= it is good.
You're shilling for an animu that steals the aesthetic of a time period that was basically pure horror, and uses it for the purposes of telling the weird-fucking-story of a Japanese adult male trapped-by-gnostic-tier-god in a blonde blue-eyed loli magician.
Its just weird bro. Super weird. Easily could have told that same story, without making it super fucking weird. Gender swap is a weird thing, its heavily associated with ultra-weird shit (thanks to your lovely Jap's animu porn culture), and itsj ust… Its fucking weird, dude.
No, lad. Just no.
Gundam Wing is pretty red-pilled. Anyone watch it?
Always pistols. These assbags have no idea how much range time it takes to get good with a pistol. They fail before they start.
I know for a fact that I could beat these guys in a fight.
Isn't LOTGH Holla Forums the anime?
i'd prefer if they just stopped being insufferable cunts and started to act like decent human beings.
One incarnation.
Just a "hitler-youth" look tbh.
But unfortunately beards and mustache is returning to the "dandy" man archetype, similar to the gay biker, YMCA connotations it had for a good period of time.
It'll will be possible to curb how (((they))) influence this repeated shift between which is more associated with degeneracy when the media is finally silenced.
I'm talking about the hardcore blue-haired commies and raging beta cucks. Tired of em. Your everyday pudgy cuck and dude weed hipster isn't important.
4 days. $2599. All inclusive temporary manhood.
No thank you. There's no emotional resonance involved with live action. I simply don't care about what goes on. Furthermore there's no insight to be gained and no authentic archetypes to play with.
Fiction, emphasis on fiction, that utilizes the imagination of the viewer is a mirror in which you see your own reflection. It is an instrument of introspection and alchemy. Live action negates all that - it's fake. It's fake on a fundamental level while actual fiction is "fake" on the surface but is actually more real and meaningful.
I also subscribe to the ancient Greek and later Byzantine opinion that actors are the lowest of the low socially, on par with hookers. I do not wish to lend my precious time and attention to a Gibson or some other tard. I see them as inherently untrustworthy, amoral, unprincipled people.
While my position may seem extreme it is the only valid path for me and I deeply regret that people are still allowing the Jews and liberals to poison them via movies and TV. After you've reached a certain point of esoteric knowledge and have a solid understanding of culture and your own self many things become impossible, but they're all worthless things. You start yearning for something that can fill you up, something with substance. And that is anime as far as watching goes. God willed it that way. It is honest, childlike, innocent even in lewdness.
I wish you luck. I wish you proper insight as well. You will reject filth and embrace glory, if you stick around and work on yourself.
These are the only two acceptable official /pol. animes
Reminder that Rudolph did nothing wrong and Reinhard was a fag for complaining about the very eugenics policies that gave rise to such an Aryan Übermensch as he.
*Holla Forums
Yeah. I dunno. I'm not shaving off my scruff beard because cuck-faces have started adopting it, but I get that.
Northern Europe had a brutal climate and very low population density. Not things suited for big civilization. Also the only nice building material was wood so they became expert carpenters. They don't have nice marble and limestone just lying around like the med-niggers or a nice climate.
Northern Europeans are the master race. They are the newest to civilization due to their climate but, as soon as Northern Europeans were brought to civilization they have dominated it ever since while med-niggers can't even pay debts
I think shaved faces became more popular with the Romans because if you shaved you didnt get lice crawling in your beard biting you and making your skin itch
northern Europeans like the Greeks grew their beards out to distinguish age and look like they have wisdom
It's a weird story because you don't understand it, or its themes. It's esoteric to a profound degree, because it has to be. If you ever read Evola or Serrano you might understand. I won't even try to explain it.
Berserk is indeed good - but when you're older you stop trying to be hardcore. You'll understand with time since that is an inevitable part of growing older. I don't have to explain anything here since you'll experience it yourselves. It's the same as growing out of action movies, especially if you've witnessed war like I did. It just becomes silly.
Berserk for instance isn't great because Guts is a murder machine, but because the murder machine is a tortured individual with deep emotions and issues. That is why people like Berserk. The slaughtering is almost an afterthought.
Cute girls doing cute things exists for a reason, and so does moe. You will understand its value as well, with time.
Good luck. I wish you a wonderful experience and victory, though pain is inevitable.
It was an interesting part at the end where it talked about how a few generations back it was the conservatives pushing for gun control as an attempt to reduce crime.
Its interesting how US politics swaps around. Like the whole republicans freeing the slaves thing but now all blacks vote democrat.
That would never happen in my country.
Wanna tell us about it, user? Where/what action did you see/how did it affect you/etc? I love picking people's brains about stuff like this.
I was referring to the 2016/17 meme war.
Beards are a Male thing…it doesn't belong to an ethnic group or a religious order or a movement of any kind.
Beards are beards…and those of you bitching about facial hair are fucking faggots that probably can't grow one.
Talk about some anime some more you flaming faggots. See you in the trenches.
whoa this is some next level shit here
Lol ok.
Then one would think you would favor the old and tried works of art over the latest and trendiest gender swap story that is purposely drawn ugly, no matter how much you wax poetic about its hidden depths. A nigger can take a shit in a bowl and some faggot would interpret it as a monument of art deeper than Michelangelo, and the sounds he makes a masterpiece of music more developed than Bach.
So does the picture you post.
If being liked by many people doesn't mean its good, then being disliked by a person doesn't mean it's bad. It sounds like you don't like it because you don't understand it.
Wisdom requires humility.
This is good. No, its a masterpiece! It should be a Holla Forums theme song.
I was criticizing him for essentially saying Berserk is a shallow story. It isn't, it explores themes of good and evil, necessity for good achieved through such measures, friendship, comradeship, metaphysics, and infuses shitloads of European folklore to boot.
Sweet jojo reference.
Croatian war for independence (1991 - 1995). I was a child. I've become redpilled before Internet became a thing by digesting the experience, but like all things even that is giving me too much credit. I've been drawing swastikas since I was three years old. As Lain would say "Everything is connected. For every event there is a prophecy."
Serrano would smile at those clumsy drawings. Him and Savitri Devi knew what was coming after them. Or as the cardgame put it "Hitler's wizards didn't die. Some of them are in fact becoming younger."
Yes, I joined the army as an adult to learn stuff.
Shaktism. Perhaps Arthur Avalon's work might be of use to you. Also, aren't the slain warriors in Valhalla tended to by youthful valkyries? Contemplate.
None of this is a coincidence. And to immediately deflect criticism due to AA's name:
I recommend Shakti and Shakta.
user, anime IS the "true and tested" inasmuch as its aesthetic is genuine. It is closer to Michelangelo than to modern art. Think it through. It is in fact the sole inheritor of traditional aesthetic, or rather its natural extension. The same spirit that drew the Mona Lisa and carved the statues of ancient Greece is within it. Anime/manga is just its current expression at the hands of the Japanese. Just like say Britain and Germany had different yet equally valid approaches to art and architecture owning to their identity, culture and spirit, so do the Japanese. But all are equally based on sound principles of beauty. And this principle is wholly Aryan to use a common term. It in fact originates from the Divine.
Amusingly I said none of those things you claim I said.
I just realized that this thread was started to talk about leftists preparing for armed conflict and the thought of it being so absurd, that Holla Forums, far from feeling threatened in any way, decided to spend its time discussing its favorite anime.
Oh, ok. But he never said Berserk was shallow.
Many of Berserk's previous supporters recommend it because it is hardcore: "It injects testoreone into you!". Those same supporters hate moe for much the same reason: "We don't need this. We need MANime like berserk." I believe he was talking about them.
the only time commies ever formed decent firing squads was when they were already in power and they used illiterate working class blokes who were quite literally starving to death thanks to communist policies being enacted so they would have a gun put in their hands and told what to do or else no food
thats how shit like the PLA in China and the NKVD in Russia started
Exactly what (((modern art))) fans say when people dismiss their period blood paintings and atonal noise.
You're still under the impression I oppose anime as a whole. The tried and true I was drawing attention to is stuff like LoGH and Berserk, not automated dreck drawn by braindead gooks and computers. The '97 Berserk anime had a shoestring budget but was never lazy enough to draw mouths coming out of the sides of people's cheeks. That discipline, meticulousness and attention to detail is the foremost reflection of that traditional aesthetic and sound principles of beauty.
Unless the commies start accidentally shooting each other, it won't be as entertaining as anime.
Not a very high threshold, judging by .
GuP is wonderful.
Also yes, it seems nobody gives a fuck about what they're doing. I said it somewhere above - this may infact be their redpill in a roundabout way. Once that glorious piece of metal and wood starts spewing death something just starts to feel so, so good.
Pretty much. Though I read Berserk mostly for the story, interactions and so on, the "meat" of it. Guts killing stuff is just a surface thing. Berserk is great because of its tragedy and drama.
Someone shop that lock case into cuck or cock case.
That voice over alone, jesus fuck
To add, traditional Western art recognizes that presentation is as important as, if not more so than the meaning it intends to present. Much as a story does not just recite a moral or name a theme, but manifests it in a coherent story, a work of art must not only tell a story but also show it well. It defeats its purpose to say the presentation is not important as long as deep meanings are buried beneath it, and you either are told of it or make it up yourself. Another, paralleling perspective to that is the death of the author, which opens the door to that endless speculation over meaning with little attention to the detail and purpose of the presentation.
