Hanna Reitsch, a Nazi, Will Not Be Honored as The First Female Helicopter Pilot

The irony here is that it was Nazi Germany that made Hanna the ''first female
helicopter pilot in the world'' and its modern-day SJWs suppressing her.

Nazi pilot to be removed from women in aviation ceremony


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Amazing ultra skilled pilot….mastered the Fieseler Storch. Fuck the Jews. It ends soon.


I guess they'll never acknowledge the moon landing either, since it got there on nazi rocket technology.

Coal burner or Kikepedia smear campaign?

Fucking Jews. Even when they get exactly what they demand they still ask for more. We could replace all words with holocaust and the fuckers would still whine we don't talk enough about The Holocaust TM since we lazy goyim take breaks to breath.
Just goes to show once they attack you there's no backing down. You either jump at them and pray to make out of the media circus alive or they smell fear and you're done for.

Illegal to say anything but under NS-verbotsgesetz. Must always be taken into account when perusing publicly disseminated "changes of heart". Look at Irving trying to avoid the gaols.

There should be an all-female helicopter gassing squadron when WWIII starts,

Meme it lads
don't mention the Fuhrer and we can drop it onto normies
Holocaust when?

Maybe no women should be counted unless they are black and/or moslem? Why half ass it? They might as well go all the way.



What about Yuri Gagarin, first man in space, he worked for a "genocidal" nation too.
Oh that's right, they don't give a fuck about that, kikes.

I thought helicopters were invented in the 1950s

1920s, actually, in France and Russia.

They were no viable for any meaningful role until the 50s.

welcome to the new timeline, user :3

The eternal cuck's cognitive dissonance never ceases to amaze me.


I am now 100% convinced we will win. These people cannot face the abyss. We stared into it so long, a piece of it burned into our very beings.
Conflict is inevitable, as is our victory.
Feels gud.


The Germans pioneered Helicopters.

Also to the rest of you… WTF no one here has an interest in aviation particularly The Luftwaffe in WWII?!


Hanna Reitsch also tested other craft such as the Me-163

The counter rotating blades would prevent that.

Say whaaat, cracka?


I meant to post this , she was famous for flying a helicopter indoors. (vid related also features the Drache /FA223)

Germany produced (discounting prototypes) less than 75 helicopters throughout all of WWII and the allies were pretty much at the same level of development.

Along with many others, yes.

This infuriates me. Hanna was a good girl and a fucking ace of a pilot.

Still, nice dubs.

She had an awesome personality.
Too bad she was a genetic dead end.

“And what have we now in Germany? A land of bankers and car-makers. Even our great army has gone soft. Soldiers wear beards and question orders. I am not ashamed to say I believed in National Socialism. I still wear the Iron Cross with diamonds Hitler gave me. But today in all Germany you can't find a single person who voted Adolf Hitler into power… Many Germans feel guilty about the war. But they don't explain the real guilt we share — That we lost.”

I want to be mad that (((hollywood)) went and noggified NASA, but everytime I see this stupid fuck and her stupid fucking shrek face I lose my goddamn sides.



this is why Hitler was right

Leonardo da Vinci's aerial screw

Germany died in 1945.
If "germoney" should uncuck itself it will be like a phoenix rising from its own ashes.

I hate these liberal pussies so much.

really makes u think

What's interesting is the reaction, it neither makes sjw nor Holla Forumstard think that maybe Third Reich wasn't anti-feminist racist far right shithole from Holla Forums fantasies.


Nigger, are you really saying that the Germans weren't racist? They were racist, but they were racist in protection and preservation of their own people.
Reported, Holla Forums


Silly Torfag, everyone here knows the Nazi's weren't nearly as racist as they are portrayed to be. Fortunately, we have learned from their mistakes :^)

Of course not, NatSocs are the real anti-racist feminist progressives, dems are the real racists :^)

Racism is bluepill garbage unless it's not really racism but you know, a desire to have your own nation with your own people and not be nigged up on 24/7. A true NatSoc supports all peoples having their own homeland and the ability to work toward their betterment to the best of their abilities, even to collaborate at a distance with other groups. Obviously one must realize that the various races are not in any way equally capable of going about this nor will they succeed to equal degrees, but that is not a condemnation of them necessarily. Except the kikes, those need to be condemned in turn for their constant attempts to prevent everyone else from having what all peoples are entitled to.


The Third Reich was traditionalist, hence why German women were not conscripted into the army like soviet women.There was a speech were Hitler talked about this.

The issue here that you discovered leftist is that traditionalist societies are not crushing towards women nor do they resemble the middle eastern so-called culture where you get to throw acid on women you don't like or stone them.
Nationalism is not about hating anyone but about loving your people (race/heritage) culture, and country.

Hate & anger both perfectly acceptable natural reaction comes into nationalism only when someone tries to destroy your country ,culture, or race. The same way you would hate a criminal that breaks into your house, steals from you, burns the house down, and murders your entire family.

No. In a perfect world, maybe, but the crimes of the Africans, mongrels, Arabs, and obviously the semite are too great. They must all die. There's no reason to keep them around any way. It's like keeping a rat inside your house because it has yet to eat your food. They're unconscious and unfeeling, other than the jews, who do possess some form of consciousness.

If you disagree, you're working against your own interests. If you can't function without justifying in your head that "the good negros will be spared" or "the based sikhs aren't so bad!" then you're a weakling and a coward who hasn't shed their own jewish brainwashing.

Few non-European peoples really deserve survival. I believe the Japanese do.

Gyrocopter girl. Nice video linked.
(YT &Vimeo versions are deleted)


Nippon is worthy but only because they have had to work with so little for so long. Otherwise they'd be like any other ricenigger.

Autogyros/Gyrocopter…….. The big blade is not powered therefore its not a helicopter.

I would probably be indifferent towards the Chinese if Communism hadn't completely destroyed their national identity. Now it just doesn't matter. They're like a human ant colony. They wouldn't even realize they were dead.

It's not because they aren't shit-skinned jungle dwellers that adopted communism and actually have a sophisticated and advanced economic, societal and technological know-how comparable to Western standards? Who knew.

Show me a weapon of war in service the Nips have produced? Nothing but moeblog and masturbators and econo automobiles. I only care for cheerful sushi chefs.

Spot on. The Japanese are pretty much the only non europeans that are on the same page as us. There are a handful of irrelevant races out there that at the very least aren't incompatible with nd there are threats that cannot be allowed to fester on.

70+ years later and these fucking kikes still won't let it go. Holy shit, the only reason Mongolia and the Hunnic Empire aren't endlessly scorned like this is because Attila and Genghis didn't wage ware on kikes. God dammit just make it end already.

Don't shitpost police me bruh.

Who is us?


I'm not going to sit here and spout apologetics for another race for hours but the Japanese had a flourishing firearms industry almost immediately after they were introduced to them by Europeans. Something no other race can really claim. Look up "Tanegashima". The Japanese saw our superior technology, went "I want that", then went about modernizing without destroying their own traditions or attempting to mix with us. This is what every other race would have done if they had the mental ability.

Fast forward and despite material shortages and some sub-standard small arms, Japanese aeronautics and ship building was nearly on par with western standards and in some cases even produced marginally superior designs, such as the Type-93 "long lance" torpedo.

The Japanese are a very traditional people, in a way incomparable to any other nation with such an advanced economy (even our own, sadly, due to jewish meddling). Give them their own brand of National Socialism and make sure there's a strict, bi-lateral understanding that there is to be no international sexual fraternization (punishable by death) and they could be fine partners.

Proof Trump is playing 4d chess and it's working

i would but I can't afford it. shame tho, my father used to work as a pilot and my great uncle on my mum's side was an engineer in the luftwaffe. not to mention only white people have the childlike optimism to hear about people getting into small metal tubes with spinning blades of death and flying them up thousands of feet, and think to themselves "that sounds fun but it would be even cooler if you could make the airplane do a flip or a barrel roll".

99% chance that's just jewish tricks

It's a shame that it's so taboo now to support national socialism, especially while anybody can go outside and wave a hammer and sickle and get cheers.

why did they choose the strangest looking actor imaginable for that role



As for your weird asspain strawman of me, I would prefer a world without any non-Europeans. I would definitely take European nations for Europeans if it were made available to me as a stepping stone toward that, though. Ultimately it's small minded to give a shit if niggers are nigging in Africa, because a successful restoration of Europeans to their rightful place guiding civilization will only lead to us colonizing other worlds and leaving them well the fuck behind if they are still around.


With them out of the way we can turn Earth into a national park after we leave. One giant nature preserve right next door to the horrific hives our first colonies are bound to turn into.