Damn right
People shouldn't hate things they do not understand. Yes, postmodern art has abused this idea to glorify the profane, but it does not mean the original idea is false.
Subtlety is a desirable quality in fiction, as it may cause the euphoric sensation of enlightenment to those that do understand it.
Look to Short Stories. What is happening in "A Clean Well Lighted Place."? Nothing much, really, but why do people praise it so? Look at pretty much every other Short Story. Even the very old ones. Skim them and see how it appears that nothing is happening.
I think I just had a small epiphany about why the loli thing is relevant. We're getting older as a community, and I think a lot of us are in our mid-30s now and above. There's a certain sense in which we feel we "missed our chance." We didn't join the military because it was too pozzed and run to the benefit of kikes by presidents Bush the Lesser and King Nigger. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm flatly underemployed. So I think the loli aspect gives the show a quality of "starting over" in a way that doesn't necessarily feel possible in our lives as we're living them now; I mean, I'm 34, and that isn't old old, but it's obviously pretty late to start from scratch. So I think to a lot of Holla Forumsacks Tanya gets a pretty good deal. She cheats death; gets to start over in a fresh body; gets to keep her lifetime of memories; and gets plonked down in a situation where she's the perfect murder machine in a world that's on the cusp of global war. And it's obvious that God is straight fucking with her anyway, so the gender flip thing makes a certain kind of sense within the story's internal logic, while also providing humor in the contrast between her saccharine voice and appearance and her completely sociopathic behavior.
Lad, its weird because its about an adult male psyche placed into an adolescent female body - and clearly one the creators attempt to sexualize, in a most disdainful fashion (they can't help it though - they're Japanese, after all; a society which regularly allows the cartoon depictions of child sex).
The rest of your commentary was nothing but autistic weeb shit trying to justify your willingness in imbibe shit thats about a hair's breadth from being a sex-change hentai.
Face it, you're a weirdo, that animu is for fags, and your waifu a shit.
Attributing all criticism to a lack of understanding is a defense mechanism that betrays the lack of content beneath. Postmodernism doesn't abuse it because that is wholly in line with its character.
You may not like Ramzpaul but I encourage everyone here to watch this video. It's basically a book-report about the American leftists from the 60s and 70s.
Ramzpaul discusses the fracture points in the leftists movements during the time, namely the Jewish (literally 4 upper middle class Jews and 1 white guy) Weatherman terrorist group and their friction with other communist and Black Power movements at the time.
Long story short, the Black Power movement (think BLM today) would eventually accuse theri supposed allies (the Weathermen and other communist movements) of being "white supremacists" despite the fact that they were fighting for black liberation,
You can see history repeating itself here. All historically minded anons I implore you to watch this video, it's an excellent historical review.
Never suggested otherwise, sport.
Sounds like you like it and can't defend it because you know its bizarre shit created by a race of bug people who regularly sexualize children (and those purported to be adults while depicted as children), and so attempt to deflect an accusation of ignorance - you know, like libshits do when you start criticizing whatever butt-worship bullshit they've grasped onto and internalized.
If you're an adult male and you spend your time watching a foreign-made cartoon depiction of a male psyche in a little girl's body, all wrapped up in a WW-aesthetic thus trivializing the context it apes, you should really consider suicide.
havent seen a single sexualised element of it to date
the only time its gender becomes remotely relevant is she causes grown adult men soliders to hesitate to shoot her when they look at her through the scope
they hesitate because they see a young girl and then they die
I haven't even watched it and I've seen sexualized elements.
You're either a liar or so dissociated from reality that you can't see this shit.
I wanna join the military now that Trump's in charge but I'm still not sure about it.
Opinion discarded.
Fuck off.
explain them and ill discuss them with you
because I have watched it and I dont see it
ive seen realistic depictions of the type of washing people did in early 20th century Germany when they got up in the morning
the whole heated water poured into a washbowl so you can wash your hands and face stuff
but not sexualisation ever
Well if you imagine yourself in >her place and being transformed into a little girl is part of that, that's quite literally autogynephilia.
Does that subtlety take from the quality of presentation, or add to it? I'm saying exactly that just themes and ideas are of little value if just thrown out there, like a (((modern artist))) saying his canvas dipped in blue paint represents [insert deep concept here], and need to be presented with craft.
Dont. Even with trump the military is a fucking sad void full of sexual harassment and "equal opportunity" briefs. The military as it is today is the most PC place you could imagine. I cant wait till I'm out.
yeah but i imagine people that have autogynephilia fantasize about stuffing things in their newly formed vagina and sucking dick
none of which occurs in the show, half of the screentime is just discussing European 1920's era war doctrine and global politics
To have absolute proof that a being like Being X exists; to have absolute proof of reincarnation; to be able to keep my memories of this world putting me in a unique position relative to the history of another, all for the inconvenience of being reborn as an Aryan super-valkyrie? I mean, I'd take that deal, especially if I were about to die anyway.
Why the fuck wouldn't I want to be in her shoes? She's fighting for Nazi Germany with fucking magic. Goddamn you're such a fag.
This is the closest the show came to fanservice. This is the nudest we've seen Tanya.
It is evident from your comment that you're a cowardly puritan who is afraid of his own erection. There's nothing wrong with nudity, fanservice, loli or any combination thereof.
We've tried that. It results in misery just as hedonistic liberalism does. I have no respect for people like you, because you're cowardly hypocrites. This is all assuming you aren't a troll or a shill, which I find likely. But to add fuel to the fire your alleged opinion is taliban tier. There is no distinction. Seemingly virtuous on the outside but swarming with complexes and dark desires on the inside. It's people like you who are the actual volatile element in ANY society. The censor, the holier-than-thou asshole who doesn't have an iota of self-control within him but must be pressured from the outside to do or not do something. Utterly incapable of differentiating fiction from reality, yet alone capable of honesty to himself and others. You're like a sterile tomb or a hospital, and that is truly disgusting and inhuman.
Geeeeeeee…. Its almost like they wanted to go full far left authoritarian by stripping away the citizen's rights and ability to defend them selves.
The entirety of your criticism is "It's too weird." You have said nothing else. Thus, it is apt to say: "Do not hate something because you do not understand it."
Stop trying to complicate something so simple with your sophistry.
I just wonder, why not watch media about Aryan heros? I like anime as much as the next guy but never really been into the little girl thing.
because it is significantly limited in scope and acceptable quality
you're seeing demons that arent there tbh
Nah, Blanchard distinguishes that very clearly from autogynephilia. He separates autogynephilia from homosexuality as the fetishization of being in a female body.
It's not the decision of the character I'm bringing attention to, but that of the creator. Why work the story around that to begin with? Why specifically that predicament and not something else if you want to go with that deal with God idea?
>misinterpreting a quote by someone else to imply he's shallow, not who he's responding to
There isn't that much stuff with that theme. If I want that I'll just go read Howard's Conan stories. But as I said previously I don't find full action and big guys duking it out that interesting.
Why isn't a ship a plane?
You'd know if your dumb retarded ass watched the show to begin with.
MC starts out as a middle aged businessman, already high in the ranks, but still climbing the ranks, willing to do whatever it takes. Then God not only sends him back in time to Nazi Germany, but puts him in the most vulnerable position he could be in: a woman. This is all so the MC ends up having to rely on God, but instead MC fights him and just climbs the ranks of the military, so God requires MC to pray in order to even use his magic. The whole point being that God is a desperate attention whore who makes the MC as vulnerable as possible so MC will "believe" in him.
Having not watched it, and anons not bringing this aspect up, I think you are missing a key motivation in the decision of this 'Being X'. As a punishment for the main character's lack of faith, 'Being X' decides to place him not only in an alien timeline and period, in a period of war breaking out, and ALSO in the body of a female. It's part of a cosmic irony, which seems to be something this 'Being X' appreciates.
It's still funny to me that Trump hasn't even gone after these people explicitly yet, he's mainly just existed and put the brakes on our countries full scale destruction. Yet they feel less than 1% of the dread we've been feeling for years and begin panicing like idiots.
Yes, you are a sophist. This is a perfect display of misdirection.
You claimed that the idea of not hating what you do not understand is a defense mechanism to portray criticism as a lack of understanding. The question here, however, is that do you have any actual criticism? "It's too weird" isn't criticism, but an exclamation caused by lack of understanding.
I'll also point out that by the time the Red Army got to Berlin, the National Socialists were deploying girls not much older than Tanya to combat roles. Their sacrifices were both meaningful and worthy, right?
At least they're self-aware kek
Because Japan loves Lolis and who doesn't? and they believe that your average japanese salesman (or in this case HR) is among the greatest masterminds in history with a deep knowledge and understanding of history, philosophy, politics, economics and all kinds of other fields. Now for the cute Reich-Loli to not be a complete Mary Sue who just happens to know that stuff because, instead the aforementioned mastermind who had spent a third or more of his lifetime to accumulate these skills and wisdom gets to restart while keeping those. Basically quitting halfway through but getting to start a newgame+. And possibly one more thing to cause him strife (as he believed that strife causes faith) is to make him a magically adept yet weak little girl.