Everything is better without niggers.

I forgot to note that without us and our gibs/leadership it's a guarantee they'd at the least be reduced in number to complete irrelevance and not unlikely they'd find a way to be wiped out. The shitskin population is so unsustainable and lacking means to find a way to become sustainable that advocating for their freedom to struggle to survive is a PR friendly way to say that you want them to die en masse.


can't we just put all the hapas in hawaii?

Everything you said boils down to Keanu Reeves. You have shit taste.

That's a slippery slope meme because it can become to be the first trans islamic nigger woman to x

Just feed them smallpox and withhold vaccines. Why wait longer than that would take?

I'm okay with you offing the Bantu-speaking West Africans because they threaten the infinitely superior Gorillas, even if the niggers have been around for a quarter million years. However, the San people need to be spared to honor their assistance to Rhodesia. They actually aren't a drag on everyone else.

To be honest, the West Africans and the Jews are the two that ought to be considered for the chopping block. Without niggers, we can divide up Africa more easily, although we could still capitalise on African resources even with the niggers. Without Jews, 99% of today's problems disappear.

Do you have any idea how fast subhumans speed up desertification? Do you know what an influx of millions of mad, starving, unconscious apes would do to the local wildlife (which I believe IS worth preserving)?

Do you realize what kind of worth we could get out of an entire fucking untapped continent that could be the breadbasket of the world were it actually managed by real human beings?

Wouldn't you want the brave unmixed descendants of European colonists to inherit what they've fought so hard for instead of being raped and murdered en masse like they would under your plan?

Why waste the resources to send them back? Why not extract the racially-European, bomb their harbors, destroy any source of industrialized food production, firebomb the cities, set up a blockade (wouldn't really be hard, destroy the ships waiting in the harbor and any aircraft on the continent) and wait for them to starve and cannibalize each other as their population can no longer be artificially sustained, then move in, mop up the few survivors, and resettle it? It really would not be hard to do most of the work of killing them from the air without even directly targeting populations. Why waste the fuel making thousands of trips to "send them back" while others wait to riot here? There's more than enough ammunition in the world to take care of them here and leave them in some desert.

Then stop imagining otherwise you coward.

The left is losing the plot.

They've gone completely mad to the point where they target the most insignificant thing.

I live at a 2h ride of Lachute. Should I go there? If yes, what could I possibly do?

This airport is pretty small and is situated in a somewhat small town in Quebec, Canada. Also there are big chances that this is going to be in french.
[email protected]/* */,-74.3649011,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x4ccedb8597416277:0xf1bcf37a75e41b7c!8m2!3d45.6387742!4d-74.3627124?hl=en&authuser=0

Tbqh I don't see what only one person could do in such a short amount of time.

Good. We should all disavow Hanna Reitsch but for a different reason: she liked to get BLACKED™ in Ghana. It's rumored she even had nigglets that now live in SOuth Africa.


tfw no Hanna gf

It's an imperfect world where the best hope for the white race and ultimately humanity as a whole, are a few millions of childless young men who masturbate to anime or used to. How tragic do you think our ending is going to be?

They had some excellent planes but they also did the asian thing of just making copies. And holy shit, people should have been lined up and shot over the US torpedo.

You can't really expect them to have made major strides, but consider that they built their own jet engine aircraft by the end of the war largely on their own after witnessing German aircraft.


It's not like Brazilians were doing this.

Just like Hitler was a meth addict half jew with one testicle?


The article sourced as evidence for the claim is written by some social justice warrior cunt, jewess named (((Jean Allman))) whose "credentials" I'll let speak for themselves
Knowing that it becomes pretty obvious that the article is nothing but a smear campaign by a race baiting jewess grasping at straws.

Japan also had virtually no industrial base until the early 20th century, though. For their handicap they did exceptionally well.

Read Campbell's "On the Separation of East and West".

I love aviation, women's aviation, and what those wonderful German Ubermen und women did for the human race by developing technology that no one else (except maybe a Scot) could. Soo tired of the kikes destroying history. Just like their shitskin bretheren the arab mooslims do.

Thank god. I always liked her. She flew through an irl 2hou bullethell to try and save the fuhrer and she deserves respect.

She's also could be a p good redpill for women

I didn't mean it as criticism, and I wasn't trying to imply they only made copies. And on the topic, if you ever get to see a real zero fly upclose at a small airshow, it's one of the most beautiful things in the world. It's turns are amazing. The one re-engined with an american engine flies fairly regularly, don't know if the one with the original engine is being rebuilt again.

She called the hall of costs enemy propaganda so I think the jews really don't like Hanna Reitsch.



Not related to thread, but what's wrong with ixquick? I know it's shady but I need more details, preferably in infograph form.

That just slows the fall down (autorotation has the same basics) It does not spin fast enough to actually produce uplift, plus it doesn't have stability (tail rotors/ double but reverse rotators are there for a reason)

Reminder that we Spaniards invented the prototype of the copter, the "Auto giro".

Woops lads, I meant Gyrocopter.

Germany build the world first helicopter, 1936


Hana Reitsch has piloted that first helicopter.


That's no helicopter

Can not take of vertically
Can not stand still in air
Can not fly backwards

That said, technically much more sound than that French prewar “helicopters” illusion, the latter just an air screw, propeller working vertically.


The worlds first helicopter.

Didn't she also fly one of those piloted V1s Skorzeny designed?

I said prototype, not legit helicopter, you dumb TORpedo. Also, we made the first submarine, so we became the first to bully the battleshipfags ever.

(((you know who))) is trying to say she fucked niggers. Why must they always sexual Nazis or try to say they were degenerates?
https en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanna_Reitsch#Career_in_Ghana_and_relationship_with_Nkrumah

This lot are really making waves, what with starting that TRS group and now this.

Or like Hitler was "just" message runner in WWI ignoring that it was by far the most dangerous job.
Nevertheless the kikes try to meme him as a loser, analphabet and crazy guy really hard, to hide that he acted the way he did for good reasons.

Hortons gotta HOO HOO!


what part of "anti-feminism is anti-woman" have you not grasped in the past 130 years, plebbit.

Let the africans have their satellites. The dumb ones will take themselves out…or broadcast shitty programming that makes them take themselves out. LoL Uganda.

neber 4get o7
Not a single major/popular communist movement since. Literally decap'd the entire fucking thing.

Klaus Barbie got hired by the (((CIA))) to take out Che Guevera, free man til his literal last year of life, I presume they offered him enough money for the show trial that no one in the next few generations of his family have to work.

Some of the scum from Dirlewanger's Brigade trained Green Berets in partisan suppression for Vietnam, actually

it's like he can't into papa hapa dopplerfists

The meth bit at least is mostly accidental when 'scholars' bring it up. This isn't really unique to Hitler either, since when famous anybody are ill, their medical staff start fighting over them. So his other two physicians calling his main doctor a quack is perfectly normal. At least they didn't pull guns on each other the way Frederick's did.
He probably did contract something from the gassing, but since they fucked up all the research it's all in the air now.
The limey that supposed it was Parkinson's seems the most likely based on how he looks trying to give those volksturm kids medals.

what gassing

Hitler was temporarily blinded by a British mustard gas attack in WW1 newfag

British gas attacks in WWI.

oh duh, I thought he was implying gas chambers existed

What's better?

I always respected her for this candid statement. So true.

Humans are animals biologically, as such we are subject to speciation. This results in populations separated by natural barriers and vast expanses over the millennia devolping many small but significant differences both anatomically and neurological. Niggers can't into agriculture, Star Trek is just a fucking TV show, and a wealthy Kike with dual citizenship can be found heavily involved in almost every fucking progressive movement you can find.
Jews claim to be both a religion and an ethnicity, they flip-flop on whether or not they're white or if jews are an ethnic group depending on which one gives them more leverage at the time at least Argentinians stay consistent
At the very least you should find that shit suspicious.


Do you know how to get that installed on palemoon? It keeps complaining that my firefox is too old.

My grandfather got to deal with those nasty fellows, they cut their uniforms in the same fashion of WW2 and acted as if the war just moved to a jungle.


That's pretty amazing! Did he tell any stories?

Fucking this.

No. People had been building them for decades already, though with little success - probably largely attributable to a lack of demand. If you want to credit the Germans with a real first in helicopter technology then bring up intermeshing rotors and the fact that they were the first country to attempt mass production.

trying this hard to discredit the Germans…
How's the weather in tel aviv?


Just in my last post I mentioned two German firsts in helicopter aviation, intermeshing rotors and actually attempting mass production. Being a wehraboo helps nobody because if you ever get into a debate with someone who knows their military history and don't have access to wikipedia you'll get #rekt. I learned that lesson in HS and I try to prevent other people on here from leaning the hard way.