Quick and dirty shop.
The god is the Demiurge, or Jew YHWH. Tanya is involved in a colossal struggle against him, much like Serrano said we were.
That's pretty good user.
Good work user, not dirty at all.
Someone mentioned that in the Manga or LN it's not the god but just one of many who got pissy.
Dude we've seen her dfc in episode 2, when she got mage-tested. She was only wearing pants.
Granted, there was no detail and no nipples
The Reich never used females in war. They did however use 13yo boys during the fall of Berlin.
True. But when you compare the anime to freaking Serrano and find parallels I'm sure there's more than meets the eye. In fact I know it.
in the context of the setting that was a state physical operated by doctors working for the state conducting physical evaluations on wards of the state/war orphans
Weren't they used as flak helpers at the end?
considering how rapey the soviets were if I was a German and the commies were advancing id give the women guns tbh
You fucks are cringy as all hell.
True. Still, half-naked is half-naked
This. Reminder that the Soviets where ordered to rape as much as they possible could get their hands on.
Trying to find more info, but I could have sworn they were performing combat roles towards the very end.
Glorious my man.
I never understood that one. What's so evil about comfortably holding your rifle and not fucking burning yourself?
How does someone manage these both thoughts together? How can you listen to the top heads of the left shit on guns and feel at ease with it?
I wouldn't know. I'm basing this off of Dan Carlin's podcast about WW2. He explicitly stated how the Soviets used women in every role imaginable and how the Germans were always uncomfortable fighting them and refused to draft their women even when everything went to shit. A cultural difference, can confirm. Females participated on all sides during our wars (Croats, Serbs, Bosnians). They tend to go full sadist and have no mercy.
I still can't understand American morals. They make no sense except when compared to muslims. You'd probably keel over if you ever came to our beaches. There's naked kids everywhere and nobody cares.
You poor neurotic fools.
Because they're scary.
Looks like there were women in hastily-arranged Volksstrum units when things got grim. The more you know I guess.
It's not like this kind of thinking hasn't started leaking into europe as well. It wouldn't surprise me if it's done intentionally or at least helped along to estrange parents and especially fathers from their own children and to keep them out of (early) education as much as possible for fear of being seen as pedophiles.
TRS hates anime.
Cool reddit maymay.
tbh theres quite a few
its a confusing mix of Prussian distance mixed with Victorian English prudishness
there was an interesting study conducted on sleeping habits of parents and children among the poor in Europe and America compared to Japan
as it turns out Japan and most of Europe are similar in that young children always sleep in close proximity to their parents
whereas in Germany and America they put the baby in a cot in another room kept seperate
and there are biological and developmental differences arising in the childs brain anatomy because of this
Pretty much.
You are correct. The pedo hysteria had and has only one goal - to remove all male influence from a childs life.
I do not envy the Americans one bit. It almost seems inhumane to me, and I'm fairly certain stuff like that results in homosexuality and other disorders. Giving your own children a cold shoulder won't make them more mature. It makes them lonely and fragile.
That sentiment used to survive in Modern Greece prior to (((Finos Film))) that initiated the typical actor worship culture.
Good, because I quite enjoyed Hacksaw Ridge for what it was. Vince Vaughn was fucking hilarious.
Underrated post.
I concur. You hear regular stories here about men out for a walk with their daughters being harassed, even arrested on occasion, because of the pedo hysteria. The media likes to paint a narrative of pedos hiding behind every park bench when in reality we all know they're mostly behind the newsdesk and in Washington.
oh definitely
if you seperate the baby from its parents and regular close skin contact its cortisol levels are seen to rise
this affects the adrenal glands and the elevated level of cortisol becomes the norm
the children could developmentally become permanently stressed
I think its shite like this which causes that distance you see in American families and why 'therapy' has become a popular meme
because people dont feel close enough to discuss anything too personal with their own blood related kin
its perversion of the natural order, yet again
Indeed. The actual pedos are Hillary and her ilk. Moloch worshippers and who knows what else.
You're doing a bad job at not making your posts identifiable
The skills learned in the military could be very valuable though.
Brussels, London and the UN commission are also rife with them
im sure the current Berlin underworld puts the Weimar to shame with heights of degeneracy
wasnt a German mayor caught with BDSM child porn not long ago after lecturing some group about bigotry?
It's been a while since I chuckled so hard with 3DPD.
I lost my shit when he yelled, "You son of an exhibitionist!"
I'm not american.
I merely stated that we see Tanya's flat chest. There's enough naked or half naked littte kids running around in swimming pools here too.
No, do not consider either arousing.
The "any man who takes such pride on his natural state"and "I shall henceforth call you "Chief" as a sign of great respect to your people" parts were that were orbiterated my sides.
That's because they are a nightmarish collection of all the twisted ideals which have emerged since the entrance of Semitic influence into European society through Christianity. The Puritans "fled religious prosecution" because they'd killed a monarch in the name of globalist Semitism and begun on a quest to extinguish the human spirit entirely. At the time of the Revolution, the Founding Fathers were lawyers, merchants, and former military officers. The rebellion itself was predicated on shrugging off the bill from the defense of the colonies themselves which had been managed by the crown because the colonists were unable to form a cohesive fighting force. It was not any sort of noble endeavor, and the Lockean theory underlying it is itself flawed due to its basis in Christian morality.
Basically, any sort of Americanism should be incomprehensible specifically because it is wrong. American identity and morality are the culmination of the rejection of European tradition, thus explaining the current state of the nation.
Those parts were pretty damn great too.
I consider Tanya very arousing non-sexuallyokay… maybe a little sexuallyn-no homo….
I'm gonna go shooting later, I'll keep these fellas in mind. :^)
ahh bit harsh lad
their culture is new its one of the new world ones
so it feels cheap and soulless to our eyes thats all its something touristy
white South African/Rhodesian and Australian culture for instance has an inherently savage and brutal nature to it for instance because it was cultivated in a savage and harsh land
American 'culture' is an amalgamation of Europe mixed together with appropriated symbolism and a second identity like sort
but it does feel a bit wrong but i dont know because i wasnt born an American so i cant judge it accurately
just like how an American born in America will probably never ever understand the viewpoint of someone born in their ancestral homeland
Honestly I forgot about that scene until you reminded me.
It seems you are right. From my outsider perspective this scares the shit out of me in the same way islam does. It just reeks of pain and unnatural complexes.
We will purge ourselves from these demons. We must.
I can't sexualize her at all. Her personality just doesn't allow it for me. She can be cute though, sometimes unintentionally and sometimes because she's manipulative.
But only paranoid right-wing lunatics need guns goy. The government will protect you against those spooky fascists. Or even better, let Jamal sleep in your bed he'll protect your family.
"American" culture is not an amalgamation of European cultures, it is the elimination of European culture. European migrants brought their cultures here and tried to maintain separation (many cities still have areas called Little Italy, German Village, etc.), but the concept of becoming Americanized necessarily means shedding those European distinctions. Some groups and individuals retain stronger legacies, such as can be seen with Irish heritage, but the whole is defined by summation of the people through the implementation of mass culture and the standard of "American." In essence, you are correct in saying that an American is cut off from the viewpoint of someone born in the homeland of his ancestors, and that is exactly the problem. There is no nobility outside of Europa and so the inherent rejection of European heritage in the "new history" or "progress" of Americanism is a destructive factor. Our constitution bans the establishment of noble titles, which I feel to be the clearest example of how Americanism is a rejection of the greatness of the Europoid race.
Islam isn't a bad comparison if you replace Allah with "liberty." Subjugation through fanatical devotion to false ideals and the leveling of hereditary culture to be replaced by a nationalism which is divorced from the concept of the volk as nation.
It's called 'doublethink' and 'hypocrisy'.
Cognitive dissonance
If tanya is a tranny then all women are trannies.
Fucking lost it.
Get in his face and tell him to do something. Leftist rely on intidation and numbers. Confront him directly with equal force and he'll back away.
As a Burger whose ancestry on this continent to the colonial period, I don't want this to be true, but I think you have a point. Our lack of a concept of "volk" is exactly what leaves the vacuum in racial consciousness that allows jews to be white; Afghanis to be seen as full-fledged American citizens; and so on and so forth. The only defense I can think of is that Europe seems to be in the same boat, and I don't think the blame for that can be left entirely on our doorstep, most of Europe's poz is homegrown.
Leftists will never stop at falsified history. Ever.
But you posted three different animes.