They didn't, they could. but they didn't…


wew lad now I know why niggers want white women, theirs are fucking terrifying

It's also a mini-drill, clearing low lying grasses out of the way to get to the soil. These fucking things germinate like weeds.

Here's the vid for those interested. Incredible speech by the way. Can't handle the feels, man.
Feminism is men's failure.

Literally annudah shoah.

this is the worst feel

Second this question

anyone who can confirm this?

What are you talking about? Can't you just make Startpage your homepage or add the URL to your search engines if you're on a browser that does that? What is there to install?

It doesn't matter user, they don't care about equality. They only care about revisionism to suit their progressive propaganda. These are the same kinds of people who will refuse to acknowledge Konrad Zuse as the inventor of the first high-level programming language because he was a Nazi. They attribute it to Grace Hopper instead because she has a vagina even though Plankalkul predates her work by about a decade

Thank you for doing the leg work on that. If it was true the niglets would have tried to get some royalties/publicity the way Thomas Jefferson's illegitimate descendents did.

you quoted the wrong post.
I wondered about the anonymity of ixquick and startpage

Apparently "contributions" include collaborating in a dictatorship which wiped out 60 million people.
How can people think this is a bad thing?

Every so often we get these guys who show up and don't realize we're sincere.

I'm sorry, but your understanding of democracy seems lackluster at best.

You have no idea where you are, do you?

I'm in a place where we discuss politics.

Seems like you aren't really equipped for discussion, though.

What a shame.

Start with TGSNT then lurk moar.

How's "democracy" working out for the Greeks, shill? How about the Libyans for that matter? The only rule that matters is rule-by-the-competent, and if a façade of democracy is required for cultural legitimacy, it should be no more than that, a façade. Why should the incompetent be allowed to vote to destroy civilization?

Ahh. Looks like some people here don't get out that much.

Democracy is the only valid political system, because only democracy creates leadership which is answerable to the people.

No matter what you say, this point stands.

Is that why the Bush's and Clinton's are in jail right now? Oh wait

Dynastic Egypt stayed politically stable for scores of hundreds of years consecutive >because only democracy creates leadership which is answerable to the people.
Both false and not a self-evident benefit.
You argue like a yid.

Have the Bush's and Clinton's committed a crime?


Then maybe you should file a lawsuit.

You can do that in a free country you know.

Hint hint: You can't do it in a dictatorship.

Just because it's stable, doesn't mean a system is validated.

Only a democratic system can carry out the will of the people

All other systems carry out the will of one person, or a small group..

And you argue like a nazi.
Do you hear your self?

Why are you progressively adding more and more empty space to each post you absolute retard?

The will of the people is irrelevant. Most people simply don't have the competency for self-rule, hell, they even know it, they're always looking for an authority to tell them what to do and what to think so they can offload their personal moral and intellectual responsibility. So we must ensure that they offload these responsibilities to the right people. The competent people. Because democracies usually die by going on a series of adventures of wars of choice; bankrupting themselves to foreign powers; and allowing unchecked colonization by barbarian hordes. That is the will of the people in a democracy. Well, we are going to engineer it so their opinion doesn't matter, though we'll make them believe it does to whatever extent is required by circumstance.

Thread successfully derailed by a retarded newfag shill. How about this, should the realities of history be ignored simply because we don't like it?

Pretending to be a retard is a pretty weak bait.

What's the matter?

Running out of arguments?

What even is your thought process here?

You're making it too easy.

Then what makes your will relevant, Nazi?

You really believe you are, somehow, better than anybody else?

Guess what: No one cares that your mummy told you you're a "special kid".

If a person is competent to lead a country, he has a higher chance to get elected.


The fact that I'm imposing it despite the entire Deep State and all its vast apparatus working against me.

Oh great, le ebin reaction pic.

That really knocked my socks off.

Got any more compelling points in store for us, Nazi?

Yes, of course, the whole U.S. government is bowing to the will of some irrelevant Nazi on a japanese cartoon board as we speak.

I mean you showed up here expecting an argument, so enjoy being filtered when you don't engage in an actual argument.

You're here, aren't you?

And what has Mr. (1) got in store for me today?

Oh look, it's worthless drivel.