You know that many if not most early christians believed in metempsychosis right? In the end it's a pretty complicated subject. I sure as hell don't want to be reincarnated - this world sucks. But look at the writings of Ian Stevenson and the evidence is fairly compelling. A lot of people are making up some extremely elaborate and difficult-to-otherwise-substantiate stories, or there really is something to the subject of reincarnation.
in France it was homegrown
in Britain it was engineered same as in Germany
they developed propaganda to spread to the masses on that department
to give some historical perspective here prior revolutionary France 15% of the population of Paris was actually African in origin
not even Victorian London at the height of the British Empire got that muddy
you have no idea how quickly and successfully they've Americanized the populations of Europe though its terrifying how easily it was done
people born in their homeland unaware of their own history as far back as a few decades but they all know who Abraham Lincoln was its fucked
not denying the possibility
theres also evidence we as a species have a shared collective psyche we cant normally access
or that our thoughts can cause entire star systems to explode into existence in parallel universes
stuff gets crazy
I find it ironic that they're talking about "gun rights is a conservative position is something of the last two generations" and yet they don't mention anything about the militarized police force only being around since after the civil rights movement, and the fact that the concept of a police force in general has only been around since the 1800's when it was first invented in England. The US didn't even have a police force until well after that. Guns were never about "distrusting police", it was always about having the ability to defend oneself against tyranny and the government in general.
and in that time the police force was the pet project of a lord in the house of lords who literally financed a small private militia made up of mostly retired veterans to install some law and order in London instead of having to routinely bring military patrols in when civil unrest got a bit high
ironically theres a policemans oath
and i think its line 5 but basically every single police force operating today in the western world violates line number 5 in the policemans oath all original police officers had to swear by when it was created
much like how every doctor conducted non-necessary plastic surgery and sex changes violates the Hippocratic oath
The root of the problem simply goes back beyond the colonial era, so of course the colonies were seeded with the same destructive trends. Even more so when you look at the groups doing the colonizing and the (((group))) providing funding and control. It all comes down to Christianity. Because the American colonies had no "pagan" tradition at all, it was easy enough to shift the definition of citizen from blood to "spirit" (true spirit is correlated with blood), and from there to "ideal" and thus the birth of civic nationalism. In that way, the reason why America degenerated so rapidly is that from the start it was composed almost entirely of the destructive factors which had been at work in European nations already. A metastasized cancer.
Of course, the matter of Europe's problem being homegrown is the exact issue. It isn't, the problem comes directly from the foreign influence of Christianity. The mere acceptance of that influence, not withstanding the inherent non-European morality, ruined those to be born under it. Once one such foreign thing has been normalized, there is no stopping the process as Semites are allowed to attain power and niggers are allowed to cohabit.
What in the actual fuck did I just watch?
You watched Mel Gibson staying strong after a 10 year hiatus.
didnt he get back on the jews good side after blood father?
fucking dystopian that movie
Not sure. All I remember is being surprised he was directing again, and all the kvetching when Hacksaw Ridge won a bunch of awards or something.
Nice D&C
Oh my god I'm now dead. Jewlywood you've done it again.
Filthy bandit
This is ep.2's propaganda shoot scene in the LN.
I also don't feel any desire to sexualize her.
However I would totally pat her head and mention how cute she is every moment I could.
Final Score: Overrated FOTM/10
The breakfast chef cuck is even wearing RUBBER GLOVES while serving breakfast.
Bufalo wings for lunch while throwing axes.
top lel
I need new sides
liberals are so full of shit.
Also, if there is one thing videogames have taught me, it's to sneak behind my enemies, take them out and take their funs.
Life is suffering.
My finger still hurts from quickly brushing the hot end of the iron where she is holding and that was two days ago.
kek just needs some rainbow color hair dye.
But what if you have a baby face? Hair is the difference between looking 16 and 27
Yeah, I think we'll be fine when war erupts.
sure feels like the great outdoors here.
best part is the mach 5 backpedaling when they have to keep their anti gun beliefs even though they had a great time
My balls shrunk by watching this.
Did you miss these times?
I'm shaking in my boots. BAHAHAHAHAHAHH
That pic really pisses me off. How about, if you want to advocate gun control, you have to watch niggers rape your wife? Except these fucking degenerates probably already have.
I thought it was well known that stubble was the master race.
Stubble only works if you don't have a rounder face. I've tried stubble and I just look like a scratchy egg.
Only a handful of them even know how to make a proper fist…
That's something my uncle told me not to do when I was 6 years old. They're fucked.
This Mongolian bitch is just waiting for an alpha to come along and impregnate her.
My dick
Bullshit. Leftist trash operates on feelings and feelings alone. A progressive liberal with a gun puts anyone around them in danger.
Period. If I see a leftist with a gun that is not holstered, I'm gonna fucking shoot them for my own self or my family self defense. Either way, progressives cannot legally complete a form 4473 since it clearly asks if you suffer from a mental disorder and liberalism is a well defined mental disorder by several authors who also hold doctorates. Round them all up and gas chamber their asses.
What ethnicity is she?
147gr JHP has never, ever given me a malfunction, the only stoppage I ever had was 115gr FMJ failure to feed. Never fired 115 again.
Save that oven for yourself broski
Do you have a vagina? No self respecting man carries any caliber smaller than .45. Do you want to kiss them, or turn their fucking head into a canoe?
Any way to get it gone for good, Holla Forums? Or should I just try going rouge at this point?
Implying those faggots were not eating each others spooge every night.
Shave it more often then, lad. Builds habit and discipline.
forget beards, does Holla Forums support shaving your head?
Nothing wrong with a buzzcut. Holla Forums approves of mustaches over beards however.
Kill yourself, kike. Guess Germans don't build the finest firearms in the world because "muh 2000 years ago" faggotry.
where will you be in 2033.
get ready for a new 1933, lefties being terrified is confirming more than I could ever hope, we are wining if they have nowhere to go other than give into agreeing that the disarmament is wrong.
Does this mean there's going to be a lot of really lame excuse motivated shootings and accidental discharges?
We should start a devision made only of bald men when the race war starts.
No I mean I don't look good going shiny with no beard. If I keep the beard, I look fine, but it looks borderline cuck-tier.
Be original. You'll be fine. As long as you don't look and dress like a cuck, your choice of hair and facial hair won't matter. You're a man you make your own decisions.
whoever is posting this need to stop watching buzzfeed.
I guess you're right. Helps that I lift and most of my shirts are pretty tight. People don't focus on my hair anymore.
Keep it trimmed and proper instead of going full hobo, then. Really, I shouldn't need to tell you this.
I know you shouldn't user, but my dad died when I was a kid and I never had anyone around to show me this shit. Thanks for the advice.
I never even knew my dad.
My dad was alright until the last year he was alive and then he tried to kill me. We're here for you fam.
Going full hobo is acceptable in countries like Canada. It allows you to openly move throughout society without being identified as a National Socialist. Its like Muslims who are allowed to cut their beard in order to blend in with a hostile people.
It's all about body language, and yes this is what women pick up on too (confidence)
t. CIA shillposter breaking out of character
hatefucking is a thing you know
that applies to generating offspring, faggot
Things arent quite the same. It feels like we are at a more advanced state than 1920 already, so 2033 would be more like 2030, 2027, something like that. Then again, we have none of the violent communist provocations such as the full scale revolt, the assassinations (unless you count something like Pim 10 years ago as one). I guess you could say we are being occupied, which is similar to France occupying German territory.
2 old
You have my condolences. You're welcome, lad.
>One day wake up crying after dreaming of him just merely greeting me
She's smug because she has a better jawline than most liberal males :^)
Shit like this gives me a goddam headache. I get the joke, but its like nobody every considers the fact that gun manufacturers are company's with a bottom line and a defective product that discharges when it's dropped is a fucking bad product that no one will buy. Sage for /k/ related autism.
retard, target acquisition and shot placement ends the game. not a trophy head shot. a 9mm 147gr federal hst is plenty
Loli is justice. Loli is life. The ways of God defy all reason and logic, yet they are perfection itself.
Believe in me who believes in you. Don't allow yourself to be upstaged by a Slav.
The people who write the legislation don't know what firearms are.
Picture being anti-car and only knowing that cars kill people and you want to define a type of car a illegal. So you hear things like Fuel injector, turbo charger, spoiler, leather seats, window tinting, rims, and windshield and figure all of those parts are scary and a lot of the cars crashing have some of those parts in them so you ban all those parts and then call them speed cars. Nobody is allowed to own a speed car.
This is really happening with firearms.
I see you're a man of culture as well.
Be careful. VLCs CIA`d. Delete that or get jew`d.
Completely accidental name, sorry. Sage for DP
I need more Tanya OC ideas.
I'm the same guy as and so on.
Revolving IP's and all that.
I'm having a certain issue with MPC + madVR. BSOD issue.Thus VLC.
I too come from a broken home. The only difference is that I ended up with my grandma who was a good woman. Never knew my father, and my mom started race mixing after she had me. Never spoke to her or made an effort to see her ever again. I made my motives clear, and my family members know what I think about politics and race mixers. We all have our cross to bear. Many of us are from broken homes, but our backstories are irrelevant. What we're doing is what matters.
These faggots are trying to play catch up this late in the game? It's going to be a fucking slaughter.
Utter non-sense. The Puritians(Roundheads) who were so libtarded they were kicked out by other libtards and whose entire religious culture was just social signaling weren't even influential or the major component of the population. Almost everybody was and really still is Cavalier or Prussian. The Puritian's descendants aren't even religious anymore they are all liberal atheist faggots, while all the Cavaliers are still religious in exactly the same manner as before. The "muh puritians" is just textbook propaganda pushed by liberals who are the eight times grandchildren of those shitheads.
Actually the majority of the French Indian was was fought by irregulars and most of it was paid by loans raised from the colonials. Yes the war was about who should pay off the debt the British government had uncured when it sent 4 regiments to supplement the colonial irregulars and their naval forces and regiments which secured Canada. And the king and remaining cavaliers in England sided with the colonials at first against the roundheads who controlled the houses, in fact the "no taxation without representation" was an attempt to get more cavaliers into the houses.
Even a king rules at the pleasure of his nobles and uncle adolf by popular and party support. You're confusing what later faggots added to the base theory with the theory itself. It is says is that the government must have support and should en devour to engender that support in the population.
If you read his shit you'd know he doesn't even support republics specifically but merely giving the people an impression they are being listened to by enacting policy which benefits them.
It's like how Keynes would hate Keynesian economics, regardless of his original ideas being shit or not.
Fuck, that pic has a much better art style. Sometimes in the anime she looks like she has nigger lips. Her eyelashes are fuckin' weird too.
Checked and trued. Hard times create good men, i guess.
Exactly. We're here for a reason, and unlike many we didn't capitulate in face of overwhelming odds - the mightiest enemy known to Man actually. We are also honest enough not to pretend that these kinds of things are normal or okay. We've been in the heart of destruction, and we pulled through. We refused to look away and pretend everything is fine. We made the abyss blink.
115gr FMJ is for plinking. What pistol did you have? What brand of ammo? The Winchester white box or the UMC Remingtons are solid for cheap ammo for practice.
Look at this Kattou Choujin
I honestly like the artstyle. It's odd, but it grew on me and it looks better in motion.
Two points
Nobody really cares that much about kids being naked in rural, entirely religious America. It is neither encouraged nor discouraged. Though those who take interest in it are viewed with utmost suspicion. Children being naked for a reason isn't commented on, children being allowed to be naked for no reason is seen as you being a weird shit who encourages nudity when clothing is obviously superior.
Nobody wants to be naked in rural, entirely religious America.
The issue isn't moral it is the fact that we do hold to physical ideals. Nobody wants to see the imperfections of others and nobody wants their weaknesses exposed. I have a six pack and can bench 325lbs and I don't like getting naked. I'm not perfect and even if I was the idea of showing it off is nonsense, I don't care what other people think I care that I am strong enough and skilled enough to kill them with the gun and knife I always carry.
Everybody here thinks Europeans are odd for wanting to be naked and seeming to take pride in it. It's partly because almost everybody works in dirty jobs in the country or does dirty work at home, being clothed at all times just seems normal. And my family never took vacations, many Americans don't even though they can afford them(more disposable income than Europeans if they are white). And all the diversions are things for which clothing is very much needed like fishing, hunting, or operating motor vehicles. The first time I ever went to a beach was when I was studying geology and did grain size analysis. The idea of relaxed public nudity is utterly alien to us, and seeing normal people naked is considered disgusting "nobody wants to see that shit" we say.
Remember that rural America especially is very clannish where family is everything and the attitude toward those who aren't family is "fuck off". There is a kind of hardass culture were being seen as "weak" is grounds for shunning. And everybody is the descendants of huntsman, political exiles, trappers, and those who were willing to leave their communities with only their family so there is likely a strong anti-social bias inherent to the population. Until 1965 60% of those who immigrated to America left, they couldn't handle the cold, brutal culture which offers no social succor to anybody. When you select for hardasses you are going to get uptight, hateful, spiteful, zealous, hardass people.
Remember though this is the only population of any industrialized nation which is still breeding at replacement level. Even mudslimes and spics cease to breed when offered bread and circuses. But these people keep having their same 2.7 kids, killing the same animals in the same forest, and speaking the same familiar words in the old familiar accounts. They are essentially immune to modernity because they want nothing to do with it. They will spit in the face of those who offer them welfare. They hate niggers, kikes, and muds even with society telling them they are evil for doing it.
But that strength is also their weakness because they are so insular and spiteful that they don't see society falling to pieces around them. They turtle up and withdraw from society rather than try to influence it because they hold media, politics, law, and any profession which is service based in utter contempt.
And I must stress this is not a new or "jewy" thing. It's been this way before modern society came about and among people who had no kike living in their county or have never personally seen a non-white.
Because that doesn't really exist, even in Imperial Germany the Bavarians and Rhinelanders weren't that happy about Prussian dominance but still preferred it to ignominity. The Natsoc ideal of volk was born out of the shared experience of WW1 and the kike takeover of Germany. But that still doesn't mean they were a true volk because the populations were not interbreeding with each other. America is even more extreme were even today there is little interbreeding because those inclined to breed marry in their own county and the Anglo-German original population doesn't breed with the far less numerous Italians, Irish, or Scandinavians. And the mixed white urban populations don't breed at all. Volk in America is just "family" but that almost means that the circle of the volk is much smaller than say in 1910 France where you had a few thousand speakers of your specific dialect who were your volk or say scottsman being a volk. You guys jack off to volk too much in my opinion, those rural whites are as racist as we are here. I hear nothing but "niggers" and "spics" and "dirty jew" when I deal with blue collar whites.
For the European hate is something which isn't natural, the Holohoax didn't happen afterall. For much of white America it is like breathing, it is a thing which you are born to do and society can't stop you.
I don't understand how people can like this.
Lemme guess, you bought a Glock 19 as your first and only gun and feel the need to defend your decision to people who have actual real-world experience.
Further proof you have no actual idea what you're talking about.
So what you're saying is you've fathered at least 10 strong male children?
Buy as many as you can afford for the END TIMES
She's Jewish.
Jesus, we need to have a mandatory class on this shit. If your jewdar is that bad, we need some remediation.
As a Balkanfag, I understand. We operate under similar mindsets, though their origin is probably different.
As for nudity it's a summer thing. Summers in Dalmatia are hot, and naked kids is just something that always was. Sandy beaches and all that. Furthermore Germans have a long tradition of FKK (frei korper kultur) which is essentially nudism. The organization predates the Reich IIRC and was approved by the Nazis. In the German case it seems this is natural for them since forever (refering to Tacitus). Also, German tourists and other tourists from up North feel the heat even more than we locals do.
Regarding hate, you are wrong. At least when it comes to Slavs. We hold grudges for centuries.
Call me whatever you want, but which anime is this, I need to watch this.
it's like niggers with guns, they're more likely to shoot themselves or someone close to them than actually hit the target they aim at.
Boku no MDGeist
I get most of it but why PBR and Amy's?
Maybe she is a nigger.
PBR is the most pleb of pleb beers, all the leftist hipsters love that shit.
Amy's is organic crap.
I hate these stories. It's always like two people or a very small group of people. Then some friend of theirs in the media runs the story acting as if every leftist is doing this.
It's nothing but propaganda.
weeeeeewwwww lad.
my mother's drink of choice is a fucking gin and tonic, jesus christ. Why do they think being a man is tied to cigars, alcohol, and consumer products? This is a nice relaxing vacation that imo would be too luxurious to really enjoy. Like what they did defeats the purpose of camping. It's a meditative experience that helps you feel closer to nature and instead they bring amenities and a fucking blowtorch to cook with. It pisses me off that they're all acting like they just motorcycled cross country, relying on maps and a compass to navigate, either hunting small game for food or bringing dense foods like nuts and granola, bringing only what you can fit on your bike, brought a cellphone for emergencies instead of using it for an alarm which you shouldn't need if you're waking up with the sun, travelled through rain, snow, wind, and all kinds of temperatures with hours of time for introspection and meditation. Instead they went on a fucking fake trip to delude themselves into feeling they're manly. It's like equating womanhood with shopping and makeup and starbucks instead of being caring, nurturing and involved in your local community.
maybe this is the reason they think gender is a social construct because for them it basically is. If your idea of what a man does is getting fancy haircuts and smoking cigars instead of working hard and providing for your family then it makes it a triviality instead of a foundational aspect of who you are. It's a depressing example of how the jews have villified traditional roles while simultaneously providing superficial replacements that can be easily used for manipulation and driving consumerism.
I've struggled with feelings of being trans and it's not because I like shopping or starbucks, it's because the character of my personality is one that is geared towards helping others (especially those in need), wanting to foster and maintain a happy and friendly community, but is also emotional and tbqh childish at times. Again I say struggle because I recognize that just because my behaviour and instincts seem to align with the women, there isn't any objective evidence to support the theory that most people push as the cause of GID, neurological development contrary to what a patients physiology would indicate, at least in my specific case. Not to mention I have a history of being abused and traumatized so that might point to the adoption of a feminine outlook as a coping mechanism to rationalize being forced to participate in sexual encounters as the role of a woman at an early age. Either way, it's fucking frustrating when people have such a superficial and shallow idea of what being a man or a woman is, it's much more than just what you buy.
sage for trannyposting
my dad is a degenerate asshole, and he has no reason to be, he was brought up right
It's how gook-produced nu-anime draws profiles. Compare pic related.
superb taste lad
I haven't seen it… I don't know if I can bring myself to sit down and watch an anime with over 100 fucking episodes. My attention span barely lasts a one-season arc anymore.
Possibly the gayest shit I have seen in a very long time
aerospace fag here. that photo is a fucking lie. delet tis
Dubs confirm
That narrator was gobbling black cock in between each of his lines
Do not attempt to out-Mozgus me.
i want cuckchan refugees to leave
liberals and cucks do not deserve arms. you don't give the traitor a dagger and not expect to be backstabbed.