The prevalence of democratic, pluralist ideas is all you have to thank for the existence of this place at all.


You can be aware of it without honoring it.

Do you understand that, little Nazi?

Do you understand? Or should I repeat it for you, slowly this time?

Want me to draw a picture? With some crayons?

Why haven't you answered me yet, faggot?

Is it because you're too busy derailing the thread?

Yes, just ignore, filter and report that meanie that dares to shit in your hugbox.

Jesus Christ you people are that pathetic aren't you?

Open your eyes, you literal neo-nazi 80IQ scum

The exact moment when the shill gets concerned.

Now, that's obviously false. There absolutely were public forums for expressing National Socialist ideals in, say, the less-democratic 1936 Germany. National Socialism is simply whiteness. National Socialist societies are what our genome collectively expresses, when we're not being jewed out of the inheritance our fathers built.

Sometimes you just have to reply to bait.

reported for failtrolling.

Watcha sliding merchant?


Who knew??

Is that why Europe was monarchic and feudalist for thousands of years?


So basically, yes. "This event doesn't agree our approved version of reality so we're going to ignore it!". How very intellectually honest of you! Let's make history an exercise in selective hearing, who'd want the people to know how full of shit you are, after all?


Your response?

… Oh, you don't have one.

Look: If you have nothing to say anymore, why don't you just not post?

Pick one, you fucking caveman.

Did you even read a single line of what I wrote?

So are you a shill, jew, journalist, or all three? Are you a CIAnigger? I want to know where this deep, rich seam of light sweet butthurt is coming from.

NatSoc is a political development, in the same way that democracy was at one point an invention. It's just that National Socialism demonstrably has the most effective history, which is why international jewry had to band together all of its slave states in order to crush it. I'd say Qaddafi practiced a form of National Socialism too, which is why Libya was formerly the richest and best developed nation in Africa. Syria has a version of NatSoc. Jews try to crush ethnonationalism everywhere it arises, because they are a rootless international cabal of parasites.

Wow. Incredible. Truly. Care to articulate how it's any different or are you just going to keep being a worthless faggot who can't stop swallowing cock long enough to make an argument?

Is that why Nazis invaded Poland?

Nazis attacked sovereign nations and got their ass handed to them.

I don't see the Jews playing a role here, apart from six million of them being barbarically killed by your "most effective" ideology.

But keep believing the Jews are to blame for all your problems though.

By the way, you mentioning "ethnonationalist" states; funny how all of the listed ones are dictatorships.

If I really have to explain to you the difference in "being aware of something" and "ignoring something" I'd have a talk with your 3rd grade teacher.

Dictatorships with the highest development indices in their respective regions, for their respective ethnicities. I'm going with kike. You have a hatred for beauty and success that always accompanies that genetic bioweapon.

MUH POLAND, MUH SOVEREIGN NATIONS. Oh fucking spare me. You don't know anything about WWII beyond what you were told in high school history, or what do they call it now, """social studies?""" I guess it makes sense they'd change the name, since it's the fake news version of the past.

They're effectively saying "this happened, but we don't like that it happened, so we're going to say it didn't happen by way of exclusion." Thus, textbook doublethink. Right in front of your very eyes. But a learned scholar and righteous defender of democracy like yourself could easily see this! And I believe that you do, but in your quest to fight "le ebil naughtzees" you're sincerely okay with being dishonest and utilizing such methods to reinforce the flawed worldview you hold. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug, ain't it faggot?

Then why are virtually all of the countries with a high HDI democratic, liberal nations?

Shouldn't, say, North Korea be at the top of that list?

Oh no, it's ranked #156.

If you'd have read what I said ( ), you'd already know that your post doesn't have a point in the slighest way.

But, just for you, I'll repeat my point:

You can be aware of historical contributions by Nazis, without honoring them.

And your point is fucking bullshit. If you would argue anything outside the premises of the confines you're attempting to place on the discussion, you'd see that. How is it any fucking different, faggot? Why are you so incapable of answering that simple question? Is it because you're lost for words?



Sweden used to be a high trust civilization with high ethnic cohesiveness. That is why it was successful. Liberal values work for white people. The minute you start bringing in hordes of niggers, tacos, arabs, whatever, the system starts breaking down. It's considered self-evident that different breeds of dog have differences in intelligence, aggression, and similar behavioral factors. Niggers don't belong in white societies with white values, because they don't and never can share those values. Niggers aren't being uplifted by their contact with us; we are being destroyed through our contact with them.

why wouldn't you want to honor Nazis?

lol what a fucking cliche
the mulatto, the sassy and the fatty

How is that even a question?