Do you know what episode this is from? I couldn't find it and I was hoping to get a shot with the same quote only more of her head so I could stick a fedora on top of it better.
Well, all the less reason for me to watch the show.
I can't remember which one exactly, but I'm pretty sure it's the one where she first gets her computation jewel from the mad doctor
And they continue the trend
Reminder that Elder Gods mated with humans in some of Lovecraft's books.
That was not written by later writers picking up his work after he died, that is direct Lovecraft canon.
Wait, here's the one I wanted. Wow I really need to come up with a better way of sorting these than "vague spatial memory"
(double dubs)
I didn't make it through the first minute the homo narrative made me click out.
This has been drafted for spreading it on chans and 1.0 platforms
dis·sem·i·nate : spread or disperse (something, especially information) widely:
af·fect : have an effect on; make a difference to
We are at war. We are in a Culture war.
You are a soldier. Theses are our people and this is our world.
The enemy is trying to claim our lives and our world.
Their desire is to OWN US, OUR LIVES AND OUR MINDS.
ab·stract : existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence:
Your job is to DISSEMINATE and AFFECT.
This decntralized movement on the internet needs a kick in the ass to a localized setting. The biggest hurdle
that people have is meeting up because they fear the real nazi's will brand them as radical violent natzis.
We need to reach out to other chummers in the real space and spread our redpill signal. We need to try something
else besides comment posting on the net or smurfing the twitterdome and the various other slums of the internets.
Its time we use the curiosity of the everyday individual to entice them to redpill themselves.
I'm Talking about (YOU) creating NETWORKS in high traffic areas in cities and places of other high traffic.
Information is not a crime.
Requirements: Purchase the hardware needed to create Pirateboxes with extended range.
Content: Redpill photos, memes, literature, chats where we can drop the pill.
go internet search PirateBox to understand what you can do and the concept of this.
Deployment: Everywhere that we can reach teenagers that are susceptible redpilling.
We either repill them or they fall prey to leftist in school and then college.
The time to reach our core structrure popuation is now.
Put one in you car when you park it in that busy town lot or garage or at the diner in a plastic
bag in the gutter of a building or at a public library. Future war is here and this is an rpg56k.
Immediate : RESEARCH Pirateboxing, develop the structure, Plant them EVERYWHERE. Use latex gloves.
Take some test and lift, if you don't already
test isn't otc and my doctor won't write a script for it bc I already have the diagnosis of GID and she thinks it would be harmful and I'm just acting on internalised transphobia. welcome to modern medicine :^)
I do try to exercise, mainly cardio though
How far gone are you? Have you taken estrogen? If not, you probably don't need to take in test itself, just stimulate your body into producing it. Do push-ups, planks and sit-ups if you don't have the means to lift, favor intensity over endurance as the latter actually lowers testosterone. Take in plenty of proteins and fat, as well as calcium, zinc and arginine.
Tell your doctor to fucking stick it or you'll go to a different one.
Just don't unless you want to suck into all the lies about valuable training and all the BS that they promote to get you to join. My nephew was in the marines and was going to be career military but he is a lazy little vidiot that figured he could just cruise along and everything would be dandy. He came up for review and he didn't make the next grade and they booted his ass out after 10 years. He was doing welding repair kinda shit and I guarantee he never did anything beyond the minimum requirements but he always had a PC laptop to play all his vidya with for "relaxing" because his job was so stressful.
Holy shit. These are the types of faggot "outdoorsmen" that shop an LL Bean and Eddie Bauer.
Wow, that was pretty fucking gay.
Don't blame me, blame the faggot who made it.
if you're gonna write in german, do it right…
Volk, Reich and Loli are substantives, wich are always written with a capital letter.
The second one I think
Ive lived out of my car with a gym membership more "rugged" than these fucks
Every doctor who performs surgery at all violates the original Hippocratic Oath. Medicine and surgery used to be completely distinct professions.
I think you will find the first half very easy to sit through, but if you're me, and you get to the second half, it slows down and becomes harder to stay intrested, a bit like the end game of mount and blade, or Eu4.
Yes. However, there are physicians who aren't pozzed and who would help you. I know, because there are physicians who browse this board.
If you read /k/ storytimes what's amazing is that most of them have actually police record. That one time they got arrested smoking pot in college, that light hit and run which they reported back at home, that one girl that accused them of stalking, that one rally were they threw stones at cops, etc…
They never did jail time or anything, just a slap on wrist BUT it's still recorded criminal involvement.
Then they discover, shocked and appealed, that you can't just buy guns like in a fast food in the US and that there is an actual thorough background check… which they fail because the US gov already consider them criminal element!
Then they start to realize why the fuck the 2nd amendment exist(ed)… for morons like them that the US gov. might be tempted to purge one morning.
Then they see the redpilled vendor slight smirk at the gov denying them and they realize, they're a deer in front of headlights…
there's a distinct difference between engaging in a life saving surgery and engaging in mutilating a functioning part of a patients body because of a psychological or neurological disorder. You cannot make the body match the brain, and any attempts at doing so will just harm the patient. I would argue that similarly, if GID is neurological, that you cannot make the brain match the body and that treatment should focus on managing the condition so as to allow the patient to be a productive member of society while not causing harm to themself or others. I generally think of GID as similar to diabetes. It can be inborn or acquired, it requires management that extends beyond a certain goal, etc. type 1 GID would be the neurological condition, and like type 1 diabetes the most effective treatment is just to manage the negative symptoms. Type 2 GID would be the psychological and acquired form, and like type 2 diabetes treatment should focus on treating the underlying problems that cause type 2 GID to manifest (like obesity with t2 diabetes). The whole gender isn't real crowd, to me, would be like a diabetic saying blood sugar and glycemic index are social constructs, while people who say that trannies should just repress their feelings would be akin to telling a diabetic to stop complaining about feeling unwell. I don't know what management of GID would look like, there would need to be research obviously, but for now the way I try to manage it is filling feminine social roles and masculine physical roles, the best example of an occupation suited for that would be a field/combat medic. the instinctively nurturing aspect of female neurology (and thus psychology) combined with the physical hardiness of male biology might be a good situation for someone with GID to fill. That said I don't think trannies should serve in the military so that's kind of a moot point. personally I just stick to more solitary activities that are values consistent and more on the neutral side of being masculine or feminine, such as gardening or volunteerism, dress in a neutral manner, and save up money until I can get some brain imaging done
sorry for the walltext, this is just a frustrating subject and I have no one to sperg out to about it
I could try looking around but it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack considering where I live. I've had people bitch at me for wearing a cable knit sweater because it was associated with white privilege or some bullshit. Like yeah, whites invented cable knitting but that doesn't mean wearing an aran sweater is a statement of white supremacy. The only conservative leaning providers I've known have been in the ED, where you're constantly exposed to diversity so you kind of have to wake up to racial differences
t. beardcuck
So they are basically fudds but worse? But you if they become the majority of gun owners they will preach for better gun control.
Fuck off.
I've got two pretty funny LGS (local gun store) stories.
The numale:
gang bangers:
I have a pretty decent collection of NFA weapons. Went to the range with a friend and his girlfriend while on vacation. His girlfriend does 3 gun and the like. After hitting the range, my friend mentions that they should visit my place and check out my collection sometime. She says, "Why do you NEED automatic weapons?". Instead of lecturing her about her obvious hypocrisy, I simply replied "Niggers".
Hi!!! waving over here
let's make a sub reddit called newfag nazis of 4channers4real we can create sub chapters using the iPhone app weedmaps and hook up using tinder or snapchat.
this way we can meet at the local walmart or subway and brainstorm
i've been asked that before, I always just say, "I'm sorry, I don't understand the question."
The automatic weapon thing has always seemed funny to me. A non-FFL with an FEL can legally possess more firepower than an automatic weapon could ever hope to deliver.
and your average engineer knows the best way to take out the infrastructure
Direct Shitpost…
look at this shitty gun club
What do those actual faggots hope to do? Save a nigger from "racists" to then be attacked by that same nigger?
I guess they'll learn reality or die in the process. Such is nature.
Yes, but my point is confined to the fact that an appeal to the Hippocratic Oath doesn't support the argument against doing that surgery in particular, given that the Oath forswears doing any surgery at all. It's not like we need an Oath to form a basis rationale not to mutilate psychologically disturbed patients.
Try looking for an old, near-retirement age, male, GP (or FP). Medicine is incredibly hierarchical–perhaps second only to the military. Old docs with experience can defy almost any norm and they will get away with it because those younger will defer to them. Also, they were trained long before medical education was taken over by SJWs.
If the shit really hits the fan, city niggers are going to be making soup out of the bones of nu-male leftists.
blacks learning to shoot would actually solve the gang problem.
fuckers need to learn shot placement so tyrone can't use he mommas medicade card to get patched up.
Oh shit these girls look gross. not a decent looking one. They'd not be getting a maid uniform or allowed into my house. It is getting worse and worse their voices and faces it is horrific they are mixed too you can tell there is white blood in a few of them and they still look gross. Why did you post this?
nice, ty user. I've been thinking about going into medicine but it seemed too pozzed but if there really are nonsjw providers out there I might give it a shot.
these are not normal times we are in, I know at least one person who would argue that is discriminatory and hateful. thankfully he is not and never will be in a position where he could do harm, but still.
you're assuming that they are intelligent. More than likely the gun will be stolen from them by a black man or a child will shoot another child with a gun from the household. Guns in a black home are a desirable item to be stolen…. plus they can't keep their damn mouths shut.
This is why niggers can never win, even if they on average had higher IQ they'd just default to black women and that'd fuck their society up again.
Even if niggers put together an effective force, it'll only be temporary because none of them know how to make firearms.
Yeah they'll default to cannibalism once the trucks stop. Has anyone ever seen prosperous nigger agriculture?
because i think it's funny
Read my post again. I'm assuming they're going to shoot other blacks. They all need to learn to shoot better so less survive being shot.
I imagine that one of your ancestors was a slaveowner in the antebellum south who was part of the reason why that region has a bunch of dumbass octoroons.
it's all pink inside, just rip off that weave 1st and go natural balls deep
Me too. I can't help it. She looks like a creepy little doll.
Jesus Christ, just kill them all.
lel, and use that a further evidence for gun control also
It's a long, hard road to become a physician. Much harder as a white male. You have to hide your power level as much as if you were a sleeper agent in an enemy country, otherwise people can and will destroy your career before it ever starts. In my hospital, only old docs dare to say anything positive about the Gott Imperator (however, because of the seniority, even the vile arch-SJWs don't say anything in retort). In your case, you could use your tranny pass as an automatic privilege negator for med school admission.
If you're in the US you might also consider becoming a PA. To "cut costs", more and more states are allowing midlevels like that to practice with equivalent authority as physicians & without physician oversight—even though midlevels lack the experience and expertise. The training is far shorter though.
To anons in general: Modern medicine is pozzed as hell. You rightly complain about the white birthrate, but realize that med school *today* is going to create the doctors who care for you in your old age. We need more of /ourguys/ to become medical sleeper agents. They will need to sacrifice for our culture and be willing to engage in the Holla Forums equivalent of taqiyya for about a decade each during training.
can confirm, its all gooks and pajeets with a sprinkling of nog.
Tanya is not lewd
PA seems doable, plus I can blend in with medical people already. My mum is an NP, my dad a PT, my best friend an EMT, and I've worked as a unit secretary in the ED.
this legitimately terrifies me, I do NOT want niggers or curryniggers or sandniggers taking care of me. I've worked with them in a medical environment and I know how fucking terrible they are
pajeets are the worst, they smell worse than niggers, their accent is worse than chinks, they're creepier than any other race, and have the most self-importance of any people I've met. The technology part of my college smelled like a damn curry factory whenever I had to go in there, it was awful. If my fucking old age home is like that I'll just kill myself to get it over with
Cool. Don't halfass your undergrad courses, because while PA's end up with less challenging training overall, ironically it's *harder* to gain admission to PA school than med school (for that reason coupled with smaller class sizes). Your tranny pass will help and you should "tastefully" (*vomit*) shill that in your application essay.
Also, medicine is about identity politics & who you know, and less of a meritocracy anymore. Like I said, pozzed. You aren't going to change that, so use that to your advantage. Find a PA who is affiliated with the administration of your local PA school and try to build a mentor relationship with them (e.g. becoming a volunteer research assistant, etc).
Polite sage for topicalitynessitude, and lack thereof.
being attacked by turks for thousands of years alters your perception a bit
you learn to hate the traitor who converts to islam and sells your people to the turks for shekels
in Western Europe the American has a point
its not really hate we feel for each other its more like disdain for foreign custom/language and banter which occasionally spurred on by economic or philosophical/religious reasons develops into war
pajeets are some of the rudest people ive met
their caste system is designed so the only curryniggers who leave india are on the higher caste so theyre used to treating everyone below their caste like vermin
we dont fuck lolis lad
wow anime, how fucking edgy of you.
Trauma surgeons can not tell any significant difference between handgun calibers. Considering 6 out of 7 Americans shot with handguns survive (even with multiple GSW's), it is not something you want to take when expecting a fight to the death.
They are called secondaries for a reason.
The amount of cancer in this thread is revolting.
holy fuck snap out of your fucking indoctrination, jesus.
wouldn't be the first time they've tasted a guy
Is this a good gun?
Smith & Wesson 6904 9mm
amazing how doughy they are compared to their "civil rights" era counterparts.
3rd gen S&W's aren't bad at all. They were popular police sidearms before everyone went to Glocks.
For their wives son to find then blow his little mulatto head off. Which in turn makes commie lib faggot cuck hate guns even more.
see you on the battle field user.
whats your spirit animal? are you a garder snake? are you a chipmunk?
Just stop, faggot.
flaws make a character interesting, user
boring shit makes an anime boring
I know I'm about to speak heresy but LOTGH is some boring shit. Its got good commentary but the pacing is slow and the space battles are lame.
Amy's is pretty expensive but if you are aware of all the shit in our food you'll realize it's not that bad of an option. Compare the ingredients of some basic bitch soup and Amy's. I can see why Amy's has that reputation though, with all the vegan/vegetarian products.
Also the only people I've ever seen drink PBR were what the average goy would call a redneck. I thought leftist tend to go for microbrew, but it seems you are right about PBR. Before I posted this I asked a friend and he confirmed that hipsters took it over. I thought it was just cheap ass blue collar beer.
Anyone else see it?
well uhhhh you're a nigger
He was never called a model anything you nigger. He was called an over aggressive irrational faggot in the show.
I will admit we get great memes from LotGH
Did you meme that in a bit under 6 minutes?
we really need to ban all ips from the alliance
who wants to know
cmon now
At least title the pic "funny lotgh reference"
It's a remix of recent
I know. I've seen all the variations of he does it for free.
At least call it "lotgh cia"
No one other than die hard lotgh fans will get the joke.
honestly i would have included a lotgh reaction image if i knew it was going to be screencapped, at least then even non-fans would recognize it.
fugg xd
It's autistic-romantic. It doesn't show much emotion, and its passion is directed toward things like thousands of parallel lines in space and systems of government.
Just report the club/armory to the ATF for selling guns to straw buyers or completely illegally (without NCIS check).
With that amount of niggers with guns it's literally statistically impossible they didn't.
Those are the same people (of course Obama FBI buried it)
They all look the same to me.
Got inspired and tried an edit myself.
berry nice.
Who's worse Holla Forums? Cucks like in OP, or furries like embed related.
Another was denied because the store owner remembered a story the journalist wtote anout his alcoholism.
You too, user? My "Maymayz" folder keeps getting bigger and bigger, and I keep putting off organizing it to go and play Insurgency or Arma. "Vague spatial memory" is getting kind of difficult, especially because I name my files similarly to you (being that I just save them as whatever the fuck comes up).
If you don't think trannies should be in the military, how about being a paramedic? I've seen lots of female paramedics. Seems like a good job. Definitely respectful. The uniforms are pretty spiffy too, here at least.
Checked those /k/ digits.
I just discovered Peterson the other day and now I am seeing him everywhere. Synchronicity is fucking real.
Do you guys think he looks like sane person?
Gays and tranies shouldn't be allowed near patients, FFS with their rates of blood related infectious diseases they're basically carrion.
I don't think user is actually a trannyfaggot. He just said he has GID (whatever the fuck that is) and feels neurologically female. As far as the mentally ill go, he seems pretty fucking alright to me. As long as he's not a cock smoking faggot with AIDS or hepatits I couldn't care less if he feels like a woman. I'd much rather he find something to compliment his womanly tendencies than being a fucking menace to society. If I get stabbed by some nigger, I'm not going to care if he feels like a woman so long as he can staunch the bleeding without being overly hamfisted about it. Some women are absolute butchers when it comes to medicine.
So guns ARE good after all when you fear for your life, what a bunch of hypocrit pussies.
Nobody tell them that you actually need to practise if you want to keep your life against RWDS
The problem here is tha those cucks immediatly give away their guns in a "Pozzed dildods for guns" program the moment a lib is president.
They dont deserve this right if they play it like that, they are no true belivers
Should have read the thread before opening Gimp.
Her entire objective for the show so far is to avoid combat and effort, get a rear-line command job where she can just ride out her career as a military welfare case. the only reason she's so good at combat is because she's a modern person reincarnated into WW1, she already knows how everybody fucks up during the war.
Reminder that if you don't already have at least one gun you're just as bad as them. AR's are cheaper than ever right now, you have no excuse to not have one.
I'd recommend switching to MPV. Its leagues better than VLC even if you don't end up liking it that much.Also it gets bonus points for being FOSS
Episode 2 around the 16:30 mark
That's just what she tells herself user.Look at this face and tell me it isn't the expression of someone who enjoys what they are currently doing.
harsh lands breed harsh men
soft lands breed soft men
thank god i spent most of my childhood living in mojave dealing with mountain lions and giant wasps, and now i live in alaska dealing with bears and giant mosquito's
cities really do fuck with peoples heads i think
yeah when I got to that point in the video I laughed like a maniacal idiot
…then closed the video and had to take a shot
this video should be in all of your bookmarked lists, to remind you to keep your skin thick and body strong, dont be beta faggots like these. remember, muhammeds son is learning how to behead people. your son is learning how to suck dick from some pedophila in sex ed.