Is the death of 60+ million people enough of an answer for you?

RIGHT. Gotcha. Just making sure. Have fun in the oven faggot.

T-t-t-t-t-t-tthink of the 6 million goy! Did I ever tell you about the 11 million goy? Oy vey, not another 60 million goy!

How does it feel to be this dense?

Really, tell me, I'm curious.

"to be aware" =/= "to ignore", you retarded nazi.

but the Nazis didn't kill anyone outside of war.

Probably not as bad as spitting up cum and blood every morning, but I'd have to defer to you on that one.

11 million people, among them 6 million Jews in the Holocaust.

And the war they started themselves because they were hungry for territory.

Did you live under a rock for the past 80 years?
Google it.

>responds twice to the same post again

but the holocaust didn't happen…

wait what about the 60 million? DID YOU JUST FORGET ABOUT THE 60 MILLION CHAIM?

Look, I don't even know how to put it into simpler terms for you that "being aware of something" is not the same as "ignoring something".

I think something might be wrong with you, pal.

Still nothing of value to say? Cool.

They're doing both. And you're okay with that. I get it.


I didn't say I'm okay with that, you fucking sub-80 IQ caveman stormcunt.

Maybe it was the voice in your head telling you that.

What I said is, and I'll repeat it – for the third time – just for you here:

You can be aware of it without honoring it

It's like you just stumbled in here off the street

Sieg heil!


Yes, if "my imagination" includes witness accounts, documents, historical sites, books and historic journals.

You're a real treat.

Never forget.

Judging by the ever-deteriorating quality of your posts, it really does look like I'm winning since the belief system of three thousand people seems to crumble just by me posting here.

Please elaborate how me saying "you can be aware of it without honoring it" equates to me saying you should ignore it.


You're out of your element, Moishe. Nobody, I mean nobody feels threatened by your high school-tier indoctrination talking points. I don't know what you even think you're trying to do here, but the only thing you're doing is exposing the thought processes of the jew to any newfags who might be lurking this thread.

Anyway, if you would just READ my fucking posts, you worthless subhuman chaff, you'd have your answer :^)

Why are you sterile, user? And remember, adult cells can be induced to become stem cells, and stem cells can become sperm.

I used to believe the "let everyone keep to their own" bit, but then I started realizing what complete fuckups the other races are in so many walks of life, especially when it comes to pollution that's gotten to be a pet peeve of mine in recent months


Such is the fate of conquered nations and peoples.

You are now aware that if you shave their heads and take photos of only their faces in a neutral expression, they all look male.

fuckin' checked and kek'd
Trips and dubs confirm again the innate ugliness of the negroid.

You'll be the first batch for the oven, kike.

So the redditor is removed. Nice.

polite sage

Didn't she fly to the Bunker to persuade Hitler to escape? Or am I confusing her with another woman?

Yes. Hitler could have tried to escape with her, but preferred to fall with Berlin. The escape was not certain either. If he and Eva were caught (and there would be a hunt even if they made out of Germany) it'd be humiliating not just for them but for all Germans as well (look what they did when they captured Mussolini).
If I'm not wrong she also tested some very cool experimental planes.

Total hypocrisy is the hallmark of the commies. Fuck them.

One of the first jet planes.

the only thing sincere is your shitty taste for oriental trash of autistic bread faced girls with broken sidearms.


Was that even a sentence?

I miss him.

Holy shit and I thought his wartime speeches were comfy.

the only categories that remain would be twerking da booty, blowing onesself up and catching stones

don't forget hide-n-seek

ID: cee6cd (28)
So in the end he made what, 28¢?
What a fucking faggot :^)

Why is T'ilk from stargate wearing a dress?

because he is a gay nigger from outer space

India is too. They have a metric fuckton of problems to work out though I don't think they can ever recover without a serious eugenics program. The current ruling party is explicitly ethnonationalist, but can't feasibly put any of those actual policies in place. As bad as India is today, don't forget how great a civilization they once were.

startpage/ixquick also had some controversy recently. searx.me is the least cucked

You called?

Don't forget the I-4oo submarine, the largest in the world until the advent of the nuclear submarine.


But muh nip waifus.