He was 17 then, cut him some slack. He got better after fucking Hilda.
Neither are you, you fucking faggot. That's why you shoot them first.
Provide his info. This guy can be reported.
Yeah a retarded commie carrying a weapon he has no idea how to use doesn't intimidate me, at all.
Proper gun safety is apolitical.
Obviously, none of you idiots know the first thing about weapons and warfare. There is no such thing as an object you can't kill people with. Also, none of your stupid armchair notions about weapons matter. The primary issue with any kind of weapon or gear is being less of a faggot and training with it extensively. Anyone with ANY fucking theater time would own your ass instantly with the "gayest" weapon.
You are the real weapon. Your lethal intent and shameless, utter lack of empathy and hesitation, your ruthless search for weakness in the target, THAT is the fucking weapon.
I've personally always liked anime in large part for the weird shit that seems to be distinctly a product of the Japanese creative mind. Stuff like
is a concept which literally no other medium could produce, and even if it's not good, the fact that it even exists restores my faith in the ability of man to entertain ideas which haven't been put to paper before. Even if the sad irony is that a large swath of anime tends to regurgitate played out tropes of a million other anime that came before it. But Hollywood does that too, and that's the nature of the game when art is to be marketed and sold as a product.
The key difference between anime and (((Hollywood))) propaganda films is that anime seems to be more willing to occasionally commit to ideas which are unique in concept and execution for their own sake, whether or not the ideas in question are headachingly fucking stupid is irrelevant. The point is, even if it's a commercial failure, a hypothetical show where a man finds the remains of Jesus Christ under his ramen shop which turn into a busty angel waitress upon touching him and she turns into a magic watch that lets him have power over all machinery so that he can fight a cult of adolescent cyborgs who are reincarnated Babylonian demons each controlling a specific element of the periodic table is something that has an actual, albeit small, chance of simply existing through the medium of anime whereas it would never, EVER, even get greenlit in America. Ever.
Anime is full of shows and movies that exist seemingly just because some animators wanted to make a cartoon and a producer was willing to gamble on it because at worse, they might make back only a fraction of production costs, which won't even matter when that same producer still has Light Novel Adaption #78936598324 and Never Ending Shonen Jump Adaption #8740392740 to fall back on. Meanwhile, kike media not only is so rigidly calculated and rooted in advertising demographics that independent studios are the only people who want to make actual fucking films anymore, but a show needs to be pumped with the kike agenda of the day and won't even be aired unless it's propagandized bullshit meant to program people who don't even know they're being programmed. It's evil and an insult to film as an art form and vehicle for storytelling, and I'm not even going to touch on animation because that's a can of worms that, if opened, I can and will write a doorstopper about and that's not what I'm trying to do here.
My point is, even if it's retarded and not at all good, a film or show which tries something different and a team of people being willing to produce something like that is automatically better than a calculated, subversive piece of marketing designed to control the metanarrative no matter how shit the former is. I'm no fan of Youjo Senki by any means, but contrary to what people here think, it doesn't have a political agenda and isn't trying to subliminally plant anything in anyone's mind. It's weird, yeah. But does it revolt you? Compare that to stuff like Steven Universe, which would be simply strange if it weren't trying to push an appallingly perverse agenda on children, and doing so very knowingly. Japanese media is weird for it's own sake, and I respect that. It's harmless. Broadcast media in America will only entertain an original idea to be subversive and insidious. I'm grateful for every single weird thing to come out of Japan for this fact.
good, that's why I bought this rifle, to shoot libshit hipster faggots to death.
this is what I want to do to gay-face hipsters
I like it, fits with the big G on the original.
I don't know, but I'm a little salty about it since I can't grow a beard for shit.
Yet you guys are just posting on an image board. While we're preparing for war .
Your shit memes don't win wars bullets do.
I'm sure you will be rewarded well for your sacrifice. A simpler life with just the bare necessities awaits.
I live near Austin, what's his info?
Holy shit, is that a Reddit meetup?
Better step up your meme game, faggot
Are you crazy? They never keep ammo at the house. They just buy a few rounds and shoot them all at the range and come home. You don't think they bought those guns for preparedness, do you?
They bought those guns to be edgy to their live-in 19 year old girlfriends. They have no ammo. That would be unsafe.
What if I want to go in exclusively for infantry and special operations? Not any POG job
You can be infantry. Sign up for 11Bravo.
But unless you're actual spec ops, you will still be doing lots of nigger shit. It's not all exciting. Probably 5% of it is actually fun and exciting.
You'd probably like Special Forces, but it's not easy to get there. I knew a lot of guys much bigger and stronger than me who didn't make it. One guy had a stroke and another broke his ankle trying out.
t. 13D Field Arty, 1ID
I always end up feeling like I'd benefit more from shooting more than keeping ammo lying around. I can't afford to buy ammo super often, but I'll pick up a box of tula or something when I can and then when I have the time I go to the range to practice. The end result is that I rarely have ammo lying around. am I a pleb? should I get a cheap lee loader and reload to cut costs and recycle shooting cases while putting some ammo into storage?
Depends on what caliber you're shooting.
If you're shooting 9mm, there's really no point in reloading. But I would have 1000 rounds on hand. They're cheap enough. Just lock them away in an ammo box and forget about them.
If you're shooting rifle rounds like .223 or 5.56 or 7.62x39 or .308 or something like that, I would definitely consider reloading.
But Casca isn't white, Guts is a racemixer?
223/556 for my rifle and 38sw for my handgun. the 38sw is kind of a pricy round (22 bucks for 50 rounds) so reloading might be practical too
I would get a different handgun but I can't pass a NCIS check bc of NYS bullshit. I had the rifle before seeking psych help so it got grandfathered in, gj comrade cuomo
went to the nuthouse when I divorced because I just got out of the army and had some other shit going on in my head. Not sure if I can buy a fun, so I make them from 80% and nobody knows I have them. I'm glad my state has no background checks for long guns person-to-person, but we do for handguns. I wouldn't know if I can buy or not, but whatever I want, pretty much, I can make.
.223 is worth reloading and .38 is probably as well. Even if you don't reload, save all your .38 brass. You can buy it, too, obviously, but saving it is one less expense. Buy two Lee loaders. You'll get sick of switching and dialing in the dies for every step. Have one, for example, set up to seat the bullet and one next to it set up to crimp. Saves a lot of time.
There's 80% lowers for glocks just fyi. Unfortunately, buying the lower and all the parts ends up being just as expensive as buying glock.
I have one, actually. The polyspecre Glocks are okay. Had to do some custom work to it, but it ended up nice.
They just came out with the compact models, too. Hopefully soon, subcompact models.
Don't forget about Matrix Precision. Tool-less jigs for 1911 and Sig models.
noice, thanks for the advice! I'll look into a glock lower too, back when I checked they just had a 17 and that's too big for me.
maybe in the future I'll move to west virginia, from what I can tell it's really white and really pro gun
The 17 is a cannon. It's what I have and it's totally unnecessary for that fun to be that large when the 19 is so much smaller.
It's cultural appropriation!
Yes it is.
I grew up in Texas and I always thought of it as a right-wing redneck type of place, but I've been living in NC for the last 4 years and Texas is poz central compared to NC, West Virginia, and Virginia. It's pretty weird that the middle of the east coast is more southern than most of the southern states.
depends on where in NC, I live there too and it's cucked beyond belief where I am. bernie stickers, hillary stickers, rainbow flags, etc everywhere. I would move to a better part of NC but if I'm gonna move I'd want to move to WV because of the mountains
Eastern Kentucky and WV are the whitest parts of the country. But you have to be a little careful. (((CIAniggers))) have pushed meth and opiates in these areas heavily. Just make sure you're in a good area.
Chapel Hill? Tons of lefties, commies, and anarchists there. Orange County is where the Republican campaign office got firebombed. Durham is super violent and shockingly also has the highest concentration of blacks. The small towns outside of the triangle area are pretty based.
trips of truth, gotta watch out for the feds
hillsborough, so right next to all the commies and niggers. it's also where the republican office was.
eh when I need to get away from the shit around here I just go over to uwharrie state park. haven't seen a nonwhite around there once, and it's far enough away that I won't run into anyone I know
All college towns like Chapel Hill are poz central. Athens, GA, Austin, TX…
The only college town I know of that isn't totally pozzed is Hillsdale, Michigan. That's because it's home to one of the only colleges where the students don't have communism pumped into their faces like a African nigger with a designer strain of HIV.
well I was thinking MARSOC, my dad was a DI and scout sniper, among other things. I'm kind of biased towards the muh reens
Lemme guess, AVL?
9mm faggots are always doing that. 38 special fmj didn't kill Moros before they could stab US Marines to death because they failed to penetrate vital structures (which are ALL sitting behind bones in "humans"). A hollow point 9mm would make things worse in that regard. I can't believe people here are ignorant as to the reason why 45 ACP was invented. Poking a little hole in the first few inches of blubber ain't gonna do shit to a determined/drugged attacker. Need the ability to make an exist wound on things like the spine and skull, not to mention shoulder to shoulder and hip to hip shots. Would you hunt a gorilla with a 9mm? Because you are dealing with gorillas that can shoot back.
When you load to 45 super levels, then you have the perfect nigger blasting device.